This psyop, as my verbose weblogs indicate on other pages, was don eexactly the same
way CNN and Kyra Phillips ran psyops against me to set me up to look like some kind of
obsessive sex pervert and delusional and compulsive to the extent that I would
fall in love with a woman on tv" and then do some crazy things to get her attention.
I tried to warn Melissa several times that it appeared that she and I were both set up
by whoever talked her into conducting the psyops against me. Last night, I went along with
some things... I warned her at one point that I always follow the trail of all psyops to
the point where it either fully violates my morals to do so, and to the point just before
illegality. And, I was certain that she was fully aware of my charges against Barack Obama
and the Democratic National Commitee, the Council on Foreign Relations, and their work to
shut me up most of my life in order to allow them to fully install the tyrannical New
World Order. And, that if she decided to interact with me, that she would automatically be
subjected to harm by people I don't even know, or why they do it, but being "the Son
of Man", the Bible says tha twould happen. And it does.
I will still say that I admire the skills of PastorMelissa Scott, adn I am very sorry
that she put her career and life on the line to harm me, becaus eI really do respect
her that much. But she is simply one more example of a good person who got talked into
doing something they knew they shouldn't do, and by so doing, is guilty of a number of
criminal charges, including RICCO, fraud and laws I'm sure I don't even know about.
Ralph Nader would know, since he also has been sunbjected to the "lure of a
woman" in order to discredit him, just like Ellitott Spitzer and John Edwards.
Melissa.. I really don't know what to do. Just like the media people and politicians,
all you had to do was be nice to me and I'd have walked away. In fact, even though you
were horrible to me, I'm still walking away with the same opinions of you as before,
except I'm sad to report that you can't be trusted, because apparently, you work for the
people who are in favor of the New World Order, which IS the plan to overthrow the Kingdom
of God.
Melissa, just just like all those other people, you contacted me first, and I
responded. I was willing to literally give you the keys to the Kingdom, and they actually
are mine to give.... and all you had to do was be nice to me, not give me anything, lnot
love me, not nothing, just be nice to me. And like the Donnie McClurkin Song, all of your
pleas for money on tv made me think you were having money trouble, so all I have to give
is my personal God given talents, and I gave them freely and offered you more, as a fellow
servant of God and nothing more.
Like all the politicians, what you people do is break laws to cover your tracks. Unlike
other people, I don't forget about these things, and I document them thoroughly. And the
day will come, as my father promised, when I will this battle and His Kingdom will
be fully established. You can expect my forgiveness and the Almighty God's forgivenesss,
but that won't clear you of the crimes you and your church members and stafff have
I went to your church today after all, because I wanted to give you one more
opportunity to demonstrate to me that after all, akk that happened is that we had a
communications problem because of your aesopian skills. We did have that, but only to
trick me, and ultimately, it prevented me from going to New York to prevent what is
actually happening right now in Israel and Gaza. That is why I would have gone to New
York, instead of Los Angeles, where I believed you were going to present me to th eworld
and through the religious organizations of America so that His work would be done in the
most timely and peaceful manner possible. And you thwarted that. Every person who dies or
is harmed in that conflict - don't ever forget that you have some responsibility for their
fates. Don't ever forget that when powerful people coerce you or convince you that
committing crimes - the ends justify the means - is an appropraite way to do things...
just say no. Because it's not true.
It's the same reason why God gives people choice, and will not revoke His promise to
honor their choices and free will. Because He, and I, know that everytime He would
do something outside of His laws, other people would believe it was alright too, and the
moral high ground would be lost, and He would be just like the tyrants installing the New
World Order, who took you down by setting you up to take me down... presumably because
they knew we, as a team, would truly have established the Kingdom with ease.
I don't know what to say about that, except it appears, by the way your security people
and ushers have handled things, that you've all done this before to other people. That
makes you a front organization for psyops, which is consistent with a number of CoIntelPro
like operations I am familiar with and have been tracking, which is the same reason I feel
no regrets about my letter to Ted Kennedy and others.
Maybe some day, when you're ready to tell the truth and when you seem to understand the
Golden Rule more, there'll be a place for you. For now, the only thing God wants me to say
to you is: Do I know you? And let the dead bury the dead, of which you are one.
