& Messina - Peace of Mind
I speak to you today by the instruction and with the inspiration and word
of God.
In the beginning, God created a world where He could give us all a world
where we could enjoy the fruits of His labor, as any father would His children. A world
where His children would be given everything they need, the answers to their problems and
the empowerment required to have each and every one of His children be everything and the
best of what they could be.
But His children, as all children, are rebellious and desiring to do
things their own ways, and God understood, and so, upon the completion of His image or
vision of how the world of spirits and beings could be taught to use good judgment, He
sent Jesus into this world to set an example of brotherly love, to give this world
guidelines to work within, all of which would allow and provide everything needed to bring
this world to the establishment of the Kingdom of God, and His Kingdom of Heaven, that He
wanted so much to share, to grant us all equality, and most importantly, to allow us free
will with the knowledge and guidance and leadership to ensure that His plan, His teaching
plan, would fulfill His will.
And He sent you a teacher that He could trust, in a world where He
often asked in His frustration, "Is there no one I can trust?" And there, in
fact , there was no one, and history proves that fact.
God keeps His promises to those who keep theirs.
It is certain that people, corrupt leaders and workers of the anti-Christ,
will say that in this writing, God has forsaken them. God has forsaken no one. All have
forsaken Him. And just as I have said many times, I have no desire to be where I am not
I was born in 1955, and since my birth, I have been compassed about, as my
Father warned us through His prophets who were ignored and chastised and harmed and killed
because people would not accept truth, and because Satan had captured the hearts and minds
of people with temptation.
Yesterday, I heard a story on the news, with a poll included that agreed,
that poor children in schools should be paid money for achieving good grades in their
studies. If money is the only motivation for "doing the right thing", then you
are economically enslaved, because these children are being taught, as you have, that the
only thing that truly matters is material gain, and there is no other reason to achieve
and excel.
God keeps His promises to those who keep theirs.
& Crofts - King Of Nothing
In 2000, I stepped forward to seek the truth of the root of corruption in
the United States and the world, not knowing that I was fulfilling His purpose and vision
for me, becoming aware and fully taking on His purpose for me, His son, the one He
promised you all, the one He prophesied that you would ignore and harm, and claim that a
prophet, not Christ, was among you, in order to justify your own selves for failing Him,
and to be able to blame anyone and everyone else for what has happened to you, especially
Him, so that you could continue your unjust and unrighteous ways with a clear conscience.
What fools.
The United States Government, as all empires, have chose to
suppress, harm and kill me, just as they did Jesus, to get even with God for denying them
the right to harm and injure others, to cause suffering and to rob the citizens of this
world of their money, dignity, self-respect and self-esteem, and have without your
consciousness, fully enslaved you in every way, selling you hope as a product without
substance, the ultimate con game with no intent to deliver anything to anyone except what
was necessary to steal you blind.
The Administration of Barack Obama, the false prophet, is the perfect
example of this.
Some will say that Satan has won, that he is the king of this world, but
that will only be true if people have chosen it and allowed it because it is easier to go
along to get along, rather than stand up for what's right.
All this time , I have waited for the one person in this world who would
be willing to stand up for me on His behalf.
Until 2002, I did this as a citizen, hoping to find and then denied the
opportunity to create a community of people who desired the same kind of world I
sought to provide without judgmentalism and with the love in their hearts to know that no
one is perfect, but all had something wonderful and beautiful to offer and become if they
would choose to live in such a community with integrity and responsibility, and that if we
would simply acknowledge and commit ourselves to that kind of world, that it would be
possible and bountiful.
To this day, I have found only one person who appeared to be willing to
put himself on the line to do God's work. And, like me, I don't even know if he knew he
was attempting to fulfill God's purpose for Him or not.
Preston - That's the Way God Planned It
And I hold him blameless for the failure of his attempt to assist me,
because it was the work of Satan that interfered and prevented he and I from achieving the
And he died, knowing that He had served God as he promised, as a willing
servant, willing and able to look God in the face, and be reborn. And he died at the hands
of doctors who ignored his health when he was placed in their hands. And I assure you, he
will be one of the 144,000. Because he was true and faithful to the work of the Lord.
