The media has done a good job of teaching you to treat people with
knowledge of technologies and government crimes as people who are paranoid and delusional.
And still, you know that there must be something you don't know. Where there's smoke,
there's fire...
It's important that I preface this part by pointing out that my background
includes announcing, advertising copywriting, magazine entertainment writing, broadcast
engineering, journalism, hypnosis, some metaphysics and spiritual traveling - now
considered a form of "Remote Viewing" or Tele-kinetics as named by the CIA,
formerly referred to as ESP, and what seems to be an inherent and intuitive sense for what
appears to be Jungian psychology.
It's important because, although I would not consider myself to be an
expert in any one of these subjects, I believe I possess more than enough experience and
knowledge in each such that I could easily participate in a highly abstract and analytical
conversation of high level in each of them.
One of the reasons I decided long ago to use a more subtle approach to
presenting materials - as opposed to a slicker, catchier presentation - is because I
wanted to be sure I could honestly say that I didn't use any tricks of the trade - i.e.,
my abilities to produce effective commercials and productions utilizing psychological
techniques known to work time and again - things that are not quite subliminal, at least
in the eyes of the FCC - and to make sure the information I provided in this was seen as a
presentation without spin - otherwise actually lying, if the truth be told.
That said...
One of my all time favorite TV shows, after the Addams Family, was Night
Court, starring Harry Anderson and featuring John Astin as a sort of.. well, his favorite
line was "but I'm feeling much better now..."
There was this one character - I can't remember his name - but every once
in a while, he'd be on. Of course, if he was outdoors in the day time, he was wrapped in
aluminum foil to block the microwave radiation. And in his apartment, he had an aluminum
tube, and he slept there, worried that he would otherwise be slowly cooked to death
by all the emissions from the radio stations, TV stations, microwave dishes, satellites
and more.
I'd laugh at him, but the broadcast engineer part of me actually knew that
the point he was making was accurate and true. Radio waves, on contact with any object,
have a heating effect. If you have many signals or radio waves hitting you, the heating
effect is increased. It might be minimal - you may not even notice it.
But it is the same reason some people report hot spots on their head after
using a cell phone for a long period of time. Victims of Directed Energy Weapons attacks
frequently report a dizziness, sometimes even vertigo, accompanied by a warm spot on their
head, with no explanation why that particular spot would be warmer than the rest of their
The truth is, this heating effect actually is slowly cooking us all - like
the frogs Al Gore talked about in "An Inconvenient Truth" that sit in a pot of
water that is slowly brought to a boil, and they don't notice, and then it heats them up
and kills them without them knowing its happening.
I don't want to overemphasize or cause panic regarding that particular
aspect of the issue. But it is interesting to know that Russia allows as much as 100 times
less radio wave radiation than the United States for health reasons.
Of course, you've been trained by the media to call people who talk about
things like this as part of the Tinfoil Hat Club. Isn't it interesting that the companies
who employe these newscasters and people in the media who say things like that happen to
own, maintain and operate most of the technology and equipment that makes it possible?
It's not much different than when you found out that the media companies also own large
parts of the pharmaceutical industries, and most of your favorite publications. You might
begin to think you're a captive audience.
Ya know the jokes about people who receive radio stations on their teeth?
It's rare, but it happens. It's a simple matter of a radio wave hitting an object in just
the right way that it vibrates, stimulates the surrounding nerves and somehow, by strange
accident, is just the right vibration to make the audio nerves, in your ears, perceive
Stereo speakers do exactly the same thing, but we use wires to transmit
the sound to the speaker that reproduces the sound audibly.
But, what if you could direct sound in a radio wave toward a single person
in a way that the intended person heard full CD quality stereo sound, and someone
next to them would be unable to hear it?
It is being done at this very moment. In fact, there's a video and story
about that below about the Holosonic Spotlight.
That sort of thing can be done in a number of ways. The technology behind
much of the more advanced forms of accomplishing such things is truly a medical miracle.
The bad news is, it can also be used for a number of bad things.
In fact, it's become weaponized. Weaponized and turned into a torture
device that destroys the lives, often the minds of its victims using psychological torture
techniques developed with billions of dollars and decades of research.
The story I'm going to tell you is actually quite fascinating. It's about
many discoveries, including the invention of something called "The Thought
Camera" I came across while doing a patent office search for Tesla and Rehn. I found
it, as well as a device that was invented immediately before it that was used to measure
radio signals. Given my knowledge of my father's work and age, it would not surprise me
that he was the Rehn named in the classified patent info that included no details, and for
which Los Alamos would provide me no additional information.
In about 1973, a scientist decided to reproduce the approximate results of
related devices - to disprove denials of the government that more advanced technology
existed, such as the Thought Camera - by implanting sensors into the visual cortex of a
cat. He had little funding and the equipment was not very sophisticated, but the below are
the pictures that were reproduced directly from the cat's eyes. It's important to stress
what this means:
Anything the cat saw could be transmitted to a device that could record
and display those images, just like a TV camera.
The pictures are fuzzy, but it does demonstrate the ability to pick up
the signals and display them.
It's part of a very intriguing story, particularly if you're curious about
the supernatural and ESP.
This story actually begins back in about 1945 when a Russian soldier
standing in front of a microwave radar dish heard a clicking noise in his ears that
couldn't be heard by anyone else. After studying the phenomenon, it became known as
thermo-acoustic expansion, but what it actually was was the heating of brain cells in such
a way and speed that it caused sound vibrations to stimulate the nerves in the ear to
cause "hearing" of sound, even though no one else could hear it.
Many years, experiments, phenomenon, induced terminal illnesses and more
later, work began in earnest on another area of "inaudible communications" you
might say. In the early '70's, Stanford University and the Hoover Institute, under the
auspices of the CIA, undertook testing utilizing something called a magnetometer, and
theirs was the most sensitive one invented to date.
Why did they do this?
Think of the brain as a computer. Consider that occurrences of thought,
synapses, are little radio broadcasts that send data from one part of the brain to
another. Then, consider the fact that these radio wave broadcasts, brainwaves, emanate
outward from your brain approximately 6 feet. They actually do that.
Theoretically, that means that anyone with a "brainwave
receiver" could receive all the broadcasts from your brain just like you listen to
music on an FM Radio Station... if you could translate the signals into something
Project Stargate at Stanford University utilized this magnetometer to
record brainwaves for the purpose of the beginning of the study of decoding the brain
which I believe became most closely represented in language and storage construction by
UCSD Pascal in the early days of PC's.
But for now, consider that the United States Government - the CIA and
other Intel and military related agencies including DARPA have spent incalculable funds
and years developing the kind of technology I'm describing here... and the possibilities
you might imagine....
One focus of their work was to study the brainwave patterns of people who
displayed psychic abilities.
The outcome of that work was the development of what has long been known
as Psychotronics, and is also referred to by some as Synthetic
Telepathy. Synthetic telepathy, in essence, allows remote operators to use radio
transmissions to send and receive "brainwave" signals (simplification) to
individuals or groups of people.
Maybe that sounds strange to you, but given my background... the truth is,
when I first realized that Psychotronics was being used on me, I didn't quite know what
was going on or how it was being done, but the technology itself didn't surprise me. I
actually had wondered when this kind of technology would be developed, and I believed some
people were actually treating me to a "look" at some cool new technology.
Then they began to demonstrate to me the truly psychotic and perverse ways
they use this technology and what it's capable of as a weapon.
