Dear Joey -
Please forgive the informality of calling you Joey, but I hear your name
and I just can't help thinking about my favorite stuffed animal I had when I was a child.
His name was Joey. He's the one I cut the slit in the back of and used as
my ventriloquism dummy in the 4th grade. It was big hit at school I performed at
assemblies, and in the classroom. And when he wasn't with me, I'd play like My Favorite
Martian, act like my antennas were coming out of my head, and pretend to be receiving his
signal from home. It's one reason I get a little laugh out of it every time I play the Beatles'
Got Something to Hide 'Cept For Me and My Monkey". Oh yeah, my stuffed animal was
a monkey.
Please believe me, I wasn't actually making a comment about you. It's just
what keeps going through my mind. That and Bruce Springsteen's "Devil With A
Blue Dress On".... and
Light Orchestra's "Evil Woman".
Had it about Obama too. And it becomes really obvious when you notice who
you guys are surrounded by, and their tactics, the centrist theory of politics that
ultimately leads to a (communistic) one party system that rules by decree. And then there
was Richard Shelby talking about how great it was to have a dictator. And Mitch McConnell
saying that "money is free speech". And the FISA Telecom Immunity vote
that Obama voted for.
The fact that no one is talking about standing up for the civil and human
rights of Americans who are being oppressed, suppressed and harmed by the Department of
Homeland Security... And that we have a population of politicians and elitist rich people
who talk to each other via the media in their Aesopian code stuff. I had people
doing Morse code with eye blinks today... and realized a whole bunch of other people
are doing it too. Or they were messing around to see if I'd look it up on my charts
to find out it meant nothing... which I didn't. :}And I guess I should learn Morse code...
again... but I prefer talking. I'm funny like that.
Anyway, I watched Election Dialectic 2000.
- Grand Illusion The "alternate parties" were making great strides in the
world of politics, endangering the corporate socialism plans of the corporations and the
shadow government to dominate the world by force and "enslave" America through
economic ruin justified by blaming the horrible leaders of the rest of the world,
particularly the Muslims, in order to justify World War. (Wait, now it's the Russians)
It's everything I'd get pieces and snatches of conversations my dad was
having with people when I wasn't supposed to be listening.... like the photo album he had
of "war" that was conveniently left on a bed one day, though I was told I was
forbidden to see it. Burned, chemical covered, decapitated and mutilated bodies strewn
along a beach... somewhere I don't know where. I only got a glimpse of a few scenes, and I
immediately understood something about the horrors of war, the suffering, the tortuous
suffering on people who did not choose to go to war, but for the lies and their belief in
their nations and their leaders.
Back to the selection, er, election.
Someone set up Florida to be a point of controversy to set the whole works
into an uproar, get the nation quickly divided, suppressed by the media to prevent
violence by people who had a right to be angry, and to install the President of your
choice. On top of that, you knew that it would cause massive numbers of people to flock to
the Democratic Party to be saved. You guys would act as the saviors, promising to put an
end to all the suffering, and eventually win back the White House, while America wiped its
brow and heaved a heavy sigh of relief to know that the insanity of its government was
finally expelled.
Only then, the worst would happen, the economy would collapse, the
bad guys of the rest of the world would withhold oil, war would break out.. there are any
number of dialectics that could take us down timelines just as expedient in order to
justify the installation of a police state with a fascist backbone.
And it's happening right before our eyes.
And the part that really bothers me... the part that makes me wonder about
all of you... is that I know for a fact that Obama was set up, agreed to participate in or
was extorted into participating with the hoax of claiming he is the Son of Man. And it was
done because they knew I was out here... when you look at the history of my life, it
becomes obvious that you guys - someone - has been setting me up to end up looking like an
insane, violent, temperamental evil person, and every time you got me to stray or tempted
me, I regained my balance and proved my roots.. my values and my commitment to God and my
country. Every time.
And then you say things like people like me - as simply one more citizen
and nothing more - "are the measure of whether the American Dream
endures". People like me who are being harassed by our government for claiming
the right to free speech, let alone the pursuit of happiness.
And I consider how, like the other day when I read off John McCain and
Barack Obama, it was after I realized how my family has been harmed and swindled, how I've
been abused and betrayed by the government of the United States for 53 years, how the
government has betrayed God and it's own people, and then how it appears to me, knowing
what I know now, that my father was murdered. And that even though I lived my life and
endured like I suppose you guys never believed anyone could, in light of that knowledge, I
make no apologies in retrospect for the anger I expressed. Nor were the points I made
And I believe you can understand that kind of feeling, given the harm that
occurred to your family long ago. You have my sincere compassion and empathy for your
losses, and for the love in your heart and the commitment to your family, and your
character, that would allow you to carry on and continue to serve other people.
That's the problem I have with you and a lot of people. Not a problem like
you're bad. A problem like, things don't quite add up.
To be honest, had you been the Democratic Nominee this time, I could have
voted for you. In you, I see a pretty decent guy. Your economic profile doesn't look like
someone on the take. True, the media has examined McCain's wife's finances, but I haven't
heard about anyone else's. I thought you were from Yale, but it turns out you're from
Syracuse... which becomes another problem for me on another front... not the city...
people who have set me up who are from Syracuse.
Otherwise, I actually like you a lot... as a person, and as a
potential statesman. What doesn't add up is things like you knowing I'm sitting out here,
hearing stories about you getting a root canal when Obama called to tell you you were his
VP choice... taking no action for a citizen who has appropriately contacted you - by
any means - doesn't seem like a guy who cares about people.
And I meant it in that letter, that you were one of
the people I trusted most.
Jackson Browne - Casino
And then, there's Waco. I won't go into a great deal of detail, because
people should simply go to the website about it,
It's important. Here you and Obama are supposed to be teachers of
Constitutional Law, but apparently, like a great number of other people in the government,
don't live it. Or maybe it's gotten so perverted by the distortions of politics that
people have forgotten what it actually means, but worse, have no idea how to bring it back
to its roots in a way that doesn't harm the nation and citizens, without causing civil and
world war.
