Dear James -
...Perfect strangers call you by name :} I was told your friends
call you JT, so I will from now on, if only to poke you in the ribs about it later when
all this really comes out.
I want you to know, first and most of all, that I'm writing this to you
not to single or point you out as being some kind of bad guy or something.. in fact, let
me say, for the record, that I know you to be a very good person, truly one of God's
angels, one of the most powerful, and gifted beyond belief...
In that spirit, I'd have to say if there was one song in my library I wish
I had it would be Barbra Streisand's "Starting Here, Starting Now"... since I
don't, how 'bout this for starters? I have a dirt road of my own that I plan to walk down
Taylor - One Man Band - 06 - Country Road
That said, what this letter is really about is saying "I'm drawing a
new line - on what will go no further - and hitting the reset button on a bunch of
things". I've come to realize so much, and learned so many lessons,
particularly in the last 8 years, and it's been so long since I've been allowed to
actually discuss anything with anyone since my "captivity" has been
intensified... I just need to do a little "brain dump", and collect my thoughts,
and hopefully, create some unity and understanding what needs to be done, what is required
by God, and how everyone can be a part of the New World.
So please forgive me for using you to direct this at. I can't wait 'til
the day comes that I have to explain all this... truth is, I look forward to it. :} But,
between you and I, like how your music is such a big part of the Soundtrack of My Life...
intended or through divine guidance for both of us... I actually know if there was once
person I could talk to who would understand what I'm talking about, it would have to be
you. The reasons for that, to whatever extent, will remain a little secret between us
because frankly, I don't know, but I know you do, and one day, I hope you'll have to
explain it to me :} Or, that it will have been revealed to me through God's plan.
I guess I have to start by saying that, unless people simply accepted me
as who I am, that even I would find it difficult to believe the story of my life,
especially the political parts of the last 8 years, and especially regarding Barack Obama
and the Council on Foreign Relations and the George H.W. Bush Cabal, and the truth of the
Kennedy's. Knowing who I am, understanding the Living Word of the Bible as I do now,
realizing all the events surrounding my life since I was a child, it makes sense, the dots
connect, but still, it's hard to believe that the government of the United States would do
such things to me, claiming to be a nation under God, and that so many people would
actually participate in such evil.
Then, to find out that I wasn't the only one, that there are millions, if
not billions of good people, many sealed unto God, who are purposefully and systematically
being killed and harmed by the likes of the U.S. Gov't and other governments, primarily
those claiming to be on our side in the War on Terrorism, who are truly the
"evil-doers" of the world, claiming their righteousness to take such actions in
the name of God, and in the name of the citizens of the nations who are being subjected to
economic slavery by the New World Order.
It makes me so sad to see it all happening, knowing the world is crying
out for the Christ to come, me having a sense that many people know I am here, and yet,
with the knowledge that the U.S. Gov't is keeping me like a hostage, for the purpose of
bankrupting this nation, and the world, in order to deceive the citizens of this planet
into total reliance on a world governance system that was designed long ago to truly
overthrow the Kingdom of God. I wish people understood what that really means more than
anything else right now. I know I didn't want to believe that this country's government
had been so subverted and politically overthrown. I didn't want to believe what I read in
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but it was so clear that
what I read most certainly IS happening right now, they are the master plans for the
workers of Satan to overthrow the Kingdom of God.
Part of the deception upon deception upon deception Psyops they've been
using on me are more of the master plan to make it appear I've been
"brainwashed" by Psyops, Directed Energy Weapons and Psychotronics, into
thinking I am Christ, with the only problem being, if that was true, why do I continue to
refuse to give up what I am doing, despite, as Tom Brokaw has said, "Under any
Quite frankly, because of all the deceptions, even the use of a
"so-called minister and willing servant of God"... to lead me astray.. and the
ways October Road was presented to me and the info provided by CNN (The Council on Foreign
Relations Channel) that lead me to the realization of who I am, which was unfortunate in a
way, given that I would have been very successful in the political arena as the committed
citizen that I am... which tells me, ultimately, that what they did was to make sure that,
at least for the short term, until Barack Obama was elected using my campaign materials
and policy themes to win the primary - plagiarism and RICCO Conspiracy - that I appeared
like a radical, which I'm not, and then like some kind of obsessed TV watcher, which
I'm not, and then like some fanatical Christian who was deluded about being Christ, or the
Son of Man...
And most interestingly, using Psychotronics and using newscasts to get
me/us all thinking about certain issues in certain ways, which le me to write things that
caught me in the process of "becoming" - in many ways the same ways Jesus was
caught up in, trying to explain how He was the Being and Spirit of Jesus the Christ, and
that He also carried the Holy Ghost... and that the Spirit of God was within Him,
and the Spirit of God was within Him, and so He was God... and then trying to
explain that we all, every being, had the same spirits within them, that they too, were in
effect Gods, if only they knew how to live in a way that provided the best
"host" to those spirits, by living what we now would call the example of Jesus,
and the Golden Rule, more explicitly described in the 10 Commandments.