Just as I can't begin to tell you how sad I think it is, because the
government is only now allowing a trickle of this technology in its infant forms to people
who could take it in its actual current state of development and perform medical miracles
with it.
Just as I was sad when I heard John Kerry say in his Democratic
Presidential Nomination Speech in 2004 that he agreed with the development of this
"new class of weapons".
Carole Smith, noted U.K. and Australian psycho-analyst who
convinced the European Union to ban the use of these weapons and devices, asked
the United States observers at the meetings in the back of the room, including an agent in
the CIA, if they had any concerns of problems in the United States that would occur
because the European Union banned them.
The short answer to what they told her was simply "No, it
doesn't bother us. The people in the United States don't know about it."
Now they do.
I've written an entire section about Psychotronics, I call it my Biblical
version, and it contains a great deal of more technical information that describes the
technologies in use and some of the "spiritual" and "supernatural"
emulations they can produce, or at the least the illusions of them. I'd
recommend reading What is Psychotronics? after reading this, because you'll learn more
about Psychotronics and directed energy weapons, as well as why it's the paramount threat
to humanity and the Kingdom of God at this time, and why I am writing this chapter.
For now, what I'm going to do is paraphrase the way Psychotronics and
directed energy weapons are being used against your fellow citizens - the government and
their surrogates - the truly cynical and sociopathic ways they are used, and the
psychological means by which people's lives and minds are destroyed. The torture that is
actually done to these people is so unimaginable unless you experience it. Because of it,
I say
There can be no freedom without freedom of thought.
Ultimately, you'll understand that that is at the very heart of the use of
Psychotronics toward citizens like you and me. It has to do with an emulation of what the
Bible refers to as "instant judgment" in the Kingdom of God, as the anti-Christ
would have you go along with their version of the Kingdom of God without God.
Once again, please understand that what I am going to tell you is the very
short version of what I have learned, corroborated and experienced since 2002. Never
forget, I speak not just for myself and what I have endured.
I speak for the hundreds and thousands of other people - likely billions
by the time we get to the bottom of the way and totality of the use of this technology -
people who are suffering unbearable psychological torture 24 hours a day, seven days per
week, for years and years and years until they typically either surrender themselves to
their label of mental illness or commit suicide or die young from the stress of their
At the end of this chapter, I'll give you additional information regarding
symptoms to look for, what to do if you believe you are a victim, the traps and
"set-ups" you face as a "targeted individual" and contact info for
other people who can assist you in dealing with its effects until we have relieved
ourselves of this criminal "affliction" made possible by rogue corporate
"security firms", most often under contract to the United States Government.
Libet Part 1 - The
Time Lag Now, it isn't surprising that there should be some delay between an event, and
our becoming aware of it.
Closed for Free Will? Studies now show that the conscious mind becomes aware
of unconscious decisions as much as 10 seconds later. By Elsa Youngsteadt
Science NOW Daily News 14 April 2008
"An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based
on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's
psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals.
These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the
various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal
is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in
CNN's Special Assignment 1985 by Chuck DeCaro
...That's the technology that can beam radio frequencies to destroy missile and
aircraft components, scramble radar screens, and even alter human mind functions...
...Imagine the implications of a weapon with no visible trace
-- a weapon that could knock out tanks, ships, and planes as fast as the speed of light.
The same technology, with modifications, could disorient and even tranquilize
military personnel, rendering them virtually helpless in the battle zone. These
are the new weapons of war...
Military Use of Mind Control Weapons PSY-OPS WEAPONRY USED IN THE PERSIAN GULF WAR Nexus Magazine Oct./Nov. 1998 Issue by Judy Wall, Editor and Publisher of Resonance, the
Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group
For years, rumours have persisted that the United States Department of Defense has
been engaged in research and development of ultra-sophisticated mind- altering technology.
Confirmation of this came to me recently in the form of two ITV News Bureau Ltd (London)
wire service bulletins.
The March 23, 1991 newsbrief,
"High-Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives in the Middle East",
describes a US Psychological Operations (PsyOps) tactic directed against Iraqi troops in
Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm. The maneuvre consisted of a system in which subliminalmind-altering technology was carried on standard radiofrequency broadcasts [such
as AM & FM Radio]
Guided By Voices What we do know is that you can make people hallucinate using either lights
or microwave or electromagnetic energy. You can also make them pass out; you can cause
them to behave strangely, put them into shock, make them hear voices or even kill
Now, I'm going to connect the dots for you and tell you what those
articles and - literally hundreds more I've reviewed - end up meaning.
But first, I want to impress upon you the fact that governments suppress
the release of what it would call "classified information" all the time, and
when appropriate, I'd say there's nothing wrong with that. There are legitimate reasons of
national security that warrant secrecy.
Advances in technology considered sensitive to national security are often
suppressed, militarized and then slowly released to research institutions as the
technology becomes known by other countries. The concepts of how the internet works were
based on designs for a "cellular" or "nodal" network of computers
capable of maintaining the network stability without a central controller, particularly in
the case of catastrophic or nuclear events.
Another example is the fact that the United States has had Space Shuttles
far superior to the shuttles we use now since 1958. The F20-A and F22 Aircraft travel so
fast that, in my calculations, they would be invisible to the naked eye when they are
flying through the skies.
The United States military has been experimenting with weather
modification as a weapon since at least the late 1950's. I know this because my father
demonstrated how it was done in a fish tank in my bedroom one day when he was employed at
the Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco.
I have evidence that shows that the United States Government was aware of
the destruction that was going to occur as the result of Hurricane Katrina, an email from
Network Solutions technical support showing that the Bush-Clinton-Katrina Fund website for victim relief was online 6 weeks
before the hurricane struck. Even further investigation would show that the United
States Government was fully aware of the inability of the levees in New Orleans to
withstand the kinds of storms possible in that region, as reported by CNN at least 2 years
My point is, when it comes to technology, particularly technology that can
be weaponized, there are a great number of things that have been developed that we simply
wouldn't believe unless we saw it ourselves or had witnesses. I have first hand
experience as well as witnesses, and a mountain of technical documentation from mainstream
media AND U.S. Government publications.
Psychotronics, and "synthetic telepathy, by "broadcasting"
to the nervous system - the audio and visual cortices of the brain - can:
Cause perception of sound no one else can hear, or can be broadcast to a
group, crowd or geographic region
That sound can be made to appear as if it is the mind or in another
close by physical location, in fact, in thin air
In advanced forms, conduct real-time "mental" conversations
with remote operators with and without the aid of implants and "sensor caps", to
and from practically anywhere in the world
Leaves no physical trace or evidence
We actually hear of this technology frequently when the History Channel
and others report about advanced technologies that allow a brain to computer link for jet
fighter pilots so that their thoughts can be converted into commands the aircraft will
respond to.
Just imagine all the cool possibilities a tool like that would allow.
Particularly if it was used for good purposes. With an imagination... who knows. Synthetic
telepathy. You could be the equivalent of psychic, at least in terms of telepathy, without
even having to know how. It would be sort of like owning a CB radio. If the people you
were using it with were aware of it.
Here's where there's bad news. I always say, any tool can be good or bad,
depending on how it's used.
The United States Government, and many others, have actively engaged in
work regarding torture, mental conditioning, mind-control, population control, propaganda,
all sorts of things I've been aware of for a long time, but didn't concern myself
with most of my life.
