- Would I Lie To You?
"The high office of President has been used to foment a
plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the
citizen of his plight."
Pres. John F. Kennedy at Columbia University 10 days before his assassination
Ironically, the CIAs first widespread use of sex came from a program
to blackmail United States politicians conducted by Edwin Wilson. The political targets
were enticed to live out their sexual fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready
the unsuspecting politician would be filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him
into supporting the agencys projects and views. Wilson's skill in these matters
dated back to the early 1950s, when he took over a network of homosexual and pedophile
rings from CIA asset and McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn.
[Editor's note: While this is addressed to Ted Kennedy, it needs to be
made clear that the entirety of the United States Government is either perpetrating or
remaining silent to the conspiracy that has overthrown this nation. The people of the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bush and Rockefeller Families, and many others are
clearly implicated.
Every network news broadcast is delivered by people who are either
participants in or have agreed or are coerced to keep the secrets of these people and
organizations. This might be hard to read and believe, it might even make you angry. But
if you check out the documents referred to, you'll know that everything on this page is
true based on the information available. And then you'll become angrier still, at the
government of the United States, just as I did.]
Ted -
Robinson & the Miracles - Abraham, Martin & John
I actually like to consider that this song is also about Abraham, Martin Luther, and
St. John. It actually fits. The examples, and our times. I have a good one for ya about
how Peter, Paul and Mary started the church, too, that I think you'll like... as
soon as it comes to me:}
First, I want you to know that I wish you were not afflicted... as your brother Robert
threatened to do to the rich and infamous. I sincerely hope that writing this will not put
you in any danger, though I doubt it will.
By now, you must know that what happened would be the last thing I would want for you.
You've been one of my greatest heroes for a long, long time. And it wasn't because of the
legacy of your brother. It was the words, speaking from the heart, representing the true
intent and character of America. And the appearance that you actually cared about other
And now I know the truth about certain things. And I'm not referring to your health or
mortality. I'm talking about your standing in my world of minimal expectations.
Please read
my letter
to Albert Brooks before proceeding. I believe you will find it useful.
This is the hardest letter I've written yet. And if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But we
both know I'm not. There is a clear and present danger, and I take no pleasure in telling
you this.
On my way back from the alternative media conference in Santa Cruz last February, a man
sat beside me.. a great guy. He made sure to make absolutely certain that I knew that he
knew everything about me (I was sure because he kept saying things over and over, as if I
didn't get left drift and he knew it).
And then proceeded to make sure I understood he was a consultant for the NSA and CIA
for Raytheon on the HAARP project. My father worked on early weather modification
projects in San Francisco at Hunter's Point, which is the reason for the radioactive
radium pollution they're having now. And the use of iodized salt, too, I do believe.
HAARP is an acronym for "
According to the government's official web site concerning HAARP, it is a research
station located on 30+ acres of land owned by the U.S. Department of Defense
in ALASKA. Since HAARP consists of many individual items of scientific equipment,
both large and small, there is a considerable list of commercial, academic and government
One might ask, "What is a research facility intended to simply study our
atmosphere doing on DoD property?" The answer may well lie in revealing what HAARP's
actual functions. HAARP consists of a phased array of 180 towers placed 80' apart in a
1000' by 1200' grid. 2 antennas that transmit ELF and VLF waves, ranging from 2.8 to 7 MHz
(VLF) and from 7 to 10 MHz, (ELF) into the atmosphere top each tower. The array is powered
from 30 shelters, each responsible for powering 6 towers. Each shelter contains 6 pairs of
10 kW Transmitters, allowing for a 3600 kW transmission from the array. The signal can be
focused strongly to a single area or dispersed over a wide range. There are several such
sites placed around the world elf wave transmitting sites worldwide.
Most who are familiar with HAARP however, are usually only familiar with the one
Alaskan facility, thinking it to be the sole such facility. Nearly No one is today aware
of the many other sites such as the ones located in Puerto Rico, South Africa, and the
several in the former Soviet Union.
It is an interesting side-note that the project was conceived and experimented
with beginning in the 1950's according to our own government. Not coincidentally
this is the time frame that MK Ultra was operating carte blanche and in full swing. What
is the significance of this (HAARP) in respect to mass mind control? The answer lies in
the effect of ELF waves on both the human brain and the human body.
I had his business card, but interestingly, it seems to have disappeared. Like my
passport. I'm sure it's around somewhere. He told me that the Colonel he recently worked
with in Alaska on the HAARP project told him that HAARP was going to be used to control
the population of the United States. He didn't say how, in fact he asked me, and nodded
without giving me more information, the ways operatives do to confirm what you say without
admitting anything.
I told him HAARP would be used for mind control and weather modification. (Why was
Sarah Palin selected as McCain's running mate? To conceal the existence of HAARP, and to
help open up the ANWAR oil fields to feed the generators that power HAARP, as well as to
lobby for nuclear power there for the same purposes, under the guise of rescuing America
from foreign oil... sor t of like they'r edoing in India, now, as if India is dumb enough
to let the financiers move there. They already got what they wanted from the JP's and DR's
and the U.S. Tech traders at Los Alamos. People have caught on to these deceivers, and
they've individually set them up to shut them down, because they want a world of peace
Wonder - Skeletons
Anyway, he told me that your family and the Goldwater family made a kind of deal a
while back... that politics and government was more of a game for you elitists, but to
make it interesting for you, Goldwater would always take the most conservative positions,
and the Kennedy's would always take the liberal side, and then it would be a fun game to
see who could motivate more people and pass legislation, or create controversies, stir
things up and just have a great time playing with the American people.
It appears this man was telling me the truth about you, and a lot of your friends,
anyway. Are they really your friends?
If I have any skill at all, it's the ability to look at a condition or circumstance and
understand the variety of ways that condition or circumstance would come about. There's
nothing psychic about that. It's human nature and science. And, now that I am attempting
to build my psychic skills despite the extreme handicap of
which makes it unreliable, I actually pay attention to the pictures I receive in my mind
to gain insight and discipline the skill. Still, I use that as clues, not proof, and
always wait for tangible evidence before trusting the pictures that lead me to answers
through research.
