So, imagine waking up one day, and, based on info only you could know... And you only
know it because of the non-linear communication of "clues" that you didn't even
know were clues about your identity and life. And then one day, it's clear that all that
info you collected over the years was absolutely relevant and necessary for the moment in
history, and the time had come to serve God in the purpose you were chosen for. And you
look in the Bible to see what the disciples would do if you applied their paradigm for
political activism, and I was doing that. Someone said, what would Jesus do? So I studied
that, and I was doing that. And then someone directed me to read the Bible about how the
Son of Man would come, speaking vulgarities and angry and speaking out, and I was doing
that. :} Not so much as you might think, though, until the Psyops threw me off.
And then I finally came to the realization that I was, in fact, this person in the
Bible, and because of this special info I had, I knew I was the man referred to as THE Son
of Man. I'm a little uncomfortable with the title, but I understand its responsibilities.
And yet, imagine telling people that you're the Son of Man.
It's been about 6 years, and I have finally gathered enough information to feel safe
that I can do so without being sent to a mental institution. :} Including the unfortunate
discovery that people in my life have been harmed for associating with me. And realizing
that I've spent my life in a bubble that seems to have been orchestrated to sabotage
everything I've done successfully - by government and corporate operatives. Which explains
a great deal about why the Son of Man is supposed to present himself in the condition he
is to be found in - not very good shape, mad at the world, speaking vulgarities...
depending on which Bible you read. :}
I'd tell you all of those parameters, but I frankly want you to look it up and review
it in your Bibles, because I'll bet you don't really remember.
That brings me to one other thing I'm actually bringing up as a preface.
You may find that I'm direct. That you may, at least at first, be offended by what I
have to say. But, please, understand that all I'm trying to do is to communicate to you
what God is instructing me to relay, and do it in a way so there is no ambiguity in what I
am trying to express.
Further, understand that what I want to do most of all is to cause you to inquire as to
the true meaning of God's word, the true message of Christ Jesus's example, and to cause
it to become presciently relevant to your lives, such that you can communicate it as well
or better than I.
With just a mustard seed of faith, you can do greater things than I, and move mountains
of obstacles in the way of the full implementation and realization of the Kingdom of God.
God told me to use Rock and Roll to assist in communicating with everyone.
Adrian Gurvitz - I
Just Wanna Get Inside Your Head
He also told me to "play jazz"...
Blood, Sweat &
Tears - And
When I Die
I told you he has a sense of humor. :}
8/31 I think it's worth noting that the diversions I've encountered since beginning
this piece let me know that there are people who do not want me to write what they knew I
was going to say. Anymore than they wanted me to direct you to read "The Protocols of
the Learned Elders of Zion", which accurately describe the dialectical strategies
through the ages which are the same strategies destroying the world today. That influence
became most pronounced after their infiltration of the tribes of Israel - who then became
knows as Jews - to obfuscate their involvement and influence. Understand, I'm not issuing
a blanket indictment of Druids or anyone else, because they have wisdom to offer that
could be beneficial to us all. And it only takes a few "bad apples" to cause us
to label all of them as bad in the court of public opinion, out of fear and ignorance,
which I'll refer to in the future as a simple lack of understanding - by deception or lack
of personal research and inquiry.
Defining Compromise
Most people think that compromise and negotiation involve sitting around a table and
having each side elect to give up something important to them in order to resolve a
grievance. It may be true that one party or another in the negotiation is doing something
that impinges upon free will of others or poses a danger, but if it is merely a matter of
preference, there is no need to give up anything. What there is to do is to bring all
parties together, discuss what is needed or wanted, and find ways to accommodate all
The only actual compromises that should be made, if any, with the modern use of the
word, are those that would alter a method or process or behavior that prevents the
inclusion of all appropriate needs and desires.
For anything to actually be accomplished, however, all parties must be willing to allow
others to have what they want as well. And all should be willing to acknowledge the
harmful effects their own desires would have on each other.
This is what Peter understood when organizing what was intended to become The Universal
Church. It is also the source of the errors that have lead to Christianity and
spirituality being competitive factions and sects.
There is no need to exclude the needs of those who choose to not participate in the
body of the church, the Kingdom, the mainstream or whatever you may wish to call
alternative thinkers.
It is also the source of the need for separation of church and state. It is also the
reason that the concept of theocracy has been perverted to mean there is an exclusive
religion that is right, as opposed to being an institution that promotes a vast diversity
of thinking and writing and inquiry to enhance the experience and knowledge of a
Christianity is not about religion. It can be. Churches are also
not necessarily about religion. They might be. It depends on the social order and the
needs of the citizens.
Why would there be people who would to change or spin the truth to get you to believe
that there is a plausible reason for the alteration of a concept? How about... liars?
People who tend to inhibit the dissemination of information usually do so because they
have something to hide, or know something that gives them an advantage they don't want you
to have. Spiritual knowledge is like technology in that your knowledge and its use are
actually sources of power... not power as in domination or ability to inflict harm, but
the power to create.
I find it most interesting that the writings considered to be the Apocrypha are thought
of as heretic and agnostic. Certainly, I'm no scholar on many other writings, but I don't
understand the fear of alternative thinking, from now what I will refer to as
"seeking truth". The only thing alternative about it is the selection made by
your leaders to exclude you from receiving the gift of knowledge God bestowed for us all.