I don't know what to tell you all about the problems you've caused
yourselves. I actually think I do, but people don't listen, or they listen, take the
ideas, use them as slogans and campaigns, but have no intention of doing them, or use them
as cover stories for the deceptions they're actually carrying out.
Now I will discuss Waco.
It's important because it was like I remembered an incident when I was a
kid... I don't know if it was Wounded Knee or Oglala.. but I kept thinking to myself, what
the heck is the government doing sending tanks to an Indian Reservation on American soil?
I actually remember thinking "Why is the government at war with its own people?"
It was all on the Today Show.
So when Waco happened, I listened on the radio and to news reports
frequently, and was concerned because, first of all, every time one of these sieges
happen, we find out afterward that the government was up to no good. And then, we as
citizens are told a plausible story in which no one gets in trouble, and the authority to
do such things becomes assumed, the population is successfully oppressed and opposition is
suppressed by a terrorist act of the government upon its own citizens
I know that will upset many, but when you strip away the spin, lies,
distortions and cover-ups, that's what happens.
When you dig into the facts of Waco, you become even more disturbed
because it may be true that the government didn't understand what was going on there, and
maybe the government did... but it sure appears to me that the government provoked the
entire thing from square one. Harassing people in town, threatening their way of life,
disliking their religion and rhetoric...
I recently wrote to some people to let them know the current Waco is going
on at my house. If the truth be told, Joe, you'd know that is the truth. Except that I
wasn't trying to keep to myself, I was trying to help. And I didn't know my government had
been harassing me and sabotaging my life since I was a child.
What's most disgusting is the agents on the scene at the hearings,
professing their righteousness by - remember the guy who almost blew it by saying he was a
Sunday School teacher, when in fact, his job at the church was to guard the nursery.
Nothing wrong with that, but it hardly gives him a character reference. That was the guy
who knew that Koresh was being hit with Voice To Skull Psychotronics, messing up his
thinking, and causing him to believe he was talking to God. That's when those agents
instructed Koresh to delay the surrender of his flock to make it appear like Koresh and
his people were villains, holding out at all costs, and being bad people requiring an all
out assault on the compound.
I never bought it. Most people I know didn't either once they know the
truth. Besides, if there were all those women and children inside, and the government
cared at all, why weren't they willing to wait forever? I just can't figure that one out.
And these agents, during a news conference, laughed at the idea that
Koresh, that anyone, could actually talk to God.
Neale Donald Walsch wrote a whole series of books called Conversations
With God. I'd ask why the government hasn't killed him, except for the fact that I'm
certain he's a target of Psychotronics and - I hate to put it this way - I dislike what he
wrote because it espouses an apostate evangelism that encourages materialism over
spirituality. A man of God, grounded in Ecclesiastes, would not make the mistakes he made.
That's another reason I know he has been targeted. And that he isn't aware of it,
otherwise he would have known that what he wrote was not correct. It's all part of the
delusions and deceptions written of in the Bible.
Like how the writers of the "Left Behind" Book Series are
members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Back to Waco...
So here I am last night, listening to music, and I hear a lyric by someone
saying... how can your heroes be criminals?
And I got it. How can we as citizens continue to give our support,
money and votes to people who publicly claim that crimes against the citizens are just
"politics"... just "the way it goes"... that the people who are
overthrowing the American way of life can do it because they have a public corporation
that doesn't tell us the truth about their plans, but otherwise is technically legal...
except for the conspiracy part. That now translates into RICCO.
And there you and Orrin Hatch sat and reported to the world and the
American people that there was no foul or wrong doing by agents of the Federal Government
- ATF Right - same guy in charge as at Ruby Ridge, right?...
Meanwhile, I hear you saw FLIR footage of that siege that was much clearer
than the FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) that was in the movie that proved
that government agents provoked everything about that massacre, and used military weapons
to destroy the compound, kill the adults and the children... in a gruesome way.
Cyanide. Causing their muscles to contract so much that their bones broke.
Can you imagine what it would be like to be a parent and have their
children die that way, at the hands of their own government? Because of your religion?
And the FLIR clearly showed the gunfire came from agents. And that the few
shots fired by the Davidians were fired in self defense.
And here I said I might have voted for you. Because in almost every way I
can tell, you're a decent man, a family man, with the kind of family and life that
suggests you really care about people, and that your service to the government and the
citizens who are your constituents... as a Senator, every American... that your service is
a genuine expression of your love for people and this nation.
And then I look at the films and reports of Waco, and shake my head once
If there's anything I learned from my training, it's to look for
Prince - Money
Don't Matter Tonight
The inconsistencies began when a bird Colonel from the Pentagon - a
teacher of mine - told us in class that the U.S. has the moral high-ground in the world
because it only uses military force to defend democracy and in defense of the nation.
It made sense. That would be the appropriate time to use force. And it
can't be like a policeman or authority saying - do it or we'll destroy you.
It's the governments who are the enablers of those who seek to
pervert it.
The citizens don't go overseas and steal the resources of other nations.
We train people here to love the environment and hate the idea of oil drilling because of
the harm on the environment, but we don't seem to have a problem being angry with the
nations - the Arab States, Venezuela or any other nation - who expect to be paid a fair
price for the resources God gave them as a nation and people as their stake in the world
at the expense of their environment.
And even, who, upon accommodating the thirst of our industrial
over-indulgences and generation of needless desire, they supply us the oil and support we
request, time and time again, generation after generation... and we have repaid them by
plundering their lands.
That, and people with egos who believe they can overcome the forces that
have ruled and enslaved the world since before the time of Christ by being in their
elected places, all the while never "defeating the forces of evil", and in fact,
find themselves in the position of acting in the same manner as those who are gaining from
their crimes in order to maintain positions that end up causing a perpetual draw.
The good guys end up committing crimes to compete and maintain the line
while waiting for the savior, whoever that may be. And they even know who it might be, and
still suffer to save their lives, instead of saving themselves by risking their lives.
