
Charles Rehn - Democrat for President 2004




to the Future

On the





Freedom of Speech




"The brilliance of free speech is such that there is no true qualification or test of worthiness associated with it: even more, all ideas are relevant simply because they exist.

But, they only exist as a result of the cause and effect relationship between the people and ideas and technology that have generated them.

Acknowledging those things that divide us gives us an opportunity to express the human compassion and empathy that are inherent in people.

How can we actually agree on anything if we refuse to exchange ideas?  How can we say we are united if we can't be honest about our ideas - there is no way to know what your neighbors and fellow citizens think, so how could we possibly agree, and how could we possibly be united?

To every idea, there is a thread of truth. For every opinion, there is reason.

Agreement is not required, but is necessary if a leader is to be an honest broker in the ongoing conversation and negotiation we call life. And, agreement has nothing to do with polls and elections.  It's true expression is that of dignity and respect for all people and beings.

There can be no agreement when citizens are being led by divisive means to serve power gathering and economic interests. 

There can only be agreement when people believe that their concerns have been heard, and their questions have been answered candidly, without demagoguery, spin and deceit if the people are to have faith in the ability of government and its leaders to represent the issues of the people.

Actions speak louder than words. As we face the challenges of the future, it is up to our leaders to gather our individual efforts and national resources in a way that empowers every person to flourish without fear of violence or ideological oppression. 

Otherwise, freedom and liberty are simply the words of a veil of deception for motivations that would not stand if their goals were exposed to the llight of day.

Freedom of speech is the greatest indicator of the acceptance by all that unity comes from collaboration, and that partnership allows for growth in every facet of our world.

I believe that when the government and the people are partners, everything is possible. But, when that partnership is forsaken, everything that has been heretofore accomplished or provided for  is at risk."

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(C) 2002,2003-2009 Charles Rehn Jr IV  All rights reserved