Even if you hear something you disagree with, it doesn't mean it's wrong. It simply
means that God doesn't want you to study a particular area of spiritualism, or it isn't
time in your personal evolution for you to dwell in a particular area of inquiry.
Or, it may mean that the opposite equalizing force of the cosmos is causing you to
avoid it because you would gain more intellectual and spiritual freedom, and would mean
you might not conform to the temptations and traps and emptiness of a materially-driven
life... AKA economic slavery.
What is called the Apocrypha provides a great deal of valuable information and insight
that most people will never know because of prohibitions and lies labeling these books as
"bad". They're all incredibly valuable because the diverse interpretations of
similar visions.... given to many prophets in the same time period, give us a way to
triangulate or vector in on the truth... which happens to be whatever we end up thinking
after the inquiry. It's good to always remember that truth is our own truth, a personal
truth, based upon our understanding at that time.
Every person has their own truth. The ultimate question is, can we respect the
knowledge and experience in each person's truth, and accept them and their truth as
enrichment and empowerment, or we will simply discard, disregard or diminish the beliefs
and knowledge others if it doesn't justify and rationalize our own truth. Personally, I
love to be surprised when my personal truth is challenged, or altered by deeper
Which is exactly what brainwashers in churches - the people who want power and control
- don't want you to do. Trust me, I'm not telling you that people in churches are
just trying to brainwash you. There are always degrees to everything. And the people doing
it may not even realize it. They just do what they do because their society has lead them
to believe that leadership means domination and intimidation. When in Rome... That's how
evil snowballs into an avalanche.
I'm speaking of those who exercise politics in churches, people who seek power to
control the church and activities, as opposed to seeking to lead it through empowerment.
They want you to see everything their way. God, and Jesus, never wanted that, except for
people to understand why the 10 Commandments and the Golden Rule - the truth of Jesus'
example - could guide humanity if actually observed.
People might say that what I'm doing with the government of the United States is the
same thing. Set aside the way I've been contained all my life. In fact, I did study and
employ many of the "ways of Rome" in my work for several years. When I was not
being hit with Psychotronics, I was quite reasonable and tame. And these people don't
respect it. And still, I have no desire to make the United States or anywhere else
theocratic in the current definition of the word.
Being one does not mean eradicating those you decide to not fit into your perfect view
of the world. It means all inclusion, even those you might consider outside of the fold.
So long as a few rules are obeyed. Just a few simple rules.
If someone told you that you could use your mind to view Spain at this time of the year
to determine the weather before you pack your suit case before going on vacation, how much
money would you save on technology costs? If the CIA can do it, why not you? Who would not
want you to do this, and why?
By the way, there are many remote viewing courses out there based on CIA Research. It
is no coincidence that the best of them can (or used to be) be downloaded from a web site
at Emory University, home of Jimmy Carter, and the place where all the Psychotronic and
other work began as a result of the Rockefellers importing all the Nazi scientists, and
funding the continuation of their work (the stuff that led to the
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials)
Operation Paperclip
in 1945.
The Catholic Church assisted in the escape of many Nazi criminals. It's one thing to
provide humanitarian asylum for persecuted people, it's another to pander to governments
and criminals.
Unfortunately, this is why the Bible - and truth tellers like Jeremiah Wright - call
the Catholic Church a whore. The problem is, these days, almost every church is a whore,
in the definition the Bible provides. The Bible doesn't specify a particular church, it
speaks of the church, the body of Christ as a whole.
& the Family Stone- Everyday People
The sign of arrogance is that the Catholic Church is held up as being the
Universal Church, but uses politics, force, coversion and exclusion to cause change. It
causes division instead of unity. And uses the concept of "divide and conquer"
in so doing. And, thereby, it participates AND cooperates with evil.
And now, if you want to assume I've just singled out the Catholic Church, feel free,
but I've just described nearly every religious and secular organization and individual in
the world.
The reason is because we all prefer to suffer to endure the trials and tribulations of
lying leaders and apostates - than to deal with the truth, and have our lives
inconvenienced by expelling the evil that causes our suffering.
- Cactus
God is within us all. Evil is within us all, generated by the inherent traits that are
our survival system. They are the same traits that cause animals to mark territories and
attack those who encroach upon their space, the same inherent nature that compels us to
pro-create, and the same inherent traits that cause a dog to circle and matte down the
grass on your living room carpet.
It's the same thing that causes people to hoard office supplies when the boss says to
conserve because supplies are low and the shipment is late. It's the same reason we have
People using politics - and we all do - learn how to manipulate your emotions based on
triggering your survival instincts - fear. Every time they do, it is a manipulation,
The moment you realize you are being manipulated, the manipulators will tell you truth to
make you feel foolish for not trusting them. That is the essence of the strategy behind
the mass psychological brainwashing that is going on in America, and the world, today.
After a while, you don't know what to believe, you stop trusting anyone, become
alienated and disoriented, and become the unwitting pawn of anyone who gives you direction
that sounds good, at least in that moment of indecision when you are trying to make a
decision that can affect your life.
The recent scam of sub-prime loans is a perfect example of that. When politicians make
a theme of lowering your taxes in an election, they are doing the same thing. That money
has to come from somewhere to pay for infrastructure repair, bank bailouts, loan packages,
health care.. I assure you, if they stop subsidies to oil companies, the only thing that
twill happen is that they will raise the price of oil somehow. And they'll find a way to
sneak in a tax on consumer goods or something to make up the difference.