Preston - Nothing From Nothing
But when I spoke to Mr. Preston at Motown Records in the late 70's about
his album and his life, for whatever reason, I did not know that the golden glow that
surrounded him in the room was a sign from God to accept his invitation to his ranch to
"play", and I suppose, to continue our discussion regarding the establishment of
the Family of Artists & Musicians, which I have come to understand was the model for
the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven all in one. He saw it. The hit from that
album, at that time, with Syreeta Wright, was this song
Preston - Late At Night - 204 - With You I'm Born Again
In that interview, he asked me if I'd ever heard his Gospel music. I said
no, even though I had loved his music since I can remember as a young child. Later, after
looking at the albums I had of his, I realized that nearly every song he wrote was about
God and Jesus. After that interview, I found out that Syreeta and her husband were in the
next room, I suppose watching and listening.
Syreeta, years before, while the wife of Stevie Wonder, wrote and recorded
this song... Stevie sang the famous version of it.
Wright - Syreeta - Blame It On The Sun
Wright - Syreeta - Signed, Sealed, Delivered
Wonder - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
Barack Obama, the false prophet of the anti-Christ, of Satan, even stole
one of the tunes I quoted in an email to Lou Dobbs, and more, this to win your trust
and deceive you unto destruction that is happening before your eyes. As well as to claim
later I was emulating him.
And they all knew, since before I turned 18 that I was in this world, the
living God, a triunary being in human flesh, as I have always been, since the beginning of
The being Jesus told Peter that, upon the events leading to His
crucification, that he would betray Jesus 3 times by denying Him. As with all prophecy
given to people in order to provide them choice and free will, Peter was approached and
denied him, though he could have been killed for acknowledging Jesus, although Jesus said
that anyone who was true and faithful and stood by Him would be protected, and to seek the
rewards of Heaven, and not the rewards of this world.
Those who choose to save their lives will lose their lives.
Peter loved Jesus, and wanted the Kingdom of God, but by betraying Jesus,
as we have all interpreted prophecy as an instruction instead of a warning, as in these
times, as in Revelations, he chose to save his own life and allow the great teacher and
leader to die.
And while they cried, believing that His crucification was necessary,
instead of a choice by his followers to allow it, in order to fulfill His prophecy that He
would rise again. It was not necessary. It was a choice of His followers, and a
justification they used to hold themselves blameless.
Have you ever noticed that when a crowd of people gather - it may be a few
people or an entire world - that when someone is being criticized or ostracized and
harmed, that most times, it takes only one person to stand up for the person being harmed
to give others in that crowd permission and courage to join the one in taking that stand
for what's right and good, by stepping forward, the living example of the Golden Rule.
Here I am, with all the evidence necessary to end the reign of Satan in
this world by legal means, sitting here, suffering, my life and my body withering before
my own eyes, needing only one witness with the courage to affirm my existence and to
affirm the truth of my being and purpose in this world, in order to end the terror and
suffering caused by the reign of the anti-Christ.
I am but one person in a world of billions of people suffering. I am their
representative, an example of the evil being perpetrated against us all.
Last night, I turned off my TV in disgust after watching a Pulitzer prize
winning journalist, according to Chris Matthews, an employee of the Washington Post, owned
in principle and principal by the Rev. Sun Yung Moon, accepted by the United States
Government as "their messiah" in a meeting in a federal conference room in
Browne - Naked Ride Home - 03 - Casino Nation
He sent me an Aesopian message about how I had humiliated myself with
"an eruption causing my own public humiliation"... because I took the action
necessary to "heal myself", a taunt I had been receiving from the
anti-Christ for quite some time, just as they taunted Jesus to remove Himself from the
cross if "he was so great", as they jeered and they laughed at me for years
because of the health care services that have plagued me since the anti-Christ, the United
States Government, used the Weed and Seed program and supposed "faith based
charities", to deny me health services, relieve me of the ability to work and
earn money, to buy food and medicines I needed, and even used doctors to harm my body on
Just like the Bible said would happen in the end of days to anyone who
refused to call Satan god. Who refused to conform to the ways of the anti-Christ.