I wish it wasn't this way, but it is. I didn't do anything wrong, you did. Reconcile it
yourself. It would appear, unless a total fraud, that you know how.
And still His hands are outstretched...
PS: I actually am Christ, and I'm not afraid to tell that to anyone willing to listen.
Because I can prove it. And unfortunately, millions of people read this web site, one way
or another... the same ones who advised me to not get involved with you in any way.
But, you're a minister, a declared servant of God, and so I decided to trust you, at least
to an extent, which was a mistake, because now, look at the results in the world because
of you and your friends.
To anyone reading this, feel free to read what's below if you wish, with the
understanding that the only conclusion I can come to at this time is that Pastor Melissa
Scott is a fraud. I say that with no malice, and many regrets.
Clapton - Change The World
Wright - Who I Am - Who I Am
Dear Melissa -
Such familiarity from a hilarious giver :} Only, I didn't think that what I was doing
and did was all that laughable.
God truly works in mysterious ways. I can't tell you how much I regret feeling
required, per my commitments and promises and love for God and His Kingdom and
responsibilities as Christ, to feel required to write this letter. I have many regrets
that touch me, enliven me and hurt me in both professional and personal ways, and I can't
help but believe that something has occurred here to prevent an association that was truly
meant to be as an essential part of the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, forever
and ever....
Before I address those "few issues I have with your ministry", I'd like to
say a few things first. And I want to be very clear, I wouldn't say these things if
I didn't truly mean them. And I'm saying them because I want people who read this online
to have some context and fulfill some greater purpose for this letter to be written,
always understanding that I am literal in the things I say... very literal... you
should not read anything more into what I say than what I actually say.
I highly recommend that people seeking the truth about the Word of God, the meaning of
the words used by the authors of the Bible and writings and history of the true prophets
of God, of all spiritual walks, my best recommendation (as of this writing) to those
studying the Bible as inspiration and guide and the true oracle and Living Word that it
is, that they should watch and review the work of Pastor Melissa Scott, who can be viewed
I believe that for anyone who really believes in God and the miracle of Christ and
believe in the Second Coming, and that these truly are the final moments of the end of the
days of the reign of the anti-Christ will be moved, inspired and enlightened as much as I
have been in my brief time of watching and appreciatiing her work. And I want to be clear,
I appraise her value in this work based on her work now, having nothing to do with the
work of her late and prolific husband, who I know nothing about, personally or
For those who are non-believers or those on the fringes of Christianity or
spirituality, I believe you will find watching her to be an excellent experience in
delivering the truth about the meaning of the Bible that may have caused you to believe
religion itself was Christianity, as opposed to the observance and reverance for the
example that Christ provided to us all, of every religion and spiritual walk, and that may
have caused you to become skeptical about everything to do with religion including the
possibility of not believing in God at all anymore.
Nahmod - One Power - One Power
Now, as I write this next part, I want people who just read the above to understand
that I'm now going to write some things that are not particularly complimentary about her,
but that, because I am always willing to hear the truth of a story, including about her, I
can only do what I need to do to record what I have experienced and the results it has
caused. And despite the appearance of what I'm going to write, I want you to fully
understand that I meant every word I stated above in my recommendation for you to watch
Pastor Melissa Scott.
So, Pastor Melissa Scott, I have a few issues with you and your ministries.
Morissette - UR
Morissette - MTV Unplugged - I Was Hoping
McGuire - Eve Of Destruction
The process of "becoming" was very confusing. I remember one
night, not that long ago, I was reading the Bible and it said I would be
"compassed" by a woman. I walked around the house for days wondering, who was
going to be this mysterious woman who would compass me, in other words, be someone who
could put me and keep me centered and grounded as I contemplated the universe.
And then, I remembered this song
Browne - Naked Ride Home - My Stunning Mystery Companion
and I thought, cool, Jackson Browne's music has been mysteriously prophetic in this
process, so I can't wait to see how this one turns out. :}
One night, I was finsihing up my web work, tired but wanting to read the Bible but
deciding instead to go see what might be on the religious channels on tv, and there was
Pastor Melissa Scott... never heard of her, it's awoman... interesting... and then
you proceeded to describe how you had a better appreciation for the nature of my cats
eating birds on my back deck, and how you appreciate cloudy days a little more for
the beauty that they gave, something like that, all things that happened and that I'd been
thinking just a few days before....
