www.CharlesRehn.com [universal/hdrpage2008.htm]

A Conversation With America
Questions That Must Be Answered
Web Edition (c) 2008 Charles Rehn All Rights Reserved




The Genesis of This Site

In 2000, I began to do a lot of research on the U.S. Government, politicians, the media... I wanted to know what was really going on.

Then September 11, 2001 came. Tom Brokaw announced the installation of the New World Order (October 14, 2004), and I thought to myself - everything all those Goldwater guys said in the 50's and 60's about how a dictatorship would be established in the U.S. seems to be happening right before my eyes.

So, in late 2001, in a country that had been "attacked by terrorists" and was supposedly in great peril from cells of suicide bombers, I started writing down all the different ways we could be attacked, considered the ways to be on the look out for suspicious activities, and considered what I might be able to do to help other people if an attack occurred, or a major ongoing "terror war" persisted... what could I do to help?

But nothing happened. Thank God. And even though Tom Ridge laughed at us for buying duct tape to save our lives - even though he was the one who told us to buy it - I had to know for myself whether I believed this government or if I should be skeptical.

So I started a website called DemocraticFundamentalism.org (named to protest the notion that "fundamentalism" in and of itself had anything to do with violence or terrorism) AND - at least at that time - to express opinions more favorable to liberal/Democratic philosophy although I took great care not to report anything but corroborated fact about all sides of the issue so that it was not partisan.

Up To The Minute News on the Democratic Fundamentalism website first appeared in May 2002


I created a database of sorts online - that showed all the news headlines by category by topic as they occurred. It didn't take long to determine that all the things that were being said in public had no relationship to what was actually happening.

And I started a daily "journal"... a daily wrap-up on the news and my perspective on what I was seeing going on in the world, and in the propaganda environment of the media, and the Blavatsky-like Orwellian newspeak that was going on, and the linguistic distinctions that were being lost and re-defined.

I analyzed news programs from the perspective of telling what a broadcaster said, and then describing the propaganda technique being used to mislead you about the facts. And I wrote emails to the broadcasters frequently to let them know I caught them in the act, and to thank them for giving a straight scoop. Much like Media Matters does now.

At this point, I will say that I am not naming names at this time, but I will tell you what happened. And I wouldn't bring it up at all if I didn't believe I could make a case in court.

I decided that the only way corrupt individuals were getting away with anything was because the media was covering it up. I know, not a big deal to believe now, but then, for me, and many other people who had not gone through the culture shock about the realities of what America was doing... it was at least something I could now plainly see.  It's no wonder that Congress's approval rating was so low... and the media's approval rating was even lower.

So, I let certain people know what I was going to do if the news media didn't stop the blatant white-washing and such. The same kinds of things I'm proposing on RefusetheNews.com (which gets hacked and deleted regularly - especially the page called "What the media doesn't tell you") right now. I completely prepared the site. I chose the most prominent news man in America to focus on to tell America the truth for a change.

I set up a one-button "send an email to all the sponsors" email system to let site visitors tell sponsors that they would boycott their products if they did not pressure the news media to stop. AND, even more importantly, I set it up so that all a sponsor had to was send me an email saying " I don't approve of propaganda" or "we understand your position" - and we would take them off the boycott and email list, and show them on the website as "good people" in the situation, without having to take sides or a position. In other words, a simple acknowledgement of our concerns was all I needed.

Thank you to Nissan for becoming the first "Good Guys" - I called them New Patriots -  to acknowledge our concerns the night I tested the system to make sure it worked. I still have your email. It was very nice.

Thanks for the evidence to the company in Jamaica that provided me the first McAfee hacker log entry/evidence while trying to harm my computer after that first night.

And, when the network I was focusing on changed its programming - almost exactly to my specifications - I said "When you get what you ask for, say thank you". So I sent them an email saying so, took down the materials calling for people to boycott them and stopped watching them so that I would not be tempted to focus on them more.

There is a great deal more to that story, but that's the gist of what happened.

All the while, strange things were happening that I won't go into now. It took me more than 2 years to finally accept - despite all the bad things that started happening to me - that I was being harassed, that there was corporate media involvement and/but it could not have been done without the knowledge and/or cooperation of the government.In fact, I have video of a U.S. Congressman participating in it.

