10/28/2002 -
Hi Guys! Ya know, sometimes this synchronicity thing gets a
little weird. So, I brought up the homeland defense thing, and 2 days later, the news was
carrying the info on the reservists... so I didn't say anything, out of respect for the
possibility you were answering my question. Whether it was in response or just
another strange coincidence, thanks for the info.
Meanwhile... nice touch on the news conferences...
10/26/2002 - Hi guys!
I actually respect that you don't have time to consider every opinion
all the time, but there's this one of a hundred things that keeps going through my
mind. My father constantly talked about Joseph Stalin. And it was always in the
context of what Stalin said it would require to topple America. This was long before
I understood economic wars... and it's kind of like Revelations... you read things and
interpret them based on the knowledge you have at the time... when the actual events or
circumstances arrive, unless you're willing to continually be able to put the pieces
together like a jigsaw puzzle, you won't ever see the picture in the puzzle.
So, I fully understand the domino theory, actually agree with the hypothesis.
I more fully understand how drugs would be used as a way to weaken the country. My
father always said the danger was not actually in the use of the drugs, but in the
negative effects of the delivery system.
And 3rd, and most troubling, is the concept of spreading troops and equipment out
around the world such that we are unable to defend the homeland. Frankly, with all
due respect, that is the psoition I believe you are putting us in. And you are doing
nothing tangible in the area of homeland security... Let alone the economy.
I have a whole 26 minute piece I recorded one night regarding my personal experiences
during natural disasters, governmental response times and what the government can and will
actually provide when a disaster occurs... the resources that are and are not available to
actually manage emergency situations, and the misconceptions people have regarding what
they expect from the government, and what the government actually delivers. It was a
sort of depressing situation to describe. So, I decided not to run it. But I
probably will one day soon.
Even more, with the latest warnings about possible attacks on the railway system... I
have to say that I've suspected all along that the abnormal number of derailings and such
were not by accident... and yeah, I used to know someone who worked for Southern Pacific
for more than 20 years, and he filled me in on the various causes of train derailments and
salvage operations and all sorts of things he learned as a yardmaster... in addition, I
did a 60 minute radio broadcast many years ago that focused on the problems with train
accidents and cars and trains colliding... you name it.. One day we'll talk about my
research into the treatment and conditions of Native Americans.
Anyway... looks like I have a great deal of work ahead of me... I look forward to it.
I'm sure it's interesting watching Chuck come out of his shell... but here I am, ready to
take on this Cultural Revolution and the Renaissance of the Arts and creating a whole new
operating system for the world... lofty goals, but, as you know, I believe it's possible.
And as I always say, what makes me believe I can do it? Because I say I
can. That's the one single part of me that I never allow myself to lose sight
Now, I know I've given you all lots of great material to use against me should I ever
actually emerge in public... I look forward to the discussion. This truly will be an
interesting journey. Because I know that the worst thing that could possibly happen
is that I can do some good in the world by speaking out and, in my own quirky way, by
setting an example of some sort and giving people the opportunity to choose their lives
again. If that's all I accomplish, then my expectations will be exceeded.
PS to John... I've been reconfiguring my equipment to a digital recording studio, so I
haven't gotten any music produced. Wrote a few more tunes since the last
writing Anyway, I promise to let you know when they're ready. :} Really.
Take care.
10/17/2002 - It's interesting to consider the millions of ways I could
cause people to realize what's actually occurring in the world... to connect the dots on
all of the events and put it all together... whether you put it in Biblical terms or just
in terms of how animals and plants are dying, water is becoming scarce... and the
territorial race for space... as well as the blasphemy of fenaticism, and the general
threat to the "white-domination" of the world as being projected on Al
Qaeda or any other group being rebellious toward the dominators. Tough words,
I know, but right out of the Bible.
Delay, deceive and... too bad we didn't know the N Korea nukes before the vote on
Iraq... and I know that you believe that you'll do all you want to do, and even if people
disagree, you'll continue to do it, because, after all, it would be difficult to stop you
and even harder to retract once an act is done.
What worries me most in it all is a bio-accident occurring somewhere, and having it
spread before it can be detected and eradicated... whether intended or not... my gut
feeling is that it's happened a few times already and noone's been told.. All this
aggression and bully-tactic politics makes it an even more dangerous world. It's
time for you to truly consider that alliance, not compliance, makes for a workable world.
Compliance will only cause more people to resist.
I know you have a lot of people stymied and fooled, but there are some of us who are
simply not in the power seats yet to effect the changes that need to occur. I know
how to counter the verbal and rhetorical tactics.. apparently many either do not or are
unwilling to counter them... it is all pretty offensive. It is a true war of words,
and right now, like I've told you I thought before... you guys are truly good at it.
We'll see if I'm as good at it as I think... it'll be fun to see, won't it?
I keep losing the actual reference in the Boble, because I get distracted by others,
but there's a part I keep meaning to bring up... it goes something like this:
whatever you do for others, you do for me, whatever you do to others, you do to me...
remember that whatever your words and actions create in the world, that it is actually an
expression of your true intent, and does not just serve a short term purpose, because it's
the long-term purpose that gets generated in the ripples of the short term.
Like in Machiavelli, what's expedient in the short term may well defeat you in the long
I find it interesting that a while back I described my position as that of being David
to your Goliath, and the stone in my sling is the truth... My resolve has not
waivered. In the end, I win.
Peace. Out.
10/16/2002 - Hi Guys! By now, I'll bet you're wondering "what's
he going to say next?" That's the beauty of it. Even I don't really
know. But I know this, I'm absolutely committed to cleaning out this governement and
working to unite countries instead of learning new ways to separate them and cause them to
take sides.
It's a serious thing that so many people are going around cliaming they are
God... (noitce, I never claimed that :}) But it's an indicator of the paranoia factor
among people.. It's an indicator of the need people feel to do something to protect
themselves against things that are out of their control. And I know things will get
worse before they get better, but you can be sure, when people are ready to give up what
they've always counted on, people like me will be here to help restart things and guide
things to a more compassionate administration of the affairs of the people.
I've had numerous moments of doubt about whether to continue on this path or just
ignore it all and accept what's going on.. and I tell you, every time I decide to quit, I
simply can't. Because I truly understand the promise of America, of our Democracy.
I truly understand the needs and desires of the American people. It is by
their goodness that corruption and fenaticism controls them simply because they believe in
the promise so much, and they trusted so much, and they so don't want to deal with the
pain and embarrassment of having to admit they've been fools. The ultimate weapon.
The good news is that when people are given true choice and decisions that
reflect their choices, they always choose the best possible thing. I'll be doing my
best to make sure they are provided an alternative vision to your policies so the
difference between what you do and propose, and what's possible, is absolutely clear to
the American people and the world.
And I'll do that not because I'm some sort of a miracle worker. I'll do that
because I know how. That's the American Way.
Peace. Out.
10/12/2002 - Hi guys! It's been difficult for me to figure out
what to say these days. Things are getting dangerous, and I want to be prudent
in what I say because I wouldn't want to increase further tensions in any arena that would
incite anything.
See, it's like when I work with employers, I look at the business, what I was hired
for, I do that job, and then I look to see what else I can give... I don't waste company
time... I'm very proud that most employers have had to replace me with at least 3 people.
And I treat their companies as if I owned them.. the equipment, the resources.. and
I consider their employees as my employees... I figure I have certain skills of
empowerment, and they hired those skills too. And that's probably the most fun for
me. And I don't get angry with peers. Only with authority figures and father
figures. :} It's one of those irrational ontological animal instinct domination and
submission things us guys get so hung up on. Sorry, writing the book makes me get
psychological like that :}
The point is That's kind of why I actually think of the people of America
"my people"... in my own way, I care about each and every one of them. And, I'm
becoming concerned.