And I thought, interesting... this Pastor is using Aesopian Languaging to break through
the electronic prison the United States Government has had me in for some 6 years, where I
don't get important emails or phone calls or letters or any communications in or out that
the government doesn't want me to engage in. In an act of violating my civil rights to
freedom of speech, and human rights of granting me a trial before convicting and
sentencing me.... and this Pastor found my website, figured out who I was, understood the
issues I was presenting and was engaging me to let me know she was going to be my ally in
my work to establish the Kingdom of God.
I thought, cool, this must be the woman God promised would compass me, because I was
absolutely impressed with all the things you said and the historical and linguistic
translations and interpretations of the Living Word of God... and I thought, she's is
absolutely brilliant, and God wants me to team up with her to deliver His promises to the
world. At this time. When it's absolutely needed and wanted by so many people and
I wrote you 3 letters, believing that at least this way, there would be privacy in my
communications to you to protect you from harm, only to find out that everything I do is
monitored, including mail and I wsa really disappointed becasue of my awareness of the
harm that has come to some people who have dared to have legitimate contact with me....
and I knew that if you were doing this, that you were already in the loop of that
possibility whether you knew it or not. And that it was probably going on already,
otherwise you would never have engaged in such activities in the first place. I would
expect that no minister would under ANY circumstances. And as far as I am concerned,
anyone who says they are a willing servant to God is a minister in every sense of the
word, otherwise their ministry is technological and intellectual and impersonal, and part
of the whole probem is that there has been a break in the connection to God for a
multitude of beings...
And God says, anyone doing the work of God will not do so in secrecy. I did not mind so
much the use of Aesopian languaging. What I minded was the purposeful ambiguity and
contradictory use of Aesopian Languaging in order to perpetuate the psychological
operations being used against me to discredit and silence me because of the truth of who I
am and the truth I am required and privileged to report to the world... on behalf of the
Almighty God.
In othere words, whatever it was that motivated you to patrticipate in these
destructive actions against me, you need to understand, as I explained to the Weed and
Seed people in Washington State, no matter who told you it was appropriate to do the
things you engaged in, you are guilty of cilvil and human rights violations against. Your
organization and those people who appeared in your videos while you were doing this and
were aware of it are either criminals or material witnesses. Every person in your
audiences who laughed at your Aesopian jokes to me are either criminals or material
I have so many reasons to want to believe that you're just one more person who got
caught in the middle of asituation that was out of their control or that they became
involved in based on lies and false pretenses, but just like when CNN used Kyra
Phillips to make it appear that I was some sex-craved fenatical tv anchorwoman obsessed
delusional deviant.... what I did when I went to CNN in Atlanta was follow a lead on what
I thought would either lead to developing news about things I was unfamiliar with by
possibly working in a low position in Atlanta, based on Aesopian communications with them,
while yusing psychotronics anddirected energy weapons on me to cause me to believe that
Kyra wanted to have a romantic relationship with me. The ways and the content of your
contact with me were the exact same ploys CNN used.
And the results this time... much more devastating. I'm not going to say
that you're responsible for my homelessness. What I will say is that the CoIntelPro
operations used against me over the uyears has had at least a few consistent themes: to
make me look like I'm obsessed with women on tv, to make it appear that I'm a heavy drug
user an sex pervert, to make it look like I'm a womanizer with a violent temper, that I
act impulsively and impetuaously, that I'm delusional and mentally ill, that I lie about
everything, and that I harass people.... and the most consistent is the effor to cause me
to become so destitute that I become homeless.
Melissa, you accomplished what noone has accomplished before because I actually did
make a choice to trust you in your word to be a curageous Christian, someone committed to
saving America on behalf of God, and to finally take you up on your offer to come to your
church in Los Angeles... once I believed, through your communications to me, that we
understood each other in a number of ways.
