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The Work Begins |
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What Would God Call YOU To Do? |
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One night in the mid 70's I was in
a laundromat doing laundry when a young man came in, wanting to talk religion. I generally
welcome such discussions, even long ago. I don't remember exactly what we discussed, but at a certain point, something that was terribly important to him and not as important to me caused him to get really upset with me, even to the point of claiming he'd call the police and tell them I was starting trouble. All because I said that what was important is that we agreed about God and Jesus and anything beyond that is interesting to consider, and I would, but right now, what he wanted me to adopt in my faith is not what I believe, nor did I believe it to be the most important facet of Christianity that it would cause fellow believers to be at such odds.. And he threatened me with violence, and then to call the plice and file a complaint against me if I did not agree to his religion's beliefs. That's the kind of thinking that must be set aside for now, the idea that there is any faith or religion that is right or wrong.
As Jesus said, "No man come to the father but by me"... and He was referring to the simple example He set in terms of spirituality, but also how to inevitably overcome the economic slavery that has harmed and manipulated us for too long... that prevents us from "being" in the Kingdom of God, instead of realizing that we are in the Kingdom of God, and that those entrusted with the care of citizens and beings have purposely lead us to forget that fact. Jesus' message was very political, because politics sets the tone and nature of the "order" of the cosmos. And, to "come to the Father" had very much to do with humanity coming to the point of cultural and spiritual evolution - in the time and ways in His plan for the fulfilllment of the Kingdom of God on earth - such that He could be with us... in our hearts and minds and in the flesh. As a friend, and a counselor, as a leader, but also as the playful person that He is, who created the universe, and believes it is time for it to "grow up" and adopt His plan, the one that will work, and the one that was destined in His promise of the Promised Land. To grow up in terms of ralizing that our lives in this heaven on earth was never intended to be a hardship, a place where reward was measured by material wealth instead of whole families, nurturing cultures and honoring the very simple plan of God. You might think that somene with the audactiy to declare the Kingdom of God and the formation of the Universal Church would be spending time speaking solely on spiritual transcendency and things of that nature, but for the moment, if we share belief and faith in God, by any name or spiritual leader, then we must deal with the "forces" that pose the greatest threat to humanity, to this world and to the Kingdom of God. It is those people - our leaders - who pose the greatest threat to the freedom granted by God, what we claim to be inalienable rights. Faiths and religions of all kinds, the cultures and customs He created, were to provide a diverse number of approaches that is availed through the study and practice of all moral faiths for the purpose of enriching our understanding of ourselves and the universe we are in. One of the greatest deceptions of all is the idea that Christianity is a religion. It's a faith and discipline to be as His example. It became a religion. I emphasize this frequently because it's important to understand that Christ Jesus really did communicate a great deal to cause people to think and ponder and inquire for themselves until they understood, at least in concept, the truths that Jesus was speaking. The truth about the world and spirituality. And then relying on prophets and disciples to find ways to communicate and record for history what happened and was occurring and what would happen if humanity continued on its course, without being persecuted to the point of perishing as His witnesses. They spoke freely about spirituality as allowed by the government and churches. However, they were forced to speak vaguely and somewhat covertly about the deceptions of government and the Elders described in the Bible who would systematically attempt to over throw the Kingdom of God (at this time). It is absolutely imperative that you open your minds and take an objective view of world events, and realize all of the ways you are told and caused to think that the corruption and expression of hatred in the world is "just the way it is" and "how things are done", that you're average and ordinary, and without a voice unless you fit the stereotype of one in the "middle class". It is imperative that you recognize that you have now placed your faith in your association with government to solve the problems of the world, despite the corruptions and deceptions that go on. You have placed your faith in the media to be your voice. And as poor a representative as all of these people and organizations are, you continue to plea to them instead of looking into yourselves and comparing your ideals - the way you think things are supposed to be based on the things we say we value in our public speech by our leaders - and compare that to the world they are giving you to live in, you'll realize that what's actually going on becomes further and further away from the promise of America and the promise of God's plan - and defies your basic internal knowledge of the difference between right and wrong. It's time to read the Bible again, and realize that everything the United States Government is doing, if you understand what they are truly doing, in our nation and around the world, is anti-Christian. I don't want you to take my word for this. But I will provide you with links to materials that will cause you to see the truth of what I tell you. I was listening to music while writing about one of the Democratic candidates.. and the song said something about "Why would you have criminals as your heroes?" It kinda says it all. If you believe that the most important issue of the day is abortion, then I want you to realize that you have been manipulated into being relegated to a wedge issue in a way that only serves politicians who don't care about your concerns, and cooperative media executives who want to portray you as zealots in order to get other people to not want to associate with you. You are being used to voice your concerns about issues known to be hot-buttons for many people, and having the media set you up for the persecution they want to cause you in order to publicly characterize you ase fenatics and extremists. I was astounded when a viewer of the final Obama-McCain debate said that one of the candidates kept bringing up an issue.. and she actually said this... "even thought the media had dropped the subject long ago". As if the media is the judge of what is important, viable or credible in an election. That is the proof that the media has taken control of telling you what is appropriate to think and discuss. Abortion is an important issue, but one of many that leaders refuse to address in constructive ways because they know they can push your buttons and distract you from the corruption and stripping of civil liberties that has been going on for decades by getting you riled up. And they do this because the U.S. Government, ostensibly controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, believes that religion is a bad thing, and they want to obliterate current belief systems. That is the truth that many religious leaders speak of when complaining that our government is becoming Godless and removing God from the government. And it's not that they are removing "God" Himself.. It's that they are removing the values established by God and Jesus that made America the nation that it once was and could be. They employ numerous "religious leaders", loyal to their activities, including Council on Foreign Relations members Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, authors of the "Left Behind Series". There is much more to this aspect of this story. And they ARE lying to you about a great many things. It's what you call hijacking a religion. And these people are perfect examples of apostates. In the United States, the government limits the ability of the churches to speak of the political aspects of the religion of Christianity... an actual responsibility of the churches when ministering to its people... to speak the truth not only of Divine grace but to be sure that we are faithful and vigilant guards on the watch tower of the world. To be faithful and courageous leaders against the "evil forces" in the material world and operating in the spiritual planes. As prophecy accurately predicted, we all failed to the greater degree in this effort. That is why it is imperative that we speak out now. Absolutely imperative.