I had never heard of things like Mk-Ultra, CoIntelPro, Project Artichoke,
Project Mockingbird or the Church Committee - things that were about covert manipulation
of public opinions, implanting devices to do illegal testing on humans, government efforts
of causing personal bankruptcy, disruption of families and purposeful
"gaslighting" to diminish the appearance of mental health of its targets... you
always have to figure there's corruption in any government, but still believe that it's
rare and "not all that bad".
When you do some research, you begin to realize it's not true. Not only
does the government do illegal medical experimentation and suppress free speech and more,
it uses military technology on its own citizens for testing, and to silence people who may
fit the profile of people who would oppose a massive alteration in the organization of the
United States.
I know of an FBI agent, Ted Gunderson, who resigned the FBI when he came
upon a plan called Rex-84 developed during the Reagan Administration that included a list
of names of people the government would "round-up", place in internment and work
camps, all because they were considered true patriots and would resist martial law when it
was imposed in order to finally overthrow the government of the United States.
Ted found his own name on that list.
This Rex-84 plan - why DID the government grant Halliburton a no bid
contract to build internment camps on American soil?
More intriguing, though, is that I received a message in July, 2006,
stating that Ted Gunderson had made contact with the offices of U.S. Senator Maria
Cantwell of Washington State. That contact resulted in her office requesting that victims
of Psychotronic and directed energy weapons in Washington State contact her office so that
she would have official "cause" to begin an investigation into these civil and
human rights abuses, presumably to put an end to it.
I personally sent her 2 letters, dated 7/26/2006 and 11/22/2006. I never
received a reply to either letter.
The last I heard, Ted Gunderson's body was found on a beach.
Donald Rumsfeld, in statements from him and the Pentagon regarding the
U.S. intent to impose global "total spectrum dominance" to force compliance with
our national agenda, includes statements regarding the use of military technologies and
Intel agencies on U.S. Citizens who would oppose the future military goals of the
United States Government, including psychological operations, interruption of electronic
communications and a variety of laws including FISA/Telecom immunity from prosecution.
The thing to note here, is that all this has been going on for decades,
it's not just the result of the administration of George W. Bush. The Democrats have been
participating in the dismantling of the constitution and the passage of unconstitutional
laws since at least Johnson, and the Intel agencies have been working on mind control and
freedom of speech suppression since the CIA's inception.
After September 11, 2001, when Republicans kept saying Democrats were
unpatriotic, Paul Begala, on CNN's Crossfire, proudly proclaimed that Max Cleeland, former
Carter Administration official, was one of the authors of the Patriot Act. And, if
something devastating like 911 wasn't anticipated or desired, why is it that the Patriot
Act was written long before the attacks of September 11? It's true.
Those things said - and they really are true - then I suggest you
understand that the methods employed with the application of Psychotronics that I am going
to describe are also true.
All you have to do is remember that you have a silent, untraceable weapon
with the ability to speak to and read people's minds, no one knows about it but the
victim, and the government sanctions its use for security, political control, punishment
for grudges and more...
I'm going to add one more important element to this tool. Since it's
possible to broadcast thoughts into people's minds, without them even knowing it, you can
hypnotize them without them knowing it. That IS the actual, most powerful tool that
Psychotronics provides.
Just note, for now, the concepts behind bio-feedback, the ability to train
the mind to consciously control pain, muscles, heart rate, breathing and more. It's simple
mind-over matter.
Considering this element of hypnotism that's been added, you now have the
ability to tell this person's mind things like: every time you see a bird, think of the
thing that happened in your life that hurt you the most emotionally. People will do
things, just like you see on stage when a hypnotist causes people to do silly things, that
no one who wasn't hypnotized would ever do.
Psychotronic technology in conjunction with hypnosis gives the
"remote operator" the ability to interrogate your mind - consciously or
unconsciously - in the same ways described in a new process typically in use as the
"ultimate lie detector" called "brain-mapping". You may not notice
this going on at all, you may find yourself consciously reviewing parts of your life you
hadn't thought about for years, especially things you're embarrassed or ashamed about, or
things that would embarrass you in public if anyone found out. Things no one had any way
of knowing except to know your innermost private thoughts. Or, you may find yourself
having interesting dreams or waking up in the morning still tired after tossing or turning
all night.
These technicians recording your responses and the facts about you, with
the ability to later cause you to remember things in ways that produce emotional responses
- love, anger, hatred, silliness, depression - so that they can control your actions and
thoughts, and therefore, your life.
Ray Kurzweil, noted futurist and sci-fi writer, describes this as the
beginning of what's known as the electronic singularity. An electronic system that would
allow communications - conscious or not - and monitoring of thought between individuals.
More importantly, though, it would enable a computerized system - as
suggested by the U.S. News and Report article with John Norseen - to monitor the thoughts
of humans and IF the computer decided that the behavior or thoughts of that individual
were not appropriate, it would automatically insert new thoughts to prevent the individual
from choosing the other action. In essence, this system turns us into computer controlled
robots, and it's happening right now.
And it's how the anti-Christ attempt to "override" the instant
judgment of God that is provided to you when you are trying to make difficult decisions
and choices in your life, particularly at times when you might say that you are relying on
your faith in God.
The technology is far more advanced than most people could
possibly imagine.
DARPA and the NSA claims it has the capability
to monitor 6 billion people right now.
That's why the article "Case Closed for Free Will" is so
important. And why it's so important that you understand that what I'm telling you is
true, and if you continue reading, I'll tell you how to recognize if it's being done to
you, and ways you can cope with it.
That's important because I am now certain that the government has absolute
intent to fully utilize these systems, and you can not escape it unless the whole system
is simply shut down.
Think about that for a moment while I describe the initial processes a
psychological operation with these tools puts you through in order to get away with
destroying your life.
Meanwhile, think about the lyrics of this song. I used to believe that
that musician/produce Todd Rundgren was playing this song to talk about the way we process
our thoughts and emotions and work out our idiosyncrasies. This song came out in 1981. One
day Todd Rundgren will win an award for writing this song to warn us about what it's like
to be attacked with this technology.
Other people will tell you that The Talking Heads, Kurt Cobain and
Concrete Blonde were also using their music to tell you about being attacked with it. How
about the Alan
Parsons Project "Eye in the Sky" and the lyric "I can read your
And do you think this song was just someone's over-active imagination?
In time, there are a great number of artists and musicians who I have
reason to believe have been coerced and harmed with this technology, as well as a few
other high-profile celebrities whose erratic behavior has been displayed in the media.
These attacks, however, are by no means limited in any way to celebrities.
Psychological Operations Begin
The first thing you have to do in a psychological operation is to make
sure that no one believes the victim.
In the greater public, this means using the media to report stories that
inform them that people who think they're being followed, hearing voices and other
"behaviors" must be crazy - despite the fact that these same broadcasters in the
national media actually know that such things are going on, and that these technologies
The people in the national media learn about and participate in all sorts
of things we never hear about. This happens because reporters are told they can have
access to all kinds of inside information, so long as they sign confidentiality
agreements. Now, if they tell you about things like Psychotronics and other covert weapons
being used against the United States Government, they can be arrested. And they end up
having to clear reports with military and government officials.
That leads to state controlled media, and is certainly not freedom of the
In some cases, the national media participates in what they seem to think
of as a funny game called "media mirroring".
Psyops agents give them words and phrases to say in their broadcasts that
relate to the things you think about and talk about and after a while, you begin to notice
that the announcer on TV is always talking about exactly what you're thinking about...
things the Psyops agent has made you think about with Psychotronics so that when you
start telling friends how weird it is that this announcer keeps saying things using the
exact words you were thinking, they start thinking you think the TV is talking to you.