I tried to put it together to be there rby Christmas, thinking - given you know
who I am - that it would be special for your congregation, believing they also know who I
am based upon their laughter at the "inside jokes" that were never actually
funny to me at all. They were hurtful, and I was led to believe you understood that. And
that your Aesopian Languaging was not providing me a safe place at all. Stiull, I admired
the messages you were delivering on behalf of God.
The directed energy weapons and psyops against me prevented me from getting there. But
I was finally able to pack everything up and get on the road, as I said I would, with the
plan that what I was really doing was going out of the country, and that I would make
contact with you in Los Angeles, at the Church, just in case your communications to me
were in some way tampered with to make it seem like I should simply forget about the
minister who contacted me, who was now withdrawing her commitment to God. I wanted to find
out for myself. I wanted to know your side of the story, hoping that you would at least
have the integrity to tell me yourself that you were not in the position to assist me on
behalf of God, despite all of your sermons and the songs you say of your love of Jesus and
"Body and Soul" and all of that... all of which convinced me and a lot of other
people that you truly are an inspiring messenger of God.
So, instead of going to New York, to the United Nations, I decided to take a chance and
have faith in one more person, although I have little faith in people at this moment, to
see if we could make an announcement and cause the world to take notice and swiftly and as
peacefully as possible put an end to the looming world war and the bankrupting of America
and the world by the "Jews who say they are Jews but are not"... whom you have
one way or another assisted...
As Israel is sending in ground forces into Gaza at this very moment. As I predicted and
beseeched you to understand in our communications.
It's 1968 all over again, M, check your history books, And if you had talked to me, you
would understand why that is. Christ didn't know he was Christ when he gave that order...
or did I? Was that simply one more deception to discredit me?
The point of that, and the point of this letter when it comes down to it, is that God
knows the truth, and He's the only one who counts when it comes to matters of the
spiritual being....
I won't say you caused me to become homeless, because I made a choice to pass this way
and try to contact you, fully believing I had been set up, fully prepared to sell my few
remaining possessions to get out of this country. .. hoping beyond hope that tampering
caused us misunderstandings, andthat in the end, you really were going to assist me after
all. So, I guess I was wrong about you, though I don't think I am in a way... but because
of you, I am now homeless. And it's not good news for the world.
This song just came on my music player. I don't think I've ever heard it before.
Lightfoot - Daylight Katy.
So, as I communicated, I would be there New Year's Eve by 4 pm. And I was there at
almost exactly 4pm. As I passed the front of the theater, a man looked out the window of
the box office in a way that I thought meant - oh, that guy finally got here. You just
can't miss my vehicle. It looks like the Beverly Hillbillies Redux... ask the people who
guard your parking lot at the King's House of Faith... that's what you call it, don't you?
I'm going to get video of it later to be able to prove I was there and that it isn't
called the Wescott Family Christian Center anymore like your websites said. And your
church isn't listed in the phone either.
So I go up to the box office after parking and this guy starts yelling to me through
the window.... I couldn't hear him and his questions so I had to raise my voice. He asked
my name and I told him, I said I believed you were expecting me, thinking he'd let
you know I was there. Then he told me to go away, I tried to pass him a note through the
window opening for tickets and he violently slammed it shut on my hand and refused to
accept the note, giving you my name, celll phone number, saying I was the guy who was
writing "For the Love of the World"... he yelled at me togo away. I said, I
can't hear you, cna we talk for a minute. And he walked away.
So I came back a few minutes later with a sign with the same info on it, asking to talk
face to face - he could have stayed behind the bars and had been safe to do so without
fear of me... instead he took pictures of me and video like I was some crazy person, so I
held up the sign with the info on it so it would be on the video. And he took the picture
of me and quickly took it away to show someone... upstairs...
So I took video of the place and him, so I could prove I had been there and all. And
hung around, desperately trying to figure out how to get to the Glendale Office. Like I
said I would in my weblog.
