Albert Brooks is one of my favorite movie writers and filmmakers. He's a very clever
man. If anyone ever made movies that demonstrated how God works in the world, he does. His
movies, in some ways, helped me to fully distinguish the philosophies of life, the world
and metaphysics, and then, the way God works.
I'm assuming you've read other things I've written about how God gives us information
in a non-linear fashion, because, He could just command us if He wanted to, but the whole
point is to give us info in a way we'll eventually notice, connect the dots, and then come
to an appropriate conclusion and resulting actions. We do things, he drops hints at good
things we could do or be, and then he gives us choice and free will to do whatever we
actually do. And then He says, okay, what else can I whisper in their ear to fix this one?
Heat - Let's Work Together
And this all relates to the fact that I really don't believe God would be welcome on
this planet. And I think it's because people would feel too guilty to have him around.
They don't understand that that's exactly the attitude He wants turned around, not by
force or decree or anything like that. He'd like people to choose that. He wants them to
choose that because they like Him. Because they understand that He just wants tolove them,
and He understands why people would be "fans" and "worshipping" and
all... - like rock stars who underneath it all are just people like us - he actually
appreciates that people would feel compelled to respond that way. If people actually
wanted Him around, and weren't afraid of Him or just appeased Him because He supposely had
so much power and all. It's like they say, its' lonely at the top.
But God didn't make this earth and Universe so He could order people around. He wanted
He knew it would take time for our beings and consciousness to "evolve" to a
point where He could be with us, not get frustrated because He wished He had someone to
talk to who understood things from His point of view... where He could grant us and trust
us with many of the powers of creation - powers that have actually always been in us, but
suppressed because we just weren't ready.
It's like Psychotronics... it's an incredible gift when used for the intended
reasons... or a diabolical weapon when used by insane tyrants.
And like every Christ, except Jesus, he would give His full trust and support to
a person or a group or a nation, in hopes that someone would understand and not allow
themselves to be corrupted such that they could not honor His will and implement the plan
that not only was lost on the egos of the rich and powerful... those he dared to trust...
but was so twisted and perverted that it's likely that if He walked up to you today, and
showed you His greatest miracle, you'd probably yawn, thinking you were on Candid Camera
or a reality TV show, and they had just played with you with a special effect.
So the question becomes, is the problem the corrupt leaders, or is it the people, too,
who actually would not want God to be around?
The problem is, the leaders inform the people.
But think about this. There has been more than one occasion when I looked at my life
and said "If God did judgement today, I'd be screwed. I can't explain this away. I
did it. I realized my mistake, but I did it. And there's some other things I don't want to
give up".
And then you think about that. If God loves us and wants to come and hang out, and it
depends on there being a perfect world when He first gets here and is going to destroy
those who don't measure up, there won't be anyone left. So, obviously, God really isn't
expecting perfection. Just some integrity about it all. Being willing to acknowledge
"what YOU think is a sin" is a huge step in the right direction.
Jesus' role as the defender of humanity is because God couldn't watch anymore and make
sense, you might say, He got so frustrated that He said "I need some fresh blood to
see if it will make a difference". And it did and it didn't. I don't mean frustrated
like giving up or anger. I mean like a good manager recognizing He was stopped and instead
of allowing things to stand still and go bad, He'd send a radical or a Christ along to
shake things up a little. You know, a new supervisor. But, every step along the way, the
corrupt people who God always hoped would eventually see that things are better for
everyone if we did things His way, deceived everyone so much that the attempt at
establishing His Kingdom with integrity was clearly not the right thing to do at the time.
People talk and sing of the day when the Kingdom will come. God is impatient, not
angry, as well. But, He has all the time in the world. The world has all the time in the
world. We, unfortunately, as prophesied warnings have been unheeded, have a theoretically
more limited outlook based on what we do to ourselves. That's part of the free will God
granted. And, if it looks like we're about to destroy ourselves - even if it's God seeing
that what we're doing can't possibly work out and He decides to just step in and do it
himself.... one of my father's favorite phrases was "If you want to get the job done
right you've got to do it yourself"... when it's really important.
So, I'm going to use most of Albert Brooks' movies to demonstrate how
has been trying to talk to you. (Ry Cooder & John Hiatt - Inside Job)
For a long time. A long time. After I do, I'm certain you'll begin to understand some
things that didn't make sense to you before. About what? I don't know. That's the beauty
of it. It's different for everyone.
