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Of Concern & Love

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U.S. Rep Norm Dix

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Phil Collins: Don't Get Me Started                      Questions that must be answered               Cat Stevens: Peace Train

Do You Represent Your Constituents or the Council on Foreign Relations?
Are you part of the problem, or part of the cure.


Name: Mr. Charles Rehn

Email form from Norm Dix's Web Site

I am writing because I am under severe attack from people in the Democratic party and more.

Please keep in mind, I've contacted every appropriate agency for assistance, and will soon be filing RICCO charges against the Democratic Party,   Barack Obama and many more people very soon...

You'll probably blow this off like every other agency I've contacted, but I'm sending this to you now because if this situation is not remedied in a legal manner within 24 hours, I will consider you a co-conspirator, and you will be included in the RICCO Charges.

If you want more info, talk to Barack Obama.

And if you think I'm joking, you'd better think twice. No need to call your security people... trust me, I'm watched 24 hours a day.. and don't dare tell me Norm Dix doesn't know about it.

Consider yourself warned: You'll either resolve it or go to jail. These attacks have been going on at this level for over 6 years... I've found out it's been going on for longer than that. And it isn't the Bush Administration. The intense attacks started under Clinton.

And just remember when you blow this off, I was a Democrat before they stole my materials, attacked me with weapons and ruined my life.

Barack Obama's entire primary campaign was stolen off my website, and I've been harmed to shut me up. I'm not keeping quiet anymore.

Tell Howard Dean that no matter what, he's going to jail.



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(C) Charles Rehn Jr IV  2002-2009 All Rights Reserved