And I accidentally observed a number of things. And I have to point out, I've
inadvertantly been trained to be a private investigator and quasi CIA investigator, and
they actually use the information I gather.... I say that because, while trying to decide
what to do next without breaking the law or being accused of stalking or harassment, I
noticed a car form Orion motors that conforms to part of the psyops I experienced while
watching your programs leading to my travel, and another vehicle that had its license
plate removed during the time period I was there. And, the guy who rudely blew me off at
the box office... I was on the other side of the street at the bus stop, looking through
the phone book, when he walks out, looks at me like, "Do I have your
attention?". So I walked to the end of the block while he led me away from the front
door, smoking his cigarette. And when I returned, I noticed the car from Orion motors was
gone. It was an interesting experience.
The security guard outside the entrance on the left wouldn't allow me to look at the
building directory of occupants, and wouldn't tell me when the building would be open for
business again, given that it was New Year's Eve, I thought it was appropriate to ask that
question. I was trying to conduct myself in a business manner, despite the fact that
I'd lived in my car for 3 days to protect the evidence of the crimes against me and
America and the world, driving from Washington State to Los Angeles, looking pretty grubby
as I told you I would... and that I hadn't had a haircut for 3-4 years out of fear for my
well being as well as the chemical evidence it would provide for later prosecutions based
on the drugs I had been illegally given.
I finally decided to get inthe car and find the Glendale office. I wandered around and
basically gave up, and decided to cruise around anyway because I've never actually
been without a home before, and I didn't know how that would work out, so I was looking
for a safe place to park and sleep where I wouldn't get arrested for vagrancy.
And then, strangely enough, I ended up accridentally finding the Glendale office. There
it was. A different name, across the street from Forrest Lawn. Which was strange, because
of the visual images, clues from songs, and some stuff I was told in psyops and aesopian
languaging from certain media sources.... "visions" if you will about words and
things that were all names of streets and things all around those offices. Of course, no
one was there.
So, the street next to the King's House of Faith or whatever looked safe, so I parked
there, and wrote you a letter that I deposited in the mail slot of the admin offices, all
the while while writing that letter, I was very much enjoying the New Year's Eve Party the
neighbors across the street were throwing in their back yard. Their cat came and
jumped in the window of my car, but got spooked when I tried to hug her/him, just like my
own cat Emma Lee used to do. A dog came around the corner out of nowhere, but got spooked
when I tried to call him over. And the friend of the neighbor who kept urinating behind
the treee against the fence wished me a very spirited happy new year... The music
they played was great... while I was writing, the music always ends up coincidentally
corresponding to my thoughts and writing.... this song stood out...
Brothers - What a Fool Believes Boy, did that come on at a poignant moment.
It just gets weirder and weirder, and it isn't funny.
And then, the next day, while repacking and reconfiguring the vehicle for homelessness,
I found the painting I deposited in the mail slot as promised, giving you my contact info.
I even posted the motel I'm staying in at the moment (I'm a little tired and run down)...
needed a cave...
Meanwhile, the choppers kept flying overhead, so I saluted them. I made sure I wasn't
blocking the street sweepers on Thursday and Friday. And I really enjoted the company of
the apparent Department of Homeland Security Trucks that surrounded me. That was weird.
Especially the white Hummer that was parked there all night, that all of a sudden
magically started when I woke up in the morning and oipened the car window, lit a
cigarette and started having my morning coffee from Eatwell's...meaning they were inside
it all night, getting warm in the morning and had been informed that I was awake and
they needed to keep an eye on me. They left when I left to get breakfast, but I saw them
surveilling me I think twice while I was driving around.
On Friday,. I spent the day amused at your parking lot people watching me as I
unpacked the car and repacked it. I know it must have looked weird, but I had to do it
soemwhere, and there was this lot without a house and a perfect place to unload. So, I
used it. Won't it be fun to tell your people that that guy in the El Camino that looked
like a scrap heap was Christ. :} I wish I was joking. I think I even saw you go by once or
twice, but I was concerned that someone would misconstrue my presence as harassment. I
did, after all, give you a choice.
McDonald - Playin By the Rules
Like a lot of choices God provides, particularly to His declared
willing servants, you made the wrong choices, choices that do not serve God in any
way. Choices that deny God's existence in the world, choices that serve other interests
than God's, possibly to fit in politically with your church or politicians, or maybe
something has happened to you. I know a great deal of the truths of this situation, and I
could spend countless hours specifically documenting them, but my order from God is to
report on what I see, and seek ways to defend those things that people do.