I've got a bunch of things that concern me, but I decided to put them in the
daily report.. I'm in a good mood, so I promise to keep it from being personal. But I
think you might find it informative.
Ya know, I lived in Silver Spring and worked in Rockville... just down the street from
some of those shootings... after the manhole cover blowouts in Georgetown and the fires in
the Metro, I knew what was coming... as one journalist put it "You don't have to be a
clairvoyant to see it coming". That's a big reason why we left D.C.
Didn't want to witness it. And it's an obvious logical result, whether domestic or
international. That's what aggression generates. Equal but opposite reaction.
Anyway, I kept getting this image of a license plate, so I passed it on
anonymously. Ya never know, it might help. Weird, huh? It's really a shame
though. I know some very cool people there. It makes me very sad.
So, I want to make ir clear again that, despite the fact that we so disagree about
politics and people, I give you all the benefit of the doubt that all of what you're doing
is the right thing to do. But it's just like engineered foods to protect plants from
bugs and viruses and bacteria.. the bad stuff still needs to eat, and it will find a way
to adapt and overcome. As for biological weapons, given transportation systems and
all the ways they are able to transport people and bugs of all sort, once it gets loose,
it's loose. Please make good on your promise to make war the last choice. It sounds
as if it's the only choice you made long ago. And the whole world will oppose you.
Because they'll simply feel endangered by the aggression. They'll go
along for awhile, but then you'll find yourself standing alone in the aggressions.
And it's not like I'm predicting that or causing it.. it's just history repeating itself.
I'm gonna go do the column. Remember, the Bible says the evil comes from the
sons, not the fathers. I'm ot referring to me. I'm talking like, Saddam's
sons, not Saddam, Franklin Graham, not Billy... and so on. So, don't you hurt my people.
And tell Ariel that agression only breeds aggression. And you really should both
read the Bible, and actually understand how we are repeating the history in that back too.
We don't have to.
Wrote a new song.. called "It's a Brand New Day". Wrote a few
more too. I'm gonna roll a couple of 'em out in the next day or so... tell John to
practice it so we can do it in D.C. some time soon.
Take care. Peace. Out
PS Love the red tie. Love those old colors. The renaissance has begun!
10/10/2002 - The checked kind of ties don't work well for you... they
distract from your face. Just a suggestion.
10/9/2002 - Hi guys. As you well know, I've been working my tail off
the last few months... needed to take a few days off and get re-organized.
George, I have to hand it to you, that was the best speech I've ever heard you give.
Loved the jacket, and especially the tie. But, then, given the color, you
knew I would :}
All I can say is that I hope you meant what you said about war being the last choice...
in my book, the way that shows up for me is that you've already gotten to your last
choice... nonetheless, for the moment, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
The thing that holds me up is that, when asked the question "Why now?", your
guys always say "Why not now?" That isn't a good answer. Not by any
means. While I've never actually discounted the possibility that Iraq has all these
weapons you claim they have, I still say that making war isn't going to resolve it.
Tenet says they may use them if they think attack is inevitable... it's a
great scare tactic, but it sure makes me think the best way to handle things is to make
friends and empower the people, not tempt them.
And, if the attacks in Yemen and Kuwait are Al Qaeda related...and I believe they
are... consider the message delivered the other day... turn the situation around for a
minute... their position is understandable. I find it incredible to think that
we have the attitude that when the U.S. speaks, the whole world should simply comply.
Terrorists turn into terrorists because they believe they have no other
peaceful options left. They didn't say they would escalate... they said if we
escalate, they will respond.
It's like what's going on in the middle east... every act of violence brings more
violence, not peace. What needs to be diffeused on both sides is the sense of
persecution and oppression they feel, that's manifesting itself now.
On another subject... thanks for ending the port stirkes for now. That was a good
thing for America and the world. You might want to suggest to them that all the extra
money for management in the reconfiguration and tooling of the ports might better be spent
re-training workers, accomplishing the modernization and empowering many of those workers
with new futures/careers. And sure, some jobs may be lost. But consider the
lessons of the crash in Detroit when automakers provided vocational training for their
layed-off workers years ago.
The bottom line is important, but so is investment, and r&d... I consider that
training to be part of that. Leaving people to scramble to find a way to make a
living, as opposed to empowering them, makes for a better country, a better political
climate, as well as leading to the kind of cultural fabric we both agree on, but approach
in a different way. Remember, force doesn't work as well as empowerment. Force is
brutality, it's felt that way, and it's responded to with eual but opposite force.
Neither is productive. It just wastes time and money by creating
resistance instead of workability. And it's bad for people's psyches.
Don, I know that you don't have time to talk to every person who has an opinion on
things... but you know, every once in a while, you might come upon someone who has a
different way of approaching things that works better than what your rule book says.
Not a criticism, just some insite. It's like me... I don't think I have
all the answers, but I do believe I have a different way of approaching things that cause
better outcomes... it's a difference in theory and philosophy... and when I
listen to other people, it just enhances my perspective, gives new options, includes more
considerations. Ya might think about that.
Take care... where'd ya get the tie?
10/4/2002 - Ya know what, you're blowing it. I could help you,
but since you don't listen to anyone, I won't waste more of our time than necessary.
You should read this story, then read your Bible... if you actually do that.
Listening to Jerry's opinions is no substitute. At some point, the American people
will reject you and your friends, and you will deserve it.
Mormon church makes anti-war statement
10/3/2002 - How about setting me up with an appointment with
Mitchell Daniels? For some reason, his name seems important. Do you know him?
Have you talked to Nelson? He could be a great advisor...
10/2/2002 - Hi Guys!
Doesn't the world feel just a little bit nicer? I'm gonna have to make sure to
keep writing that book. Seems to help. What I find most fascinating these days
is the nearly parallel and opposite existences we have. Anti-thetical. I
love Journey With George. You knew I would. :}
So, here's the strangest part of it for me. According to what I read and see, all
of you and I become really good friends and I work with you somehow, as a silent partner
or whatever, I never know how these things happen... anyway, and we fix the world and make
everything fair and right, or... the other thing happens that I refuse to entertain for
too long. It's too much bother. Nonetheless...
I had a conversation with someone recently... and I have to admit it was a
disappointing conversation... I was told that the Bible was nothing more than a bunch of
interesting stories with little congruity or relevance. When I read it, it looks
more like a manual, but even more, it has one prophet after another talking about how
things end up going a certain way if we don't work things out. I think my book
says where I stand, even if I never write another word, though I will.
The part that worries me is what it says at the end of Deuteronomy, the old testament
for a change, and it goes like this:
Deuteronomy 28:49 - The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end
of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not
50: A nation of fierce countenance which shall not regard the person of the old, nor
shew favor to the young.
51: And he shall eat the fruits of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be
I won't go on. Sort of reminds you of Cambodia and Thailand, doesn't it?
Like I always say, I don't have to make this stuff up. It's sad,
though, because I know deep in your heart, you think you're doing the right thing too.
Such is the human condition.
Be careful out there!
9/28/2002 - Didn't feel like typing Audio
9/27/2002 - Well, I've been sitting back watching to see what happens
next. The Bible says I'm speaking to deaf ears, but, guess what, this nation and the
world are not toys or implements of war for you to avenge your father's threat. This
is an entire nation and a planet. You do not own it. You stole it. Watch
what happens next. It's time to wake up the world to you and your friends, and
apparently the only way to cause that is to allow enough bad thing to happen that people
start refusing to comply and stand up to your tactics. And they will. Watch where
Lili goes. And you probably think it will land on Jamaica.