Once again demonstrating the holographic nature of existence... the idea that what you do
for the least of them... rippling out from me, from my perspective, to the rest of the
nation and thousands if not millions and billions of others suffering because of a
diabolical, selfish and evil plan by those who wish to be God, but are not fit to be the
minions of snakes.
As Jesus said, you can not do anything but honor anyone who would give
their life for the life of another... before he was crucified... even if you don't agree
with the cause or the methods. It's the same as loving - and respecting your enemies.
Knowing there is some reason that caused them to become your enemy. Because if that reason
can simply be acknowledged, then there is a possibility for the resolution of any problem.
It's not about appeasement or even compromising. It's about allowing.
Allowing the needs of others to be just as important as your own. Allowing that the
religions and beliefs of all people, even atheists, are important in order to provide,
consider and generate the entirety and the wholeness of the cosmos.
A problem is the description of a situation that can't be resolved as far
as I'm concerned... and in my world, I don't see why anything can't be resolved when
people actually choose to resolve something. I am but a traveler on the wheel as you are.
And it was truly never my intent to convict any one person, except for their hearts,
whether you consider what I do to be religious or simply the responsible acts of a
citizen. To me there is no difference.
Because if there was ever one message that Jesus brought us as the great
teacher and prophet and example is that the most powerful thing in the universe is truth.
And when there is truth, everything is possible. Everything.
When you look at the case of Waco, Ted Kozinski aka the Unabomber, Ruby
Ridge, Ira Einhorn, Charles Manson, Sirhan Sirhan, Cho, Hinckley... and who attacked
George Harrison? And let's not forget Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of John F.
Kennedy.... The Oklahoma City Bombings, and the tragedy of September 11, 2001...
When you look at all of these events, when you understand what these
people were speaking of and the efforts they were undertaking in their lives... there is
one similarity that cannot be overlooked. Every one of these people was driven to an
extreme. And they all present symptoms of
attacks that caused them to "pop" and do what their "handlers"
caused them to do. Most of them, and/or their attackers, are people who were
forwarding new ideas of spirituality and consciousness that was consistent to delivering
the promise of God's plan for the Kingdom.
When you know the truth, you know I am telling the truth.
The truth is the last thing thing these people, the real
'evil-doers", the "body of the anti-Christ".. the truth is the last thing
they want you to know.
I look at my own case and think of all the things the Psyops guys have
tried to get me to do... and being the curious person I am, and after I figured out they
were trying to set me up to do something stupid... I'd go along with everything up until
the point of breaking the law or committing an act of any sort that would actually be
against my fundamental principles. And I was amazed at the kinds of things these people
would put into your head. And there really was a moment when I simply couldn't help
noticing that what I was feeling simply wasn't what I felt.
And thanks to the members of the tinfoil hat club who have been suffering
for years and years... truly suffering, knowing they were being harmed and destroyed bit
by bit, tortured with pain... I survived, and learned a great deal of how to endure as
well as to recognize the symptoms of Psychotronic and electronic weapon attacks... as well
as subliminals and such on TV, some that I can and can not prove... all of which is why I
say that
is the single most important issue in this election.
And each time they made strides in informing me, their attacks increased,
and the numbers of those being attacked and recognizing the symptoms increased. And my
knowledge became such that I recognize the symptoms of these attacks in the faces and
bodies and behaviors of people everywhere I go. Even in those who resist it and attempt to
do the right thing and assist others despite the harm done to themselves.
I wrote the other night of two women... one who is a target of
who wakes up bleeding from the vagina... her doctor tells her to stop having rough sex.
She lives alone, and, like most victims, is someone reclusive.
Another woman reported the same problem in San Diego... and wherever she
moved to to escape her torment... and says these things don't happen now that the implant
has been removed from the base of her spine.
And there's a woman in Portland with the same problem...
When people attempt to get medical care or try to have these things
removed, they are systematically diagnosed as psychotic, delusional or schizophrenic....
despite the abundance of evidence that the technology exists, the Psyops against American
citizens is occurring, and the undeniable fact that the United States Government has full
knowledge of the use of these weapons, and has before and since the Church Committee
hearings that were supposed to have put an end to such sick and twisted activities by our
So, for anyone to dare claim that these devices are being used in humane,
positive ways must be at least a liar. At least.
The people who are subjected to this sort of treatment have been
appropriately seeking governmental assistance for decades, and their numbers are global
and increasing.
The use of these devices will either succeed in effecting global mind
control, or presents the possibility of sudden and catastrophic event that leads to
martial law and war.
Because as far as I can tell, the bulk of the United States Government is
being held hostage by individuals who are either coercing elected officials with the
threat of exposure of illegal or illicit acts that were set up in the first place in order
to control those elected officials.
Further, that those who refuse to comply with the directives of the
shadow government are targeted with Psychotronics, directed energy weapons and
psychotropic drugs such that (gee, suddenly I'm getting zapped, what a surprise)... they
are killed or suffer life threatening accidents.
Recent examples would be Senator Ted Kennedy, Robert Novak, Ariel Sharon,
Yasser Arafat, Patrick Kennedy, Lou Dobbs, Keith Olbermann... maybe even Stephen
Colbert... Maybe Tim Russert and many others... I have a long list of people who appear to
have been harmed because they attempted to assist me in some way or another... or
attempted to reveal truth... since early in my life... and it is no coincidence when you
have the patterns and evidence I can provide myself.... and authorities at the appropriate
And it has been my opinion for quite some time that the only reason George
W. Bush has not been impeached is because it would expose at least the acquiescence if not
complicity of Congress in crimes against this nation. The trail of evidence is easy to
But of course, to reveal that those who assist me may be in danger is yet
another perfect dialectic to terrorize people, and prevent me, and all of you, from taking
action out of fear for our lives, which are being destroyed, because we choose to live
with the predictability of tyranny, instead of risking our lives for freedom...that we
long for, pray for , yearn for, and expect someone else to secure as if we have no
responsibility to claim it and stand for it ourselves. Elected officials, true to their
oaths and commitments, would be the leaders in that
Is it better dead than red, or better read than dead?
