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Dedicated to Ed Schultz 9/24/2009 This page is jst a holder for mor eevidence of the effects of psychotronics. My apologies to those offended, however, when Keith Olbermann and Lou Dobbs are put on trial for 15-20 civil and human rights viiolations, this will be evidence of GE, Time Warner, Barack Obama and the Councilon Foreign Relations use of psychotronics and directed energy weapons against citizens exercising what used to be a right to free speech. One day you'll know that NBC/GE and TIme Warner are nothing but propaganda outlets for the COuncil on Foreign Relations.
9/22/2009 11:17 am - Well, the old psyops guys are proving their insanity. They're trying to get me to write militant materials.. any excuse to arrest me.. I'm gonna give em what they want, with one of God's little turnarounds embedded.. Meanwhile.. here's how sick the government is.. I'v ebeen reading the Bible and reportingbacktoyou.. so yesterday, I'm trying to read, and theyhit me with microwave so hard my vision became too blurry to read even with my best glasses.. It's all the most typical symptoms of directed energy attacks. But that's okay, Keith Olbermann has something concocted with the CIA to read onthe air one dya to make it sound like Imthe aAmerican version of Osama Bin Lade.. he actuallystarted reading it to Paul TOmpkins one day.. and they waythey'll use it is to say that I'm talking peace, but underneath and in private, murder and deceit, just like the Bble says of th eanti-Christ.. except for one thing, Keith... OBama's actually doing it.. and it ends up being proof of who I actually am Keith... So, the new piece, Keith.. what Gandhi.. will start with.. if there was any government inthe history of mankind that deserved to be violently overthrown by its citizens and other world governments, it's the United States Government, andif it happened tomorrow, I'd thank God for delivering us all from the handsof the anti-Christ. If the Republicans keep copying my materials, it'll be great when the facts come out, and they prove by ther actions that the Dems and Repubs are working this conspiracy together.. more proof of why Jefferson says they should be overthrown... And let'sbe clear, there's nothing wrong with the U.S. System of government.. it's the people... our citizens are great people, it's the officials who are the criminals, and if youweren't living in denial about how evil they are, you'd shun them more than the worse pedophiles, and a bunch of them are that too. But, Keith, maybe it would be mor efun if you read it on the air.. people would get ideas from it.. since you guys wrote it, you might as well get credit for it. Then the world can see what traitors you really are, to your fellow citizens and to God. And that you're murderers and liars... and you know you are. So you guys are running the same pysop on me this year as you did last year, and it won't work.. because the best you can do without me is is die when the shit goes down, whne the citizens find out what traitors you are.... for me this was never about an election or office, that was your idea sickos. I winno matter what. It says so in that Bible you don't believe in, by that God you mock and taunt... I'll just bide my time, knowing you'll destroy yourselves in the end. ANd since the citizens don't want to put an end to it all as God has offered, I guess they'll die. Somehow, I doubt thye'll be joyfulwhen they realize that what I've told them is true, and the directed energy is torturing them ans slowly putting them to death. And then all the apostates and satanists will get to go to hell together... tha tis the future, one way or another.. the politicians chose it, the people chose it, the so called choose it.. so be it. Good luck Back in 20008, Iwas concerned tha ti was being set up to discredit the Dem party, which I didn't mind doing because they deserve it, until I realized even that was a way for them to sya I was being sed as a pawn byh the Repubs.. who had nothing to do directly with the truth of the Dems and COuncl on Foreign Relations are doin gto kill me.... now they want ot use the same tactic as that to make it look like I'm being "used" t discredit Keith and LOu, who deserve to be discredited... all in all, the strategy has always been to make me out like some obsessed citizen who has personal grudges against individuals, instead of the truth, which is that I'm a citizen standing up for my country... so go ahead guys, try it again.. when the truth comes outt, even if it had been true that I was obsessed or used, the truth about your egregious crimes agaist humanity is still true, and the United States Government is the most corrupt and sick government in the history of the world... As your sicko fake minister sayid, it's all in the Bible folks.. you might want to read it. A lot of people will find out they are part of some kind of religion, but they aren't Christians... I used to feel bad for those people.. but when they're warned and told they'd do what they are doing, and what the consequences are, and then promise not to do it, and then do it anyway... People like Orlando at CNN ought to have their minister wives read them the Bible an find out that she and he are doing Satan's work.. the fact they don';t know that already is proof that they're lost to their own egos and self-gratification... the anti-christ... Orlando.. tell us what religion your wife is supposedly a minister for, so we can avoid that apostate religion. ANy of you apostates who think you're such great servants of God should watch Ken Klein's video - maybe you'll realize just how wrong you are about the people you give God's name to .. it will be held against you. You don't have to take my word for it at all. Just read your Bible again, with your mind on the truth of the world, and if you can't see how you're contributing to Satan by working with the COuncil on Foreign Relations, if you think they stand for something good.. then may God strike you dead, for you are part of the evil of the world, and you have joined the body of the anti-Christ. I realized last night that the vision I had of the white robes and all was either God saying I was elected or that I will be.. by God.. Since no one wants to listen to me or treat me like a human being, I guess I can go on vacation now, since I know the approximate date range to show up. I'm telling God I'd rather die and come back in 30-40 years after all the destruction and death ias over. If we're gonna start from scratch, I'd rather start completely from scratch. Creation is always better than repairing something that doesn't work to keep on going. And Keith and Lou and all the rest of you sickos they represent... you just keep laughing. As Lou caused me to realize when CNN took me down a few years ago... vengeance is best served cold... the fun part is, these people will think they won.. and then a few minutes later, liquid will be runnning down their legs when they realize they did themselves in... That's when we get tothe part inthe Bible when no one will help them. ANd then they will beg, and wonder how we could all be so cruel to them. That was all prohecy folks.. so get your survival gear ready.. it's gonna be a tough one... their real leaders are allold and dying, and one by one, they'll die, ( I herby sanction celebrations for each) and the people who take over won't fully understand how to do what they were setting up.. and they'll screw themselves.. it'll take a few years, but