9/26/2002 - Don - Ain't it wonderful how modern communications work. I
see you. The media communicates, the word is spread. Gotta love it. :} I
went 64 hours... noticed you were a bit tired too... Symphony, opera or anything else...
how about Rockumentary? :} Glad to hear ya'll want to be more bi-partisan about
things... but, I got the latest GOP memo... doesn't seem to echo the same sentiments.
Have a great day.
Here's one for you: Kinda fits, given the weather lately.
Nahum 1:3 The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all
acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds
are the dust of his feet.
1:5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his
presence, yea, the world, and all that dwelleth within.
1:6 Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of
his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him..
1:7 The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them
that trust in him.
9/25/2002 - Set a new record for myself... 58 hours straight.
At least now there's no doubt where you stand. Not that I had my doubts.
See ya on tv :} Don really does have a great sense of humor.
3am PT - Hi Don - Did you know that in the book of John, it predicts the
attacks on the WTC? Thought maybe you'd get a kick out of that one. Want me to
tell you what else happens? Maybe we can prevent it, if you cooperate with
me... :}
Be good over there.
9/24/2002 - First, I want to apologize for lashing out at you.
If there's one thing I have learned and often forgotten is that I should never commit
words when I do not have the time to express what I really want to say. And I often
forget that other people do not know me well enough to understand that I mean no harm.
What is on this site is not personal to you or anyone else. I began to report the
news in a way that people could see the patterns of what was occurring in the world.
I was dismayed at what occurred in the election of 2000. To me, it was the
ultimate betrayal of everything I was raised to believe was true about this country, and
what I believed God promised and required of this country.
As time went on, more and more, my actions seemed to foretell small things, to
distinguish great things, and take actions that did not require more than what I had
learned in my various vocations and interests. And then, little by little, things
were revealed to me and I looked to my Bible for answers...the Bible my mother had left
me... which I have had for many years, and only looked at from time to time. She had
marked it incredibly for me, evern had left certain bookmarks I hadn't noticed before.
Anyway... my promise to you is that I will continue to be someone who defends
Democracy, seeks ways to care for the animals and plants and rivers and such... and an
uncompromising stand for human rights. And I can't always guarantee that I will be
civil... but I will do my best... but, let's start again.
I am not naive about the need for military strength and such... I just need to be
sure... as an act of integrity.... that peace is persued, and that this planet is not
damaged any further. That's why I'm here...
John, if you want to join me on stage in the future to sing some songs, you'll be
welcome.. so long as it does not promote justice without compassion.
But to Dick Cheney... drumming up support politically based on exploiting hatred and
violence is unacceptable. It's just the sort of thing I will not overlook or
be silent about again.
Have a great day. God Bless this nation.
One more thing: Nelson Mandela really wants to talk to you. He's a good
guy. Please take his call.
9/24/2002 1:30 am pt - Heck no, I don't sleep. it's a waste of time. George, talk
about the same old song and dance. There is nothing new in Tony's propaganda.
Nothing at all. What else ya got... other than lies, that is? Yawn. I don't
understand why you're so anxious to go to war. Blair makes the case for all the
people Saddam has killed... how many did we kill in the Gulf War, and how many will we
kill now... instead of taking a peaceful course? And how many of our people will
die? Shortsighted at best. I dare any of you to realistically state what the human
toll will be on us. Not to mention our economy.
"They need a leader that can make its people rich and successful"... The
United States could use one of those too. The purpose is not disarmament... the
purpose is to bankrupt the United States. And to think I used to respect Tony Blair.
Another one bites the dust.
9/23/2002 - 11pm PT: Gentlemen, I learn more every 5 minutes. With
all due respect, send me a phone. Time for the game to end. You have my
phone number for arrangements. You might want to consider cancelling Tony's
9/23/2002 - I know you don't want the Skull & Bones thing to come out, but
it's too late. It will become a big issue very soon. I've had internet
contacts pushing me to expose it for months.
What I find most interesting is how you and I actually pick the same issues to
discuss... the difference is that I choose resolutions that are related to empowering
people... you empoewr yourselves. In the end, you still lose. Lose. Lose.
Keyboard got stuck. Amazing how that happens.
Ya know what I think is most fun, though. I think I'm going to announce my
candidacy in January... a new song and dance for ya.. and you'll have all that great info
to slander me with... and all the stuff you're hiding that'll slip out little by little,
and undermine your evil efforts. Won't that be fun? Can't wait to see what you
do now... a book, maybe?
Oh.. a little style tip... everytime you use your right hand to help enunciate your
message, you're forecasting.

Couldn't resist. But at least, I didn't put it on the main page.
Interesting how we're playing the game of bad things happening to those I
mention again.. do you really want to go there? I don't think so. I'll just
make the case and have my friends send it out over the net to everyone they can.
Just can't play fair, can you? Pressuring allies all over the world...
they'll just hate you. But then, that's what you want, isn't it? Remember, no
matter what, God says you lose. He's on my side.
9/21/2002 - Don... when is the US going to stop jerking the UN around
on the commitments it's made and broken since George took over?
Ya know... I'm down to 4 cigarettes a day... not bad for a 2-3 pack a day Camel habit,
huh? I start jogging tomorrow... I figure I"ll make it as least to the end of
the driveway... that's good enough for the first day... course I have a long driveway. :}
Gotta get ready for taking my act on the road.
Interestingly enough, I watched the profile of John Ashcroft on CNN today... I'm sure
that doesn't surprise you... :} It was really interesting. He and I have a lot
more in common than I thought. I love the Assembly of God Church. One of my
favorite worship services. I used to go the Assy of God Church in Scotts Valley, at
Bethany Bible College. But, when they asked if I wanted to actually join the church,
they handed me this rule book... and my thinking is, if you're a fisher of men...
you can't exactly exclude people from your life just because you don't agree with their
habits... after all, nobody's perfect.
The other thing I thought was interesting though, is that I was reading Numbers in my
Bible at the time.. one of those synchronicity things... just opened it up to Numbers.
Can't remember the chapters.. but it was talking about the difference between vindictive
and compassionate justice... even more interesting was the part about how having witnesses
testify for the purpose of causing the implementation of the death penalty makes the
person testifying a murderer... in God's eyes... it's all about intent.
I think I've said enough today... I'm not taking tomorrow off... so don't get too
tricky:} Oh yeah, that little surprise I laid out the other day about me... I
assumed you already knew where I was going when I kept talking about reading Ezekiel...
it's strange... didn't ask for the job.. but it really is what I've always
believed about my life... kinda strange... but I'm looking forward to it... we have such a
great planet and great people... being a peacemaker will be very satisfying. Anytime
you really want to have peace in the Middle East, let me know. I really do have some
great ideas. Of course, they're not typical. :}
Peace. Out.
9/20/2002 - Ya know, I know you have your own agenda, but now might be a real
good time to call Ariel and tell him to knock it off. Sharon is inviting an attack
form other nations, and that would not be productive for anyone. It would really p_
me off.
9/19/2002 - Hi Don - I hope those nice women didn't cause too much
trouble.. glad you (as always) had a good sense of humor about it. The old Walk of
Just between us, for the record, I'm really not in favor of unlimited legalization of
marijuana... I do think it would be better for everyone if it was legalized, controlled
and taxed... and I definitely think we should do everything to keep it from kids.
But, keeping it illegal will not stop it from being used. You can't just force
people. They won't accept it. Why is it such a big deal to this government,
other than control to empower drug companies?
