"When you try to take shortcuts, you may end up tarnishing your entire
---- Barack Obama
10/9/2010 8:03am Awakened around 5am or so.. of course, more firewood was
missing, and the car doesn't run. I want to recommend that people read the explanation
above, and when you start torealize what I'm telling you, read the previous page and know
that the sick stuff written there is the result of government crimes.
Last night, I was thinking about someone I met while working at Borland, a
key customer working for a large corporation, who had been in a cultish kind of group that
claims religious standing... she had chronic fatigue... and theonly thing that helped her
was chelation therapy... and that meant filtering all of her blood for months to remove
the heavy metals... I remember findoing out that Jews were most likely to get Ries/Barre
Syndrome?... and even more now, it makes me believe there is a genune holocaust occurring
- genocide against the Jews around the world to provide the rising of the
"remnant"... and even the actions of Israel suggest they are using it as bait to
start a larger war and destroy themselves... the nuclear waste dumped into the Gulf of
Aiden to kill Somalia and a few other Muslim Nations WILL end up killing Israel by nuclear
radiation whether Armageddon happens publicly or covertly.
Also being mass murdered by the United States, using nuclear waste as
dirty bombs, in Arab nations by using nuclear waste to make bombs and bullets.. leaving a
trail of genocidal nuclear war... to kill Muslims, because if you read the Koran, you'd
know Muhammad really was actually attempting to assist Christians.. as well as provide
advice to Christ in the Second Coming, as well as other Christian prophets... anyone who
say Muslims are horrible people because of the Koran either aren't really Chrisitans or
just haven't read it. And there are questions I have regarding a few things it says, but
its happening, just like Revelations, and in the same ways.
About depleted uranium - ask an Iraq Veteran if they ever stayed away when
tanks were hit with RPG because they were afraid of the radiation.. and then figure out
why the government said that returning vets are potential homegrown terrorists. Anything
to diminish their credibility. And they it's all PTSD, instead of radiation poisoning,
psychotronics and actually murder of our soldiers who are witnesses to the crimes of our
And the psychotronics psyops people claim pride in walking over the top of
our soldiers blood for their cause. Psyops people employed by the U.S. Government.
I wondered for along time why the government would want to kill me and the
people in this household, and it becomes more clear all the time... especially Lynn, and
her work with the government and Landmark Education/EST. For me, I can see lots of reasons
that actually don't make sense but exist... I wrote a thing called Auschwitz in America a while back, a time when I thought I might die
from the attacks.. I'm about 6'3" then.. 119 pounds. I'm down to 106. And after
writing that, I found out something I'd figured was true for some time, I'm Jewish. Among
other things. And I suffer torture every day.
Unfortunately, I also realized along thew way, these last 10 years, that
the United States Government actually has been overthrown and we, the people have been
deceived and brutalized by th esame people who financed the Nazis in World War II. The
previous pages of creating the Holodeck document the discussions I've had with the
government and media, and the crimes committed against us, this nation, the world, and
this household ,, which includes a Quaker credited with saving 20 million lives in her
career before she was attacked with electronic weapons and suffered a stroke.... for a
description of her work, see www.thePeaceAlliance.org
or ask Dot Maver and Dennis Kucinich.
Dennis, this is one of our favorite songs..
Stevens - Peace Train
The world needs a Healer Dennis...
Rundgren - Healing - 01 - Healer
instead of this
Rundgren - Healing - 11 - Tiny Demons
With that, Dennis, and my knowledge of your knowledge of the Space
Preservation Act of 2001... the previous page is truly an example of the work of the
United States Government killing its own citizens because of sick plans from the Council
on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones, the Illuminati, Satanists... and Dennis.. I'm
so disgusted with you. And all the rest of you Centrists... remember, I sent word to
California about my intentions, which are legal and peaceful, and if the government
attacks me there, I will press charges in every jurisdiction after the report goes to the
Hague. And anything I've said to people about testifying on their behalf should consider
that a Holy Promise.
Regarding Holy Promises: this is what the United States and the World is
up against, with a few notes of my own in response to the Satanists. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Banned in the 50's by the
same people who didn't want you to know what they're doing. It was even taken out of the
Bible. See: Lutherans, 1957. The only and last Bible I ever found reference to the Elders
of Zion, as described in Ezekiel as the Ancients of Israel.
With that, read What is Psychotronics... and by the Barack, as I now
return to regular programming, I WILL continue to claim that you are the instrumental
person to complete the task of forcibly overthrowing the government of the United States
and whatever name you want to use, including what Boehnert says is Socialist Democrats,
otherwise known as Democratic Socialists, which is the same thing the German Nazis call
Being German and Jewish, a Christian, I take great offense. And the
previous pages of creating the holodeck describe the incredible perversity of the Nazis.
Tell Napolitano, Gates, Panetta and Carville hi for me, and tell Hillary the attacks on
enamel dental appliances will be the end of them in the United States.
To all the pervrt U.S. Contractors who use the same perversity with
psychotronics... I see no difference between you and the worst perverted se perverts and
criminals in theworld. Folks, when reading this, remember I'll have hundreds of victims
ready to testify against you. With 1 phone call. All over the United States and the world.
Anywhere I go.
Clapton - Blue Eyes Blue
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 16 - Outrageous - Paul Simon
Top - Rough Boy
I'm getting harrassed to say something something perverse by the DHS Weed
and Seed psychotronics guys... they love being mentioned.. that's the problem with abusive
people.. like certain police in Thurston County who assist in setting people up to seem
like mentally ill and violent people.
- Magazine U - A02 - Without You
10/11/2010 12:10 Dateline: Unity New Hampshire: Magic Internet Pages: I
was checking out an internet scam today on 419legal.org, and happened upon the name of an
attorney named Jack Reese... same name as the press secretary in New Hampshire, apparently
for John Edwards but working with Mindy.... for Obama .. the Clintons... and... so I
accidentally ended up on a site looking up attoreny names, things and I'm awaiting an
answer on the Sokolove maneuver... accidentally foun him while looking for it on Facebook,
I think, never did... nice to know attorneys like that are out there... great biomedical
and technology background.. target rich environment.... the accident was finding the same
name as Baracks press secretary for that great Unity event... does he rock Barack?
Somehow, while surfing, I saw the media Matters article about Byron
Williams and his anger at the government, exascerbated by Glenn Beck, he says... I
understand the confusion when half truths are placed in news about bad situations... like
the thing about Jews and Druids way back when when we knew the difference in terms of the
supposed "great Jewish Conspiracy"... a fact that is not as relevant today
except in terms of the paradigms and dialectics used by the "elder" who led
people astray...
Interesting, he's from a place I used to love living, especially before I
recently realized how I'd been psyopped there, and hit with psychotronics... in fact, last
time I was there, the house I'd been living in had a red front door, and that color
clashed with the house color. Sounds familiar.
Last time I went to live there, a woman was murdered... and it's weird
because the San Jose police officer I made friends with there gave a chest type freezer..
and this woman who got murdered had been killed and put into a chest type freezer for a
while... and that officer I'm certain was part of the psyops.. and this guy Byron Williams
sounds like the profile of someone being psyopped.. like Weed and Seed... I
use that term loosely, but another way to say legitimate groups that become fronts for
covert and illegal activities by people with other "duties" that many may not
know about who are also involved. I'm speaking about the fronts for someone of these
deathsquads Sarah Palin didn't tell you are already in operation....
Caught a few headlines today.. things are going about the way I
and Crofts - The Longest Road - B05 - Kite Dreams
Last night's question from the BFMAN for the magic Bible verses was
"Why is there air?" I read for a while from his selected book, Kabala as a
verb, by David A Cooper, and I read for a while, being kidded about how it didn't give me
a dirct answer.. and I chuckled and said so what as I read and read about people who
should practice speaking without gossiping, and concluded that it must be because we waste
so much time talking hot air about other people... I remember Landmark talking about
gossipping.... all the time and harm done by it.. about how we criticize people for what
we don't like about ourselves... and waste 50% of our time talking about other people. I
don't. I also remember Priscilla talking about "we're killing our leaders"....
the real ones.. when speaking most of Martin Luther King... Dirisive propaganda,
divisionism, racism, bigotry, suppression, oppression, assassination.. humiliation and
One of the best parts I read in it was about a guy, a rabbi, who was
respected that people would gather for him to appear and speak to them, knowing he would
always be late, sometimes hours, because talong the way, he always found someone to help,
and that was more important to him than being in a hurry to get somewhere, especially to
preach to the choir.
Last night I read about Schnookers, and this one man who was going to give
money to a schnooker, a beggar, while praying, and asked the beggar if he could make
change for a fifty, and the beggar pulled out a bankroll and gave him $40 change... and
then commented that it would appear to most people that this beggar actually had more than
he needed, but the man also knew this man begged for a number of families/people...
another story about a man who walked around begging, happy, getting lots of charity, and
another, crippled, getting very little, and the man who was happy shared his gifts with
the man less fortunate.
And he was talking about what a gift from God it is for the opportunity to
give... as opposed to believing that if you make your bed, lie in it.. like, too bad for
the lazy poor beggars who aren't worthy of anything but a kick in the butt and ridicule.
For a moment, I thought of myself, and that story of the cowboy in Crescent City, and
being glad God put me there to feed him a meal and make sure he got a ride... and then
always the feeling I wish I had more to give, feeling guilty and selfish, knowing I always
could have given more..
Why is there air? I couldn't decide if God had decided not to answer a
stupid question , or if it meant for some people to have enough air to do all their
gossipping with.. which for some people, would take alot...
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter
Monkees -
Daydream Believer
Diamond - I Am I Said
There are people who want you to know they're not Nazis, but the idea it's
just a job what you do is not really a good idea... or ethical, legal or even loyal to the
10/12/2010 5:29am People who quote Leviticus, and air people quoting
Leviticus, need to remember there's a New testament.. for those who don't acknowledge it,
Leviticus works well... and it rarely speaks well of those who forget the Golden Rule,
especially when it comes to gay people, and thinking it's funny to wear Nazi uniforms...
but at least it takes the edge off the idea of Nazis in this country... of course the
Nazis would want to make sure that happens.
Last night, BFMAN told me that I wasn't allowed to read the Bible unless
they asked me a question and proved that God does magic Bible verses to keep me
connectwed despite the U.S. Government torture and psyops... and they were harrassing
about life after death, a what happens next, and how Irefuse to tell people exactly what's
going to happen, heaven and hell and all, as I take instruction from the Bible not to talk
about the "here after" or, after here... and I just quote the Bible usually,
about double back adnd so forth. And when they told me what they would do to me, torturing
me by jamming my tooth into my jaw, I said, you're creating hell, and probably what'll
happen is that you'll come back to the material world, wherever hell is,in a new
body, and you'll remember who you were in your previous life, and you'll try to tell
people, and they'll laugh and call you crazy. They'll treat you like you're
aworthless mentally ill person who nobody cares about, just like the U.S. Government does
after setting people up for blue line/redline eradication.
He decided to criticize the answer to why is there air? ANd I said, as far
as I'm concerned, it answered it, but God decided not to answer stupid questions of people
whoare bigots and immoral. So Iopened the Bible just at that moment and read:
Leviticus 26:18 And if ye will not yet for all this harken unto me, then I
will punish you seven times more for your sins.
It goes on and tells the story of the United States' decline in ethics nad
morality, and what the penalities will be.
And then, of course, I looked above where I began, Leviticus 26:14... and
then 16.. and if Chrisitians understood this passage, they'd realize that Christians were
"put" in the United States to guard against evil and to help shape a nation and
keep it on the moral high ground... not to be the honored, at least at first, but the
workers of God, with a mission... and they attempted the mission, and have not succeeded,
and forunately God foresees these things, as He did throughout the Bible, and still
promised the Abrahamic covenant.. despite the Israelite failures... Israelite meaning
those of the 12 tribes.. the real chosen people and their descendants... and they're not
just in the United States or Israel...
People would likely think that the covenant He promised no matter what was
for the nation of Israel... but it was foor the chosen people... those sealed unto
God, and the covenant will be kept with them... Remember too, it refers to iron and brass.
Iron is me, China is Bronze.. is India brass?
So, you really should read that part of Leviticus, see that it's actually
happening in the world, remember that Revelations and the supposed wrath of God are mostly
the doing of Satan with God warning us of it, hoping we'd listen and heed the requirement
to remain true to His word, and not get memo 46'd, like we've done... anyway.. if
you want to understand wht's happening in the United States and around the world as many
armageddons and taking shape... read this chapter of Leviticus.
The only qualifier I have is exemplified in the new peace accords by tho
Obama Administration, and the continued roadmap to peace in Israel/Gaza/WestBank... which
is war, destruction of land and property, and humiliation and extermination of the remnant
and other races to purify it like Hitler wanted to do... and I would have ended up in
Auschwitz with the Jews and those with birth defects.. and worse.. but since CLinton
and the world failed at settling the Israeli issue in 48 years, all covenants are off. And
time was changed in the time of Constantine, just as the "wobble" is changing it
now. Just as an airplane and a few jets and choppers have laid down chemtrails and more to
show me the current orbit of the earth on its current axis... apparently the location of
north is changing, if I read the signs right...
So then, BFMAN gave me a hard tim eabout this reading, and I was being
harrassed for a while and decided to read somewhere else in the Bible, remembering I told
Him no more questions, I was just going to let God tell me what He wants me to know
today.. and BFMAN once again did not get the answer he wanted.. like people who wear
tuxedos... and whil ehe was harrassing me I opened up the Bible to:
Ezekiel 25:1 The word of the Lod came again unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy faace against the Ammonites, and prophesy against
3 And say unto the Ammonites, Hear the word of the Lord God; thus saith
the Lord God;Because thou saidst, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned; and
against the land of Israel, when it was desolate; and against the house of Judah, when
they went into captivity
It goes on.. there's a linethat makes t seem like God is always saying
things like, "I will destroy you for not obeying".. and then "Then you will
know that I am the Lord" as if saying, told ya so..
Instead of the wrath of God inthose kinds of words, understand, God tries
to warn us, Himself and through prophets,and He always hoped that by forewarning us of
what our actions would cause, our destruction, that people would realize that He wasn't
boasting, He was hoping that people realize they could trust Him to give them the wisdom
they needed when they needed it, when free will began to go awry... and instead of taking
His words as warnings, the could only hear His wisdom as threats, and wrote it as such,
and it could only be because they knew THEY were so guilty. So they just blame it on God,
and claim God never keeps HIS promises...
Again, for those people in the ministry who rather dwell in political
apostasy, in League with the Council on Foreign Relations, endorsing this government and
its truly evil policies as well as the genocide they commit against U.S. citizens on U.S.
soil.... those who have long since stopped seeking or being willing to listen to truth,
who made a promise to God and broke it.... this passage in Leviticus and in Ezekiel kind
of tells the story of the world today, and why the rippling effects create the wages of
The other day, Lynn mildly overworked amuscle in her back, it was a
little sore.. she went tothe bank, rubbed the base of her back with her hand, and
the teller asked her if she was having back problems, told Lynn hang on, she called a
chiropractor, and Lynn wwas fit in for an appointment. She's been suffering greatly since.
And has not had any sort of back problems for years... but they did a good job of
attempting plausible deniability on this one... problem is, when I left Landmark in DC an
couldn't get there the last day to take care of Lynn with with a backache.. she hasn't had
anty actual back problems for over 10 years... and this simple sore muscle did not require
putting her back out of alignment to emulate sciatica by this chiropractor. Which reminds
me, she's been unable to get apresciption for her blood pressure... leaving her
vulnerable to stroke... especially given the psychotronic attacks she's been subjected to
to kill her. Talk about humiliate and exterminate... I can't wait to explain it to her
friends. I have called the police, I've contacted theState Attrorney General and many more
to remedy this... some would say we should give up. I say, read Leviticus.
Weed and Seed, Neighborhood Inititiatives.. Community clubs.. who needs
friends like that. But, at least I have a tie tac, thanks to Rotary. I'd go foor french
cuff links, but Idon't think Lynn could withstand any more torture in order for me to get
worthless junk like that as the town attempts to destroy us on behalf of....
Note to gay people: I"m going to make these homophobes wish they were
gay. And what I mean by that is, they should only hope to be such decent people.
God puts people in bodies by spirit. Every person, everything has a
spirit, and is valued by God, and anyone who condemns another person for reasons they
don't care to understand, will get double back.. and according to Leviticus, 7 times.
Because the abomination is the hatred and bigotry toward God's creations, and the
pollution of the world and His word.
Nightingale - Right Back Where We Started From
Gaye - Motown's Love Songs - 202 - Anger
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 07 - Back to the Middle
God's always on point.
Who - Sweet Liberty
The Native Americans say that us white people never found the freedom we
intended to find. Just listened to Sweet Liberty.. kinda say sit all.. but just in case,
for Time Warner and GE, and the faithful
Who - Share The Land
I decided that was a good foolow up song to Sweet Liberty.. just
as this started playing...
Croce - I Got A Name
Is Jim Dela Croce Jim Croce's son, and would Linda approve? And would
HIS father Do the Right Thing? even if it's not the best thing for his client?
Stevens - Father & Son
Stevens - The Wind
I have to go a way.. God's way.. I hope the remnant will follow.
Barack, by special request from you rrepresentative in torture, the
Rundgren - Something Anything - Black Maria
and, for the fun of it...
Rundgren - Something Anything - Some Folks Is Even Whiter Than Me
Soemthing about audacity, Barack, Anything but what you have
Tom, Jane, Barbara, Bryant.. remember whenn you explained to the poeople
on the Today Show what this symbol means? I used to draw it all the time after you told
people about that and Sir Duke.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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It's never exactly perfect, but, at the end of the day, peace is peace.
Franks - Wrestle A Live Nude Girl
I think God's being a little defiant today, and telling certain people
things I doubt they'd want to hear, and it isn't about sex. So, about...
6:51am I was sitting here listening to psychotronics, and someone smade a
joke about magic Bible verrses, and I said, askl any question and whtever I turn to, it
WILL be the right answer. I don't know if theyasked anything or not. But the answer was...
Psalms 109:30 and I read through 110:7 See if that answers any
questions for you.
Nelson - Garden Party
Something about
Iraq and the Garden of Eden.....
10/13/2010 7:32am Part of last night's interrogation including
questioning about Lynn and the Rothschilds... she was in Germany leading an event, and
someone offered her, and others, in a typical plausible deniability way, and it was the
Exec Dir of CNVC who turned it down. The funny part is, the way Lynn explained it, she
said, she was thinking maybe if it was at the Rothschild Palace, she could get $250 per
person for a dinner fundraiser.. I was sitting there thinking 10,000, 100,000
a mil... :}:}:} I'll bet it's pretty. But the timing and all was perfect, and
I still say it was an attempted memo 46
Corinthians.. ended up there last night.. I did some research :} Cheerful
in Greek means hilarious. I still say it means more like willing and happy to be so... in
today's language, without any further explanation, it would be someone ridiculing someone
else to call them a hilarious giver, like you'd be laughing at them... unless you believed
the person who thought you were hilarious appreciated your open heart and intent and sense
of humor.. it must have been somewhere else in the Bible too, because I don't recall
seeing a footnote on that one before, in this case, it did... the Greek synonym, that is..
Psychotronics lately has been as if it was like I'm supposed to throw my
book into the Sound as I leave, asif the paradigms in the Bible are to be emulated, as
opposed to being guidance about how certain paradigms work out, and why at tipping points,
a different path is taken to avoid the failed part of the result of a paradigm... I won't
be throwing anything in the Sound, unless I don't sell the rototiller for $450 before I
leave. I'll make sure it's clean, it could create a coral reef like they do in Florida...
Besides, I rarely throw anything away...
Social Security.. I was filling out some papers yesterday, and looked at
what people on disability and Social Security have togo through... and the thing is, i you
disagree with what the admin says you deserve, the only real recourse you have is to
simply request they look at the same info again and ask them to make a new decision.. but
the forms you fill out for things make it clear tha tit's unlikely you'll get
a different decision.. and then you can have a non-opadid friend in a hearing, if they
allow one, and then if you want an attorney, and want to pay them, the SS Admin has the
right to decide whether you can pay them or not, and then they withhold it from your
benefit check. Meaning, they decide whether you can have a paid attorney to represent
you.. and if they won't allow you to pay an attorney, what attorney would help? And it
means, they already know they're going to turn you down, or like any insurance company,
they're looking for a way to discourage you.
To me, it's fraud by the government on an insurance policy paid for for
decades on a policy you're required to pay for with terms and benefits you have no choice
about, and can be reduced or denied arbitrarily. In this case, it's clear the government
changed thelaws long ago for the people who would get a rude awakening when it was their
legitimate time to collect the benefits...
Democracy Now.. check this out... I accidentally came across some reports
on the Social Security weebsite that shows all sorts of interesting things..
democgraphics, ages of fertility rates since around 1900... fertility rates meaning how
many children th eaverage woman has when she has them.. was about 3.4 around 1900, now I
think the projected rate is 2.2 ,... in1997 the Clinton Administration created a
projection of fertility rates beyond 2030...
Interesting points: Increasing birth rates timed about the right time to
increase troop level s when the country is preparing for war: of course, birth booms
after war to replenish supplies of troops... and in the "scheme" thoughts of
reducin gpopulation while provoking what is at the moment covert global warfare with fewer
troops, t means the u.s. is vulnerable and declining in population based on projections:
retired like I was telling Dobbs in 2002.
Disturbing trend: downward fertility rates, with rates reduced in the
"wealthy sectors", a slight decrease then a cinstent population line in the
middle class, with impoversihed citizens greatly climbing around 2030... furhter, if you
check the projections, it's odd that during the Clinton years the numbers started showng
that from then and beyond, the rate of teenage and young people pregnancy increases
extremely. Consider that with the idea that we claim that 70% of black children are born
out of wedlock, and th eidea that the U.N. should be able totake children away from bad
parents, and the idea that Chrisitians have been memo 46'd on right to life to allow the
government to gain custody of a whole lot of children put up in foster and adoptive care,
or simply in government custody.. an theproblem with that is, Bush signed legislation
saying anyone in government custody, as a minor, would be subject to medical
experimentation or whatever the government wants to use them for. Like lab rats... or kids
hearing voices thru psychotronics, mind to mind communications, thinking it's normal like
robots taking orders from their voices.. taking orders tobust their parents so the
government can own them.
The Bible says things about the young people basically having to
wake up the older people,in a sort of a Jimmy Neutron scenario, and I hate to use this
word again like this.. but the Nazis emulated such a thing with the Youth Corps and
getting oundg people and churches to help the same way, but for the wrong, evil reasons.
Jimy Neutron because the older people take medicine and cost the government money on
entitlements deserved and legislatively and life expectancy wise are being covertly taken
away. Even more, the older people have the knowledge and history.... that should have been
passed down to the children, which would have included how government get out of control,
turn evil, and must be corrected. That history is part of what goverments going to
war get rid of in countries, like Iraq, to get rid of leaders, like clerics, ministers,
politicians,historians, teachers and honest legal people... anyone who could be an able
danger against the aggressors.
People like me are going to do what George Bush called revisionist
history. They revised it long ago into lies, we'll revise it by having the truth be known.
And if it causes problems between the citizens and the government, it's the government's
fault for deception upon deception upon deception.
Final note: I'm all for right to life, and choice. But beside the birth
control/abortion issue, I'm actually in favor of intelligent family planning.. having
nothing to do with contraception, but enseuring that a child has a solid place to live and
the parents having resources to raise a child and give them the education and al they
need.. as a choice.. not an accident.. despite my parents saying, if you wait to have a
child til you can afford it, you'll never have one. That was along time ago, when money
went further, and this was still the land of opportunity..
The idea of population control and reduction is a valid governmental
issue, not to decide and covertly do it by ways like introducing soy beans as a food
staple as a healthier choice... and I'm not criticizing soy, although it appears there
might be better choices...
At the same time, I still say that given proper administration and the
willingness to provide equality, there's more than enough open land, water and food for my
goal: Global Peace and Abundance For All. And lots more people and their spirits...
Nuff for now.. bureaucracy calls.
Loggins - I've Got The Melody (Deep In My Heart)
Rundgren - Healing - 01 - Healer
10/14/2010 5:17am Awakened at 3am today. The U.S. Government uses sleep
deprivation as on eof its primary tools to get people to do stupid things. I'm kind of
used to it.....
Woke up thinking about all the weird setups I've been subjected to (as
BFMAN tries to silence me with perverted language that gets really old). I've given
thought to when I recognize weird things that happened, the first time it might have
happened to me, things that couldn't really be explained by normal explanations, though
cover stories or white lies got other people off the hook... Unfortunately, I can easily
see these weird things happening to me, and my family, since the time I was in elementary
school... things that made it appear like I was involved with things I wasn't...
being used, I think, to catch people doing things that also made me look like I was
involved in their crimes that I didn't even know they were committing...
Of course it's an interesting ploy to have all those things happen, and
then, when it matters, to use it to say I was a bad person, and then to also say I was
insane for believing so many things in my life were other people's fault... and then to
relate all those things to the activities of these people in the last 10 years, and
realizing it was an interesting dialectic to have it result that if and when I should
attempt to make myself into a politician or public figure.. skull and bones would have me.
It's pretty obvious I'm being put through the PMS scenario again, without
the "bimbo" portion of the show... just the course to homelessnness, and
like before, using dews and psychotronics to make it impossible to make proper
preparations, increasing the likelihood of sheer homelessness for myself and Lynn. And all
I know is that getting out of here will put an end to it all, no matter what. And the
efforts to stop me will simply make the entire case irrefutable and unignorable.
Thank you to the United States Government for showing me why Patrick Henry
refused to participate with evil.