Co-IntelPro-like harassment ever since. I'm not going to go farther than that right now. But, since late 2003, when they really started bombarding me with PsyOps and physical attacks, I have been mostly silent, trying to figure out what was happening to me and my life, trying to figure out how to tell other Americans what the U.S. Government is doing to people (and wiretapping isn't even close to what they do to destroy you financially, medically and socially).

Then, because of some people I was consistently emailing and had the attention of, I started CharlesRehn.com to provide an example way back then to the Democrats of how to create and present and use a website to get out the message and do fund-raising. And they did it.

And there's no coincidence that Wes Clark's campaign was "A Dialogue With America" or that Hillary Clinton opened her campaign with "Let the Conversation Begin".

And, at least initially, I didn't care that they used my ideas and materials to advance the Democratic Party, until I fully realized that the incredibly famous Democratic operatives I had been contacting were having a good time participating in the PsyOps against me.  That was even more disturbing, given the fact that I was putting out an incredible amount of effort to help the Democrats with material they thought was good enough to use in their national political campaigns.

I wrote an email to Donna Brazile about it.  One day I'll tell you what she had to say about what was going on. I don't think she actually knew, at the time, but I believe she fully understands it now.

And I'm not saying Hillary or Wes Clark or any actual candidate had anything to do with the harassment. But, I do have to say, I did joke around about running for President because I wanted to go bowling (back in 2003). So, Barack, if you tear out the bowling alley, I'm not going to be happy. If George Bush can fly a jet, I think we can afford a basketball court AND a bowling alley.

I can tell you multiple ways that the media is used to perform psychological operations on a regional and individual basis. One is a new phrase called "Left Brain Programming" - formerly known as subliminals. Used to be illegal.  And wait til you understand what Digital TV will be capable of delivering. Yep, a clear picture. Wait, that's another chapter. :}

But it's all about something (former CIA Intern) Anderson Cooper coyly acted like he never heard of when reporting on the arrest of Ira Einhorn - who was telling people that the CIA had a mind control psychotronics device (which turns out to be true after all. I was wondering why the Bush Administration put so much effort into extraditing him from France after so many years. They shut him up by setting him up and putting him in jail)... even though CNN has a long history of reporting on the subject since 1985...(see also: the Levesque Papers: Levesque vs Time, Inc. and The CIA which netted a $755 million judgement against Time and the CIA in Canada... the same case was thrown out of court in the U.S., and the records of the trial were suddenly "missing") still he played dumb for the sake of plausible deniability.

Those are the cornerstones of psyops - leave no forensic evidence except to intimidate (what am I supposed to do call the police and tell them someone broke into my house and set my alarm clock?) AND Plausible deniability AND do strange things that make the target sound crazy when they tell you what happened. After all, once people think you're crazy, PsyOps agents can do anything to you, and no one will believe you. Particularly the local police, who are instructed to have you committed if possible if you report these crimes. After all, you've been marked, and that's one of the easiest ways they can contain you. That, and the Weed and Seed Program, which isn't what the public presentation suggests.

There is actually a name for one technique they use with the media to perform PsyOps. It's called Media Mirroring. Remember when Bush required live broadcasts to have a six second delay?  I'd describe it to you, but I'd rather let people tell me what they're experiencing later on when we're taking depositions  in order to separate those who are victims of psyops vs those who actually do have emotional problems.

It typically happens to people who call news comment lines... which I suppose prompted the headline I read not too long ago that Congress was investigating the NSA's use of the corporate media to identify dissidents for harassment.

And all I gotta say to those who poo-poo the idea that the government is killing its own citizens and using military weapons to suppress dissent, is to remember that 50,000 Americans died because of the Gulf of Tonkin lie, there were no weapons of mass destruction... the government doesn't wiretap Americans, Cat Stevens is a terrorist, right?,  the United States has fair and open elections, Tom Brokaw didn't retire from NBC to become a board member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and using 3,000 CIA agents to infiltrate and spread lies on websites across America and the world is not, at the very least, an egregious RICCO violation, it's about national security (from the truth), and the FCC has the best interests of American Citizens in mind (at least one of them at Clear Channel or BELO, anyway).

I'd also say "and if you believe that, I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you"... except I'm not really sure if I can believe my map that Florida actually exists anymore. Cause it was printed by a corporate media conglomerate, and courts have ruled that news organizations are not required to tell the truth. Come to think of it, I'm not too sure about Michigan anymore either.