A little Bible verse for you. Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great
treasure and trouble therewith. - Proverbs 15:16
I guess the part I don't understand about people like you guys is (ohoh, I said I
didn't understand again) is why domination and all are so important to you. When you
die, all of it will be for what? For Who? What will the destruction gain?
What will the wealth gain you? Why does anyone need that much money?
9/17/2002 - Good morning;
I have this part of my philosophy that when you get what you ask for, embrace it. I
highly recommend that you seek ways to make things work with Iraq. If you continue
to be belligerent, the world will see your true intent and condemn you.
Be good to my friends in Santa Cruz. You may have noticed that we Cruzers don't
just quit. The harder people resist folks like us, the more commited we become.
And we're incredibly commited people. Santa Cruz is a whole city full
of activists. It wouldn't take much to turn it into a national campaign. Course,
that would be a good thing.
9/16/2002 - Hi Don .. thanks for talking to us. I know there's an
iceburg... no one denies that the threat of terrorism exists and needs to be dealt with...
I wouldn't be surprised to find that Saddam has wmd.. I just say, there are ways to deal
with it without using weapons of mass destruction. Like I keep saying, it begins
with one speech. But then, as the bible says, you guys won't see the error of
your thinking. But, I did my job in informing you.
The bible also says someone will come and arrest me at some point. If you guys
come, be gentle. As I say, I am a man of peace. I won't resist. Just remember,
though, that inevitably, that move will cost you in public opinion. Just something
to keep in mind. Especially since, when all is said and done, all that wil be
revealed is my commitment to peace and world well-being... it'll be just the catapult I
need. Can I bring my bible, a couple books and my guitar? I'll dedicate
a song to you. :} If you play back up on it... The alternative would be to come and
have an intelligent conversation. I'll answer any question you ask. I
still check for the secure phone in front of the garage everyday.
That's it for now. little voice in my head told me to get out of the house,
but I'll be here. Because I really don't have anything to hide. And as you can tell
by the site, I prefer to confront problems. Say hi to Pete.
9/16/2002 - Woke up, turned on the tube, and by golly, there you
were, George. All I can say is that if you're not going to give me some money as a
faith-based charity, you should at least pay me for setting the tone of your speeches.
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The good news is, I see the possibility of being nationally known one day soon..
who knows, maybe a song or two will become hits or something, and then I'll have the
opportunity to speak to people on a national basis too. And then, we can expose the
truth about all those pretty little words you use, the truth that you talk alot and do
little or nothing, except to damage the fabric of America and the world little by
little... until you let the bombs fly. And then the world really will know what you
stand for. I look forward to THAT day... they day George Bush and Company are
exposed. The day is coming.
What you're doing is wrong. And whether I'm able to convince the world to oppose
your policies, or whether I fail... someone else will rise to oppose your political
evil... and one more after that, and one more after that... Read Machiavelli... you
can'twin the way you're working, and your tyranny will reveal itself.
By the way, I appreciate the remarks and your concern for me... I assure you, I'm doing
very well. And I'm going to take your advice and start jogging... I expect it will
be the thing to help me stop smoking too. See, good comes out of all things when you
look for the real opportunities.
9/5/2002 - Well, here it is, just in time for the meeting.
Please give my best to Mr. Blair. I want you to know that I spent a great deal of
time on this mix, and had to leave out such greats as Glen Campbell's "Country
Boy", Pink Floyd's "Money", Guess Who's "Won't Get Fooled
Again"... and a few other tunes... but I got it whittled down to this... not a
song or a word is superfluous. Only 1 or 2 you might not like. Be sure your player is NOT
set for shuffle. Listening in order makes all the difference. The Mix
Patriot's Day... nice touch. :}
9/4/2002 - and then we revert to the chorus.
Egypt knew. Israel knew. Italy knew. Germany knew... Bet we
could find a few more.
What if I told you I have a copy of a memo to Karl Rove that provides information that
Saddam Hussein never used chemical weapons on his people... as well as a human rights
organization that says it can prove it?
And another story gained through Israeli Intelligence that exposes the military bases
already surrounding Iraq?
I bet you know what I'm talking about.
By the way, since you're so into faith based organizations, certain ones, that you now
want to funnel taxpayer money to... consider that we say we are a faith-based nation...
like you say... that means everyone is eligible. Cool.
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You're under a microscope. I mean you no harm. I am simply a stand
for this world finally taking the steps we all know are the right things to do. And
you might notice, the world is saying yes. There is no arrogance in that statement.
Just a statement of fact.
Ashcroft has already exposed a trend to rigidity, and to undermine our liberties. It
would seem that Mr. Hatfill has a pretty good case against you.
All in all, Americans will see the patterns. And, just like the analogy about the
terrorists... they did it... you're doing it, sir. Since you won't win, why won't
you stop? And you know what I'm talking about.
Please tell Karen hi, and share with her that I like working from home too, and that I
sincerely respect her skills.
PS Ya gotta admit, the Pay Pal thing is pretty funny. :} Anytime you want
to send me a phone, we can dispense with a great deal of this public dialogue. Oh,
yeah, I'll have a great music mix for you and Tony on Friday.
9/3/2002 - Let's strike a new chord.
By now, you must have figured out that I'm not the crazy guy you probably
thought you had on your hands in the beginning. I'm actually a pretty easy guy to
get along with. And, I don't back down on matters of principal.
When people work for me, I jokingly give them my rules, which are 1) Don't brown nose
me and 2) Don't scheme against other employees. They get a couple of chances, but,
either of these things, in my book, are reasons to find someone a new job they're better
suited to. Notice I didn't say fire. Everybody's got to learn lessons, and
unless someone is actually stealing or doing direct damage to the business, there's no
reason to be vindictive. Otherwise, everybody.. and I mean everybody has something
to offer. I could list a couple of dozen people who had been labeled mavericks who
turned into excellent leaders.
The good news is, I've never really had to fire people, even though I was perfectly
willing to, and have advised others to at times... My point is, when people, even those
who are considered less useful or productive... when you hear them and acknowledge who
they are, whatever they are, and when you listen, people are empowered, considered
included and are more willing to listen to you.
Mind you, I'm saying this in an earnest attempt to help you think out of the box.
I may not perform it well, but The New Patriot Song is real for me... my
commitment to Democracy is real. My commitment to World Peace is absolute. Music
And I know that sounds naive, but, as a cultural creative, if you think out
of the box, it can actually be conceptually simple. And yes, I know the terroist
threat is real and needs to be dealt with. Peace must sometimes be fought for.
And I'm conceding nothing, conceptually.
I want to applaud you for taking the position that you will make your case to
Congress... and if you have information that you want to withhold for strategic political
purposes, that will be obvious too. I hope that we get a good bi-partisan panel of
people seeing all of your appropriate information, and then provide their feedback... the
representatives of the people reporting to the people... then reality is reality. Secrecy
games won't cut it.
I say this with no disrespect. You all dug yourselves a hole by your conduct in
the election. Fundamentally, I don't trust you. Neither do a lot of Americans.
That doesn't mean I can't work with a valid point, and as a citizen, I don't
require knowing details that would compromise national security or anything like that.
What I need to see, what America needs to see, is genuine concensus of the
leaders of this country, the elected leaders and representatives... and a propaganda
campaign won't cut it. I'm just trying to be straight with you.
We need to know the intent of an incursion, its goals and specific limitations and
costs... and, most importantly, that all other options have been seriously and genuinely
persued. That would provide integrity and credibility.