If there's anything I can pinpoint, at least for my own involvement, is
that my problems began the day Nixon came to our house in East Palo Alto... and it was
clear to me that my dad was burning in his association with Prescott Bush, the Skull and
Bones/Mason/Free Mason groups, and probably the CIA. And it's veryu cleeaqr that the
allegories of certain things of animals in our family that were vaguely described as
"lab rats" or rare species that my dad didn't want experimented on, but just
disappeared anyway. And the thing is, the connecting dot on a bunch of them was Stanford
University. Hoover Institute I presume, MK-Ultra/Monarch, Ampex, the CIA, Time Inc. ,
I think about the times people - it appears - wanted me to listen to short
wave.. the psychotronics guys want me to believe my brain transmits on short wave...
commander solo can do lots of things.. I don't buy it.. wouldn't want to.. and who in the
worl dwould believe it's an appropriate thing to do to anyone.. let alone convince others
it was the mind of a crazy person, when the only craziness is the part the sickos in the
government force me to hear.
I always wanted to go to Stanford to study Constitutional law, to be a
lawyer... maybe the deal is I'm supposed to get a lawyer from Stanford... but, I think a
lawyer from another country who has no political ties to this government would be better.
And somethign tells me people in other countries would actually be interested in God's
I was printing out some documents yesterday... looked over and saw a book
by Granny D on the floor at the foot of the bookcase.. I looked inside, of course she had
signed it and wrote a quick note to Lynn, when I noticed the foreward was written by Bill
I keep wondering how to say to the people of the United States that the
United States Government has been violently overthrown by the United States
Government... if they could only realize that our economic problems, and those of
the world right now caused by the global economic collapse requiring $700 bil payoffs to
supposedly avert economic disaster, global war.. only to finance it.. and take the U.S.
and other countries down just like we, the great moral high ground policemen of the
world, took ourselves down the same way we supposedly triumphantly took down the Soviet
Union... for the Illuminati, the anti-Christ. No wonder my mom and dad knew that the
anti-Christ was in the world, and it would come to an end in this generation.
I said a while back that my respect for my father was greater the more I
realized about him. I respect him even more today.
And I'm glad God trusted me.
Near - Edge - 11 - Didn't You Mean To Say
Feliciano - Rain
Reddy - Peaceful
We gotta get God some new songs in the rotation. I saw Helen Reddy come up
and I thought, God, don't tell me I'm now supposed to sspeak out against women in the
ministry... supposed to be emnity between woman and Satan, and I think the inside story is
more like emnity between God and a few people.. and I get stuck reconciling it.
Fortunately, I turned down the job twith the description all of the responsibility with
none of the authority.
And be sure to tell Barack and the Council and the ministers of America
that it's reprehensible, and I will make sure to returnn the favor of using ministers and
God to kill people. Religion is not the opiate of the massess. Apostasy is. And God says
apostasy comes in the form of ministers, politicians traitors and worse. We got em all,
and all you have to do is turn on the tv...
I think we ought to make acquiescence an unforgiveable sin. And the Good
Samaritan story should always have a better ending.
No good deed goes unpunished.. one more bit of wisdom Dobbs shared with
the world one day... I was thinking alot last night about roots.. getting back to
basics... how I was gonna grow my own potatoes and peanuts and asparagus and all sorts of
things I always wanted to try growing, see what the plants looked like and how good they
would taste, fresh from a healthy garden... I love to watch plants grow, through all their
beautiful stages.. I put my hand close to an orchid yesterday, and I'm not sure, and they
did it slowly, but I think they sort of were attracted to my hand as their flower petals
seemed to bend toward me... I thought I saw one do it when Lynn was watering it, so
I thought I'd try it.... and I was thinking about what hard work it is to grow things in
the ground, dig them up with hard labor and do it in a way that didn't damage the food..
potatoes or whatever.. but how all that work was worth it... because the result couldn't
possibly be better..
Of course, then I wondered if it was the Russians or the Germans
(immigrants) who survived Oregon winters with potatoes.... :} something about old Uncle
Ulysses and me wanting to get to live in Oregon, and never quite making it due to the need
to be president or something instead, you know fiight wars, hold off the Illuminati, and
keeping the Gold Standard, the thing that would kept us all free if more Presidents had
been honest and had more guts and integrity.. but then, there's a reason they were allowed
to be elected...
Jimmy Carter.. if any policitican other than Ted Kennedy has ever
disappointed me, it's you. Don't forget, I always said you were the most underrated
president we ever had.. currently, I say unnderrated regarding the level of deception and
perversity you brought to this world, and I know people will dislike me for saying that..
until they know the truth, and when I find out why some intel guy visited me when your
watch began when I worked at Sears in Eureka, wanting to know what I knew of my father's
work. I hope the Rockefellers paid you well. Something about the eye of a needle.
And to the DNC chair of Washington State in Spokane I wrote to years ago..
thanks for letting me know I'd humiliate myself by running for president.. I'm gonna
return that favor too.
It's weird how I ended up opening the Bible last night, as Idid thinking,
here's a spot in the Bible that doesn't look like Ie turned to it before.. and I read, and
it led me back to a story.. this time the long version, a part of Ezekiel. I get Ezekiel
alot lately... I just looked down and saw this: Ezekiel 16:59 I wonder what happened in
1659? anyway...
Ezekiel 16:59 For thus saith the Lord God; I will even deal with thee as
thou hast done, which hast despised the oath in breaking the covenant.
God talks to me 24 hours a day.. I wish He'd stop sometimes, everywhere I
look He makes me listen to wisdom, and gets old.. I think He must be lonely, and really
wanting to be here with us. But I'm glad to kow it's actually impossible to break the
connection with God.
You'd have thought the CIA would have learned that by now.
Sisters - He's So Shy
Dan - Gaslighting Abbie
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 07 - Don't Know When
Young - Silver & Gold
Start reading at Ezekiel 15
Of course, I decided to listen to some music to life my spirits, got to
Jacksn Browne, the Pretender, but I decide d the next song on the list would be better,
one of my favorite tunes from early on in the themes of the DemocraticFundamentalism
site.. where it all began ....
Browne - Rock Me on the Water
It's called choice. One of my other theme songs was this
- Pieces of You - 01 - Who Will Save Your Soul

This song dedicated to CNN
- Love Sees No Color - 101 - Love Sees No Color
Something about "The Mystery of Jesus"
- Ten Summoner's Tales - 11 - Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me)
Springsteen - The Rising - 04 - Nothing Man
God bless the citizens of the world.
10/15/2010 9:04am Up around 3:30 or 4am.. not by choice.. I figure I've
had about 20 hours sleep in the last 5 days or so... sleep deprivation.. the first step in
a psyop to take people down... like 40+% of the U.S. Public.
Lynn had to go to a doctor's appointment this morning t check for
diabetes.. woke up, and realized she couldn't take her medications for pain without milk
for her stomach... normally I'd have driven her, but the need to protect the property and
premises keeps me from doing that... speaking of which,. The trailer tires were low, not
by accident, filled em up yesterday, someone cam ein the yard and let the air out again..
these guys will do anything to make sure that I break down on the road and lose the
evidence, let alone my life... car still isn't running, but should be minor if clunker oil
hasn't been added or kerosene isn't in th efue, as has been threatened and is a legitimate
threat.. most of the vandalism occurs early at night, dark enough for cover but early
enough so I hear it just before they run away before I can catch them... the tires, I
presume were deflated this morning when the guy ame y to wake me up with psychotronics...
as the firewood slowly still disappears... our primary source of heat is a wood fire...
This morning, I woke up to a "gentle touch" of psychotronic
harassment, someone interrogating me to determine my intentions regarding filing charges
and so forth, running for president, which I will as a resident of California, and
it was clear I was delaing with someone who wanted to get a psychological profile,
apparently the next person who thinks they're hot psyops perps with impunity.. another one
who likes to get written about here becuaae they think they'll never get caught, and like
the FBI will tell you, they love to flaunt their crimes like a challenge and a game.. and
provides prove of their criminal insanity that is with malice and forethought... like
serial killers... that they are.
The tooth torture is extremely painful, and Lynn gets hit with dews and
psychotronics whenever she takes pain medications.. to make her dread taking the medicine
that would give her relief, aversion therapy, and the pain is caused by the U.S.
Government military weapons. When the U.S. Government tells you to get involved and be a
responsible good samaritan sentence, just remember that Lynn is credited with saving 20
million lives, and this is the way the United States Government reqards good citizens.
Speaking of which, someone she introduced to the United States and Nobel
Laureate Muhammad Yunus was on the Simpsons not long ago.. and of course, now, he's
received the Congressional Medal of Honor so that congress can memo 46 him... that effort
spearheaded by Sam Daley Harris and Results, memo 46'd by Bill Gates... Gotta get the
whole gang in there to take away the credit Lynn deserves for the International success of
the Grameen Foundation.... apparently Lynn sought grants from Gates long ago
for Yunus, and was turned down, but now, Gates is a big tme donor to Results... Love life,
Bill. Of course, despite Yunus saying Lynn was on the Grameen board as a founding member
for life, she was pushed out after asking Stephen Rockefeller how it felt to be involved
in so many humanitarian efforts knowing that the money it came from was from evil,
ill-gotten gains...
OReilly.. caught the first few minutes of the show last night. Muslims did
not bomb the twin towers, unless Bush and his childhood friend Osama are Muslims. If I'd
been Whoopee, I'd have not come back, and maybe had security guards remove Barabara. After
all Barbara, what's wrong with Whoopee and others demanding that the truth be told?
Maybe had her arrested for perpetrating a public hoax on behalf of the Council on Foreign
Relations, the real reason she got all those great interviews over the years... they could
trust her to not ask the difficult questions....
It's one thing to have and promote discussions.. it's another to require
that their baseline perpetuate lies to cover for dirty politicians.
Speaking of politics.. watched Ancient Aliens on the History Channel last
night (I think of it as the revisionist history channel, along with Discovery and a few
others) and I was sitting there, and noticed a discussion of FDR, Franklin Roosevelt, and
it looked just like John Kerry. More proof of the ogliarchy of theSkull and
Bones/Illuminati taking over the United States Government... He's supposedly related to
Stephen Forbes as well, which is scary. John Forbes Kerry, right Judy Woodruff (CNN source
of info) Killer isnstict, right.. btw, ask Bono why he was so happy to join you, Judy, to
discuss the Bush faux AIDS funding program... I sayfunding, because abstinence does not
protect unprotected sex when the people receiving U.S Government condoms are told the
condoms have a lubricant they're told is the AIDS virus. Explains why Granny D was
impressed when I spoke on that conference call describing how 32 million South Africans
were such a burden to bury, they merely dumped them in abandoned mine shafts and wells...
For 5 million dollars, I believe the lives of about a million people or so
could be saved in less than 2 years. Give them jobs, self-respect, and a new cultrure of
hope in a land where you ask people what their dreams are for their future, and all you
get is a blank stare. That's what certain Rhodes scholars have done for South Africa.
The same will be said and be true of the United States if the current
government treason continues.
ANd the only good thing I can say about some of the people involved in
this is at least people who are knighted by the Queen of England are not allowed to run
for office in the United States, which is why Giuliani and Kennedy, and Byrd, I think,
were given honorary Knighthood to the British Empire. Templar Knights get that kind of
recognition from the Queen. I hope we don't get rid of that law, like the one that says
you have to have been born inthe United States to be eligible to run for president, for
good reasons, like John McCain, at least, wasn't. And like the RUssian and SOuth AMerican
say, who have witnessed governments being overthrown and tyranny and death squads... South
American ones trained and armed and suppported by the United States Gvioernemnt, primarily
on behalf of our coporations, primarily the ones who helped finance the Nazis in World War
II... it's not a trivial matter.
The same South Americans Jimmy Carter signed an executive order to empower
to patrol and enforce the law in case of Martial Law, trained at the School of the
Americas in Georgia.
The death squads Palin talks of and covers for ARE in operation now, and
have been for years... and are the same people attacking Lynn and I. I wonder if Michelle
Bachmann got my letter.
Ended up onm a footnote of Matthew 8:20 last night after reading somewhere
else.. Luke I think... got to 9:5 For whether it is easier to sa, Thy sins be forgiven
theee; or to say, Arise, and walk....
Rreminds me of the time someone asked, by what authority do you come? The
Chaldeans would have had Jesus say, from the heavens, Jesus said, I'm not telling ya, you
figure it out, and why it matters. I think Jesus was a smart alec. Me, I like to be
direct. I say, by the authority of God, and if you don't like that answer, I like Jesus
answer to the Chaldeans, saying He respected their need for two witnesses, Him and God...
and if you don't like that answer, sue me.. the psychologist this morning will tell
you how crazy I'm not.
Besides, if you say I'm from heaven, you'll think I must be able to fly,
and if you think I'm just a man, you won't care what I say. Either way, you won't care
what I say, so why fight it? Actually Jesus sort of said that, but I CAN tell you, for the
moment, I can't fly.
I keep wondering how all those musicians are gonna feel when they read the
chapter trying to get them to realize they're angels... But I'll tell you this much, I'll
bet Jackson Browne knows, and I''m still hoping the James Taylor album was a psyop he
didn't know about.
I got humg up a while back when it said the Second COming would be
preceeded by thgathering of the saints.. of coure, the Catholic CHurch names people as
saints, which I had a problem with, becaus ea saint supposedly would be someone so pure
and good and a servant of God that it could be presumed that they went to heaven. Given
apostas and all the deceptions of the world, there's no way a human being could judge
someone like that. That's God's domain.
So, the gathering of the saints is about gathering the faithful who are
living... whoever they are, whatev3er spirit they carry... regardless of whether they know
it. And unfortunately, many of those will be found to be "sinners", some of the
worst ones, because of the use of psyops to make them do thing sthey had not planned or
thought of doing before.... that way, Christians and God himself would be diminished in
importance, stature and by self-recrimination... and causing them to not serve God as they
otherwise would.
For those who think that justifies them, re-read the verse Matthew 9:5 For
whether it is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven theee; or to say, Arise, and walk....
It's another way to say, if you want to know wht to do if you're really
committed to God's ways, act like an adult, don't be too hung up on the past, but don't
forget it, and don't make light of it. WHat matters is joining what's right, and
continuing the work in GOD"s ways.. I cvould sit here and "judge people"
all day long, and it wouldn't do any good, and the last thing I need is a bunch of people
walking around actng guilty or silly to cover their embarrassement. WHat there is to do is
the work that needs to be done. So we could condemne people and shmame them like Nazis,
through humiliation, or get on with the work and rebuildtrust like I say I can do with the
whole world... You can occupy yourself with the forgiveness of sin, or judge yourselves
and atone and arise and walk again... which would you rather do, because in this world,
with what I'm faced with, legalistics is the peaceful way to stop the Nazi movement. And
if people don't stand up despite the embarrassment purposely colllected and caused
by the government, the results will be their own.
If you read the Bible and come across a word with AI in it, the
probability is you should suspect that in that story and situation, there were dirty
dealings going on.It's just a pattern.
I was reading somewhere last night that one day, people in this nation
will walk around, confounded and confused, sick to their stomachs and regurgitating..
given the circumstances, how it fits the current times, I figure it must be the day the
people of the United States read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
When they do that, it will be time for the citizens to have the loyal of
the military and intel services declare martial law, and expel the traitors as I have said
and in the manner I stated years ago. With justice, if the criminals allow it without
force. Not likely. But worth hoping for.
I wonder what the weather's like in France?
Someone just was giving me a justification and rationalization as I looked
down and saw Matthew 9:16. Good advice. To all the DHS and FBI guys who laugh at the idea
that God talks to people, in His own ways... here's your magic Bible verse of the day....
Jeremiah 49:22 Behold, he shall come up and fly as the eagle and
spread his wings over Bozrah: and at that day shall the heart of the mighty men of Edom be
as the heart of a woman in her pangs.
Anyone who doesn't believe in Magic Bible verses, should check out
magic dictionary references. I was reading about Medici, halos, all sorts of things,
including dogs.. which led to Daga, the God of . the middle east? Iraq? of course it all
points to Orion, Chaco Canyon, Sirius, and South America if you understand the
parallels between the stars and the physical world of earth. that last part was part
of the History Channel program last night... and like Dobbs said, the answers are all in
the stars... I thought he meant musicians and tv stars.
And then there was this thing I heard about Solomon's temple being in
Yemen. Was it? and then that part of the idea that the church was wherever the father and
son were, in their temples.. and I sit here, year after year, with what I thought was a
Muslim prayer mat, that I think is actually of Solomon's Temple. Given to me by my mother.
And I think about how I wanted to have the farm on 500 acres, and then
deciding to add 100 more.. I think to accomodate the healing pond of Bethesda inside the
walls of the Temple area... of course, if the church is wherever the father and son are,
it could be anywhere... cause the Bible says the Temple will be rebuilt.. new wine for an
old bottle... and the father and son won't be there. Which supports the idea that like the
United States, the government of Israel is not representative of its citizens, regardless
of the reason, and I can easily prove it.
Netanyahu... go to Bavaria.
Hermits - I'm Into Something Good
Young - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Nimoy and William Shatner - Highly Illogical
Oh yeah.. speaking of Sirius and Orion, and Lexus and United Artists...
there was a mention of the Hopi being pointed to by Orion... they're in the 4 corners,
aren't they...
Only a few things have changed.
Lennon - #9 Dream
Denver - The Wings That Fly Us Home
Interesting, I randomly chose and ended up between these two songs.
Reminds, me, I've been wanting to re-write Exodus for years. Never too late.
Tosh - Equal Rights _ live
11:19am Jeremiah Chapter 50, starting with verse 4. Read "the way to
find Zion" as the way to know the ways of God. It's not a place. It's ontology.
10/17/2010 9:22am Yesterday was a particularly difficult day. Got 5-1/2
hours sleep, followed by some 16 hourse of extremely painful torture.. Lynn was ill, and
the weird formation in her gum, after visiting a cetain dentist in Olympia, the same one I
got the same formation from after weird stitching after tooth removal.. it seems it
collapsed, and is infected.. weird.. she felt alot of jaw pain right after the stroke...
More firewood was stolen.
Last night, the psychtoronics guy said we have a question for the Bible
tonight, so when I went to bed, I looked for a BIble, accidentally got the Mormon
Bible off the shelf, read a little..
Earlier in the day I had been talking about how Jackson Browne probably
actually knows he's an angel, and that the "ether" he speaks about is conceptual
and real, because there's like a ring around the earth called the ether, andsome believe
it IS the akashic record and more... in some ways...
So the question they asked me, given the situation and circumstances of
all this, the question was, what would you do if you were us.
So, I opened the Mormon Bible just like I do any book when looking for
"magic" wisdom, and I turned to Ether.... I think maybe I'm wroong about having
turned to Ether, though it is very familiar,the parts I had looked at last night.
I think what I actually turned to was Mosiah 2:31. But, frankly, I was
just looking at Ether to find out where I was reading and lost the place, I think everyone
should read something, and understand why the U.S. Government and TIme Warner, with Angels
Among Us, and puolygamy and more would want people to ignore Mormons the same way they
would want us to ignore Jehovah's witnesses, Christians and Muslims and Israelites.. and
anyone else who knew the truth and could pass the heritage to their children.
Okay, so the important other part to read IS in Ether... Chapter 13 about
how New Jeruasalem would come to America.. what I now call the United States, as
"America", the way I define it, relates to the eliteists of the sycophants of
the Council on Foreign Relations.... oh yeah, and how it would be destroyed... the nation
it was in, that is.. and there I was, creating the GDCU.... and the paradigm was the
Vatican... I realized it afterward, the closest thing to a government within a government,
without breaking the law.
This, for the record, is from theMormon Bible, and it's weird, it sounds
like what I've been saying, what Ezekiel was saying, what Revelations was saying.. and it
sure makes for a good example of what Christians do to their prophets in the
Revelations God gives them in the apocalypse.. Revelations means Apocalypse, the timely
revelation or revealing.. apocalypse means revealing, not destruction.
Guess I'm gonna read Ether in the Mormon Bible. Which reminds me, the guy
who gave me that Bible worked for the guy who employed me in Walnut Creek, my boss there
had worked for DG, and I think he's the same guy I worked for under contract in Bellevue,
from a guy who had worked for and or with DG equipment, and was the guy who got me wearing
sweaters with my sleeves cuffed... which is also the same time period I worked with
Mary Ritter, and people with the RNC and Southern Baptist Church, leading to Brenda/Dina,
and the story goes on.
10:05am I was just reading Ether, it was a pretty grim story about a
prophet and what God informed him of in isolation, and when he went out into the world,
everything God told Him had come true.
I related to the last verse of Ether 15:34 Now the last words which
are written by Ether are these; Whether the Lord will that I be translated, or that I
suffer the will of the Lord in the flesh, it mattereth not, if it so be that I am saved in
the Kingdom of God. Amen.
And then I related to what came next, the opening of the book of Moroni.
Moroni 1:1 Now I, Moroni, after having made an end of abridging the
account of the people of Jared, I had supposed not to have written more, but I have not as
yet perished; and I make not myself known to the Lamanites lest they should destroy me.
I saw a special on BYUTV about Joseph Smith, and I told the Mormons
I had lots of experiences like Joseph Smith...
Gyra - Morning Dance _ live
Ross - Touch Me In The Morning
- Suavecito
and Crofts - The Longest Road - A05 - One Planet, One People Please
10/18/2010 10:49am Last night, I was being hit so hard by microwave tat I
fell asleep around 7:30, and woke up 2 hours later to Lynn screaming in extreme pain. This
morning, she says she finally noticed the pattern that everytime she goes into a meeting
or gets around me at a time when we would enjoy ourselves, they dews her and cause her
extreme pain... and laugh about it. Of course, they want me to write about this so the
serial murderers working for the United States Government can enjoy the thrill of
torturing people to death... so I keep this log to give to the Hague, and they get their
thrills by making snuff films. That's the United States Government and National Media, the
CIA and other propagandists, doing what Nazis do.
When I woke up last night at 7:30 I'd been hit so hard with microwave to
the brain that my brain felt like a throbbing spnge... just like it has for years when I
was under heavy attack...
The sickos asked me what the future is last night.. as in, what will
happen to them. Can't remember what I read, but it basically said that they would be
ignored and die, and that God would have His day of justice.
The overriding theme for a long time, though, has been that when I leave
the country, it will be because I'm forced and will get through the cracks because of the
impending chaos and finally... likely martial law... weird I first heard that in a
Jethro Tull Song, and then read it in 2 different Bibles/faiths. It's a heck of
a thing to live your whole life loving what I thought was the greatest nation in
the world.. only to find out that the United States actually is a Godless nation, by
choice.. just like the Bible said it would become if it did not follow the ways of God.
What I don't really understand is why people don't believe the ways of God make
things so easy.. and it isn't about rules and personal habits...
Arnold - Cattle Call
Nightingale - Right Back Where We Started From
Wonder - I Love Every Little Thing About You
Obviously, this music is for someone else who must read all this.
Wright - Syreeta - Blame It On The Sun
- Somewhere I've Never Traveled - Harvey
Sample - Sunrise
11:14am I listened to Syreeta, and then Lynn Ahrens, Schoolhouse Rock,
from Sesame Street came on.. all about how the nervous sytem works... for kids...
Telegraph Line... between that and the movie The Secret, about psychic abilities and the
methods to read them and interpret them electronically, and I think that anyone will
understand how the United States Government covertly murders its ctitizens.
Followed by...Animals
- House of the Rising Sun There'll be a lot of media people and politicians singing
this song soon... and Amazing Grace won't help them.
7:03pm I was just sitting on my bed, when I heard a noise that sounded
like the wind coming up, and then it went away, and I thought, I wonder if there's
going to be a storm tonight... a while later, I'm sitting there, and I hear the same
kind of noise, and then it got louder, and I went to the window, and saw a jet flying at a
low altitude likely just above stall speed, and it was so big, it must have been at least
a 707. I thought, what a ridiculous government this is,shook my head, and said, one more
thing. Targeted people experience and get evidence of harassment by military choppers and
aircraft all the time.. as well as those black NSA choppers Begala mentioned... the same
kind my nephew David now runs from when they fly over their house... they told me they had
choppers flying over their house a few months back...
Personal note: Axe and firewood. Neighbor walking by. Cookies. Also, nicks
in front of fireplace, like someone marking notches in their belt when illegally entering
the house. I accidentally hit it once. Of course, I'll have video documentation.
I remember when construction began, and I knew people were doing things
Lynn was in denial aboout, and I thought about using Hughes satellite to do 24 hour site
surveilance via real time satellite... so I could monitor it from Olympia... And, I always
wanted drapes on the windows, for some reason, (Psychotronics) Lynn didn't, until
one of the times she kicked me out... I have a feeling I know what kind of pictures were
taken of her in the bathroom with the picture window just above the tub... from the same
location the coyote and dog noises came from in the bushes....
These days the neighbors go by to let me know who they are, to taunt me,
and they always go by just before a psychotronic trick is played on me. They really
believe that I don't know enough about psychotronics, and that they can not be prosecuted.
The torture is very painful... been going on since about 6am... and I'm
sure that makes the perverts of the U.S. Government very happy, as they play with people
as if they are toys.... and laugh about the suffering they cause.
Lorber Fusion - Step By Step
Campbell - By the Time I Get To Phoenix - A06 - Back In the Race
Al Yankovic - What If God Smoked Canibis
Whatever, God.
10/19/2010 9:06am Magic Bible erses.. last night I was reading... all this
time, I've said the Iraq war and the militaristicc times we're in were a copy of what
happened in the day sof Jeremiah... and unfortunately, it's still true.. and I wonder if
it's because the CFR wanted people to think we weren't in Revelations yet when all this
was through, especially if people became aware of me.
So, I was reading last night, and I'm always intrigued because I never
assume how things will end.. in reading or in life... and I'm reading through, and look at
the top of the page, startled, because I was reading from Jeremiah... toward the end...
and about the German Bee Sting Torte.... suddenly it talked about how all the
"king's houses" would be destroyed... and I was startled, and even the ending is
a little backwards in this current timeline... but to me that says God tells me that when
this is done, all the psyop places for phony ministers to delvier their victims to will be
closed, and they will no longer be used by the United States Government to kill
Christians... and then we'll also answer the question about descendants of Israeli
bloodlines getting chronic fatigue syndrome, which is primarily heavy metal poisoning of
the blood, as stated in the Protocols, to kill them. Nanotech. And maybe a few questions
about why pasteurized milk has the same effect as sickle cell anemia... most noted a
problem among black people.
