Money - Super Hits - 07 - Walk on Water
When I was a kid, I don't remember having a lot of toys, but I had enough.
I had a few stuffed animals, marbles, a tractor tricycle and some other things. I look
back on it and realize I had just enough things. And I remember many times knowing, such
as at Christmas time, that I had to be really careful about saying what things I might
want for Christmas, because we weren't rich, and with 6 kids, you had to be sure that what
you asked for was something you really wanted.
My parents were really good at finding the exact, perfect gift for each
child. It was as if they listened all year, and realized the thing we were really asking
for. I remember buying my sister Alma a Heath candy bar for 3-4 years in a row, believing
it was the best gift that she'd like that I could afford to buy her on the budget I had to
I try to think back on the first thing I can remember that I was awed or
fascinated with when I was a kid, and what I come up with is something that was an
accessory you could buy back in the late 50's to give you "extended" or
"premium content" when watching TV.
What it was about was this TV show called Romper Room, broadcast every
morning from San Francisco. And they had this one part where they'd color in coloring
books and put the picture they were all coloring on the screen. I'd draw while they were
doing that on TV, but I was never much for lines and drawing actual pictures of things.
They began selling this new "feature", which was actually nothing more than a
sheet of this new stuff called plastic that you put over the screen.
I could tell my mom was really curious about what I'd do with it. She was
like a mom watching for their child's first step. She put it over the screen of the TV. I
knew what it was for, because I saw them talk about it on TV. I looked at her, looked at
the TV, and just sat there. I remember thinking about what happened when my brother drew
on the wall. And he had to clean it off himself. I thought, if it's okay, she'll do it
first to show me it's okay. She never did. I never did draw on it.
But back then, that sheet of plastic was a modern miracle. I thought it
was a great idea. I always wondered how it worked out for people who used it. I was only 3
years old.
Something else I was absolutely fascinated by was this fountain light show
my dad had once that he called fiber-optics. He said it was really expensive, but that one
day, it would replace light bulbs in cars and in buildings. Can you imagine how much less
heat would be generated, how much less energy we'd need and more if we had a light source
that never burned out and didn't ever burn any fuel? That was back in the 50's.
Now we have compact fluorescent light bulbs that will actually make you
He demonstrated in a fish tank how tornadoes and hurricanes could be
caused with a tiny bit of wind and some radiation. I thought it was a magic trick but it
was something they were working on where he worked at the Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard in
San Francisco.
Back then, they called it the innocuous idea of cloud seeding. These days,
they call it climate change, and even acknowledge it's man made. They just don't tell you
it's the government doing it, it's been turned into a military weapon, and has a great
deal to do with the fraud called global warming.. at least in terms of what's actually
causing it. Another miracle used for bad purposes.
All these things we call science and knowledge and the results of years of
research - it is that - but when you consider everything that goes into those results -
the atoms, for example - you realize that it all had to come from somewhere.
Most scientists will tell you that many of the greatest discoveries were
made by trial and error or the ideas "just came to them". It would be
interesting to note what other good ideas were "spun off" from the work toward
their goal, the idea or solution they were actually focused on.
It's like the space program - we've benefited a great deal from all the
technology developed for space flight. Of course, we don't hear about it for years until
the military has explored the weaponization possibilities, and determines which
technologies should be held back from the public for reasons of national security.
Often times, technology is only availed to the public when newer
discoveries are made, and the "miraculous discoveries" of the past are obsoleted
from a strategic military point of view.
Are they "miraculous discoveries" or aren't they? If they are,
why do you consider them miraculous? And if, then, they aren't really miraculous, what are
they, where did they come from? Where did the "genius" capabilities of the minds
that construct these "miracles" come from?
And then, of course, if they're all from God, then why didn't God just
make them in the first place, and perform a miracle so that miracles aren't needed?
And then, if everything in the world is so awesome and miraculous, why are
there sick people and famines and droughts and earthquakes and more? Why does the Bible
seem to indicate we're going to be destroyed if it's all so great?
If you're confused about how Christmas gifts and man-made hurricanes
relate to each other, the question to ask is, what do they have in common? The answer is,
anything can be used for good or bad. When a miracle is turned into a weapon, it doesn't
seem like much of a miracle.
For example, the BB Gun I got when I was 7 or 8 could have taught me to
enjoying killing living things or damaging things for fun. Or, as it turned out, it
provided me with the experience to know how to use a gun appropriately and effectively
when and if I ever needed a weapon... such as when encountering a rattle snake or a wild
animal in the woods. To respect the fragility of life, as well as to learn to hunt and
kill only when the food was needed or to protect livestock.