it'll happen. And then you'll all get your guns, and kill them all. Justice happens. I think t he psyops guys just got an earful they weren't expecting. That's how God and me work guys. You want us to tell you the militant part, you got it. Now what will you do with it... given that it was written under the diress of torture, illegal detention, invasion of privacy and The really fun part for me is knowing these guys think they are beating me and controlling me. ALl they're doing is fulfilling a prophecy they think they can beat bydoing the very things that will cause their own deaths. Physically and spitritually. And I actually know God will simply exterminate them in the long run, because they are useless and take up space. Any questions what judgments have been passed onyou stupid government people? Trust me, these are the judgments that will be aghainst you, or I wouldn't be writing. And I'm very much looking forward to the shock you feel when you're forced to accept the truth. Like any other criminal denying they did it, when the jail door slams shut. You guys can't escape, an yet, you think you won. Which is it guys? Are you sure? I really think we'll make Melissa the official minister of hell, so she can save eliteist America like she said she wanted to. Here's the catch, you'll never know if what she's saying is the truth or a lie, cause she apparently likes to keep people guessing. That's what apostates do in hell. It's why the people who got to hell never come out. They like deception so much, wait til they think knowing the truth will save them after all, and then can't find it, even from the "appointed" minister. And then everyone will laugh at them for believing a minister of God. SO is it true Mensa members took it upon themselves to try to breed a superior race? ALso, if you cloned me, you need to understand, it won't have God's sanction. I hop eyou didn't but I have medical scars on my body and other clues that suggest you might have. The kid won't be Christ, but he'll be rich. Even better, he'll lead you to hell. SO governemnt guys and stupid media pawns... go ahead and suppress me.. I just told you what's going tohappen to you soon, and I won't have done a single bit of it. Guess you can't arrest me. Too bad :} Grand Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - Don't Let 'Em Take Your Gun So Keith.. the DEW attacks aainst Lynn ARE worse.. just like you said they would be. How did you know that would appen, Keith? Dd you order it, or did Barack, and you were just passing the message along like Lou did for Bush? Attacking a woman with dews after she had a dew caused stroke is about as sick as it gets, Keith. Now we know the true Keith Olbermann. I'm sure youll deny it all. But then, some will know the truth. I'm glad you don't believe in God Keith. I really am. 1:10pm See the fun thing i sKeith, is that you know and I know that lots of people know what's going on.. that guy who tried to warn me about Melissa Scott, for examplee, which told me he was awware of the plan, as well as what I do in the privacy of my home. And all the people who believed whatever you people told them to do this to me... the fact thtat it contnues is proof of it all. and word will get around and when people figure out that it's all true.. and when they realize that they are involved with murder and constitutional violations against innocent people... and when they finally get off their lazy assess and read about Reagan's Rex 84 and find out that the government intends to kill or incarcerate a very long list of people the government believes will stand up to the overthrow of the United States.. people like Ted Gunderson who quit the FBI when he saw his own name on the list of people to round up and detain... All the people on tv claiming to be former intel agents aer stilll intel agents, they're just on contract. ANd don't for one minute think the FBI or some other agency didn't plant those people in crowds for the tv cameras to show people carrying weapons... so Nancy Pelosi could do her "poor scared woman" act... remember, she's 3rd in line for the Presidency.. is that someone you'd want saying stuff like that, and lying while doing it? Maybe so. People keep voting for people like her. ANyway, planting those signs in the crowds in the cameras gives people ideas. That's what they want, so they have an excuse to control weapons. Watch NBC or MSNBC or CNN when someone runs amok... their former FBI people actually get weird at espousing the proof for the need for gun control... I used to be in favor of gun control, when I believe the U.S. government was an honorable institution.... now I recommend everyone have 2 weapons and at least a thousand rounds for each. That's what the military guys know. A Guy at Costco told me that. He wanted to know if I and my father were red line or blue line. I still don't know what that means. That's how they do it at protests, too. They get some FBI guy to go into the crowd and start violence so they can say the demonstrators were violent.. at that point, they're just defending themselves. Ask Amy Goodman... I'm sure she'll tell you the whole story of her minor injuries, compared to all the others she knows about who are being harmed by psychotronics and dews. The report I read long ago said Pacifica, Amy's parent, receives or received lots of money from Exxon, owners of the COuncil on Foreign Relations... and I don't know if Amy is shutting up for the CIA or not.. I really don't.. but, like John Korn of Mother Jones, she's keeping her mouth shut... and lots of other so called "speakers of truth" hwo prove their reporting has borders every day of the week. Apparently they agree with genocide and eugenics. If nothing else, they have some explaining to do. If the white robe vision finally informed me... it's like this.. as a citizen, I really believed I could some things to help people figure out to do. I did't know we no longer had freedom of speech. So I did what I could as a citizen. I don't really care abou the divinity thing in one way,because I am a person of this world, trying to work within a system I beleive in that doesn't exist anymore... if it ever did.. It wasn't my idea to be "waken up" at this late date,and I believe the U.S. Govt the COuncil on ForeignRelations and the CNN and TIme and GE set it up this way for one reason: to make me out like some kind ofradical bad guy, and it cna only serve evil purposes... The real information I received was that God really did just want to know if these guys had any decency left in them, and they don't, obviously, and the bigger issue is what's going to happen after all hell breaks loose. Because these guys did a good job of containing me, I came out just like the Bible said I would, refusing to cooperate, and my greater responsibility is to the planet, not to John McCain and country first, because as I've pointed out, John, this country has harmed me for avery long time, as it has so many other people, and you, John, a traitor, a perfect example of the deception described in the Bible (and yes, I used to admire him too, Just like Huckabee) From what I can tell, John, people like youlove to throw sucker punches at people like me, who don't know people like you are slowly killing them as you take pleasure in the snuff film of the century... But JOhn, God has other ideas. You and your friends have caused Americans tomake bad choices.ANd you won't even let me talk to them, like a free citizen. Instead you and your friends torture me day