Todd Rundgren - Hiroshima
It is also my belief that the people involved in this have likely
threatened, and would not hesitate to instigate another attack against the citizens of the
United States, just as it is likely that they instigated the recent conflict between
Georgia and Russia in order to revive the fear tactic of the threat of war with Russia,
the evil Empire as we have been told/lied to for so many years.
The United States should be thankful at the prudence, restraint and
courage of Vladimir Putin in being the strong man of his nation at this time in history,
as well as in placing a check on the forces of the United States Military that have been
hijacked to pursue a truly diabolical and generational pursuit of global domination by
force. It truly is the story told in the end of days for the anti-Christ to establish the
Kingdom of God without God.
Until the day that someone comes along and outs an end to it....
I don't know about you, Joe, but I've been watching and they've been showing
an awful lot of footage showing how the people everywhere in the world are
tired of governments that plunder, kill, intimidate and give their resources away to other
people to get wealthy. And if something isn't done about it soon, people are just going to
rise up... and Joe, this is prophecy, it will become violent, and I don't care how
many prison camps are set up by Halliburton to contain people who refuse to comply with a
tyrannical government, the American people, and the citizens of the world, outnumber the
"shadow government"... and the idea that these people believe they can get away
with this is true proof of their own delusional psychosis. It's just true.
The problem is, they're counting on violence form the citizens or a
terrorist act or a military conflict... instigated by them.. to justify lockdowns in the
United States, or anywhere in the world. These people are so delusional, they believe they
can defeat God. They really do. So the important thing is to not give them a reason.
These people don't miss a trick. The other day when I was angry and saying
so, justifiably so, I was thinking about the note I sent out to Focus on Family about how
my name was actually pronounced like RAIN, not wren, and that if they wanted REHN of
Biblical proportions, I was their guy. I said I was thinking about praying with them... :}
Anyway, then I jokingly said, "Ok George, bring on the chemtrails." And sure
enough there were chemtrail yesterday and today. They'll probably say I prayed for
rain, or they'll try to say that I'm responsible for the hurricane in Florida and Katrina
and all kinds of stuff, including harassing CNN with telepathy, which is crazy, given that
I didn't even know I was being psyOped and surveiled and ... I don't know, what do you
call being abused by my government?
Talk about plausible deniability. I don't really even believe my web site
is on line. :}
I figure Project Bluebeam was supposed to be the technology that would
allow the world to be informed that I was around, under much different circumstances. They
thought if they emulated the prophecies in the Bible, that people would believe that the
"Messiah" they presented to the world would be accepted, and they would cause
prophecy to occur, and then they'd have their "anti-Christ dictator" and would
have duped the world.
Now, if that technology were used, people would think it was the great
conspiracy of the anti-Christ.....
If you look at the situation in the United States, how the laws were
structured and the responsibilities of each department and segment of government,
including the military, are set up, the most logical resolution to the situation would be
to have the military and intel agencies seize the government and declare martial law until
order could be restored and kept, and until fair elections were held.
The problem there is that the government - these shadow government people
- have successfully disinformed people such that if the military were to do such a thing,
people would think it was the forces of the "anti-Christ" and would rebel
against it.
This dialectic goes further: if the military still decided to fulfill its
responsibilities and seize the government, the Bush Administration has not so covertly
contracted the services of Blackwater as its private army and covert operations force, and
is ready to act against the military in sufficient numbers to produce a great number of
casualties, as well as the risk of severe Psychotronic attack as well as tactical nuclear
and neutron attack., or random acts of terrorism.
It should be noted that the movement of Joe Lieberman to the McCain camp
is pretty clearly the way that the Council on Foreign Relations is keeping a watch dog on
John McCain, particularly when he is being hit with Psychotronics, causing him to speak
inaccurately and appear forgetful.
I have also witnessed Barack Obama who must have been being hit with
severe attacks such that he could barely function, such that Michelle had to magnificently
speak for him, and then she became the focus of personal attacks, and I would not doubt,
attacks and/or threats on their family.
And frankly, Joe, it seems you've gone along with things that are
inconsistent with everything you've ever seemed to stand for. And I just don't think
you're that good of a bad actor.
It should be noted and made clear that, if you hadn't noticed, the Obama
campaign became totally surrounded by the Clintons and their regime after the Clinton
campaign appeared to fail. I say appeared because it's my belief that the people backing
the Clintons knew who I was, knew my agendas, my "responsibilities", and my true
belief in everything I say.... and decided to design a dialectic to take advantage of the
knowledge I've acquired over the years to bust these people and this government and
to set up Barack Obama to look like the anti-Christ or the Messiah, depending on how
things worked out... and meantime, fully discredit me as unworthy to drive a car, let
alone run a country or fulfill the purpose driven life that God has given me the privilege
to fulfill.
And, to disinform the public such that Biblical Prophecy would appear to
be unfulfilled by my being, because nothing will be as it was prophesied. Of course, you
have been taught to believe that the prophecies would absolutely occur. The truth is, they
were warnings that they would occur... that Armageddon and so much more would occur... if
humanity continued on the path it was traveling down.
And, fortunately for us all, God said that He would intervene and
"shorten the days" when He just couldn't take seeing any more of the lies and
deceptions and carnage.... that day, that proverbial moment of truth has come. It is now.
It's not something that can be dealt with in a few years, or through incremental change. We
either take this on and deal with it now, or we will lose the opportunity do anything
about it later.
And we can not expect that the leaders of other nations will sit idly by
while waiting for Americans to take control of their government. It is clear that our
government believes it has successfully positioned itself to assert the absolute control
it desires, and it is not concerned with the number of people it injures or kills. The
proof is in the 200 plus wars we have been engaged in since the establishment of the
United States.