Fortunately for me, at this time, I have video recorded that will prove
this practice is occurring, as well as a number of people who can testify to experiencing
the same sort of psychological operation or harassment. It's the same kind of thing that
prompted me to write this letter to Judge Daniel Sanchez of New Mexico when Colleen Nestler claimed that
David Letterman was talking in code to her.
If the transcripts of his program have not been altered, I will be able to
prove I've had 1 incident with David Letterman that is similar to the one she described
when she filed her complaint against him. I'd like to add, for the record, that up until
that time, I'd been a huge fan of Lettermen since his first TV show in the 70's, not to
mention the politician who engaged in this activity with him. I have no grudges with the
I'll add, the good news is, I have reason to believe that at least one
local TV station has actually purposely fed me video to prove the existence of some of
these practices. Unfortunately, coincidentally, that local channel is not on my satellite
TV system right now because they're having a contract dispute with DISH TV.
Other networks have fed me info, but I have every reason to believe they
were just trying to make me believe they were trying to assist me, which is a typcial
psyop ploy to get the "target" to trust them so they can drop a bombshell on you
later, having set you up in circumstances or causing you to report incorrect information
in order to make you look uninformed, like a liar and to be able to generate materials and
statements that could be used against me later to publicly humiliate me in the media.
It's the same kind of disinformation campaign the CIA has been engaged in
for years on the internet.
Media mirroring is not the most typical thing that is
done to people, but it is becoming more and more common. I'll explain why soon.
The most common things that people experience at first are:
The experience that they are being watched or followed... and it's true.
The people following them actually go out of their way to let the targeted individual know
they are being followed to make them paranoid, and to tell their friends, so their friends
think they're paranoid. The stalkers make certain to remain "invisible" if other
people are around the "targeted individual" so that there are no witnesses.
Helicopters hovering over their house or following them. As strange as it
sounds, its true, and again, the purpose is to cause paranoia and to get you to tell your
friends, who don't believe it of course. I have witnesses in my household, and hundreds of
other people, who have witnessed the helicopters over my house 24/7/365. At least one. And
they follow me everywhere I go. I can't help it that it sounds strange. It's supposed to.
Are you getting the picture? I have video of these choppers. As Paul
Begala said one day on Crossfire when it began to happen to me "Who would be afraid
of a black helicopter hovering overhead?" Personally, I was just wondering why he,
off all people, would say something like that. It was out of context.
I have to admit, it made me very uncomfortable for a while, but they're
military guys, I respect the military guys, so I salute them when I think of it when I'm
outside, because I know they're doing their job, whatever it is. Once I finally realized
that they weren't going to kill me, I relaxed a lot and make jokes about it.
But there are other elements that are going on that I haven't told you
about yet, and when you combine them all, it's an absolutely terrorizing experience, with
no one to corroborate your claims. At least at first.
If you never realize what's being done to you - enabling you to learn to
deal with it, and realize these people go far out of their way to leave no physical
evidence - you'll never have any peace. That's part of the purpose, perpetual aggravation.
Other things that commonly happens includes how I began receiving
2,000-3,000 spam emails per day, many of them with subject lines relating to the names of
people or subjects I had been talking about at home the night before.
I subscribed to an online astrology service. It was a service offered on
an independent astrology site, with the same service and text emailed to you daily with
your "forecast". And then, one day, they stopped being the same, and one of
these email feeds was very "context sensitive" to my life from then on,
including one related to some complaints I have regarding Barack Obama, The Democratic
Party and the Council on Foreign Relations as well as the U.S. Government that may sound
familiar to you.
This is the weblog entry I made about this happening, and the text in red
is the text copied from that email astrological forecast...
My horoscope for 11-6-2002 The ones off Hmm, signed,
There are no rules out on the cutting edge. You're strong enough for anything, and
positive that it will all turn out for the best. Your every desire is signed,
sealed and delivered.
The ones directly from from Yahoo all of a sudden started saying other
things for the same horoscope. Hmm... Psyops via astrological forecasts... the same
service as on AOL... Time-Warner.. I think there's a pattern here.
I remember one that ominously said "Don't throw your life away. The
people you are up against have very long memories"... I documented this in my weblogs
as well, and have kept all emails since approximately December 2001 that proves a great
deal about the psychological operations against me.
At this point, you're probably asking the same questions every targeted
individual asks:
1) Why would anyone want to go through all the time, trouble and expense
to do this to anyone?
2) Why would they do it to me?
3) What kind of people would do this sort of thing to other people? It's
I'm going to tell you why it's unimaginable. It includes another military
weapon in use called Directed Energy Weapons, previously referred to as EMF or EMP /
Electro-Magnetic-Force or Pulse weapons. I could give you some very technical
explanations, and do in What is Psychotronics?, but for now, suffice it to say that
the U.S. Government's use of Directed Energy Weapons is far beyond what they want you to
know about.
Tasers are children's toys compared to the actual weapons that are
available in our arsenal. But, directed energy weapons are, conveniently and deceptively,
considered non-lethal weapons in most legislative descriptions.
Directed Energy Weapons are, in many ways, the equivalent of the kind of
electronic Phasers and Photon Weapons in movies like Star Trek and Star Wars. These
weapons are deployed from helicopters, satellite systems, ground based and portable
systems and more. You can find "amateur versions" of this kind of weapon
available for sale on the internet for about $500. There are many variations in the way
it's done, the most devastating of which is known as the MASER, the Microwave Laser. It
actually has a much longer, more technical name.
If you doubt the existence of such systems, I urge you to view
this legislation introduced into the United States House of
Representatives by Dennis Kucinich in 2001, called the Space Preservation Act, HR 2977
IH 107th CONGRESS 1st Session, which called for the United States to join in
the call with other nations to prevent the militarization of space, something that has
been going on for a very long time to a degree you have only imagined would occur decades
from now in a galaxy far, far and away.
The Space Preservation Act includes language banning these directed energy
weapons AND Psychotronics.
The bill, of course, was altered in its final version and ultimately
rejected, but sets a firm marker in place to provide proof of its existence, and the
United States' Government's intent to deploy such weaponry.
The Department of Defense launched satellites with GPS locator
capabilities over the last 10 years that enable these systems to work via computer
automation in conjunction with things like your cell phone and GPS car map systems. Remote
operators have the ability to monitor your personal conversations on your cell phones -
even if you're not making a call at the time. It gets better and better, and it's not
paranoia, it's real and it's happening.
Let's review this a moment. You have technology that allows you to talk to
a person's subconscious or conscious, with or without their knowledge, and the ability to
shoot them with an electronic ray gun that can cause a number of effects that they will
think means they are seriously ill..
And, with the same technologies, you have the ability to alter the
person's heart and breathing rates as well as other typically autonomic and unconscious
physical and mental habits and functions.
And, unless you actually burn the targeted individual with the Directed
Energy Weapon, called DEWS, there is no evidence that anything ever happened.
Perfect weapons for perfect crimes.
The general theory behind how all this is used and works is the same thing
that has stores place subliminal messages underneath the music they play in the store. The
most classic example of that usage would be to place the message "Don't steal"
at a volume just below that of the music so it couldn't be heard consciously, but is still
heard, recorded and responded to sub-consciously.
Stores that want you to spend money on small, impulsive purchases will
play fast music. Stores that want you to buy larger, more expensive items play slower
The truth is, practically anyone with the knowledge to amplify an
inaudible verbal message through a boom box in a mall could cause some people to do some
very interesting things. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to teach people
how to do it.