The gun is a miracle from God that has, mostly, been abused. Guns a
miracle? Think about it. How many good things can be attributed to the invention of guns?
How many bad things have been caused by the invention of guns? It really does cut both
ways. The science of killing has become a fine art. What does that tell you about how the
minds of people who want power work when they see a way to gain unfair advantage?
I'll bet you thought that this chapter was going to be about all the
wonderful miracles in the world, the supernatural acts of Jesus and everything God can and
will do for you. I thought it would be too, and then I thought about it. I couldn't really
think of too many things that I actually considered miracles. It was luck, or interesting
coincidence or something like that. Even when I said thank God sometimes, I meant it, but
it wasn't a particularly profound feeling.
I walk around or drive around, often times looking at the world, nature,
and think how beautiful it all is and how I equate that all to God. To me, nature is a
profound, lasting symbol of God's existence and power and imagination.
Until the last 8 years or so, though, I have to admit that when it came to
the world of people, I was and am a believer in the idea that you can do anything you
believe you can do, and a great deal of that relies on our own intelligence and
capabilities. I certainly believed that God was guiding my life almost completely, and
thanked Him for assisting me, but I never thought of the things He did to assist me were
And yet, looking back, many things happened that must have been miracles
or I'm certain I'd probably have been living on the streets or dead long ago. It's part of
how I knew God was still teaching me things I needed to know. He always provided me with
what I needed, even if it was uncomfortable at times, but I had what I needed. And I had
my few, favorite toys, so I really didn't need any more.
What is a miracle?
Based on my meager religious training, I'd have to say a miracle is
something for which an act of God, some supernatural occurrence, is the only explanation
for what happened. It could take the form of a medical healing.
Or, something like a story I heard once of a friend's father who was
working on his roof and actually crawled backward off it, never realized it, and then
crawled back onto the roof as if nothing had happened. He didn't fall to the ground like
he should have. His father never realized it happened. His son thought it was a miracle of
mind over matter, something supernatural having to do with metaphysics, not God.
I don't know if it's true or not, but someone once told me that monks have
attempted to walk through the Chinese wall, and no one has ever succeeded, but they came
close and then lost faith in the middle of the supernatural act, and ended up dying,
materialized in the wall itself. Because they doubted the possibility in the middle of the
act of faith.
Is it an act of faith in God, or an act of faith in the ability of the
mind to transcend physicality? Or, is it a gift of God that would allow such things to
occur IF we had unshakable, absolute faith. What if faith itself, the profoundness of
faith, made the connection to God strong enough to carry the power of a miracle like a
wire carries electricity? The more faith, the more of God's power could be delivered
through you.
When I invoke the universe by commanding God as instructed in the Bible in
the name of Jesus Christ, does the world change because God agrees with and carries out my
command, or am I one of thousands or millions and billions of people in the world with the
same thing on their mind, each in our own ways "voting" in God's election at any
moment, which then impacts the cosmos on any given issue when God asks a question that we
believe we are simply thinking about? Or, has God granted me a special gift or privilege.
Even when people vote "violent things", God always understands
what they're really asking for, and provides an answer whether it makes sense to us or
not, as God puts His angels into action to "whisper" into the ears of those who
would ultimately cause a plan to be carried out. Still, that kind of thinking of people
would form an angry cosmos, or general state of mind for people.
Some people think the bailout of some homeowners taken for a ride in the
sub-prime crisis think they shouldn't have to pay someone else's mortgages, which, in a
selfish way, makes sense. The people whose family lives and financial lives would
have been otherwise destroyed think it's a miracle.
If you were about to lose everything because of predatory practices, a
crime in actuality, you'd hope someone would bail you out too. Most of the people in need
of bailouts never thought they'd need one, either.
Other people, politicians and power hungry apostates, know that
pitting the interests of people against each other and dividing them means it's easier to
control what does and doesn't get done in the world.
I had a friend who found it important to tell me one day, that from his
perspective, these days, he always expected things to fail or be difficult, and if things
went well and succeeded, that was a miracle. He's the same person who made me realize the
New World Order was not a good thing. He's also the same person who told me he'd always
wanted to be a minister. He was the one who told me to reach deep inside myself and find
For many reasons, I might say this man was an angel in my life. He was a
great boss, and I'd bet everyone who ever came into his presence was thankful for it. He
was just that kind of guy.