And one final note on the trust thing. Why should you trust Tariq Aziz? Why
should you trust Saddam Hussein? Why should they trust us? Why should anyone trust
anyone? Expecially in an environment of secrecy, and old "national
wounds".. settling "old scores" and seeking to dominate while
claiming a free market system. See, there are millions of systems, and, in a vacuum,
they could all work. The question is, who is holding the vision, who is keeping the
people and the government and the culture true to the vision?
I say, we can choose to create that vacuum... it just takes being willing. Can
is easy, if one is willing.
And I am willing. We're going to build this union, and fee market believers will like
it because it will reduce the dependence of the people from the government... not to
replace it, but to generate community and responsible living. Whatever that really means,
what people choose. That doesn't mean control... it does mean structure. And there's
a huge difference. And it requires empowerment, not suppression.
Freedom of expression is not truly about words... words are nothing more than a vehicle
to deliver the thoughts and images in our minds. It is intent which determines the
expression. And if the intent is hate, then hate will be expressed. If the
intent is peace and love, then peace and love will be expressed. They may be
conceptual, but they are words as powerful as the words and images skillfully placed
before the minds of the American people to cause them to hate and want to kill. Any skill,
any power can be used for good or evil. Intent causes the actions, the expression of
the intent.
In business, if I am anything, it is a systems and process analyst and designer. To
see, in its simplist, most minimalistic form what is required to build anything. And the
greatest requirement toward fulfillment is the intent of people. And it requires the same
delicate balance fundamentally illustrated in the Constitution of the United States.
But, it's like the word quantum. People have distorted its meaning to
now mean something of huge - tangible change or transformation. But that's not true.
It may be the result.
Something quantum is identifying the fundamental distinctions of something such that it
causes a minor alteration in the "timeline"... if you will... and provide the
opportunity to choose a million "parallel universe-like" outcomes. It's like
identifying a gene, and treating it, to cure cancer.
As a human being, I consider myself an artist. And I do not at all see them as beng
separate. There are millions of people on this planet who hold this same feeling,
the same vision. It is time for that new vision, not the old paradigm that has
children starve and people suffer around the world because of economic dis-advantage and
sheer avoidance or inconvenience. That is not what God had in mind for us.
Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me and said Write the vision and make it plain upon
tables, that they may run that readeth it.
3: For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not
lie: though it tarry, wait for it. because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
8/31/2002 - I knew you guys had a sense of humor... singing from the same
songbook... that's a good one. :} I wonder what inspired it?
Maybe we should jam sometime. Like, at your conference on anti-American
attitudes... I'm sure we'll hear some more announcements of your opinions... one of the
things you don't seem to understand, though, is that it would work out better if you were
to actually engage a few people who disagree with you... makes it all seem more
credible... you might learn something. We subversives, or, more pleasantly
referred to as cultural creatives, can come up with some pretty good ideas.
Well, it's good to know that the rest of the world is interested in keeping things
contained in Iraq... 60 countries is a lot of countries, and would certainly make for a
good world war... but, who would you hire to clean up afterword? And, if the
Afghanis are so "liberated" by our military actions, then why has Kabul banned
the broadcast of tv shows that have music and dancing in it... sounds like they're just
going back to their old ways.. having the State Department protect Karzai sure
doesn't make it seem like they're all that happy with their liberation.
I'm not going to say a whole lot more 'til I hear more from Chuck Hagel and Zbigiew
Zbrinski... haven't heard Tom Daschle's position on things yet, but I'm hoping I will.
Til after Sunday, a quote from Earth Wind & Fire.. "When you
feel down and out, sing a song" and from James Taylor "Love must
Live long and... well, I guess you've already done the final part... prosper. :}
Peace. Out.
8/30/2002 - Ya know, I get about 90 stories per day on you guys... alot of
talk, and very little substance.
It's nice to see George out there helping his friends buy elections... yup, George,
we'll take your ability to do that away as soon as the Union gets going. It's all
registered.. just gotta get the site online. Steve Largent was one of my favorite
football players... what a receiver... we'll leave that on a positive note.
I've got some more really great Bible verses for ya... somebody's using my favorite
Bible, though, so we'll save that for tomorrow. I'm wondering, why do you always
look so mad when you say you're a patient man?
Last, another note to Ari... truthfully, Ari, you do your job well. I just have
this thing about your boss. I wanted to make one clarification, though. On
that "silliness" comment. See.. it actually was in my plan somewhere along
the line to see if I could sell a song or two out of doing this site... and maybe pick up
a talk radio gig somewhere as well. but not even close to a primary reason... only
one reason.. to bring greater visiblity to the issues I present. If I sold a song
for any amount tomorrow, it would go toward paying my taxes, and more, faster computer
equipment... maybe an assistant or two to get more on the web... That'll come. I'm a
decent songwriter... won't say anything about performing... it's fun.
But it's not about money... like so many others doing the kind of thing I do... it's
about truth and information. And exposing propaganda... and no, I'm not really
pointing that finger at you. Just tell David Gregory not to do the fetal thing
anymore when he sets up his questions for you... it just doesn't look good... for a
8/27/2002 - The audio on these isn't great, but it makes a reasonable point. Have
your winamp and Windows Media Player Handy.
Remember this? Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- Santayana
1) Adolf
2) JFK
3) Martin Luther
4) JFK
5) McCarthy
6) McCarthy
7) McCarthy
8) JFK
And, regarding your use of police and government agencies to suppress
9) Daley
Update: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday the decision on
whether to attack Iraqi President Saddam Hussein will be based on leadership, not
consensus, despite growing public anxiety about the prospect of war.
This, of course, is the arrogance that has us all opposing this administration, and why
we don't believe they give a rats' a$% about the PEOPLE of America.. First, a coup
via election fraud, all kinds of policies to prevent transparency in government, secrecy,
un-prosecuted fraud and civil rights violations... you guys make your true character show
every day of the week. You all just think you're always right, an no one else's
opinion s matter. Well, that's what we think about you, too.
Even Kissinger almost slipped yesterday when he began to say that the U.S. should set
up terms to inspect Iraq, and then use that refusal to allow inspections as an excuse...
where he stopped and altered the phrasing... to attack Iraq. Like I said, when James
Baker gets involved, I smell a propaganda setup... just like during election 2000.
Trust me, your tactics will catch up with you, and your administration will
be expelled. It's just a matter of time.
8/26/2002 - Dear Dick - I look forward to a world where people can live in
peace and freedom too. When are you guys going to vacate the White House.
I want to plan a party.
Meanwhile.. training the Iraqi exiles will not convince Americans to
go to war for the interests of Halliburton, Unocal and other companies. People are
catching on to your treachery. I'm still waiting to hear more than just rhetoric.
And the rest of the world awaits to decide if the United States is an enemy or a
friend. Notice how the preponderance of nations decline to join you in your quest
for global domination.
MAKE PEACE NOT WAR. An old concept you all might wish to try.
It tends to work, when it's done sincerely.
We have a November surprise for you, too.
8/26/2002 - Okay, so you can find all the legal loopholes... but can you make a
case for your plans that actually make moral and ethical sense? I doubt it.
Telling the world that members of your administration agree with you is like a
schizophrenic having a talk with himself. Proves nothing, except that you clearly
want to kill people. We already knew that.
PS - Just went to retrieve my email, and had 4 messages... usually I have
upwards of 200 in the morning. And the emails about our last conference call.. sent
almost a month ago.. people are slowly getting them one by one. Maybe Mr. Hatfil's
attorney needs another client.
8/24/2002 - Here's a new mix
for you.