To those who keep their promises, remember, I keep mine,and all I really
actually care about is revealing the truth about things, so the citizens can have their
countries back, and the world can live the common vision of global peace in the Kingdom of
God... and from now on, when speaking and writing of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of
Heaven, Kingdom will be capitalized.
Talk about triple entendres.
Campbell - Dreams of the Everyday Housewives
Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand
& Oates - I Can't Go For That
I think God's trying to get me in trouble with feminists... that Glen
Campbell song was part of the reason I didn't want a life on the road, as a dj,
musician.. but I wanted to settle down and have a family... and that song sort of says
why... not wanting my friend and partner for life having to "give up the good life
for me"....
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 09 - Spirit Voices - Paul Simon
9:23am I was listening to music, and the psychotronics gys actually did
tooth torture to force me to write down the part of Jeremiah I read... if anyone thinks
these "voices" children hear are good things, and tht they are your friends,
just remember, they're here to destroy things, and I have witnesses that will release
those who were being held hostage when a psychotic said that to some very nice people. And
I will report that crime in that light.
Start with Jeremiah 51. It'll do.
10/21/2010 10:02am Went to bed, being harrassed, and the
psychotronics guys mocked the idea that God could guide me through Magic Bible verses, and
the idea that I could any book and gain info and wisdom relevant to the world today and
what I need to know to understand HIS plan.
Last night, I accidentally picked up Machiavelli's The Prince... circa
1580... I think it was 50 cents at Barnes and Noble, in the bin for books nobody wants to
buy... I read that or the Art of War or something long ago, and understood the basic
ways people manipulate things, and of course, I joked about it and the kind that I was
being made to look like.. and enjoyed... separate from the lethal attacks...
I said long ago tha tI was agianst the rights of kings, ogliarchy, and
even now regret that I am of the bloodline of the Ogliarchy destroying this nation. The
only good news is I know at least one of the reasons I was excluded from the ogliarchy..
and that's the fact that the people with knowledge knew I would never go along.
In some ways, when I read things, always thinking as a citizen, what it
would mean to me if I was a leader leading a nation or group of people, and because of the
bloodlines and all, before and without considering divinity, I read this book as "a
prince" of sorts.. but certainly not like I think I'm better than anyone else... but
liek someone who would, if able, lead people to a true republic with a democratic
selection of government that understood the benefit of the living document of our
Last night, Machiavelli wrote of how a true republic is a fair and just
governance, and the "democracies" described in his day were "democratic,
and contolled by the Ogliarchy... owned by it covertly and overtly... and that ultimately,
even the best of Princes, kings and leaders must always wage war to prove their authority
and power, and use their own military as wedge between the citizens and the government,
and use tyranny to maintain control as truth is exposed. And I reject that idea, that
force and tyranny are the way to do things, let alone the ways of God.
I was very moved by some writing in the back of the book... the afterword
about Prophets Armed and Unarmed, from 1998 by Georg Tietjan ....a sort of summary of
Machiavelli's writing, its history, and some observations that truly apply to this time...
But the part I thought was best.. the most compelling, was the final
chapter... by Machiavelli... that supports the thoughts and teachings of Jesus, Muhammad,
me.. other people , propehets who were ignored until after death and the warnings of
trouble came true...
Chapter 26 An Exhortation To Liberate Italy From the Barbarians.....
It's interesting if you read this, the parallels between the times of
Italy when this was written, and the apparent acceptance that the Second Coming would be
of a man from Italy, when allegorically, the United States is Italy, Babylon, Libya,
Israel, and many nother nations with the combined knowledge, power, wisdom and evil of the
ogliarchy that has tried to rule this world for centuries...
This is the part that impressed me:
But though, heretofore glimmerings may have been discerned in this man or
that, whence it might be conjectured that he was ordained by God for her redemption,
nevertheless it has afterwards been seen in the further course of his actions that
Fortune has disowned him; so that our country, left almost without life, still waits to
know who it is that is to heal her bruises, to put an end to the devastation and plunder
of Lombardy, to the exactions and imposts of Naples and Tuscany, and to stanch those
wounds of hers which long neglect has changed into running sores.
We see how she prays to God to send some one to rescue her from these
barbarous cruelties and oppressions. We see too how ready she is to follow any
standard were there only some to raise it.
Barack said in his campaign that he was "selling hope"... who's
he selling the psychotronics to.. what country, what group.... for what purpose....
Yesterday, I documented further damage done to my car overnight to prevent
me from traveling... and more... and lots of good harrassment video on the road... don't
forget I was purposely trying to avoid exposing criminality on the part of locals in
the private sector, as well as governmental agencies. All I ever wanted was equal
opportunity, the rights of citizenship, and access to the justice system as the
constitution allows as part of the checks and balances of a real democratic system of
a republic.
Ross - Touch Me In The Morning
CC - Wall Street Shuffle
Taylor - JT - 09 - Looking For Love On Broadway
The lamb lies down on Broadway.. Genesis... I think there's a broadway in
nearly every town I've been to.
McCartney & Wings - Wingspan Hits (Disc 1) - 01 - Listen to What the Man Said
When I was checking out the accuracy of I Ching, it would say, see the
Great Man.. For me that meant read the Bible, and see what God wants you to know
now. And it was always right about that.
10:41am So I'm sittin here listening to Touch Me in the Morning, and the
next song that come sup on my music player was.. Olivia Newton John and the Electric Light
Orchestra - Xanadu... not online.. this'll work... now I have to listen to that to see
what it says.
Light Orchestra - Calling America
10/22/2010 9:39am Lynn was heading out to a doctor's appointment this
morning, an an extended drive and visit that would require stopovers for resting... and I
happened to notice that 2 lug nuts had been stolen from the front right wheel of the
car... Lynn knows alot about the government and EST and Landmark... and crimes committed
against her, and she doesn't even realize it because of psychotronics, and her denial that
people could be so perverse.
The psychos of the U.S. Government death squads, serial murderers who love
to see their conquests written about , will love to hear that this will go down as
attempted murder. Personal note: See daily video for documentation of other crimes.
If there's any pattern to the crimes committed against me over the years,
it's been in professional or social contact with people who reoccur in my life 10 or 20
years later.. most often, I write about these people as people I admire, and then,
find out that their previous contact was a basic thing done in con games to get the victim
to trust them. Or to make it appear I had some grudge or bad feeling about them or their
10:19am In your heart, you know he's right... I was not in a good mood
after recording the above, but then I listened to some music, and couldn't ignore the
music mix that happened... reminds me of alot of faux tv news people from the past, Lou,
Keith, Aaron, Hillary... Unity New Hampshire..
Started listening to the first song, and thought, Maybe Goldwater wasn't a
good guy after all .. but I continued listening, and the only thing I could think of
was making a chart of what Barry's boy's were talking about then, ad what Barry
Obama and his cabal are tlaking about now... and I'm gonna share as much of the music as I
have online...
Mitchell Trio - Barry's Boys
Remember, George W. Bush talked about bombing Afghanistan back into the
stone ages.. with HAARP and EMP, and politicians talking about doing things to other
nations to cover that they're doing it to us...
Goldwater |
Obama |
song goes back to 1910 economics and politics.. just before WIlson sold out to the Federal
Reserve, JP Morgan, Rothchild, Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations
organizers- a time when your word meant something, credit was a local coop invested in
growing a community, and was not easy to get.. I remember myself how our school used to
encourage kids to save and only spend as they could afford... around 1962 or so...
at County Bank of Santa Cruz... back in a time when every dollar was backed by gold... the
gold standard.. and when credit was for major purchases and investments, not a way of
life. Listen to the concepts and names mentioned in the song. It says alot when the truth
is known. And while they seem to be making fun of Barry Goldwater, you'll understand why
they said, in your heart, you know he's right... to stop the Council on Foreign Relations,
the Federal Reserve and worse... |
Frankjs and Chris Dodd can tell you about how they engineeered the economic collapse so
Bush would take all the blame... not to mention blaming the civil rights abuse of Bush
only to be made worse by Obama, while the country and th eworld go bankrupt, homelessness
and poverty get worse, and war seems the answer because, as politicians have said for
decades, when the economy's bad, start a war. Last night, I was reading Revelations...
Tri-laterlal Commission, Volcker, Carter, Brzezinski, Council on Foreign Relations,
Club of Rome, Fabian Society, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Templar Knights, eliteists of
the ogliarchy... Bush, and the British Empire...
And then these songs came up...
- San Franciscan Nights
Nimoy - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Earth
Oldfield - Tubar Bells _ Single
Morissette - Front Row
Khimilo - Mayihlome
Angelique Kidjo
- Bahia
Jacskson Browne
- here Come Those Tears again from the album The Pretender
Herbie Hancock
- Rockit
- Still The One - 12 - Business As Usual
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 14 - Melody Cool
Ray Oarker & Raydio - Jack and Jill.. I was gonna end it there but the
psychotronics guys insisted, and then it's strangely relevant.. and then...
MORISSETTE - FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT - 09 - Giggling Again For No Reason - Alanis
And I might end it there for now.. it may seem weird or superfluous to
list this playlist, but in a weird way, it sort of sums up and tells a very strange
story.. if you knew the truth.
Bonus track for Jango.. Foreigner - I Just Died In Your Arms
Tonight... ain't about death...
Actaully, this is the last track..
Taylor - Walking Man
11:00 am Holly
Near Edge - Uh Huh
And then
Simon - Let the River Run
10/23/2010 10:49am I was awakened at 4 am, and immediately tortured. These
idiots like to make fun of the Hague, and they inspired me to write a cover letter that
won't be published that sums up the case very nicely. Despite the torture and attempts to
make me minimize and ignore things that are of egregious crimes and obvious implications.
Particularly when explaining why I stand behind my claims these people are Nazis, and
explain that I do not say that lightly or without documentation.
Winston - Summer - 09 - Hummingbird
Went outside yesterday and started realizing that all these birds and
squitrrels were encircling me, and I encouraged them to talk to me, and though I didn't
understand, I told them to go ahead and use me to talk to the people of the world... and
the sounds and songs and squirrels got louder and louder... I never know what to think of
things like that when they happen... even saw a hummingbird.. and I invited a
Peregrine Falcon to fly over to another tree to a place across the sky at the top of a
tree, and he didn't but a little Nut Hatch did the flight instead... To amuse the
psychotronics sickos.. I talk to the bees, and they seem to listen to me.. dedicated to
Clint Eastwood.
- Positivity
Riperton - Perfect Angel - 101 - Reasons
I picked that one, the mouse landed between two songs... so I looked at
the titles of both, and they were copies of the same song. God must want us to hear it.
Listened to it.. last night's Bible reading was all about places to gather
the saints and those in need of reconciliation.. surrounding Solomon's Temple and all
sorts of maps... noticing all sort sof things I couldn't possibly explain in this.. these
dyas, I read one place in the Bible, get tired of the violence, and then flip to another
page, and the story continues, and then another and read a few more verses.. I think I
read lots of Kings last night... Jehosophat and Hezekiah and.. that was the best part...
He and Job, 15 extra years.. I said it would take 16... but that's close enough...
This just started playing
Mitchell - Turbulent Indigo - 10 - The Sire Of Sorrow (Job's Sad...)
If Joni Mitchell ever asks, tell ehr my answer and shared faith with her
Mitchell - Shine - 10 - If
11:38am The psychotronics guys have been torturing me since the last
entry.. and then when they want to prove their power while I listen to music, they have me
click thru so there's no "magic songs".. so I go along to amuse them...and this
song came up, and as I explained to them during the CNN psyops when they told me I would
have to expose all my "sins" if I wanted to survive the media attacks of the
Skull and Bones, I played this song... my answer then, and God's this time...
& The New Power Generation - Diamonds And Pearls - 06 - Willing And Able
which led to this...
Collins - Testify - 04 - Don't Get Me Started
and leads me to this:
Ocean - Tear Down These Walls - 04 - The Colour of Love
Something about when you dye your hair, your hair's that color... and
gray hair and being far away...
Warner - In The Waiting - 04 - God Is God
3:55pm The tooth torture has been going on all day since 4am... the
psychotronics guys asked me to include in this weblog the fact that they love serving the
Nazis, and that they enjoy destorying my teeth, using psychotronics and dews to slowly
extract over and 8 year period of time, with two teeth being destoryed at this time,
others being affected, after spending nearly $16000 to have the DHS desdtroy them... with
dentists.. and now torture. They told me to tell you tha tthey enjoy doin gthis because
this way, since I'm "going to sue the dentists", their words, the people of
Shelton might as well get their money's worth in extracting my teeth by torture so they'll
at least get something for their crimes, assuring me all the while that they are above the
law and laughing at me.
Shelton, Christmas Town USA... what country do you pledge allegiance
10/24/2010 6:36am Awakened around 3:30 am.. obviously the U.S. Government
is using sleep deprivation and full-time torture to disrupt me further. It's not bad
enough they bankrupted us and have attempted to kill us many times. The tooth torture
started nearly immediately.
Meanwhile, they don't like the report I'm writing for the Hague. I don't
blame them. Too bad. I was recalling when former CIA agent, MSNBC analyst and opinion on
everything you can imagine, Rick Cain, was on MSNBC talking about "protecting their
assets". At first I thought that mean protect Olbermann and MSNBC, given that my
torture increased and I was extremely harassed by psychotronics to successfully make it
impossible for me totake in the news, whether because of torture or because of sick
poersonal aesopian remarks made by announcers to purposely scare and harm me. Then I
thought they would be protectuing their phony minister and sex trap artist Pastor Melissa
Scott, who appears to be in selected markets across the country where cities and states
use lists on the web to identify people designated for death squads to put hits on through
the Weed and Seed program/Neighborhood Initiatives/Faith Based Charities. And let's not
forget, I have video on more than a couple phony U.S> Government ministers soliciting
money from Christians who are being targeted.
Now that I've been thwarted in contacting Atty General Jerry Brown
regarding civil and rights violations in Claifornia, I am now being tortured to not write
the report ot the Hague. And I'm assuming the assets the government wants to save are the
states and cities where they manipulate certain people into communities that
systematically kill them on behalf of the Nazis in the U.S. Government. I can prove that
in our case easily, Rochester, Chehalis, Eatonville, Olympia, Shelton....
I'll also be asking the hague to consider Ruby Ridge, Waco,
Oglalla/Wounded Knee and the case of Cheryl Welsh.. mindjustice and CNN in 1985 as
background for my case. It will also include former CIA intern Anderson Cooper (CNN)
denying the existence of psychotronics regarding the case of Arlen Specter and Ira
Einhorn. France will appreciate my input. Also to be included is charges against the
federal government regarding the cover up called the Church Commitee, and the money the
government would have paid me if the program had actually been ended.
And then I'll let the Hague investigate my father an AMPEX. And then
there's Jack Welch and Space Holdings.... GE/Universal and Collusion with Time
Warner..... vis a vis Ted Turner. Ted, it would have been cheaper to let Hale give me a
writer's contract at Capitol.
I'm glad I grew up learnign to drive on the worst road conditions
possible. When those people take the "rollover" position on the highway, I hope
they know if they blow it and actually try it, their vehicle and their body will still be
there as evidence of their attempted murder... I got tons of video tape, and the
clock on obstruction keeps ticking....
I might add, nice try, DHS on the response to Chuck Baldwin.. notice how
when people are the real deal, they give out good advice even in the worst situation. Tell
Janet and Gates that the psychiatrists they used at GITMO must have been crazy to accept
the job, and the proof they were quacks and perverts is that they took the job.. and tht
should tell the public that the U.S. Government employs perverts and quacks to do its most
damaging psyops against its own citizens.. as the covert genocide continues. I think the
pasrt they dislike most in the letter to the Hague is when I accuse them of covert
genocide agaisnt Jews with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, heavy metal blood poisoning, nanotech
and psychotronics just like the Protocols say...
Long time ago, I used to collect remnants.
And there is no mystery to me why the United States Government does not
want me to attend churches and talk to other people about God.
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 04 - Only Mama Knows
I saw McCartney come up on the screen, and thought, Oh no.
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101 - Reasons
Lennon - Instant Karma
Just like the Iching.. cycling thru and event or pattern. weird.. I was
worried about another bimbo event, but it seems tobe subsiding. I was just saying to the
psychotronics guy that if you act like a bimbo, you get called a bimbo.. sort of like
calling people Nazis. ANd since the government wanted me to saythat Nazi stuff, call it
all a conspiracy, the United States Government better learn finally tha tmy
audacity is that when yu back me into a corner and force me to take the hard line, I say,
okay, and I will never retreat on that position. Never. Never Never. So, DHS, what other
facts do you want you psychotronics guys to press me on in order to get me to have you all
taken to the Hague. Careful what you ask for.
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 12 - Conversation.mp3.m3u
PS. I got to the computer this morning, looked down while waiting for it
to boot, and read this.. reminds of that Trotsky stuff. Trotsky or Machiavelli, like the
Clintons and Bushes love... doesn't seem to matter.. the message is the same... it's just
the spin put on it to terrorize people with stereotypes and lies... and to think the
Council on Foreign Relations affiliates had Trotsky write it.. paid him to do it.. and if
you mention Trotsky, you get in trouble.. you must be a Marxist, unless you're quoting
Machiavelli, and then you're a smart American (not U.S. Citizen) Now, Norah, about Cindy
Sheehan and the idea that Hugo Chavez is a dictator... kind of says something about the
U.S. Presidency, doesn't it?
BE IT KNOWN, then, that there are two ways of contending, one in
accordance with the laws, the other by force.
The first of which is proper to men, the second to beasts. But since the
first method is often ineffectual, it becomes necessary to resort to the second.
A Prince should, therefore, understand how to use well both the man and
the beast. And this lesson has been covertly taught by the ancient writers, who relate how
Achilles and many others of these old Princes were given over to be brought up and trained
by Chiron the Centaur; since the only meaning of their having for instructor one who was
half man and half beast is, that is necessary for a Prince to know how to use both
natures, and that the one without the other has no stability.
Machiavelli - The Prince
If I had read this or Trotsky at Harvard, I would be a history expert.
Since I read it on the web and got it in a 50 cent book, like the officer in Olympia said,
I don't believe anything I read on the internet... he must watch NBC Nightly News... but
he tried to make me out like I was crazy when I brought up psychotronics and CNN.
Nonetheless... this thing from the Prince is what the Rhodes scholars
know.. the governmental types like Bill Clinton and Wesley Clark.
I was looking for a quote, and accidentally came across this:
This is the meeting where Jimmy Carter agreed that citizens were not
qualified to make decisions in electing officials.... and thus, Chinese Democracy, Guns
and Roses... what if there was a war, and nobody came... (talk about entendres)
"ALL THIS IS TO BE done in the interest of creating a more
peaceful, more productive world community. I have no hesitancy about judging its wisdom
and the results of its actions.
"It also suggested that it would be helpful to IMPOSE PRIOR
RESTRICTIONS ON THE PRESS and to restructure the laws of libel to CHECK THE POWER OF THE
"I've suffered as greatly from an abusive press as any man
in public life, but I get an itchy, uncomfortable feeling at the base of my spine when
someone suggest that government should control the news.
--- Barry Goldwater 1979
Cyclical or encyclical...
Nyro - And When I Die_live
Daniel Nahmod - Different Me - Very First Day
Don't have it online.. I was just thinking about explaining the pardigm
the Bible told me last night, and that song fits the thing perfectly.
Go overseas, get everyone mad at the United States, get them all to the
United Nations, have a general assembly, and when they all complain about the U.S., and
when they do, I rip em all, and then everyone goes around acting ashamed for awhile..
That's what reading Ezekiel will do for ya. Funny, isn't it, Barack addressed the
General Assembly like I wanted to. I would have declared peace.
And then this song came on. This one's not online either.
Temptations - Ain't Too Proud To Beg
I was telling God a while back we needed to get him some new music to pick
from... better make sure the AT&T bill gets paid. Speaking of the Temptations, how
bout Todd Rundgren - A Wizard, A True Star - Ooh Baby Bay, I'm So Proud. Of course, not
online. Anything For You came on. Here's my reply.
Estefan - Cuts Both Ways
That one applies to lots of people.
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven
I picked the last two.
- Day By Day
10/25/2010 6:19am Awakened around 4
Los Palo ALtos, The Tall Trees... like John Kerry said in 2004, my mother
taught me that the tall trees were cathedrals... I disagree, for reasons o fmy own.. bu
John, just cause my dad was in these organizations like Neighbors of WOodcraft.. I think
he was keeping an eye on them, just like me, now, as in Jeremiah 16:17
17: For mine eyes are upon all their ways: thyey are not hid from my face,
neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.
18: And first I will recompense them their iniquity and their sin double;
because they have fdefiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with their carcasses
of detestable and abominable things.
I was reading last night, the words of Jesus in Matthew, and decided that
for all intents and purposes, I had actually done the job I was asked to do, basically
asking the united States on God's behalf who they actually choose as their leader, and the
answer God was given as usual in his annointed lands, is hope and men.
I keep thinking baout the scriptures, almost like God being frustrated,
saying to His people I'm going to deliver this land to you, and unfortunately, just like
the people you've overtaken to secure it, you will become like them, and I will have to do
to you what I have done to them. Leave them to destroy themselves. Just as in Jeremiah.
Only I don't blame God for forsaking this country... like Jeremiah errantly did, as in his
own words, Jeremiah saew it right before his own eyes, and still did not see the evil he
was particpating with... like those in the COuncil on Foreign Relations..
I read Chuck Baldwin last night.. about how he stood for civil rights
during tthe Clinton Administration, and Christians and conservatives rallied around him.
When he criticized Bush for the same things, he was ostracized by his own people.
So I was thinking about what the meaning of the tall trees was for my
father, last ight and this morning, thinking about all the things I might have noticed...
last night wondering how to explain the"gnashing of the teeth" thing for the
Hague, only to turn to scriptures the last 3 days talking about gnashing of teeth...
including this morning when attempting to seek guidance for God in the face of the
thoughts and conclusions I've come to...
I read last night from around Matthew 13:31 through the 19th chapter...
This morning, thinking about those things, believing that I have done what
I was asked to do in this country, I opened the Bible to see what God would have me think
about, and turned directly to Jeremiah Chapter 17. My Bible says it's about the sign of
the unmarried prophet, concluded)
Verses 15-18 seem to ring most true, for my observations and apparent
actions of others, and
15 Behold, they say unto me, Where is the word of the Lord? let it come
16 As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee;
neither have I desired the woeful day; thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was
right before thee (in front of and correct)
17 Be not a terror unto me: thou art my hope in the day of evil.
18 Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded:
let them be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil; and destroy them with double
When a military misssion is over, it's common for the army leaving the
theater of war to destroy the weapons and shelters and all of the defeated people so they
cannot easily or quickly respond to retaliate or retake their territory. The Illuminati,
the anti-Christ, have done this with nations and empires for thousands of years. They're
doing it to the United States and a few other countries now.
Long ago I talked about elected officials who knew they could not stop the
corrupt in the government, but believed it was important for them to stay in office,
believeing it was better they remain in office, being a good guy, than giving their seats
to someone else willing to try. I say the same is true in most leadership in the United
States, from politicians and media to law enforcement and ministers... and it's happened
because of memo 46, pollution and politicizing of the churches, and people leaving
eveything up to everyone else. I could say the same of myself, except, when asked the
question, what did you do when it was most important?
I just looked at the Bible to see if I could see something all of a sudden
like it happens when God has wisdom for me. This time, of course, it said Jeremiah 18: 2,
Arise and go down to the potter's house and there I will cause thee to hear my words.
I already did that. But then, the Potter's lived on Nelson Road in Scotts
Valley... on Lockhart Gulch... by the Kaiser sand and gravel pits...
Makes me think there's a greater message for me about the Smother's
Brothers vineyards and winery just below and on the hillside in front of Bethany Bible
College... Vine Hill Road, up around Idylweiss... St Clare's Retreat and all.... which
would lead us to Loma Prieta and home of the
Brothers - Listen To The Music
Carville: about the matrix and interrelatedness... still need me to
The old RIAA consultant and his psyop friends have been hassling me about
all the nearly 3000 songs I have online... focus group, eh Carville?
After I file to run for the presidency James, and I leave the coutnry, people will say
I gave up. I say, it will mean I won, and that what I just said doesn't mean what you
think it means. But tell Landmark I now know what the mean green meaning machine really
is... and it ain't a good thing, and it will not be Universal for long. I bet you really
loved theAdvanced Course, James, you know, all that talk about national boundaries not
being real, just arbitrary lines on a thing we call a map.... another bad Illuminati
translation of a prophet.
Lennon - Imagine
When I used to produce the advanced course, they told me I had to be prepared to lead
the course in case something happened to the course leader. I said, okay. I produced the
advanced course so many times, I knew when a single distinction was left out or spoken of
out of sequence... And in Washington DC, the center manager said I WAS the Advanced
Course. Last time/first time I saw Werner was at the New York 20/20 event, sitting next to
Harry in a booth... aiding and abetting.... I only knew what he looked like because
of Priscilla's autographed picture in his office. Talk about not letting go of the past :}
I was thinking about that bogus emai/astrological forecast I got from
Astrology.com/AOL/Yahoo, the one about not throwing my life away, and that these people
have long memories... ain't nothing like the long memories I'll be telling the Hague
about. What was that James.. This is it, ss.html I still have that, ya know...
packrats are like that... I keep wondering what my dad left in his tool shed. I bet the
NSA knows....
Jeremiah 18:7 At what instant shall I speak concerning a nation, and concerning a
kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it.
8 If that nation against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of
the evil that I thought to do to them.
9 And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to
build and to plant it.
10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the
good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.
I remember the Wachovia commericials. There is wisdom everywhere, just as there are
apostates, hypocrites liars and worse in the form of politicians ministers and leaders of
all kinds. It's hard to tell thedifference anymore.
I'm glad I read the Bible, to know that I was serving God, and that I was serving a
truly loving God. I wish I hadn't because of the sense it made of my life. But at least I
accomplished learning what Christians claim to believe in.
Interpret that as you will.