As time will tell, his words to me may be one of the miracles that caused
me to eventually wake up and take action in the world. And that rippling effect may reach
to you, as well, if what I say and talk about causes you to wake up about the truth of the
world you live in as well as the existence and power of God in your life.
The point is, this one man touched the lives of hundreds of people at
least, and made a lasting effect, and yet, we wouldn't think of what he provided people as
being miracles. Maybe random acts of kindness. Maybe a good guy you could depend on. But,
not a guy who works miracles.
Jesus came, died on a cross, and..
I'll let you fill in the blanks as to what kind of difference that made in
the world. Really, think about it for a few minutes.
Did His presence, His example, make a difference in the world? I'm not
talking about the religion identify with Him. I'm talking about the man. And if, what He
taught was actually lived in this world, would it be a miraculous transformation over time
or just the world changing as it would?
Even if the story of Jesus is just a story for you, do you expect
"Christians" to live to a higher standard, and if you do, why? Those same
standards mean the same things to you, don't they, or you wouldn't know what standard to
hold them to.
It's just that you expect more of people who actually claim them and speak
to other people about them. I'll bet you claim to be a moral and ethical person. In that
light, how do you justify your own breeches of your own principles? And how do you feel
about it when someone else holds you to a higher standard? Or to your own stated
Fundamentally, it all becomes about understanding each other's intents,
and our way of approaching what it means to live an ethical life, and respecting that it's
okay to have different approaches to things.
When Pasteur discovered penicillin, it was a real miracle. The unfortunate
part is, it and other anti-biotics have been so overused and prescribed that now we have
all sorts of new illnesses and bacteria that anti-biotics won't touch. Fish are now
carrying anti-biotics in their flesh. And the illnesses and bacteria keep mutating to
overcome the anti-biotics. It's just one more miracle abused to the point of causing harm,
primarily to the benefit of people who sell drugs for a living, pharmaceutical companies.
They take gifts from God, find all kinds of ways to sell them to us on TV
thanks to a politician who had a huge stake in pharmaceuticals and pushed for
advertisements for pharmaceuticals we don't need, George H.W. Bush, and then they use them
against us as weapons to control us, as evidenced in the New Freedom Initiative, which
will give schools the ability to refer students and entire families for psychological
counseling and potential forced taking of anti-depressants and anti-psychotics they don't
Think of it - if your child makes their teacher angry, your entire family
could be forced to take anti-psychotics proven to cause psychosis in healthy people. This
is not an exaggeration. All they have to do is say that your child displays anti-social
behavior, whatever anti-social means in the subjective mind of a teacher who may be
frustrated one day and take it out on you.
In England, they've already gone so far as to empower police to write you
up for anti-social behavior, forcing you to take courses to correct it, or face possible
incarceration. It's little different than a police officer's ability to have you admitted
to an institution for observation without cause.
You could say, this is all because of a miracle discovery long ago called
psychology. Psychology is a good thing, it can help a lot of people as they cope with an
insane world. Unfortunately, in the 80's, the media ran report after report informing us
it was a good thing for anyone with any sort of emotional distress to seek counseling.
Now, anyone in the public eye who took that advice deals with the fear of being exposed by
the media as having "a history of mental illness". What a setup. Who would do
such a dastardly thing?
In 2003, Lou Dobbs reported that Time-Warner made over $318 million
selling porn. Yet, Time-Warner wouldn't hesitate for a minute to ruin someone's political
career who was in any way connected to pornography, regardless of the truth, if it served
their political and financial interests. Skull & Bones Companies operate like that.
God gave us lots of miracles like TV, radio, medicine, space travel,
electronics.. you name it, He gave it to us, and you could say he's looking down on us
right now thinking: I've given them cures for cancer, all sorts of cures for
diseases, vehicles, plants, everything they need to do things well, the right way for
everyone and all the rich people do is keep it for themselves until it's profitable
for them to allow poorer people to get it, if it suits their whims an makes them look good
and all the rest.
Obama says he's going to find the cure for cancer in our lifetime. What he
doesn't tell you is that is was found over a hundred years ago. What he doesn't tell you
is that if governments and corporations hadn't harmed the planet so much, the need for
such cures would be negligible if necessary at all. Talk about the abomination of
God gave the wisdom of His plan to disciples and empowered them to spread
the word. God gives people in the world miracles to share with others. We just don't do
that. Instead, we militarize miracles, and allow people to suffer for the sake of greed.
