To the Government Citizens of Israel;
I'd like to humbly present myself to you on behalf of God, as His servant and willingly
of service to you.
I am, by birth, a citizen of the United States. I trust that in time you will come to
know me as your friend.
I am addressing you now, in this way, both because of my own oppression and
"containment", but more, because of my ongoing concerns for the future of the
Holy Lands, as well as the lands of the Arab States.
Further, because of my concern for the deliverance of God's promises, to have been
expressed in the fulfillment of the Palestinian and Davidic Covenants which were to have
been provided by the leadership of the United States by 1996.
Finally, because of my great concerns and disdain for the actions currently being
undertaken by the Israeli Government against the Palestinian people. I will not mince
words with you on this topic.
Surely, by now, you must realize that brutality and militarism against another people
can only cause greater distrust and hate against you, their oppressors, just as your own
oppression and the acts of violence against your nation only intensify your willingness to
use force against them.
By no means do I sanction the offensive use of rockets and missiles fired at the
Israeli population and cities as a means to express frustration and willingness to use
force against your citizens. However, there is no prohibition against any person or people
from defending themselves by any means.
The actions of Ariel Sharon in 1968 should remind you of that truth.
If there is any truth of the man Ariel Sharon, it's that he is and was a courageous man
in the face of extraordinary odds, and a true threat to the nation of Israel required
confronting, and was justly defeated.
As my father repeatedly instructed me "We must never forget". But I am clear
that what He was truly telling me was that not only must we never allow for a holocaust
against the dispersed and re-united remnant of Israel and the tribes of Israel, we must
also never forget the pain and anguish caused to the Jews, and people like me with the
birth defect that Hitler used as an excuse to incarcerate, murder and experiment with in
their cause for eugenics, as the United States Government has done to me, and that no
nation and no people and no person and no being will be allowed to be the victim of
Even more, the abomination of the desolation of the planet is intolerable, and the
production and use of weapons containing depleted uranium MUST end now, as it is nothing
less than a weapon of covert genocide, and I am not fooled, God is not fooled and the
world will soon acknowledge that fact.
Israel must make some hard choices , now. The choices are clear. The Bible contains
countless prophecies of the harm of fornification with the anti-Christ, those who would
destroy the planet in order to claim it for their own, those who are they who claim to be
Jews who are not, who give Jews and Israel a bad name and black eye around the world
amongst those who are not informed of the infiltration by the financiers, the money
changers who Christ Jesus stood against in His work to inform citizens of economic
I am concerned that even Israel is using a system for usury.
I saying all of these things, in presenting the materials and in the statements I have
made to you and about your actions, you make choose to propagandize the idea that I am
against you. I assure you, you have no better friend in the world.
But you have either become over-zealous, or have chosen to believe the lies of those
who would destroy and use your nation as an example to the world of how the power of God
is diminished by the likes of men, which God will not allow, but which path could surely
lead to disaster for your government, to further desolation of the lands, and to the
needless harm to the psyche and cosmos of this universe.
I ask you to reconsider your course, and cease to allow the United States Government to
cajole you into further actions that are counterproductive to the well being of this
world. And to recognize that Barack Obama, under the direction of the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Clintons, will provide you no better solutions than they offered before,
which has led to nothing but a perpetuation of violence and the increase in tension and
hatred in nations around the world.
I have before, and I offer again to present myself as a mediator toward reconciliation
between the Israeli and Palestinian people, as well as create a bridge to better
understanding and cooperation with all Arab and African nations surrounding your lands.
I offer to conduct conferences, as well as an open air conference between people of all
sides of the issues in Israel-Palestinian lands in order to deliver His promises and the
promised land.
I also request that you
listen to these recordings I made to George W. Bush, Yassir Arafat and
Ariel Sharon in 2002. Yassir Arafat and Ariel Sharon listened to my advice, and did what I
requested in order to secure peace amongst your people. The result was tragic and Mr.
Sharon still lies incapacitated for his efforts.
I ask that you show your courage for what is just and humane, as they did, but to stand
up in honor of both of them against those people who would purposely seek violence instead
of peace, global environmental destruction in exchange for the beauty and wonders of God's
creation, and to open your hearts to the knowledge and power of God's love in your hearts
once again in order to know, deep in your hearts, for yourselves as is true with other
people -
Do unto others as you would have them do you unto you.
The 10 Commandments say, Do No Kill.
And to say that your actions are simply defensive may convince those who
are uninformed that you are just in your actions and persistent methods is to be in denial
of the acts perpetrated upon the Palestinian people by oppressive and impoverishing
policies, covert security operations and treatment much like that which you say you must
never forget.
As I've said before, I am not against you. I am for you, as I am for
all people and beings, and I make my stand for the future of all people, of all nations,
of all beings, of all moral spiritual disciplines, and I stand for the full establishment
of His Kingdom, so that we may all flourish as He desired.
I hope that in the coming days, you will reconsider the policies you have
been convinced to adopt by people who seek only to use your suffering for their own
political purposes.
If only because the alternative will be the cause of your own future
suffering, for which you will need to answer to the Israeli people, and to God.
God Bless You in this time of decision, reconciliation, atonement and
reformation - the return to the blessings of His plan.
Leviticus 26:3 If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;
4: Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and
the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
40: If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their
trespass which they trespassed against me, and that they have also walked contrary unto
41: And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land
of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept the
punishment of their iniquity:
42: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and
also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.