Just for the fun of it, assuming you've read the
letter to
Albert Brooks, let's pretend I'm God, and you're defending your life.
Do you give up yet? You might as well. But unlike you people, I'll presume innocence.
It's the Christian thing to do, after all.
Let's review.
need anything else? Unfortunately we do.
Declassified MK-Ultra
Documents (I originally downloaded these documents from this web site through a hidden
link in the Denzell Washington movie website for The Manchurian Candidate)
Lets' see. Your family, and Fox, took over the broadcast/Hollywood media in the 20's.
And then, you guys got some crazy preacher to front your push against marijuana, then
instituted prohibition as if to act more Godlike and Christian as a nation... and then
your family and the Bush's and lots of other so-called respectable people made tons of
money illegally selling alcohol.
Which is why your family was so closely linked to "the mob".
The funniest part is this: During the war, the OSS began a search for a truth
serum to use on captured U-boat prisoners. The experiments were limited and the only drug
they found to produce desirable results was cannabis.
Hmm... the rest of the story says that the researcher didn't leave any records behind,
and that the only actual record of his work was reports from his friends who he talked to
about it.
Imagine a world where people smoked marijuana and, because of it, told the truth. Just
couldn't help themselves. That would be horrible for a government that wants people
to ignore the truth. That isn't funny at all. Of course, then there's the possibility that
Psychotronics was as advanced as Ira Einhorn said, and knew that part of the ploy of
synthetic telepathy was to target marijuana smokers because the drug made them more
receptive to psychotronic effects, as well as generate creative "intellectual
properties", ideas, inventions, music, etc... meanwhile, spiking the marijuana
with things like that chemical weapon paraquat. Essentially, it's like
stealing their ideas while killing them over a long period of time. A slow-kill, as
described by the CIA manuals.
Just like if we were not erroneously scared into getting rid of lead paint, these
psychotronics and directed energy weapons being used against us wouldn't work too well,
now would they? That is a conspiracy. The NRA may not allow you to take away guns, but you
certainly have legislated away our only method of defense against these electronic
And then your families financed and gave material aid to Hitler, and made tons of
money, as good, patriotic American capitalists. Like alot of them did. It was good for the
economy. Including the Bush Family.
Just like how Pfizer made a deal with Australia to sell drugs to them at discount
prices so long as they they continued to sell pharmaceuticals to Americans at full price.
A deal that was declared "good for the American GDP". The only thing it
was good for was Pfizer, one of the original drug companies that worked with the CIA on
these MK-Ultra drugs.
Of course, your adversaries to rule the kingdom of America on behalf of the Queen is
the Bush family, Rockefeller too, (KBR, isn't that interesting) which has a long
running history of making money with Barbara's (Pierce/Piercy) family and the British
Royal Family to sell and distribute drugs around the world in order to finance wars and
corrupt governments, as well as to destroy the fabric and lives of nations you were
focused on conquering.... (Again, people should find info on the Black Powder Rebellion).
Brothers with Aretha Franklin - Think
To me, it seems your families have joined forces, and there is no difference in your
goals and methods. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't put much faith in hope anymore.
And you actually believe you can use the anointed nation status of the United States,
not currently in effect,
to rob, cheat, steal, murder and betray whoever you needed to in
order to have the most money and power.
I have a few questions for you: did you resent that John was the one selected to run
for President first? Or was that a media ploy to make you look weak, like they did to Tom
When you ran against Carter, you got into the race late, the same way a spoiler would
get into a race to create adversity and controversy. Sort of the Huey Long Story in
Louisiana, isn't it?
Just like Dick Gephardt was in the 2004 Presidential Primaries for the
sole purpose of taking votes from the Howard Dean Campaign so Kerry could win.
Did you do that to make sure Reagan won on behalf of the the Bush family's brand of CIA
Police State style of the New World Order? Did you do it because Jimmy Carter decided not
to go along with the police state? Were you threatened? What was on the line? Why did you
do it, if not to win?
I'm actually doing it to win on behalf of the American people. Why did you do it?
Here's something I want to know.
When President John Kennedy was assassinated, why did you not use the
power and wealth of your family and industries to spread the truth? I understood that your
family generated a book about it that was never published in the United States. Can you
change that status? How's Arlen Specter doing?
I really loved your speech on
Truth & Tolerance. I mean I really loved it. Still do. The words.
The ideas. The spirit.
Here's a question that must be answered....
When your nephew, John Kennedy Jr. was murdered, were you aware that he was going to
run for president, and that he intended to "spill the wine", you might say,
about the crime, corruption, assassinations and such in the U.S. Government over the last
100 years or so? I can't imagine how you couldn't have been aware of that.
Can I also assume you're aware of the numerous reports that, right before his death,
George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and an Israeli Moussad agent were spotted
at the airport, conferring, where John Kennedy Jr.'s plane was kept and maintained?
When Paul Wellstone was murdered, did you consider speaking out about EMP/DEW's...
Electro-magnetic Pulse and Directed Energy Weapons... Did you consider how unusual, or
coincidental it was that Raytheon offered to do an in-depth investigation of the accident?
And then they simply attributed the crash to a pilot who was tired. Traveling under speed.
September 11, 2001 happened, did you
catch the AP report saying that passengers of Flight 93 had been debarked, loaded onto
buses and taken away long before the reports of their crash?
We Control The Media
Did you or any of your supposed military experts happen to notice that the crash site
didn't have enough debris to have been the crash of an airliner? But that it certainly was
consistent with the strike of something like a small missile... shot from a fighter
plane.... the trench would indicate there was something of a horizontal trajectory when
the projectile hit the ground, not a head first descent as reported.
How could you not be aware that Marvin Bush was in charge of security at the WTC, and
that FEMA was in the building the weekend before the attacks checking out escape routes? I
know, the official story is that the building was closed for computer system upgrades. Why
in the world would you need to close an office down to do upgrades. What were the
upgrades, hardware or software? Either way, there was no reason for the building to be
closed. Is that when the military issue thermite charges were placed in the building to
emulate a catastrophic attack?