I'm very glad to hear that you're only planning to trim the brush. I'll bet
some American Citizens would be jubilant at the opportunity to volunteer for this kind of
thing. Just give 'em a campground, some good, non-engineered food, a rock band or
two and we could call it the Citizens Environmental Volunteers... with funding provided by
government, and reducing the burden upon the forest service, who would then become leaders
of the new foresters.
And, what to do with the brush? Don't burn it. Check out this website.
I'll bet you've heard of this. It's called Arbre and it's all about
taking vegetation and stuff, things we throw away as garbage, and turning it into a
gassified fuel, much cleaner than fossil fuels, and allows for nearly full recycling of
our wastes. Pretty good idea, huh?
It's good to know that Colin Powell will be attending the Earth Summit in Johannesburg
on Monday... I have friends who will be there too... and then the following week, trips to
the camps where the children with aids are abandoned by their parents. We had this idea,
once, to have 40,000 people converge at a reservation in South Dakota where it's the most
economically depressed place in the nation... and then we'd take pictures of 29,000 of
them, laying on the ground as if they represented the 29,000 children who died every day
from malnutrition, disease, famine... we thought then the American people could see what
all those dead people looked like...they have faces and families too. www.unep.org
Ya know, I saw that Hitler movie when I was in high school... another thing I lost
access to after I asked few questions. Speaking of synchronicity, last spring, I did
some serious research on Christmas tree farming... and so, being a pencil-necked geek, I
started collecting saplings from the rainforest that surrounds me. Right now, I have
40 trees that could be planted... I'll bet others could find even more.... there must be a
hundred more in the woods.
If the Saudi Ambassador (coming to Crawford on Tuesday, right?) knows of anyone in the
family who has a son named Ferdie who went to Humboldt State University in the early 70's,
please tell them to say hi.
8/23/2002 - Tonight it's about Civil Liberties, the Constitution, Freedom of
You may have noticed that even FISC doesn't agree with Aschcroft's policies in regard
to the 2002 Policy Guidelines regarding suspension of habeus corpus and the use of illegal
wiretaps and searches while surveiling "suspected terrorists" who are U.S.
citizens, and then turning incidental information over to local authorities for
prosecution for minor and justified offenses in order to inflict political persecution and
abuse authority by using covolutions of criminal statute to intimidate and suppress those
who oppose you.
Fleischer's statement today... the Iraq War obsession is "self-inflicted
silliness" even though the latest USA Today poll shows that support for an
Iraqi invasion has fallen 12 points in the last 2 months. That's from 65% in June, to 53%
today. That's not silliness. That's an indication that the people in this country
are becoming better informed.
John Ashcroft is just as oblivious... he says, of people like me, there are "those
who wish to distinguish themselves, and to whom prosectuion is not a deterrent".
The threat of prosecution doesn't deter a lot of people. Like certain
politicians. And if you find some sort of reason to prosecute me, like alot of other
people who threaten you with their exposure of the truth, someone else will come along and
do it. Remember, I'm not the one who cheated on an election, adn then was
brazen enough to call on other countries to listen to the voices of the people. The
actions of your department and the police supporitng your brand of domination to suppress
are simply wrong. It is occurring all over this country and around the world because
people ultimately will not put up with it. No matter how many bogus laws and
executive orders are issued.
Mr. Bush, caught the speech in Stockton... you guys catch on pretty quick.
First, let's point out the little accounting error to the tune of $215 million that was
supposed to be going toward things like... forest fire prevention... that just somehow got
lost in the accounting processes of the Federal Government... Those protesters in the
audience won't be the last such group of people you face... because people are waking up
and dealing with the truth about the policies of your administration. And they don't
like it. The more they know, the more they dislike it. And you know it.
The whole essence of a propaganda campaign such as you're running depends on
the suppression of opposing views... and opposing views are everywhere... they're beyond
you, beyond me, they have a life of their own.
If John Ashcroft gets his surveilance policies, then we really should get Presidential
TV. Then you'd be in trouble too.. Just like the smear on Al Sharpton.
I know this isn't what you had in mind, but here's a faith based... by your
deinition... charity. Bread for the world at www.bread.org
Of course, they're not about preaching your view of fundamentalist religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right
of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
That includes the causing of schools to teach creationism in science class. Offer
a class on theology, and at least be honest about what you propose.
Any questions? ineverreadtheconstitution@democraticfundamentalism.org
If you chose to disregard the Constitution and wish to now claim that you had your
fingers crossed when you took your oath of office and swore to uphold the Constitution...
and that includes intent, not finding the loopholes then let us know that at ihadmyfingerscrossed@democraticfundamentalism.org
Now, here's the funny thing. This web site is like tv... if you don't like the
program, turn it off. Don't read it anymore.
By the way... something I wish I was going to and you ought to, is the www.Fortune.com Economic Summit. It sounds like
there will be some brilliant minds and communicators there talking about the real future
and opportunities in our economic system. I'm sure it would be fascinating.
Now, let me tell you about forestss and clearing the land... legislation caused by
Ronald Reagan that required taxes be paid on timberlands that had trees 18 inches or
larger... if they were'nt cut down, landowners faced penalties...
After leaving the Big Bend Ranch, I came back about 10 years later. This was in the
hills above Eureka about 5 miles east of Maple Creek... in Humboldt County, California.
I knew that the area had been logged... and after the small forest fire we
had due to lightning, which we were able to put out with the help of tankers full of
that icky orange slime...10 years later, I came back, and it looked like a
moonscape. Totally clear cut. And where I am now, half of the mountain behind
us, half of the mountain was clear cut, half was left unharvested. The laws these
days generally allow clear-cutting, so long as timber companies leave a patch of woods big
enough to give the appearance of a forest, and mostly, to keep people driving along on
highways form seeing what's really going on. I know we disagree about the value of
seeing and living in truly majestic country, but again, at least be honest about what you
have in mind. Instead of hiding behind all of the pretty words. And
wasting Homeland Security time on people like me.
Do I have to give a list of all the ways I've been hindered?
And as for me, if I should sell a few songs or a book, isn't that my right? After all,
I live in a capitalist society, isn't that the American way? Double standards. More
of the same.
8/20/2002 - Let's talk about Iraq, Al Qaeda, Homeland Security....
As I've said before, I am not someone who wilts like a lily when war is necessary.
The key word is necessary.
If I was Iraq, if I was Saudi Arabia, if I was African, if I was any number of
countries, I would be angry at the United States. That is not to say I would condone
or allow their activities against us.
What I believe is missing is an acknowledgement of the activities of the United States
that would precipitate even the idea that actions should be taken against us. I know
I am in disagreement with a number of people who believe in a free market economy, so long
as the United States is dominant. I have no problem with free markets, so long as
appropriate checks and balances are in place to protect the interests of the people.
I know we are in disagreement on this issue, but I believe the excesses
in the United States, as well as many other places in the world, prove my point.
See, I actually believe that an acknowledgement of U.S. activities would be the first
step toward world peace. But, barring this, as unlikely as it is that this
"Christian" based nation would do such a thing, what I don't hear about is valid
reasons that would support the idea that an invasion of Iraq is necessary. And I can
imagine that necessity.
On a surface level, if I was Iraq, I'd be building bunkers, re-positioning military
weapons and equipment, and trying to find any weapon possible to defeat my invaders.
It only makes sense that a leader would do that. To make it sound like
they're maniacal and aggressive for doing so is nothing but propaganda. And, at this
point, with the U.S., British and Australian forces based in Northern Iraq (where a
bio-weapons factory would be useful in order to topple Hussein), if I was Saddam, I would
not be willing to allow inspectors/spies in the country either. Let's try to be just
a little realistic.