The proof is in the participation of Democrat Max Cleeland in being a
principal writer of the Patriot Act BEFORE September 11, 2001. The proof is in the absurd
profits of the oil companies while citizens are struggling to make ends meet, and while
our children's bodies and minds are destroyed while these people secure oil fields - not
to supply us with oil - but to assure that they can threaten the entire world with a
cutoff of oil supplies if they do not comply with their demands to bow to the military and
economic power stolen from the citizens of Americans and many other countries.
Now, Joe, anybody can have clear eyes, that's what Visine is for.
Actually, even that doesn't work anymore.:} Ask Christopher Hitchens... and while you're
at it, ask him about the
Trials of
Henry Kissinger. Or tell America about how John Negroponte was the envoy with
plausible deniability who oversaw the disappearance and deaths of so many people in South
America to accommodate the installation of government "leaders" who would go
along with the oppression of their own people - by bribe or by gunpoint.
Official Site
And let's tell the truth about Venezuela. Karl Rove thinks I'd go to
Venezuela because he knows the Machiavellian rule about how if you need to accomplish
something and you have two "enemies" in front of you, the thing to do is to
cause them to fight and weaken each other and do the fighting for you, and then when it's
over, you take over. Like our politicians dividing us over issues that aren't often the
most important issues anyway. Things like air cuts, shoes...
Karl knows that Hugo Chavez would probably love to supply me with a staff
full of attorneys to take my legitimate evidence and thousands of corroborating witnesses
to court against the government and the corporations. But the time that would take would
mean the United States would come under tyranny before anything could be done, and they
would control the courts anyway, so that would be a moot point.
So the only thing thing that could be done would be to go South of the
border, talk to everybody down there and convince them to convince the U.S. shadow
government to comply with THEIR rules... good, fair rules.. or the U.S. would be cut off.
In other words... strangely enough... whether I got involved or not, because they're not
stupid either... the domino theory would have to be applied against the United States in
order to contain our despotic leaders... it's just the same way we've done it to other
nations for generations.
We don't want the Russians involved with our internal affairs because the
government keeps insisting on telling us that the Russians, whom we have harmed greatly,
and not for a good cause, have been amazingly restrained in their responses to us.
We don't want China involved, because they are pretty ruthless, and why
would they want to do something to start a World War? They have their own problems.
Besides, they've never really liked us. They had their walls up long ago when Nixon opened
up trade to China, to contain their own people, but also to protect themselves against a
hostile world that they created with their own empires long ago.
Even more, now, they know these financiers and business people who have
started all the wars and catastrophes over the centuries. They allowed these financiers to
invest in their nation, deliver technology, steal it and bribe officials to deliver the
most classified materials to them through Buddhist Temples and other covert means with
plausible deniability... maybe actors or reporters moving around the world.
Meanwhile, our leaders, fully in line with these plans, got huge sums of money over time
for their treason.
James Taylor - Carry
Me On My Way
The Chinese plan is clearly to get all they can from these companies as
quickly as possible, then nationalize all of their businesses, and leave the financiers
broke. The financiers think they're going to "buy off" the Chinese. The Waterloo
of the American traitors is happening before your eyes, whether you see it or not.
And the problem is, unless we get things under control quickly and expel
these traitors from our midst, the backlash from all the Waterloos going on around the
world are going to harm the American people. Canada too. Canada is in the hip pocket of
the U.S. Government/Shadow Government/New World Order.
And the drug wars along the border of Mexico. Call it civil war. They know
the United States is setting the stage to control the Mexican oil fields too. And that
their elected officials are selling out. Just like much of South America, the drug
cartels appear to actually be resistance movements funding their operations against
corrupt governments with the sale of drugs... just like the CIA.
We've taught our enemies to fight us well using the same methods we use.
And our corrupt leaders know it, so, just like the Bible says, they're getting desperate
and speeding things up.
What did the invasion of Russia, caused by U.S. infiltrators do? They
provided the U.S. the excuse to supposedly scare Poland into allowing us to install
patriot and other defensive missile systems in their country. Now, why does Poland need a
defensive missile system? And remember, a missile defense system can easily be targeted as
an offensive weapon? Well, now we say it's because of Russia.
Russia says that the military operations of the Georgians were reminiscent
of how Germany attacked Russia in World War II through the caucuses. Countries like
Poland, in the so-called Eastern Block, that were provided to Russia by the U.S. and
England as a geographic buffer against attacks from countries like.. the United States.
Not long ago it was supposedly because of the Iranian threat. The last
thing Iran wants is a war, let alone nuclear war. The United States manipulated Iran and
Iraq into a war that was devastating to both nations.
Crosby, Still & Nash - Find
the Cost of Freedom
And all the mass graves supposedly caused by Hussein massacring his
people... alot of people died in the Iraq-Iran war, not to mention the Gulf War in 1991.
Where do you think they were buried?
Besides, Iranians actually like the American people, and many of the
American ways of life and technologies. Iranians are not Arabs, they're Persian.
When America declared them part of the Axis of Evil , what were they to
do? They didn't declare war on the United States. We declared war on them. And Iran has a
right to defend itself. We say we do, why don't they? Since the United States proved that
the only deterrent to its desire for military domination was nuclear weapons, Iran had no
choice to develop, or appear to develop, nuclear weapons in order to stand the U.S. off.
What choice did they have?
Meanwhile as a backup plan to this dialectic. they knew that if we
attacked Iran, there was a great probability that Saudi Arabia would use Chinese nuclear
weapons to defend them. After all, Saudi Arabia's people are being killed and maimed
by the effects of depleted uranium too. Just like our own troops who are exposed to it
while in combat.
Russia's been trying to help Iran, but knows that if they were to directly
intervene, our leaders would once again revive the cold war and might use it as an excuse
to start a world war.
Further, the "Russian invasion of Georgia" gave Russia
theoretical control of vital oil fields - thus protecting Europe from disruptions caused
by the United States - and sent a message to the United States that it was not going to be
allowed to use the former Eastern Block nations to launch an offensive war in the Middle
East and against Russia, who is protecting the Middle Eastern nations... and at the same
time preserving a geographical buffer zone between itself and the places from which such
an attack would most likely be launched.