Prayer In Song - Memories of Friends
Were the public image campaigns against France used to discredit their credibility of
reports that holograms were used to make an even bigger spectacle, and to cover the fact
later that 5 of 6 of the "hijackers" from Logan Airport are alive and well in
the Middle East. And that the reason the FBI says Bin Laden is not linked to the attacks
is because that video tape we saw of him watching the attacks on video tape... where they
caught him supposedly saying "watch what happens next"... maybe he knew what was
coming next, the second plane to strike, because he had seen the video tape before showing
it to other people. All I'm sayin gis, why does the government only tell us the worst
possible explanation against our faux enemies?
I'm not going to say whether he did or did not know about it. I'm speaking of the
propagandist use of video and statements made by Bin Laden by the Baghdad Bobs of the Bush
Administration who forced the U.S. media to comply with their demands not to give them
fair airplay and analysis.
And did you know that (and I probably shouldn't say this) - it was during the
2004 election cycle - when I was being heavily zapped and before I realized its full
extent on my actions and thinking - before I learned to manage its effects - the period I
was making statements to leaders of other nations, and they seemed, at least, to be
listening and following my advice... I decided that Bin Laden should do the right thing.
and Crofts - The Longest Road - Egypt, Israel and America
After Ariel Sharon
and Yassir Arafat followed my instruction, and were killed or incapacitated. As Saddam
Hussein took my advice, and allowed his nation to be overrun so as to reduce casualties
out of his love for his country... just as he quit making public statements to the media
and got other people to speak for him so as to reduce the lies of
propaganda... as I suggested... or was lead to believe he was listening... somehow...
So I thought, what the heck, let's try this. I called on Bin Laden to make an
announcement to the American people, free of righteous phrases, propaganda and hateful
rhetoric... but to actually inform the Americans of the complaints he has against the
United States. Complaints that I believe are justified.
I will never condone the use of terrorism or war to resolve issues. Nevertheless,
everyone has a right to self-defense.
The United States' policies in the Middle East have been very detrimental to the Arab
Nations, to the extent that the United States is waging
nuclear war with depleted uranium, we supplied the means for
chemical weapons for the Iraq-Iran war that polluted their lands, and the mass
graves purportedly caused by Saddam's war against his own people were likely
the result of the war with Iran. About the same time period the Kurds were killed
with chemical weapons.
Speaking of condemning nations for using chemical weapons, but Napalm and Agent Orange
are chemical weapons.
Russell - Masters of War
The Iraq war was was nothing more than a dialectic setup by Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait, approved by President George H.W. Bush, to facilitate the initial softening up of
Iraq, killing and maiming millions of children, women and men, causing untold birth
defects, and killing our own soldiers with our own depleted uranium weapons.
For those who don't know, depleted uranium is the radioactive byproduct of
spent fuel rods. Instead of disposing of it properly, they make it into bullets
and bombs. And shoot it at Middle East Countries. Israel is a big supplier of these
munitions. Our soldiers are not told they are handling radio
active materials.
In the long run, it saves on Veteran's benefits, because
they die sooner. And that's why they don't mind sending the same troops to the Iraq
war, over and over and over. Because the Pentagon knows most of the
soldiers are going to die anyway. And it won't be pleasant.
Hardcastle - 19
Anyway, I decided I might as well try to call on Bin Laden to make a statement. And he
did. But it was drowned out by a statement that came out from Zawahiri first, filled with
the usual saber rattling rhetoric that gives American politicians the ammunition it needs
to scare you about those evil Islamists. And so, the CIA Weapon of Mass Distraction
Zawahiri made sure Bin Laden's message wasn't heard.
And let's not forget that when Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl was executed -
something else I can't condone - he was, in fact, working with former CIA Agent and then
CIA Contract Consultant Robert Baer. Just like the so-called terrorists, defending their
lives and territories - claimed he was doing.
Harrison - Brainwashed
We may have been brainwashed to think that we can pass judgement on people of
other nations, and with all of our military might, march in and destroy them, but someone
needs to re-inform you that they have a God given right to defend themselves too.
Might Makes Right
Like Yassir Arafat, they may or may not be heroes or freedom fighters to me, but they
are to their own people. The fact that our politicians and paid-off so called democratic
leaders of the free world choose to glorify the destruction of the planet and beings and
creatures as if they were disposable toys does not absolve us of our perversion and
disregard for life. It does not change the fact that our leaders have educated us to
glorify murder... in war, on TV, in the movies... even Sesame Street used violence as a
means to teach children the alphabet. And now we have video games that covertly
"train" users. To do what?
Oh yeah, and Bush's nephew was it - at Fox - who announced the phony results of
the Florida 2000 Election results early. His boss, Susan Bunda, then went
on to take over CNN... during the PsyOps against me... what a coincidence.
Of course,
Lou Dobbs said there are no such
things as coincidences.
I have no idea who reads my site, how these things happen, I am not inclined to believe
in magical thinking... but like I said, these Psychotronics made it easy to manipulate me
back then. So don't dare say I have any connections to terrorists. I've been boxed in for
about 7 years now... and I know you know that.
Like I said in my journal the other night, I'm no radical. I'm a citizen
who knows the truth.
White - Walking In The Rain With The One I Love I wonder if you'll catch the
signifcant lyric in this song, released after I made up my mantra.... I am not perfect,
but with every breath and every step, I try to be. It's not that big a deal, just
interesting. Doesn't actually prove anything.
- I'll Be Watching You
And you actually do know all of that, and you've known it for years and years and
years. You can't deny it. It's just the truth.
Wikipedia: "Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been
abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the
CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research
continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA
was abandoned a 'cover story.'