Worse yet, if you believed how it appears to me, I think these people are purposely
trying to sell you a bill of goods that will only lead to bankrupting this country.
It's no different than Al Gore selling you the fraud of global warming. Now, here
we are, suffering the effects of weather modification and manipulation and terraforming,
and to get you to endure your suffering that it causes, they tell you that you, the
people, have to make the difference and deal with the effects of your own waste and
excesses by lowering your standard of living... while their standard of living goes up.
Because all that's really going on in the green movement by politicians, other than to
get you to feel guilty for their crimes, is another bubble economy scheme, whereby they
will, for years, tell you "Here's the latest and greatest thing you can upgrade to to
save energy". And the prices of the products they sell you will remain high until
mass production kicks in, and then they'll tell you "here's the next upgrade".
And then you'll buy that, and we'll have a false economy that actually does nothing but
sell you old ideas as new ideas so they can control the population by keeping them busy
working on products they don't needed - supposed new products that have been obsolete for
a hundred years - until you run out of money, or they come up with the next best excuse to
sell you things God gave them to provide you with decades ago.
Planned obsolescence. Most software companies don't develop upgrades based on meeting
the needs of consumers. It's all done based on the idea that the public will accept the
idea of spending xxx amount of dollars every 9-12 months on upgrades if there is a
perceived benefit. The developer might list some key things added or repaired to the
product. Little else may be complete. But, you've been trained to spend money on computers
as if it was a requirement of life.
Meanwhile, you believe you've been given a great communications tool, the industries
make a lot of money, and you've completely paid for the government to set up a 24/7
network of surveillance equipment without even telling you you were being tricked into
paying for it.
When you watch TV but complain about the programming, you are helping to pay for your
own bad programming. When you watch a newscast by people you don't trust or who tell you
what their government tells them to say, you watch commercials, and buy their sponsor's
products, and pay for them to lie to you.
Are you starting to understand how economic slavery is impacting every part of your
life, whether you knew it or not? And, how by allowing yourself to go along with these bad
practices and seeing things being done that you know are wrong, and by allowing them to
continue, do you begin to see how you are allowing other people to redefine what is right
from wrong, despite the fact that in your heart, you know the difference?
Years ago the phrase and idea of win-win situations was popular, until the term became
like a code word. If someone claimed they liked win-win relationships, it was like putting
a sign on your back saying "take advantage of me". If you were a team player,
opportunists believed it meant you were someone easy to set up These opportunists
made it foolish to be honest.
That's a great deal of what cultures have become around the world, based on the
examples of the leaders they have. Ministers, politicians.. and look at the sensationalism
foisted upon us that constantly demand more and more stimulation to generate pleasure and
satisfaction. Football, beauty contests, "reality shows" that aren't even close
to representing reality, but they shape your view of the world.
So, when leaders of any kind, or role models of any kind are put on a pedestal and
presented as "false idols", it shapes the minds and values of those observing
the event.
None of that is a great mystery to you, I'm sure.
What you might find interesting, though, is the way that same effect applied to
religion in general has been turned into a divisive wedge issue, instead of a unifying
force... That's your proof of apostasy right there.
Peter and the Establishment of the Universal Church
Peter was a good man who served the Lord well. And he was a man, fallible as he was
wise, attempting to do all he could with the theories and paradigms and instructions left
him to begin the transformation to a "New World Order" of sorts... one based not
on the old paradigms of fear and force, but those of love and understanding as exemplified
by the Christ Jesus.
The problem is, it takes some time to break people of habits integrated into their
overall behavior. Particularly when they are promoted in the media and in the social mores
of leaders.
Which is why the Christ Jesus basically set an example, gave instruction, enlightened
many, and when He had adequately challenged the corrupt ruling government/elders and upset
them to the point of anger because he demanded that they honor the principles of right and
wrong (which they would not do because it would mean the surrendering of absolute power),
they crucified Him.
In those days, they crucified such people. These days, the government has a variety of
ways of "disappearing" people. John Negroponte is an expert at it.
Again, what I want to emphasize here is the need for separation of church, or ideology,
and state.
Peter had to walk a fine line. He actually founded the Greek Orthodox Church, which
wanted to keep the Church free of inclusive compromises. This included their rejection of
the inclusion of Pagan and Devil worshippers. He believed that their inclusion would
convert and transform them, instead of empower their ability to "infiltrate" the
ranks of the followers of the example of Christ.
Why would a Christian celebrate the birth of Christ using pagan rituals, symbols and
dates for that matter? Because the Pagans wouldn't join unless they got their way on some
pretty important issues. At that moment, the church became polluted, and the foundation
for the Universal Church was flawed.
The Greek Orthodox Church respected the idea of allowing such compromises not because
they were necessarily against Pagans, but the Pagan beliefs were contrary to the teachings
of Christianity. The disciples were instructed to speak to those who had ears to hear...
and to not worry about those who did not accept Christian values, with the idea that they
would see that Christians were pretty nice people and that things worked out pretty well
for all when they stuck to their beliefs and were mindful of God's Plan and wishes for the
Let's look at the word compromise again. I don't claim to be a linguist. But,
when I look at the word, I see an abbreviation for "committed promise" or
"communicated promise".