They tortured and tormented me with the very electronic weapons my
Father provided to deliver miracles to this world that were weaponized instead. As they
caused the very injuries that they enjoyed seeing me suffer, that they said they would use
to humiliate me publicly, for healing myself. And after doing that, they continue to
reinflict the same injury to make it seem that I did not do what was necessary, so they
could say that "I did it to myself".
This is the truest example of the work of Satan, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and
you have all been trained to enjoy it, to enjoy the suffering of others, of bears falling
from trees, people being encouraged to do stupid, self-destructive things to be famous and
on TV like the movie "Jackass"...
Petty - The Last DJ - 04 - Joe
That song, interestingly enough, is descriptive of the man I once met with
at Motown Records about the same time I interviewed Billy Preston. And Clive Davis, just
as the James Taylor portions of the Psyops and electronic attacks were being done to me.
That all started in 2002 as I approached my first attempt to run for president, at age 49
Stills & Nash - 49 Bye Byes
I think that's interesting. Elvis Presley, originally on Sun Records and
then on RCA (now General Electric aka the Cone Puppy) When I was in high school, I
realized that some lyric in a hit around 1971 included lyrics I had written and
copyrighted when I was 11 or 12, I think, I thought it was cool , a coincidence. Back
then, I thought I could be a rock star, at least a writer, but I didn't want to fall into
a trap of sex, drugs and rock and roll so I didn't try to be a musician anymore. When I
heard the Presley song, I thought to myself, I guess I need to learn more about that
tricky business before I get involved with it. And they made Presley a star, rich and
famous, groupies, as many as he wanted, and then he was killed with drugs and alcohol.
Sort of like Howard Hughes. Watch the movie Hoax for more on that... as well as my own
life story, in an allegorical way.
Last night, the Psyops guys said they would give me an explanation for why
I was being tormented and killed, as I thought I had a right to know since it began years
ago without knowing why. It goes along with a little sermon about being a testator, a
prophet whose words would not have meaning until after their death. As I was lured
to Los Angeles, only to be turned away to be homeless and destitute with their wish for my
death. Or, to cover their criminality, to make it appear they were documenting the
discovery of the son of man found angry and homeless in the streets... ha ha ha.. in the
city of Angels, of all places.
They say they're going to kill me after I write this. What they say is
this is my last will and testament, a sort of symbolic act of making me eat my own words,
because I said this book was not that. And it's not.
And then, they'll say, I was mentally ill instead of being afflicted by
them using Psychotronics and directed energy weapons. Like the preacher who "loves
Paul"... who heard voices while he was imprisoned on an island, writing letters to
the faithful to carry out God's work while he was wasting away in prison. Just like I am.
It's all one long dialectic, as those who claim to be faithful watch me
suffer and die at the hands of the media, who I said would crucify me in the media, on
behalf of the Satanic government of the United States.
I think it's odd. My whole life, I've lived by the Golden Rule. And yet, I
can look back at all the encounters I've had with Christians and churches, the supposed
faithful, and realize that they, and even the most recent minister I encountered, all
believed they had to teach me the right way to live and judged me. Causing me to have no
desire to join their communities.
No wonder Christ was instructed to declare the Kingdom of God.
"Follow me".
Join my church, the kingdom of God. God said to the son of man, claim
what's yours in the name of God.
I did, and have been laughed at, rejected, harmed and convicted by the
very people who claim to be the faithful and willing servants of God who were supposed to
be on the Watchtower.