On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy
The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions
were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert
drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and
foreign.' Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to 'unwitting
subjects in social situations.' At least one death, that of Dr. [Frank] Olson,
resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made
little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific
And then there were the Rockefeller Commisions
Rockefeller Commission
Rockefeller Commission can refer to either of two
commissions in U.S. history, although it is not the proper name of either: (Some of this
mtl from wikipedia)
You were on the infamous Church Committee... you know, MK-ULTRA, CoIntelPro... all that
good Nazi stuff that your committee supposedly put an end to... in yet another blue ribbon
panel that was nothing more than a blue ribbon cover-up... of the truth.. about the crimes
of the United States Government against its own citizens, that never ended.
Presidential Commissions and National Security: The Politics of Damage
Control by Kenneth Kitts
- Presidents and the Blue Ribbon Option.
- The Politics of Infamy: The Roberts Commission and Pearl Harbor.
- The Politics of Spying: The Rockefeller Commission and the CIA.
- The Politics of Armaggedon: The Scowcroft Commission and the MX Missile.
- The Politics of Scandal: The Tower Commission and Iran-Contra.
- The Politics of Terror: Tom Kean and the 9/11 Commission.
- Conclusion: The Politics of Damage Control.
MK Ultra, The Bush's and World-Wide Deception:
Prophecy Unfolding as The World is Enslaved
From a victim of Harassment and Electronic Attacks by the United States
Government on its own citizens.
the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
That, in fact, it has gotten worse, to the extent that our government says they
have the capability to electronically track and monitor the thoughts of the entire
population of the planet with
Talk about your thought crimes. Talk about your Minority Report.
Talk about distractions.
Michael & Jermaine Jackson - Somebody's Watching Me
What was the moral of that movie? The moral is: just because someone thinks of doing
something or has lascivious thoughts doesn't mean they're going to carry them out.
Even further, if you are using Psychotronics and subliminals to insert those thoughts
into people's minds, then using Psychotronics to read their thoughts and then using them
to incriminate those individuals, or cause them to take criminal actions so you can arrest
them, then you are violating their civil rights, let alone depriving that citizen of the
right to privacy of the worst imaginable degree.
When you consider how that can be used to cause the corporate incarceration of citizens
- like Stalinist Russia was after World War II, which Condoleeza Rice is an expert on -
the implications of employing slave labor tactics against American Citizens in
order to capture a cheap work force for your corporate friends, it sure sounds like the
U.S. Government is seeking its critics, setting them up for criminal prosecution, and
incarcerating them for corporate gain. And the removal of anyone who dares to stand up to
the New World Order.
And here's the part I hope isn't true, but given the way Psyops work, and how it CAN
affect - particularly delay through distraction - the work I am doing, I'm really hoping
you are doing well. Because part of the way I get set up is to have me write something
like this at a critical time such that I'll look mean or cruel or bad-tempered - or
writing something bad about a dying man, even if it is the truth.
And the truth is, I'd just like to have these questions answered. Because you and
Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton (who stepped up the attacks against me for this
final set-up at this point in history), Joe Biden, John McCain... you name it, you all
know I'm here and you all know why and what for, you have for many, many years.
And you've know about all the crimes committed against the American people by its own
government, on American ground... and this part goes to the entire government of the
United States. All the while claiming valor in your pride of a nation under God, defending
And in particular Ted, you and Robert Byrd who have brought me so much inspiration for
so many years, helped me to restore my faith in Democracy and justice and America, and a
dream that would yield equality and abundance for all people. And not long ago I read that
you are both of the Templar Knights, supposedly charged with the duty to protect and
maintain the matrix of God. Instead it was commandeered. And then there's your family's
involvement with
Opus Dei.
And then.
you approved of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" Program. It
appeared as if you were disappointed at its real form.
And why does it ring a bell that my mother and father knew of parties with Peter
And I'm really sorry Ted, but if my family and friends had been murdered, and I had the
money and power and facilities that you have, I'd have have built a bunker and hired an
army, launched my own satellite and I would have broadcast it to the world until everyone
knew the truth.
And in your case, not just because it would be the right thing to do, but because it
was so important to the future of America and the world.
I have to admit, I fully understand the fear and intimidation that occurs under the
threat of being zapped and manipulated by Psychotronics and more. There will be
deception upon deception upon deception. I mention that because I don't collect much
evidence these days,
I have enough to damn the entire U.S. Government. I don't need to hear
any more. Besides, I get fed so many piggybacks, my email doesn't really work and I don't
trust that when I access the web, that I'm accessing the same one other people are
accessing. Maybe I'm being used to test ww2, the next rev of the internet.:}
One morning, I woke up, turned on the news, to catch what I assume was a piggyback feed
of a news report that aliens existed on our planet, and they looked like all kinds of
scary things. I laughed. Didn't even record it, I don' think. :}
The point is, I hope you're doing well. Like when Tim Russert passed away, I was
concerned I was being told something about someone I care about that wasn't true just to
make me look like a fool. And that sounds so self centered.
And Ted, the most pathetic part of this set up is that these guys want me to talk about
Psychotronics so casually, and to prove it, in order to scare the public, which I guess
they've already done to some extent anyway. If that doesn't work they'll try to do an
Einhorn on me, only it didn't work the first time they tried it and there's no way it will
work now, regardless of how Psychotronics was used to make it appear otherwise.
And if that doesn't work, they'll say, he's this psychic dude who causes and won't
prevent hurricanes... like CNN set me up to look like... and on and on and on...:}
And Ted, you and a whole lot of other evil-appearing people knew about it and are
participating in it. Against a whole lot of people.
So this is the part that people won't want to hear me ask about you, to you, and I
truly hope you're in the position to answer the question I'm going to pose.
Ted, with so much at stake, and so many people involved,
can you finally, for once, muster the courage to stand up and tell the truth to the
people who have trusted you so long?
When did the man who claims to have been the liberal leader of
all time in America become a coward?
Climb into a bunker, make a video, it doesn't even have to be
detailed, the info is on this site and all over the internet and in libraries all over the
world will substantiate every truth you tell, and every lie you've participated in or
You have been given so much, and so little is expected.
We, the citizens, have been given so little, and yet, so much
has been denied.
And as for me, let me do my job. I want to.