If I was a political candidate, I could, say, create a message saying
"Vote for Barack Obama" or "Let's Bomb Iran" and put it on a huge
amplifier system and play it in public places and people would just do it, and not know
why. They'd think it was just "on their mind" or they were "comfortable
with the idea".
A good example of this sort of thing MIGHT be to tell people to stop
smoking. A bad use might be to tell people to be afraid of Muslims.
This very sort of thing is actually being done right now in the United
States to individuals and groups.
Further, to disrupt proper firing of neurons in the brain, directed
energy can be applied via something called the GWEN Towers Network. Something else Carole
Smith is something of an expert on. This article is from 2004
"Electromagnetic systems would be used to produce mild to severe
physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent, and
counter measures to them may be difficult to develop."
Body identification gives rise to a host of sociological phenomena, the least of which
is the mechanistic view that consciousness is a product of the brain, and secondarily that
the mind is centered in the brain. [Yale's] Dr. Jose Delgado was one of the chief
proponents of this viewpoint. Delgado was the author of the book "Physical Control of
the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society".
For Delgado, the mind existed only in the brain; to postulate its existence as an
independent entity was to him sheer nonsense. He rejected the concept of free will, and
proposed that the mind was a functional entity produced by the electrical operations of
the brain, and as such should be manipulated and controlled in order to control the
behavior of the population. This was a view that seems to be shared by proponents of the
New World Order.
The United States is not the only country with such capabilities. In fact, some would
argue that the United States benefited greatly in this area by the breakup of the
Soviet Union. The United States now has at least the same capabilities. Note that the date
on the following is from 1983.
"Russian satellites, controlled by advanced computers, can send voices in
one's own language interweaving into natural thoughts to the population of choice to form
diffused artificial thought. The chemistry and electricity of the human brain can
be manipulated by satellite and even suicide can be induced. Through ferocious
anti-humanitarian means, the extremist groups are fabricated, the troubles and bloody
disturbances are instigated by advanced Tele-means via Russian satellites, in many
countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America."
Dr Nassim Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, March 21, 1983, Assistant Professor in the
Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt, writing in The Sydney Morning
Some scientists estimate that a person wanting to escape the inauduble
subliminals currently "in the air" would have to create a cave some 1000 feet in
the ground to escape the transmissions of these messages, and it would take at least a
month for the effects of the post-hypnotic suggestions to wear off.
Consider this: what happens when people find out they can do something bad
and get away with it? What typically happens when people with authority and power find out
they can finagle the system and get away with things? How does the phrase "Absolute
power corrupts absolutely" apply to all this? I hope I don't need to answer that
question for you.
Here's a stark example of what happens when government officials get
carried with their own power, believe they are above the law, and get a little perverted
by it.
These are links to the full size images from June 29, 1989, The
Washington Times, which was removed from newsstands and circulation by government agents.
Image 1Image 2Image 3
I've heard of this intimated in the national/corporate media several
times, but, like most other people, I just thought "Oh, one more Washington sex
scandal". Like a lot of people, I really don't want to know about these people's sex
lives, I want them to run the government well. Do I care that they conduct themselves
morally and ethically? Of course I do, but there they are, in office, and once they're
elected, what are you going to do? So you put up with it.
Somewhere in my archives I have a credible news story talking about how
the President of the United States is accountable to conduct themselves honorably as per
the Military Code of Conduct. The story went on to describe how 10 top military officers
were en route to Washington DC to arrest Bill Clinton when their jet went down, over
Tennessee or Alabama... killing all on board.
I want to make a point. Whether you believe any of these things happened
or not, you have to admit that it's pretty shocking. It's not the kind of thing you want
to hear, it's not the kind of thing you want to think your leaders do, especially when
there are so many important things to deal with these days.
I talk about the media, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Government... I often speak in vague terms because to speak in detail would take years to
tell. It's important to remain objective when looking at stories like this that might make
it seem as though it's a blanket indictment or accusation about an entire political party
or group of people.
When you get to the heart of many of these kinds of stories, you find out
that the people involved behind the scenes who are actually responsible for the
perpetrations I refer to when I "point my finger" at them are actually a small
group of people who, one way or another, cause other people to go along.
Do I think everyone in the Council on Foreign Relations is bad, no. The
government? Of course not. The media? No... But it is important for us to recognize
that there are powerful people and influences at work, there are true believers in
particular ideologies and theories on many sides working against each other. And, there is
a core group of people who make many decisions about the direction of this planet, and
most of those people are in some way connected to the Council on Foreign Relations.
The point I want to make is that the United States, as is many countries
and "power centers" of leadership and wealth, is one where we need to stop
overlooking the excesses of power.
We need to stop allowing our hopes to blind us from the truth of the
deception of our leaders while they actually are selling the assets and future vital
infrastructure and resources to foreign corporations, undermining our manufacturing base
and losing record numbers of jobs - whether you think it's the current administration's
fault or not - and then are presented with a plan of economic stimulus to supposedly save
or create 3.5 million jobs which sounds really good - but which doesn't even begin to
account for the millions of people who are nearing poverty and losing their jobs on a
weekly basis.
That's why it's so important that you understand why you need to
know about Psychotronics, and the kind of people who are using it in ways that
are way beyond waterboarding and electrical shock.
We tend to think of thought crimes as being when a government tries to
censor the free speech of citizens, to the point of criminalization. What if the
government could actually monitor your thoughts, and do a "pre-emptive strike"
on your brain with Psychotronics or shoot you with directed energy weapons and
incapacitate you for years at a time...
The remote operators, called perps or perpetrators, also use sleep
deprivation to cause chemical imbalances of electrolytes, saratonin and more, and actually
can induce psychotic breaks in people, particularly when they don't know what's happening
to them, or when they know but don't understand the psychological techniques being used to
break them in order to defend their minds and bodies to survive. I feel very lucky that my
background allowed me to withstand the attacks.
Still, there were at least 2 occasions when these devices were used to
keep me awake almost continuously for 10 days at a time, with only 3 hours of sleep
per night. Just enough to stay alive. I really believed I was going to die from it. After
you endure these things for a while, research it and realize what's being done to you, you
say to yourself, if this government hates me so much, why don't they at least just kill me
instead of torturing me for years? They could at least show that much compassion.
Later on, I'll detail some of the horrific things they do to your body and
First, why would the government or a corporation do this to someone? It's
a great question.
There seems to be a basic set of reasons for these activities. They range
from what's called "non-consensual" testing on random or arbitrarily picked
individuals by corporations working on such technology. It appears that some individuals
are considered "whistleblower types", many new victims over the last 8 years
were doing political activism, many had parents involved in classified military work in
the late 50's through the late 60's, people who witnessed police or federal
authorities in corruption or negligence, and then others who can clearly link their
harassment to making someone rich or powerful angry for one reason or another.
It's generally accepted amongst victims that once you are targeted by
these things, you will be targeted for the rest of your life. It is rare to hear of anyone
who has successfully "shaken" this kind of harassment.
As for me, for now, I'll only say that what I have been subjected to is
very much like these other victims, however, the reasons and circumstances are much
different. But I can most assuredly express to you how it feels to be violated and
harmed by these weapons.
No one knows better than a victim of these attacks how strange it sounds,
and how incredible it is that people would be so truly evil. That's why I'm thankful for
this article by Carole Smith, U.K. and Australian Psycho analyst who helped convince the
European Union to ban these weapons. It says a great deal.
