I listened to it, thought, cool, a female Todd Rundgren, and filed your name away for
future potential listening.
The last album, though, I bought two copies. The download version, via iTunes... and
the special boxed set with the bonus tracks... I wanted to see what extra words of wisdom
would be contained.
I never got back to listening to your music until I accidentally came across it while
coming up with mixes for
www.democraticfundamentalism.org I'd do daily mixes on the subjects I
was talking about in News in Review, my daily webcasts. And, that's why, as big a fan of
yours as I am, I'm a little afraid of you.
I'm going to
forego how strange the Psyops I talk about are... I figure you either had to know what
your music was going to be used for or they caused me to think about things to relate to
your music.
Aesopian Language
is communications that convey an innocent meaning to outsiders but hold a concealed
meaning to informed members of a conspiracy or underground movement (like the United
States Government).
For example, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama... in their Unity appearance...
Obama said "She Rocks" knowing full well I was doing this info campaign
using music, as prescribed in the Bible... and Hillary said she was on the
"Front Row"... as the "coded"
communications go, this would be their way of saying they were on "the side of
my issues"... just as Al Gore said "even pets know that elections are
important" the day after I made a web comment about not getting medical care for my
pets, let alone myself fo ryears... not because I couldn't afford it, but because doctors
wouldn't provide it.
Even more, that they were completely aware of the Psyops against me, and so many other
people. That's how I know they're phonies, and particpating in the Psychological
Operations against me.
And the Front Row thing... I really hadn't listened to your music...
and then I played a few cuts on the site, no particular significance other than they fit
the topics... then for weeks, everyday just before watching Lou Dobbs, I'd make popcorn...
and I'd be on The Couch, on the Front Row, with popcorn... thinking about what it meant to
belong to the world, with all the books and writings.. and considerations for publishing
and all the rest actually gong on.... and then one day I heard that song... and knew that
I had been messed with with Psyops.
And through oracles, now finding out what I was to have accomplished 5 years ago... and
now, I'm sitting here listening to
Man"... and I jokingly compared you to Rundgren, and I know his association with
Ampex somehow made him part of the whole thing for years... So I don't know what to think.
I hope that when the time comes, you'll have the courage to say what you know. (And of
course, I caught
on your iTunes playlist. Does it mean anything? Who knows? Proably not. Just a Psyop?)
Then Tompkins did the thing on Olbermann, saying he would "Start the
Cosmos".... that night I joked about how I'd posted all my music to the site, and
asked Todd if he'd give me the URL to his next album ;} The next day, I get an email with
a credible URL to send people to to hear your entire new album for free.... (you know, the
female Todd). I'm sure they were trying to be nice, but try being amused by the people who
have sysematically destroyed your life.
Now that you're a minister, I believe I can say this to you... minister to minister....
I always knew that when it came time for me to do whatever God had in mind for me, that my
music would be an integral part of how I would do it. The "Hurdy Gurdy" man
thing... :} But politics and world affairs are so out of hand, and accelerated in the
timeline, that more action must be taken without additional Dogma and theatrics.
People either didn't catch or understand the translation of occurrences in relation to
technology. Here I am broke, nowhere to go, I have the internet... taking it to the
streets of the internet, globally, instantly... how do you allow everyone in the world to
hear God's message at once? Waiting for the miracles to occur as they take me with them.
Praying for the moments of clarity and the opportunity to speak what needs to be spoken..
to be told what needs to be told and to love all who seek to be loved...
And still, I suffer the indignities of people who do not understand, and believe that
the objectives and methods of accomplishing global peace and abundance for all is more
like a video game than the understanding and acknowledgement of the responsibility and
privilege bestowed upon them by God to be stewards to all... displaying the compassion it
expresses when leaders honor and serve their citizens... like their lives are real, are
important, and really count for something purely as God's beings with the same rights and
privileges and hopes and dreams of any other being.
I'd always thought, for some reason, most of my life, that I'd end up being on a Warner
label... Elektra or Asylum... and lately, figured Maverick... but the problem is, whether
Psyops or real, the "carrots" all included controls on my expression, methods
and sources.. and I just couldn't allow that. I didn't mind artists and such making money
as a by-product of what I am doing, but it doesn't have anything to do with that. Now, I'm
hoping that when I'm freed from this electronic prison, I'll go see my old guitar teacher
who say=id, 40 years ago :}. that he had connections with Fantasy Records. He wrote a
really cool song for me once, and played it for me before my guitar lesson once.
I asked him, is this for my sister or another girlfriend? He said, no, I just want to
play it for you. This was the song. Later, when it's safe, I'll divulge his name.
Oh, look what you have done
Showing me the Son
And now it's shining through
It's nice to be with you.
Oh, never go away
Say you're gonna stay
And make my dreams come true
It's nice to be with you.
And everytime I give my heart to someone new
They just turn it blue
But this time
Is our time
And our time
Is all the time I have to give to you....
Oh, never go away
Say you're gonna stay
And make my dreams come true
It's nice to be with you.
Anyway, people always think, he always wants things to be easier... I wonder why they
shouldn't be? We know what needs to be done in the world, why don't we? We need, we want,
we desire... we know how, but we don't... we think "no pain, no gain", and
that's crazy thinking. We just can't resist the grandeur of the show, the pageantry of it
all... but I can and will, because I refuse to have God's message and plan be set aside by
yet another publicity stunt or ploy designed to distract people from the truth.
Just like the many ways the Psyops against me have sought to distract me from the
truth, and to put focus on things that are not of high priority.
I don't know what you know. I understand about the universality of music and lyrics...
given Montauk, and Lennon and the Beatles... I remember the movie "Imagine",
they had a guy who approached John Lennon saying he thought their music sounded like a
description of his life :}
Even writing letters like this could easily be used to discredit me. Still, I wonder
how many of you know your music is being used for Psychotronic Psyops.. or if there really
is something more that I do and don't want and need to know about my life... things that
seem pretty obvious now...
Take Care,