You know I'll find a way anyway, with or without assistance.
Even if I have to die for my country, like your brother did.
Even after all the horrible things allowed by people like you.
Interpret that as you will.
What are people like you really like?
Jett & the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation
And still, you knowingly passed the fraudulent mantle of the American
spirit and pride to a fraud named Barack Obama.
Reconciliation and atonement is not a matter of absolution, just
as no person is an intermediary between you and God.
Like I said to Hillary, let the dead bury the dead, which means,
let the people with dead souls destroy each other.
Frankly, I'm not going to file a lawsuit or a do anything to make it easier for any one
of you because then you would still just say "Thank God someone let us off the hook
for our complicity and acquiescence."
Even the Rockefellers have no possible excuse. None.
Who I am is the possibility of the beginning of the fulfillment of God's plan, you know
it, you've known it my whole life... and someone of you is going to make the courageous
choice of empowering me for a change, or the disaster you all have generated will
proceed as you planned.
And that's a true shame. I'm not quitting. I'm allowing your free choice, and you all
supposedly represent what will be the conduct of the American Nation... I won't say
citizens, because you clearly don't represent them. But for the first time in your or
someone's lives, one of you have the opportunity to actually represent their interests. To
prove that you are more than the whores I describe in my other
essay on separation of
church and state that isn't yet complete.
So just for the fun of it, pretending I was God, and the bus with the love of
your life is pulling away from the station. This is the time, this is your test, will you
pass or fail?
Or will you pass or be harmed again, leaving behind the murderous lie of the Kennedy
curse for your family, and the truth of God and His Plan in the Faustian bargain?
For me, right now, you are the quintessential example of the most egregious deception
of our time. The betrayal of God, holographically becoming more granular and touching the
lives of every being who believes in you. I believed in you.
And for me, it also exemplifies that song for me,
and Son by Yusef Islam, which somehow for me is just like the story of my father and
me. Most significantly where he says...
If they were right, I'd agree
But it's them they know - not me, now
That's God talking Ted.
Now, people put their faith and hope in politicians, false idols, false
prophets, apostates and liars. Just as I put my faith in you.
Someone once told me, if you trust me absolutely, I will absolutely fail you. You did.
And so many others.
If there's anything I've learned by trusting you, and so many others in my government
who led me to believe I was free and had equal opportunity if I was willing to work for
it... At this point, I can't actually trust a politician anymore.
But, I trust God. And while John McCain mocks God and the idea that God anoints for
service, not for vanity or riches, but for service... like your brother John, God has a
purpose for us all, and we are all called upon to serve our purpose. And we have the right
to choose, that choice which may affect the outcome of anything and everything.
I will not hope for you to help me. I simply ask that you do the
right thing, for yourself, for America, and for the world.
The same way you would defend your life to God.
And to purge the traitors from our government. All of them. Including those who have
harmed you and your family. Before they do it again.
Ted, no matter what, I love you.
But, it is time to make that change. And I assure you, you and many of your friends are
most certainly being judged in this moment of history. Whether they're the good guys or
the bad guys, it matters not when good people sit idly by and do nothing.
I can do it in America, or anywhere else in the world. I'm in the process of hitting
the road this moment. Que Sera. Like George told Saddam, you chose it. Only you really
The following is a MUST read item
and explains my lifelong harassment by you, the Council on Foreign Relations and the
United States Government. Byperpetration or acquiescence.
- Heartless
From The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
1. I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King
David to the last strata of the earth.
2. This confirmation will first and foremost be included in that
which to this day has rested the force of conservatism by our learned elders of the
conduct of the affairs of the world, in the directing of the education of thought of all
3. Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and
their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them
into the most secret mysteries of the political, into schemes of government, but providing
always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of action
is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have not been
inducted into the secret places of its art ....
4. To these persons only will be taught the practical application of
the aforenamed plans by comparison of the experiences of many centuries, all the
observations on the politico-economic moves and social sciences - in a word, all the
spirit of laws which have been unshakably established by nature herself for the regulation
of the relations of humanity.
5. Direct heirs will often be set aside from ascending the throne if
in their time of training they exhibit frivolity, softness and other qualities that are
the ruin of authority, which render them incapable of governing and in themselves
dangerous for kingly office.
6. Only those who are unconditionally capable for firm, even if it
be to cruelty, direct rule will receive the reins of rule from our learned elders.
7. In case of falling sick with weakness of will or other form of
incapacity. kings must by law hand over the reins of rule to new and capable hands.
8. The king's plan of action for the current moment, and all the
more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are called his closest
9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him
will know what is coming.
10. In the person of the king who with unbending will is master of
himself and of humanity all will discern as it were fate with its mysterious ways. None
will know what the king wishes to attain by his dispositions, and therefore none will dare
to stand across an unknown path.
11. It is understood that the brain reservoir of the king must
correspond in capacity to the plan of government it has to contain. It is for this reason
that he will ascend the throne not otherwise than after examination of his mind by the
aforesaid learned elders.
12. That the people may know and love their king, it is
indispensable for him to converse in the market-places with his people. This ensures the
necessary clinching of the two forces which are now divided one from another by us by the
13. This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for
both these forces separately to fall under our influence.
14. The king of the Jews must not be at the mercy of his passions,
and especially of sensuality: on no side of his character must he give brute instincts
power over his mind. Sensuality worse than all else disorganizes the capacities of the
mind and clearness of views, distracting the thoughts to the worst and most brutal side of
human activity.
15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all
the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal
16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable.
Thus, Ted, clearly all the reasons for all the setups and crimes against me throughout
my life by
the most despicable despots in the history of humanity. Of which you
are apparently one.
My father will not be pleased.
Turner - Private Dancer
Dan - Dirty Work
9/13/2008 - Ted, you know that the fun part of this is going to be? After all the proof
and patterns have been exposed, the world is going to notice that Barack Obama got
scholarships and educational assistance from the Kennedy's... what I got was a whore from
JFK University in San Francisco... setting me up to look like some kind of sex fiend, and
then trying to make it look like I was a drug dealer, which I wasn't, and then trying to
make it look like I got her pregnant, which was impossible. As she said, "Couldn't it
have been some kind of miracle?" People like you prove that this is a Godless nation.