For someone
who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the
psychiatric examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the
situation of the assessment procedure itself, can be an effective way to drive
someone crazy, or more crazy.
But if the
accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the
psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about
how their symptoms are being diagnosed.
A doubly cruel
sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by
scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to
their evidence.
For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the
capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological
It may seem as if I'm skipping around a lot, but there are many dots to
connect regarding the effects of the weapons as well as the strategies used to cause
people to take actions that seem like they are, but are not in their best interests.
So now, they have an individual whose family is worried about their health
and state of mind because they're not sleeping, suffering from sleep deprivation, possible
chemical imbalances caused by the stress, hearing voices and complaining of all sorts of
strange things. The person may also be depressed because the person speaking to them via
Psychotronics and "voice to skull" technology is telling them to think about the
saddest moment in their lives, for hours and hours and hours.
I know. It sounds like someone having a nervous breakdown. But, if you've
read any CIA interrogation techniques manuals at all, if you've looked into psychological
conditioning techniques of Satanic Ritual Abuse, and if you compare notes with other
people around the world who understand the technology and techniques, the tactics are
quite clear and the results are quite predictable.
Unfortunately, few people know any of this when it begins to happen, and
this first stage of "securing a victim" is completed.
Because the people doing this to victims know exactly what symptoms they
need to generate in a victim that would correspond with the symptoms of mental
illness in generally accepted psychiatric standards and journals.
The next thing you know, the victim is at a doctor's office
complaining of lack of sleep or hearing voices. So the doctor gives you medications. These
days, the favorite seems to be Zyprexa. Yale University issued a report in 2007 saying
that Zyprexa causes schizophrenia and psychosis in healthy people. It also causes
Most importantly though, your attacker has caused you to have a record of
mental illness. And not just minor stuff. Big stuff. The kind of stuff a police officer
could have you placed in a mental institution for observation over if you told them. It
A woman in a homeless shelter in Florida reported the attacks on her with
DEWS and Psychotronics, and apparently was convincing enough that the social worker called
the police for them to take a report. Instead, the homeless woman AND the social worker
were committed for observation.
If, somehow, you've become aware of the tactics of these kinds of attacks
before this sort of thing occurs, you can navigate your way through to get what you really
need: sleeping pills, vitamins and electrolytes.
By the time I was "forced" into seeing my regular doctor,
seriously desperate for relief, my body twitching at times due to lack of sleep, I had
learned about a great deal of ways that things like this can be done to people, but hadn't
quite learned enough about Psychotronics to be able to explain it or know what to do about
it. The "Psyops guys", the people using Psychotronics on me, told me the only
thing that would stop my suffering by blocking my "telepathy reception - synthetic or
not - was to take anti-psychotics.
So I showed the doctor a number of materials about remote viewing and
Psychotronics, and that I believed I was being affected by it, and he gave me Zyprexa in
doses way beyond what I needed. He also mis-prescribed a hormone medication that I will
summarize by saying there could be no excuse for wrongly prescribing that is purely
malpractice causing gynecomastia, he falsified my medical records regarding my medications
and when he realized I was catching on to his cooperation with "someone", he
said he would no longer help me with my problems. I'll only say there is more to the
story, and I will back it up with evidence and witnesses in court one day.
What I just described is not atypical of the kind of treatment received by
victims of Psychotronics and directed energy weapon attacks.
Remember, I said they use hypnosis to get you to do things.
Back when I was in high school, I watched a friend at a party hypnotize
this girl - totally voluntarily - and told her there was a bird sitting on her finger. She
totally believed it. She stroked it. Talked to it. Then, suddenly, she flicked her hand
and you could tell she was brushing the "bird away" and she blurted out
"the damn thing s*** on my finger!".
Everybody laughed, she was brought back, the subliminals were cleared from
her mind, and she was fine. Of course, a few minutes before that, they'd told her there
was a flower growing out of her navel. It was kind of boring watching her peer at the
imaginary flower. She got kind of upset when my friend picked it, wanting to know how he
could kill such a beautiful thing.
Hypnosis is a very powerful thing, and shouldn't be thought of as a toy or
a game or taken lightly. It can be very damaging to someone's psyche when abused or when
done improperly. I've hypnotized few other people, always with their consent, and always
making absolutely sure that I remove any post-hypnotic suggestions. My favorite time I did
it was to allow a friend to remember a friend of hers who had died in a plane crash.
One very strange night in the midst of some of the worst attacks I
endured, my housemate was being attacked and she didn't even know it was being done to
her, let alone believe it was possible. Then she decided to take a drive. I knew I'd
better drive.
So we drove around until she decided she needed to drive. Mind you, she
has a completely different memory of how this evening went. For me, what I experienced was
someone driving a little carelessly, swerving like someone who had been drinking, and I
figured if we got pulled over, there would no way to explain how she was acting. She might
say the same thing about me, I don't know.
She wouldn't go back home, and the motel we tried wouldn't answer the door
because it was early in the morning. Meanwhile the Psychotronic attacks were continuing. I
decided I had to get us off the streets because it was dangerous, and we weren't getting
anywhere. Meanwhile, the Psychotronics were causing me to feel an uneven heartbeat. I'd
never had anxiety attacks before, no heart problems. I felt dehydrated. So I told her to
take me to the hospital, just to get us off the streets.
When we got there in front of the admitting nurse, the Psyops people had
told me I could talk to her, but I could only use each word once. I knew I was hypnotized
for sure, and you should have seen the look on the admitting person's face as I pieced
together sentences, describing my symptoms (which were mainly made up cause I really was
just trying to get us off the road). This limitation included only being able to use the
words and, the if but, also... all the words you'd normally use to connect a sentence.
It was a couple of months later that I found out one of the primary
symptoms of the onset of mental illness was the inability to form sentences. You always
learn these things afterward... how they "gotcha".
Then the Psyops guys told me to tell them I was having a myocardial
infarction. I don't really know what that is. The EKG and other tests all showed
that I was actually extremely healthy. The doctor was a very open minded person. He
actually was, and wanted to know if I had anything to do with Jean Knight, the channeler.
I said no, but that I had been to a party where they were doing hypnosis, and I thought
that they hypnotist hadn't cleared the subliminals properly.
I knew I was hypnotized, so I wasn't lying about that. I wasn't about to
try to explain what I thought was really going on. He seemed to accept the explanation,
and by then, I had returned to normal.
Meanwhile, I had to stop my friend from telling the doctor point blank
that the people on the TV station we were watching in the emergency room had something to
do with the reason we were there that night. I remember thinking to myself, that's just
what we need. Tell them that. That'll guarantee us both a bed in a hospital room for a
Even back then, I believed I could prove the Psyops and surveillance. I
had no idea how to prove anything else.
The idea of determining that you're mentally ill isn't actually all that
bad in one way. I make a joke about how I wish I was just delusional because it would be a
whole lot easier to explain. Even I laugh at it, but I actually mean it. You have no idea
what it's like to know that your life is being destroyed for no good reason that you can
imagine. You know who's doing it. And they're the very people who are supposed to be
protecting you from it.
That includes the current administration, and I have no doubt that I can
prove its knowledge regardless of any claims of plausible deniability unless the evidence
I have collected is seized or tampered with. Even if it is, I believe the case would be
rebuilt with info from the public domain.