Meanwhile, surprise surprise... this will explain Lebanon, from whence
Armageddon was supposedly going to come from... and which Israel wanted to disrupt...
Syria will protect Israel and the Holy Lands with nuclear weapons they have had for a very
long time in order to protect the Palestinians.
If you look at Zbigniew Brzezinski's chess board - the guy masterminding
all of this - the guy on Obama's staff and the "founding director" of the
Council on Foreign Relations.... the world has America surrounded. And the only thing that
can save us from these despots is to stop them. The ones in OUR government.
The question is, how? Because they have the big weapons. They control the
money. They control the media. And we don't want them to have an excuse to declare martial
law. They've been printing money at the Fed and handing it out like candy, because they
know their days are numbered, and they think they can take it with them and bankrupt us at
the same time.
Or, as dialectics go... if they succeed in securing this nation, they'll
change the currency themselves, as Lou Dobbs has been reporting about the North American
Union and the institution of a new currency... they'll get a great exchange rate.
Meanwhile, you may have been buying up gold just in case the economy
collapses? They have a plan for that too. They're going to certify their gold as the gold
that is exchangeable as precious and therefore of value. Yours will be good for things
like "costume jewelry".
Even if everything goes awry, the bottom line is to force you into
compliance with their plans. And that means total dependence on the government. And if you
don't comply, one way or another they'll kill you.
They've killed millions and millions of people over the generations while
citizens have believed their lies, grown sick from their foods and drugs and chemicals...
Given the evidence, there's no reason to believe these people would not
kill us outright because they know they're cornered, their days are numbered, and they
don't have a great many options on places to go. Except, George's new place in Paraguay,
supported by Blackwater's security.
Anyone can have clear eyes... having a clear conscience is much more
important, in my opinion.
That's why some people need to step forward and tell the truth, expose
what's going on in this country so that our nation will, in fact, be saved. And it has to
be done in a way that does not incite violence. And the people who are the true criminals
must be expelled and dealt with.
I always said that I'd go anywhere, anytime to do what it takes to make
things work. That's not courageous or staging, that's a commitment. It's my job. But I see
no one whom I trust, or have reason to trust, to assist me, let alone lead.
I want to be president.
This is not a simple expression of my desire to do it for the fun of it,
although I believe I will enjoy it. It is an expression of my commitment to causing
something truly greater than myself, with my first responsibility being to the creation,
second, the United States as the anointed nation at this time, and to the world. To the
world because the United States was intended to be the New World, the nation being the
result of generations of cultural development and evolution such that it would evolve into
a shining example of what God's plan could accomplish if it was observed.
Frankly, the leaders of this nation failed miserably. The people, the
citizens, have not. They kept the faith. Politicians and bankers have reaped the rewards.
One way or the other, everyone's self-interests were served - except the citizens who pay
for the service. That entire mentality was fostered in cultures and nations, and it was no
accident. Nor is it an accident that I'm here typing into a computer, still believing in
that American Dream, refusing to surrender and wondering, if all this wasn't true, why
would I be doing it?
Michael Tomlinson - Still
Because there's something beautiful about the idea of a world where people
figured out it was about work, but also it was about getting to the point where it was all
All this selfish nonsense and endangering people has to end, and it has to
end now.
You know that I know how to stage events, and since I've been forced to
engage you all as if it's some kind of board game... I'm really bored with the game, and
I'm tired of watching people play games while people are suffering, our nation is on the
brink of collapse, and some shady people are crawling around thinking they can always
figure out a new angle. And I've always wanted to check out South America, but this is my
home. And I refuse to be evicted, and if I am, I'll come back. And back, and back, and
And if people aren't willing to do what's necessary, somehow, I will, in
my own way. And you know I refuse to lower myself to your level.
So I have my web site. You guys have the power. Sort of. They always say
that politicians will try to do everything... and then do the right right thing only when
they have to.
You have to. God is in control. The proof is that you're either reading
this or hearing it or something. People simply aren't going to put up with it much longer.
I want to be president because I want the authority, not just the
responsibility. I want to direct traffic, and get things rolling again without getting
anyone killed. I want to move toward the goals that many people were trying to accomplish
on behalf of God since this nation was created. And I want to do it in a way so that it
makes sense to people, not because they're been trained, suppressed or indoctrinated.
People are smart. That's why you've failed.
My stepfather George was the least literate person I've met. He taught me
a great deal, despite his faults. Things I can't imagine having learned any other way. But
the brutality was unnecessary. And it was all part of what I understood, but can not
condone, nor will I stand and tolerate it any longer. And if it takes a national stay at
home strike, I'm sure it could be accomplished in time... and then you'd really have
problems on your hands because of the critical mass that would be generated.
The prospect of these people to destroy this country, or a part of
this world, or the records of their activities should be enough to cause the whole world
to refuse to cooperate or participate with the evil you people spread.
And that's why the time is now for people to stand up and be counted..
leaders who can cause the New World... as a choice, not a requirement or as an option. And
I'm not willing to be made into a spectacle, nor will I allow this deception to continue.
I am not willing to join a political party, because I don't' care about
such direct affiliations and I have no intention of taking sides.
I have no desire to join any given church, but I hope to be welcome to
participate with all. And you just really have to understand that I am absolutely in favor
of separation of church and state.
When I was a little kid, my biggest sin was blasphemy. When my sisters
forced me to go to church, I'd steal some cigarettes and go out on the country road in
Scotts Valley in the hills and smoke and curse God for forcing me to do something I didn't
want to do when I didn't feel like it.. to me, that was going to church on my day off when
I didn't feel like it. I worked 6 days a week, and still had to feed animals and bring in
firewood and other chores on Sundays. But it was my day off. And as long as I wasn't
forced, I loved church. So I have no desire to create a theocracy other than one than
includes all. And I desire a government that understands that its job is to serve the
logistical interests of its citizens and beings of all kinds.