& Messina - House At Pooh Corner
- When I Fall In Love (62)
Jones - Feels Like Home - 09 - Humble Me
Frampton - I'm In You - A01 - I'm In You
Wherever I go next....
7:15am Needed to hear tsome music.. Earl Klugh - Moonlight dancing, then it was Mike
McDonald - Hey Girl, as I turned in the Bible for some more guidance and turned to:
Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion.
- Grand Illusion
11:22am The psychotronics guys just decided to impress upon me how, if I
file charges at the Hague, that Hillary Clinton has authorized it to be bombed. I'm
assuming two things. First, it's another of what I call a sick Biblical joke, the
delusionals working for the United States Governemnt and the Council on Foreign Relations, their death squads,
where these sickos set up situations and make threats in person and through psychotronics
to emulate the Bible and in this case, that wherever the Son of Man, and whoever helps
him, will be harmed or there will be war. The son of man was to come to settle those wars,
not be the subject of them or the reason for them. So, again, their delusions betray THEM.
Second, these psychotronics guys only make such threats if they already plan to do them,
and want the victims to believe they did something wrong to cause it.
I have other work I need to do right now. The Hague should take this
threat seriously, and I will file charges, because I take this seriously, regardless
of the lack of intelligence of the people who are contracted to the United States
Psalms 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion.
4:45pm Lynn is in bed today, obviously being zapped into sleep... I've, of course, had
continuous torture, and the taunts continue about how these perverts are above the law,
and how they're going to destroy my teeth... the good news is, psychotronics and their
applications are no mystery, and easily proven.
The case of Victor Cho at Virgina State, NOVA, will make an excellent example of the
kinds of things FBI profilers Cliff van Zandt, MSNBC,
an other profilers are very good at... setting people up to have a particular criminal or
obsessive mental disorder, using pyschotronics and government contractors to harass people
wherever they go, and no matter what they try to do. Tell me I'm lying Cliff.. with
a lie detector and psychotronics on you... and then we'll ask the question, how many
people have you and your friends sent to prison or killed with your perversity? You'll be
asked that question in a lot of venues. As will be your colleagues. It's why I plan to use
a great eal of the GE/Universal assets to aid the innocence
project in freeing your innocent victims, and restoring the lives of those you were not
able to incarcerate.
I was given a hard time today for suggesting that the United States has been violently
overthrown by its own government. My life, and the life of Lynn, and the lives of
thousands of people I know of, and millions more who don't know their government is
systematically eliminating people who will not go to war for profit, aggression and
empire, are examples of this genocide,
mentacide, rape and torture to get people to comply. But even if they did, I assure
you, the torture will not stop.
Anyone who particpates with or cooperates with these people will be just like the
citizens of Germany, who, after the war, took no blame for what their country did when
those being murdered were found.. they just said, it wa sthe government. The problem is,
like in the U.S. the government is their own, and their responsibility. When the world
views what the United States is doing, they will not separate the citizens from the
government. It didn't work for the people of Iraq, or Afghanistam,
or Japan, North Korea, Lebanon, Gaza,
or anywhere else.
As a Jewish Christian being murdered by my government I say
Top - Jesus Just Left Chicago
Hermits - Listen People
10/26/2010 6:39am Awakened a little after 4 am... last night, as usual, the guy who
calls himself buttfuckman insisted on proving he could keep me from reading the Bible and
break my connection with God. He did not, though it was disruptive and I don't appreciate
perverse language and purposeful disruptions to violate my right to freedom of religion. I
think I know who this guys is, and he's fairly new on the case because he's reviewing all
the files from the beginning, and goin gthru them, and trying to use the same psyops used
to debilitate that CNN used to try to harass and intimidate me out of taking legal action
against them, and to make it impossible to watch the news without being subjected to
psychological operations by the national news media.
The othe part of the ploy here was to use Rachel Maddow's example of some pervert who
converted to Christianity and extremism after his conversion, and to make me feel
intimidated, like I was going to be made out like the BT Killer Wolf Blitzer reported on,
a sick serial killer wanting to be caught, and the snaggle tooth murderer who was sent to
prison for 20 years for a crime he didn't commit, and was later found to be innocent.
Besides shutting me up and givng me intense pain, it also nmmakes me look poor and
indigent, unintelligent and not likely to be taken seriously by police if reporting crime
about psychotronics, for which the police have been trained to place people with such
reports into an institution for observation.. thus state sponsored terrorism, torture,
aand silence while genocide is accomplished. Just like Germany.
The other thing of course is to cause me to write reports here, in this crime log and
weblog, to make it appear I'm schizophrenic, manic depressive, obsessive by writing about
the same people - the people committing the crimes against me and their accomplices... and
to add the BFMAN stuff to make it appear as though I'm perverse... a standard psyops
ploy. And of course, as I stated, to get me towrite about things I can't necessarily prove
with forensic evidence, but can with anecdoctal and a history of such crimes tat will not
be ignored.. including the ones that are documented, and will make the psychotronic spart
of the case easier because the civl and human rights violations are obvious and
enforceable, nd will force the discussion of psychotronic swith no harm to the rest of the
And of course, the "sex stings" were to further enhance the image of my
suppsoed obsessions and sexual perversions...
I'm writing this because I want to give the people here the truth about their crimes..
so tha tif they continue to harass me and threaten my life everytime I go out to run
errands, I will have no choice but to file charges against them, and make it stick. New
people being elected should not consider themselves as being "shielded"...
Finally, I want to thank the United States Government for being so perverse and so
defiant of the idea that the opinions of the rest of the world don't matter, and that the
United States is above the law. And like with Hillary, she can't authorize anything but
a verbal attack on the Hague's credibility, just like the Dems argued for and Bush
argued against the International Criminal Court
because he said it would be used for "political reasons".. and it is.. by
politicians preventing people from seeking justice there. But I will, since the Democrats
and Clinton signed a treaty giving it authority, unconstitutionally or not, as if this
government cares about the constitution, that George W Bush called "a god damned
piece of paper."
Cliff. que sera....
I looked down, it's open to the book of Moroni, Chapter 1 verse 2 For behold, their
wars are exceedingly fierce among themselves: and because of their hatred they put to
death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ.
Chaldeans or U.S. Government? Read the Protocols. The answer is BOTH.
Now, tell the research department in the production department that I'd like to know
why the Bible says these things are in the prophecies and writings of certain people I've
never heard of, and they're not in the Bible. And how come there isn't a standard Bible
that gives the words of God in blue or some other color, so we can see the words of Jesus
in Red, and some other color for God so we can recognize the words and ways of God like
Jesus was trying to tell us to do all along. The answer is God. He's more important than
Jesus. Jesus said so.
Also, send a word to the DHS and their insane Mengele shrinks that their ploys won't
work on me.
Taylor - October Road - 12 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
I expect I will, with the paperwork in
- Back In Love Again
- Lucky Star
I know od's trying to tell me soemthing here, sometimes it just looks like someone was
planning the next stage of a psyop, one that I recognized long ago, that didn't work.. but
I hope that those love songs apply to someone and gives them some inspiration.
- Chain Reaction
Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion.
10/27/2010 7:58am Woke up around 4am... Of course, the psychotronic sguys statrted
harrassing me about criminal reports, and a few more things they think they'll be able to
use as proof of crimes I didn't commit, but will prove major corporations were involved in
using pyschotronics against me, as well as people doing psyops while posing as my friends
and business associates.
Of course, I worked some on an outline for my report to law enforcement and the Hague,
and they wanted me to because 1) They want to try to control what I tell in my
reports 2) They like to take whatever I write and commit the crimes I dare to
mention and do them to us again and again.. aand that's why they'll be convicted 3)
They want to intimidate the State of Washington into silence and continued organized
murder schemes.
When I stopped, they immediately started tooth torture, using the one that they
loosened 8 years ago and instructed dentists to allow to further loosen, three teeth are
now loose, and the $16,000 paid to repair them by 11 dentists
was apparently part of their reward for silencing me and assisting in our murder.
Keith and Hillary should be very proud of their work to destroy my teeth and make it
impossible for me to talk properly or get a job in my chosen professions... among other
things... it's very painful, having teeth slowly extracted over the course of 8+years...
but like the government psyops people say, as they're telling me now, Keith, they're
oproud, they like doing it..
Which reminded me of what they told me last night while torturing me before I tried to
read my Bible when they said "The DHS, on
behalf of the U.S. Government says "Fuck you God"".
Can't wait to hear what the Bible store and a couple certain churches in Shelton will
say to defend what they did in conjuction with a church in Glendale, that obviously
checked out Lynn in part of the PMS psyop. At the time I was considering going to Glendale
for one of the "special services" with a ticket Lynn had available, Lynn ended
up leading a Peace Alliance event in Burbank, a few miles from Glendale, and it appears
that event was set up by another EST graduate, on the board of the Peace Alliance... gave
the good church the chance to check out their intended victims first hand.
Jones - Feels Like Home - 04 - Carnival Town
- Magazine U - A04 - Magazine
Bailey - Chinese Wall - 205 - Children of the Ghetto
Ravi Shankar, Lynn's High School and Earth Wind & Fire.. what will the
cryptoplogists make of those connections :}
Burdon & The Animals - Sky Pilot (Extended)
Mancini - Pink Panther Theme
12/28/2010 5:58am The other night, I was reading Leviticus.. all about how much to
value people by for their dollar value... got tired of converting sheckels to dollars.. I
get bored reading stuff about money, killing people, destruction of the planet.. gets a
little old... if only the U.S. Government felt the same. I sat there wondering why I had
to read that part again. And then realized it was God's way of telling me to think about
how much it will cost to free the slaves.... alot... which I'm sure it's why the Bible
says the government and corporations guilty of this Nazi scheme will go down by way of
lawsuits, and how the Nazis wil be defeated by a peaceful movement.
The government has successfully psyopped me, harassed and tortured me into missing this
election cycle.. like I said before, I'm sure it's to set me up so Hillary and the other
criminals can claim plagiarism at some point.. the good thing is, it'll be easy to
prove the conspiracy. And that they are guilty of much worse things. I'm just sadthat I
was forced to miss info that could have saved lives.
I was reading a few nights ago about the sign of when the winds blow from east to
west.. can't honestly say I remember if it was in Ezekiel or Revelations... yesterday
morning I was sittign in the living room, looking at the clouds to see if it was going to
rain, and realized the clouds and wind were blowing to the east. God gets me to read
these things, anymore, in time to witness the signs, now that I know to remember them...
I kept watching the clouds, seeing the look of chemtrails, and noticing what seemed
like dirt or smoke in the clouds coming from the northeast... made video of it all,
wondering if there was some hurricane drawing in the air for more power, if a bomb had
gone off, or the jetstream was so affected that it dipped so low that the weather pattern
completely changed...
The choppers have been flying so low, the house shakes...
The deadly rippling effects of the PMS psyop continue... all you ministers out there
better be told to get out of faith based charities and neighborhood inititatives, and kick
out the members who are part of what is truly satanic... that includes associating with
the Council on Foreign Relations and the media...
By now I would hope certain apostates who have particpated in psyopping me and so many
others realize why God hates apostates, and what He promised them. If they had ever read
the Bible, they would have known they were particpating with the devil, and if they were
to read it now, maybe they would realize why He made that promise.
It's easy to say that you don't pay attention to the news, that you were tricked, all
those sorts of things, but when you go out of your way to harm people, it just doesn't get
any more basic than that... can't be justified.
The moon looked bizarre yesterday too, as the convergence/conjunction proceeds... all I
could think of was Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon", and the guy who
insisted I listen to the album in discrete quad sound, the guy who was a catholic,
unmarried, claiming to be married to a woman named Mary... just like Bob Vestal did..
getting a letter from her every once in awhile... and like Bob, asking Raul if she was in
a mental hospital or something that would have them not be together for so many years...
the song's not online... I think God's demanding some more uploads... tell Carville and the RIAA I hope they got good lawyers who want a new
Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder (Dis - 02 - Learning to Fly
People keep signing up to follow me on twitter... wish I had something new to tell
MGB for themorning, from the Mormon Bible... Jacob 1:7, but I'll start with
Jacob 1:6 And we also had many revelations , and the spirit of much prophecy;
wherefore, we knew of Christ and his Kingdom, which should come.
7 Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them
to come unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into His
rest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not enter in, as in the
provocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the
KOKid and his friends should be able to relate to that. And the rippling effects of
torturing people.
Since the BFMAN and the DHS are trying to tell me what to write tright now, what I call
what they think of the citizens of the United States, I'll just leave it to them to
prove it to you with their criminal activities in the government and in the streets.
Sometimes I feel bad to have to bust all these people.. and then I think about what this
country used to stand for... I stand for that... and I will never feel guilty or
responsible for what Barack and his friends do.. and the legal means for an improbable
victory that will prove there's no need to CHANGE the United States, but changing
America... just throw em in jail and lose the key.
The other night I swore to God about something, and I meant it.
Boone - You Light Up My Life
I keep doing this typo, called instead of United, I keep typing in untied... back to
Feliciano - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
- Positivity
Evidence for the prosecution. Sesame Street works good sometimes. Maybe
this was ABC.
Ahrens - The Best of Schoolhouse Rock - 13 - Telegraph Line
My favorite song by Michael Jackson
Jackson - Thriller - 203 - Human Nature
And part of the reason why I liked him so much.
Jackson - Earth Song
Stills, Nash & Young - Find the Cost of Freedom
6:43am I glanced down after closing the weblog, and saw the book of Jaconb
on another page expresisng what I really feel this morning about the world, and the
actions of the United States. This pretty much says it all.
Jacob 2:6 Yea, it grieveth my soul and causeth me to shrink with shame
before the presence of my Maker, that I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of
your hearts.
Something about making the scriptures relevant to the world today.
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 04 - Light of Love
7:16am I was just uploading, looked at the directories in my system
online, and creation 2012 was removed. Now I understand why they didn't want me watching
th enews. Can't wait to find out who stole what I wrote this time. The contest is off for
anyone in the national media or Weed and Seed types. And thanks for letting me know the
United States Government is defiant of the Hague and other world authorities. There is a
log of edits to the site. The psychotronic sguys have been trying to get me to upload the
whole site again lately, now I know why. To cover their crimes. Tampering with my web
site, again.
I swore to God the other night, swore I'd do something. Consider it done,
1:11pm Lynn just went to the store, being tortured just before she leaves.
The psychotronics guys do that to her to ge ther upset inattempts to harasss her with
other vehicles to cause her to have an accident. Record this as one more attempted murder.
And I know who's doing it. The people she finds surveilling her all the time.
I have one other note to make to something very clear: I consider myself
and Lynn to be held here against our will by means of fraud, illegal containment,
economic distress, physical attacks by dews and more.. further, as for me, if this was not
the case, I would already be living in California, and Washington State does have
responsibility for our safety, and since they have refused to respond as the law requires,
I consider them accomplices. Further, I do not hold the State of California responsible
for the treatment I receive while outside of its borders. Further, that improper actions
by the State of Washington in licensing of vehicles has caused me additional financial
Now, any lawyers out there who want to nitpick, go ahead. It makes no
difference. But for those who want to claim I can't run for political office to play a
joke on me for asking Barack Obama to provide documents proving residency and
citizenship.. a simple legal requirement that should not bother anyone to prove.. it
should be a simple thing. And I've been receiving mail in California for months. Anyone
involved in these criminal actions against us who file any complaint about me not being
eleigible better realize it'll be followed by a RICCO investigation.
The saddest part of all of this is that I'm not a litigious person, and I
may dislike having to do it, but since you people are so intent on killing us, at least
what I'm doing is legal. And I'm going to enjoy making sure those people who would
not back down get what they requested. So serial psychotics on the road, in the government
and on psychotronics... that's part of what I swore to God I'd handle.
10/29/2010 5:40am awoke around 4am A really bad day yesterday with
the torture.
I was reminded this morning of how the goernment claims its psyops will
cause even the most stubborn people to not care aboout the activities of the government.
Like I told Brokaw, under any and all conditions, and that's
me quoting him. BTW Tom, that guy who got arrested for sending you 30,000 emails to clal
you a liar.. he was right.. and I'll ebt the same people who took over my email servers
and spammed everyone I now of who was on my web site, as well as me.. I'll bet your
spammers did that psyopp for yoy.. given you're on the board of the Council on Foreign
Relations. That spamming is what had me originally call Patty
Murray, the Washington
State Attorney General's office, and what had me make my first formal complaint to the FBI
in 2002.
I've saved thousands of these spams over the years because I can prove
they are context sensitive to my personal private conversations, things I have written on
my web site and weblog, and more... and I know I backed up the mcafee log showing an MSNBC
client in Jamaica hacking my computer via modem. The one that had MSNBC get an email from
me telling them to tell their clients not to get in the middle of it all, as I was doing
my best to make sure your advertisers were not harmed.
Keith Olbermann.. the MO is to have me become familiar with people, get a
poositive impression, and then later, they zap me. With you, like you siad, you came onm
MSNBC in 2003, and I thought, this is the most honest, objective newscast on tv,
I'll put my attention elwsewhere while always enjoying seeing you throw your
"copy" into the air... in 2008, when you sucked me in, you might remember it was
done because I was getting complaints in the household ofpeople being tired of being
psychotronically raped, and not by anyone here. You already demonstrated you have
everything on my computer with Tompkins and the Cosmos and Alanis Morrisette and acertain thing I
wrote that I claled crap inmy weblog when someone tried to dictate it to me, and I wanted
to seee what thegovernment was trying to influence me to say.. and it was crap.
And that's when I wrote to Barack and Kennedy, took the pictures of
hooking into the Senate fax receiver... I wrote to Barack via the media link email, and it
was immediately afterward no longer available on the web site in 2008. Anybody who claims
my email was tampered with to prevent contact will be proven a liar by the words of the
people involved as they spoke them on tv and radio.
Now, I get hasseld to watch the news, and then when the time comes,
psychotroncs are used to prevent me from watching, or I'm soharrassed I can'tabsorb the
info,. And this is just like when Iwas about to bust CNN, and they told me they were
through playing with me, an to go away, and I said I didn't have to, so I was zapped into
Just remember, for every thing I can't prove, it doesn't matter, because
what I can prove carries so many federal criminal charges this little stuff makes little
difference... and like you and Rachel have pointed out to this man in a room with a pew...
20 years for each count of conspiracy... at least you proved you know the laws you people
break have penalties...
So when the psychotronics guys tell me how proud they are to be Nazis
serving Satan, I believe them,and know they have no excuse for sending death squads to
kill us.
Someone tampered with the door on Lynn's trailer, causing it to not close
tightly, by removing a rubber gasket from around the door, and the lock is becoming nearly
unusable. More days of work to be done, now, becuase of crimes to prevent us from
leaving... all supposedly just misdeameanor malivcious mischief.. but Federal crimes
nonethelesss, because of the MO pattern... and the results it causes. And Keith,Lynn had a
stroke because of directed energy weapons used to kill her. It will be an easy case for a
jury todecide.
This guy, Keith, you guys get kicks out of calling the Buttfuckman
thinking I won't say it for fear I'll look bad.. he's caused me a great deal of
physical pain, and they torture Lynn to try to force me to do things they want me to do...
just like they torture me if I don't write things they want me to write to set me up for
criminal and mental illness claims.. it won't work. And I'll have lots of witnesses to
claim their children and pets have been harmed, just like Al Gore particpated in killing
my dog Jesse... I can prove it. And look forward to it.
Al, like you Keith, is one of the people I respected and gave my support
to, until I found out you were perverse traitors.
Under any and all conditions. Tom tell your CFR religion experts they
can't trip me up, and the Bible prophecies will be fuulfilled, and all the money you
murderers and thieves have will be useless in the face of the hatred the citizens of the
world will have against you people. And your phony ministers will end up reading the
Bible over and over looking for justification, and they will find their justification in
their knowledge that their actions betray God, and will be the reason they will go to
hell. It's as simple as that. And Madeleine Albright is a perfect person to lead them
It's a good thing psychotronics exists, if only to be able to easily prove
that everything I just said is true.
So, tell me media people, what do you have against God. Like Cho
said when you all set him up, you have all that money and power, and youstill had torture
him into killing those people at Nova.... when did that become funny to you people.. and
when did you decide it wasn't your responsibility as citizens to stop it.. unless it's
true, you wouldn't be anchors on the news if you weren't loyal to the Council on Foreign Relations. So you people
chose to betray the United States long ago. You're traitors. It will be proven. God picked
the right person to represent Him at this time of the world.
You ought to try writing, like i am now, with someone causing you with
psyhotonics to jam a tooth into your jaw and nervers of other teeth, using the pain to get
you to use your tongue toreposition it so it won't huurt... its's called psychotronic
torture, and it'sbeen done to me for 8 years, ever since I read a passage in the Bible
about gnashing your teeth.. like I told Dobbs and Crossfire...
When Ishow the videos of the death squads on the highways, I'll be able to
show they are playing "bullfight".. just like the 1985 Del Gado report on CNN. And the evidence for
when these 5 vehicles attempted to box me in and stop my vehicle on the highway a while
back, it will be shown as an emulation of videos shown on CNN of how terrorists in the
Middle East surround a vehicle in order tokidnap or kill the occupants of the vehicle they
And there are numerous reports of the government, and individuals like
Barack Obama, who hired police departments to harass, incarcerate and violate the rights
of everyone from people carrying signs, to Amy Goodman, trying to cover the news...
special security people to silence their politicla opponents. I'm told the people in
charge of killing me and Lynn are with XE/Blackwater. They
tell me, and Rachel inferred it.
Lynn was talking about claling Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution... Pat
is truly inspired by Lynn. Based on what I saw, other fundraisers were trying to emulate
her... and made fools of their apostate phony minister Hollywood productions. I caught it,
she didn't.. I researched it too.
But liek their cohorts say.. some people are more spiritually advanced
than others .. especially when referring to Melissa
Scott and hilarious givers by another government phony minister, also claiming friendship
with TD Jakes and TBN. Que Sera.
I am being tortured now to not say that this butfuckman, who likes to get
his name in the weblog like serial lkillers love, that he jst checked in by torturing me
to remind me he's in control. ANd like McCain, the united States doesn't torture anyone
under their control. He's a liar, and this guy IS the focus of what I swore to God...
He thinks it's a way toget targeted individuals to make it apersonal
challenge to take them on and get them, as the DHS and government claims you can't
prosecute unles you know the specific individuals and technology they use. They're wrong,
but this guy wanted me to ask the jury for the death penalty and thinks the united STates
Government can get away with it by claiming claiming national security.. this guy is very
wrong, and I swore to God that after I was through, I'd make sure he was identified and
those people like him would be tracked down and prosecuted. That's what I swore to God,
and Imeant it, and by the wya, buttfuckman, it's at the bottom of my list of priorities...
because people like you are peaons.
For the record, I wrote all that to appease the sicko the U.S. Government
hired to supposedly break me. He claims to be an agent of the DHS. No matter what, all
these people are "sanctioned" by the government. And the plug will be pulled
onthese people soon, and the antennas on their vehicles will make them easy people to
find.. they're in your neighborhoods... locate the antennas that you rarely see
elsewhere.. photos to be posted after the reports are sent to the Hague.
Someone said they were going tosave America.. I'm going to save the
U.S. from those trying to save America. Because these particular "Americans"
don't think o fthemselves as citizens of the United States...
THe McCarthy hearings weren't really about communism, they were about
expelling the traitors of the COuncil on FOreign Relations, quickly turned into a
blacklisting show trial to silence those who knew the truth of the Fabian Society, the New
WOrld Order, and the perverseness of the peopl ebehind it,.. THe Rockefellers.
BTW.. the Rockefeller FOundation sought
out and invited the Peace ALliance to ask for a 25-50 thou grantto help pass the Youth
Promise Act.. so they can incarcerate more young black people... a cheap date for the
Rockefelelers doing a memo 46 onan organization whose activities will prove the purposeful
harm done to Lynn by certain people associated with the Council and Barack. And wait
til Yunus finds out why Lynn is no longer on the board of Grammeen, despite his promise
she would always be on it for introductng him to the United States... and training the
Executive Director of Grameen USA as an employee of Results under Lynn.
Supposedly, Barabara Sands propositioned a cameraman from CNN after she
went to work at Results... and I think that cameraman was in my seminar at Landmark led by Nancy Ross, and she was
flirting with him - and on the last day, she said, sex is enrolling, as she lifted her
blouse and exposed her breasts to the entire group in the seminar. I think this
proposition was to establish she didn't know the guy before. I think that's a lie. And it
was the same seminar landmark used to make me look a womanizer because I asked a woman out
on a date.. and then was told not to talk to that woman afterward.. she worked at NOVA...
disassemble... they tried. Lots of weird stuff happened to me, and Lynn in DC, all
centered around Landmark Education... Results, and interactions with the government.
So when I decided to become politically active, Clinton and his friends
were already working on us, long before we moved back to Olympia.. The weird part is,
these people doing the psychotronic work knew the truth of their crimes, and chose to
continue to commit them against innocent people.. and so, their perverse setups and raping
people and killing them with medical assaults.. they have no excuses.
One of thebiggest things this guyhired by the media and government wants
is to find out if I have the evidence i calim to have.THey know i do, but this guy
doesn't.. and that's why I'm waiting to leave this area to compile my reports.. because
these people see wht I do as I do it, and I want out of the rangeof these people. And
asssitance from police and government whilein this state, Washington, would mean turning
it over to people who have their own crimes to cover in the case I have against them. Just
remember, people, you're the criminals. You people told me from day 1 that I either prove
it was happeneing or I would be tortured til I died, and you were going to kill me.
You're the criminals.
I look forward to the day of justice, and finding out how many Nazis have
infiltrated this nation, and at what levels. And the United States will have a
presidential candidate who may have to leave the country to find justice.
Barack, your phony ministers were the destructive distraction, and you got
off easy with blaming Somalia instead. Even doing what you did to Somalia,
you and the Clinton,s will be part of the crimes that will be listed as part of this
conspiracy. ANd don't forget, what Somalia does in its own legally recognized waters is
legal.. especially when countries like ours dump nuclear waste in to the waters off their
shores to kill the fish, and the only source of food to alot of people, as the U.S. uses
the U.N. to starve them to death.