So, you can imagine God saying to Himself, these people expect miracles,
and I give them to them, and they take credit for them themselves, and then don't even
share them with other people. These same people perpetrate stories to make it seem like I
cause the troubles in the world and punish people with disasters, and then claim the
miracles to glorify themselves.
Then you can imagine He wonders, like giving a child 1,000 toys, none of
which they ever actually enjoy or appreciate, because they have too many and have now come
to expect them on demand, He wonders if He should do more miracles right now until people
appreciate the ones they have. Like a parent whose child gets a $100 pair of shoes and
then gets mad because they weren't the right color.
We look at the oil shortage, and get brainwashed into thinking the answer
to energy problems is coal and other short term answers that only benefit the same
profiteers who take us to the cleaners with oil. Or keeping our tires inflated, a cheap
two bit answer passed off to deflect a real issue.
God continues to perform miracles on a massive scale that you never hear
about, while leaders like Barack Obama deride you for clinging to your faith in God during
troubled times, even though leaders like him who hold back the miracles God provides are
the reason you're afraid and cling to God in the first place. All to create peer pressure
to get you to trust your government instead of God. To be afraid to speak of God for fear
of being looked down upon.
All to convince you that everything good on this planet is the making of
men like him, and that God is just the mean guy upstairs who'll beat you and harm you if
you get out of line... when just the opposite is true.
I have to ask, who would perpetrate such deceptions? Not God.
And then there are people like George W. Bush, acting like a false Christ,
claiming faith and Christianity and guidance from God, all the while doing things only the
Devil would perpetrate, like wars based on lies based on the book of Jeremiah, using
phrases from the Bible in emulation of the Son of Man and Jesus to hijack the Christian
His anti-Christian ways and the proof of His deceptions will, in the long
run, be a miracle, because it fulfills prophecy for the end times of the anti-Christ who
fools everyone into thinking he's the servant of God... and then causes wars based on lies
and profiteering, the New World Order and the battle between good and evil that will
determine the control of the world for the next 1000 years... the only truth I can come up
with that he told the entire time he was in office.
Brothers - Back to Back - 204 - What Can A Miracle Do
I didn't write this or say all this to do anything but to get you to think
about what a miracle is to you, and then, after thinking about it, to ask you to look
around and consider how may miracles happen every day. How many doctors were given the
knowledge developed by one man and disseminated to millions who cure people of tragic
diseases every day. God understands that people "like to do it themselves" and
this is his way of honoring that. All he asks is some acknowledgement that you know He
It's not because He really wants you to fall on your knees before Him for
every thing in your life. It's like you in a way, because if you offer an idea and it gets
used and good comes of it, you'd at least like for someone in your "work group"
to acknowledge that it was your idea, even if you didn't get anything material for having
the idea. And you certainly wouldn't want your own idea to be used to harm others or
yourself, and then be blamed for it.
God does not want you to be dependent upon Him, He wants you to be
empowered by Him.
He wants you to make a choice between His ways and those exhibited by the
people who deceive you. If you make the right choice, you will not allow these deceivers
to lead you any longer.
Will God withhold miracles if you don't? No. But you may never benefit
from His miracles if your leaders don't let you have them in order to pay off their
political financiers.
Expectations of Miracles
I know there are people who will expect me to perform miracles. I do too.
The funny part is, I don't worry about that much because I already know I can do some
things people might call miracles, others would call ESP, remote viewing and other names
that get around the mystical word supernatural and attributing it as a gift of God. I also
know that God will empower me in these ways based on His knowledge of what people need to
be exposed to as revelations over time.
The truth is, I know almost anyone could do the same sorts of things, if
taught, and if done with faith that it's possible. One of my favorite stories about Jesus
healing people was one where a person came to them saying their child needed to be healed,
and Jesus said, do you believe I can do these things, and the person said "Yes"
and it was done.
People back then believed in such things. Jesus wasn't the only one
performing miracles back then. There were other people trying to rival Him, thinking they
could "win" the argument of who was real or not, as a messiah, with the decision
going to Jesus not because He died on the cross as a martyr, but because the truth He
spoke was so obvious once it was actually told.
One of the biggest miracles Jesus performed day in and day out was
explaining a very complex world order and it's evil to people who were oppressed into
believing whatever politicians and apostates told them as a way to survive the evil of
those same leaders, and presenting them with another way of living and being that would
give them happier, healthier lives. And, everlasting life through the grace and miracle of
God's love.