and might, and laugh about it. God said he's not letting it go this time John, no matter what you and your sick friends do. THat the cause bigger than yourself John. At least now you know that that phrase was a Matrix of God way ofinforming you through the forecasting and prophecy of your own mouth, that there is a cause greater than youself, and myself, and that cause is going to... what's the phrase.. burn you to the roots. SO just keep lying with the straight talk express, John, The truth is about to be known worldwide. And God willforgive me the few moments I relish in the demise of people like you. Watch the world change John. Watch the world change as your world shrinks into an 8 x 10 cell... of your own making.. in your own mind, in your own way, in your own words. I love it when God turns the tables... maybe I'll start selling a line of John McCain lipstick, especially for pigs like you. Now go outr and have the media sell this big time like I'm a horrible person... and then we'll start telling them the things you did. Remember the RTC. I do. ANd like the guy wrote to me at my web site a few years back, telling me I was right on aboutwhat I was saying, and that it would be a bad idea to call them sons of bitches every once in a while. I prefer bastards. It's the Christian word to use. This time last year the CFR people hired Melissa Scott, supposedly as if she'd be some "guide" for me, set up to publicly diminish me and distract me so Barack could get elected... then used psychotronics and dews to harass me into - let's just call it abad mood"... and then used Aesopian to mock me for it.. I don't care if I can prove it or not., Melissa, cause this issue is between is between you me and God.. I could care less what lies you tell. I could care less who and what you really are, except you're a fraud and apostate... So if you and your friends think me writing this kind of stuff while I'm being tortured is proof of anything.. understand God knows it's proof that you're evil. Finally, CNN and NBC ahave been doing quite ajob t make Christians look like violent radicals, sothey think having me write stuff like this will cause me to appear to be like that.. ANd of course, make me a completely unacceptable political candidate. So be it. I wouldn't want to be part of their corrupt politicial system But I will run for office. And I will do everything I can to make sure people understand just how sick and vile you are your friends are.. not out of vindictiveness.. but to warn those who do not deserve thetorute and suffering people like you cause. That was what I was doing in the beginning, I will do so til I die. Because I can. All I gotta say is, in time, people will find out that that the murders by Cho at Viriginia Tech were the result of Cho being harassedby psychotronics and dews for years. And it was one more way to scare people into an eventual civil war. Just like Lincoln, Obama is promoting policeis that a study by Al Gore years ago said would cause a civil war. Now we know why AL did the study. To know how to cause civil war. I'm still waiting for an answer, Al, what would Jesus do? Did you really think I wouldn't figure out you were one of the bad guys.. Still think you can beat God, Al? So enough of this rambling, I've fed the psyops guys enough today to make their bosses think they've succeeded at anything other than making sure they'll be in hell when the God they don't believe in sends them there... Georg W Bush, the false Christ, claimed he was a uniter, and then did everything he could do divide us. Obama wasportrayed as the great peace maker and champion of the people.. the One.. and look what he's doing.... and me.. I just sit here and write the truth while people call ME crazy... and when people start blaming God and people like me, I'll say go ask Melissa Scott why God is punishing you. ask her why God didn't warn them and tell them what to do and how to bring it to an end... and when she gets bullshitting you, then o find someone else who has a clue. She's one of those Christians who claim to be Christians but are not... it's easy to prove. So what do ya think.. did I give ya what ya wanted today? It'll come back on you. All of it. In double. And I'm not feeling like asking God for mercytoward ya like I was. But I'm still not like you. God told me to turn my back on you. Consider it done. I don't know you, don't want to know you.. not Keith or Lou or Melissa or any of the frauds who were used to get me killed... and I won't feel sorry for you when you go down. You deserve as much mercy as you show other people... and that is none, that will be proven, and you will be legally penalized. ANd when you ask people for help,. they'll laugh at you. Don't ask me to make them stop. I think there's a song in there somewhere... don't stop laughing, it's time that you did, at the people of evil who think that they'll win, theywin with their murder, they win with their lies, but you can still see the truth comin gthrough their eyes, and they're wrong, just wrong, so wrong...
The world's gonna change, and it's gonna be a big change. Some people will get arrested, and it won't be me, but it will end up leading to me, and that's when you all start to fall. This should be an interesting week. How much more prohecy ya want guys? Maybe I won't have to sue the guys in the Secret Service after all. It's weird. I always liked military people and police.Who'd ever thought they'd commit so many crimes aganst me. 4:57 Lou, I may lose more teeth, and Friday may be an important day, but it'll just add years to you r life sentences.. right Keithie.. I know you guys think you have it all wapped up or you wouldn't be so evil in your mockery. The day of God's justice is coming. At least I know for sure where you stand Lou. Thanks for being obvious about it. I've lived fo ryears on soft foods thanks to you and GE.. I think I'll be fine... once you guys are locked up. Nice chatting with you though. You're not as smart as you thought, are you? If anyone can do it, Lou can.... Ten CC - Wall Street Shuffle dedicated to LOu's feriends at Chase Manhattan that he's so proud of... you still part owner of Integrity Bank, Lou? Isn't that a true anti-Christ Orwellian joke? So tell me Lou, which CFR and CNN and NBC execs are trying to scape goat you and Keith? As if you're the instigators? I'm just trying to give your psyops guys what they want... they qwant it to look like a personal vendetta, don't they? It doesn't have to be personal. You committed crimes, I acted like a citizen with rights, you all conspired to prevent me from benefitting from them. THat's RICCO. Nothing personal about it for me, except I have a right and will pursue, on behalf of th eCitizens of the United States, to send you all to jail , take your money away, and give it bakc to the people you stole it from.. Do you really have any other questions? Do you really think attacking me with dews and psychotronics all day to waste my time is going to help you?You're wasting your time. ANd simply enhnacing the record of your crimes. An you won't be able to prove me crazy or anything else, cuz it ain't true, and you're the ciminals, and even if I was crazy, you're still criminals... and all the lies in the world won't impress God or me... just one less thing to deal with.... So feel free to harass and make me out any way you like.. I'll help you.. and then you'll get yours.. especially when the one leak gets out that makes a difference.. and then you'd better have your stuff