And if that isn't glamorous enough for you, go to Hollywood. And can we
please have some movies that aren't about sex and blowing things up? I mean, I enjoy Burn
Notice, but do we really want to be teaching people to make sticky bombs on TV?
So, Joe, I just remembered this is to you...
Whaddya gonna do Joe? And everybody?
And to anyone who's truly guilty... are we really going to be forced into
doing a Waco on you? And if you think you're going to implement Rex 84... good luck.
You're surrounded.
What are you going to do to assist me to make things easier, or what are
you going to do to cause people to want to "rip your heads off"? And Karl, I
think you're really clever, but I think it's time for you and Poppy to get run out on that
rail you were talking about long ago.
I think I've made my point. And I'll only say that I will not be stopped.
Because God is on my side. He is in control. And he understands passive aggressive
behavior, and he's using it on you now to let you dig the holes deeper and deeper and
That was Him talking. He is the boss. Make no mistake about it. You think
I don't feel a little weird writing this stuff? But it's undeniable, isn't it? Walter
Carlos - Sinfonia To Canatata #29 is playing. Probably means something :}
I think I've made my point, Joe. And I don't really want to go to
Venezuela for these reasons. But I will. But there's this song about stopping by a church
along the way... and that would be kind of fun too, except that apparently California
isn't a safe place for me.. what can I say?
I think 53 years in prison is enough, and you disobeyed the part about not
pissing me off. Sorry about the language. I'm just going to shake my head and call this
one finished.
Make some choices. Let me know. I got some music to listen to.
One more thing.. you can't change America.. that inspired me. And you know
know, you can't. Because America is a spirit of its own, the beautiful nation of beautiful
souls and beautiful ideals that are within us, and cannot be denied regardless of the
oppression we face. America doesn't need to be changed. It simply needs to be allowed to
be what it is. And I'm here to give it permission to be so.
It was a mistake to think that the American people are weak and stupid....
and interestingly, reflects your own true characters and self-perceptions. We are not like
you shadow government people. We're tired of your stuff.
Prince - New
Power Generation
What's below are some responses to some "interrogations" that
occurred while writing this. I didn't want these things to detract form the point of this
letter, but I think they are valid points of discussion, so I'll leave them below.
And that, of course, was the importance of reading the Bible my mother
gave me. And sure, the idea of an Era of Reconciliation and atonement was the right thing
(mind you, even me explaining this is a potential setup to claim I am a false prophet)...
came from the footnotes of the Concordance of that Bible.
To which I'll say, if it was that obvious, why wasn't anybody doing it? I
mean, I know other people who are calling for what I'm calling for, but for some reason,
they're not hooked up with what appears to be some kind of direct connection to...
people... I can think of a hundred ways it could be done, but none of them are good or
justifiable... still, here I am pleading for the lives of innocent, not wanting ill will
to come upon anyone, and yet, you wanted a world with true choice, with a few simple rules
and a request to leaders from time to time, in visions and impulses to people like George
Washington, trying to give them gentle guidance in order to cause or prevent the course of
If God had a plan for my life,
- Searching So Long I have to believe now that it is occurring as it sort of always
seemed it would... that all of my experiences would give me the ability and the compassion
to take everyone and everything into consideration... it's been hell and it's been
wonderful, and in truth I feel pain, but I don't regret it so long as the plan can be
fulfilled, because it really is a beautiful plan that doesn't really require so much
change as much as simple equality really. And as for me, what is, is, what happened,
happened... what can I do about that other than to fulfill the goals I not only was meant
to endeavor to achieve, but have been a part of my heart ever since I can remember? Things
that are worth doing. Things I always hoped I could do.
And if only for the logic and the outcry from the citizens of the world,
it is clear the time is now, it is clear, at least to me at this time, that it is the time
I was prepared to shape and inform and reset a few things to a point where people are
allowed to be people, and love each other and not be afraid, and not be living in survival
And the only thing that will allow that is for people to be allowed to
understand what God had in mind so that we can do it. Because it makes sense. Not because
I say "I'm the Son of Man" with lots of echo, fireworks and supernatural
activity. I figure part of the reason I wasn't supposed to develop my skills was because
God really needs for people to choose.. and if some guy came along doing all these
wonderful things and saving the world, people wouldn't think about what it would take to
make a world that works...
This is about truth... as individuals, as families, as communities, as
states, as nations, and regions and the universe... this is about trusting God... this is
about remembering that the Bible said I would not be what people are expecting, regardless
of the fact that the Bible said it would be true...
This isn't about creating a world where everyone walks around saying God
Bless You all day long. I mean, I definitely have my moments where I'm filled with the
spirit... like right now... I hadn't planned to talk about all these things tonight...
it's part of why I know I'm right about me.. because I try to write a little story to
exemplify something, and it takes non-linear bits and pieces that can only be explained by
all sorts of overt and covert influences... it's why when I read that stuff about
the Illuminati thinking they had to not only rely on divine - what, imbuement? - but also
shaping the ideals and views of this person - me - cause I was me when they got their
mitts on me, and I'm still me, a little worse for the wear, but not wavering in any way in
my faith or belief that I had a special purpose. I knew it deep inside. And that's why I
actually worked on my self to make sure that I allowed my life to happen, and not to try
to second guess all the things that happened. Still. If you do the kinds of sick things
that are done to me, it's hard for me to imagine what is done to other people, because the
reports I've seen inform me that many others are suffering more than me.
And that's why it all simply has to stop now. And some people need to step
forward and do the right thing. Scott McClellan got the ball rolling with his book
"What Really Happened". I applaud him for that because it took courage. And I
hope that it brought him the comfort he deserves for his disclosures. And no, I didn't
read the book and I don't need to. What's more important for him and his family is that he
cleared his conscience, and I'm sure respecting certain appropriate confidentialities, he
told what he believed were key things that he believed made a case or exposed a paradigm
or mode of operation. And if he didn't, shame on him. See, that's the thing. people need
to make a choice.