I've told you a couple of things about situations I've been placed it and
some of the harm done to me. Some of the harm... living with the knowledge that if you try
to take legitimate legal action against the people attacking you that your very freedom
will be taken away.
Quite frankly, I have a slightly different attitude about Psychotronics
than most victims, particularly because I understand the technological and psychological
methods being employed. I count on the day when they will be used for the good they can
do. I also know that, for a variety of possible reasons, I know that these
days, even though DEW and Psychotronic attacks slow me down and impair me, I am not being
treated as harshly as I was in prior years and months, or as harshly as many thousands of
people I am aware of and network with who are victims around the world. Even so, it makes
life hell.
What I'm going to tell you about next is for one purpose: I want you to be
aware of just how horrible it can be. What I'm going to tell you about may offend you, and
I don't want to do that but sometimes I wonder if that might be the only way to cause you
to understand just how vile and tortuous and reprehensible and just plain inhumane these
operations are against a victim, and the worse part of that thinking is wondering if the
only way this is really going to come to an end is for more and more people to become
affected by it and suffer and compare notes in order to realize that it's happening and
it's real and it's hell. And the number of people discovering they're victims is
increasing logarithmically.
Woody Allen is famous for his movie featuring the "Orgasmatron".
The movie "Demolition Man" with Sylvester Stallone, Wesley
Snipes and Sandra Bullock features a scene where Stallone and Bullock put on special
"caps" in order to have sex. He's taken by surprise, because what happens is
that instead of having physical contact, they instead exchange thoughts and visions and
"synthesized" sensations that cause them to arouse and then climax.
Frankly, the concept is as simple as watching x-rated movies.
The only problem is, with what is referred to as Psychotronic rape, Psyops
people can keep putting that stuff into your brain and disgusting and keeping you sexually
aroused for hours and hours. Men and women both are put through this. The reports and
methods are consistent no matter what victim you ask, and it's one of the trademark
"Psyops" other victims can listen to and come to the conclusion whether the
victim is, in fact, a Psychotronics victim or possibly mentally ill. And wouldn't you know
it, these "symptoms" of obsessive compulsive sexual urges and all are
conveniently typical symptoms of mental illness. Or, maybe these days, conveniently
covered up in many people by their obsession with Viagra.
Interestingly enough, in my case, while being put through the bulk of this
very distracting kind of attack, the wrong hormones my doctor was giving me meant I
actually had a reduced libido. There's a catch to this story. I was told that this was one
of the stories I wouldn't have the guts to tell in public, as if it reflected on me and
not the perversity of the people attacking me.
The Psyops people had successfully used Psychotronics to cause innumerable
arguments and problems between my housemate and I, and we had decided to break up. About 3
weeks went by, and my genitals started to swell. In the story I wrote about becoming
homeless, I mentioned that I became sick and decided to check into a motel.
The reason I did that is because just a couple of weeks or so before
leaving the Pacific Northwest, and as I recorded in my weblogs, I felt some pains that I
described as "crotch shots" which are assumed to be microwave directed energy
weapons used to cause a blockage in the tubes to the testes by, essentially, burning them
and causing them to become clogged, thus leading to an infection and swelling. I'd given
up seeing doctors for medical care for many reasons - a whole nother chapter - but I did
have some anti-biotics erroneously given to me for my dog that worked very well. But,
that's why going homeless like that could have cost me my life. And, there's unfortunately
more to that story.
But, the first time I was psychotronically raped... I had come to the
realization, finally, that I could be "persuaded" to do things that weren't my
idea. For example, I could be walking through the kitchen on the way to the bedroom, and
decide to get a drink of water, then forget I was going to the bedroom, go out to the
living room, remember I was going to bed, then pass through the kitchen and get another
drink of water, and while drinking it, thinking, "I"ve been tricked into
drinking a bunch of water right before going to bed."
Now, think about what I said about how the Kingdom of God works, and the
way God "whispers" in your ear, and how Satan "whispers" in your ear,
and now, the crazy Psyops people are whispering in your ear, and now I'm going to be awake
all night because of all the water I just drank. And, it's one way of causing minor sleep
deprivation. Or at least an annoyance. And, until you learn to notice these things
happening, they can get you like this all the time.
One of the favorite tricks these guys liked to annoy me with to interfere
with my Bible Studies every night was to get me to read a certain chapter in the Bible
right after they'd done a bunch of tricks to me that emulated certain parts of the Bible.
Job was particularly unpleasant. It had a great deal to do with why I stopped writing this
book for so long: I didn't want them to influence what I was writing.
Anyway... So, I was having these pains in my crotch, and I went to bed,
and fell asleep. Before I knew it, I was waking up in the middle of a dream, breathing
heavily and about to "climax" and it startled me and I woke up. The Psyops guy
told me that a certain female TV announcer thought it would be fun to do that to me. I
didn't know what to think. I believe it was also one of the first times I actually heard a
distinct, clear voice from the Psychotronics voice to skull technology. And I don't have a
history of wet dreams.
My usual practice then was to study the Bible for a while every night
before going to bed. Because I didn't want anyone influencing what I read, and because I
had been experiencing a number of things that let me know that I had a powerful connection
to God - things that I could tell weren't tampered with, like my reading of the Bible and
the understanding I began to have of it in the ways I did - I decided that what I would do
is just throw the Bible up in the air and whatever it opened up to, I would read it, and
let God decide what I would read. It's amazing to me that I still do that frequently, and
what I read is right on the mark on things I'd been wondering about.
The night after that "Psychotronic rape" thing happened, I
tossed the Bible up, it landed on the bed, and I opened it up to read the story of David
and Bathsheba. And the scene described in that portion of the Bible was the scene I
was viewing in my dream the night before as I was waking.
I was stunned. How could that happen? It would be one thing to have
Psychotronics make me dream something if they could control what I was going to read the
next night. But there's no way they could control the pages I read in the Bible if I
threw it up in the air like that.
I still wonder how that happened. About a year later, I wondered if that
was one of God's mysterious ways of warning me I was being led into a trap by a woman...
which ended up being true shortly thereafter. Sometimes I wondered if this meant they had
learned to time travel by folding time like Einstein theorized. Just in this moment, I
wondered if maybe they tap into the minds of psychics, clairvoyants, and use their minds
to find out the future.
To this day, the only explanation that makes sense to me, logical sense,
without any other explanation or knowledge, is that God was trying to warn me, but I
hadn't become familiar yet with the ways He was working in my life, and I missed the
warning. What a mistake.
To this day, thinking about that incident is like telling me to compute
And yet, because of that, the conclusion I'm asking you to consider is
this: here I am, under unusual circumstances with an unusual story, asking you to heed the
warning. To miss it would be a big mistake.
I know that the idea of a man being psychotronically raped doesn't have
too much impact compared to other things. Like having children and grandchildren attacked
to "taunt you", watching them suffer, knowing there's nothing you can do to stop
Not to mention your pets. I have video as evidence that I just couldn't
bear to show you how my dog has been affected, because it was so gross... open sores. And
the people involved in it will end up surprising you.
But, there are a few stories that always come to mind when I think of how
horrible the psychological torture is that people suffer and experience, year after.
In the victim's network I am involved with, there's a women in Detroit who
lives alone, is a pretty reliable person and has been a victim for many years. She also
experiences "media mirroring". A while back, she started waking up in the
morning, only to realize she was bleeding from her genitals. She eventually went to a
doctor, fearing she had cancer. The doctor told her to stop having rough sex, and wouldn't
believe that she wasn't involved in a sexual relationship with anyone.