Transformation.. no... tranceformation... psychotronics... the Bible says
you'll never admit to anything Barack. No wonder.
Gyra - Morning Dance _ live
Frampton - I'm In You - A01 - I'm In You
- Purple Rain_single
8:11am Extreme torture continues, and Lynn is having an extremely painful
morning.. and this buttfuckman is purposely triyin gto mae this about me being obsessed
about him. I said earlier I appeased the DHS sickos with what I wrote... these people have
tried to set it up like I'm some danger, violent or something, and the idea that I relate
to the psyops that were done to Victor
Cho by NBC and the U.S. Government, should mean I'm dangerous.
After 8 years of torture by people in the State of Washington, harassment, damage and
more, it can easily be concluded that the only dangerous people in this situation are
those working for the government. And to Ed Holm, there's nothing worse than a bad cop and
a dirty prosecutor... and to the cops out there who ARE honest, all I have to say is,
instead of protecting dirty cops and politicians, you should take pride in busting
them instead. That you don't and protect them under the guise of law enforcement is worse
than treason.
DHS, the only personal challenge I had in this whole thing was to inform
citizens of truth, and i knew very little back then, and I had no complaints against the
state of Washington until you all decided to put pressure on and try to convince me that
you believe murdering your fellow citizens is justified for any reason... and I
still say Palin is a front to cover up the death squads while they finish their work, and
allow authorities to identify "conservatives" so they can kil them like they've
tried with Lynn and I. Magnet wars.
The tooth torture was just accelerated. Tell Rob
McKenna thank you. And tell Barack and the Rockefellers that I will not under any
circumstances willing make further reports to any authorities in the State of Washington
in order to provide a basis for a cover up for the Nazis. All further attempts to
stop us and to torture us wil be documented and used against you. Screw your illegal laws.
Since the torture is continuing this moment, I'lll take that as the further arrogance of
the U.S. government and the State of Washington. Oregon and California are next, and I
already have prosecutable evidence on them.
& Dave Matthews - Love Of My Life
CC - Wall Street Shuffle
Stones - Ruby Tuesday
Thank your guy for continuing the torture on behalf of all the decent
citizens of the United States who will be freed from slavery no matter what the
conditions. And Rockefellers, excuse my French, fuck you.
Note on the cowards: Lynn reported a red truck and a red jeep
harassing her yesterday. I know who you are, I have your licenses, there are 3 red jeeps,
I know them well, I have video... and I know where the red truck came from.. and the
ringleader on the island who lives down the road are their best friends. The guy down the
road will have to use the matrixc defense. My claims are against the federal government,
they keep giving me more, and it all goes on record against Barack. And they'll spend the
rest of their lives in jail as peons. BTW The other CNVC trainer on the island only lasted
here 3 years. Between them, Lori and Adrian, and some other folks.. it's an easy case to
make. Besides the guy who ran the bulldozer, who tried to warn me about these people, who
I later discovered was surveilling me as well. And his boss, who said he got a lot more
sleep when he moved his led clock away from the bed. My led clok.. I use it to tell when
I'm being attacked by microwave... it buzzes.. and it doesn't even have a speaker, as far
as I know... it's just a clock. A cheap one. From Wal-Mart. And if it does have a speaker,
all the better. Acoustic sound is acoustic sound, and electrical hums are electrical
hums.. the same like I got in Los Angeles, which also made funny ring tone sounds when I
accessed the internet. In my motel room.
4:05pm This is how screwed up the sick rapists and muirderers of the
United States Government are.. I'm being tortured right now.. to day I started working on
Lynn's trailer, adn they decided I should do something else, and tortured me to prove they
could make me do what they said their way... and they tortured me all day long, and
they're proud of it... they just said so... and I didn't get even 1/4 of the work done
that I needed to do today. God damn the United States Government.
6:21pm The U.S Government and the local perverts have successfully broken
th elock on Lynn's trailer. One thing I'll be adding to Auschwitz in America is how the
government tortures me as I eat, and has for at least a year if not 2 years... and it's
not just pain from the teeth, or even just the pain from the tooth torture they purposely
give me... so all you serial perverts celebrate... and Barack and all you sicko
traitors... you'll get your day in court Barack.. and so will all the living presidents.
So challenge yourselves some more, prove what great people you are by using military
weapons to covertly kill your own citizens, and then tell the world the United States has
the moral highground, and I'll be the one calling you all a bunch of Nazi liars. And I can
easily make the case.
Glenn did it for me. Ted Kennedy did it for me. Jimmy Carter, GW Bush, HW Bush, Reagan... they
all decided to torture people covertly for decades.. talk about sick perverts... Why DO
you people want sick genocidal criminals for heroes?
At Work - Who Can It Be Now
Bonoff - New World
God picked those.. I pick this one...Daniel Nahmod - So the World May
Hear.. not online.. but this one is...
Nahmod - One Power - 01 - One Power
PS The psychotronics guys arrogantly tortured me to mention how they got
into the front yard and pulled the tarp on my trailer for sole purpose of reminding me
they are above the law. They're wrong.
10/30/2010 5:29 am I was waken up this morning approx 3-3:30 am and
painful torture began immeditely, along with psychotronics. When I am through, the Hague
will know all the perverse ways the U.S. uses to trap people into mental institutions,
prisons, and how their death squads kill people covertly - the U.S. government and its
death squads are the most pathtic displays of cowardice ever.
Remember Napolitano and Barack, when I rpeort to the Hague, I'll be
telling them all the perverse things you do and say - and all the perverse remarks made
about Jesus and God and Muhammad and all the Christs like Abraham and Moses, who were
friends of the Muslims who are not the Chaldeans, the people in charge of the United
States are the Biblical Chaldeans by blood.. but this only refers to the people of the
Rothchilds... a family that thinks it actually deserves to own this world because they
claim erroneously to be of the blood line of the descendants of Jesus... and not the 12
tribes of Israel... Zion... Psion, Scion... look it up, it's wha thte
bUsh family and all the CFR leaders believe they are more or less. But I want the world to
know how perverse these people are, because like DObbs said in his lie about Iraq, they're
sick and they need to be destroyed.
DHS, want to arrest me for that? Better arrest Dobbs for perpetration of a
public hoax and worse... include Jack Welch, CLive Davis
and a bunch more people wo are part of the conspiracy that is reality of the Nazis making
moves for their 3rd military war to dominate the world with death squads. Take the psyops
perps off the air. All of them, and try them for treason.
When Bush said
terrorists would use codewords to talk to terror cells, they aesopian toward people
like me, but they also signalled the death squads as the psyops were set up and ready, so
their closed circuit viewers could have fun killing people, raping people, and enjoy the
snuff films...courtesy the United States National media, and their friends in many of the
locals.... wannabees who are just easy pawns to use..
God damn the United States Government. Remember, the Hague knows about
6:42am The psychotronics guys were torturing me, trying to prove they
control me 100% with psychotronics and dews and torture, wanted me to read the Bible so
they could make more perverse remarks about God and religion. I wasn't in the mood. So in
boredom, I picked up my quote book, a TIme Warner publication of course, and turned to a
few quotes.. I don't remember the order...
First, To Jimmy Carter, The New World Order, regarding death squads and Chinese Democracy. Remember Jimy, if you go carrying pictures
of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow.. Jimmy...
This is what the death squads do.. and why God's pulling the plug...
The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the enemy
tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue.
Moa Tse Tung, January, 1930 Selected Military Writings of Mao Tse Tung,
from a letter to their Central Commitee on guerilla tactics.
It looks like I'm going to quote these quotes in reverse order.... THese,
by the way, are the same kind of quotes, from this book, that I used to trade with Dobbs
when he quoted Teddy Roosevelt, one of his favorites.. and this one time, Malcolm X...
Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again;
the eternal years of God are hers;
But Error, wounded, ewrithes in pain,
And dies among hos worshippers.
William Cullen Bryant "The Battlefield" 1883
Hell is truth seen too late - duty neglected in its season.
--- Tryon Edwards 1891
Cleanse the body of this nation
Through the glory of the Lord.
Henry Scott Holland 1958
The first quote i saw was this, I think.
The composition of this book has been for the author a long struggle of
escape, and so must the reading of it be for most readers if the author's assault upon
them is to be successful, a struggle of escape from habitual modes of thought and
expression. The ideas which are here expressed so laboriously are extremely simple
and should be obvious. The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the
old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of
our minds.
John Maynard Keynes The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Interesting. I was tlaking about Keynes years ago, and von Hayek.. and how
Keynes was against trickle down economics and von
Hayek wrote the Road To Serfdom, and was the basis of Friedman's trickle down economics that Reagan aand Barack agreed to
for power. And like Roosevelt and Wilson, actually sold the United States, and didn't
bother to tell the people of the United States.. what a new deal...
Gotta play this.. ya'll are...
Harrison - Brainwashed - 12 - Brainwashed
to benefit....
CC - Wall Street Shuffle
while the media covers up the crimes with
Henley - Dirty Laundry
and people like Rep John Hall of Orleans do this
- Still The One - 12 - Business As Usual
Jones - Feels Like Home - 01 - Sunrise
7;15am I was getting harassed by a pickup truck one day onthe highway in
Olympia, and saw a sticker on it that said beware of fred.
Check this out, just listened to it, from the KAHS days.. Curtis Mayfield-
Freddie's Dead. I can relate to that one. Not online. Never really liked this one
Mayfield - Superfly
The DOD uses them to spy on people. Really, robotic flies with cameras and
microphones. I keep wondering about the bees listening to me.

10/31/2010 7:16am Awoke around 3:30am WOndering if someone on the east
coast has been assigned to me to cause sleep deprivation, and to harass and troture me for
hours as if anything I say while being tortured can be used against me, and these are
illegal depositions if that's what they claim.
This morning, it was sort of civil, except for the tooth torture, as someone continually attemoted to talk me
into removing materials fro the web site, and based on the edits don eby other people..
and how I log on to post my weblog and it says there are 3-9 users on my ftp login, it
tells me someone is monitoring the site, and erororing out pages as people ask for them, s
that when I look, they're still there.. or the opposite, to waste my time doing lengthy
uploads, and to claim I changed the website... knowing some modifications have been made
to my current rev via tempest or promis type of software used by the government.
This morning, like often was about taking off materials and giving a free
pass to the apostate in Glendale, even though the one who did the Anna Nicole Smith imitation looks like the woman Brit
showed on CNN, who later appeared on MSNBC, and she could very well be the one in the
videos on ION for some of the songs... morphing her face in. Of course,
I saw the one in Glendale who also was on te ION broadcasts for afew times, seeming
to also show a member of the choir sitting in the back next to an old man. Hollywood or
real? I think Hollywood. I think the reason CNN and MSNBC showed that particular Pastor Melissa Scott, one of them or not,
was to get me to write to MSNBC or CNN and to once again try to
make it appear I was obsessed with her. I have pictures of some 5-10 different
Pastor Melissa Scotts of Glendale... from video and her website.
Regarding her, please undersand, she's just a small potato in the 10+
years of the U.S. Government destroying my life... right now, I'm only counting
since 2000. THe detailas of her inviolvement are simple and easily proven, if only by the
lack of evidence at ION, who did not respond to request for verification of her
broadcasts, althought thye acknowledged my request for information I am legally entitled
to under the law, without warrant. For any reason I want. Or any reason that anyone may
Furthermore, these government idiots spent years destroying my teeth, and
now say they'll destroy them if I don't give up the case.. problem is, they think that
makes me afraid. It ends up incriminating the government and the dentists and doctors they
used to murder me. More evidence that cannot be refuted.
And let's keep in mind, all this time, I've been asking to settle this
through communication, and I can prove that the state and federal authorities have
monitored this weblog, and done more psyops and harm to me in response. So don't tell me I
should give up, don't tell me I'm vindictive.. ask the police how many crimes victims are
vindictive. ALl they want is the crime to stop. And to have their lives back. They
think that destroying my front teeth, whch were purposely shaved and made irregular in a
way that can easily be shown would cause more pain and suffering, would force me to file
law suits in the state of Washington so the crimes could be suppressed and covered up, and
the people in charge of these criminals would have the ability to steal the evidence and
throw it out of court. And force me to become homeless, living in a
state that has demonstrated they are particpating in our murders. With weapons they have
prosecuted Boeing over that the State proved were lethal. Military weapons deployed
by the military and local citizens...
Weed and Seed, Faith Based Charities, Community
watch and Neighborhood initiatives... with your
neighbors having those strange antennas that nobody else, except the other tweakers and
murderers, that noone else has,and that indicate a tie in to police and government
communications systems. I have documented their involvement, as well as the scarcity of
these vehicles with this communications equipment. I also have video of the mercenaries
hired, their vehicles, faces and equipment.
It's quite a situation, not mine to resolve, but certainly mine to end.
Because of government officials who are going to be proven to approve the murder of their
own citizens by death squads and covert military weapons. If I was a professional
law enforcement person, even if I was involved and determined there was something wrong
going on, I'd be the kind of professional who'd know how to handle it and bring it to an
appropriate conclusion. But now, all I get are threats, disruptions, Lynn being
tortured and used via psychotronics to contain me... these idiots want to convince me I'm
a traitor for wanting to report all this to the Hague.. I've tried every law enforcement
and legal authority since 2002... so these guys want to play this game of keepin gus
here just becaus ethey know we want to leave, not by choice but by force, but to bankrupt
us first, they keep us here, damaging our private property, refusing us our rights,
refusing vehicle licensing and then tampering with the vehicles... and they think that to
save my life, I'm going to stay here, file charges and malpractice suits that don't begin
to cover the harm done, and would probably give them a pieceof paper saying there was no
criminal liability. Talk about blackmail and extortion by the government.
And ya'll think, to save your butts, that Lynn and I should just die
because you people are better people than us.
I just got more tooth torture for that. I was just told there would be
more of that. And that's why I have no problem with the idea of leaving it to higher
authorites, and that means God and the world.
And no amount of torture will cause me to fail to do what I told God
I would do, or stop me from bein gloyal to the constituion and the pledge of allegiance.
I'm not a traitor. The government is. I can prove it. And all I need are my teeth, a
few scars, and my testiclee destroyed by directed energy weapons. the body of my dead dog
and cat... and I was looking in the dictionary last night, and accidentally happened on
the word thalamus... as in thalamus stroke.. and it;s a rare stroke, I say hits by the
Federal Government usin gdews...and it isn't what her doctors said it was, and the damage
to the tissues, that are still sore, that would lead to the part of the brain affected by
these weapons/induced stroke, are inconsistent with a stroke, abut are extremely
consistent with purposeful attacks on her brain with military weapons from the U.S,..
miltary choppetrs that often hover around th ehouse, and buzz us all the time to threaten
us. As with thousands of other people. And Lynn's supposed to be applying for a program of
doctors studying these rare stroeks.. and the medical records she sent them... I couldn't
convince her, thanks to psychotroinics, to allow me to copy them before sending them via Fedex (GE) or UPS... how convenient for the government. On eof the
records the hospital sent her wa sfor another patient. And the last time we fedexed
medical records to a doctor, they never arrived,and Lynn gave them the only other copy of
the originals.. from a doctor who I will have to check, but was switched out to an FBI
agent using psychotronics to be told what to tell Lnnn... I'm pretty sure the people
I videoed elsewhere included her doing psyops against me. That place, after I told
them I was guarding evidence and would take video if I noticed a crime, a conversation
because of a perp infiltrating that medical institution, installed lights and a one way
security window in the area I also parked. And I have video of it all.
So.. I didn't ask to be in this position, Lynn certainly didn't, and just
tremember, Keith, when you decided to suck me back into things for the final setup to
silence me, the reasons I did it, and the way psychotronics was used to supposedly
hang me out to dry....
You people blew it completely when you infiltrated the Peace Alliance. Followed by the murder attempt on Lynn with the
stroke. I'm not even convinced she actually had a stroke, knowing that her pain level
increases everytime she tries to enjoy herself. Just like I'm tortured when I listen to
music and try toenjoy anything at all.
Given the pattern of the way these things go, If I write about or note or
collect evidence and mention anything in this weblog, these sickos do it more and more to
prove to me that if I don't keep quiet, they'll torture us more with the same torture I
Keith, I hope you get the same kind of medical care Lnnn has had. I hope
you've enjoyed being the MSNBC point man to psyop us to lead our taunted and tortured
I'm sure, as always, you'll have something to laugh about in all this,
because I know all of you Nazis believe you're above the law. You're not.
Horton - Sink the Bismarck
Lennon - Instant Karma
- Lucky Star
Like usual, God did a great job picking the tunes.
PS As for the rapture.. read Thessalonians 4:17 last night. I still
disagree... and I never found it in Revelations 4 like the phony apostate said.
Psychotronics and dews are not the rapture of God, it's government sponsored terrorism and
murder.. the prophet simply interpreted the vision incorrectly.
You ministers out there who think psyops and weed and seed is a good
thing... wait til they do it to you to shut you up, before thousands of people
prosecute you. Read your Bibles, wake up, and Huckabee, do the right thing. The report has
room for you too.
What a calamity. And it all appears, according to the Bible, to be
calibrated to happen the day I exit the country. PMS was a huge betrayal of God, and any
minister should have known that.. no matter what the reasons. She says she was
commissiioned to Save America. In my book, that means paid off to cover the tails of
the Council on Foreign Relations. Hope the
commission was good. Synagogue of satan.. if anyone says anything bad about them,
run from them. I'll never forget that one.
Morissette - UR
Going out today to run errands. Cant wait to video some more Nazis. The
deal is always going to be on, no matter what, for those who showed they had some respect
for the idea that there was more to know in this case. I don't break my promises to those
who keep theirs. It's a serious thing, don't ever think I take it lightly. Those people
should continue on that course, knowing I'm not taking any more such gestures as anything
else but deception. But for those previous people, my promise stands.
Cousteau se finis.. at least for me. And the fake coyote noises don't fool
me. BTW Check the Bible. the dogs are you people, not me.
According to the reading last night, we're about into Revelations 22.
Abba -
Is Ferdie the king of Saudi Arabia yet? Managing a pizza parlor in
the middle of the desert in Riyadh sounds pretty good right now :}
8:15am They just started extereme tooth torutre, and theye threatening to
torture Lynn all dayu to prove they'll keep torturing us as long as we don't remain
silent. And you wonder why I call them Nazis. Tell McKenna he's got a problem to
clean up, and it ain't me.
8:17am These people think it's so funny to get me to write this, and their
shirinks from GITMO think they can set me up to make it look like a
crazy man.. as they tell me my brother will be killed.. when this is done, I'll show that
at least 2 attempts on his life have already been made, and the guy he thinks is his best
friend is a perp. Now, U.S. Government,think you can beat me in court? Cowards. Nazis ARE cowards. ANd more tooth torture..
like I said, these people want me to write this, and buttfuckman is on the psychotronics,
and Keith, you'd better tell these idiots they don't stand a chance in the court of world
It's over for all of you Nazis, and the worse it gets, the worse it gets
for you. Barack.. thanks for the confession.
7pm The tooth torture has been nbad all day, but it got worse a few
minutes ago when the psychotronics guys decided I should write some things I don't want to
write. Then, when I didn't give them their way, they gave Lynn extreme pain.
I'm not going to go into what I saw today, when I visited a few churches
today and was a cross between disappointed and disgusted... I have to assume the
Government wanted me to see this to demoralize me AND to attack and alienate the
churches... I'll get to that later or tomorrow. Otherwise they're proud - as they torture
me more to suppress what else I'll say - to torture me more now to play a reverse
psychology game.
Another situation - Yemen. Always remember that just because something
came from another country it doesn't mean the nation sent the bomb. And just like the
Zarqawi and Bin Laden announcements in 2004, perfect timing, isn't it, just in time for
the elections....
DHS and Obama... this entry is another example of humiliation and
extermination... think about it.. and then some day, when the Hague shows the videos I
shot today to tell the world why the U.S. is like Nazi Germany before World War II... the people you deceived will understand.
MacGregor - I've Never Been To Me
Truth is my religion. My practice is non-cooperation with evil. Ghandi
Look up the word acquiesce.
The psychotronics guys once again tempted fate and lost when they
wanted me to do an MGB, and all I had in front of me was The Prince. For those who have
copies of my library, turn to page 30, paragraph 2, which ends with....
But thinking it beneath him to serve under others, with the countenance of
the Vitelleschi and the connivance of certain citizens of Fermo who preferred the slavery
to the freedom of their country, he formed the design to seize on that town.
11/1/2010 7:03am Woke up around 4:30 or so...
A few years back, Lynn asked me why I always talked about Dobbs and
Matthews and other people, like I was obsessed, and I told her I wasn't obsessed with
them, it's was just that they were the people - the media as a whole - enabling government
corruption, and also were involved in the crimes against us, so my talking about them and
thinking about the way they do things allows me todefend us and at the same time, allows
me to continue working to make progress despite the fact that the government has cut off
my ability to communicate with people, and I was purposely forced to use the website as a
means to communicate, which I later realized was a standard ploy in psyops to giv ethe
government and media material to claim someone was one of those crazy people writing a
rambling, manic depressive journal.. like other targeted individuals... when they were
actually telling truth.. but the examples they give are targeted individuals liek SIrhan Sirhan who were completely taken over by psychotronics and
didn't know it.. couldn't understand it themselves, and thus, the appearance of
schizophremia. Now called schizophrenia.
Some might think I write all this stuff, like righteous indignation -
deserved or not -and think I'm sort of acting up, acting out, even actually believing that
just because the Bible "Jesus" or some rophet orwriter should do something, that
I do it like a Koresh or someone believeing they should emulate
ancient Biblical times or structures, the garb of old Biblical figures like people would
For me, it's been a mixed blessing to not know I wasChrist all these
years, I got to live my lif eand do things and have certain thoughts and beliefs without
having to conform to "standardized beliefs"... I got to speak and write
about my political vieews and Democracy without actually having read the Bible, only to
read the Bible and realize my political views were nearly 100% consistent with my
spiritual views, an becaus eof psychotronics and Norseen's thought insertion, and the
ability to block out memories in real time so that I couldn't remember what I'd read in
the Bible, I ended up relaizing that all the thign sI was talking about and trying to
achieve, some most my life, were consitent and are consistent with Biblical prophecy, my
identity and more... and it always surprises me when I read the Bible and think, I've been
doing that for years...
I think about things like how tI've found at least 3 places in the Bible
where even Jesus says the "Son of Man" would not have the name Jesus...the
Second Advent of the Spirtit of Jesus as "the leader" of the church... So
I drive down the highway, see Gethsemane Ministries, doing good work, no criticism
intended, with a sign that says "Jesus is the Answer" with a quote from
Philemon. Jesus had the answers, and for that reason it's important tha tthere be an
identitty difference between Jesus and the spirit in the second coming, to make sure
people truly understood what Jesus stood for, to have someone to explain God AND Jesus to
people again, to get things back on course, and to provide a means for people to know
"Jesus"when he returned, just as Jesus realized noone recognized him because
they did not remember the actual ways of God. Just like Moses speaking of Jesus, Jesus
spoke of how to know his spirit in the second advent...
And the things Jesus said in Gethsemane would
have a person who actually reads the Bible know that even Jesus said the answer is God....
if you think I "pound" on these issues to prove myself or because I'm a zealot,
read the Bible and understand why in the second advent, I'd be more popular with sinners
than Christians.. and it has to do with open mindedness - non-judgmentalism - and the
willingness to not take a position, listen to all sides, and respect the liberty of God..
just as God said Christians would be the Laodocians in the end
times becuase the devil would pacify them as if religion was an opiate of the massess..
turn the otehr cheek, but kill off your enemies.. contradictions and hypocrisy... and the
ministers who go along with the common line, don't seek the truth and remain objectie
become known to God as apostates becuase they faield to kepep their promse to not pollute
his word and message by acquiescing to the anti-Christ. Believing you can make a deal with
the devil. Like allowing government psyop perps to be in and lead your churches... or
refusing to read the Koran and understand people you've been led to
believe are your enemies, and actually are not. If you read the Koran, you'd find that
Muhammad gives power to everything Jesus ever did and said, and was supportive of everyone
including Abraham.
The ask yourself a question, and be willing to tell the truth.. who
started the aggressions in other nations and why? We did, oil and power and money. We're
not the only ones, but we're the primary aggressors at this time.
Churches, in God's way, were supposed to remind us of our principles and
values, not rallying us with our fears into evil acts supposedly as desperate acts to
defend us from those we've harmed. An eye for an eye was rejected by Jesus, self-defense
was not. Commiting a crime and then claiming defending yourself with other egregious
crimes is not self-defense.
God's day of justice is not about revenge, it's about justice.
THe psychotronics guys, in their attempts to persuade t continue to be
stupid enough to believe there's a reason tothink I should get a job and try to survive
here included - why don't you get involved in the churches here... start here... and I
say, I don't want to create ties to this are a right now for obvious reasons,
including being denied health care, and even being harmed by doctors.. on purpose.
I really loved visiting with a man from the Kingdom Hall in Olympia when he'd stop by every
Thursday.. so it's no wonder the day I went there to see him and get assistance, the
government set it up for thigns to happen so I'd go when the whole church was in Tacoma at
a conference... and then I went to the Quaker Church right
after... trust me, a jury will believe how that was set up... and I really believed that
when things got rolling, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons would be my best friends.
So yesterday, I needed to run some errands, and the psychotronics guys
convinced me to go around and look at the parking lots at the local churches.. something
I'd reluctantly thought I'd end up doing before leaving anyway.. and I honestly believe
they wanted me to do it that day to demoralize me.. yesterday, that is...
There's a new church on the island I'd been watching being built, actually
was waiting for their doors o be open so I could go and speak to their minister,
counseling and more... about half of their parking lot was filled with the psyops people..
rapists and murderers with the government death squads... a woman assigned to tail me onmy
way off the Island had her children in the car, obviously made late by my time of
departure.. I let her pass me, and followed her to that church, her kids in the car.. and
me wondering, what is this woman teaching her children on the way to church.