You may have captured me, and you may or may not go to jail, but this is yaour last itme
around on this planet. Enjoy it. Judgment.. something Barack Obama doesn't have a clue
about. Apparently, neither do you. You're a traitor to your country and to God. Why don't
you have your Opus Dei firends kill me? Or are you afraid of God? Too late. You already
went way over the line.
Did you kill Mary Jo to shut her up too?
See also:
George Bush, The
CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse
May 5, 2003
From the Streets of Little Beirut
Glen Yeadon
On January 28, 2003, amid the furor of the impending war with Iraq the British press
briefly reported on Operation Ore, the most thorough and comprehensive police
investigation of crimes against children before being squashed by the
Blair government.
Besides implicating Rock guitarist Peter Townsend of the Who, the
report claimed that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for
pedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography.
With the investigation reaching to senior members of his Government, Blair
declared a news blackout on the story.
Moreover, the British report was not the first such case reported. In fact, it followed
on the heels of a report from Portugal. On November 27, 2002, the press reported a
scandal of pedophile ring run from a state orphanage. The Guardian reported that
the scandal threatened to engulf diplomats, media personalities and senior politicians.
Photographs of senior government officials with young boys from Lisbon's Casa Pia
orphanage were among the evidence. More shocking however, were the revelations that
systematic sexual abuse of children at the home had allegedly been going on for more than
20 years and had been known to police and other authorities for most of that
On January 14, 2002, Insight Magazine reported the charges leveled by Ben Johnson
against his employer Dyncorp, a major defense contractor. Johnson charged
that officials and employees of Dyncorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane
behavior and were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and
participating in other immoral acts. Johnson had witnessed his supervisors and fellow
employees buying 12- to 15-year-olds as sex slaves.
While prostitution is the worlds oldest profession, the global sex trade is big
business. The impact of illegal immigrant traffic in Canada is estimated at between $120
million to $400 million per year accounting for approximately 8,000 to 16,000 people
arriving in Canada per year illegally. The estimate is from Organized Crime Impact Study,
prepared for the Solicitor General of Canada. The majority of the illegal immigrants are
forced into prostitution and come from Vietnam and China. Once smuggled into Canada the
young girls are sold into bondage throughout a North America network. Moreover, Canada is
not alone. Young Russians and Ukrainian women that wish to immigrate to Israel are often
smuggled into the country destitute and at the mercy of their pimp.
More disgusting is the role the United States government plays in facilitating
this global sex trade. Instead of banning the previously mentioned Dyncorp from further
defense contracts, the regime of George W Bush rewards it in granting major contracts for
the Iraqi war. Even more shameful is the wink and nod the state department grants
the Saudis.
The Arabian Peninsula has long been known to be purchasers of slaves. Mostly the slaves
came from India or Africa however, with the advent of the oil wealth the Saudis have
became more selective and are known as high-end buyers. The Saudi Arabian Government
continues to refuse to sign the United Nations treaty on slavery and extradition
There have been several incidents in the past where the media has reported a slave of a
Saudi prince brought into the United States escaped. The State Department then intervenes
and returns the escaped slave to the Saudi prince and the incident forgotten. The State
Department exempts the Saudi princes from normal custom procedures. A child slave bought
by a Saudi prince can be delivered to his plane and allowed to depart without the required
passport for the child.
One fortunate victim that became entangled in the Mid East sex ring was the
former Miss USA Shannon Marketic. She had been lured to Brunei by what she believed was
legitimate modeling work. Being a high profile case she was returned to the United States
and filed suit. The former Miss USA lost her lawsuit as the State department granted
immunity to her abductors.
Many of the pictures of the young children peering out from posters and milk
cartons that have disappeared in the United States have fallen victim to this global sex
They indeed may have been lucky for there is a much more sinister side to child
molestation. In fact, it is undoubtedly the most macabre and hideous aspect to evolve out
of the United States use of Nazi scientists, the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. This
grotesque project of ghastly experiments in mind control evolved out of earlier CIA
projects in search for a truth serum. The roots for such a project date back to the
wartime OSS search for a truth serum.
During the war, the OSS began a search for a truth serum to use on captured
U-boat prisoners.
The experiments were limited and the only drug they found to produce desirable
results was cannabis.
According to author Anthony Cave Brown in the Last Hero, the experiments
were limited to testing on one person. Additionally Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate
University carried out experiments paralleling the Nazis brain washing methods by
drugs and hypnosis. Estabrooks connections with the army, CID, FBI and
other agencies are still shrouded in secrecy. However, it seems that the doctor
could not help but talk about his experiments occasionally and what is know of his
work comes from his loose tongue.
During the war, the allies had captured documents in the Nazis experiments on
inmates of Dachau with mescaline and other psychedelics in a search for a truth
serum. The doctor in charge of the Dachau experiments was Dr. Hubertus Strughold.
Strughold was also involved in barbaric high altitude experiments on inmates of Dachau.
Strughold was brought to the United States under the Project Paperclip and became
Americas father of space medicine. His use of mind-altering drugs on inmates
provided the foundation for the CIAs research into truth serums and mind control.
The United States first foray into truth serums started in 1947 as Project CHATTER
initiated by the navy. The project was terminated in 1953. In 1949, at the Edgewood
Arsenal the CIA began project Bluebird using Nazi scientists to find a truth serum.
Project Bluebird evolved into Project Artichoke and eventually into MK-Ultra. MK-UTRA was
much larger in focusing on mind control and the means to achieve it was not limited to
drugs and psychedelics. MK-ULTRA experiments including using hypnosis, lobotomy,
electroshock, sensory deprivation, ESP, and drugs experiments in hypnosis, lobotomy,
electroshock, sensory deprivation, ESP, drugs and sexual abuse.
the CIAs first widespread
use of sex came from a program to blackmail United States politicians
conducted by Edwin Wilson. The political targets were enticed to live out their sexual
fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready the unsuspecting politician would be
filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him into supporting the agencys
projects and views. Wilson's skill in these matters dated back to the early 1950s, when he
took over a network of homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset and McCarthy
Committee counsel Roy Cohn.