I remember once, telling someone I love that in my way of thinking, if you really love
someone, then the thing to do is to take notice when someone says they don't like
something, and then do your utmost to "not forget" to not do it anymore. Not
like you won't, but to just make a committed promise to someone to respect them and love
them enough to make that effort, to be conscious of your actions and words such that it
expresses your commitment to that person.
Notice I say "not forget" instead of "remember". And it's not like
you want to be paranoid about this. Just conscious. Trying to remember something is like
having a mental to do list. You always forget something. But, if you were to make a
conscious effort to "not forget", to make it a part of your being and practice,
then, it becomes a way of life.
Conversely, you might want to make an actual written list of the things that do and
don't bother you. What would you want in your world, what would you do away, from your
perceptions, and amybe another one from God's point of view.
Now you have a paradox. Are you going to live your life in relationships with a list of
do's and don'ts, like having to remember political correctness about race, religion,
nationality, etc? Of course not. And we're not computers, no matter what anyone tells you,
because free will is always an over-riding factor.
That's why God gave us the 10 Commandments. Only, we don't know them, and we don't live
them, either by choice or by training.
Can you imagine God on the mountaintop saying, "Look, I'd just say it's the Golden
Rule, but you guys won't even understand this for thousands of years, so let's not get all
philosophical and sanctimonious about it. Yeah, they won't even get that it's all just
about loving each other, but take these 10, think about it in terms of the material world
you live in, and I'll check in with you later and see how it's going."
When Jesus came along, God was thinking that things were bad enough, that Jesus could
set an example that would make an impression on people regarding the harm being caused by
government, slavery, capitalism, economic slavery, and the brutality of those who would
choose to serve themselves and enrich themselves at the complete detriment of the
Finally, in the spirit that inspired Patrick Henry, there was the realization that
people simply didn't understand the true depths of the enslavement, even of their souls.
And He decided that it would make a difference to set an example with someone who would
refuse to participate with a government or monetary system that was so evil that he would
make a stand calling for liberty or death, because this enslavement was as bad as being
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.
If and when you say it, do you mean it? Do you understand what it means to be without
If you do, if you have a sense of it, then you can understand that the truth that Jesus
was speaking of, that would liberate you and deliver you to the Kingdom of God was not one
of holy worship or that someone would save you like Superman or Batman, but that His
example would show you a way to live that would allow you to escape the entrapment of such
a tyrannical kingdom, which would, as time goes on, lead to the natural evolution of
culture and society that the Kingdom of God would be established. No muss, no fuss, a
peaceful transition to the promised land. That is what was intended.
God also understood free will and temptation. He gave Adam and Eve a choice about
whether we would live in a world of temptation and deceit, or if we would live in a
kingdom where people could be people and not constantly worried about being cheated and
made a fool of for
walking in the
footsteps of Christ. Adam & Eve were deceived, and forgot their instruction to not
give in to the temptations surrounding them.
So God said, okay, we still have some work to do. As expected. But, still, He hoped His
creations would "work" perfectly from the beginning. But free will - that's what
He wanted to perfect in Himself as well.
God is perfected in us as we are in Him, as I am
with all of you, as we are with each other.
His message is spiritual and not of law. His means
at this time is respectful of righteous laws of men, but contemptuous of laws that go
against laws of greater jurisdiction and authority which were agreed to be the operating
principles of this nation and toward the future of this world. Those who live by the sword
of lies and deception shall die by the sword of truth, equality and justice. That is
related to spiritual death in mortal and immortal life, self inflicted and enjoyed by the
deluded, as well as being relevant to the book of life.
That is His message in this moment.
And, by working with us in His own, mysterious ways, He observes those things that
motivate us, as they do Him, and make a few "thought" adjustments along the way.
With prophets and teachers and ministers.
The problem has always been the politicization of churches, spirituality, that has
changed the very meaning of the word of God to suit political goals. It's a very fine line
to walk, the separation of church and state, and requires a constant, vigilant inquiry to
maintain that separation. Without that separation, without the judgment and wisdom to
maintain the separation, we end up where we are today.
And excuse me for putting it in these kinds of terms.
But, the forces of evil, as predicted in Revelations, have stepped up the speed of
their attacks on the "good guys", and that is why I am presenting myself in the
way I am, and why the "evil-doers" are using military weapons -
Psychotronics - against us all. And that's why all the earth quakes, the wars and rumors
of wars, the weather (that's being
caused by HAARP)....
And along comes this year's presidential candidates, spouting "God Bless
America", "pray for God to build a pipeline"... all saying the other
is lying, each of them correct because they're all lying. And they want you to think you
are being allowed to make a choice, instead of being forced to choose their favorite
deceiver... someone who will inspire and entertain them while they are stealing you
blind, lying to you and deriding you for clinging to your guns and religion... the very
things you should do when your government has turned despotic and the government has hired
an army of mercenaries, made plans for foreign troops to invade you when they declare
martial law, and even create laws that allow them to cause people to break the law by
exercising their constitutional rights.