packed, cause you'll want to run as fast as you can... about 1200 feet per second.... can you run that fast? Cause there's gonna be about 285,000 million people chasing you. Prince - Music From Graffiti Bridge - 12 - Thieves In The Temple ANd you can harass me into writing stuff like this all day, and I'll still be telling the truth, you'll still go to jail, and you'll still never have alegitimate excuse to arrest me... as if that's ever stopped you guys before from arresting innocent people to shut them up.. or get Pfizer or TIme Inc to drug em and make it look like suicide for you.... Lou, did you have anything to do with the Robson hit.. it kinda looks like Time Inc's style. You know, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Free Masons, Council on Foreign Relations, genocide, all that stuff you old timers enjoy so much when it happens to other people.... I'll bet you have a copy of that Thompson snuff film.. so you guys at CNN and Time Warner, when you get leaekd material, isn't it actually true that you get that material illegally with psychotronics.. that's why you want the federal shield law, isn't it Lou? ANd then you can just make up stuff, more than you do, and claim secret sources. Deep throat.. ooh... I keep thinking of that picture with the scrool undersneath saying sex pervert... no coincidences, hey Lou? you explain it. Can't wait to hear the fairy tale you spew. ANd be sure to have Kurtz as a character witness.. Might as well take the Washington Post down at the same time. Somehow, I don't think Moon is the Messiah. But he might be yours.. You illuminati guys like to stage fake events, don't you? Now, what again appears to be a personal attack is nothing more than statement of facts... a quick condensed compilation of the the thinking that when on when Keith and Lou were set up to be the primary people psyopping with Aesopian on MSNBC and CNN... wait til the rest comes out, cause it was also Tamron and Kyra and Shuster and Matthews and Blitzer and Copper and Larry King.. and wasn't it fun, folks? Larry.. you really think you'll see peace in your time through Psychotronics and kiling people with DEWS? AS a m,ember of the COuncil on Foreign Relations, you do a great job of lying through your teeth and fronting Clinton and the other CFR politicians to make em look good. Larry King, the quintessential example of a pandering news man who knows how to keep a secret when leading you to believe in things that will kill you. Do you laugh at all the people you lie to appease every night? At least you were honest about not believing in God. Jews believe in God, don't they Larry. At least I thought they did. Do you still claim to be Jewish? Ever heard of Mosaic Law? THink what you're doing is consistent with that? Good luck in hell? Anyone else you psyop guys want me to comment on? Come on, I know you're setting it up again tomake it look like a fight between me and the media. It never was that, was it Lou? All those emails will prove it. 2bad4u.... the clincher will be conepuppy. Meanhwile... pornography causes people to become gay? what idiot started that one? You know you're going to jail too. You're particpating in it. You'll get sucked in.
I'm gonnas write lyrics for that one.. added years to your life sentence.. added years... The other thign that's going on here is the media wants me to engage them in court instead of the government, becuase they're protecting Obama and the CFR. That'as why I don't do it. Let them sue me for defamation if they don't like the truth. I welcome it. My filings are going to be about the government and the consppiracy of the council on foreign relations to overthrow the U.S. government, which is easy to prove, an in its final phases. Meanwhile, MSNBC s working hard to make sure that when Obama is exposed, many black people will die, and it will be blamed on those horrible people, like me, who tell the truth. And the ministers will still be too lazy to read. But Baakc and the anti-Christ will be ojkay. THey think. THey're wrong. It' isn't about race, folks, it's about policy, and only sickos with ulterior motives and a rights of kings attitude that hates black people.. you better look at the truth some day. Obama is president becaus ehe was easy to use. Read memo 46. Then blame Carter. Notice who's playing the race card. As Chris Matthews says, "My former boss". we're surrounded by COuncil on Foreign Relations propagandists, just like in Nazi Germany... and they'll say whatever the ploliticians want them to say... watch CNN they do it all day long. Fox is no better, but at least they provide a wide range of sissues, and actually get people to speak their minds,. Many ofthose who do are sick and twisted, but at least theysaywhat they really think :} Just trying to kepep all things equal :} Besides, we all know you're part of all this anyway. Easy to prove. That hughes emaiol from inside the network secrewed ya. The real question that will be turned on all of you is, why did they pick on CHuck? ANd why did the worst of it begin in 1975? I read a story that said Jimmy Carter received proof that "God is dead". If that's true Jimmy, why did you supposedly teach Sunday School. Was that just another cover for your actual work, which is not as humanitarian as you would have people believe... Jimmy, if you start race riots, will that be enoughto declare marital law, as you wanted to do long ago when you signed the executive orders for martial law configurations when you were president? Won't it be interesting to find out all the Lawrence O'Donnell shows for Olbermann are piggybacks? I'm betting Olbermann was CIA just like ANderson COoper and the Daily KOS... before they hijacked the progressive agenda with propaganda... gave you new leaders in the media, just like the CIA does when they infiltrate activist groups.. you people better start thinking... your government and the media are going to get you killed... by design. Ask Jimmy. Ask Jimmy why he set up the executive orders for FEMA and the School of the Americas to train SOuth AMericans to manage the U.S. under Martial Law? Ask him? Let's see if he tells the truth... 144,00 quite manageable... we'll do it right. Colbert, tell Green Day that they nor you need to worry about white robes. Ill still be in bluejeans. That was a dream sequence. You guys won't be there anyway. Especially you. So when did you sell out, Colbert. Does the CFR pay you well? Speaking of which... has anyone figured out that prophecies don't always happen in the order they're presented? :} Or amI the only one? THe real question is, who confused them? :} I'm sure you'll quote me on that :}And they think I'm crazy:} So.. Coburn' sguy says if you're agood Christian, you should lie to your kids about sexuality to control their behavior. And to teach them to lie to their kids, and to lie to their kids and to lie to their kids... sounds like something someone in government would ascribe to... and I suppose when everybody's actin glike good Christians, then all we have to do is stop lying.. and then the riots will break out... Fornicators.. the funny thin gis, theswe guys don't even know the contxt of the use of the word fornicators in the Bible... you sure you guys don't want me to break out and straighten these people out? It would be much easier... I could do a segment every night called mystery science theater "Those Who Claim to be Christian Who Don't Have A Clue" it's like the ones who decry Islamists for calling people infidels when the Bible says it