Welcome to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

For the Love of the World
Creating the Future

Creation 2012:
The New World
A Conversation With the World
a forthcoming book being written online,
expected to be "released in fall 2009

Where the New World Begins

soun1.gif (532 bytes) Billy Preston - That's the Way God Planned It
soun1.gif (532 bytes)Elton John - Love Song

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For the Love of the World - A Book

For the Love
of the World
A  Book

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Site Search
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) My Journals
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Vernacular-Chuck's Dictionary

Walking In His Footsteps
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Thomas A' Kempis
The "Living" Example of  the Being & Spirit of Christ Jesus
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Letter to King Henry II from Dorothy of Cambridge
Wisdom tells us, 'that to deny the voice of Christ, is to deny His presence and to deny His presence, is to deny His very existence.'

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) "Soon to be" United Nations. Communiques to member & non-member nations - & all citizens


littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Trip to South Africa 2005
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) News
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Books
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Orgs & Sites
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Churches/Ministries
littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Spiritual Studies

Bitter Pills - Revelations 10:7

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Psychotronics, PsyOps & Illegal Gov't Harassment, Directed Energy Attacks. Please read this for your own sake.

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) The Council on Foreign Relations & Barack Obama
Plagiarism, & the attempted overthrow of America & the Kingdom of God

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) U.S. Gov't Crimes Against Americans & Other Nations

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - A Historic Document relevant to current world events, including the U.S. Gov't Crimes & the Presidency of Obama

littlebluedot.gif (881 bytes) Traitors to America
This is one of those pages you won't want to believe now, but will find out is true later.



I am starting this book on this page now as a way to sort of "flesh out" some ideas of things I think need to be discussed and resolved in the world at large. Much of what I'll discuss is a continuation of "A Conversation With America"  that I've been writing since 2002, and "For the Love of the World Part I".

Much has happened since then, and I have learned many astounding and truly life-altering facts about everything from ancient history to a conceptual understanding of religious and divine occurrences over the ages, the methods and purposes, deceptions and controls by government and politics and religion over the citizens they are entrusted to serve - and I'm sad to say that I'm not happy with what has been accomplished when so much was possible.

The good news is, everything that was supposed to happen, all that God has provided to benefit every being in this world is still possible. If there is one constant in the world, and history proves it, when leaders follow the plan of God and truly serve the citizens they are elected to represent, everyone flourishes. Everyone.

I am writing this because there's something in me that informs me that I was intended to be a leader in this world, to what extent or in what specific capacity I can't say for certain, but it has always been in me that I should be president of the United States one day. I know that sounds bold, maybe arrogant, but it's true.

I am also writing this because I do understand the "plan" and "ways" of God, what He intended, every bit as much as I and He believe in absolute separation of church and state.  I know that popular understanding and pop culture would have us believe that such a statement is contradictory, but it's actually not, and that's an example of what needs to be understood.

There's a great deal about God and His nature and ways that people don't really understand, because if they did, they would not express so many things that indicate His presence and force would cause them to feel sub-ordinate, threatened, dominated or beneath Him.

Because of who people will say I am, good or bad, I believe it's important to answer many of the questions I've posed to politicians and leaders of various sorts over the years that have either gone unanswered, or responded to in ways that appeared to most people to resolve something, only to find out it had a good headline but in reality, did not resolve the issue or clarify the position. In fact, it caused the creation of WMD's - weapons of mass distraction - the likes of which allowed the sub-prime crisis to occur: it was no accident.

Because of who people will say I am, good or bad, I think it's important for people to understand what I stand for and believe, that my concern and resolve in these areas in not new, that I am consistent in my positions and approaches, and that I am always open to new information and willing to change my mind. And then explain why so people will understand it. Honestly, freely, and enjoying the opportunity to share ideas and create partnerships through understanding.

Because of who people will say I am, good or bad, I believe it's important that although it may be accurate to say that I believe my purpose in life is somewhat messianic in nature, but that the interpretation of "messianic" is greatly exaggerated and not by accident.  I'll address this a great deal more in a chapter I'm formulating called False Christs, False Prophets & Emulations, so that people can clearly see that deceptions have been used to cause them to be unaware of Biblical events happening before their eyes, just as the Bible predicted.

I speak of speaking to God and being divinely guided and inspired by God. Surely that suggests a messianic proclivity. But, I assure you, when God speaks to me in His ways, I am never required to take any action that does not make sense to me in the "real world" nor without facts and information that corroborate the things He brings to my attention.

And, if that is true, if I understand it and it makes sense, I can explain it  to other people so that it makes sense without deception or spin, and that's part of the proof that it's a good idea, not divine inspiration, though I claim it because of my own beliefs and truths about myself, and to declare my love for God Almighty and Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, what I believe it will show, is why America actually is and may still be God's anointed nation, intended to be a working model of the "New World", the Kingdom of God in the final phase of it's establishment on earth... as it is in Heaven.   And then, why God's plan makes separation of church and state natural and logical.

If there's one thing I've come to understand over the years, particularly the last 6 years, is why it would take someone with an "iron hand" to "rule the world" and it's not supposed to be because of the ability to threaten force or wage war, covertly or overtly, with military or economic weapons.

It's the ability to draw a line in the sand and then defend the rules that reflect the values of the citizens they are made to protect, not control.

Because of who people will say I am, good or bad, I am the first to admit my discomfort at the idea of running for President of the United States, the implications being a monotheistic takeover of the government, which would not be true and would be contradictory to everything I claim to believe and represent on behalf of God.

However, if there's one thing I know that needs to be brought under control, it's the military, Intel services and the military weapons we have under this country's control, and the only true way to do this legally would be to be elected president and then, as I have suggested before, lock myself in a bunker for 6 months while the well-known and well-documented traitors of this nation are rounded up and prosecuted so they can do no further harm. I hope it wouldn't take that, but it might.

Meanwhile, the true business of representing and caring for the people of this nation and world would begin in earnest and with passion. At long last.

And that iron hand.. it would be used to see to it that the Golden Rule was implemented and considered in everything that this and every other government in the world does.

And that is, truly, the way God planned it, and how it shall be. So be it.

Will I run for president? I don't know. But at least, I will keep speaking out, as I have all my life, on behalf of God and my country and my fellow citizens.

Why should I change now? :}

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Dan Fogelberg - Holy Road

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Billy Preston - That's the Way God Planned It

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Rod Stewart - People get Ready

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Jackson Browne - Naked Ride Home - 09 - Don't You Want to Be There

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Eurythmics - Missionary Man

While I'm developing this material, you might find this interesting....

bluediam.gif (123 bytes) Top Issues

bluediam.gif (123 bytes) First 100 Days

bluediam.gif (123 bytes) Taxation

and, the original "bluediam.gif (123 bytes) A Conversation With America" , 2003-4  2008 Editions


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  Universal Church of God - Bluebeam  Audio File To Listen To  Kingdom of God Communications     Movies  NEWS!!!  God Bless America! God Bless Its  Citizens  A Note From The Desk Of Chuck Rehn For the Love of the WorldFor the Love of the World Universal Church of the Kingdom of God  Universal Church of the Kingdom of God bluediam.gif (123 bytes)

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