From a very young age my parents encouraged me to believe that ESP,
psychic abilities, were pretty normal things. Members of my family displayed psychic
abilities. Then in high school, I used to get together with a dozen or so friends a few
times a week and we'd play "psychic games", identifying objects while
blindfolded, receiving and sending visualizations of thoughts, astral projection,
reading auras and such. Things I call parlor games.
At one point, I decided I wasn't going to develop those abilities because
I thought it wouldn't be fair to other people who didn't have or didn't develop them. One
time, without my knowledge, I was put in the position of giving someone a psychic reading,
and did it well, but didn't feel comfortable being a paid psychic and refused to do it
anymore. I thought I was going to give a seminar on the internet that day.
To this day, I know can do that sort of thing, but don't because it would
be an invasion of privacy, and frankly, I just don't even think of it because it's not a
habit I developed. I'm sure there are some who would say I'd be better off if I had
developed those skills.
At the same time, I've always wanted to put together another group like
that in order to do healing and teach other people how to do it. It's actually not that
hard. The other truth of that is, though, that to do such things or attempt them is
something I'm a little shy of doing with people who don't know that I'm going to try
to develop those skills, and that there will be failures because even I have to build my
faith in God delivering on the promise of faith providing miracles. Maybe that's not even
true. But I also know that the Psychotronics the government uses on me greatly inhibits my
ability to concentrate and to use my mind for such esoteric uses. And I wouldn't want to
give people who are in real need of healing false hopes.
At the same time, I can't help but wonder if part of what God wants me to
do at this time is to cause people to be more aware of God and the miracles He's provided
already. Maybe the biggest miracle I can deliver at this time is to rid us all of the
people who don't allow us to benefit from His miracles. And there are so many in the last
100 years that we aren't allowed to share.
Starship - Miracles
I think the second "miracle" I need to deliver for God is the
judgment to know what the world needs, individual by individual, country by country, and
provide sound reasoning and innovation - all already available in many forms - to cause
the world to come to peace - and by this I mean personal, individual peace - that will
lead to global peace, military peace as we most often think of peace. And then, to proceed
to teach people new things that God wants us all to share, gifts of the supernatural
nature, reasoning, empowerment and more that God has actually wanted to give you knowledge
of from the beginning of creation.
These new things - they're already in the world. Miracles that have been
provided that most people believe are farcical or beyond them or for other more idealistic
and naive people who "need to grow up". Growing up is highly overrated.
Their kind of growing up means giving in to economic slavery and allowing yourself to be
told how you should live your life and raise your children under threat of
criminalization. People who don't believe that's true are either too comfortable in their
rut or have achieved their version of success through a corrupt system that serves them.
The kind of people who accept killing as a means to attain dominion or
resources as acceptable for a nation based on Judeo-Christian values.
Trust me, there are people all over the world who would consider it a
miracle if you could understand that.
Wouldn't it be like a miracle to you if we, as humanity, found a way to
co-exist? Most people don't actually believe it's possible. They believe it would take an
act of God to make that happen.
Do they believe in miracles or don't they?
Do you actually believe in your belief in God, or do you simply believe in
the concept?
I believe in the concept of miracles. And I believe in God.
The ability to perform miracles is in every one of us. For me, I say
miracles are possible by my belief in my belief, my faith and the faith of those with whom
I interact. And the willingness to see miracles in the world around me, because they do
exist, they are bountiful, and they come in all shapes, sizes and forms.
They are the result of faith in God, and empower faith in God, manifested
in the expression of love and because of the love of God.
Once the truth of miracles, equality, economic slavery, coercion and love
are known for what they really are, the rest is easy, because the greatest miracle will
have been performed. Causing the blind to see the truth of this world. And the spiritual
Once that is done, the windows of Heaven will be opened as the riches of
His Kingdom are availed to you in a world responsible enough to be granted the powers of
creation and knowledge God has always wanted us to have - as His friends.
Dylan - Slow Train Coming - 08 - Man Gave Names To All The Animals
I've always thought, wouldn't it have been fun to have been Adam, watching
God make all these animals and getting to name them? And then I thought, wouldn't it have
been more fun if God made one, then said, Okay Adam, now you make one...
That's more or less the way God wants to play with you, just like His
child. Making the baby happy, miracle after miracle after miracle... I suppose it wouldn't
be much fun to do if people didn't see them as the wonderful things they are because it's
simply become normal or expected or required as proof of God's existence.
How many miracles do you need to say you have proof?
- A Beautiful Morning

