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A Conversation With America
Questions That Must Be Answered
Web Edition (c) 2008 Charles Rehn All Rights Reserved




  The Council On Foreign Relations Take 2

Back in 2003 or so, I finally came to this conclusion:

There are a lot of really good people working in and around the government of the United States who are keeping their mouths shut and covering the tracks of bad people, not to be accomplices, but because they believe there are bigger fights to fight, or they hold unwinnable positions, or because they know that anytime anyone of stature tells the truth in this country, the government controlled corporate media will be sure to air enough ridicule and propaganda to force the speaker of truth to disclaim or distance themselves from the issue, fearing bringing it up again.

The other reason they keep quiet is because they - arrogantly - believe that it's better for them to keep their mouths shut and stay in office - better that their constituents have someone who means well than to allow a bad guy to get elected instead. In a way, it makes sense, but what's the point of having a representative who doesn't have the balls to stand up and represent you?

These so called good guys (who should resign and help elect someone who isn't cynical and resigned and takes the Constitution and Oath of Office seriously), essentially, are taking up valuable space. Or representing the Council on Foreign Relations' preferred way of causing peope to - as Chris Matthews says - get people to vote for things that are not in their own best interest.

He says "How do they get people to do that?" For that answer, read "Dialectics". :}

But here's the real point of this conversation. This will shock you.

I believe that the "premise" of the Council on Foreign Relations is a good one.  Theoretically, it was set up to allow politicians and capitalists - leaders of the world in science and all areas - to come together and discuss ideas on important global and domestic topics in a non-partisan setting.

For example: The last time I saw George Bush give a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, he refrained from rhetoric and propaganda and lies, and actually caught himself once or twice and apologized for beginning to speak in a partisan political way.

See, even George Bush knows where the boss lives, and it isn't in Washington D.C.

In a way, it operates much the way we think Congress is supposed to.

Now, before anti-CFR people groan and call me an apologist, remember that I wrote the previous chapter called "A Letter to the Council on Foreign Relations" :}

The Council on Foreign Relations is, in most ways, the "action arm" of the Tri-Lateral Commission.  In 1958, Jimmy Carter drew up the original tri-lateral plan on how to generate the one world government presided over by the United Nations, which would be moved to Constantinople (now known as Instanbul Turkey)

Ever wonder why the U.S. now thinks it's so important to build permanent military bases in the Middle East around Turkey (where they'll be readily available to the high command, now known as NATO?) And why John McCain talks of 100 years of occupation in Iraq (guarding the military's future readily available supply of oil for the war machine).

As George HW Bush (former (elected, as far as we know) U.S. President, Executive Director, CFR, and head of the CIA) said in his New World Order Speech

"Our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak."

Look around. Is this the New World Order he was talking about? Looks like Orwellian deception to me - particularly if George Jr. is implementing the plan. And he is. After all, the fact is that the villanous people we call the NEOCONS are nothing more than a splinter front group of CFR members willing to take the public relations hit for the cause.

The Tri-Lateral plan called for the division of the world into 3 geo-political regions, based on natural, economic, human and intangible resources, for the purpose of divising a method of supplying the entire world with what it needs in a more effective and beneficial way.

I accept that that was the intent. I accept that Rockefeller's "benificent" dictatorship had a good intent in theory.

But, like my father used to say back in the late 50's,  "The Tri-lateral plan is, in theory, a good thing, but it's just like Communism. In theory, it's a good thing. But the problem is, it relies on the integrity of humans, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and it will become corrupted".

I used to think my father and some of the people he hung out with were conservative extremists. He was born in 1908. He had affiliations with Masons and John Birch Society Members, politicians and military people. People like Dr. Stanley Monteith, and Pastor (of our Baptist Church) Glennon Culwell, both of whom are noted as long time "Patriot Broadcasters". .

Now, it appears the political things he talked about as Goldwater Republicans are true. The corruption part is obvious. It taught me that even extremists base their issues and behavior on something of substance, even if their perception of a situation is skewed and their proposed means of resolving a matter is seriously flawed.

The question I always ask now is "What is the substance and core issue of the problem that I can research for myself? Because, there must be something to this...".

I know I'm rattling on about the CFR on a web site that is not about the CFR. However, when you get to the core issues, when you do the research, when you look at the big picture and connect all the dots, there is always one common factor is the events of the world and it is the Council on Foreign Relations.