It IS your responsibility to look beyond headlines, beyond patron politicians and celebrities who bring you greater status. And if you believe that your church's tax status prevents you from doing your job as servants of God in this respect, then I respectfully request that you reconsider who it is and what you serve.
Otherwise, you are allowing your government to tell you what is the accepted word of God and the role of His ministers. And if it makes you unpopular to speak the truth of the world despite the trends of the media and your peers, then you will be rewarded by such as a reminder that you have pierced the veil of the facade of righteousness that has those people hopelessly entrapped in a false and evil reality comprised of deception. One that will dominate this planet and existence if you do not take action now. Action that will cause people to see the truth of their world before it overtakes them. And that means that you must be willing to seek the truth youreself, not what's comfortable or popular, but the truth, no matter how much you dislike the real truth that you will discover. Do not allow your normal, natural sense of denial dissuade you from the obvious truth that will be revealed. This is truly God's instruction to you, to lead your flocks with knowledge and His guidance, such that the world will be secured by His love and His plan, and that the high will be made low by the skeletons of their lives that rise to expose and convict them of their crimes. This will only happen if you take action. Ultimately, what you do, the difference you will make will be an act of faith on His behalf... and what you need to do is listen to your heart. And understand that the world you'd always dreamed was possible IS possible, if you want it, if you have faith right now, and if you're willling to be told what I have to tell you and come to know that I am only speaking truth, then I know you will do the right thing.
What follows are things to think about, things to investigate, and inquiries that will allow you to see a great deal of truth that is being hidden from you.
I mention these verses because they actually are at the heart of what is going on in the world, and particularly in the United States, at this time. We truly are dealing with people who understand that we live in the material and spiritual planes, and more, and they believe that they can "beat God out of His Kingdom"... we live in times of Biblical proportion and importance. The people who believe they can do this are the Elders of Zion, the same people described in the Bible. They are referred to in Ezekiel as "the ancients", the "Elders of Israel", and the "Elders of Zion".. depending on which Bible and the publication date you are reading. It's essential to understand that the following document is considered to be controversial because it is considered to be anti-semitic, in that it is purportedly a hoax depicting "Jews" as being in a conspiracy to take over the world by force and through economic coercion. The Bible clearly tells us this is not true, and that the hoax is that those who do not want us to know their plans and methods would create a document that spreads the word to their loyal followers, and at the same time, through the media and religious/political propaganda and brainwashing, would prevent moral and ethical people from reading such a document. Deception upon deception upon deception. We could have long, intellectual discussions about who the real "evil-doers" are... the sect, cult, religion, etc, but it really isn't important at this moment. What is important is to read this document without bias, and casting aside references to make you think it's a "Jewish" conspiracy. Remember that true "Jews"... the Remnant of the Tribes of Israel... are guileless... and thus, when the end of the days of the reign of the anti-Christ occurs, the "Jews"... the guileless.. will take over, do things appropriately and transparently, and re-establish the most important values and mores that really do allow for healthy families and governments that administer the needs of the citizens and planet. They will give you permission to be the person you want to be, in your heart, but believe it is impossible to be because of the harshness of the world we live in. That will only be possible if you open your mind to the truth. Truth you don't want to hear. Truth that is essential to know and spread. Not to spread hatred, anger, cause violence or civil unrest. But because people deserve to know the truth. And they need to be instructed as to how to resist and reject what is occurring, and how to be patient while the anti-Christ is driven form the world. Please keep in mind, at least for now, the anti-Christ is not a religion. It is not necessarily an individual, but a movement of people who have placed themselves above the law and believe they can overthrow and subvert the will and plan of God. That is the duality of the existence of the material and spiritual planes that must be joined in order for our planet to be at peace, and know the joy God promised. It is time. And this is your call to action on His behalf.