Something about the golden rule... and these people would have me and
others believe they have nothing to do with the rape and torture, but they have everything
to do with the particpation and operations with the death squads...
So I drove into town, checked out the church I thought Judith was going to
introduce me to, now a homeless shelter and resource center, because that church got
a new church shortly after particpating in the psyop against me...
I went to a few otheres..because it's located in THIS town, I was
concerned about a place that supposedly trains future ministers... I went to a few others,
and then I went down to the Kingdom Hall in Shelton, the one
where I went to get help a couple years back, and to talk to them, get counselign and
hopefully get their help in getting medical and dental care, and to talk to the elders of
the church.. and got hit by a dew and ended up leaving, believing then, as I believe even
more now, that they did a psyop trick on me.. and their parking lot had maybe 25%
psyop vehicles in it.. Milton had told me that JW's don't get involved in politics, and I
respected that when he'd visit, and we'd share our Bible studies that week since i'd seen
him, and he gave me a disk of photos and things of how the JW's were doing great work in
Kenya, like we were doing in Lospkop.. only they did thigns on a bigger scale, and they
don't believe in "rice christians".. so I was shocked because I couldn't believe
that they would allow people doing such things in their churches... and I can't help but
notice that yesterday, there was no security guy outside with a headset monitoring
the entrance... like there was the day I was harrassed... he could have been inside
Went by another small church I've bene attracted to for years, ever since
the James Taylor song mentioned St Christopher's day... never could find a historical
reference about St Christopher, other than a story of a man
lifting a child across a river, who was so heavy, it was like he had the weight of the
world on his shoulders...
Psyop vehicles I'd recognized as harrassing me frequently. I can't help
but wonder if these people ever considered, if I'm such a bad person, why don't they want
tme to go to church? And then of course, I have to think that if these are the kinds of
people in the churches these days, I don't want to go to church. And to think, I never
went to that church because I was concerned that if I did, the people who went there might
be harmed.
So, once again, whether you believe it's me or not, when the son of man
returns, it's no wonder that Christians would think he's the anti-Christ.. because like
God himself said, I'm going to give you the promised land, and unfortunately, I know that
you people will become just like the people I had you prevail over, and I'll have to do to
you what I had you do to them.... defensively... and typically that menat leaving
them to destroy themselves because they would not listen and realize they had actually
abandoned the ways of God.
If I was a minister in one of these churches, and understood the promise
they to God and realized what they and their congregations were involved in, I'd sit down
with these people after church and inform them of their apostasy, hypocrisy and evil, and
let them know that next week, anyone particpating inthese evil acts was no longer welcome
in the church, woudl be identified as evil groups in the next week's sermon, and that
civil rights charges would be filed against them and their employers immediately, and that
the people they weere surveiling and harrassing in those churches, the reason for the
psyops people infiltrating the churches to garner support in the churches while continuing
the harassment against their fellow church members covertly....
Freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and then take
an inventory of the odd crimes people have experienced, and let them know th tno matter
what they tell you, they're not crazy, and someone like me could verify that the bulk of
what they're saying is true, or could at least explain the illusion used to detroy their
lives. As as your witnes, could provide a layman's explanationto a jury that would be
supported by experts far more knowledgeable than me, people who worked with it, developed
it, invented and understand its evil application. And the miracle it could have been. Lynn
was disabled by it, and could be completely rid of pain by it. Psychotronics.
There's a church in Santa Cruz I was planning to go talk to.. meant to for
years for some reason when I lived in Santa Cruz.. I'm assuming
one of the reasons I'm being prevented from going there is because I noticed that their
victims assistance programming was beginning to be approached by local police to
particpate in these things.. and I was going to set them straight.. while seeking victim
assistance in reality... and I have no doubt the local affiliated church has already told
them about me.. like I'm a bad guy.. the same Catholic Church
Judith was associated with in town... and I still plan to set them straight...
There's a certain 7th Day Adventist newspaper owner 'publisher I once did
an audio loop of Hail To The Chief for at KLRS who said he owed me a favor for doing it
for him.. I think his last name was Regan or Reagan...
I have an interesting relationship with 7th day Adventists.. first, like
Jews, they believe in celebrating the sabbath on the 7th day... second, one whose husband
became a 7th day adventist church who gave me L Ron Hubbard's book on Dyanetics.. I never
read.. her friend in Crescent City, and a woman I knew from the Maple Creek days who was
into Edgar Cayce and ESP and things... like Boylan talks about... there are about a dozen
more aspectsof that story I don't care to disclose at this time, and I doubt the FBI would
want me to, having to do with a guy they busted once that I barely knew.... who took me to
Bridgeville one day... saying more might identify a government informant in activities I
actually agree with...
Yersterday I compared with Lynn, I wanted to se if I could figure out when
psychotronics was used for monitoring, when dews became in use, and when psychotronics
became a tool to manipulate people's thoughts... the line of demarcation of thought
control happened around 1975 or 1976, from what I can tell, maybe as early as 1973 for me,
as a I recognize how the government was setting me up back then to try to control me so
I'd be the "compliant Jesus" - peace at all costs - they'd want me to be so the
Illuminati could remain in power... whie I ignorantly played along like some
ministers and Popes do... content to be a famous religious leader, I suppose... Lynn
even had a school principal assign her an assistant, because every piece of electrical or
electronic equipmernt she used broked down... and in that same time period, Ira Einhorn was convicted of murder after attempting to warn people
of the CIA's use of psychotronics... his attorney, Arlen Specter...
they tried to use the same psyops on me as they used on him... and noone I knw of has
explained why, when they arrested Einhorn, they went straight to the closet where his
girlfriend's body was without asking any questions... meaning the CIA was directly
involved in his girlfriend's murder, and it appears he was trying to preserve her body as
evidence.. just like I buried my dog in a way so his body could be exhumed later, to prove
he was murdered by directed energy weapons.... just like if Lynn died and had an autopsy,
it would be proof of the lethal attacks on her brain with dews... but since she's under a
doctor's care, such an autopsy would not be required by law. Isn't it convenient, they
give her astroke, lie to her about the supposed stroek which is actually a DEW
injury to her central nervous system, and becuase they thought I had no executor
privileges over her estate and no money to afford the autoppsy I knew would prove it was
murder... a perfect crime by the United States Government. She gave me her will in 2007
before a trip to South Africa. 2bad4u guys.
Kryptoman told me one day that the hardest time I'd have is getting
Christians to believe I'm Christ. For the same reasons I had concluded previously.
Kryptoman died for a while years ago.. long before he was rubbing elbows with the CIA in
Thailand and listening posts in India and crash landing in
Saudi Arabia as part of the Air Force.. I thought he told me he was army before.... these
intel guys.... His mom was that exec secretary for the Atty General of Washington State.
the guy who gives me the good religious books... Kryptoman's the guy with the friend who
says he's a government assassin and would kill his grandmother if the government told him
to.. though I think he's changed his mind about that in the last few years... something
about mountain dew and signs forbidding the government access to his property, strange anti-grav aircraft and... what sounds like an internment
camp on the canadian border with Washington State...
Kryptoman died for a while back when he was in high school, and said he
hasn't taken this world seriously since, given what he saw, and wouldn't explain.. He's
(semi) retired now.
So I guess the bottom line today, for these local churches anyway, is to
check with the Hands On Museum and the Dispute Resolution Center.. ask the people who have
been on WIC, and people around the world who want her involved just for inspiration.. and
then ask your congregation why they are involved in murdering her. And if they can
somehow jstify it, then by all means, file a police report, and understand why, if you
allow them to control your church through their particpation, understand why the report to
the Hague will include you as proof of Nazi tactics by the U.S. Government.. because it
is... ANd then please read the parts in the Bible describing what an apostate is..
it's not necessarily an evil person, but someone, for example, who allows evil people to
influence the church in order to not lose people in the church... a popularity contest..
that does not serve God, and has you not honor your promises as ministers to Him. In other
words, you're not serving God, you're serving yourself and Satan through acquiescence. And
that makes you a criminal accomplice, knowing of their egregious activies and not putting
a stop to it in your own domain.
Knowing of sin vs knowing of capital crimes is quite different.
Given what you all know about psychotronics, I dare you to place blame on
Lynn and I. And I dare these people to deny they particpate in murder and rape. And while
you scream for constittuional amendments to end abortion, you disregard the 10
For the record, I want people to know I was not there yesteday to identify
individuals.. I'm recording patterns these days. With little exception, I hope I didn't
cause the true Christians alarm, and at the same time, I hope I put a little fear of the
law in to the minds of the criminals.
Can't remember right now what I read in the Bible last night... I'll check
that out later. Time for a break.
Bond - 1971 Diamonds Are Forever
- God Is In Control - 11 - I Know You Know
CC - Wall Street Shuffle
God really picks em. I gotta listen to these to hear what they say.
7:21pm Right after writing the above, Lynn woke up complaining of extreme
and abnormal pain, and she recovered from that some, and then was immediately hit with a
bad psychotronic attack. Meanwhile, I'm having ahard time understanding, especially
a tthis point, understanding what these idiots think they're accomplishing by torturing me
with tooth torture, which is destroying my teeth.
Meanwhile, the idiot down the road who's trying to set up the illusion tha
tI havesome hostility toward him and need, for some reason, to blame for what I actually
know he's done, and he's so unimportant to me in this case but has made himself the focus
of things I barely care about... but he constantly sets thing sup with people around here
and ends oup being sostupid, his traps trap him.. like today when he came to the house,
acting like he was being friendly, and all the while aesopian, like he's done befor, about
things the Hague will hang him for, because he implicated himself in the most perverse
things said and done in psychotronics... things that are better left for court.. and not
in the state of Washington... for reasons previously stated.
Meanwhile.. someone came into the yard and moved the tarp on the roof of
my trailer that was protecting it from a leak I need to repair, damaging it further...
they did that 3-4 times today, and they get Lynn and I to go to places in the house...
actually, mostly, they get Lynn to want to talk to me - ina n area of the house where we
can't see the front or back yards while they harass us with dews, psychotronics, and
damaging the property. I'm in one of those places they like to have me while they damage
things... at the computer...
It'll be a good day when people understand the true perversity of the
United States Government. Pedophilia is nothing compared to what they do covertly.
Apparently, nobody cares when politicians do it publicly...
To all the people who are being coerced or forced to accept national
security letters, regardles sof a supposed threat to national security, remember the
biggest threat to national security is your faith and hope in the corrupt people
destroying this nation... the government... and it's perverts it hires to murder people.
Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - Pass It Around
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 09 - Run Like the River Runs
Franks - Soul Mate
Barack.. when your friends cut corners and hire keystone cops to cover
your crimes, the result you'll get should be obvious to even the stupidest Nazi.
11/2/2010 Went to post the above, the website had been changed and the
areas for the government letters, showing I made complaints o appropriate officials was
gone, including the directory for this weblog... given what I wrote it's easy to see what
the death squads and government psyops people would want to cover up
the note above, where the website was damaged
and i was unable toplace things online - directories missing, mostly the stuff about the
letters to the government... psyops guys playing a game like it matters that those
complaints to official s being online matters.
I was told yesteday I wouldn't be allowed to do any more Magic Bible
verses.. of course, they use torture to distract me and tire me.. but I was readin gin
Psalms this morning, where I left of fyesterday, and interestingly enough, sick Biblical
jokem, like covering up the website so the government can feel proud to commit more human
rights violations and stop a person with military weapons..
Psalms 140:9 As for the head of those tha compass me about, let the
mischief of their own lips cover them (as in, bury them, as in, let the dead bury the
Media guys, I know you read this whether it's posted or not, and
have since 2002... the Bruce Almighty scenario... I won't quit, and I won't spare making
sure that all you suspects are included. But at least you all gotto laugh at the
destruction of my skills as an announcer by having my teeth destroyed. And if you think
I'm demoralized by your treason, understand, I'm empowered more and more with every crime
you an your Nazi bosses commit. (see weblog, 2002 re answering questions before posting,
Dobbs email. Keeps making me wonder,when that guy got busted cause the corporate email was
on their server, was he tellign emto stop writing or keep writing?)
I'll never back off from calling you and the CFR Nazis. The evidence proves you
all are, and are proud of it. Good luck laughing at all your phony ministers, helping you
to kill Christians.
Jackson - Way You Make Me Feel
Sports, the San Francisco Giants...
Ian - At Seventeen
KMBY - The psyops guys were telling me last night KMBY had an opening...
wat did th ebuilding finally rot and have a wall cave in.? :}
Joplin - Pearl - 08 - Mercedes Benz
And of course, to round out the broadcast memorabilia portion of this
program, we do Bob March, Capt. Satellite, Dialing for DOllars and KWAV...
You're Wired.. oh yeah, and KFRC. GOtta do one more to see what God
comes up with next... what memories what memories.. and guess who's involved in a few of
Lorber Fusion - TBD - 100 - Step By Step
Talk about multiple entendres.. I was just telling the psyops guy God was
focusing on the phony ministers before, now it's time for phony sports announcers...
Something about distributing a certain person's materials.... there's a rule in the Bible
about that.. better tell MTV. :}
MGB Interpret this a syou will (that's a Lou DObbs line, BTW) Ezekiel
48:35 It was round about eighteen thousand measures. and the name of the city from that
say shall be The Lord Is There.
So where is the New Jerusalem? Anybody wanna guess
Christ Superstar - I Don't Know How to Love Him
6:34am Long ago, when I wrote my letter to Glen
Campbell, I wrote about Genesis, and sort of light-heartedly reframed the idea of the
first parts of Genesis... jokingly saying, I rewrote Genesis.
Around the same time, I felt like I should "re-write" Exodus..
and I wasn't joking.. of course, relating it to modern times. And then, ultimately,
believing the biggest mistake I made in all this was not leaving the country. I really
wasn't joking about Venezuela.
So, Chrisitan,s minorities.. one day you'll relaize why I won't back down
on calling these people Nazis. Mind you, I actually wasn't going to do that, the psyops
guys pushed me to it, and just like the day Iwas writing and actually chewed myself out in
my writing that I posted for beating around the Bush about callng all this a conspiracy...
and ten refusing to back down from claling it that.
What I have to say is this: I should have rewritten Exodus, just as I was
not joking years ago when I wrote Dobbs, concerned about a border lockdown and refugee
containment... and David Drier made fun of it on the air.. and since. all sorts of thing
shave happened to contain people and refuse people who know the truth free access into and
out of the country.. just to harasss them.. and hopefully, find ways to file criminal
charges agaisnt them.That's the kind of thing that caused Ruppert to leave the country.
It's the same reason Cynthia McKinney has so much trouble.
So, the truth is, I haven't given up, and I hope I enc up staying in the
coutnry, and I refuse to live my life lie a sick Biblical joke or emulation of anything...
but here we are, and the other night I was reading about how the Christians should get out
of the country or end up being "left behind"... and I say to Christians,
minorities, gays, Muslims... I'd get out of this country to safety if you can, the money
problems oare on purpose to contain and control people...
And the main thing I'd say for asylum or refugee status is religious
freedom and persecution, my reports will be in appropriate places, and I have
feeling people will know when my reports are filed.. so you can refer to my name in your
applications if need be after that time... and like I said, I don't live like an
emulation. I see prophecies and thigns in patterns,. and I still ust do things when and if
I beieve they make sense, and most the time afterward, I discover a part of the Bible that
describesd the pattern of human nature that I was responding to.. only slightly
differently, to learn from past mistakes, I usually do them just a bit differently.. and
part o fit is by letting the psyops develop to the point of almost ensnaring me, and then
recording the evidence and situations as they presented themselves... toward the calamity
of God's say of justice...
This is not how I planned to live my life, and I am disgusted that this
nation is forcing me and many people in the world to take this position toward them and
the future, and to wake up and live their promises to God.
If Chrisitians, in particular, given my "domiain" don't get out
of this country, then you'd better make a stand, and I don't mean violence or instigating
crime, I mean refuse to particpate with or cooperate or acquiesce to evil.
In these times, it really is the final judgment. I'm not saying anything
like God's gonna destroy the world.. He will allow the world paradigm to destroy itself.
But, always remember, in His plan, and in what I've been trying to do as a citizen, it
could have been different, and that difference requires choice, commitment, keeping
promises and sticking to it.. and integrity... and the knowledge that it could have been
so different, the transformation, the real one... the final judgment requires allowing the
good to be good, the bad to be bad, and unfortunately, mostly, unless they wake up,
Christians and those of faith will typically become Laodocians because they believe their
character is defined by not taking action.. at a time when the Bible clearly states to do
so.. under the guidance of Christ.
It doesn't bother me as much as you might think that people would not
think I'm what Christ was expeced to be like.. and I truly don't care if people see me
that way. but I still say, as a citizen, I have the right message and appraoch for the
times, and as Christ serving God as well. And I'm glad my father helped me understanding
the real meaning of separation of church and state when I was a kid. Liberty has some very
lines, and leaves some very dark gray areas.. the true gift is knowing how to not have the
world run in the gray areas. Thus, why God says, anyone doing God's work will not do so in
McDonald - Our Love
Loggins - Last Unicorn
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 04 - Only Mama Knows
Sometimes I think God s playing a game of Roulette with me.. musical
roulette... He picks em good.
8:27pm For you people out there monitoring this, jus tbecause the
government has shut down the web site doesn't mean I'm not keeping notes, maintaining this
web log and more.. and for the record, Lynn's MRI's and CT Scans show the wounds to her
brain from DEWS, so her death will not serve any of you. She says the last two days, since
the site was destoryed, have been horrible for her. I know the feeling.
Learned a lot this evening... I udnerstand mroe about God's day of
justice, not just defeating the anti-Christ/Illuminati... but defending those
margnalized by a system designed to criminalize.. like Jackson Browne says... maintaining
a criminal class... seems a lot of people are in it because of psyops... alot of
people into spirituality, extra sensory perception, and knowledge of the fraud of the Federal Reserve... it's also good to notice how things I see as
a pattern of conspiracy are seen as unusual occurances, like I used to. And things that
look like money for protection scams...
Tell Napolitano and Barack what the transcripts
were about for today... and how shallow the paper tiger threat of the U.S.
Government is, and how their destroying the paradgim of the New World Order WILL be
defeated by a peaceful movement... it's getting easier and easier.... and let them all
know that I'll be sendign lawyers back to assist people. I know the psyops guys wanted me
to come down on the ministers and the Christians on Sunday.. I hope the ministers and
congregations know I really am on their side, and how, and why...
Always remember, though, regtardless of the things provoked by
psychotronics, all I really care about these circumstances and situations is that the
truth come out, that those attempting to deceive be exposed, and those who have been
victimized be relieved.
At some point, though, people are going tohave to make a real choice...
what kind of gfuture are you willing to have, and what ar you putting up with? Knowing you
don't really have to put up with any of it, and that the burden of refusing to go along is
less than the burden of the oppression that will occur otherwise. And refusing to go along
includes refusing toallow this government to provoke people into violence to give the
government the pretext for additional loss of civil rights.
MGB: Interestingly enough, it shouldbe the whole of Job 14... more
interesting, the concept of man born of woman, shadows, flwoers, a whole bunch of things
are mentioned that include the topics I've talke to Lynn, the psyops guys and friend about
This sounds like a commentary about what I wrote earlier today... think of
it more as a commentary on the government more than churches and Christians and those of
faith.... Heard this after today's earlier entry...
Near - Edge - 12 - I Ain't Afraid
- Darkness, Darkness
Sisters - Neutron Dance
11/3/2010 7:52am I can always tell when DHS puts someone new on me when I
wake up in the morning, and the psyops sound civil... so I go ahead and think about
things.. and then.. like this morning, they wanted me to do magic Bible verses, and lost
again because like usual, I find answers that I need, and they never get me to write the
perversity they want. SO when I decided to write these thoguhts today, extreme tooth
torture began becaus ethis hot shot they put on me didn't like what I decided needed to be
First, a few observations... if anything's been consistent in the psyops
against, it's the idea of making sur ehte things I love the most become painful to listen,
hear or experience. James Taylor music is the best example.
Isn't it weird, they don't want me to stop listening to Todd
Then of course, they throw a phony minister at me with all sorts of
aesopian thing sto makes sure that when I read the Bible, I have to put up with setting
aside the pserversion of those people in order to hear God's messages without the
negativity.. such as my cat Emma, ny dog Jesse.. queen bees, the works.. and of course,
someone claiming in psyop articles I suppose that they are experts in the teachings of
"Paul"... and that will be the downfall of this psyop.
And isn't it interesting that by creating these aversions, particularly
with music and the scriptures, it makes it appear that I'm obsessed with certain people..
and I would agree, except that they are criminals who have purposely set up psyops to
cause me to have to re-think about things they did to me, while using th etools and
materials they used to try to kill me.
Read a bunch of things this morning.. from Revelations to what I ended up
reading, which is absolutely relevant to my instruction to the churches.....
First, I'll say again, polluters of the church are different than
sinners.. polluters are those, like phony ministers and politicians who like to look good
by claiming church affiliation - apostates - people like Barack, Clintons, Huckabee...
news people who tell lies for news... an calim religious highground, like Anne Coulter... William Bennett, Ronald Reagan, George W Bush...
Polluters are those who come into the church and alter its course to suit
their political goals or justify their righteousness, like getting people to believe that
doing evil to do good is Christian.
So, sinners are different than polluters.. sinners sin and reconcile and
atone. Polluters destroy Christianity and all moral faiths. So people like Pat Robertson,
believing they are doing good, are preaching hate...and refusing to do any research beyond
what the government would have us know when claiming he speaks on behalf of God. And thus,
leading Christians to support an evil, anti-Christian government out of blind faith.
I often say that Paul truly great, and that he's wrong about somethings,
and it goes all the way back to the garden of Eden, and interpretations of God's actions
toward Adam and Eve that had people believe that female domination was the natural order,
instead of realizing tha men and women have different gifts according to their gender, and
that in partnership with a man, would allow them to flourish.. not economicially..
but from a sociological point of view. Adn thus, the necessity and enjoyment Jesus
spoke of that had the nun on EWTN say that Jesus was a woman's best
friend.. and she meant all women, not just a particular individual.
I'm being tortured right now because apparently, the perps at MSNBC don't
like the conclusions I came to about Keith's girlfriend.
PS Someone pulled the tarp of fthe corner of my trailer last night.. I'm fairly
certain people are staying in it and Lynn's at night so it's easier to harass us and
attack Lynn's thalamus region with DEWS. Go ahead perps, torture me some more... and then
tell your friends why the Hague will label you as U.S. Terrorists...
The part they don't want me to say is in I Corinthians...
5:9I wtrote to you in an epistle not to company with fornicators...
A Fornicator is typically someone who m, let's say, uses their Christian
ministry, and gets dso "pugffed up" tthey think that doing dirty deeeds for
politicians is alright, and that no matter what, God will forgive them, because they
forgot the Golden Rule, and replaced it with "the ends justify the means".
That's a fornicator.. people who believe the constitution can be overriddden for their
personal prefences, causing the very tyranny that Jesus and God detests. And then God
says, he'll take 'em down with their crimes... in their same ways.. meaning, allowing them
to destroy themselves while he plays rope a dope.
That Chapter goes on to talk about not eating with fornicators, and
it isn't talking about food, it's talking about eating of the word of God... and it isn't
talking about shunning sinners, it's about those who enjoy doing evil and practicing
Satan's ways, and enjoying the pain of others.. including, setting people up to make it
appear they are committing crimes. And, in regard to Christiam familiality, a
brethren who turns their back on another Christians' suffering when they have knowledge of
such suffering. Let alone any other human being.
It's a very important chapter.
I want to say a couple more things about human nature.
First, I don't support the idea of abortion. And, I don't think it's
criminal.And, I especially detest abortions for convenience. However, animalistics,
humanistics, sensuality, all those things are part of human nature, and animal nature, the
very things God would have our consciousness evolve to responsibly handle in order to be
whole people. In the part of Pasalms I was reading and noted the other night.. often times
I relate human nature to animal nature because survival insticts are basically the same in
humans and animals, and, let's not, humans are animals.
When I was a kid, we had rabbits, and I was taught to make sure not to
scare themwhen they were pregnant, because if you did, the rabbit might kill the young
when they're born in order to spare them the suffering their mother believes they would be
subjected to if they were to survive.
The Bible says, especially in the end times, woe be to those with
children, basically, in these times, especially girls. And yet, some Christians back
around 5-6 years ago called for Christians to have more chidren.. an old preface to a war
trick of infiltrating a country before overthrowing it... And this I denounced then for
the same reasons, God's way DOES work, and the reason certain Christian leaders declared
it did not work is becuase they do not use God's ways in the first place.
So, check the scriptures, in Psalms wehre I noted above, and you'll see a
part that says basically, blessed are those who'll kill their children.. for the same
I certainly don't condone or recommend that. But it's important to not
that in Biblical days, even King David took the animalistics of us all into consideration.
And understood that in those days, without real justice, it was the same as a teen mother
getting an abortion, knowing they could not provide for a child, knowing the government
would abuse their privileges (such as current law that allows the governmenn to take
custody of children and basically do anything they want to them, especially test drugs and
psychological conditioning, and pedophilia....) so they would take the lives of
their onwn children to ensure they did not live alife of suffering.
My father was clear about his position on abortion, and I agree with it.
What I dislike most, though, is a society and culture that looks down on unwed
mothers for having children, and shuns them for having an abortion or hiding it, and then
sentences the mother and child to poverty and an inability to enjoy the equality and
opportunity others have, all the while the ministers and Christians and people of faith
who have money and social position don't even think twice about it, and laugh at those who
criticize THEM. nd thn we have to hear Christian leaders saying these people made their
own bed... and then, that the resulting poverty is because of their evil, lack of
intelligence and laziness.
And then I wonder, how many ministers out there claiming righteousness and
preaching abstinance, had sex before you were married, had children before you were
married, or had affairs, raped children and congregations.. only to have it glossed over
because of your supposed righteousness. I wrote that list of "offenses" based on
personal knowledge of important people you all admire. And of course, that includes
politicians and THOTH.