While MK-ULTRA focused primarily on the use of drugs for mind control other CIA
projects evolved to use trauma to induce control or the victims mind such
as Project Monarch. Project Monarch officially began in the early 1960s, although
unofficially at a much earlier date. Monarch may have evolved out of MK-SEARCH subprojects
such as SPELLBINDER, which was a program to create the Manchurian candidate or sleeper
assassins that could be activated with code words.
MK-ULTRA still remains classified as top secret. Officially, the CIA refuses to
acknowledge it.
In the aftermath of Watergate, the CIA released voluminous documents under the Freedom
of Information act on MK-ULTRA and other projects. Several good books soon followed the
release. Perhaps, the closest admission of the program came in an interview of William
Colby by Anton Chaitkin of the New Federalist. When directly asked what about MONARCH,
Colby angry replied "We stopped that between the late 1960's and the early
Knowledge of Project MONARCH comes from its victims. The first to surface was Candy
Jones, a model with the birth name of Jessica Wilcox. Jones apparently fit the
physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments of MK-ULTRA. Her story was
told in the book The Control of Candy Jones.
The most publicized case is the story of Cathy O'Brien told in the book TRANCE
Formation of America: The True Life Story of a ClA Slave. O'Brien is the only vocal and
recovered survivor.
Like many others, Cathy was introduced to the program by her perverted father.
Cathy covers an almost unbelievable array of conspiratorial crime: forced prostitution
(white slavery) with those in the upper echelons of world politics, covert assignments as
a "drug mule" and courier.
Another survivor, Paul Bonaci who survived two decades of torture under Project MONARCH
has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of wide-scale crimes and corruption from the
municipal/state level all the way up to the White House. He has testified about
sexually abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB.
At Offutt, they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by
Commander Bill Plemmons and former Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.
Monarch programming involves traumatizing the victim in order to create multiple
personalities in the victim. Sexual molestation and the occult are standard tools for the
Monarch programmer. There are several levels of Monarch programming.
Alpha is regarded as general programming within the base personality.
Beta programming or sexual programming eliminates all learned moral behavior and
stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.
Delta is known as killer programming. Subjects are devoid of fear and are very
systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are
layered in at this level.
Other levels of programming generally concern some method of self-destruction or
evasion if the victim was ever captured after completing their assignment. The initial
stages of programming usually begin somewhere in the first six years of the victims
life. Due to the trauma induced by electro-shock, sexual abuse and other methods the
vicitms mind splits into alternate personalities to cope with the trauma. Formerly
referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative
Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming.
Further conditioning of the victim's mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind
coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, and with
various drugs.
In order to keep Project ULTRA and its associated projects secret the CIA segmented the
research between several universities, hospitals and prisons. The Canadians are still
coming to grips with the house of horrors found inside Dr. Camerons Montreal labs.
Camerons research was sponsored by the CIA. In fact Cameron's involvement may be the
best documented case of mind control by the CIA due to the civil suit of Orlikow, et al. v. United States. In 1988, the court ordered the U.S.
Justice department to pay the plaintif $750,000. In addition the Canadain goverment was
assessed $8 million dollars for damages.
The final stage of programming usually occurs on military bases to insure security.
Several bases are implicated with Monarch programming. Two bases have been exposed in the
past by incidents Offutt and the Presidio in the 1980s. The Presidio case dates back as
far as 1982, when a military doctor warned the army of the danger to children in its day
care center. The army failed to follow its own regulations in allowing the children to go
on field trips off base without the parents consent. On August14, 1984, the FBI and
officers from the armys criminal investigation division raided the home of Lt. Col.
Michael Aquino looking for evidence of child molestation.
The Presidio case attracted the attention of investigative reporter and radio
talk show host, Mae Bruessell.
During her investigation of the case, she received several death threats. Her
daughter was killed in a car wreck that she attributed as a hit. Before concluding her
investigation, Mae was struck with a fast onset of cancer.
The reader should note the CIA has developed a fast acting cancer virus.
Maes death may have been induced rather than from natural causes.
Linked with both Offutt and the Presidio cases is Lt Colonel Michael Aquino. Aquino
founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. He was attached
to the DIA's Psychological Warfare Division and holds a top secret security clearance for
his work in military intelligence and on classified psychological warfare. . Aquino is
obsessed with Nazi pagan rituals.
He officiated at SS black magic ceremonies held at Wewelsburg, the Castle once used by
SS chief Heinrich Himmler to create an SS order of Teutonic Knights based on the
Knights Templars. His hypnotic manipulation of people made him an ideal candidate
for the position of Master Programmer. Aquino along with others was arrested in
the Presidio case for child molesting. The evidence was overwhelming of their
guilt however, to the dismay of the victims parents all charges were
dropped. Aquino has developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and
worked as a liaison between Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal
organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.
The dismissal of charges is common in such cases. On February 7, 1987, the Washington
Post ran an article about a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse. Washington D.C.
police had arrest two men after observing them watching over several children that were
described as very neglected. The children ran in age from 2 to 7 and were covered with
insect bites and extremely dirty. Their subsequent investigation led to the Finders, a
cult like commune.
The adult males were Michael Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman. They led authorities to an
old warehouse. Inside the warehouse police found color slides, photographs and
photographic contact sheets. Some photos revealed children participating in blood letting
cult rituals involving animals. Other documents described "blood rituals" and
sexual orgies involving children, and an unsolved murder in which the Finders might be
Additional documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for
unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the
community, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping.
Several telex messages were also found in the warehouse. One such telex ordered
the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese
Embassy. There was a file called "Pentagon Break-in," and references to
activities in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa,
London, Germany, "Europe" and the Bahamas. Other documents identified interests
in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the
control of the Finders, interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law
enforcement. The warehouse also had a video room, apparently used for indoctrination.