There is a woman is New Mexico who will be vindicated. Someone should check out the fax I sent to Judge Daniel Sanchez regarding the case. There are probably technical errors in what I reported to him, but I was on the right track, and I understand a lot more about how it all works, and would make a much better witness now. And remember the remark Letterman made to Dick Gephardt about Lester the Molester? :} I've been a big fan of Letterman's since his first morning show on NBC.


So, I'm back. The cause is the same. We just have some worse news to spread. Prepare for culture shock.

PS to Colbert: The Sword Jesus is carrying is the truth, not a physical weapon. Remember, Jesus is a pacifist, and would never order a war. That was Moses or Abraham. Just like Jesus condemned "an eye for an eye". You and Maher ought to get together and actually read the Bible sometime.  There's some stuff about sex you'll be surprised about, too, that your fundamentalist preacher wouldn't want to tell you about... figured that would motivate you :} The PsyOps guys got me to read the Bible... it doesn't say what you think it says. :}

PSS to the Secret Service: Way back in July 2004 when I contacted you, I was not aware of the technologies available to the Gov't via private contractors. When you brought up the 2nd News Network, I didn't think I had a problem with them at the time, but I was suspicious. I balked at that point because I was hoping you'd ay something to me that would signal whether you knew they were involved or not before I tried to explain it... because... as you know... when you're trying to be honest and trying to give a quick para-phrased explanation you can often say something on the record that looks like you were "exaggerating" or embellishing or something like that, and I didn't want to give that kind of explanation and I didn't think you'd want to take the time to hear the whole story. I've emailed a brief description of what actually did happen - as weird as it seems on the surface - (but hey, you're the secret service, you know how the game goes) so I have to figure it's in your database by now.

Feel free to get in touch and I'll post it to an unlinked spot for you to view if it's not in your system.  I think it's the FBI that has the device that rings all of my phone lines at once. Ask 'em to hit the button for you, and they can put your call through.

Oh yeah, and tell the agents doing surveillance on innocent Americans that the targets don't wave at them out of disrespect or defiance... we kind of figure if we're going to be traveling together we might as well be pleasant to each other, and we wave and say hi... after all, it's pretty damned silly and pathetic of you all to be wasting time on people exercising constitutional rights.. but, if you're gonna be there, we might as well be friendly. After all, we're on the same side, right? and besides, we figure if anything happens to us, we've got law enforcement officials right there behind us with guns to protect us from the terrorists...

Oh wait, you guys think we're the terrorists... except that the only ones doing anything illegal is you. HMMM.... Sounds sort of OrrBushian.... BushOrian or Fascist or something..

I was going to post this, but I thought of one more question I'd like to put to the intelligence agencies since I've gone this far... explain this for me... I have an email here from Network Solutions that confirms that the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund website was online as of June 10th BEFORE hurricane Katrina hit. Given the fact that my father worked at the Naval Shipyard in San Francisco at Hunter's Point in the 50's and 60's, and one of the few things I discovered he was working on was weather modification with the use of RADIUM - they're having a problem with that stuff in the Bay now... anyway... so I'm very curious at how far the technology has come. Apparently, it's come pretty far. He also had something to do with the development of the prototype of the Hovercraft... and I've found a few people whose fathers worked on the hovercraft who are current targets of government harassment. Why them? What do you think they know?

Haven't ranted for a long time. Feels good. Peace. Out.

HMMM..Can't wait to see Meeting David Grant, uh, I mean Wilson....Did you hear the one about the WesStar System? Terrorizing Grandchildren now, are you? You do realize you guys handed me witnesses when you interrupted that phone call to the grandchildren on Christmas Day, right? You do know how it will prove just how sick and twisted you guys are... scaring children like that?

And when you hack my websites and delete unflattering content, do you think I get upset or just laugh at you?

Of course I expect to be asked questions about all this later. I look forward to it.

KO: You didn't suck me back in. It'll be interesting to see where this one leads. I'm up for it. BTW, you're at the very least, an accessory after the fact. Always remember that when I tie it all together later. BTW  When you bring up the Telecom protections next time, how 'bout mentioning that the same legislation would protect you and all your friends at the networks too.