Because, the United States has weapons of mass destruction, creates biological weapons,
covertly assaults people in other nations... etc. It's just what countries do these
days. It's what terrorists do when they believe noone is willing to listen or make
adjustments that cause equality and freedom.
I'm quite aware that Arab nations operate with a different value system, and that their
responses to things are based on motivations different than ours... we, theoretically,
base our decisions on fact and science. Many decisions in the underdeveloped, less
educated Arab nations are often based on emotionalism and pride, and simple human
responses to injustice. So, the possibility of war and terrorism is much greater.
The same is true of Israel, even if only a responsive act.
So, the bottom line is, other than the provovations we have perpetrated upon Iraq and
other nations, and the reasonable responses they have to our provocations that are
propagandized to make them seem like monsters out to destroy us for no other reason than
pure evil intent, why Iraq? Why now? Show me an example of the aggression they
have perpetrated in order to warrant our aggressive actions. What happened 10 years
ago, apparently with some support from us, doesn't count. That was then, this is
now. Otherwise, all I see is one more way to manipulate the weather through massive
oil field fires.
Aren't these fair questions?
8/6/2002 - So, in respect of the time you need to do the things you
need to do, I'm gonna cut to the chase about a few things. I know you don't like what's on
this site. I didn't expect you to. I said in the beginning that I would play by the
rules if you would. The problem is, you don't. And I'm aware of that too.
You need to understand that I carefully considered every part of my life before I
started this, to be sure that I wasn't reasonably prosecutable on any of the things in my
past. I can clearly show that every single thing that's on my record is directly
related to some kind of corporate or government corruption from 1993 through 2001. I
have all the evidence I need to prove my positions. I've had a very interesting life, and
it really wasn't by accident. I believe in synchronicity, but those 7+ years
defy that classification.
Now, in a few days, and it's taking longer than I thought, I'm literally going to lay
out numerous experiences I've had throughout my life for the purpose of providing at least
a little insight as to how I process my observations of life, all of my transgressions and
very brief explanations, I'll even be saying the things I'm ashamed of and embarrassed of
and proud of. And I suggest you wait a few days to hear all that. A great deal
of that information will pertain to other people's criminality, which I have no desire to
Frankly, if I have to defend myself, I will have no choice but to expose a member of
your administration. That is not my goal. Like I said, I'll play by the
rules if you do. And this is not extortion, because there's all kinds of
corroboration, including FBI contacts that were made to report yet another governmental
indiscretion that no one wanted to do anything about. So, I did the leg work
myself, to protect myself if I was implicated in the future. I'll just say that in the
last 7 years, I have done everything I can to stay under the radar, like not filing
government papers as people normally would, because every time I do, certain people track
me down and begin to harass me for not going along with their crimes. My cause is not to
cause anyone that kind of prosecution. It would not be productive, and is only
So, when friends who are assisting me with loans, say to pay my taxes, star getting
notices from the IRS for sanctions and penalties that are errors on your part... unless
you're going to claim that Turbotax is grossly in error in the way it computes
taxes, ie, when you do your little economic wars without a plausible reason... bear
in mind that I would never take a position in a legal matter unless I was sure I could
argue the case, and I assume attorneys would do it much better.
So, just be a little patient. The helicopters, the IRS, the tails... I don't really
know who's doing it all, but it doesn't really matter. My favorite so far is the email I
got one day from a supposed internet provider saying they were bringing the network down,
and they gave me a time they would be doing it, and that if it was inconvenient, to
let them know so they could reschedule. ISP's don't work that way. That one
was hilarious.
I'm a very fair person who really doesn't like any of these affairs... but I'm also
just as stubborn and persistent as my family elders. I'm not trying to be arrogant,
I'm a very direct person. Take this as a sign of respect to you, not a challenge,
because this course will not be productive, at least in the court of public opinion.
And I'm trying very hard to be fair about this. You get to say whatever
you want on tv, and I get to talk to a few at a time. I'm okay with that.
8/3/2002 - So, I want to say a few things to bring this
conversation back down to earth.
When I started this thread, I wanted to be sure you knew who I am in
this matter... my incredible love and respect for Democracy supercedes my personal
concerns, as well as yours.
I've heard some who say that people like me are out to destroy you. It's not
true. This is so.. so not personal that, in an intellectually honest
discussion, Chuck Rehn and George Bush are irrelevant. It has to do with an
objective discussion of Democracy, and what it means to be an American... It has to do
with how we can not turn our backs on our responsibilities to a land and a nation and a
society, and, at least in my belief, a people truly given a gift from God.
There's an excellent movie on tv these days called "The Contender" starring
Jeff Bridges. It's a good movie, but the most poignant part is when the
vice-presidential nominee is exposed as an atheist. Her response was to state that
she worships in the temple of Democracy.
I am certainly no atheist, but that remark resonates very deeply for me, because I
truly do believe our country is a gift from God, intended to be an honorable example and
leader of the world in the message of God, the message of freedom and equality and justice
and the empowerment of the human spirit.
If God truly made us in his/her image, and there are passages in the bible that
describe God as both, then I would have to say that what is occurring is a distortion of
the values in the messages and wisdom that God has provided us for wrongful ends.
Believe me, I'm as surprised as anyone that this sort of preaching is coming out of me,
that I'm going around the world telling people "God Bless You" and all the other
things that would have people make remarks like "come in off the ledge". I
am nowhere near "on the ledge". I am firmly grounded. I am
My law is the golden rule. The mantra I've had since I was a child has never changed.
I am not perfect, but with every step and every breath, I will seek to be more perfect
as I walk in the path of God.
People might scoff at me because I speak of the teachings of God. Those who fear the
truth would.
Those with unpopular views or views "not in fashion" are often scoffed at.
But, look at what I say in this journal. What part of God's teaching am I not representing
with my words. Let me say it another way. What part of what I am saying is not
found in the bible YOU read?
It's all part of how I know I'm doing this based on my belief in God, and the teachings
that I so agree with - I agree with people like Bob Barr, about how we need more moral
discipline in our culture. We've sort of lost track of it. But you can't force
it on people.
God gave us free will, and he was serious in his intent when he granted it. He
wanted to know that people chose to follow him out of free will and choice, not force,
coercion or fire and brimstone styled intimidations. And God would certainly not
approve of global oppression, and destruction of all the beautiful gifts placed on this
planet for us to share.
I've driven across this country 4 times, and even though I was weary after every trip,
all I wanted to do after resting was get back into the car and do it again. We are
blessed with such a beautiful land, and such wonderful people. And because of the values
we profess as a nation, we are burdened and blessed with the responsibility to cause a
world that is just and at peace.
I loved my Southern Baptist Preacher's sermons, I truly did. But I've always believed
that faith should be based on choice, and I actually chose not to be a minister
because I was concerned at how organizations used God, and people's righteous absolute
faith, to further political goals. And I firmly believe that churches are absolutely
necessary in any culture.
I doubt there is anyone who, deep in their hearts, wants to hurt others or deprive
others. Humans do things that we know are wrong out of frustration, disillusionment,
hopelessness, fear and desperate acts of survival.
It's easy to place people in jail, and ignore the social conditions that cause their
criminality. And sure, there are people who are pathologically criminals, truly
mentally ill, but God told us to treat them with compassion and love, not vengeance and
evil. They are still our brothers and sisters to care for.
I'm not into pampering people who are truly criminals. I'm into understanding them.
For to understand them would have us understand the deepest, darkest parts of
ourselves that we hide behind the veil of the facade of righteousness.