Even those executive orders giving FEMA control of the country and the specially
trained armed forces trained in Georgia at the School of the Americas, trained especially
for population suppression and guerilla war tactics - are part of a set-up to cause
you to take no action if and when another country uses tactical military forces to relieve
America of its despots. And if another country doesn't, then they'll use those SOA forces
to simulate one, generate civil war, and do the same thing in America as they've done in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and nearly every South American nation for over a
I went to St. Paul's Cathedral in London. It was a beautiful place. And it gave me an
opportunity to find out that this Psychotronic targeting is global, and that, at times,
intel agencies "hand off" targeted individuals to cooperative partner nations.
Like I said, St. Paul's is a beautiful. It was like a museum of gold and treasure and
art. And then I walked into the back section where the bodies of great soldiers had been
buried. I came across one crypt or burial place for someone named Christopher Wren... and
though the name only sounds the same, it personalized it for me. And I started looking
around, and all I could see anymore was that I was standing in this church that didn't
look at all as meek and meager as a church is supposed to be, according to the Bible...
and what I realized even more, is that I was standing in a war shrine.
I couldn't believe that any Christian nation would glorify crusades that would kill so
many people. Thou shalt not kill is a pretty basic commandment. Like anyone, I have my
moments when I'd just like to take someone and shake them, but I don't do it. I believe,
and I believed God was instructing us through the 10 Commandments, that there must be
another way to resolve things.
And then MI-6 shot me with Directed Energy Weapons.
It must have been microwave attacks, I got dizzy, got vertigo, thought I'd end up
falling down the stairs in the London Underground trying to get back to the bed and
breakfast I was staying in. And the Psychotronic voice to skull harassment began.. with an
English accent.
But I have become clear of 2 things from that: St. Paul's became a symbol to me of the
inappropriate confluence of politics and religion, justifying sin and crime in the name of
God, and that the United States has done exactly the same thing. And I'm really not trying
to criticize it. It's just an interesting study to me of how politics and religion become
merged, and how the Commandments of God are most often set aside for the sake of political
expediency, and apostates who tell you God is punishing them, or that God would have
you conquer another nation or culture on His behalf.
Back to Peter.
Peter then worked with the government, who wanted the support of all people. He found
it useful - at least at first, based on the promises of the government - to work within
the political system to establish it more quickly. (political expediency) People then did
not realize that when God told them the end of days was imminent, that God was speaking in
terms of his life, not humans. And, Peter was told that people only act out of fear and
survival, so the "imminent threat" became a useful tool...
And the Christian religion was then hijacked by politics... it still is, and it becomes
more obvious everyday.
It is the reason churches alter their sermons, change their commitments and actually
compromise - give up important principles - in order to be politically relevant and
included in a system set up for the sole puprose of forcing good people to conform to bad
policy and methods, or be refused the ability to address the population of citizens they
have been called to serve.
When a Lutheran minister told me the challenge was to make religion relevant in the
post-modern era, I didn't understand why he would think it was irrelevant. Now I do.
It's hard to separate politics from religion, because so much evil in the world
emanates from politics. My life is a perfect example of that.
However, an honest politician would have no problem implementing the 10 Commandments
and the Golden Rule, without it ever being about religion or Christianity. We do,
after all, say that the United States is based on the concepts of Judeo-Christian values.
After all, those rules are simply reminders -
Rushen - Forget Me Nots - of the difference between right and wrong, which is
important because lying politicians will try to convince you to violate those principles
for political and financial gain.
Every time a "Christian" politician repeats the phrase "An eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth" as a justification for war, they are lying to you. Jesus
said he specifically disagreed with that notion. If politicians tell you that, they are
not Christians, or they're completely uninformed Sunday Christians. Or, they're taking
their nstruction from the money changers - which is the case more often than not - so that
they can be famous, appear powerful, and have their names written in hostory (as opposed
to being more concerned about remaining in the Book of Life.)
They may be Jewish, ignoring the new testament, but since we know Jews are not
necessarily Israelites, we get yet another example of the fundamental myths that have been
spoken to people who have not read the Bible themselves, and how infiltration of the
Israelites has led to a perversion of Judaism AND Christianity. (by perversion, I do not
necessarily mean immorality or illegality, just an inappropriate confluence).
Even so, remember Jesus is still considered a prophet to the Jews, and therefore, it
would be intellectually assumed that they would heed the teachings of Christ.
In view of that, it's interesting to note that when Jeremiah Johnson was shown at his
church, speaking of how the CIA developed and spread HIV/AIDS, as well as how the U.S.
Government was directly involved with the September 11, 2001 incident, he was telling the
Where Jeremiah Johnson failed himself and God as an anointed one, a minister of God's
word and plan, is that when it came to light, he backed down, and stated that Obama was
just doing what politicians do, instead of standing up for the truth, and putting Obama on
the spot to speak the truth as well. When you read the things I write to Obama and McCain,
you could say I picked up the baton from Jeremiah Wright.
Jeremiah now needs to look at the fact that God gave him the opportunity to spread the
truth in that controversy, and he failed in exactly the same way he claims "the
church" is a whore, becomes he gave in to politics - the government and the
state - and chose to then keep silent for political expediency. That's once again, how the
separation of church and state breaks down.
When Obama turned his back on his pastor of 20 years... Obama failed God in the same
way, claiming he's a Christian, but without the courage to speak the truth and face
criticism for it. That's why, if Obama gets elected, his term of office will fail, if we
are to believe that his phony claims of change can be made while surrounded by people who
actually are the body of the anti-Christ.