too... and these people who say these things like righteous Christians haven't even read their own doctrine to find out that if Islamists are radical extremists for believing such things, then they are too. Just like they, as part of the government, are the very fornicators the Bible talks about :} Crack s me up. People used to wonder why I didn't offer opinions on things I didn't know about or care about... our government is showing you why. you shouldn't. :} I live for this kind of stuff. Tell ya what, Rach, if you want me to pick a fight with Air America in order to further the CFR cause, put me in studio on mic and we'll do it live, then they can say I'm a horrible person, an at least we'll have a public discussion instead of a bunch of sickos psyopping a citizen whose supposed to have freedom of speech and more... course, sharky wouldn't go for that sort of thing because, as you know and love, since you get to talk, freedom of speech doesn't exist in AMerica anymore. Nor do civil rights. Keith. anytime you want to show as uch concern for the suspension of the constitution under Obama as you did under Bush, feel free, Bob. I am gonna run that piece because you are a perfect example. Perfect example. So is Dobbs, and a few others, and I'll be sure to point it out. In retail, they call you loss leaders. Anything to get people in the store to buy everything else. It used to be illegal. That's why we need real 1933 FCC Regulation again, Glen. Meanwhile.. the reason you know the guns at the rallies were a "show" is because the secret service or whoever was supplying security at those rallies actually had a responsibility to arrest or detain those people with probable cause. Instead, you put them on tv to give other people bad ideas. Didn't fool me. Let's check back in with those guys in a year or so, and see if they actually live and do what they claimed the other day... I'll bet they'll have moved, and no one knows where they are. How much you wanna bet? I still find it fascinating that in 1926, almost all radio stations were owned by churches.. and GE... and then the government stepped in for the sake of citizens rights vs corrupt business people.. I bet very few churches own real radio and broadcast outlets now.. the televangelists on tv don't count, cause they wouldn't be there if they were really spreading the truth... the gov't would find a way to get them to acquiesce or shut them down... one way or another... I think I'm gonn awrite about the absolutes ministers put forward as what will be true on the second coming.. the supposed laws and rules that will be enforced... the appeasement of people being used to get them to follow someone whosays they're going to kill anyone who doesn't become a Catholic or Baptist or something... it's kind of like the stuff I say sometimes. I don't always like having to say what's so... but at least my opinions are based on fact, and not on opinions that seek corroborating fact without examining all sides.. It's also interestign to me that part of the agreement of being a Christian is to stand up for GOd when the time came... and no one does. No one stands up for the son of man, therefore. no one stands up for God. As they agreed to. From no won, instead of calling it a God forsaken country, call it a God was forsaken country. Then go back to your Bibles and figure out why it is that there is actually no standing covenants between and humanity.. because humanity has broken them all. It's like the time I stood up in the course and said I was tired of people breaking hteir proises to me and then calling me a bad guy for not keeping my end of the bargain. They didn't keep theirs, so we had no bargain. The course facilitator chewed me out for not having integrity. So Wolf, tell Netanyahu that the government of Israel will NEVER be the ruling nation of this world, the special chosen people ar ethe 144,000 and that the covenants that have not been kept will be honored for the citizens when whatever is left of their country is freed from the evil people like you who have taken it over. Tell him if he's really a Jew, then he'd better read the Pentateuche an relaize that there is nothing in it that says to commit genocide and expect the world to approve. Anymore than we should approve of genocide against Jews and people who fit the profile for eugenics, of which I am both. The people of the United States have been tricked into thinking that your survival as a nation is the most important thing to God. It's important, but no more than the existence of the Muslims you understandably have come to hate. But when you go on tv and lie on CNN to a whole world of people in order to justify the war crimes of your government, crimes against humanity, and do so with the continued support, financing and encouragement of the U.S. Government while our leaders lie and say they're against it... the curtain's about to come down on all you people who could care less about a Jewish nation and are only concerned with being opportunistic with the U.S. and it's Christians for your own sake... just like you kept Vannunu in jail for 18 years for telling the truth that was public domain info anyway.. if the people of Israel really believes that the government of Israel will rule the world.. all I can say is, just like the Christians, you nee to know that God is tired of these people taking over countries and lying to citizens and ruining lives and the planet to soothe their egos and check books, case it's not going to be tolerated anymore. THe situation in you rcountry will be resolved, an I don't care what agreements you make during the Obama or any other administration, God will have His way, you will be expelled and maybe tried for crimes if you persist. There was a Davidic and Palestinian Covenant, and the Palestinians have come closer to honoring their deal than the Israeli nation ever has... understand I'm not concerned with whether you like me or not. It's simply time for the truth, and you lied to America today. I'm tired of Israel using Athe citizens and military of the United States for incredibly unethical and immoral actions, and then when the truth is told, crying about your persecution. I could tell yousomething about persecution. You, sir, are beringing persecution onto the back s of your citizens as more and more of the world learns the truth and is turning against you. You are actually provoking Iran through the United States to develop weapons they wouldnot have wanted except to defend themselves against the predatory war machine of the United States, andd they use Israel as their excuse to steal natural resources an kill citizens of other nations. THere is nothing of your government that God would find acceptable. Go talk to a Rabbi before the next round of lies. At least then, as the Messianic Rabbi says, you'll understand why God wants you to know why there is a hell. Think that's direct enough? I don't know psyops guys... seems to me, we got enough stuff.. who else do you want to use me to start riots with? When you use it against me, just remember, there isn't a single word I just said that is't the truth. But i'm sure you'll use it to start the wars the Bible says would happen when I came along.. and this is one way to get me on the banned list from Israel..except we already know I'm probably on it.. since ya'll assassinated Arafat and Sharon... THis is funny.. because a preponderance of Americans actually agree with me on almost everything I just said. It's the special interests who will