The parts of us that come to the surface when our backs are up against the wall.. and
we look to the patterns of our culture for wisdom that will lead us to the actions that we
take, and our leaders of this great nation have provided us an example, a role model, that
says that what there is to do when your back is up against the wall is whatever it takes,
right or wrong, good or evil.
God's hope is that we will remember his teachings and apply them in every moment of our
lives, and not fall prey to the temptations afforded by power and wealth, domination and
oppression, advantage over the vulnerable. That is the truest test of character, and
the scale by which your actions, and the actions of each of us as individuals, will be
ultimately judged. Values that would have us give when it would be easier to take, care
when it would be easier to ignore, love when it would be easier to hate.
The idea that we should have a planet where all of the resources and fruits of this
planet would be managed in such a way that serves us all, as a one world, planetary
government is a righteous cause. But you are doing it wrong. It must be done.
But not this way.
I say that with the ominous power and authority of someone who holds the honor and
title of President of the United States could make 1 speech and bring the world to peace.
But that would take an equally unyielding commitment to justice and equality
and freedom, and a commitment to the symbol of those virtues that we call Democracy -
inspired by the grace and will of God by whatever name we call him.
I am sure you believe I do not respect you, and I beg you to understand that is not
true. I have every bit of compassion and care for you that I have for every person
on this planet. But I know that my task is not about you or me. It is about
saving the greatest symbol ever created to represent the voice of God in the history of
this planet. America. Land that I love.
What I know about you comes out of wisdom gained by my own experience. As a teen
I suffered the brutality of a man who was as cruel and evil as a man could be when he was
drunk. I understood his pain, because he had lived a tortured life. And this
same man who did my sister and I so much harm when drunk, was the same man who taught me
how to love and show my feelings and and express myself. The man, who, when he was sober,
was a friend to all, and everywhere he went, people loved him.
And so, if you had told us of the affliction of your vices, I would have honored you.
Because I would have believed that your acknowledgement would have been a
sign of your enlightenment by your tribulations. Instead, we experience the policies
of a man who is frightened and alone in his conscience, afraid to lose control for fear of
failure in the eyes of the people who have deceived you to bring you to the actions you
are taking. To beat the demons of your vices took courage. To deny your demons
under the veil of the facade of righteousness for fear of exposure is the act of a coward.
It is a sign that you truly do not trust the people to understand that we are
all inherently flawed and make mistakes, and to have the intelligence and wisdom to make
decisions and evaluations based on the honestly expressed ideas that you bring to the
table for discussion today. You have been charged with the honor and responsibility
of leadership, and you have failed. Do not be ashamed. Learn from it.
I hold myself above no one. I am a person who considers himself a fundamentalist
Christian. But not by the twisted interpretations of the world. Not by the
pressure of my peers in a church. But inside a very profound and personal
relationship with God, which is subject to no one else's judgement, and requires no
external validation
And it is not my duty, as a fisher of men, to judge and condemn others. It is my
vigil to plant seeds of empowerment, to honor the dignity of every person, plant and
animal on this planet. And, then to pray that they appreciate the gifts they have
been given.
And you need to know that a whole lot of people will be concerned over my saying that I
am a fundamentalist Christian.That term, like Islam, has been distorted to the point where
it's meaning is lost to a mis-perception. I did not cause that. But, that is fine
with me.
And you probably think I'm one of those Democrats out to get you, but I am not. I
have no true party affiliation, and I assure you, there are plenty of Democrats who
dislike me. But that is not my concern.
I have no party loyalty, as I did not when I ran for the school board in Arcata
California in 1972. I support honest, compassionate leaders. There are plenty on both
sides of the aisle.
I did not want to win that race 1972, and when overwhelming support caused me to
believe that I would win, I quit making speeches and withdrew my visibility because, heck,
I was just a 17 year old kid. But I had a purpose.
And that purpose was to expel the corruption at the helm of our schools that impeded
their ability to empower the young people with skills they could use in their communities,
so that their communities and all of the heritage that accompanied and strengthened that
community would not be lost. It was during that time when rural flight threatened to make
ghost towns out of cities that overflowed with the goodness we so desperately say we want
And I succeeded at my task, as I knew I would, as the truth ultimately does. The
principal was fired or asked to resign, and the President of the school board was
un-elected. And things got better very, very quickly. All from planting a
seed, and speaking up as an American with the right to do so. That truly is what
makes this country great.
And, since I too could be declared as living under the veil of the facade of
righteousness by writing these words, having declared myself as a leader, I will, in a day
or so, publish the story of my past, my failures, and the defining moments of my life that
have lead me to this moment... facts that will lead you to the same conclusion I came to
last weekend... that every moment of my life, every experience I've ever had, every
hardship and every joy I've ever felt, and there have been many of both... have been to
prepare me for this very moment, to stand and challenge you at this juncture in history.
And so I will.
And my challenge is this: If you were to do the righteous thing, to acknowledge
the truth and resign your office, I would be your champion. Because I truly
understand the courage it would take to make that announcement. I would be your
champion, to honor the man who truly did bring honor to the White House. But I warn
you, if you deceive the people with your fancy words and lies, you will destroy yourself.
You can run but you cannot hide. And you know the truth. And so do the people of the
world. And the results of your lies can not, must not be tolerated. And
whether you accomplish global domination or destroy the world, you will not escape the
judgement of God.
So I request that you pray, that you listen to your heart and listen to the voice of
God... I believe all people know the difference between right and wrong. And when
deciding what there is to do, in determining what is right and wrong, I also believe this:
There is nothing that cannot be accomplished for the good of the world and its people.
It's not whether you can, it's whether you will. And so I ask you,
please, sir, with all due respect and love for my fellow people, will you?
To James Woolsey... if you have information regarding Saddam's plans for global
domination and fascism, then I'll be the first to publish. Meanwhile, calling
him another Hitler is a little far fetched. There are few countries that could
engineer that feat. The U.S. is one of them. But as always, accuse those of your own
sins, and take the moral high ground.
Mr. Bush, you make all those speeches about the golden rule, and still, you don't
do it. The welfare reform act of 1996 was adequate, but as you and your friends
know, you know, the ones who whittled it to death (like the McCain Feingold bill) it
barely does what it needed to do when it was passed, let alone now.
Now, I know you've been pre-occupied with this war in Iraq for about 6 years - ever
since Tony Blair visited you back in Texas years ago... like the Guys from China will be
meeting with you in October - but there are these people in America who elected a leader..
when they got you instead, they still expected some pro-active work on their behalf.
On the subject of welfare recipients going to college... work instead of going to
college. Frankly, it seems reminiscent of keeping slaves un-educated so they could
not advance themselves. By all means, keep the lower class subservient and dependent
by abandoning them to their own devices because they don't have honorable role models and
the privileges of wealth... then complain about their criminality. But, that's
what the lower priced buildings are for, after all. Not for the likes of Ken Lay.
More time, less crime. Bet that one drives you nuts. Why do human beings and
patriotic citizens have to risk going to jail over people's corruption and the lack of
enforcement that would send them to jail?
I remember a little phrase - "It's not greed to ask for what you need."
By the way... the statement "we're not going to let corporate fraud undermine the
economy" - makes me wonder what else you're planning to get the job done. Will
it be the recession caused by the next Gulf War, which of course is similar to the
recession after the last Gulf War? Or the upcoming war in Southeast Asia? Again.
Is this true www.thetruthabouttexas.com
Oh, and tell Donald Rumsfeld that there was this guy named Daniel Ellsburg, you know,
back in the Viet Nam war days... he leaked war plans too, and it was that way that the
American people found out about the lies of the Viet Nam war... maybe someone in your
department has a conscience, too.