One of the reasons I didn't want to become a minister was because I didn't want to be
caught talking like that. That means that I, too was a whore, using the same definition of
whoredom. :} It also means that the media and government did a good job of brainwashing me
into thinking that the purpose of my life would cause me to be ostracized. It's true, but
it's not personal, it's a defiance of God.
That's also why when Hillary Clinton said she was in favor of economic coercion (and
you thought she was talking about doing it to foreign states, not you and people like me)
- she was letting you know that she, and the people surrounding Obama, would use economic
hardship to force Americans to comply with the fascist dictates of the U.S. Government.
They do forecast their actions.
In the same way, we are all whores in one way or another. What are you willing to do to
get what you want? What crimes of your employer are you willing to overlook/participate in
for fame and fortune? In the same way, what makes you think that when you are doing that -
giving up your principles for the almighty dollar - that you could legitimately call
yourself a Christian?
I was told last night that Quakers do not believe in the concept of a messiah - a
fancy, supernatural sounding word that simply means in reality, a person of virtue who
will ascend and do the right things, resulting in a fair and just world - also called
those magical, religious sounding words that people hate to hear because it reminds them
of how much they don't live their spoken values and principles - the Kingdom of God. Of
course,I'm over-simplifying, but in essence that's the truth. And I assure you, I will do
more independent study regarding Quakerism, whose beliefs I actually know of in the
practice of being I respect.
You can make it sound as tyrannical as you want, but the fact is, it only sounds that
way because churches and governments, through the ages, have used the "fear of
God", instead of respect, and the fear of hell, which doesn't actually exist, as ways
to control you.
The picture and story of hell presented in the Bible is an interpretation of a vision
of a place that was hell to be in. A prison. Back in those days, prisons were much worse
than they are now. Going to prison was like suffering eternal hell and damnation.
Now that you know that (or, probably don't want to believe it), you have a new choice
to make, based on a new freedom. You don't have to worry about going to hell. Will you
disregard sin and God altogether, and do what your leaders do? Or will you decide to
choose a life that works, one that includes the 10 little rules and that Golden One I like
so much.
Will you put your faith in God, or false idols?
If your father hadn't threatened to spank you, would you have behaved? I would
have, because the things He told me made sense. But, then, that was the kind of child I
was. AND, I didn't like anyone telling me I HAD to do something... no choice... they say
I'm just like my father.
That's why you've got choice. The question is, what will you choose? What's expedient,
or what makes sense?
The other news is, and I won't say it's bad, the alternative is to go somewhere else
for further training, or non-existence. No suffering. God's a nice guy, although he will
draw the line at a certain point, and when he does,
you'd better
pay attention. :}
You go to hell every time you sin and feel guilty. You slide further into hell each
moment you don't rectify the sin, and the more ways you attempt to cover your tracks.
It's nice to think that you're saved and a Christian and that you're forgiven for
everything automatically, but it's not true. It's like thinking that just because you have
car insurance, it's unimportant if you have a collision. There are consequences to it all.
Each time you set a bad example, other people think it's okay too. And that ripples
holographically into the cosmos - into a culture - until it overtakes it.
(By the way, I hope the example I am setting here DOES get people revved and motivated
in exactly same ways I do... maybe not the Psyops language, but the willingness to force
people of power to answer questions truthfully. And to acknowledge the truth. It's
actually the only force I use, adn hope that will end soon because it's very unpleasant.)
Every time you complain about the way the world is, remember that you helped cause it
to be that way.
That's why I so regret the effect of psychological operations, and Psychotronics,
against me. The true measure of what distinguishes the difference between a sin and an
error is simple: intent. If you did something wrong on purpose, and don't rectify it, it
stays with you. You can do harm, pray for redemption and all, but that still doesn't
relieve you of the burden of the result of your actions.
One way you can actually tell you're in the Kingdom of God is that the Bible says in
His Kingdom, judgment will occur instantly.. which actually means, the second you sin, you
will feel guilty about it. If you don't, you're not being a Christian. Those who are not
of God will not hear or acknowledge their acts as wrong unless there is law or peer
pressure that causes conformity.
The idea of reconciliation and atonement does deal with the idea of seeking and finding
redemption. But, if after acknowledging to yourself your sins, you still feel guilty, then
you have not atoned. That's how you know. If there has been true atonement, then there is
If God judges you based on the sins you know you have committed and have not
acknowledged and forgiven yourself for - not blown off or placed aside in denial - then it
will be held against you. If you hold things against other people, living in a glass house
and all that, what you hold against other people is held against you. People generally
dislike in other people what they dislike in themselves.
Or, out of envy. A sense of a lack of control or helplessness. Rarely do people dislike
the essence of another human being, it's the actions or indiosyncracies that divide us.
And who informs us to look for particular things in order to divide us?
Politicians, ministers media, teachers.. every person who has a role of leadership.
Which means every one of us. Particularly when we choose to assert that that only our own
way is right or correct, and that the preferences of others should not even be considered.
And if your dislike isn't because of those things, it's likely that it's because you
know the difference between right and wrong, and you should have stood up for what's
right, and didn't, and so those people you don't like are people who remind you that you
failed yourself and your fellow beings.