So on Friday, I was reconfiguring my load and vehicle for homelessness
living in the front seat, when this guy pulls close behind me on the street in a van
that looked like it was a paddy wagon, and he sat there staring at me with a mena look,
rubbing his chin like he was trying to decide what to do about me. I felt thretened. So I
grabbed my difital recorder, and wlaked up to the windowof his vehicle, which he refused
to roll down, an asked him if I could help him with something, or if I was doing
dsomething illegal or something, and he yelled at me that I had 10 minutes to leave.
So, I then grabbed my video camera and recorded video of him, his vehicle and
license, and he then got all upset at me and acted like I should be afraid of him, and I
asked him if he had credentials or id to be treating me this way, and he refused to
answer,. glaring at me all the while. I can't remember the exact sequence of that set of
exchanges, but I have it all recorded.
So, I went back to work on my vehicle, flustered, putting things in wrong
places, losing track of things that made it all take much longer, so I went back to his
vehicle and said I'm sorry sir, but I can't meet your intimidation demands that I leave in
10 minutes. So he then answered, like giving me permission to continue, and he sat there,
glaring at me.
Finally, it appeared I was finsished, so I lit a cigarette and had a cup
of coffee. I smoked in the car, respecting the rule the nice lady from down the street
told was ineffect that I was not allowed to smoke anywhere but in my car in Glendale. She
was nice.
Meanwhile, because frankly, I was challenging his authority to treat me
that way, which was completely illegal no matter what, particularly when I requested id
for his authority and he refused while making notes in his PAPCO notebook, and I went back
and informed him that I was an investigative reporter doing a report on the abusue of
power, particularly in regard to hiomeless people and weed and seed programs, and then
walked away laughing at him, because I couldn't believe he would continue his illegal
activities given the audio and video I recorded at his dismay.... and I told him I was
affiliated with an international news network, which, is actually true and will be proven
one day (when someone has the guts to verify my existence)... so I look back
at him, and he's communicating with someone, and he nods his head and two other vehicles
speed away around the corner by that fence around the vacant lot across the street... and
they confabbed for a while. The white car stayed there most of the evening watching
me, so I decided to spend the night again just to see what would happen.
Meanwhile, I start the car to charge the battery and get warm, and the van
pulls away. I guess he thought I was leaving. :}
Later, when I decided it was about time to go to sleep, I moved the car to
the other side of the street to be out of the way of the street sweeper on Friday, and the
guy in the van comes back, pulls up beside my car and tries to stare me down for aminute
or two. I stared him down. I don't know if he ever came back, because I went to sleepm,
having positioned my digital recording equipment just perfectly so it could be easily
seen, and I could reach it if I was awakened by a crazy weed and see, community watch or
private security dick. I hope he wasn't one of your security people, because he's guilty
of crimes, which I will expose later.
Because these are the same kinds of groups of people carrying out illegal
psyops of people on behalf of religious organizations, police departments, the Federal
Government and politicians covering their crimes. It's fascist and unconsititutional. As a
minister, I hope you are not involved in these things.
And then there's the psyops part of the story....
Lover's Rock
Again, because you contacted me first int eh ways you did, I assumed you
understood the situation and were attempting to "pull me out of the hole". I am
not Paul, I am not Elijah, I am none of those labels the Council on Foreign Relations is
attempting to pawn me off as. I assuemed you knew that too.
Given that, and given my explanations in my wenlogs about the psyops, I
informed you that everything about what was happening between us was a repeat of the
Psyops conducted with the cooperation of CNN and Kyra Phillips. At this moment, based on
the treatment I have received and many other factors, I have to assume you were but one
more particpant in the conspiracy to overthrow the Kingdom of God. I've given you every
possible opportunity to provide me with your side of the story, even if you were involved
and changed your mind in favor of God. I just needed to know your side so that I could
trust you. So, here I am in Glendale, a place I want the residents to know I like very
much, wondering if this really is the state of the ministry in America... and apparently
it is.