And I sure hope we don't end up with a whole lot of politicians writing
puff-piece books to scoop some cash off the "expose" book market to cover the
crimes being exposed. That too would end up being grounds for RICCO.
It's like T. Boone Pickens. I haven' read his plans, I don't need to. He
deserves credit if the only thing he does is inform people that there are other choices
that can be made, and he deserves credit for that. Even if his ideas aren't "the
ideas", I know that he knows he helped to ignite a conversation that's been needed
for a long time. And of course "his" ideas should be fully considered and
factored in.
As a president, you don't do the work, you empower people to do what's
inside them to do, and the ability to do that is more important than any personal skills.
And you make decisions about the priorities and the methods of implementation. And you
lead with good ideas and forethought, so that Congress can see the possibilities and take
them on as their own...
That's why I like Mitt Romney. He's a CFR member. I don't know what he's
had a hand in or what he's agreed to, but he sure appears to be a good administrator - and
I think Mormons are pretty cool, actually. A lot of good family values. What is it, Monday
dinner.. what a great idea. A tradition that keeps families in touch with each other.
Pretty simple. Don't like the rest of what they believe, go to another church. Or watch a
televangelist. Or eat cookies.
And sure, like John Edwards, I care that something happened that caused
him to go off the path.
I also know what Psychotronics can do, and how they're used to set people
up to do things they wouldn't normally do. So I don't know the truth about that situation,
but I do know that because I haven't been "outed", people are getting hurt to
try to keep people silent.. and I caught it when John Edwards passed the message on to me
"I Believe In You"... and then things happened.
Like with Spitzer, a guy I've had on my mind to be attorney general for
years... and that list goes on and on... and the only way it's going to stop is for me to
be known and seen for who I am, what I stand for, and be allowed to do my job.. that I so
want to do.
But I will be beholden to no one. And that's my job too. And I simply
refuse, at this point, with what I have endured and learned and known, to be denied the
opportunity to serve God and the promise for the world he wants us all to have. And there
simply isn't anything else I really have to say about it all.
Or as my buddy Forrest Gump would say - That's all I have to say about
Jim Croce - I
Got A Name
9/5/2008 - Given what's in the original letter , are you going to say you know
nothing about this as well?
Osborne - Is It Right?
In an interview with, national security expert Thomas Heneghan said American intelligence
officials have evidence that Tenet took a $38 million dollar bribe to resign so the White
House could blame the 9-11 attacks on faulty CIA intelligence.
Heneghan said Tenet and his family are currently being protected by U.S. intelligence,
while also revealing that Fitzgerald has granted the former CIA Director transactional
immunity in exchange for his testimony against the White House.
The evidence of Tenets bribe was discovered by federal investigators who said the
money was laundered through Volksbank in Basel, Switzerland which also has links to
deceased Bush family associate Leonard Millman and his former controversial partner,
Indian Casino Jack Abramoff, according to Heneghan.
The intelligence whistleblower told us that evidence implicating former Deputy
Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas
Feith for violations of the Federal Espionage Act under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 793 is
currently before Fitzgeralds grand jury.
Wolfowitz and Feith are agents of a foreign government, operating
in the Bush administration to create spin as members of the secret White House Iraq
Group, said Heneghan, adding they violated elements of the Espionage Act and
bypassed the CIA in passing national security information to Israel.
The assertions raise serious questions as to why the House and Senate are continuing to
fail the American people by permitting spies to operate in the Pentagon, why President
Bush would appoint agents of a foreign government to the Defense Department with access to
military secrets, mission planning and technologybut also whether Congress is
obstructing justice and condoning treason by the White House.
Plame team discovered attempt to plant WMD in Iraq
Heneghan told that Valerie Plames CIA group used the cover of
Brewster-Jennings Energy Company to investigate the weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) issue in Iraq and how Turkey could have been used as an invasion pivot point using
troops coming from the north and south that may have prevented the insurgency if they
swept through quicklyand the firefights would have been prevented at the Baghdad
airport, where many Americans lost their lives.
Plame and her team discovered and interdicted an attempt to plant WMD by Mossad agents,
masking themselves as Israeli military officers working unofficially in Baghdad with the
United States Military Central Command and known as the J2X Joint Intelligence Liaison,
according to the federal whistleblower.
Heneghans intelligence sources also revealed that former Deputy Secretary of
Defense Paul Wolfowitz was in command and control of the failed operation attempting to
plant the WMD, adding, this was kept secret for the purpose of
discovering the weapons in order to justify the war.
The Pakistan Daily Times reported that retired Navy Lt. Commander and 28 year
Defense Department veteran Nelda Rogers, another Pentagon whistleblower, said the
Bush administrations assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was
based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to 'plant' WMDs inside the
It is not known whether the Fitzgerald grand jury has subpoenaed testimony from the former
U.S. Navy officer, who said the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly
taken out by friendly fire.
These and other revelations raise more questions regarding why House and Senate members
are not subpoenaed by Fitzgerald to publicly testify as to why they are obstructing
justice by permitting the White House to commit treason against the American people.
Reports reveal evidence that either Woodward or Post reporter Walter Pincus is not telling
the truth, since Pincus and Post reporter Glenn Kessler have been questioned in the Plame
investigation; and Woodward claimed to have told Pincus about Plames covert CIA
status, to which Pincus replied, Are you kidding, I certainly would have remembered
In a startling revelation, Heneghan said There are U.S. intelligence files and field
reports which identify Bob Woodward as a deep cover member of the Office of Naval
Intelligence with links to the Israeli Mossad, adding, there are also serious
questions as to why Woodward was the first to obtain the CIA-Valerie Plame leak story and
what role it played in his book which attempted to portray Bush as an
in-command leader.
There are also intelligence files indicating that Woodwards retired boss and
former Washington Post Editor-in-Chief Ben Bradlee is closely linked to the Mossad
and knows the true story of President Kennedys assassination, said Heneghan.