The point of all that is to say it's hard to know, like God often said, is
there no one I can trust?
By the way, about Brotherhood...
Taylor - New Moon Shine - 11 - Oh Brother
When I made the joke about "The rest of my life" I was just
doing Kabalistic triple-entendre and interpretation to all things... Nothin' wrong with
"You'v e Got A friend".. I just got an impression that you wanted the rest of
your life.. as in maybe taking it a little easier, and semi-retirement in those beautiful
Berkshire Hills that remind me so much of the place and community I had in mind when I
first envisioned building the Farm (Family of Artists & Musicians) long ago...
and in another way, it's sort of like the song Company Man, where I play around with the
notion that it has to do with being a Jung man, which I guess I am just naturally, some
how.. :} I don't know, did you write that song with that double entendre in mind, or was
it God and His sense of humor and the Matrix of God at work again? I figure since you
wrote "Riding on A Railroad", you actually know what I'm talking about.
Taylor - Mud Slide Slim - 04 - Riding On A Railroad
Maybe it would be more fun to force you to explain all this :}
I want assure you, and all the people who may read this, that at this time
and for a long time before, there is a great deal more that I understand than I have been
able to express, for whatever reasons. I honestly was led to believe that certain members
of the media and the clergy were going to provide me the opportunity to speak publicly and
privately regarding my life and who I am in order to satisfy their questions and thus to
"qualify" and "verify" my identity... again, deceptions... for
political purposes. Ministers selling out for fame and power.
Part of the Psyops has been to convince me that people have been told
horrible lies about me, that I've been portrayed as some sort of naive, bumbling emotional
idiot or some kind of sex pervert. I'm not sure if any of that's true, because of the
bubble life I live in, but it sure does seem to be true... although things seem to be
turning around in that department, now that people are finding out I'm not such a bad guy
after all.... sometimes, the Psyops guys tell me the world has been told I'm the Devil
himself. And it only makes me think, if only they knew me, they'd know that sort of think
couldn't possibly be true.
Back around the end of 2002 or the beginning of 2003, CNN's Aaron Brown
made a few interesting comments. One was something about how maybe people liked Jesus so
much because we didn't really know much about Him as a man. In other words, that the myth
and legend of Him, as a man and Messiah often written about decades after His death based
upon word of mouth stories of His life, and often by people who had no first hand
knowledge of Him... and I'm not trying to diminish the stories that needed to be told, or
the people who wrote them.. not in the least...
Aaron also made mention of a phrase who I believe he inferred was an
inquiry given him by Lou Dobbs about "People wanting to believe"...
talking about hope... like how I had hope that the news media could ultimately trusted to
deliver the truth to this nation and the world, and that it was exactly such hope - a
product now sold by political parties to control and manipulate - that it is hope that had
us all watching the news, wanting to believe that the deceptions being presented to us as
fact on the TV were true, that there was no "inside story" that wasn't being
told... such as the story that Barack Obama's actual presidential and governmental
policies are actually no different than those of George W. Bush, that they will use
Psychotronics and misinformation to deceive the American public into a peasant based
agrarian society just as what happened in Rome when it fell, and that they will use HAARP,
Psychotronics and Directed Energy Weapons to militarily dominate the world as soon as the
plan to bankrupt global economies and hand control of our cultures over to the
corporations to manage while they play God.
People wanting to believe... the Bible speaks of how the faithful would
lose faith. As a citizen, knowing what my father had warned me was coming with the New
World Order, I recall having written Lou Dobbs in 2002, telling him how I knew this was
coming, and I always hoped I would be dead before it came about, because it truly would be
hell on earth... and that was long before I had read the Bible or examined my life or
before Robert Novak cited the verses in Isaiah that finally informed me that I needed to
understand that my life and current experiences at that time, in 2002, were because I am
the Son of Man.
The Bible says that those who assist or harm the Son of Man will be
harmed. Robert Novak performed a courageous act that day on Crossfire, whether he knew it
or not, and has since suffered either life threatening cancer or an aneurysm.. Both
well-known symptoms of Directed Energy Weapon attacks. Bob, I want you to know how much I
appreciate what you did. It will not be forgotten. And you are blessed.
I can assure you that it is not God's will or doing that people are harmed
for assisting or harming me, God does not do such evil. What was written in the Bible was
a warning to the faithful that if the world continued on its course, in the paradigm of
the times and archetypes presented in the Bible - such as how the war in Iraq was based on
the paradigms in the book of Jeremiah - that such things would happen, including that the
Son of Man would be harmed, acts that seem to be carried out under the auspices of the
United States Government, likely coordinated by the CIA, and causing something of a covert
Intel war to harm and protect me. I wish I knew the full truth of that matter, so I could
end it. It is my desire that those involved understand that my declaration as Christ is
meant to put those activities to an end once and for all, although the hiring of
Leon Panetta tells me that the efforts to thwart me and God's will will continue, at least
until these criminals are expelled from the government.
