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For the Love of the World





I'm writing this preface because, over the years, I've written so many prefaces to this book, I thought it was time to consolidate a few thoughts, particularly because of some of the circumstances of my life and my discoveries about how and why they happened.

Being the geek that I am, and knowing that a group of people was monitoring my work, I believed people would find it interesting as I struggled to find the baseline message for what I would end up saying in this book. The prefaces were like saying, "Okay, knowing what I know now, let's move forward."

I'm sure I'll bring back at least one of them before I'm through editing.

Still, I think that it's important that you understand a few things about why I wrote this book, and the "Genesis", as it were, of how it ended up being about God.

I began doing full-time political activism on the web back in 2001 when it wasn't cool. In fact, most people believed that anyone speaking out against the pollicies of the Bush Administration would be arrested under the Patriot Act. So, I decided to write a couple of things with just enough courage, and willingness to stand up for free speech, that people got the permission I was trying to give them to act like Americans.

Originally, I was like a lot of people, thinking the Bush Administration wasn't being honest with us, and that it was those old Republicans up to their usual, big corporation dirty tricks. So, I threw my efforts into heavily promoting the Democrats. All the while, doing an incredible amount of research, and watching political trends and analyzing the dialectics and "playbooks" in use.

That research lead me to the conclusion that Ralph Nader eluded to some time back - that there's really no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties. And what he meant by that is that although there are some ideological differences about how to go about "America's" agenda, the goals and thus the emphasis of the United States were focused on the goals of the wealthiest of the wealthy globally, and in the United States, predominantly formulated by the Council on Foreign Relations, and dominated by members of the Russell Trust, also commonly associated to Yale's secret society called the Skull & Bones.

You could say that's when I decided to become an "independent" politically.

I originally began writing For the Love of the World as a means of explaining to people how their minds perceive, record and remember things in a way that would have them take a little more time to think about things so that they, including myself, wouldn't be fooled by the beautiful speeches made by politicians and other leaders that never seemed to be true, promised all sorts of hopes for things they didn't have the courage to deliver, and then, frankly, I was going to teach people a little about how to access information using ESP. All in all, people likely would have ended up thinking it was some sort of pop psychology book.

And then, there were epiphanies.

All this time, I was writing web logs and doing a daily webcast of news, but giving commentary and debunking the propaganda that we were being told. Because of things I did in my activism, contacting the media and politicians and threatening a national media boycott because of the whitewashing and distortion of news, I ended up setting up what I'll call "back channel communications" with certain people. I'd email them with thoughts and ideas, they'd comment on those things on the air that would provide me an answer or a clue to something to research that would lead to the answers. And more.

I have to be honest with you, I was surprised this happened, too. But I went with it. I thought maybe because I had been in and around the media and entertainment professionally, they decided to sort of "let me into the clique" in a way.

The next thing I know, TV news is showing lots of stories about Christians, particularly Christian Conservatives, not in a particularly good way, and complaining that the government was encroaching on their right to worship. I understood some of their concerns, but not really their actions.

Then, certain people would quote certain Bible verses. I decided I wanted to read the whole Bible to figure out what Christians knew that I must have missed when I was a little kid, the only time I had ever really gone to church very much since I was born in 1955.

The first thing I thought was, interesting, all the things going on in the world, and the way the politicians are acting, it's like everything is an emulation of the end days, being done to scare Christians. After a while, I realized it was actually the end days. And that I had to figure out what the "end days" meant.

It was about then that I realized that world and current events were somehow related to a vision I had in church when I was a child, a vision of what my future was in regard to times just like the ones we've been in since 2000, at least. And I knew it was time to keep my promise to God since then to do what He had in mind for me to do when the time came. I thought it was going to be politically based.

After a few months of studying, and I mean really studying, the Bible and likely more books than I've read my entire life previously, another person mentioned a Bible verse in Isaiah that took me by surprise, about the "discovery" of the son of man, his physical and emotional condition, and other things. Things that were like a description of me, but that could have described a great number of people in reality.

I read a great deal more about this "son of man" guy and was astounded, because a great deal of things I'd written politically and morally were near exact matches to things and ideas expressed by this "son of man". I saw descriptions of the life of the mother of the "Son of Man" that very much describe things that happened when I was younger. I did more research, and everything pointed to the fact that it was true.

I was astounded. I spent a lot of time trying to prove to myself that it wasn't true. It's a serious thing. Only one person in the history of humanity would be this particular "Son of Man", and even though it, too, is consistent with my "vision", I spent years thinking, "Yeah, me Jesus, right..". I swore to myself that no matter what, I would refuse to be an apostate or false Christ, and that at any time, if I came to believe I was being manipulated or was just wrong, I would say so openly and willingly, because I have no desire whatsoever to thwart God's work by my life and actions.