I have to believe Albert Brooks knows in his heart, somehow, that he created an
eloquent and socially relevant set of documentaries about how God speaks to us in our
lives. I love this kind of stuff :} There have been plenty of times I've been caught
giggling during these movies at inappropriate moments because people don't realize just
how accurate these movies are :}
WikiPedia on
Albert Brooks
Times As usual, I've never researched Albert Brooks before, and I'm amazed at the
quantity and quality of movies he's been involved with, and how few I've actually seen. Or
maybe I should just notice the messages I got when I saw these, and get the hint that
maybe he's got a few more I should see. That's kind of how God speaks to us in the world.
The things you think and insights you have when you think and feel are the messages and
issues God wants you to consider at that moment in your life.
Understand, my interpretations of these movies may be totally different than anyone
else's. That's art for you.
First, there's Broadcast News... I love that movie because I love
broadcasting. The art of broadcasting, that is. It's also the movie that gave me a
lifelong crush on Holly Hunter, and a great deal of respect for the talents of William
My take on that movie is the example of a man, and a woman, committed to the
"art" of journalism and broadcasting, dealing with the realities of ratings,
showmanship and "wanting to believe in the socially redeeming value" of people
who seem to be in most ways, good people, but ultimately rely on their guile and morally
bankrupt standards to get the "worldly prize", called success at any cost.
Meanwhile, Brooks plays a character who is technically perfect, highly skilled, and cares
so much that when he attempts to bring the "showbiz" element and the integrity
elements of broadcasting together, he fails because he cares far too much.
It kind of exemplifies the current paradigm of what it means to be a broadcaster these
days. If you care too much about the art and integrity of the news, of broadcasting... of
serving the people you broadcast to, it raises a red flag. And the people who are afraid
that you won't be controllable, fit the mold, conform and go along will make you sweat,
until you get out of the business or give them a reason to fire you.
Then, there's The Muse, with Sharon Stone. A funny movie. One moment,
you hate her, the next you think she's the perfect woman... :} Interpret that as you will.
It's kind of like me... I've written some of my best songs while Watching All My Children.
Not about All My Children, but about a moment of the show where I understand the emotion,
or it causes me to think about the psychological elements that would generate a particular
moment... especially when watching the character of Erica Kane.
Anyway... God has a sense of humor. There is inspiration all around you, and all you
have to do is open your eyes and notice. There are people all around you doing odd things
that you frown at and disapprove of that, if you'd take a moment and give up the
judgmentalism, you'd really think they're quite entertaining. And you'd laugh alot more.
Who cares if it makes sense? And if people think you're crazy, so what? They're actually
thinking, "I wish I had the guts to be so free in front of other people".
What's one of the coolest parts about little kids? They do silly stuff that makes you
remember all the silly little things you used to love to do when you were kid. Who told
you there was something wrong with doing them now?
The whole thing about non-conformism was not about generating a bunch of rebellious
people, even if it does look like that movement attracted rebellious people. Who it
actually attracted were people who realized that the system under which they lived was
purposefully trying to limit their horizons, inhibit their creativity and reduce their
awareness of their world so that they could cause everyone to act in certain ways.
And these people were curious, creative people. Any psychologist should tell
you that to inhibit who someone REALLY is creative - everyone - does nothing more than
generate what we could call mental illness, and what I would call a healthy response to
exposure to the traumatic stress caused by the crimes of our government, whether it
appears to you as criminal activity or as simply bad decisions and/or circumstances.
If you or I did what they do, we'd be arrested in a heartbeat. O'Jays
- For the Love of Money
resulting depression to these times we're in is a healthy response to exposure to the
traumatic stress caused by the crimes of our government. Neil Diamond - Song Sung Blue
Don't let anyone tell you any different. And don't allow anyone to give you
anti-depressants to relieve your anxiety if you aren't going to work out the issues,
because those pills cure nothing: they make you dependent, unconscious and as good as a
piece of clay to people who want to influence you to submit to the depression, and let
them get away with whatever they want to do.
Don't ever let anyone tell you there is something wrong with you because you are
depressed. It's like your body and mind telling you you need to deal with an issue. Deal
with the issue. Depression is a healthy response. But if you don't deal with, you'll still
be having a healthy response to the stress. You just won't be dealing with it, which
may, by some people, be considered a mental illness, but is nothing more than a natural
defense mechanism to slowly let in painful realities. Still, there is nothing
"wrong" with you. But you do need to do something about the issue.