That's why the Bible says that in the end of days, the evil-doers will not stop
committing the evil - because they really don't believe they're doing anything wrong. If
they do, they remain silent - they save themselves, and in so doing, they lose their
souls. Because they perpetuate and amplify the sin. And they do it to cover their tracks,
because they know there is no sane justification for the things they have done with their
lives and the power and wealth God entrusted them with to do His work.
That's why they become unwelcome in the Kingdom of God - because they know they are
doing wrong, and won't stop, or, they are simply committed to their own enrichment, and
don't believe in sin. And they're the ones who will not be returning to heaven.
Since God made the planet, he kinda feels like He has a right to decide who should be
on it. He's incredibly lenient with a few simple rules. And if the anointed can't get it,
and they don't even come close, then they're useless. A detriment. Thus, the high will be
made low.
Remember, the guide is ALL things in moderation. ALL things. Everything is here to
sample. The question is, how much do you do it, and what impact does it have on your life?
9/5/2008 - It's interesting, because I was doing some research about CIA Mind Control
experiments... I had decided to not mention or, particularly, encourage anyone to smoke
marijuana in any way. I smoke it for many reasons. Read
what I wrote to Mariah Carey
for more info on what I think of the whole marijuana debate...
Still, I can't ignore what I discovered. I'll just give you an excerpt of what I
...the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. This grotesque project of ghastly experiments in
mind control evolved out of earlier CIA projects in search for a truth serum. The roots
for such a project date back to the wartime OSS search for a truth serum.
During the war, the OSS began a search for a truth serum to use on captured
U-boat prisoners.
The experiments were limited and the only drug they found to produce desirable
results was cannabis.
According to author Anthony Cave Brown in the Last Hero, the experiments were limited
to testing on one person. Additionally Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University carried
out experiments paralleling the Nazis brain washing methods by drugs and hypnosis.
Estabrooks connections with the army, CID, FBI and other agencies are still shrouded in
secrecy. However, it seems that the doctor could not help but talk about his experiments
occasionally and what is known of his work comes from his loose tongue.
Isn't it interesting that politicians and dialecticians convinced a minister to fight a
false war against an herb made by God that clearly has a multitude of good uses - and
certainly it can be abused - but it seems kind of weird, doesn't it, when the truth is
known, that they violated the separation of church and state, God's servant got taken
advantage of by the influence of power, and one of God's gifts became a weapon of the
government instead of a blessing of God, as intended.
The last thing we'd ever want is something that God made that made it easier for people
to be truthful. :} I want to be clear, that was a sarcastic remark. :}
What I mean by a weapon is, it was used to arrest people, keep people out of politics,
to keep people inhibited and to corral them in the veil of the facade of righteousness to
oppress people who wanted to use an herb from God. It was a weapon, because the government
uses chemical weapons like paraquat on marijuana which kills the people who ingest it,
slowly over time. That's an example of a magnet war, using common preferences and
interests of groups of people, and then finding ways to use that interest to harm them.
The internet is often used by the government and certain groups to accomplish that very
As for causing paranoia: the only paranoia I've ever felt about using marijuana
has to do with whether I would be arrested or not.
Stills, Nash & Young - Almost Cut My Hair
NEW RULE: Marijuana will be legal, and safeguards will be instituted to safeguard
children and assist those who who are abusing it, as well as to free those who have been
prosecuted for no other criminal reason. Those who believe that marijuana is a gateway
drug need to understand that research proves that cigarettes are the biggest gateway drug.
There has never been a government sponsored research finding that shows any actual problem
with marijuana, except in the cases of abuse. In fact, one of the worst things I've seen
written about it in that last 10 years is that it gives people a sense of well being.
Darn. :}
I have to keep reminding myself that this is actually about the separation of church
and state. :}
How does all this relate to the separation of church and state? Simple, really.
And then there's some history to it.
The simplest form of the Plan of God relies on 2 things:
The government is an administrative body that tends to the needs of the people.
The Church is supposed to provide truth to its constituents. The truth about the Bible
and spirituality. It should also greatly influence its flock to be vigilant in being aware
of the government in order to identify when it is off track, deceptive or abusive.
The simple result should be that the values of the people, influenced by the teachings
of the church, will influence the integrity and values of the government.
Martin Luther King understood that, and retained his standing as a minister, leader and
empowerer with the hope and guidance to convince the government to pass legislation that -
under the Plan of God - should not have been necessary, but was required to cause
acknowledgement of an injustice.
Those who say it required the assistance of a white man to empower black people are
creating yet another false illusion for the sake of politics. What was required to empower
black people was a government that could admit a mistake or an inconsistency, and correct
it. Nothing more or less. Except that when God says all people are created equal, He
actually means it.
Like when He actually grants us equality by calling us all whores to create a place
from which we can all begin a reconciliation and experience real atonement. Or
choose to destroy each other in our denial, greed and lust.
Think about that for a while and see if you can get over yourself. And try to laugh
about it. When you can, you'll know you understand what I mean.
Read Ecclesiastes if necessary.
Sure, that's a tough way to put it, but facing it and dealing with it will make a
difference. Do you dare take it on? In waht ways do you "sell out"? That's the
real question.
In the Kingdom of God, there is only one rule, and that is the Golden Rule. One rule.
If people were to actually obey that rule, we would have anarchy, not chaos, but anarchy,
personal responsibility, respect for all beings and creatures and objects.
