9/24/2008 -
Tail Chasing Hawks - Eagle Dances With The Wind - 01 - Morning Song
Odd, isn't it, the very things that cause me to choose to "let go" are the
very things that empower me to do whatever I believe is necessary... even things I don't
want to do. I'm glad, though, that these guys keep trying to "push me to
extremes", and all I do is get more creative... :} I don't even know why I bother,
right now.
Nonetheless... cats eating birds... I'm beginning to dislike the idea of
holographic cosmotic projection... with psychotronics, it seems like a big setup anyway,
and certainly isn't of God.
Ya know, I have a couple of books that I'm concerned about - whatever happens to me,
they're at least old and beautiful with equally beautiful messages... I don't know how I'd
get them to you because I wouldn't be willing to drop them off... meanwhile, I know that
could sound like a groupie ploy... but it's not.. and I probably won't get them to you,
but I am concerned that they be taken care of regardless of my situation... just one more
detail hanging... But I figure your people know how to take care of old books in basically
perfect condition, circa 1902...
I'm pretty sure I'm going to head south of the border... I'll get me a language tape
from somewhere, a Ham transceiver and just drive along the border... and for the people
who like code so much, I'll write a program to do Morse Code in pig latin... stuff like
that's easy to write :} I can just see Rumsfeld going... so does he mean that, or does he
mean the opposite this time.. and then I'll counter psyop 'em :} I could do that. That
would be fun. Talk about chaos theory... which way WILL the choppers and drones be sent to
preserve the bubble? And if John McCain wants to play the "follow him to the gates of
hell" scenario, let him know I'll be glad to drop him off there, if he knows how to
get there. Cause you know, it really bugs me, this thing about no hell. Sometimes, anyway
That part of it's gonna be better than video games... meanwhile.. I'm really looking
forward to and enjoying writing new stuff for the new rev.. the real For the Love of the
World.. there's not really that much more to write.. though I'm sure I'll find a way to
drag it on .. what was that line... 2 hours longer than you can possibly imagine :}
It's that hope thing. I still keep hoping one of these so called leaders will actually
do the right thing... not necessarily about me... about anything... the good news is, I
truly believe this will be the last hurrah of the financiers.... their end is coming...
they just won't be acceptable anymore, and that's why they'r edoing this mass ripoff. The
problem is, who of our great leaders will be left after we expose the corruption and
acqiescence of nearly every member of the government... hard to imagine. Heer's this guy
they'lll call "religious" talking about absolute separation of church and state,
saying he's who? and establishing the Kingdom of who? :}
Just came across these cuts
Leather Band - Trees For Anna
Uncle Bill - Which Side Are You On
the 1-man Band - Where You From
Personally, even before I was seeking, I would come across sites like this and go,
well, ok, but these folks usually have some pretty interesting things to say on very
complex subjects... and then I read on... and it's amazing where it leads. I think about
having declared the Kingdom of God.. I wonder how many people have done that.. :} Still, I
look at it, laugh, understand th eimplications, laugh some more.. and just know it's the
right thing to do.. and laugh some more ... :} It's like this "column".. I know
how it looks, how it feels.. weird and unusual like a groupie... they've tried to make me
appear as a stalker before :} nonetheless, the way I look at it, with just a mustard seed
of luck in the matter of the world, maybe you'll be one of my groupies one day..
I think maybe while I'm moseying down the coastline, I'll write you a new album, just
for the fun of it. That I'll drop off :} That'd be funny. And your initial responses would
have to include "Do I dare?" :} Just don't do business with Time Warner or
Universal (I'll bet you already do :} Doesn't everyone, one way or another?)
Have a really wonderful time. I don't get to watch much tv anymore... but I'll hit the
stuff on the net soon... you really do a great job, God's lucky to have ya'... Bless ya.
Melissa.. Ephesians 2:7
Anyway.. so I don't know what people know about my private life, it seems
I have no secrets, but that could be a psyop illusion. If I've caused you any embarassment
or difficulty by my enthusiams and such, I profoundly apologize. I don't even know
if you got the letter. I have my doubts. But I know other people are aware of it. So much
for discretion. I figured if I mailed it, I'd at least have that much privacy.