I don't care what anyone tells you, never forget that. The fact that depression is is
rampant in this country is a symptom of issues needing to be dealt with.
The fact that our government thinks medication is the cure is also the proof that our
government would have us do nothing to resolve the issues.
Fixed elections are the proof that the
opportunity to deal with the issues is no longer an option unless we refuse to participate
and take this nation back from its corrupt leadership. Incremental change will not
The Muse is a funny movie. But, if you think about it, it proves how being a little
crazy every once in a while... not being made to feel stupid or weird for being a little
childlike and playful sometimes... can lead to a world of ideas and inquiries you might
never have imagined. I'll always want to play on the swing, slide, merry go rounds and
rings at the park. And I laugh at the people who look at me and act like I'm weird. 'Cause
they're the ones missing out. Meanwhile, I am reminded I should not do such things while
wearing a business suit... it might get dirty. :}
By the way, Albert... I got to go to Marineland (I think that's what it was, the Hanna
Barbera park in Pacific Palisades) before it opened as a member of the press...
sharks, manta rays, turtles, eels... we got to swim with them. I was a little nervous,
because the place where you entered the aquarium was like a shallow pool, and there were
sharks swimming around. They get a little nervous when you swim and follow them around
too. And it's kind of like having a dog. There they are, minding their own business,
living their lives, and we come along and threaten to step on them and pollute their water
and all, not to mention killing their food so they need to hang out closer to shore where
their food still survives, and we hurt them and expect that they're just going to respond
by saying "Oh, they're human. They're special. They think it doesn't matter if
I die or get hurt, so I''ll just die for them, and that'll make them feel better. That's
the important thing".
Einstein, huh? Wouldn't you know it. :} Trust me, Albert, I'm beginning to appreciate
the name change idea more and more, in terms of the name association issue :} I wonder if
you'll get that remark. :} Someday, anyway :} I'd say some stuff about Nemo and Ellen
Degeneres, but all I can say is that I thought it was hilarious... and chock full of
special meaning for me that I'll never tell. :}
The one movie that really says it all, though, is Defending Your Life. Just to get it
out of the way, I really love Meryl Streep, too. A fine actress. Who she is beams through
every part she plays, even when she plays someone completely different, as few actors and
actresses can. If she doesn't paint, she should. Pastels.
Defending Your Life. It would be fun to compare notes with you one day on this one,
just for laughs.
Dan Fogelberg -
of the Plan
This movie is loosely based on the premise that when you die, you go somewhere sort of
like a resort where you defend your life before it is determined if you get to move to the
"Next plane of existence" or if you have to go back and try it again. I'm going
to tell you why, whether Albert Brooks meant to or not, it demonstrates the concept of God
perfecting himself in us (not Christians perfecting the Jews, as incorrectly stated by
Anne Coulter).
One more little preface. Let's say that one of the interesting things in the
"evolution" of the being is that as we "become" "perfected",
we become more and more "enlightened", and we are given access to more
and more of our brains. Over time, part of the concept of "becoming one" is that
our conscious and subconscious thought processes will become more and more integrated. It
has to do with the same concept Aristotle spoke of - that education is not about learning,
but about remembering. We actually have access to all of the knowledge in the universe
with our minds IF we knew how, and were considered responsible enough to be given the gift
to access it.
So let's say, when you die, you go to this place where the people "handling the
paperwork and logistics of your stay" while defending your life have the use of many
times a greater percentage of their brain.
Now, they remember what it was like to be a "little brain" as they refer to
it, so they're respectful and understanding, but also a little amused at the limited
understanding the defendees have about why they're there. See, these people think they're
facing "St. Peter at the Pearly Gates" and being judged for whether or not they
were good or bad people. They don't realize that if in the initial judgement, they weren't
considered "candidates" for advancement, they wouldn't be where they were for
the next phase.
The character played by Albert Brooks was a good person, outgoing and successful in
many ways. He was kind of neurotic. always worried about what people thought of him, doing
things he really wanted to do and then being unable to enjoy for fear of peer pressure and
judgementalism toward his actions and the idiosyncracies of his personality, the things he
did to deal with the social issues and scars of his life experiences that inhibited him
and kept him from being the best he could be and accomplishing all that he wanted to
accomplish, regardless of the odds, what people thought of him and what it took to make it
When we're able to do that, God says, "I did good work. I'm getting better and
better at this all the time". And it's not like God made an error, he's just haviong
to keep an eye on the effect that human nature and free will have on the order of the
cosmos. That's the way He perfects Himself in us.