Christ Jesus set the example and gave us instructions for this time in history. We must revisit His words and teachings, and set aside the apostasy and propaganda that would have Christians aadopt the idoelogy of an eye for an eye, that Jesus so explicitly rejected. And we must read His words as if new, without the bias of what we have always known and held true. Because with your new eyes, your sight will be restored, and you will realize the deceptions that have plagued us throughout time. The spirit of the Devil tricking us into believing things that aren't true... such as the concept that it is alright to kill in war. God said Thou shalt not kill. There were no exceptions. Do you believe God would kill or punish with violence and harm? Do you believe God would cause a hurricane to destroy people? Read your Bible again, always remembering that at the very lest God will do no harm. But Satan would and does. And only the anti-Christs and apostates would suggest to you that it would be any way different than that. Set your opinions aside and think about it. There will difficulty, and there will be joy. That is His promise, and I know it is true and it is happening at this moment. God truly is in control.
Deep in my heart, where I know the truth of my heart I ask one more thing in my request that you read this particular document... what you will end up realizing after studying this group of documents, in addition to any education you may have had in terms of history, particularly since the time of Charlemagne, you will realize that the economic upheaval in the U.S. was purposefully caused by our leaders - the Council On Foreign Relations - in the same way that the Rothchild empire spread the rumor that England had lost at Waterloo before the battle had even taken place, causing the stock markets to crash and allowing the Rothchild family to literally purchase England for pennies on the dollar... and lead to the disempowerment of the monarchy and eventually the empire. Germany was used as the "empirical force" in the attempts of World Wars I and II to carry out the first 2 of 3 wars calculated to be needed to install the New World Order. When the resources of Germany were exhausted and Europe's finances and nations were in ruins, the mantle was passed on to America, which has been used for the same purposes ever since. For the same reasons that Patrick Henry declared "Give me liberty or give me death.... I smell a rat." More on Patrick Henry another time. Talk about patriots and servants of God who understand the plan of God for America. He was one.
From that moment on, the "snake" has been on the move. And what becomes apparent, when you connect the dots, is that the German people were used to fight a war on behalf of the "financiers" - the Elders of Zion. The Nazi's did not lose World War II, the German Nation did... used as pawns, just like the American Nation has been used for generations. Remember, I don't want you, at this time, to simply take my word for these things. I do hope you'll do just a little more research, and find out for yourself that what I am reporting is true. But you'll have to study it with an open mind, not one with an opinion generated by myths, legends, propaganda and nationalism. Please keep in mind, these are just a few of the atrocities and topics we have been deceived about by lying leaders, their financiers and the corporate media for a great long time. How many dirty secrets do you need to know that your government and corporate media are deceiving you, stripping you of your liberties, and in truth, working to put an end to the belief and faith in God, instead, to put your faith in government. I didn't used to believe people when they said that. I do now. If these aren't enough for you to want to put your foot down, then trust me, I could go on for hours, and more and more evidence is on this site and on the sites listed below. These ar enot conspiracy theories. These are real stories, hard facts and the result of years of objective research. I have nothing to gain by lying to you, and everything to lose. Reading these materials will expose and reveal the following truths to you. Truths.
I do not say this lightly: If the United States Government/the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission... involving both Republican and Democratic Parties... is not the current "front" of Nazi-ism, then our leades have simply become perverted beyond belief... although repetition of history and current day events suggest that they actually are Nazis, by ideology and methodology. If you are willing to know the truth.. the way, the truth and the light... then you will read these articles and come to the unfortunate realization yourself that this documentation is valid, corroborated and requiring urgent action to call people of faith and those loyal to the ideals of America and the plan of God to join me in truly establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, the Promised Land for each of us... that is based on justice and equality, and the Golden Rule. And the model for American Democracy. With unity and solidarity in that purpose, we can make a difference in a very short time. I assure you, we will easily sort out our spiritual differences later. And you'll find that our differences are not as extreme as propagandists, apostates and manipulators - dialecticians - would have you believe. I believe you will be excited at the possibilities you'll discover. I assure you that everything here is true*, fully researched and represents what I believe are the basics you need to know to fully understand the situation that faces the world. And to understand the need for leadership that understands the urgency and requirements of a moment as critical as this on the material plane, representing the citizens and beings as well as the Plan of God.
Documents open in a new window so you can keep your place. Read these materials. This is not conspiracy theory. This is real.
*= The only thing on this site that there is not 100% certainty about is, strangely enough, about parts of my past revealed to me that upset me a great deal, such as realizing my family has been physically harmed to keep them silent and other very unpleasant info, this was all done in a way to try to disorient me and to get me to stop what I am doing. If I am wrong about any of my assertions about the crimes committed against me, it will certainly be because of the purposeful disinformation by those who do not want me to succeed. Unfortunately for them, I maynot have the details of their plans and actions against me, but I have most certainly identified the individuals and coporations involved correctly. But I assure you, what I speak of in terms of God's plan and spirituality and faith is truly Divine Inspiration, His word revealed through me.
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