Any minister who doesn't expel the evil government infiltrators and
harassers is allowing the pollution of the church. They are not sinners, they are evil,
and they are there in your pews harassing people in your congregation who are probably too
afraid to speak out, because it appears you agree with the practices of the evil people.
And that, if it is true of you, will grant you the reward God promised: damnation in hell
as apostates.
Like Krytpoman said, Christians will have the most difficult time
accepting me, and it's the same reason the Lutheran Bible I have says that the son of
man would appear to be more like the anti-Christ when He came around.. because
self-righteous and guilty people never like to hear the truth... about themselves. They
always look to set up a way to blame other people.
For those few people out there who actually know who I am and sit back,
sayign someone else will do it.. they'll just wait for God to snap his fingers..
understand it deosn't work that way, your inaction is betrayal of God, the results
are obvious and disastrous... God said, is there noone I can trust? I say the same
thing these days. And like God, at least in this nation, the answer appears to be noone.
Courageous Christians, I know they're out there... but given Christian
tradition and idiocy, I doubt they'll step forward in this country... as Jesus said, a
prophet is not respected in their own home or country... I ain't dying for ya though. It's
time for Christians to give up that lie about the proof of a prophet.
Of course, that's why it was so poignant this morning reading about the
need for the faithful to leave this nation, and follow Christ. Or be left behind, given
that this nation is lead by the anti-Christ.
Here's the interesting part: last night, Lynn was in pain, and I asked her
to choose a "Magic Hafiz Poem" for me, hoping it would lift
She turned to "No More Leaving", as translated by her friend
Daniel Ladinsky, who she was talking about calling to get her children's books
published... unfortunately, he's contracted to Time-Warner...
I just accidentally turned to the poem "Don't Die Again"...
Some point
Your relationship
With God
Become Like THis:
Next time you meet Him in the forest
Or on a crowded city street
There won't be anymore
That is,
God will climb into
Your pocket.
You will simply just take
Stevens - The Wind
Stevens - Father & Son
Some people will understand how perverse the old joke my parents used to
tell actually is, about the cannibal who passed his friend in the forest.....once I got
the joke, nobody though it was funny anymore... I'm being blocked by psychotonics because
they don't want me to say what I was going to say next.. the appropriate will get the
message. But like they said, Jezebel is a woman and a city.. and to the guys doing fake
coyote noises yesterday...
Accidentally looked up TI in the dictionary today.. turns out it also
means Titanium, which, accidentally, is what I'm coating the roof of my trailer with
And God said:
Tail Chasing Hawks - Eagle Dances With The Wind - 08 - Standing By The Water I always
thought I'd try to get a job playing guitar on a cruise ship, a way to see the world
Mathis - Chances Are
& Dave Matthews - Love Of My Life
Jerry - In The Summertime.mp3.m3u
Good thing I'm married.. to a world... the consummation is about to
begin... and I still have a dream of being in a courtyard, watching people passing to the
marketplace by the fountain.
Some people on a magical mystery tour should now understand how sick the
joke was.
Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
6:27pm Note to Wolf Blitzer.. long ago, you did
a story on the BTK killer, and how guys like him acted like they wanted to be caught. The
people here on Harstine Island and in Washington State are
like that. They loved the story about the snaggle tooth killer, too, and say tht's why
they're pulling out my teeth... my jaw aches right now from tooth torture all day. And
these guys your friends hired think it's funny... the fuinniest part is, they think their
messing up my website and changing materials got them anonymity... and they want me to
beleive they have the right to murder us on the order of the U.S. Government. You're a
Jew, aren't you Wolf? Did you forget?
Talked about Lynn's thalamus stroke..and of
course the psyops guys wanted me to include info on her MRI's and stuff, and the lies told
about her condition... to me, more proof they monitor our mail, and I never get anything
important. She got an ad from the Neptune Society regarding free cremation services
Another example of how these people commit civil rights crimes to harass
and intimidate an dthreaten people's lives by doing stupid things that if a pattern over
years wasn't there, would sound rediculous. Today, someone came into the yard and put a
screw into a water faucet outlet to hold it steady. They'd want me to believe the BS that
it's a kind gesture. All it proves is that people are sneaking around the house and
purposely doing this, including ruining door locks, to prove our lives are in danger.
With all the evidence I have, I can't believe these people are this
perverse and defiant of law and any moral ethics... such is the United States Government.
I know the United States people don't like the truth, so go listen to
Barack or your favorite news person.. they'll be glad to lie to you. And you'll like it.
Keith, you might want to have a talk with the terrorists you pass messages
to for your Council on Foreign relations friends. They actually believe that by ripping my
teeth out and preventing me from getting to California, that it'll be a victory for them..
They think the Hague is a joke, Keith, and that getting me to call them and you and your
friends Nazis is a bad reflection on me, and that they can prevent me from running for
President from California by illegally detaining me. They're also
stupid enough to still believe that psychotronics cannot be proven, prosecuted against or
sued for civl damages, or provable to authorities in the rest of the world.. despite
public documentation and millions of victims.
The laws say these weapons are legal for federal and local law
enforcement. Imagine the implications...
Can't wait to see the probable cause on this case...
Had a good day today.. I'm getting so used to the pain and distraction of
torture, I actually got a bout a half day's work in today.. only a few attempts to
kill me by knocking me off the ladder and car while working using "RC" Human
controls... and I lost my balance and broke the vent on top of the trailer.. more
expense.. more damage.. more water damage... likely...
What a wonderful government we have. Can't wait to send letters to the
newly elected. A form letter will do. And like I always do anymore, I'll take video of me
putting them in the mailbox. I'll be sure to let them know that my website was tampered
with by the United States Government, but if they wish, I'd be glad to deliver them a copy
at their expense, in person.
Taylor - One Man Band - 04 - Mean Old Man reminds me of an idiot. They say the church
was founded on James, you know. Don't it make your brown eyes blue?
Sisters - Neutron Dance for Jimmy Carter
Richie - Say You, Say Me And then there was Gayle Roberts,
interviewing me to see if I was qualified to interview Lionel
Richie. Who set me up with the interview with Billy Preston
before that..
BFMAN waned anotehr chance to prove he could torture me out of being
connected with God. he's obviously an amateur. A perfect anti-Christ representative of the
United States Government.
So I turned, looked down, and the Bible was in 1 Corinthians.. start at
7:19 My favorite part was verse 23:
Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
Paul experts would understand that one.
Franks - Soul Mate
I'd play Joy in Repetition by Prince, but the psyops guys have been saying
it all day... only it was about repetitions of tooth torture.
Until I removed certain materials about certain people from my website. One person,
BFMAN doesn't want me to play anymore music right now because he's afraid
of what I'll say next... here's the last one for the moment.
Dimension - Love's Line, Angles And Rhymes
I think BFMAN is gonna believe in God, and Tipper's gonna like Prince
before I get done.
10/4/2010 6:26am Woke up around 4am I know I'm being put through sleep
deprivation, as I went to bed late and woke up to more torture... the sickos wanted me to
write something, so I did.
It's always fun to wake up to rapists and murderers, telling you how much
they love being perverts for the U.S. Government... I hope they enjpy it when their kids
are robots.
Of course, I got up, heard a noise in the front room, thought it was
Lynn.. she told me she hadn't been up... yesterday, these sickos hid in the bushes
and harrassed me all day when was trying to work.. like kids trying to sneak up on
you... I guess that picture I have of someone in a tree in full camouflage was real... I'm
going to enjoy finishing the report to the Hague, when I'm out of the reaches of these
locals who have done everything they can to cause dangerous situations in order to prevent
us from getting help.
Airplane - White Rabbit
PS Keith Despite yur psyops to make me hate reading the Bible like you
people have done to cause aversions from everything I love, even making the psychotronics
guys make it impossible for me to pray, I keep reading the Bible and getting great advice
from God, and everytime I hit a part where your girlfriend forecast your psyops through
Biblical scruipture, I just note it as more evidence agains tthe Godless perverts of the
U.S. Government and media. And it gives me what I become more sure of all the time: the
quintessential example of an apostate... and quintessential examples of Nazi
Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
& Oates - One On One
All I can do inr response to those tunes is a takeoff of Shelly Berman...
Oh, God, God, God, the alka seltzer won't fizz. Oh hell with it, I'll just drink it dry.
Something about boring, popcorn, burgers without brie, wine and broken glasses...
repetition, ya need some new psyop scripts.
& the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight and then there was KMBY, playing this song
every hour on the hour for weeks.............
Tell Jeremiah Wright there's no need to say God damn America...
America's done it to itself.
- People are Strange
7:14pm Barack Obama
Barack - Lynn got a call from a governmental agency today basically
informing her that they are breaking their own rules and basically bankrupting her. My example of
Humiliation and Extermination is of Lynn McMullen.. it will be easy to prove,
and I look very much forward to repaying many favors to Landmark
Barack, I have 3 more names and a couple more agencies to add to the RICCO
list. Tell the gangsters you and you rfriends hired that they'r edoing a great job of
gettin gyou all conviceted of treason and terrorism.. and the funny part is Barack, we're
just trying to live our lives, while the government uses what appears to be hundreds of
people to harass people, murder people, attack people with illegally provided weapons, and
so many constitutioanl violations.. I'm a little amused at the idea how easy it's going to
be to get world leaders to know how perverse you and the Rockefellers... they know about
psychotronics... and when I tell them about Arafat and Sharon.... and when you try to say
I'm a national security risk, remember, you're the criminals. What nation are you risking
Barack? You're killing this one.
And tell Brian Baird, he may not be a rep anymore, but his pride and joy -
Weed & Seed, Neighborhood Initiatives, Community Watch.. tell Baird he and the
murdering rapists who he's so proud of will not stand the test of executive power or
congressional exemption.
Begala.. last night, I read in Ezekiel.. remember Ezekiel, Paul... that
God will choose the delusions to take down the anti-Christ. That doesn't mean he'll
cause them, he'll just use the ones you guys use to let you make fools of yourselves, like
Cheney and Bush and Obama and Pelosi and ..... Rope a dope.
Mason County Sheriff.. you should know
that your friendly federal psychotronics guys are still trying to get me to file a
Ricco suit on YOU guys to kick things off. They say they have you Skull and Bonesed.
Not as long as I'm alive. I hope the guys in Lakewood asked some more questions... I
know these guys have a lot of targets in this area... and they're desperate. I won't let
these sickos and feds scapegoat anyone.
ABout a 50% day today... torture all day long... RCA loser.
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 09 - Run Like the River Runs
Ian - At Seventeen
This is getting more like Iching all the time.
One day, when people die, they'll find out that God is real, that the new
heavens and earth may or may not be here, why they are not getting to go to the fun place
instead of hell.. whatever you think that means...and that everlasting life is going to be
very fun, very pleasant and free of evil. That's absolute, and people like the Illuminati
and their murderers will not be allowed.
- Pieces of You - 01 - Who Will Save Your Soul
Dobbs said they're training kids to be warriors and perverts on video
11/5/2010 7:33am 4:40am seeems to be the time I look at the clock in the
mornings after giving up going back to sleep...
I keep reviewing when things got weird for me... everybody has things that
go right and wrong, but I have to conclude that it was after the FBI or
Intel guy came to Sears in Eureka and asked me
what I knew about my father's work that that was when all the strange things started
happening... and that was right when the MK-Ultra hearings
were either started or underway.. I'm going to have to check specific dates... such as
when Chromalloy, a subsidiary of Exxon that was supposedly in the
metal extrusion business, started sending a baby photographer to the store regularly...
Last night I made note of reading from Isaiah 61... was probably what I
was referring to most immediately above when I said Ezekiel, although I think it's in
Ezekiel as well.
Lynn told me God loves the number 2... which is funny given my coach's
command to release out jock straps after the class en todo was told to prove we had them
on... he's the same coach that wanted me to eMCee a wrestling match as if I was
broadcasting live on tv or something to the people sitting there in the audience... I
finally convinced the coach it was pointless, given it wa a small audience and
amplification wasn't even required to announce things. And I have to admit I laughed
alittle when they GW was a cheerleader, gien thwe fact that one night at Scotts Valley Elementary, there was a basketball game,
and the cheerleaders weren't leading cheers, so I did. I'm aware of at least 3 teachers
having nervous breakdowns after I left inthe same time frame... and then when I started
the websites... that tiger that attacked a child during the assembly at SV
elementary.. and all the fires that happened in city names and places I had been or
lived... and the day I played Magnolia by JJ Cale, and the next day, a woman
in Alabama died when a Magnolia tree fell on her and her car in her driveway when she went
to go out in the morning....
There's so many strange stories I could tell .. all that unfortunately
lead to the idea that either some people really hated my father, or that people were
playing Biblical sick jokes that weren't jokes too lead people to the conclusion,
including me, that all the weird weather, earthquakes, deaths, disease and all were being
caused by God and the destruction because of the presence of the Son of Man.. and I
wondered too, especially when Mt St Helens threatened to erupt twice when I was readying
to leave Washington State... and I didn't know about the capabilities of HAARP,
knew I was under psychotronic attack and being mocked by the media, primarily CNN, and
passing "messages" to me and probably many others on a similar psyop path... and
I keep thinking about the 7th day Adventists I worked for
in Goldendale... that was around 71 or 72, a hail storm out of nowhere on the way to Couer
D'Alaine in Idaho.. and two or 3 other weather incidents like that for me in the
exact same area of road... they had family in Arlington, Washington too, that I visited..
she was very psychic, and talked to me about all sorts of things... few of which were new
It was Pat Duffy, in the drama group at Soquel High,
who lived just down the road from Bethany Bible College,
who suggested something about the end of days - must have been 69.... when I read the
Bible and thought in my own mind that the "world would end"... the end of days
would suddenly happen - in 1973
Tell Rumsfeld I still don't know what I supposedly don't know unless it's
what he knew I didn't know tht he knew all along. And tell your sicko friends that I
called you Donny out of respect and affection for my fellow citizen, and to let you know I
was not trying to be hostile, and you knew it, so get em off my ass, Donny. You're one of
the easiest people in Nixon's government to nail.
For the record, I haven't posted since discovering the site was messed up
because I am going to have to spend money to download the site as evidence... and then
re-upload the entire thing after checking it all to ensure my computer copies haven't been
tampered with... and my internet access is limited anyway, and thanks to the U.S.
Government unlikely to continue... and of course, the sychotronics idiots thought I'd be
afraid of all this without the internet. Like I said, when they put the BFMAN on my case,
it was the greatest gift the DHS ever handed me... arrogant hubris, people who believe
they're intelligent an above the law... serial criminals of the worst kind, employed by
the government in one way or another, because they are so perverse. I'm going to have a
lot of testimony on that subject, from myself and others.
I 'm told I'm going to be hit with massive defamation and other
lawsuits... and I laugh...
Like I said, the weirdness all started when THe Church/Kennedy hearings
were set, and it looks like they were trying to find out who knew, in order to "save
a few frivolous lawsuits"... which GW said about Bin Laden, but was aimed at targeted
individuals like me, that the government knew were targets, and didn't want to compensate
as they were supposed to pay and release from targeting in 1975/76. That same period my
wife became my psyop operator...
Bee Sting Torte... Queen Victoria's idea I
presume.. ultimately.. explaining thebrooch my mother left me, that was only clear after
watching the Ken Klein movie... and no, I have no complaints about
him at this time. I hope to meet him one day. Besides, he looks like the guy at KAHS who
taught cinematography at Arcata High School, and led to the ballon movie captured by
Colbert about that girl in high school, with the vision problem, whose foot I tripped
Yaesu.. I've been harassesd with the word Yaesu, harassing me about how
psyops keep me from using it... I was reading the other night in the Bible, in the
footnotes, and in the dictionary.. about the names of God and Christ... and Yaesu is
pronounced yaysu, like Jesu, like Jesus, and then there was thing thing in the dictionary,
printed in 1957, about how "Jerusalem is located in the
nation of Palestine:... accidentally turned to Jerusalem in the
dictionary while look something else up.. oh yeah, the zone in Siberia,
the safe zone for Jews...
It gets kind of weird when I start looking things up in the dictionary..
like finding out that - We think of January as the first month, my Bible says the first
month is April, and then I look in the dictionary, and it says the Jewish calendar has
only 360 days or so, depending on the moon, like the Muslims, and that most months have
either 29 or 30 days.. and I gave up trying fully understand the Jewish words and their
meanings and relate them to the calendar, to try to figure out which month and day and
year this really is....
I saw this footnote in my Bible that stated that Jesus invented
Christianity... and I have a problem with that, God did, and it began long before Jesus,
and has been greatly ignored ever since Jesus...
The government psychotronics guys, in their endless endeavor to ensure
that anything I want to do, need to do or enjoy gets sabotaged, have told me I would be
relegated to only religious matters so the government can continue to maintain power.
Whether they maintain power or not, I will not be relegated by this corrupt government
and/or Satan, and the churches are supposed to be the refuge of the oppressed, not the
sanctuary of oppressors, and that WAS the original way churches functioned when organized
religion began for Christians on a greater level - including through the great work of
Paul... as well as protected and empowered by Muhammad.. it's just
a fact...
The people "freed" by the Church
Commitee were given $330,000 each for their suffering and in a deal for their
silence.. many have been harmed anyway, still. One of my frivolous law suits - frivolous
for the government to defend - will be for that $330,000, plus interest and additional
pain and suffering.. and more... and I expect Lynn will eventually be entitled to that and
more... And given that I know the U.S. Governemtn is monitoring this every moment, I
demand that money, and as far as I'm concerned, if that demand is not honored, and of
course, I don't expect these sickos to respond, then I will make the case of even more
egregious crimes in those hearings and the harm to my and others' lives, covering up so Carter could fully implement the psychotronics programs, as if the
corruption and torture had been stopped. And that like Barack, such a civil rights and
"progressive" president was the good guy after the bad guys were supposedly
ousted.... And yes, I am quite aware that what I type into this computer is known to the
government, posted or not, and apparently has been since at least 2002.....
And then there's the $185,000 that I was defrauded from...
The psychotronics guys are telling me to go out and look at the property
damage they did last night that they're so proud of.. I find things everyday.. they
actually tell me about them.. to harass me and to make sure I know they're messing with
things while we sit in the house... as well as to try to claim later they were actually
trying to help me.
Doing evil to do good is not acceptable. And one day, all these
people who for some reason they should play the do a good thing, do a bad thing game to
supposedly avoid "harm from the presence of the son of man".. please remember,
you government people are the delusionals, not me, and that's incredibly simple to prove.
And please reminf the airplanes that the FAA tracks all air traffic, and
that Hughes/Dish provides satellite surveillance
24 hours a day. And tome, that'sillegal surveillance of us, using what should have been
released as military imaging only, for legal and constitutional purposes... and when the
federal government puts weapons in the hands of civilians, weapons that only federal and
police authporities are allowed, those federal government people are responsible for the
actions of contractors and operatives, as well as so called "pervert"
lists...I've been told the State of Washington has me listed on a website as someone for
people to call and use psychotronics against.. like I'm a sex pervert your people are
trying to kill in order to protect your communities from perverts.. which all of you
are... I operate like it's not the truth, but given the way I've been treated throughout
this state, and my knowledge of certain things in Colorado and
other states... it might be true, and it's incredibly illegal, fascist, and the tactics of
Nazis, just like in Germany. And that's just the truth.
Like I said of Rep John Lewis and others..
they've become everything they claimed to stand against.. Just like God told His people,
in frustration, that one day I'll have to do to you what I did to "them"..
because He knew people, and that when things are too good, they become corrupt.. like the
U.S. Government...
Ask Michael Moore.. why IS it true that this
country has so much gun violence? And remember, he's an NRA member.
Why is it that the number one cause of death of young black people is
murder of each other?
And why is it black people from Detroit can drive
into Canada to get away from all the predjudice?
And Canada is not the answer. The United States Government is the problem,
with its sycophants in the media.
Wouldn't it be interesting to ask the Networks to tell us how many of
their employees, staff, or people working with them are contracted to the U.S. Government
in some way, or are retired or active intel agents?
Carl Bernstein was a hero in helping to
expose Watergate. Then he became not so popular when he wrote
about the CIA and the Media. His partner in that went on to be the editor of the Reverend
Moon's paper, the Washington Post. Woodward. Reverend Moon, accepted by Congress as the Messiah. As reported
on CNN.
Is my office ready yet Lou? And, Lou, we need to argue about the Heritage Foundation. And gumdrops. They're in the kitchen.
And remind your friends, Lou, of what I said andwhat we all know is true when you cut of
fthe communications of people who are being tracked.. it gets worse and worse for the
government... remember government, I wasn't looking to become a hero, and it'll make me
very angry if you force me into the position of bneing like that.
I'm a citizen with rights and privileges, I demand them, and I will run
for President whenther the Rockefellers like it or not. That's a not a challenge to
anyone. It's a responsibility of citizenship that I take seriously, and have for years.
But Barack, remember, when I wrote the DNC head in Washington State in Spokane, her
response - I believe it was a woman - was that I would humiliate myself. Tell Brian Baird we're in the extermination phase, but it is going to
backfire... Hannity made sure we all knew about the New Freedom Initiative portion of the health bill that
you liked so much.. like an over the line military psychologist would... remember the Hague doesn't recognize Executive Privilege,
but they'll love all your emails bragging about your love of the Weed
and Seed....
Now, finally, if anyone think's I AM THREATENING THEM, remember, I'm a
citizen with rights. And the only thing I'm doing is legally responding to the threats of
insane governments. For 51 years. If only I'd known about psychotronics in 1969.
Buttfuckman, the serial murderer the government loves the most, who loves
to see me writing about him, knows there's a wod I found in the dictionary the other night
to describe him and the U.S. Government. I'm not going to print it, as he tells me that
the government's attacks are going to get worse... and anyone who thinks this buttfuckman
part of the psyop is going to get me labeled as crazy better realize he really is the
greatest gift the DHS gave me...as their representative, and my testimony to the
perversity of the U.S. Government.
And anyone who addresses me via psychotronics, as far as I'm concerned, is
just one more perverse rapist and murder of the worst kind... Anyone. And anyone who says
this isn't perverse Nazi torture better hand me a boc and volunterr for acouple of
hours of me torturing them.. if they really want their doubts confirmed..
I guarantee, you, in that short time, you will be disgusted by the U.S.
Government torture of its own citizens simply by me reading to you a
list of the things said to me over the years.. let alone done.. and bfman thinks this will
set up some kind of rambling sick journal that people Cliff van
Zandt of MSNBC drool over... an FBI Profiler who I believe directs
a great deal of their torture psyops... I guarantee you sickos, 10,000 emails with
the same reports from people all over the United States will simply prove the insanity of
the government that hires sociopaths on purpose...
Ted Kennedy said this government does not require a purge...one of those
odd statements from out of nowhere Ibelieved he was saying to me, as I was writing about
such things then,... and I disagreed, but went along because it was Ted
Kennedy, so I paused, and took another look, and finally now, know he was covering up
everything including his own MK Ultra crimes, and assiting in the cover up of the
assassinatons of his brother, let alone John Kennedy Jr.
BFMAN is now tooth torutring me. He loves to brag to his friends. We'll
see how much he brags in court. I am not a beginner or the fool you people played me for.
& Dave Matthews - Love Of My Life
At Work - It's A Mistake Like I said, the bimbo psyop is done.
McDonald - No Lookin' Back - 07 - (I Hang) On Your Every Word I'm sure some people
realize that my idea of putting the game hangman on the site for fun coincides with an
alternative interpretation the sickos and government should think when I write my
weblog... every word I write hangs them. That's what happens when arrogant fools convict
themselves, and the final outcome of rope a dope. Dedicated to Keith.
& Messina - Angry Eyes _full
Story - The Gift - 14 - Salve Regina-O Holy Night
I actually picked Liz Story instead of L&M, which was under it, but
they both say the right things.
11:17am After writing that, I looked outside, and the wind was blowing
East to West... Weather.com said it would blow 4mph SE I hear La Nina
has moved to the Pacific Northwest...
5:32pm BFMAN was just boasting at how much work I got done today.. let's
see, in over 13 hours of torture since awaking, I've worked maybe 2 hours, and when I
didn't work and was dealing witht he pain of tooth torture... they told me they were tired
of me complaining about not gettting anything done... so they were going to torutre me if
I take a break.. and then then they tortured me to prevent me from working, and said I was
taking a break. Like right now. When I did work, if I did it too fast or some wy they
didn't want, they tortured me and tried to get me to make mistakes to waste materials. And
they still think I can't convince a jury about psychotronics. Good.
Meanwhile... the SS Administration has illegally stopped Lynn's benefits
after having said she had $10,000 coming to her, her verifying the correctness of the SS's
judgment and deposit to her bank account, she spent most of it on things she needed and
then they called and said they were taking it back. And now they claim that the review of
the process - which could only possibly increase her benefits nad payouts - will be
withheld until further notice. Humiliate and exterminate.. attack her with dews, give her
a stroke, bankrupt an dtorture me so I can't reliably work... that's Barack Obama, the ROckefellers the New World ORder
and the Illuminati for ya.. LIke I said Barack, thanks for the confession.
Meanwhile.. I see they have a new James Tayolor video on the NEW channel..
I refuse to watch anyone who's paid by the government to psyop people.. I wrote to William Morris, his agency integrally involved with One Man Band
as well - as well as Concord Music - about the situation, requesting an explanation from
him regarding his involvement in the 2002 psyops.. and of course, no response... a
reasonable request from the appropriate people... another one of Clive's special projects
I suppose... like I said, Clive betrayed God by helping to capture the
angels.... Thanksgiving and Brotherhood GE.. thanks for the Memories...
And October Road... the one I was his "publicist for"
- was reported to be his fastest and biggest selling album ever. 30 million copies sold.
For more information on the perversity of the United States Government,
look up "Thanks For The Memories" and read the story by a former CIA agent who
rescued Taylor Brice (or is it Brice Taylor, a pseudonyn or aka) when he couldn't stand
seeing her used as an MK Ultra prostitute for the
government and celebrities.. and the title of that book is no coincidence. Something about
the Fabian Society and the New
World Order. Free Masons and the Illuminati, and the....
