In 1975 and 1976, Sen. Frank Church chaired
"The Church Committee",
along with Sen. Ted Kennedy and others.
One of the outcomes of that hearing was to have ended the U.S. Intelligence Agencies'
Research and non-consensual experimentation on American Citizens using mind control and
psychological operations. The most notable of these programs was called MK-Ultra.
It is clear that, despite the fact that many members of this committee are still in
this government, aides and Senators alike, the fact they they have been notified that
these activities continue to occur and yet refuse to take action to stop it can only be an
indication of their approval of the use of these weapons and tactics to harm Americans.
This is more than a violation of Civil and Human Rights. It is treason. The United
States is, in fact, enemy combatants, as defined by the very laws they designed to
prosecute terrorists. That's a hell of a thing to say about your government. What's worse
is that it's true. It's been going on in the U.S. for a very long time.
The following is a brief excerpt of what the United States government is doing to
countless Americans. More proof that your elected officials are not YOUR representatives.