Back in 1976, The Church Committee investigated the illegal activities of
the CIA, FBI and other Intel Agencies to address allegations ranging from mind control to
illegal surveillance an harassment and more.
This Committee supposedly put an end to this sort of illegal use of
intelligence personnel and technology.
They did not.
Here's the simple story of what has been done to me and my life for
decades, and most intensely since 2002. NSA Wiretapping, surveillance and conventional
harassment is child's play compared to what the government has Intel agencies doing to
innocent U.S. Citizens on American Soil when they don't "go along" or speak out
against unconstitutional governmental policies. And these days, the media on national TV
helps them. It's a psyop method called "media mirroring".
See also:
in America regarding more details of what I have been subjected to
See Also:
Melissa Scott: A Preface for insight regarding how political candidates and
public figures are set up in sex scandals and more when they won't "go along to get
along", as well as an introduction to a story of a similar setup I had to deal with.
See Also: The CIA & the Media - by
Carl Bernstein
Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Information Warfare Without Limits
- by Brent Jessop - 2008-02-19
The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".
- by Brent Jessop - 2008-02-02