Another woman in San Diego had a similar problem. Same basic symptoms, a
bit more dire of circumstances but a victim for years. She found a doctor who agreed to
take an implant out of the base of her spine. It's hard to find doctors who will get
involved with this sort of thing because most who are aware of implants are also aware its
basically done by the government. Once the implant was removed, she never woke up bleeding
or disheveled again. Shortly after the surgery, she did, however, wake up one night to
startle a man half clothed who was surprised that she was conscious.
All appearances are that with that implant, she was being "knocked
out" and raped without her knowledge, except she knew it in the morning. Knocking
someone out when, whether they have an implant or not, is not all that difficult to do and
the technology exists that would make it easy to do to someone, just like medical
anesthetic, only this is directed energy weapons and Psychotronics, hypnosis. What does a
stereotypical hypnotist tell a subject? Sleep. Go to sleep.
The last story I'll tell you for now is one that made me cry. This
happened when I first became reasonably educated about Psychotronics and dews - thanks to
her website.
At that time, I believed Cheryl Welsh was one of the longest-term victims
of Psychotronic and directed energy torture in America. At one time, she was a law student
at UC Davis when her targeting began. I've never met her, but I've read her writing and am
aware of her persistence in attempting to rid us of this scourge and assist other victims.
At one time, she was considered one of 6 people recognized as an expert in
Psychotronic and directed energy technologies. Even though the United Nations has had many
calls to ban these devices, the United States refuses to do so, or even formally
acknowledge their existence. Or, at least the criminal ways they're used.
Apparently, back in 1985, CNN heard of her story, and took some electronic
measurements to see if they could verify her claims of being psychotronically
attacked. Of course, the tests showed nothing, but the problem with them is that if the
operators suspect you might be able to detect the signals, they turn the devices off, so
there is no signal to measure.
Originally, I just felt an incredible amount of compassion and empathy for
her, all those years of suffering, knowing no one believed her, knowing it feels to be
attacked and not knowing enough to be able to tell someone about it even if they did
On her web site, , along with all
the incredibly detailed technical information and links to experts and resources, is a
letter she wrote of her own experiences. I highly recommend her site.
What touched me more than anything else, understanding her pain and how it
all so affects your relationships, was when I read her letter that ended that her greatest
pain in life was knowing her father died believing she was mentally ill.
And she's a brilliant woman with a brilliant mind. It's obvious when you
look at her web site.
It's difficult for me to imagine how I could tell you all the incredible
ways these devices are used to cause people to suffer. If I was sitting before you, I
could probably talk for hours and never explain it all to you in one day.. how it works,
how people are affected... and how it all relates to the way the Kingdom of
God works and the evil being done by people who may not know they are workers of the
antiChrist in every way imaginable.
There's a great deal more I could tell you about all this, and the
next chapter will deal with some other issues regarding the technologies and the Kingdom,
as well as the errant intent to shape and mold people to exist in the New World Order
under Globalization.
The most insidious part of it all is that its' so covert. I've gone
through numerous chat rooms and forums, looking for reports that most would think are
unusual, but which I recognize as signs of Psyops and Psychotronics and I am astounded at
how many, and the types, that are, as a group, being affected by Psychotronic and directed
energy attacks and don't even know it. Sometimes they think they're becoming physically or
mentally ill, sometimes they believe they are becoming psychic... there are even Psyops to
turn people into Christians and more.
The Psyops guys think of practically everything. What they forget is the
power of God... and the truth.
I'm going to link you to some sites for more information - victims stories
and such.
I ask you to keep a few things in mind. The people whose stories and cries
for help you'll see are real, but they are reports, in many cases, of people who don't
fully understand the technologies or tactics, and really truly are terrorized. It's
incredibly scary. The reports are also typically from people new to Psychotronics, and
they report all sorts of things, things that are actually true in most cases... but the
reports may seem hysterical, calling people Nazi's, all sorts of things... things that are
normal from people who are enduring great suffering, wondering why their nation allows
this to happen, and even understanding why it's so difficult for people to believe because
of the secret technologies in use, and the people allowing and ordering that abuse, people
they believed in as leaders of this nation.
So, please try to understand when you read what seem inflammatory or
histrionic representations of what their lives are like and the bizarre tricks and
deceptions played out on them, as well as the harm it does to their health and finances.
Because, even if they don't do a good job of describing what they're going
through or the things being done, believe me, what they describe IS happening, IS real,
and I could easily connect you to a network of thousands of people. The only mental
illness any of them may suffer is Post Traumatic Stress from their perpetual torture by
something that was proliferated by the Clinton Administration.
From Covert Harassment & Surveillance is one of the best organized victim's groups
in the United States, and interfaces to other similar organizations and groups globally.
Please donate to their legal fund.
Naylor's book 1996 includes Overview article by Cheryl
Welsh in the appendix. Gloria Naylor won the National Book Award for first fiction in 1983
for The Women of Brewster Place, which was made into a popular
television miniseries starring and produced by Oprah Winfrey, who is an ardent fan of the
novel and its writer. The book is now available in paperback through the publisher's
website -- Third World Press Inc --
and Amazon,
etc. Book reviews by Chicago
Sun Times and NPR,
National Public Radio.
I hope that these things will help you to understand some of the ways that
Psyops, Psychotronics and directed energy weapons are being used, and hope that you will
never be a victim or under its influence.
Unfortunately, the truth is, most people are already being affected in one
way or another. Few people in the United States are actually aware of it.
If you are a minister or police officer or someone with authority
who thinks that maybe such "mind-control" devices and methods might be a good
idea, remember the Golden Rule, and that most of the people I've come in contact with seem
like good people with families and jobs. They think they're good people, and they're
targets. You think you're good people.
A robot is a robot.
One of my father's favorite sayings was "The road to hell is paved
with good intentions". The Bible says there are those who won't stop what they're
doing because they don't think what they're doing is wrong.
I say that core members directing and part of the United States Government
are wrong in what they're doing. People who do the kinds of things they do are most often
sent to jail if justice is served, and in my book, jail is hell.
So, if the road to hell is paved by good intentions, then I say these
people should be exposed and realized for what they are and that their road to hell will
be paved by the good intentions of good people who are tired of being pushed around and
manipulated, and demand a moral society.
And I say that in the spirit of the citizens standing for that society,
they will also see the simplicity , logic, comfort and understanding of being a part of
the community of the Kingdom of God and the Universal Church of Christ, as partners,
friends, and family who love to share. So be it.
There's more to tell about Psychotronics and directed energy weapons, and
I will address many of them in the next chapter. You'll be surprised how this modern
technology is present in Biblical Prophecy.
For the moment, I simply ask that you consider that if these devices exist
and are used the ways I describe, and they do exist and are used this way, then
consider the harm that could be done to the kinds of people that profiteers and
power-mongers, anti-Christ and what we would call greedy and mean people could do to the
people they want to control and whose money they want to acquire.
In the end, it really is nearly as simple as that. So now imagine what
that would mean to the future your children, grandchildren, and the world.
It's kind of scary, and it should be because it is.
That's why you need to do some thinking, some reading and look at the
world again through new eyes, and see it for what it is and for what is actually
happening, not what you hope is happening and being done by politicians who continually
betray you with their words and deeds.
Then, in the next chapter. you'll truly understand why these tools in
these times actually are an attempt to "overthrow the Kingdom of God" by
emulating the Kingdom of God, why it's so important to stop it, and why the Bible warns us
to beware of emulations.