Meanwhile, Meryl Streep's character was the kind of person everyone likes, who is
delightful and funny and free spirited, with only a few issues to talk about. Of course,
wasn't all that concerned. As free spirited as she is, she found ways to have the life she
wanted in an appropriate way, with few compromises.
I find that interesting. That's kind of how life should be. But, it's the compromises
that are the concern. Were the compromises made in a way that actually satisfied the
conditions of the desire? Or did you have to surrender freedom and satisfaction in order
to "not rock the boat" or as an act of giving up?
Streeps character easily passed the "tests", when little parts of her life
were played back, like a movie, and she was questioned and processed about the choices she
made. Having mostly to do with whether or not she accomplished what she wanted to
accomplish because of fear of failure or giving into peer pressure. With little exception,
she made decisions that had integrity, even if she didn't quite succeed. And she mostly
responded to the questioning about her life with a smile, saying, yes, that's what
happened, and factually, without guilt, here's why.
The issue is not about success. The test is the willingness to try, just because you
say you want to. Who said you couldn't, anyway?
It's the actual reason I like cutting firewood for exercise. Every time you do it, if
you're out of shape, you reach a point where every swing of the axe requires a gut check.
Do I have the wherewithall to use my mind to will my body to take one more swing?
It's the same perserverance that keeps Robert Redford going in "The Last
It's the same thing that has me wonder why people think you're a crazy person, when, as
a citizen, you decide to run
for President,
unless you're rich, famous and well connected. I read the rules, and it
has no such limitations to the concept of running for any office.
This, despite the fact that the 2 party system has constructed all sorts
of laws to make it nearly impossible for all but incumbents to win, and nearly inevitable
that their selected candidate will win if there are no incumbents. By spending money on
advertiising or stuffing the ballot box. I assume you've heard of that sort of thing going
Restless Heart -
Why Does It Have To Be Wrong
or Right?
The Brooks character was all nerves. He asked questions like, is it okay if I act like
this? Is it considered good to have done that, or bad? Is it bad that I ask whether or not
it's good or bad?
He has a tough time defending his life. Mainly because he never could quite figure out
that it wasn't about right or wrong. It was about intent and then causing the outcome.
He failed in the judgment of whether he would move to a higher plane. She moved on with
ease. And on the day the bus was pulling out of the station taking her somewhere where he
would not be allowed to go, he ran after her and grabbed a hold of the bus and wouldn't
let go until finally the "judges" decided that he learned the lesson he had
always missed before: when you see something you want, really want, and it doesn't hurt
other people and beings, go for it, and hang onto the dream with everything
you've got. And when the "battle" is over, win or lose, you will have no reason
to regret your decision to try.
Because the real question is, are you willing to give your passion, your calling, your
purpose in life, everything you have to give? And that's the test that there is to pass.
And the judgment is between you, and you and God.
In theory, nothing is a sin unless you believe it is a sin. But there is something
built-in to being human. A sense that God gives us all. And that is the knowledge of what
is right and wrong, regardless of laws or rules. The Bible says that no one is justified
by the law. And that a "Christian" would live within the law anyway. But the
interesting twist is, would a "christian" live within the law if the law was
corrupt and made into law by people who are violating the few and simple laws of God and
If there was a law saying "Kill your neighbor's dog if they eat watermelon",
would you do it?
If the government told you "We're going to lie to you, and then expect you to act
like you believe us and if you don't we'll hurt you in some way, somehow..."... would
you believe them? Would you act like you believe them knowing they're lying? Would you do
what they say, knowing they have a consistent record of lying about important things? And
what would you do about it, if you were tired of it happening, and it got to the point
where you had to do something about it, what would you do? How long would it take
you to give up?
Everything I mention in the paragraph above is happening in the world today... to you.
And the unanswered question is what are you going to do about it? Not Albert Brooks. I
mean you, the person reading this.
How are you going to defend your life?
There is one other movie he's in that I can't remember or find the name to... it's
actually an interesting movie. I believe the theme is like Demi-Moore and Patrick Sawyze,
and the movie "Ghosts".
Anyway, like that movie, Brooks gets murdered. But he "hangs around" because
of his concern for his wife, who is being swindled.
The premise of the movie then is: he's always there, whispering in her ear, repeating
thoughts and information to get her to remember and think about things that will protect
her and help her. After a while, these thoughts and hints and reminders finally get
through to her, help her, and yet, she doesn't even know he's there.