The Bible also says that anyone seeing the face of God will die, I want to
make it clear that the death referred to is not a physical or spiritual death at all, it
is, in fact, the transformation that occurs when you come to the realizations of the truth
of God's word and plan for this world, His Kingdom, and are "born again" with
the knowledge of the love and peace and justice and equality God seeks to return to this
world and this universe. And that the grace of the Almighty God that allows you to
surrender to Him in a way that actually increases and empowers your individuality and
autonomy, coupled with the knowledge that He always provides, and that He hears and
answers each and every prayer.
Brothers - Tell Me What You Want
I don't really understand the October Road sequence of the Psyops done
against me, any more than I know the truth about the use of Alanis' music for the same
purposes. Based on conversations I've had with people before (including a member of Hot
Tuna who I worked for in Los Angeles, who was a producer and then took on one of Clive
Davis' "special projects")... I'm hoping still that you were all deceived
into thinking you were assisting in bringing me out... wanting to believe that this was
part of God's plan to end the tribulations before they wrought the destruction of the
planet, and such damage to His creation.
And of course, I could come up with possible explanations of a few of the
songs on October Road, including things like Ben on Whenever You're Ready, synchronicity
and just whatever it is that made me one of the people in t he world who could so relate
to your music that in some ways, our lives were similar for whatever reasons there might
But I'd like to say, I was never a mean old man, and the cough was clearly
generated by DEWS, and in the context of the condition of the world as I saw it, as you
saw it, Armageddon and Waterloo... I just believed that there were more important things
for me to do than to spend the time being a musician when there was so much suffering
going on, and so much more that will come if action is not effective in the near future.
And I can't describe the message I clearly received from Baby Buffalo.
And still, I wait and wonder, bankrupted again and inquiring into the
Living Word, wondering if maybe the original plan WAS for me to pass away from this life
without knowledge of who I am, reporting to God and being recorded as a prophet...
the Bible says "at least they'll know a prophet was among them"... Given the
circumstances and how, as I told Dobbs, it looks to me like the guys who wanted the New
World Order were afraid they'd die before their dream was completed... just as I now fear,
sometimes, that I'll die before His dream is completed... "We can make your dream
come true"... And I wonder, what dream might you all have thought I wanted to come
And I wait and wonder if the day will come when anyone will want to
actually talk to me directly, to empower me to deliver God's plan and promises... if
anyone has the faith to trust me by trusting God, or if the government has done it's job
so well that even the angels have given up hope and faith, not having turned against God,
but having been deceived and controlled for so long that even they have begun to doubt
what they know is true.
And yet, I know that there are "viewers" who know of me and
believe, those who would be called "low", who will be made high... and I become
so concerned because every step of the way, everyone who I believed I should be able to
trust for one thing or another has failed me and failed their commitments to God.
Being guileless, to me, is one of the greatest gifts God gave me, because
it always allows me to reserve my opinions, and now, per my instructions, my judgement of
the conduct of people and beings....I am so troubled by what I have to report to Him.
Because I was certain that many of you understood that this was the time to actually take
audacious, bold steps to deliver the Kingdom.. or maybe you were all taken in with my
words and ideas, hijacked by the Clintons and Obama on behalf of the anti-Christ... fallen
angels, having fallen for the deception he presented, and some pretty pessimistic outlooks
in your music regarding how this would all turn out... I can't blame anyone for believing
in what Obama represented, but it's all a fraud, the hi-jacking of religion... and what
person of faith and patriotism wouldn't cling to their religion - God - and their guns in
times like these, when the government is being overthrown by despots? When ministers are
being promoted in the media, turning their backs on God and Jesus and preaching their
submission and acquiescence to economic slavery as the will of God, the purpose of life in
a Purpose Driven if God's purpose is to have you serve a corporation, and to
give your faith to them and the political criminals who are going to destroy your lives as
you know it?
I pray one day I'll know your intent and God's will of your actions in all
this. Because I truly believe we share brotherhood in and through His spirit and presence
in the world. The family is large and includes so many.... around the world and in this
universe... the New Jerusalem is available, and willing and in love with the world. If
only people would believe and allow that which they've prayed for so long.
God bless you and your family, may you be safe and well as I declare this
new beginning of the New world.
And let's also pray that the delays and impairments to His plan by the
anti-Christ will not result in more needless and cruel suffering that is possible should
my reign on His behalf be further thwarted.
Stills, Nash & Young - Deja Vu
Robinson & the Miracles - Abraham, Martin & John
And for those of you trying to figure me out:
- Ten Summoner's Tales - 11 - Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me)
Taylor - October Road - 09 - Carry Me On My Way
Browne - Rock Me on the Water
- Nowhere Man
- Abbey Road 01 - Come Together
Taylor - Mud Slide Slim - 12 - Highway Song..
I nearly took this option recently.. I'm not sure I made the right decision to come back.
But here I am. Only time will tell if it mattered. Have you all really given up?
Stewart - Atlantic Crossing - Sailing
This is a message for King Henry II, the final Holy Roman Emperor, whose name means
'Help from God'.
Funk Railroad - I'm Your Captain