They, like the United States Government, have become everything they
claimed to stand against. And those who have rejected the churches are the ones who have
been more true to the knowledge of right and wrong, because they did not claim
righteousness, they sought and found truth, and acted with integrity to their own truth,
the knowledge of right and wrong. Not following the crowd like lemmings, being led over
the cliff to their spiritual deaths by those who claimed the anointing of God to deliver
His wisdom. Who were enriched and glorified themselves, and took credit for their own
intelligence and wisdom, denying the inspiration of God.
False prophets are all around you, misleading you, those who have accepted
the glory placed on them by politicians, and used to deceive you. Those in the Council on
Foreign Relations, the Illuminati, Free Masons and so many other front organizations of
The Bible speaks of those who claim to be Jews, but are not. In this day,
in this nation and others, it is those who claim to be Christians, but are not.
I find it incredulous that I've attempted to contact so many people, so
many ministers and churches to talk to me, even prove to me that I am not Christ, I was
willing to hear whatever they had to say and answer any questions they had to satisfy them
one way or another. I assure you, this book is not representative of my spirit or being,
thanks to the work of the anti-Christ who showed me the respect of informing me of why I
was being put to death.
I've joked about how surprised I was when the anti-Christ went to extreme
efforts to inform me of my spiritual identity - even I claim that I wasn't what I
expected, as I too have patiently awaited Christ to emerge and return to us as God
Fortunately, I read Hebrews the other night, and came to realize that not
only do people know I am here, but that specific chapters were written to tell people that
I would be a human being. like everyone else, tricked and trapped, subject to and even
giving into the same temptations as everyone else so that I would be able to understand
why the world is the way it is , and to be able to provide sound judgment and guidance in
order to make the world the way it is supposed to be, and to care for and give compassion
to all who require it and to supply what I call Global Peace and Abundance For All.
As it was always intended to be, when God placed Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden, and said, have fun, eat well, be healthy, enjoy everlasting life... so
long as you obey a simple rule.... but the knowledge of sin was delivered to them by
Satan, and so, as the Bible says, it is in them.
Christ died for because of our sins... and He forgave us
all, because we didn't know what we were doing. At which time the leaders and the people
were put on notice that they would be subject to a final judgment a little more than 2000
years later upon the return of Christ.
And yet, because even the church way back then was misled by Satan just as
Adam and Eve were tricked by Satan into sin, we have been told, oh don't worry about it,
God will forgive everything as long as you claim to be baptized in the Christian Church.
And ministers since have read and been misled to teach you that's true, despite all the
warnings in the Bible that it simply wasn't true, by conveniently preaching passages of
scripture out of context and without "the bigger picture".
God knew this would happen, not because ministers and Christians and
people were bad, but because of the influence of Satan.
And He wants, wants, to forgive all those who will seek
and accept the truth as predicted, but there seems to be few who wish to know, because
they are so convicted by their own guilt that they would declare God dead and forsaking
them, instead of confessing their sins and crimes against God and me because they, in
their hearts, know that in this world, they would be sentenced to spiritual death for
their transgressions and forsaking God.
And they discarded God's wisdom and His son, His promise to forgive them
because they know God keeps His promises to those who keep theirs.
At this time, all He asked was that we accept the truth and His son to
correct the problems, and they would be forgiven, and have the knowledge that the Kingdom
of God is the world they always wanted, and was promised to those who would return to the
simple rules He requested us to obey, all enveloped in one rule, the Golden Rule... God
has all the compassion in the world, and none have proven their compassion for Him.
Here's all I have to say in this final judgment.
If you don't think this is my report to provide the Final Judgment, please
re-read it again, because this is my judgment, my conclusions and observations about the
world we live in. And if you don't see your own life in it, read it until you do. Because
you are a slave, just as the anti-Christ tried to make me, and failed, which may mean my
death in this body, but will never be the death of my spirit, because I refuse to
cooperate with evil. So be it.
I love working for God, and always will. My dad's a good boss to work for.
A while back, some "Spiritual Walkers" came to my house just
about the time I was talking about how I'd get all these albums, being a DJ and writer,
from the record companies for free, and then wouldn't play the B-Sides so I'd have
something new to listen to later.