I knew all my life that my life would serve Him in some way, and the day had come.

And that's when this book began taking on "religious" overtones. And I do like to make the distinction, Christianity is not necessarily a religion. It is for some. People think of Christianity and other spiritual disciplines and studies and tend to pigeonhole it all as "religious" and don't consider what knowledge or wisdom those disciplines actually mean or represent.

For me, ultimately, it was about the Golden Rule, and being that it was presnet in every facet of one's life.

That said, I want you to know that at times, it might seem that I take religion and Christian and spirituality lightly, but I assure you I don't. I do enjoy abstract discussion and kicking around thoughts, even when those thoughts and ideas don't represent what I believe or what I'd do. And I have a sense of humor about it. I'm concerned about that because I'm not finding many people who find much to laugh about when it comes to religion and spirituality. I used to wonder why the Dalai Lama laughs at everything. Now I think I know. :}

That's why I have to admit, I would likely still be doubting it if it wasn't for the fact that other people informed me of things based on how was I was doing things, things I was saying and the way I was being.  That includes someone at a bookshop who gave me an expensive Bible, after telling me she believed in me, with a bookmark pointing to a verse saying that I was the Spirit of Truth, and that it meant that I was God in the flesh.

To be honest, I'd come to that theological conclusion already, but wasn't prepared for it mentally. I mean, imagine you're Neo in the Matrix, and someone says "How does it feel to know you're the one whose supposed to save humanity?"

Personally, all I can do is giggle and say, "I don't know". All I really know to do is to just keep doing what I was doing before anyone "woke me up".

The strange thing is, I do know what to do in the world. Part of what I know goes back to 2002 when I wrote a "speech" that was written to send to people on the internet to give them some courage to speak up about things. I called it "We Have A Voice". In it, I said things like "I'm no one to believe. I don't want to be a martyr, and I don't want to be your leader, I want to be your partner".

And here I am, saying I'm Christ. And, like Revelations 3:3 says, if you're not watching, I'll come upon you like a thief..."

Meanwhile, the truth is, I really, actually am not concerned about what or who you believe I am. I really don't. Some people call me a prophet. Some, the Son of Man, some would want to call me Jesus.. and then there's Biblical scripture that would inform you that it's okay that I still want to be called Chuck. :}

Still, if anything, I would prefer to think that I'm a man with certain principles that I refuse to see removed from our society and this world. Principles that emanate from the Golden Rule, and thus, the Ten Commandments, the will and vision of God toward the full establishment of the Kingdom of God. My work was originally and continues to be as a fellow citizen and someone willing to represent the citizens against corruption and for justice from and within true administrative and repressentative government for the good of the citizens, the beings and the planet.

Interestingly enough, when I was "discovered", one of the things I had been saying, over and over, was "They say I am just like my father. If you know my father, you know me". At the time, I had no idea that that was something Jesus said.

And regardless of who or what you decide I am in your opinions and judgements, please understand this:

Whether you believe that what I discuss in this book is derived through divine guidance or the thoughts and inquiries of someone intellectualizing, my only true concern is that you begin to re-evaluate your pre-conceived notions of the world, your leaders, and Christianity itself. It's time for true reconciliation and reclamation throughout the world to avoid the domination of economic slavery and entrenchment, and embrace the values common to us all that make us part of the great community that God created, as He intended and as He envisioned and promised.

That said: I took on the idea, since I always believed my life was sealed to God's work, and that in 2000 or so, I really saw that everything I had learned and experienced came to a climax and was, to me, God's call to take action... the question was, action doing what? I took on the idea of finally being the minister I knew in my heart I would be somehow, some way. And then there was this part about being Christ... something other people led me to see in myself...

And I decided that since I knew God wanted me to do His work, and that the work of this "Son of Man", Christ in this time looked exactly like the work I was supposed to do in that vision I had when I was a child, that I would take it on, full bore, knowing that if it was God's call, if this was the work of my life according to His plan and I didn't do it, then I would be betraying God, and some very important things would not be accomplished. I made the decision then that even if it turned out that I was a deceived fool, I had to do what I believed God would have me do.

All these years later, I believe in my heart that I am doing what God would have me do right now, for whatever His reasons or ways, although I wake up every day wondering "Is this for real", and after a very few minutes, recall all the reasons and evidence I have that re-assures me it is.