expose themselves as the extremists they are with this stuff... Brian Baird says if you say bad stuff about Jewish people, the Jews give tons of money to defeat you. So he always panders to them. Personally, I say, if they as citizens want to live in the United States, they should live in the United States. Or move to Israel if they want to live in Israel. Did you know it was Jewish people filing law suits that started the movement to force the U.S. government to not display Christimas symbols? Of course, you'll all say I said it was all of the Jews, but it was just a few Jews. As always, the media likes to generalize everything for maximum fraudulent impact. Maybe it was some of those Skull and Bones druids, really, those ones who "say they are Jews but are not".. Finally.. the truth is, I'm the best friend the citizens of Israel could have.. I'm on their side.. they disapprove of their governments actions too.. at least they did when I read a poll from Israel. I'm sure the U.S. meia will come up wth some biased poll to prove otherwise. TO all you "Jewish plot" people out there.. it's not the Jews, it's the Druids who are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones, and the central party of the united states in our facade of a two party system. Bush, Obama, CLinton, Biden, Feinstein, Feingold, McCain, Lieberman, Shays, Dodd, Kennedy's... Rockefeller... these are all very sick, mentally ill people who rob the U.S. treasury, take bribes through all sorts of means that used to be illegal before they made it legal to do it.. just like they conveniently change the law in Massachusettes to make sure the Dems have 60 votes in the Senate.. how convenient to change the rules so easily... does that sound like representative government, or a government taking care of itself. Just rememeber, when you learn the truth... and you realize all the laws - illegal laws - that we are being contained with, that prove the government s afraid of its own citizens, ask yourself, why would they be afraid of their citizens, if their citizens didn't have reason to do something to them. THat's what a guilty conscience will do to dirty politicians. And those illegal laws are part of the way you know - forecasting their actions just like the Bible says - you know they're up to no good... Just remember.. the supposed H1N1 virus was developed by the CDC by the United States Government.. it's no accident at all.. it was intended to be deadly, but isn't as bad as they say. And I'll make you another bet.. it's being spread by the aerial spraying Bush said they'd be doing, testing the efficacy of aerial spraying. That would provide some explanation to the WHO of why the patterns of infection don't make sense. Bush said they were using aerial spraying of saltwater... which would kill vegetation... forecasting their actions... Enough of this.. if someone calls it crazy ranting later on, remind them it's only crazy because it's all true, and anybody'd have to be nuts to tell the truth these days. Tell the JDL and ADL I'm on their side.. so long as it's real and not a fabrication or a manipulation of the justice and political systems. And if you don't liek the truth of what I said to Netanyahu, talk to him. He's one of the people making it true. I'd be glad to not criticize the nation of Israel. Especially if they'd keep their word to God. I was just thinkiing.. since Jews don't believe in Jesus or the New Testament, they don't believe in Armageddon either.. so I guess that means that the Israeli government is playing the U.S. Citizens/Christians for all they can with constant scare tha tthe state of Israel wil be destroyed as we approach it, and they don't, cause they don't believe in it. That should make some Christians think twice about the deception. Probably won't.
PS - The supposed dissension and arguing amongst Democrats is a show to make it look like we actually have a representative government that hasn't already decided the outcome... they al know they'll vote for whatever the CFR puts forward. That's why being in the Skull and Bones Senate is such a great job. They mostly just put ink on rubber stamps for a living, and sign whatever's put in front of them, or say whatever the script they're given says to make it look like a good fight was fought. So whaddya think Rach.. did I give you enough to give Air America an excuse too? And just remember CNN.. people are learning the truth about you.. everytime you harm me.. they know. Everytime he delivers an Aesopian threat, they know. Today's was good. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot more to lose. But when it gets out how much trouble you went to to defeat God, and they will, you'll lose everything. You don't like to be called the traitors and murderers you are. Too bad. ANd my witnesses will be jumping up and down to volunteer to tell the world about you... think about that. Now you have billions of people who'd just love to send you to the Hague. I'll help. Bring on your lawyers. You don't have enough. ANything you do against me, even covertly, will work to bring you down. I don't know what went on between you and my father, but you lose. So give it your best shot. Your best hasn't been good enough so far. And it never will be. You're sick evil people. And it will be easy to prove. No wonder people called you the Clinton News Network. No wonder they call you the evil empire. You are. And GE is one of your partners. Add Raytheon and Huighes to that, and now the world knows who supplies the U.S. govet these weapons from space... ESystems... you guys kept all the back door codes for yourself, didn't ya.. that means, other people have em too.. and they'll use em against you. Won't that be fun. You guys better start looking over your shoulders. Your cotraitors are going to start getting nervous, and your lives will be in danger.. by your fellow criminals... it won't be long... Obama going to the U.N. is the signal they were wating for, and the world has been put on notice... Hillary made sure of that... it's not a good sign. Lou you said a while back that not all Skull and Bones guys were bad.. when did you join? Caught your remark about Friday... can't wait. When it happens, I'll know you did it. 9/23/2009 5:04 pm Lou can't wait for your commentary on Ahmedinejad's speech. For anyone who cares, Pres Ahmadinejad of Ira spok a tthe U.N. today, and CNN claims the room was half empty because of "offensive and anti-semitic remarks". Let me tell you something.. the only people that speech could have been offensive to was people who lie for a living, and who do not believe in God. Becaus ethat speech was mostly about the will of God in these times, how God sends us prophets who are always rejected by their own country ad forced to leave, like Jesus and Muhamad and Moses and Abraham.... Our leaders call Islam's prophets bad people.. they revere ours as messengers of God, as he spoke of today. COuldn't help but think he was talking about me twice.. not the perfect man part :} but... BTW Lou, the only reason this became about me at all was because of you and your friends' illegal activities, and me struggling to survive... It became about you because you're a criminal.. you explain it. Sue me. FY So if you think this is a stand alone salute to him, if the news says he spoke offensively, they're flat out lying. I wish I'd written it. Because it's mostly the same messages I've been speaking on behalf of God. In fact, if you read the speech, and then read this, you'll find it as