Why don't you know that? The answer is simple.

Many, if not most of the news anchors and reporters in the Corporate Mass Media are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.  They and every other member take an oath to not promote the operations of the Council on Foreign Relations  publicly (unless there is some political purpose involved for them) nor can they discuss what they hear when they attend private meetings, briefings and documentation.

Ask Tom Brokaw. He's been in on the highest level meetings of the movers and shakers of the world since his network career began at NBC, and he never said a word until he announced the installation of the New World Order on October 14, 2001, retired from NBC and became a board member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Mind you, I don't hate Tom Brokaw. I do hate the fact that he deceived me as my primary tv news source for the preponderance of my 53 years, and he has some explaining to do, and he in no way deserves my respect - or any other loyal American's - any longer. Moreover, I believe my reaction, and the same reaction of many other people, is incredibly appropriate.

The system's rigged. You think it's the Corporate Media and the Government.

Reminds me of the story of the downfall of Trent Lott.

There were a couple of new CFR member inductees in 2001. Time Warner and Pfizer paid $50,000 to have Paula Zahn admitted. Time Warner is a corporate sponsor of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Senator Bill Frist also became a member that year....

And then Trent Lott was massacred in the media for racial epithets...[see: against Lott minimizing what he said ] which was really weird, given he'd said zillions of worse things in the last few years before he was deposed... and replaced by the new CFR member and rising star of the GOP Sen. Bill Frist... who was later deposed after being exposed for his own business dealings, medical practices and political failures caused by corruption that few people are aware of...

But here we were, being sold the idea (distracted) that it was all about politcal correctness, when all it really was was a cover story/excuse to make a change to a CFR loyalist whom they hoped would be a future presidential contender.

One of the realizations I came to after all this research, after wading through the hysteria and conspiracy theories and misconceptions and disinformation....is that you're not allowed to be a Senator unless the CFR has some kind of dirt on you that they can publicly embarass you with it if you get out of line and don't follow their orders.

In that way, the CFR is just like the Skull & Bones and what government PsyOps sets you up for... where they gather your dirtiest secrets (everyone has them) for their security/extortion, and have to pledge to support their fellows up to and including perjury and corruption on each other's behalf.

Which is why the EU requires officials to declare their affiliations to organizations and secret societies.

Like Ron Paul says, the CFR is not  a conspiracy.  It's happening right before your eyes.

But, more like Dick Cheney's "So what", the real question is, and consistently is with these arrogant and abusive representatives of the Council's programs and policies is:

What are you going to do about it?

The United States Government has been infiltrated and overthrown, just as Jefferson feared and exactly as Lincoln predicted: from within.

I just thought it was about time someone said it straight out.

And the winner of the coup, collectively, is the Council on Foreign Relations.

They couldn't have done it without the Federal Reserve, an unconstitutional, non-governmental corporation that has conned America into financial schemes and ruins over and over again with hyper-inflation and media-generated investment trends that typically make the poor poorer and the rich richer, particularly if you're a Skull & Bones Corporation listed on the stock exchange with the Russell 2000/3000 stocks, a portfolio primarily comprised of Skull & Bones based corporations, otherwise known as the Russell Trust, founder of the Skull & Bones, also commemorated in Washington D.C. by the United States Government by naming the Russell Senate Building after Senator William Russell.

"In 1943, by special act of the Connecticut state legislature, its trustees were granted an exemption from filing corporate reports with the Secretary of State, which is normally a requirement.

From 1978 onward, business of the Russell Trust Association was handled by its single trustee, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. partner John B. Madden, Jr. Madden started with Brown Brothers Harriman in 1946, under senior partner Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's father."

Oh yeah, and let's not forget to acknowledge the fine assistance of the CIA and other intelligence agencies in making it all possible.

And finally, thank you Rockefellers. Why do you waste your money doing good things in the world when all you do is destroy them afterward anyway? Is it to suck off tax   money or just to make people poor and suffer for amusement? I always wondered why people said it would be inappropriate for Nelson to become president, mentioned in the context as if it was ostentatious or arrogant. I was young then. Didn't understand. Now I do. You own it. This was just a modest gesture at saying "Don't flaunt it". Insufficient. Not acceptable.

Oh, the people I used to admire. :}

Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made--Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986), pp. 90-91. 8. Ibid., p. 93.