All the findings by the local police were verified by US. Customs officials.
The US Custom officials soon ordered a full investigation and obtained search warrants for
various locations. The investigation brought in the FBI as well. Nevertheless, this was as
far as the investigation ever got. All law enforcement agencies involved including
the local police, the US Customs officials and the FBI were ordered to halt their
investigations by the Department of Justice on grounds of national security. The
matter was turned over to the CIA an "internal security matter," since
the "Finders" is and has been a domestic and international covert operation of
the Central Intelligence Agency. The investigations were immediately halted, the
evidence suppressed and the abused children returned to their handlers, who had been
To date the only media outlet that has published
the details behind the halting of the investigation has been US News and World Reports.
There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse
and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to
its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White
House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by
federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the
Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and
foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''
At the center of the scandal was Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker known for his
lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Among the rumors circulating was a rumor indicating
that over 200 of Washingtons elite had used the call boy service. Spences
entire mansion was covered with two way mirrors, hidden microphones and cameras. The White
House including President Bush refused to answer questions or discuss the incident. At the
same time, another story implicating the President in child abuse was breaking in the
heart of the country. The story centered on the failure of the Franklin Community
Credit Union in Omaha.
For roughly a decade stories linking Larry King the director of Franklin to child
molestation had surfaced in and around the Omaha area. The failure of the Franklin Credit
Union began to expose the murky past of King that had been shrouded in fog.
Besides being involved in the illegal Iran-Contra scandal, rumors of Kings
involvement with child abuse came forth. King was one of the rising stars in the
Republican Party. He sung the national anthem at the national convention in Dallas. He was
known for the lavish parties he held including the one at the famed South Fork Ranch from
the TV series Dallas. King held parties around the country including Washington D.C.
Always present at these parties were young children of both sexes from Kings stable
of prostitutes.
For years, rumors had surfaced about child abuse, drugs and King in
the Omaha area. King had an ample supply of young boys from Boys Town,
others he procured from the streets of Omaha. Police from as far as Kansas City were aware
of his activities. Nevertheless, in Omaha King was protected.
The chief of police in both Omaha and Des Moines, Iowa were frequent guests at
Kings parties in Omaha. King had the backing of Omahas elite behind him
including the staunchly conservative local paper. Indeed King wielded enough power to even
shut down an investigation by the state attorney general under Democratic Governor Exxon.
King even had an ally in the FBI officer in charge of the Omaha office. Moreover, there
were abundant rumors that one did not want to incur Kings displeasure.Several
murders were rumored to have been committed by King to protect his child molestation and
drug businesses. In fact, at least fifteen mysterious deaths are connected with the Franklin case. It was clear from the beginning that both
the local and federal grand juries were being used as a tool to cover up the child abuse
surrounding King and the Franklin case. Likewise, the FBI was part of the cover up.
Several of the victims recanted their testimony after being threaten by the FBI. The
victims that refused to recant were charged with perjury and sentenced to prison.
It was only with the failure of Franklin Credit Union that the whole story surrounding
Larry King came out due to one mans dogged determination. John DeCamp, a former
senator from the Nebraska unicameral legislator pursued the case relentlessly in the
In fact, DeCamp was sternly warned by his friend, the former CIA director
William Colby to give up the case before he met with a death. Shortly
after warning DeCamp, Colby was found dead. Although Colbys death was
attributed to accidental drowning it was more likely he was murdered. Instead of giving up
his investigation and determination to uncover the truth about Kings pedophile ring
DeCamp chose the only remaining option with the blessing of Colby. He wrote a book about
the case: The Franklin Cover Up. Once published, DeCamps death would only call more
attention to the Franklin case.
In page after page, DeCamp describes the gruesome lives of the victims of Kings
pedophile sex ring. Some of the cases preceded the Franklin failure by over a decade. Many
of the children described satanic rituals that they were forced to attend, some of which
involved sacrificing infants and young children. Children attending these sacrifices were
warned that if they ever told anyone they would be the next to be sacrificed. In addition,
they told of being flown to locations around the country in Kings private plane to
parties where they were expected to take part in any sexual acts demanded of them.
Why did such a case in the center of Americas heartland prompt such a high level
source as the former CIA director to warn his friend? Moreover, why was there so many
mysterious deaths connected with the case? While the case made the headlines in regional
papers, it never attracted the attention of the national media. Most people have never
heard of Larry King. The answer to the questions lies in Kings connection to
the top power center of the Republican Party and the Bush administration. Both
Bushs attorney general and secretary of treasure had to be aware that the FBI was
involved in a massive cover up in Omaha. Even the flight logs of Kings airplane had
disappeared entangling the FAA in the cover up.
Not only did Kings pedophile ring lead to the top echelons of the Republican
Party it also lead to the top of the Bush administration and the Oval
Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount
stories of seeing George Bush at some of Kings Parties. While an outsider
would not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was taking
place. At least one of Kings young prostitutes reported that at one party, she
saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man. The President was a
pedophile and involved in a pedophile ring, the story had to be squashed at all cost.
King is currently serving fifteen years for the failure of the Franklin Credit Union.
At least two of his victims have been wrongly imprisoned for refusing to recant their
testimony. Meanwhile pedophiles like George Bush are free and able to abuse other
children all in the name of national security.
Father & Son by Yusef Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens
It's not time to make a change
Just relax take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down
If you want to you can marry
Look at me I am old, but I'm happy.
I was once like you are now
And I know that it's not easy
To become when you know
You've found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot
Think of everything you've got
You will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not.
From me:
How can I try to explain
Cause when I do he turns away again
It's always been the same old story
From the moment I could talk
I was ordered to "listen now!"
There's a way and I know
That I have to go away
I know I have to go.
From Him:
It's not time to make a change
Just sit down, take it slowly
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to go through.
Find a girl, settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old but I am happy.
All the times that I've cried
Keeping all the things I knew inside
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it
If they were right, I'd agree
But it's them they know - not me, now
There's a way and I know
That I have to go away
I know I have to go.