unusual as I do. Becuas ewhat he spoke of is almost the same thing GOd and I talked about last night.. and it couldn't have been psychotronics... cause I randomly turned to the Bible, trying to get some NEw Testament cause I wanted to read the word so f Jesus, instead I got Jeremiah, and was astounded. So I was talking to God last night.. a long talk.. understanduing the implications of the Dec 21,2012 eclisps/conjunction, and other things... I basically said, yaknow God, it was fun to see that vision when I was a kid, and I'm gald you have a use for me, but you could have told me you put a kick me sign on my back. I don't appreciate not knowing. If I had known, maybe I could have done more good before these psychotics killed me. And you know God, I really was just speaking as a citizen, not looking for power but willing and knowing how to use it if people wanted me to lead.. and then the sickos set me up all these years, and no one ever told me.. until they did, when they had me completely set up... and all those people who knew, and said and did nothing... all I was trying todo was live a decent life. ANd now I hear of all this stuff about the conjunction, the conspiracy theories I blew off about how the Illuminati would alter the axis of the eartch in order to allow the gravitational pull of the earth and such to be altered so that wehn this conjuction came, the magnetics of the earth would no longer repel asteroids and shooting stars, tha twould caus eth eearth to be pummeled.. so many ways to read it all, each o f the m true in their own way and occurring, but th eactual one..and yet.. they did it. The Indonesia quake did it. ANd here' comes the conjunction. I said, so here I am, a citizen, and then I become aware of greater purposes, and I wonder, if I go solely with the insitry, the sick and twisted people will still be in control.. if I go politics, people won't want to listen to me speak of faith, if I do neither I fail completely. ANd yet, neither is complete or effective by itself. I said.. you say, walk away, let the dead bury the dead, and I can do that, and of course, they will simply say that I don't care... I made a buig mistake not leaving this country, because just like I saw at the U.N. today, there are people and countries who actually believe in and obey and respect God, and the United States is not one of them, and they hate me here, the very people who I was trying to help avoid the tyranny to come whether they knew it or not have joined together for nearly 40 years to kill me.. and finally I find out why all those thing shappened to me. and I've been attacked and harmed an bankrupted and tortured.. I really didn't mid th eidea of going down for a good cause with and for fellow citizens, but there isn't a person listening, not one willing to put it on the line, they'r eall fooled and trained to hate and kill anyone who disagrees weven if it is thee truth that would save their lives.. and instead I get ministers plotting against me, governments and politicians mockin gme and you.. it really is them mocking you... and these sick people think I need to change. THink there's something wrong with me to speak of love and peace and honesty and GOd....I see all the churches in Shelton and given what I've experienced her, I have to figure alot of evil go to church here to cover their evil.. because i haven't met anyone with integrity, not toward me or you. And even the one person who claimed to be my friend played tricks on me, and that is not a friend. People are alright with suffering until its them, and then they can't figure out why noone will help them. And when the shit goes down, and peopel are really suffering.. I mean the people who think they're too good to beg for food have to beg for food, and they will, they'll die without food just as quickly as they'll turn their backs on you to fit in and be cool. So God, you tell me why I didn't make a mistake in coming back and staying in this country. Tell me why I should care what happens to these people who have prophecy in front of theior faces being fulfilled on a daily basis, whether they know it or not, and seek my death and enjoy harming and making fun of me... and I'm relaly suppsoed to care about people who are this evil and sick? I mean, Iknow there are good people, and if the only truth of prophecy is after the fact.. if the only thing thesepeopel will believiev is their own destruction... if they're really stupid enough to think the prophecy was a scritpt to be fulfilled and not a warning to avoid, then what do you wan tme to. Theese people believe Jesus was predestined to die on a cross, and don't even consider tha tit was a choice made by hHim and the people who killed him. Just as turn the other cheek is not an instruction to take abuse from people, it' specific to not doing anything that puts you into the hands of a corrupt justice system, like the Untied States has. It deosn't mean put up with abuse at all. So youthink about that God, think about it, because I'm not willing to die for people liek this. Jesus died for the.That's not my job or purpose, and you've told me so. SO you tell me what to do, becuase I duid my job, I kepty my promise, now you keep yours, because I'm not taking responsibility fo rthese people ignoring you and causing their own suffering, and blaming you or me because of their ignorance.So make it a good answer, because I'm not suffering for these people anymore. Because they liek their lives, and they don't want to be saved in any way, and I'm not even tlakiing about religion or spirituality.. I'm talking about living or dying in this world. So you think about it and give me a good answer, cause I really am going fishing, and I won't return to this God forsaking country. SO you'd better have a good answer. And truthfully, I can't rememebr exactly about my questions, but these answers are basically mostly about the infidels. I picked up my Bible and immediately turned to this: I think of it as God's way of saying, fuck them if they won't listen. And trust me, he'd say that. Iasaiah 5:20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter 21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight 22 Woe unto then that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink 23 Which justifieth the wicked for reward, and take away righteousness from him... You should read the rest of that.You'll see yourself in it. Then I randomly turned to Jeremiah... this could have been out of Ahmedinejad's speech, only there's no way it could have been set up, because I was reading the Bible randomly... Jeremiah 34:15 And ye were now turned, and had done right in my sight, in proclaimng liberty every man to his neighbor; and ye had amade a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name (like, the King's house as a certain apostate calls her entrapped subjects) 16 But ye turend and polluted my name and caused every man his servant, and everyman his handmaid, whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and brought them into subjection, ti be unto u\you for servants and handmaids... 