The timing of that sermon was perfect. It was exactly where I was at,
which is not actually comforting.. nonetheless. it doesn't seem tha tanything I do is
private, so I'm gonna fudge a little.. you're incredible. I finally distinguished that the
difference between a sermon and understanding the word of God is the actual study of the
word and not the interpretation. People don't get that I love everyone I meet, even people
I hate :} maybe more, because I have empathy for what may have caused them to adopt those
kinds of ways of being.
Anywy... more importantly... finding you on tv was like having the first
intelligent discussion I've had with another person for years. Hence, my enthusiasm, which
has not waned. I want to assure you that I fully appreciate why someone would learn 20
languages and check out 100 Bibles and all that stuff. it's very cool. That is what
it's about, isn't it, in studying and dwelling on anything to the extent that you reveal
the truth and find freedom in it, and actually find it fun to keep peeling the onion and
finding out that what you discovered as truth one day remains true but is also superceded
by the next revealing and truth provided by deeper understanding and wsdom.. and then,
after a while, you get like the Dali Llama, sor tof laughing at the "beingness"
of human and living nature and art, as well as being empathetic and compassionate abou
tthe reality of the human or being condition. And that's what our government and media
figureheads have lost.
So these folks want to basically force me to either remain in the
legalistic realms as further evidence of my supposed greed and vengeance and all
that, and they have to figure out at some point tha tif they do that, they're really
stupid because I'll beat them easily. Even if I refuse to talk. They'll just claim stuff
about me that will prove their guilt. That would be funny to watch. It actually would. It
would work too. Anyway.. In the long run, as much as they use psychotronics to mess up my
emotions and all, I actually know in the long run that God has already won this battle,
and it's just a matter of time.. but unfortunately, the U.S. and no nation will have
any kind of favored nation status... and I a am going to create the universal church, and
I don' tcare who likes it what they do to try to stop me. Apparently I have nothing better
to do with my time :} Works fo rme. I just hope it works for all the people who are too
scarred and depleted to be able to open their hearts again.
I want it to be clear, regardless of the psychotronics used to defile my
thoughts at times, that I profound respect for you and your commitment, as a person, not
simply because you are such an incredible servant, and yeah, human as we all are. I
respect anyone who will give so much time and love to benefit other people.
One of the things people don't seem to understand about me is that I love
women, men, dogs you name it.. in much the same way, as unique beings.. creatins...
individuals.. you're not supposed to say stuff like that about men, but people these days
equate love with sex... it's kind of like how I view relationships with
people... I believe a solid relationship is more about tender companionship and equality
than all the romantic stuff... and I'm a huge romantic too, but none of that romantic
stuff is about buying or replacing the expression of love, it is the expression of love.
Anyway... that part isn't about you... but it is about the perversion of things like love,
love-making, friendship, the whole thing, and so it's no wonder that people are so
confused about how to relate to one another.
Anyway.. I just wanted to state that for the record, so there wouldn't be
any dounbt amongst those seeking ways to make me seem inappropriate or vile in any way. I
don' tthere's anything wrong with getting excited about someone telling the truth!
Finally, here's a song I hope you'll appreciate.. when I told the
Piro's to take ambiguous lyrics that could be translated in the material and spiritual
palnes (which is what I think they were trying to clue me into:}) ... this Manilow, that
I've always loved, finally sort of fits, not as a love song per se for me,
especially now.. because when I tuned you in I was reading this thing about being
compassed by a woman.. and there you were, providing me the affirmation I needed for
myself that I was not an apostate. And that was huge part of my exceitement as
well. Because I refuse to be that. Abyway, bet you never heard this as a Christian song
before :}
Barry Manilow - Could
It Be the Magic
So, for me the important of this song to you is more about the answers
about answer, or something like that :} And, I just want you to know how proud I am of
you, as if my opinion of you in that way is important.. and I truly, in my heart, pray for
your continued safety and God's Blessings. And someone who truly knows He is a friend.
Now that I listen to it, is it a little mushy, but still maybe it is the
magic starting for all of us, at last.. hmmm? I think so, despite what these crazy people
are doing right now. Let's stick with that interpretation :}
I wonder what Paul McCartney's up to today. :}
I want to call it the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.
A little ostentatious, but it communicates :} Billy Sol could be a guest
speaker, if he doesn't steal my format. Or maybe Father Guido Sarducci :}
I wonder what uncle Nicholas would think of that :} There's a mystery for
I want to talk alot about this, because this is what's at the core of it.