In the meantime, because of the Kyra psyop, and because of the sever
Directed Energy and Psychotronic attacks I began receiving when I started watching your
program, the psyops guys figured out that not only realized that I was joyfully impressed
with your brilliance and expressions of God's Word that I was moved to contact you to set
up a two or 3 day vidsit to talk to you about being my "second" in the
establishment of the Kingdom of God, as spoken of in Ephesians... not to hand it over toy
uo, but to be my equal partner in the work that needed to be done.
But the psyops began to use the fact that I not only realized that I
respected your "professional" skills and stated commitment to God, but I was
attracted to yuo as a man, wondering, like any person who comes across someone else who
seems attractive to a member of the opposite sex... or theoretical romantic
partner....they started me through the same kind of things as they did with Kyra. Only it
was different, because the feelings were real, though amplified by psychotronics, and
began as part ofwhat I saw as the possibility of a partnership professionally and the idea
of friendship, as expressed in this song, and something I've yearned for my entire life.
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - By a Friend
and this song
McDonald - No Lookin' Back - By Heart and a plethora of other songs by prophtic
musicians, the Angels of God, describing what I truly believe was meant to be between you
and I. I've been tricked before, and I never regret loving anyone, and I wish I could
explain why, being 53 and having around the block a few times... but I actually did... or
at least began... to fall in love love with you based on so many things I don't care to
express in this letter, because they're all in the weblogs. But it's true, just like I
said in the weblogs, knowing I knew nothing about your personal life, your background,
your church business and everything else... just something I knew. And still believe. But
emulations have been going on for a long time. With the greatest difference being
that all of the emulations were 1 or 2 parts of what I saw in you... in other words,each
of the other people I had experienced in the past had 1 or 2 of the aspects that I see in
you.. they were emulations, and to me, you seemed like the real thing. As a
professional, as a partner in the work of God, as a friend, and as a woman. And I simply
won't deny that.
I made you a number of promises regarding my intents in regard to your
role as I envisioned it, that could not possibly be properly communicated without actually
talking to you. Still can't. And I was clear that you had no actual obligation to do
anything, so I accept that. And despite the love I feel, which I can let go of like any
person does when things don't go the way you hoped they might, I still believe you're
brilliant at what you do and I still believe that what you do is vital, although now I
actually don't know what you do now... as opposed to what was presented on my tv, except
that I know I was blown off in rude and at least, psychologically, violent ways by members
of your staff, and I have to believe it was done purposefully because of the
And so, unfortunately and regrettably. I have to ask you the same question
I've asked many other people, mainly politicians, how will you explain this betrayal to
God. Because, like I've told the others, I'm going to win on behalf of God, He says so...
so the only question that remains is, regardless of what happens to me, how will you
explain yourself to God? And how do you expect me to defend you to Him as I'm
supposed to seek ways to defend the actions of people and beings? I want to be able to do
that so much you just couldn't possibly believe how badly I'd like to believe there's
another explanation.
But all I can do is report on what I've seen and what I've experienced.
And I understand how this could sound like a rejected unrequieted lover, but it's not, and
you know it, and God knows it... and I wish I knew what to say to you and/or do about
you... excpet at this point, to just do what I'm supposed to do, which is what I'm doing
now by writing this. And anything else that occurs beyond this will have to be by your own
volition and actions. Because the way it looks to me, if I go to your church to attend
services and observe your work tomorrow as I'd planned, it means I'll be submitting to a
setup to make it appear as if I'm stalking and harassing you, and I refuse to fall into
the trap, the same way I refused at CNN.
You know my name, you know where I am until I head for the border... and
it might be tomorrow or in a few days. And I have no attachment to how it turns out.
Because I had already reached the conclusion before Washington State that this is what was
going to happen, but I chose to do it this way because I wanted to believe, one more time,
that there was someone in this world that I could trust, that God could trust, and my
deepest sadness is that I don't think I was wrong, but something got in the way, and the
only way for that to be corrected is for you to take action, and I have no expectation
that that will happen.
Everything I ever said in the weblogs is true. I'm sorry it became
necessary to write this.
God bless you and keep you, and know that when I love, it is unconditional
and forever. I hope one day that will mean what is intended, which is much more than a man
speaking to a woman.