Personal responsibility - another hijacking of Christianity by the George W. Bush
Administration. And redefining the word anarchy to mean chaos. Making him an apostate,
unelected inhabitant of the White House. (if you think he won an election, please see, but only do so if you're willing to be objective, and set your opinions
aside in order to see the truth.
If people actually understood the Golden Rule, we would not let criminals be elected to
office, we would not allow people who lead global deceptions to serve in governments and
law enforcement agencies, we would not allow people who do not agree with the
constitutions of our nations to serve under those constitutions.
The reason they get away with it is because the churches don't do their jobs, politics
are used to manipulate and control the churches, and thus, political influences cause
people to overlook these simple things, thinking that what's important is a central theme,
a campaign slogan that is simply a politician telling you what they want you to think, and
what you want to hear.
An apostate of any kind will simply tell you of your concerns, and flatter you in ways
that boost your pride and ego instead of being willing to tell you the truth, give you the
real bottom line and acknowledge the core issues of any matter.
A prophet and a REAL leader have something in common. They'll tell you the truth. Even
when it upsets you.
A servant of God is willing to be criticized for delivering the truth, knowing it is
the denial of the truth that eventually leads to the realization of the truth.
In that same thinking, if you are an anointed nation, and all are in their own ways,
and if we understand the Golden Rule and follow the example of Jesus, and understand the
teachings of prophets of many spiritualities through the ages, then the people who will be
elevated will be elected by people of the Kingdom, and therefore, the leaders will be
serving God's Plan.
If another prophet has ministered to another religion, and delivers the message of the
walk of Jesus, then their religion is part of the Kingdom. That is not to say that Jesus
should not be acknowledged as the master He was, but how how would these people of other
faiths come to know of Him by name if they are excluded, and how would their exclusion be
And why are people swearing oaths upon the Bible, when they have no intention of
keeping the promise they make when they take it, particularly when they claim they are
doing it in the name of God?
How dare you? Talk about using God's name in vain.
Strangely enough, it seems to me that the United States, a rogue nation, got off track
just about the time my great, great uncle Ulysses S. Grant left office. They said he was
an incredibly honest man surrounded by incredibly dishonest people. And his name wasn't
even Ulysses. It's Hiram.
That's how evil takes over. Infiltration, domination, suppression followed by empirical
collapse. History shows us that the idea of empire doesn't work. The leaders of empires
are too quickly overtaken by greed and corruption and sadistic pleasures.
That's a new rule. No more empires.
Morissette - Citizen of the Planet
And every nation thinks they are the one, or should, because they are for their people.
Talk about regionalization. That's regionalization.
When God exclaims "Is there no one I can trust", try reading it like -
is there no ONE I can trust? Or, is there no knowledge of the ONE that I can trust.
Other than me, the answer is apparently no. Even though that isn't really true, but His
frustration in the past has always been that the anointed ones, the Christs, would take
shortcuts He would not hav preferred that they take.
I refuse to fail. I have nothing else to do. Works out.
Speaking of new rules, much to the surprise and chagrin of Bill Maher I'm sure, watch
the movie Religilous. I won't say I agree with it all, haven't seen it, but it makes
a good starting point for an intellectually honest and amusing conversation... that we
desperately need.
Now, back to our regular programming. :}
- Primetime TV (Brzezinski won't touch her, she's Polish :} She actually cut the
entire album without knowing a word of English... they just taught her to pronounce the
words. Is she a politician?:} Talk about Amazing Grace.
I was just thinking, I wonder how much grace Christian women would have if they knew
the military was using surveillance equipment on them that's so good, they can watch them
having sex with their husbands?
They could even use the same surveillance equipment to ring an alarm when you were
thinking about having sex to let them know it was time to watch. And if your sex life
wasn't interesting enough for them, they could get you to fantasize about all sorts of
nasty things your husbands thought you'd never come up with... by yourself... I wish I was
exaggerating. I really do.
How much privacy ARE you willing to surrender for security. And, what if who you needed
protection from most is your own government? It is. Accept it. Open your eyes. Wake up. Do
something about it. Stop watching the Nightly News and read.
Think about the difference between right and wrong, and you'll easily see that you have
been lead down the wrong path in almost every single way.
That IS the true proof that we are living in the end of the days of the reign of the
anti-Christ. The end of those days could end with people making choices and expelling the
evil, or it could end through war, death and destruction, as prophesied in the Bible, IF
we do not choose to change our ways.
That will not be a punishment from God, that will be us destroying ourselves.
Wind & Fire - All About Love
Will you choose a life of love, or a life of hate? Will you choose right, or will you
choose wrong?
People will say that choice is mine, but I made my choice long ago. Some cynical
people will say "But you're supposed to save the world", to which I'll say, if
the citizens make the right choices, I did. Otherwise, I've allowed free will , choice,
and true liberty.
The choice that matters is your choice. God gave you free will. That was an inalienable
right he gave you. It will not be rescinded by force, like those who say pretty words like
globalization instead of using the true agenda's name, the tyrannical New World Order.
What these people need most is your money and the military power and technology of your
Will you allow them to continue to operate weather machines to conduct covert wars?
Will you continue to allow them to use Psychotronics to control you? Will you dare to
believe the truth and take action as opposed to saving your "image" and
"reputation" by remaining silent.
What WOULD Jesus do?
Lights - Tears Are Not Enough
Rundgren - Change Myself