- And Our Feelings
Folks will probably think, once again, this song for me is about romantic
relationships... but it's not. I think one of the thigns I've always been fascinated in
observing is what comprises people being in love... why I've always loved writing
"silly" love songs (and being so embarrassed by the intimacy of those feelings,
which people aren't really supposed to show for fear of being labeled weak or emotional),
capturing those special moments, and wanting to live the kind of life where all of those
qualities are incorporated without burden for the responsibility of caring that much, and
being able to trust another to have the same integrity and true love, concern, for you.
In the holographic sense, in terms of God perfecting Himself in us...
well, it's no wonder that the world has come to the point of withdrawing even when
believing we ar egiving, for the fear and pain that is so often associated with lioving
because of modern pressures and temptations that are foisted upon us by those who
seek profits as the result of our purposeful temptation that we would not even desire
without their urging. And the result is the somewhat empty, hollow feeling where no one is
allowed to go or share... and so we have war, a nation of impoverished because of greed,
and a government that has shown it is not interested in the voice of its citizens... and
it's no wonder. It's a shame, but no wonder.
& Patty - Tears of Joy
And it's all because we're not allowed to feel, we're not allowed to be
human, which is slowly but surely, ever more rapidly tearing away at the very
inalienable God given inherent humanity and being that God granted us the unconditional
loving gift of free will to shape and form through discovery and knowledge of the truth of
this universe and the cosmos we create. Moment by moment, day by day... And
those who were anointed to facilitate this spiritual freedom chose instead to control it
because it did not serve their interests. People need to know and understand that they
must stop talking about freedom, and liberty, and how we've fought and died for it, when
the price for that freedom was already purchased...
People seem to miss the fact that the example of Christ was certainly,
partially, to understand that we have a God who loves us so much that he would sacrifice
His own son if that would prove anything to you... as if you would understand what it
would mean to give your child for the sake of the whole world... but even more, that what
was worth dying for was the opportunity to provide people and beings a way, a simple
way to live in which we could all be served by a concentrix matrix of interests and
choices tha tprovided all things required for all people. And that is the matrix of God.
Which has been temporarily subverted. And that subversion will soon come to an end, and
people and beings will be free to be who and what they are, and lovedby each other for it,
the livings works of art that we are.
Steely Dan's "Only
A Fool Would Say That" talking bout a world where all is free.. isn' tjust
about money and such.. it's about the freedom to be. It' snot about perfection or
austerity. It's about the opportunity to try and fail and try.. becaus ethe fun is always
in creating and completing and knowing tha tyou did it yourself. Ultimately, we just need
to be sure to know that it' simportant to have the integrity to live by the intect of the
rule, because, like the rule of law, there are always ways to rationalize and justify the
betrayal of a promise to be part of a kingdom of such simple rules with so many deep and
truly trranscending inquiries...
All I gotta say for now is that one of the songs I love the best that
illustrates what that means is
- If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free. In all ways, in every way you can imagine to
empower their freedom and expression and joy, set them free. That is the true inquiry for
ourselves, and ourselves toward others. How to set the spirit free, and ahonor the intent
of the unique and speical purposes possible that would be a perfection however they are.
And when people are willing to have that discussion, there will be a space
more worthy of that discussion. Without that discussion, the door appears to remain closed
to the next step in the establishment of the kingdom. And, thus, the greatest currrent
challenge.. In taht conversation, how could one expect us all to open our hearts to God
when we don't truly open out hearts to each other.
If it's true.. a pilgrim is someone in search of a country in which God
would not be ashamed to be called God... how would America, how would anywhere, at this
time, provide such a place for God and His son to be present in order to share all of His
blessings with each of us. He has sought such a place for a great long time, patiently
awaiting the time for His turn to play in the garden. With no place to plant His seeds.
& Patti - Tears of Joy - 10 - Love is the Key
Rundgren - The Very Best - 10 - Love Is the Answer (Utopia)
King - Only Love Is Real
- Stop, Look, Listen
- Abraxas - Samba Pa Ti
- Shaman - 07 - Victory Is Won
Of Power - Bump City - Of The Earth
James & the Shondells - Crystal Blue Persuasion
Wonder - Seasons Of Love
Wonder - Overjoyed - Ribbon In The Sky
Its kind of nice since the cord got cut :}