Unfortunately, Albert, I don't know if you know this, but sometimes I talk about
Psychotronics and subliminals and all in the article
"What is
Psychotronics" particularly in relation to people setting up the Kingdom of God
without God. They actually use psychotronic methods - the same kind they use in warfare
now - to put thoughts into people's minds exactly the same way. It destroys people's
lives. I didn't mean to get side-tracked on this, but it's true.
Gee, Albert, just as an interesting observation, I was wondering how you might
"defend your life" if you knew millions of people were suffering from
psychotronics, and did nothing about it? I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but if
anyone asked you why you didn't check into it, find out if it was true and then do
something about it... what would you say? Really.
That's what I keep asking Congress, and they simply ignore the question. But they know
all about it. They authorize billions of dollars a year paying people to do it to us.
Isn't that weird?
It's interesting because of the idea of what would you do if someone told you they were
Would you dismiss them as being crazy, or would you ask any questions? I guarantee you,
people would just say he was crazy. I inquire, what would God have to do to prove He was
God, and would you be afraid of Him, why or why not? What if God was a woman? What if God,
in His form, did not have a "sex"? Just, what if? How would you know?
I laugh a little because I've only tried to talk to a couple of ministers about being
the Son of Man. It doesn't offend me that people wouldn't believe it. I understand it
completely. But no one has ever asked me why I believe it. Know it. I wonder why
people know of me, and wonder why they treat me so disrespectfully and are so brutal to
me, and then I remember I've had this web site for years. :} Answers that question. For
And still, noone has ever actually engaged me in a conversation that would inform them
of my mental health or the validity of my claim, without the presumption of mental
illness. Me, I'm curious, I check almost everything out. Like in the story about "the
Saudi Connection" in
my Letter to the Clergy.
I tell people that artists and musicians are, as the Bible says, Angels of God. I
find that hilarious given my father's name was Charlie... think about it. I say that they
write and say and do things, and God's directing them and lots of times, they don't even
know it. Some people have an instinct about it. You obviously understand stuff. It's fun
the way you play with it. I wonder if you ever considered that making those films was
actually serving God? Interesting to think about. The Matrix of God. It's real. Ask James
I wonder if you could get ex-post facto awards for those films as documentaries? :} I'd
vote for them. But then, as Tom Hanks recently sort of said, I think I just did, just
because I said so. (Even though I think it was a piggyback on a news channel, it was
Now, just for the fun of it, I noticed on your bio page on wikipedia that you did a
bunch of work on Saturday Night Live back in the days when I - and zillions of other
people seeking social guidance of sorts - I mean, we lost Laugh-In - we watched SNL ...
and I'm going to make a bet and look back at the page, because there was a bit one time
where he was stuck in an elevator... the bet is you had something to do with this... and
between some understandings about Native American Beliefs about what it meant to be human,
and the concept of sin and hell... there he was in hell, stuck in an elevator playing the
muzak version of The Sounds of Silence over and over again. Proving that hell is
whatever you imagine it to be. At the moment, I truly understand that concept :}
"Course, those Sounds of Silence guys, Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon, really knew what
they were talking about too.
Okay.. I'm checking out the page... nope, someone else.
Anyway.. thanks for the great movies. Even though your friends don't like me, I
hope they'll keep playing your movies, because they provide a great deal of info that
people ought to take into consideration.
I can't help but think about Stevie Wonder's song
Say That Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away... funny thing is, it's been here all
the time. We're in it. God's been sitting around waiting for the moment when people were
ready to appreciate it. So they wouldn't destroy it like all the empire leaders in the
Maybe it's just not time after all. You should do a movie about what choice means.
People don't understand choice. They think choice means selecting from a list of options
provided by someone else.
For now, unfortunately, I'd have to tell God he's not really wanted here. Oh sure, some
would be willing and able to face him, and have a clear enough conscience and understand
that God needs love, too, just like anyone.
But, for the most part, I don't think people really believe in God. I think they think
they're supposed to, and just in case it's true, they act like it to other people... as if
other people's opinions matter to God in that respect.
You put clothing on, it hides your body, but your body's still there.
-- Chuck
PS: I absolutely love "The Scout" with Brendan Fraser. I like doing laundry
too. :} Eggs Benedict is good, as long as the eggs are cooked really hard. Almost burned.
Lots of Hollandaise. :}