Just as the understanding I have, the messages God provides through me, allow me to truly know something about how He feels, about His spirit, about His way of being and the judgments He makes.  It's a part of me.  It makes sense to me. And because of that, even though it seems I'm writing about myself, because I am just like my father, I know that His plan and will are a part of my being.

I would encourage you to take on, for a day, what it would be like to be God, respecting the physical laws of the material world, respecting free will and liberty, and respecting what can happen on spiritual planes. It's quite an act of balance. After awhile, your respect for God increases exponentially as you appreciate His patience, wisdom, and faithfulness to what He stands for. For His faith in us.

I've written for quite some time about what I've seen since I was a child, what I've experienced, what I see in the world today, and what I see happening if we continue on this path. Practically everything I was warning people about in 2000.. and even before... is happening before our eyes. And I am not happy about what I believe is to come.

And while, at times, it may seem that I have a pessimistic outlook, understand that I actually have a quite optimistic outlook, because God tells me how this will all work out. But, humanity, leaders, have to make some choices before God's promises will be delivered, and if they aren't made soon or the right choices aren't made soon, there will be consequences of our own doing, not God's. God sends the prophets to warn us when we're off course and need to change course. Politicians rarely listen. God's a little tired of it.

Religions of all kinds have been hijacked by politics for thousands of years. God wants to put an end to that too.

I'm glad to say that that brings me to my point of this preface:

I want you to know that the work I've put into this really has been for the love of the world, God's awesome creation and ongoing work of art that spins around the sun. I want you to know that God really does exist, that He is in the world and always has been, and that He really is and should be seen as a friend, and not some distant ruler who seems to allow such evil in His world. That even He has had enough of the suffering caused by those He was giving every chance to to redeem themselves. 

God wants you to know the truth about who He is, what He's like and how things really work, and to remove the barriers He feels have been created between Him and His children, His creation, just like a mother and father would feel here on earth, conceiving of children and then nurturing them as they grow, wanting them to be everything they can possibly be, to have what they need, and to be happy.

God really is like that. If there's any purpose at all in what I am doing, it is to be someone who gives people the chance to know God in a way that isn't about dogma or specific beliefs or anything except what it can be like, what it can mean to have a real, tangible relationship to God. Like a friend.

And, that like your father, you'll want to respect His authority and love Him for what He provides, as He provides you the appropriate liberty  and opportunity to grow.

Like me writing this book, He really does do it For the Love of the World.

Update: 4/6/2009

One of the reasons I have so many prefaces to this book, and why I describe it as the revelations of the truth of the Word of God.. is because it may be that it's more revealing to me than it is to some.  From a theological point of view, at least. :} Maybe it's not.

I find it funny how important words really are, and yet, it's like the Bible, if someone is speaking sincerely and they use the wrong words, but you understand the message they're trying to communicate, then we generally simply assume that the communication was successful, and we're pretty forgiving toward one another about not getting too hung up on semantics.

I sometimes feel a little embarassed when I realize that I've accepted a label for something, used it, and then found out later that my lack of education, particularly in theology, had me adopt what some would call an incorrect label - the Kingdom of God - as supposed to the theologically correct answer - the Kingdom of Heaven.

I was startled last night while studying my Bible to learn that, even though I believe we need to start from the ground up on rebuilding our sharing and understandings of our value systems as in the Kingdom of God, that what I've been talking about is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven. For the record, though, I do believe it's time that both be fully established, as need be, for the Kingdom of Heaven to exist as God would have it be.

I ask you to understand that my background in theology is new, and to look at the substance of what I am speaking of, not the semantics or with the desire to test my theological knowledge because I will fail, on purpose if I must, in order to tkae people's focus off of me and place it on the issues and priciples that we must redefine and live in order to truly bring the New World, the Kingdom of Heaven, into existence.

This update was written more for those people who have followed the development of this site and the book, and is presented so  that people will know that, when reading and considering what I've written already, that when I speak of the Kingdom of  God, I am also speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I only regret that the U.S. Government has prevented me from publicly being His minister to have these kinds of discussions with you. That was His intent. It would have forwarded these conversations a great deal, and would have allowed for the full return of the ways of the Kingdom in a more eloquent way.

  Universal Church of God - Bluebeam  Audio File To Listen To  Kingdom of God Communications     Movies  NEWS!!!  God Bless America! God Bless Its  Citizens  A Note From The Desk Of Chuck Rehn  For the Love of the WorldFor the Love of the WorldUniversal Church of the Kingdom of God   Universal Church of the Kingdom of God bluediam.gif (123 bytes)



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