17 Therefore, ye have not harkened unto me,, in proclaiming liberty, every on eto his brother, and every man to his neighbor; behold I proclaim a liberty unto you saith the Lord, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth... you should read the rest of that part yourself.. because it basically says, go fishing, I'l spread the word around, don't worry and allow yourself to not worry about it. Of course, for other people, for certain apostates, in other contexts, in means something very different... basically, they'll lose their flocks. That's the nice way of putting it. But at least I knew God understood the situation, adn I was stil not happy, nor do I feel okay just walking away fr people to think I and He turned our backs onyou all, when the truth is, you turned your backs on us... Then I got to Jeremiah 35:14.. and it speaks to what Ahmadinejad said, and it speaks to what I've been saying since 2002,, that prophecy is intended to avoid not, not an instruction to conduct harm.. at least it is a warnign to those who are actually faithful and actually believe in God....those who should have known, by my life, my writings and their observances, who I was... 35:14The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not ot drink wine, are pperformed: for unto this day they drink none, but obey their father's commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but ye harkened not unto me. 15 I have sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return Ye now from his evil ways, and amend your doings and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers; but ye have not inclined your ear, nor harkened unto me. God sends prophets and servants to warn the faithful only to prove they are not faithful at all. God keeps His hands outstretched, but there are no covenants that God feels obligated to keep because humanity has not kept their word. I read some other things.. basically, on Dec 21, 2012, upon the conjunction, GOd says that all possibilities for any nation to claim they are keeping their word to God, their covenants, is over. At which time, there are no promises God will keep, except to the extent that who ever survives the global mess that's going to happen - and shows they actually are faithful and true to God and His ways, will be saved. Rigtht now, that's the New Covenant. same as the old, only without any romises based on prior promises that people have not kept. That can be rectified, but my order is to turn my back, walk away, let the dead bury the dead. All of you who proclaim a victory of successfully stopping me, an running me out, thinking you're making a better world by denying me my rights, by harming me and trying to kill me and ll the time thinking you're the righteous ones. If I had time, if I was truly a person who hates, I really actually would enjoy your suffering. But I'm thinking I'm just gonna find that mountain I was talking about and wait for the smoke to clear. If I live, fine, if I die fine, an people like Lou and Melissa and Keith adn all their psychotic will all think - whew, we got away with it... and then God will serve justice cold. ANd none of the good people will ever have to deal with assholes and sickos like them again. So I rose earl and tried to warn you. I could tell you things that would scare the living hell out of you, but I'm not about scaring people into submission like the people you love and worship in politics.. so the only thin I'll say is, give it about 1-1/2 years, then head for 200 miles inland at least. You figure out why. I'm tired of talking to brick walls an evil people who only loaugh at me and mock God like a sport they can win. I have alot of love for people in me.You aren't people. You're sick monsters. But like Jeb Bush said in 2002, in a few years, San Francisco won't be here... neither will the Pacific Northwest. Good riddance, for all the harm and suffering you've all caused me. I'm moving on to places where people still have a sense of common decency. And it isn't here. Praise God Almighty for His wisdom in taking His word and promise to people who seek safety and love and community everlasting in His ways. And to the psychotics running the United Staes Govt. Declare victory so that the righteous ones will have something to laugh at when you're caught and put on display, as people and evil to never forget. Right before they forget you like a dead bug swept under the carpet to be taken out to the trash. Cause that's what God's gonna do to ya. Double. For me and every person you've harmed. We'll have a party that day. The U.S. Government is lying to you about Iran.. and I predict Israel wil be destroyed, never to be restored. AL bets are off. Look up... covenant of day and night, and maybe you'll be able to figure out why I said that. Meanwhile here comes the famine unto the land.. when I no longer speak to any of you. This, by the way, actually does begin the beginning of hell that doesn't actually exist, except in your minds, as the torture begins happening to you, and you start saying, why didn't I listen? I wish I had the Randy Travis cut - I Told You So... but, like a good servant and representative of the people, I'll give ya what ya want. Bye Bye, Good luck in hell bastards. That's a Biblical term for those who want to call me a bad person for saying a bad word, lest you read the Bible and actually know what you're talking about. And by the way, when the Bible talks about fornicators most the time, they're not talking about sex, they're talking preachers who lie for poltiicians, and nations that assist the beast.. the United States... Like Leviticus says, if you amend tomy ways,I'll amend to yours. Since you won't neither will I . Fuck you. See ya next time. Fifth Dimension - If I Could Reach You Barry McGuire - Eve Of Destruction Tom Petty - Roll Another Joint Weird Al Yankovic - What If God Smoked Canibis John McCain.. when are you going to tell Arizonans how much you made from foreknowledge of 911. Mr Straight talk express.... Huckabee.. tell the world about Mena... Do the Right Thing, Mike. DO yo uknow how to do that Mike. Y aknow what it's like to be attacked by dews and Psychotronic sfor years on end MIke... you will.. cause in the long run, you're a witness, and your friends who aren't don't take prisoners. They're using you Mike, and they're gonna spit you out. You're a memo 46er too Mike. Hijacked a religion, and a man.You. I'll bet you're proud of yourself too. If you can't take the heat Mike, get out of the kitchen. Just stop lying to peole about being an honorable man. Mr Ahmadinejad, I'm come over there and hug you if I could, but ya know they'd nuke ya for it. My hats off to ya.... of course we don't completely agree, but what you said today was beautiful and correct. One day, I hope we'll meet, cause I know we could work together despite the lies of the United States Government. How could anyone listen to your words today and not know they were the truth of the world and God? Zager and Evans - In the Year 2525 Finally Barack... laugh it up...you perverts just keep laughing.. you know what they say about the last laugh.. Jimmie Spheeris - You Must Be Laughing Somewhere No, Barack, I haven't snapped, God set me free, and I still win. I haven't quit either. I'll let you destroy yourselves, and then you can blame God anyway.. won't that be cool, Barack, just the way you guys like it. Tell Begala I can win without winning. And he'll his own feces just to stay alive before it's done. Isn't prophecy wonderful? It's the best gift. God says so. Trust me, I'll file the suits. I can do that through a consulate elsewhere. And there'll be a lot more than 6 cases. And very imporatnt: anyone who thinks the U.S. is the "anointed nation" better give it up now,.THere will never be another anointed nation. Never. Next stop, God's kingdom and Heaven. Probably won't see ya there. Too bad.
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