Wonder - In Square Circle - Spiritual Walkers
The other day, I was listening to Marvin Gaye's CD version of the album
that includes a couple of songs I'd never heard before. Anyway, these spiritual walkers
told me "the b-sides are important too." I'm glad I was told that, although
these warriors of Jehovah demonstrated they knew and refused to acknowledge me, I suppose
because I did not live up to their expectations of what Christ would be like. Like so many
of us who believe God is not merciful and living because He does not give us the material
riches promised by apostates.
I listened to those news cuts to me, the "B-Sides", and I have
to tell you, I was shocked at what I heard. I'm going to post below for you to hear.
But here's an interesting problem:
Dan Fogelberg had an album called "Captured Angels". It appears
to me that the anti-Christ have captured lots of Angels through contracts and
"gag" orders, conditions for their fame and enrichment, in order to maintain
their silence about the living God in this world. So if the music has been removed from
this site by Time-Warner and General Electric/Universal music, who now own the rights to
almost every song and poem on this site not written by me or someone else I've attributed,
look up Marvin Gaye and these songs on Google and YouTube.
The album you want to listen to most is Marvin Gaye, What's Going On
It was originally released on Stevie Wonder's label, Tamla, distributed by
Motown Records. I'd tell you to buy it, but I don't want to give the anti-Christ more
money. I'm sure you could find it for much less money used.
Gaye - What's Going On - 10 - God Is Love (The B-Sides - Bonus Track)
Gaye - What's Going On - 11 - Sad Tomorrows (The B-Sides - Bonus Track)
YouTube search
Google Search
The Bible says the anti-Christ, Satan, would destroy the world in order to
capture the world and overthrow the Kingdom of God, as Barack Obama is doing now, toward
the completion of Satan's plan, and then declare himself the king of the world.
Of course, Satan knows, this, and likely, Barack will not make this claim
publicly, although Sen. Richard Shelby declared a while back "we have found our
dictator". Obama made all sorts of promises, and like George W. Bush, the false
Christ, he is instead doing exactly the opposite of what he promised. Deception upon
deception upon deception.
Meanwhile, God told me, if the world rejects me as a leader and teacher,
to turn my back and walk away, allowing the anti-Christ to simply declare me as a prophet
who has been among you, or, if I should dare oppose Satan, to set me up to look like
Satan. I've been told that was done long ago before I knew my spiritual identity. And I
know for a fact the media has been used to collect information about me to prove such,
preparing for war against God and my self by creating video and audio reports that show my
human frailties, instead of my steadfast commitment to God's plan. It's called a smear
The good news is, this is the moment when you get to issue your
"Final Judgment", to decide whether you will choose things as they are... like
in an election when you choose between the lesser of two evils, and no matter what you
choose, it is still evil.
In this case, you have the choice to use your judgment to choose more of
the same evil, as is exemplified in the government of the United States and others, or to
choose God's ways and plans, seeking the truth and His son to lead you to the promised
And all I need is one person to step forward and affirm who I am for you
to know the truth of the choices that are being provided to you. God awaits the choice of
your judgment.
Young - Greatest Hits - 11 - Heart Of Gold
Choose. You have been given the knowledge of sin, and know the knowledge
of truth. Choose. You be the judge. And then, accept the results of your convictions.
Loggins - Conviction of the Heart
Nahmod - One Power - 01 - One Power
Rundgren - The Very Best - 10 - Love Is the Answer (Utopia)
John - Tumbleweed Connection - Love Song
Jackson - Earth Song
McLachlan - Sweet Surrender (jazz version)
- Abbey Road CD - 101 - Come Together
of Change - CD2 - 04 - Chico - Papa Stop the War
Williams - Born Free
Dimension - Aquarius Let the Sunshine In
- Pieces of You - 14 - Amen
PS To Satan
Lennox - Songs Of Mass Destruction - 02 - Love Is Blind (Edit):
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 02 - New Power Generation
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 17 - New Power Generation (pt. II) - CD
Spheeris - You Must Be Laughing Somewhere

