Thank you for visiting this page.
I have provided it to begin a new conversation with the world, so that the Era of
Reconciliation can begin.
I beg of you, at this time, to know that I am here to deliver true reconciliaiton, and
not the facade of reconciliation being promoted at this time. And I ask that you
hear my words, consider the possibilities of the means by which I propose to bring about
true Global Peace and Abundance For All.
I know that the nations of the world, its citizens and government, know that the
resources and materials, as well as the technologies and will of all beings are available
to provide for all, as we have all prayed for for so long, as God promised, as I will
deliver if you empower me to do so.
To that end, I request that you consider what I have to say, with the understanding
that I seek your earnest consideration, a request that to your own self, to be true, and
to consider the example of the life Jesus as an example to us all for the inquiry and walk that would
truly allow us all to know heaven on earth, for the glorification of the Almighty God, the
establishment of His Kingdom in full, and the wonderful life it will give to all people
and beings of this universe.
More importantly, to choose not to participate with the New World Order mandated by the
military and financial powers of this world.
And rest assured, I am here by no means to cause tensions between nations or faiths.
Quite the contrary. I am here to be the cuase for the unity of all faiths and nations in
every moral discipline as part of His vast creation, for us all to share with each other.
May God Bless Us All in this hour of global decision and transformation, as the
deceivers of the world are exposed and expelled, and His will and guidance provides us
with the New World.
Nahmod - 01 - One Power