Imagine what they'd accuse me of if I still played the violin :}
Young - Greatest Hits - 11 - Heart Of Gold
Neville - Ava Maria
- Kiss and Say Goodbye
By request, regarding an expensive kissoff... not online.. check our
Gauchp by Steely Dan.
Dan - Dirty Work
10/6/2010 9:18am I find it interesting.. how the guy down the road and his
friends and fellow perverts want me to focus my energy on petty issues like them.
That's called a cover up... Jack Welch told
Chris Matthews, a cover up won't work...
Found out lots of thing sthis morning as the pervert got Lynn to talk
about all the weird things she's seen an heard from them.. things I didn't know before.. CointelPro is meant to cause couples to not talk to each other and
break up, and with psychotronics, it's easy to force two people together for COintelPro
when the government wants both eliminated through bankryupty, divorce, constant
disruption,s deatruction of ther property and even stranger things. One day, I made myself
a pot of coffee, and Lynn argued withme that when she made coffee, she had the right to
control the flavor. But I made the coffee for myself, and she rarely drank more than 2
cups a day at that time. Coffee is used to get people moving fast and talk more.. like
giving them some kind of speed or other drug... and then it affects their nervous
system... and of course, the idiot down the road would have you believe the sleep
deprivation caused by psychotronics and witnessed directed energy attacks are caused by
This mornin gin particular, BFMAN didn't want me (Thurston) to remember
the Bible verses I read last night that are incredibly relevan ttothe events of the day..
mostly from Isaiah.. like the songs on the site, Iget into these patterns of randoly
selecting certian partsd of the Bible as described before... lawst night, they told me
they would not allow me to do any more magic Bible verses... these guys like to set up
arbitrary challenges, so if you report things, it makes it appear you are obsessive, and
psychologically, it's supposed make you hate certain people and things... and as Canada and the CIA have proven, it actually doesn't work. So it simply
becomes distraction by torture. And the perverts, serial murderers and rapists, love to
get their victims ina state of mind to have them feel like it's a battle of wills with
them.. and not the torture and conspiracy of the government to kill people it does not
want around. Death squads...
In 2008, I wrote a ducment Isaid was probably the most important document
you ever could read on the internet, that got buried when the Pastor Melissa Scott psyop happened, because I thought I
had an ally... soI moved forward and oriented the site to prepare for a possible
partnership with Christians... which was nothing more than a scheme to prevent me from
getting $185,000 to fully break up Lynn and I and/or to make me more financially
bankrupt, probably homeless and jailed, and how easy they thought it was going to be when
my car broke down.. and how unfortunate it is for them I'm a pretty good mechanic.
Note the brown honda in the picture when CNN was
covering the Michael Jackson funeral... at Forrest Lawn.. if it actually happened :} It was parked outside
the "King's House", around the corner from where it was parked the day I
accidentally arrived there.
I might add, we were planning to move from this area months ago.. and all
the attacks, property damage and more have prevented us from leaving, and isn't it great
that these people made sure my trailer tags are running out.. I had a very small amount of
money I thought might get me through a month when I left that will likely be gone. The
good news is, I'll have plenty of time document to Human Rights
Violations and report it to all appropriate authorities. And I know God will take care of
the rest.
(and PS I made 3 failed attempts to contact the Mason County Sheriff to speak to them and resolve these
Wait til thejury sees the video of why, as well as the story of how they
used psychotronics and nearly murdered me by getting me hit
by a car. I called the police that day, if I rememebr correctly. And the
psychotroncis was being used that day to get Lynn to go to the guy's house down the road
to complain about me and get his help. This si the same guy who (probably lied when ) he
told me he had been a drug dealer in Berkeley, and his father
emancipated him when he was 16 to get rid of him. Lynn told me abunch of stuff he
told her too.. and that led to what appears to be a store in town that sells computers
left for service (where they could not recover her hard drive) and she couldn't afford to
ay for the computer repair, so they kept it. Not long after, the guy down the road said he
bought his son (who I've never met and leads to a story about Victor) a new computer
to play games with. Psychotronics games, I presume.
What I was reading last night in the Bible was much of the same material,
I think, and it makes even more sense now.
I looked down jus tnow, read "the Burden of Tyre", in this case,
my sister said, I hope we don't get aflat Tyre, and my dad said "don't say
that" as the tire blew... and then she said "I hope the jack didn't go
sour" and it did... welching on warranties is not a good thing. fbut for $80 million,
we can take careof the jack. As I told Dobbs long ago. Only I thought it meant saying,
good for him for getting that parachute... cause I was taught to be a capitalist... I was
just holding the space for something a little more heavenly.
The psyhcotrornics guys are actually hitting the silly to get me to write
thigns that aren't important, and tomake it look like I'mspecifically making defamatory
remarks, like they did when they harrassed me about the NAACP AND it
was their idea - the NAABP - national association for the advancement of British
Petroleum... which also just happens to be Exxon. Or as Dobbs would say, binary. XON XOFF.. being a computer guy, I guess they
thought I cared about sprites and graphics and computers for that matter.
I'm looking fo rthe Bible passage now.. similar to how I talked about the
"fowls of the air" as the National News Media... Meanwhile, while looking
soething up in the dictionary last night, I realized I'm not just a philologist, I'm an
axiologist too. Don't ask me, I can't remember what it means. (Note: Something just popped
on my computer...)
9:4 For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his
shoulder, the rod of his oppressor , as in the day of Midian. , Jack The
psychotronic guys keep trying to convince me MSNBC is no longer on the air, and Keith was
fired. Tell Buchanan hi for me.
9:1 Bible synopsis : A divine child is Israel's only hope. The Raelians supposedly cloned a child and placed bim in Israel, for later
use, as the Illuminati guys said they needed to "produce the
second coming" as if it was a movie. I have that documented somewhere. And then they
said California would get the big earthquake, recently, in 30
years or so, which is what they said when I was around 5 or 10 years old...
23:8 Right number for the circle :} WHo hath taken this counsel against
Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose trafickers are the honourable
of the earth. (See, CIA, Crack, Mena Arkansas, Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee, and other noted
honourable of the earth) (See also: Bush, CIA, Manuel Noriega, Florida, Pfizer, Time warner, GE..... :} Or the Kennedy
family, that made its fortune from rum-running during prohibition. WHat a convenient
memo 46 that was, and then they kept the Christians going by making sure marijuana was
kept from those crazy black and Mexican people who like jazz. The
war on drugs.. based on drugs. like the war on terror, that uses terror, not fight
it. The East India Company of the Bush and British
Royalty who have sold and shipped illegal drugs to make their fortune for centuries, (as
in, sanction everyone else so that you don't have any competition when you buy 100,000
acres of prime marijuana property in Paraguay,
or against Iran, soonly Halliburton and Exxon can steal their oil and traffic sex slaves unnoticed.. except by
aHillary and GW and their friends who seem to tell their friends about new shipments when
they claim their disgust of sex slavery in public... How do you separate religion from
politics? Can't really, except in crreating an even playing fieldm, and people following
God's ways, not the false idols in office.
I'm getting zapped by directed energy
weapons right now.. it said "Go to the Media", which might have been a typo
for Medea... but it said Media. I'll get back to it. I can';t find it right now. I
was looking in Zephaniah 3 regarding the lad of Canaan and the single pure language (as
proposed by Bahai and interfered with by the United States) Pure
language would be a sam elanguage for all, and because evil will no longer exist, evil
language and rumours and gossiping wll not occur.
Couldn't fin the one I wanted, for now, I leave this:
Zephania 3:5 The just Lord is in the midst
thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he
faileth not. But the unjust knoweth no shame.
Read that part of Isaiahs though... been too busy to see if the idiots
repaired my website. I doubt it. It may appear so, but I'm sure there have been unwanted
and cursed by God changes.
John - Don't Shoot Me - 102 - Teacher I Need You
Mancini - Pink Panther Theme
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter
PS I wrote this weblog after waking up around 4:30, to constant torture
and psychotronic badgering ever since. Sorry for the rambling.
Christ Superstar - Everything's Alright
About coincidences :}...
12:49pm I just got home, only to find out that indeed, Barack and the Nazis have basically depleted the money...
we'll get out of here, but I will not back down, and the display of threats and harassment
today on a 15 minute drive was everything my fatehr was against in terms of what seem sto
be developing on this island, restricted communities and vigilantes going far beyond legal
boundaries of murder and fraud for profit.
Any surveillance or other monitoring is neither welcome, acknowledged or
legal for all these years as the government and the locals have used psychotronics and
organized stalking and conspiracy to essentially kill us, driving us to bankruptcy so we
can supposedly do nothing about it. Heavy on the supposedly... can't wait to see the
results of the local elections.
The angel that visitied George Washington was right, and the message
brought to Him by God was accurate, as it is in the Bible... God will alow this nation to
destroy itself, don't ever say he didn't bless this nation, and don't ever say he never
sent an angel... get that, he sent an angel to George Washington to warn him... that if we
did the same things the mother country, England did, we would fail. I'm glad I saw the
truth of this nation and its sick, Nazi fascist leaders.... and at the moment, as Lynn
cries in pain, I'm glad I didn't get involved in the churches.. who seem to be
participating with the evil doers.. of the United States Government.
Merry Christmas, Keith and Lou. Everytime I am
tortured into writing about GE and Time Warner, it seems
a plan is in the works for them to tell me, in some way, to stick it. Today is no
Tell your friends, point man, you really did mess with the wrong people.
Wait til you see the twinkling in my eye, and in God's... the day of justice will be a
very pleasant day, just as the Bible describes.
And I will file to run for president, as they hammer Lynn more.
I haven't posted since the quill above. They keep torturing
Lynn if I write what they don't want to hear, and think I'm to blame... that's the U.S.
Government for ya. Welcome to Nazi America ladies and gentlemen. Like the old saying
goes, wait til it happens to you when the government decides to silence the locals who did
their dirty work.
McCartney - Wingspan (History CD 2) - 16 - Waterfalls _ Paul McCartney
Rainbow Bridge.
5:15pm Checked Lynn's trailer... 2 places I repaired that were leaking,
and then did not leak thelast times it rained... are now leaking again, an the sealant I
put on the window in the front has been tampered with, and leaks even worse. The other
leak that no longer leaked was on the vent on top of her trailer, not mine...
Tell Bidge that doing evil to do good is still evil, and God calls
ministers who participate with it are apostate. There's a difference between allowing
sinners in the church, and empowering murderers and rapists and thieves who claim to love
their jobs. Visit them in prison, give them their money back, and if you're taking money
from the government, pput something on your prtetty sign that says, we serve the
government and our egos, not God. At least that would be honest. An dif they say they
don't do that, other people they work with or for do, then they are still criminals.
11/7/2010 8:32am Made plans last night to attend services and deliver
information and requests for assistance at the Kingdom Hall in Olympia this morning...
last night, I was tortured and kept awake until affter midnight. Went outside thismorning,
someone pulled the tarp back on the traielr, presumably to cause mor edamage... and they
took my ladder. A few minutes later, after climbing on top of the car to correct it, I was
in the house, heard a noise, and the ladder had been returned. Lynn's trailer.. I had
fixed the leaks. It leaks again, and the sealant was obviously damaged.
Doesn't look like I'll make it to church, again, thanks to the sickos of
the U.S. Governemnt who love to have me report it, so they can make fun of being rapists,
murders, thieves and Nazis.
And Bridge.. you're a safe haven for evil people. It's your problem. And
you'd better read the Bible about apostates, becaus eyou're doing evil to do good, and all
you're doing is generating more evil by empowering these sickos on the island.
The psychotronics sickos are now telling me it's going to get worse and
worse for us.. More evidence is fine with me at this point. The harm you people are doing
to Lynn will prove you people are Satanic.
I'm thinking of anew section for the website once I repair it...
Synagogues of Satan. You people have a right to do what you want, but organized crime is
organized crime, and you people are sick.
And the payments for your sanctions and commmissions - U.S. Government
killers - will be what convicts you.
Last night, Buttfuckman didn't want me to read the Bible, so I reached for
it anyway, as usual, being used to being harrassed while reading, and picked up a book
from Bread of the Presence called "Where the Bible Came From"... and turned
immediately to a page that explained what I've said before, that something in the patterns
of history tolmd me something bad happened to religion, Christianity, around 1400. Now I
know why the Catholics in town dislike me... too bad they don't think or read their own
Bible. Wycliff had a bunch of things right, like saying that techncally, once you claim to
be a Christian, no sins are forgiven. COnceptually that's true,and the Bible as we have it
says that too... forgiveness comes with correcting your ways, stopping your evil, and
adhering to God's ways as much as possible. Wycliff technically had it right. But if
people just think declaring themselves as CHristians will have them go to heaven,
remember, God says it's what's in your heart, and He knows what you think and what you've
done. And that you people long ago failed to understand the ways of God, just a
sJesus said, and why s few "Christians" will actually be seen by God as that.
Christianity is more than just believing in God and Jesus. It's a religion
with a purpose that's lng been forgotten, gone extreme, and caused the very people it was
to serve to be pushed away, replaced by evil, and every bit explains why so few will make
it to heaven from this point.. unless true atonement is made.
I could say tons about the few pages I read last night... but Lynn's
already under attack, and I have things to do to get us out of here safely. I'm gladd
the sickos think they're above the law.
Family - Summer Days
Mann - Wise Up to the people of the United States
Thurston, I know you love being mentioned.. you'll get your wish later
Thurston, and God promises he'll turn it all around on you, and you'll regret loving being
a rapist and murderer. That goes for DHS and the Government as well.
11/8/2010 7:11am About "coincidences" and Keith's and Alfred
Hitchcock's "portable plots"... let me just start by reminding you of the
dialectics, the psyops and their results for individuals and whole cultures.. how I've
talked about the appearance of obsession with certain people, and why I end up talkking
about them for years as part of the rippling effects of their psyops and how what their
part was continues to be a factor. ANd how the truth is, I'd really rather forget these
people existed... with that, I'll just remind you of the name "Melissa Scott",
and how for years I've enjoyed the Jehovah's witnesses, and a particular man who used to
visit my house in Olympia.
I finally made it to the Kingdom Hall in Olympia, harrassed as usual on my
way, and wehn I got there, I chekced out the parking lot, and there WERE numerous
vehicles on the surveillance/harassment teams, so I realized this church had been
infiltrated, at least a little. I got to the dorr, there were a couple guys outside, and I
told them who I was looking for and they said, okay, and then led me to a small room in
the back of the church wehre he and his wife were listening to the service by themselves,
away from the rest of the congregation, and I wondered why. I sat through the dicussion
they were having, giggling at times at my pleasure of the way they approached things, what
they were committed to doing in the world for God, and how the bulk of the topics they
discussed were the same topics I've randomly opened the Bible and other books to lately..
for years... even reading a concordance reference that had me decide I should read Micah
soon, which came up in their service...
I had to laugh a little too, knowing there were people on the harassment
teams there, knowign the dothings to discourage you and intimidate by setting up to look
like these infiltrators have you in the position to reach out, only to find your enemies
have established themselves in the places you'd go to particpate so you'll go somewhere
else. As in, people who spread lies about you being in good standing with organizations
and churches so if you speak out, they can discredit you publicly and in private meetings
with the people you're talking to.
So, I 'm sitting there, listening to peole share, and theyu kept claling
on this one woman "Sister Scott". I heard that and tried to get a look at her,
couldn't at first from the little I was in with Milton and his wife. I got up to get a
beter view, still couldn't see her. And she was very good at sharing and being on point.
Including on how much fun it was to help another member clear some trees that could have
been done by 1 or 2 people, but wasn't it fun to do it with 10 and get it done quickly and
with other members of their "community".... Fianlly got a look at her, cause I
was curious, and guess who she looked like? And I could only conclude that someone
settting up the PMS psyop included having me, if I ever went to contact that church,
to find out that woman was there only to make me believe this church would be against me
in advance. ANd no, I had no inclination to meet her, and yes yes was definitely a good
Christian person speaking about everything, in the service, about unification at this
time, and how governments control religion, as I was addressing the other night regarding
Wycliff in the 1400's... so I'm just laughing about that at this point...
So, after theservice, I shook Milton's hand, aware there were psyops
people there, and I asked, did you know I was coming here today? And he said, no we're in
this room because my wife gets headaches sometimes because of the flourescent lights..
which is a symptom of directed energy attacks, and of course, it kept them separated from
the rest of the congregation. Meanwhile, it slowly kills her, and as these "portable
plots" go, after a while, would lead to a stroke, and then of course, Milton would
have to curtail his activities to care for her.
So I shook his hand, and asked if he remembered me, even though back then
I didn'thave a beard and I didn't have long hair, which I dislike. And he remembered, and
even remembered the name of the street you turned off on to get to my house,which
surprised me, because I can never remember it. I actually got lost later on trying to find
it. And i was glad he was happy to see me, as well as knowing my being there was for him
proof that his work for God was not in vain.
I told him and shared with him a little about the situation, medical and
dental problems, purveillance3 and psyops, and that I could porove there were infiltrators
in his church. I asked him if the church itself was part of Weed and See type activities,
and as I expected, he said no, we don't get involved in political things, and I was amused
a bit by the fact that it's hard to separate "religion" from politics, and how
they were talking about governments controlling religion in their service.
Remember how I've been saying I'd like to talk to 1000 people at once to
answer questions they'd have about me, and to talk to the them about working together and
understanding that, like in Biblical times, churches had to come together to keep out
infiltrators so they could continue to speak freely about God, and continue good work in
the world.
I mentioned that the last time I tried to go there, and I'm certain now it
was no coincidence I tried to contact Milton on the day they were all at the Tacoma
Dome... it's a much longer story... and I only mentioned it to let him know I'd
tried to be there once before, and then he said, well, if you decide to come back for
services, I'm always here, but keep in mind if you decide to drop in that on January 1st,
they were having a group meeting in another city, in a room that would probably have about
1,000 Jehovah's Witnesses there... so they wouldn't be there that day, in case
I might happen to think of attending services then. I just chuckled. Of course, workign to
get out of this state for our safety's sake, I don't intend to be here then, andsuggested
maybe they could help us in gettng thigs done to speed our moving. I didn't saymuch about
psyops or weapons, I didn't want to alarm or cause him more danger.... I figured
long ago when he was visiting me, before I was aware of Weed and Seed, that being around
me would have him be monitored...
I also need to mention that the locals' intel is not as good as they
think, realizing I was wrong about what I thought his wife looked like, and thus, the
impostors who came to my door as Susan from Seattle and what I thought was his wife.. who
I gasve the letter to Milton to to deliver to him, and they probably thought they had an
earlier version where I openly questioned things about my life and it's relationship to
"evidence" of my being Christ... which I'm more than happy to discuss
anyway, and intend to bring up because it's an example of how the government sets things
up to destroy people's lives... and in this case, Im referring to my wife in
Woodinville... I'm more convinced than ever she was a CFR setup to hamper any thing I
attempted... as well as the fact that psychotronics was not particularly as functional
back then, but dews were in use. And that the couseling certain eople got, psychologists,
and then coming back and wanting to make it seem like their psychological issues were
about figuring me out.. it seems they were getting coaching, directl or subliminally, that
would have caused me doubt and loss of self esteem I suppose, if I had been interested in
knowing all about what they discussed in their sessions - supposedly about me - that I
guess I would have been cornered into having to accept that a psychologist said certain
things.. but the only thign I allowed them to tell me, at their demand, was that therir
psychologists said I was very well balanced and psychologically "advanced"
whatever that meant. And then I'd say, your sessions are for you, and between you and your
counselor, and I don't want to get involved or know unless it's really iportant to share
with me about YOUR issues and resolving them. And then, silence.
So I gave Milton the letter explaining a few things, and that I'm Christ,
andthat I'd like to meet with their elders.. I just left it with him so he could read and
absorb it, and let him look up the scrioptures I referred to... like Rev 2:17...
When I left the building and was about in my car, I noticed three or 4
cars starting up all at once, as happens when you're being surv3eiled, and I caught them
all on video before I got to the street... Most the people were still in the church. And
so I started to leave, and then they mobilized, andI pulled over and got their id's... but
this one guy.. an older guy... a member of the church, nodded his head over and over the
way perps do when theywant you to feel intimidate by the fact they were brazen enough to
let you know they were on you.
I'm assuiming this is a guy who's been part of their church for a while..
the PMS psyop still is a factor in this psyop, and this guy was probaly part of the
process of setting things up, knowing I would want to talk to Milton, and making sure the
person on the TV video not only looked like the person in this church, and like a person I
dreamed about when I was 20 or so, working with me globally on global abundance and
peace... it was clear to me even then, that was what the dream was about... and now, it
appears we were watching people in Solomon's Temple... near a fountain... and of course,
the name Scott, and I have no idea what the woman at the church's first name is...
but it appears this long running psyop with the tv minister and the supposed chilling
effect at this church with one of the few people locally I had a chance to get to know,
and he to get to know me... was to eventually cause me to not want to go back there...
That's the way government psyops and infiltration goes, and part of the
way governments control religion. I left it up to Milton to decide what to do with the
info I gave him, and realized there would be people in the church positioned to work
against me at that church. It'll be interesting.
The letter I gave to Milton is not quite the same as the one I gave to the
impostors, and does mention psyops and impostors, infiltrators and government interference
without many details... and also documents how long I've been trying to contact him, and
when I first wrote the letter, and confirmed that when I first delivered it to the church
mailbox long ago, that Milton never received it. I also told him that my websites
had been tampered with, and that if his church wanted a real copy, I could provide it on
Tell the infiltrators he will only receive what I decide is relevant, and
not the whole contents, as these psyops people and government would like to have
everything becauseof certain things I've written for my own review purposes, and will
never be for public discussion, because they are about things that are nobody's business,
nothing illegal, and would only give them more reason to claim that the info they would
extort me about was all on my website, which is the reason I was told in the beginning I
had to divulge all these things myself, that gave them a cover up for their psyops,
claiming they obtained no info illegally or through psychotronics.. and I think they've
lost track of what I've thought about and written about, and what I've actually published.
And keep in mind, the few things I've written that are private are nothing I'm
particularly worried about, and would actually only prove psyops had been used against me
for decades. Mostly, by Time Warner and GE.
Keep in mind, my father was predisposed against Time, but since Betty
White's sister gave me a funny look one day in speech therapy class/toastmaster
training... at Scotts Valley Elementary when I mentioned that Look magazine was run by
communist sympathizers, I decided to make up my own mind about things.. she was the
therapist and the Toastmaster insturctor, and they never did Toasstmasters again after
that day.. unless they decided not to have me in it any more... and didn't tell me. And I
don't know for sure if it was Betty's sister, but they looked almost exactly alike, and
then I wonder about my Aunt Margaret whose married name was "White"... Margaret
and Bill..
and let's not forget, when I contacted Lou, I was trying to make an
informal gentleman's agreement that if AOL gave me bandwidth, I'd set up the farm and give
Time-Warner the first chance at every "best talent" I found as I came across
them when people sent me material for publication, and musicians...
I wanted to work for Warner Brothers as a staff music writer since
High School... to me, that simply meant them giving me the name of the person to send my
music to who would know that I wasn't gonna spend alot of time producing the songs for
play, but I'd give them everything I wrote to give to producers and artists so I didn't
have to spend time marketing it, song by song. No money unless a song sold and got
legitimate royalties. Like James Taylor, "Woke up this morning and wrote down this
song, I just can't remember who to send it to..."
Taylor - Fire And Rain I believe the album was One Man Dog, and it was just about the
time my sister was in a similar circumstance... with a name mentioned in the song...
(BTW, benefit of the doubt is not the best subject to bring up with me
these days. Too much harm has been done. Whatever the truth is, it is)
9:41 am James Taylor's School Song is now playing. I don't remember it. It
was a piano instrumental ?:} Followed by McCartney - Bluebird.. which strangely also is
the name of a U.S. Government psyop operation... back in the Beatles days.... when the CIA
and British Intel thought they could break up the culure alternative thinkers - people who
had caught on to the government dialectics to deceive people - you know, those crazy
hippie types - probably being hit by DEWS..... like I was though unaware... could break
their movement and dissemination of information by using the Beatles to promote anarchy as
meanin extremist, radical, and used drugs and sex to throw them off track, and give them a
negative public image.. like the media does now with people they are controlling... but
mainly, making them and their relationships dysfunctional.. as with CoIntelpro.
At this moment, I think of things like the fun back masking in the Beatles
music sometimes, which I figured they just did like a joke or marketing ploy... and I
wonder if they were trying to get people to realize subliminals were being added to music
to influence them - that's psyops, primitive psychotronics... or if they were trying to
send other messages themselves.. just like I hear morse code in quite afew songs by
some very popular artists I would now say are likely angels who just feel compelled to
communicate somehow...
I really do have to say again: these people particpating in psyops, and
claiming to be parts of Christian Churches, are there either deceiving themselves or the
people they are with, and regardless of why they signed up to do what they do, evil is
evil, especially the sorts of things these people do... and at this time, given that
churches are supposed to be a place of refuge in times of persection, we really are at a
point where people need to decide whether they will keep their word to God that tehy
promised when they declared themslelves Christians, people who maybe don't know they
signed up to serve God over other considerations, knowing God has reasons for doing things
His way, and He does not purposely subject people to harm, He exposes the harm being done
to them, harm that's already being done, whether they know it or not, and would have been
done anyway. And if not exposed, eventually, this government and the New World Order would
want to humiliate and exterminate them anyway.
I will not be their excuse or justification for the crimes of the
government and their operatives.
I will be the person who sends the cavalry back to save their lives.
Sarah McLachlan - Black and White is Playing. It's about someone deciding
who they really are... she's an angel, by the way, and not always doing well...
McLachlan - Rarities - 01 - Dear God
God kept His promise. Will all of you?
Dylan - Slow Train Coming - 01 - Gotta Serve Somebody And I thought he "sold
Dylan - Slow Train Coming - 03 - I Believe In You If he did, so did I.
When the truth is known and it gets to the bottom line, I know other
people will too.
Joan Jet came on, I Love Rock and Roll.
Not online, so I'll play this. Not what what I would have picked, but I
don't question God in these matters anymore.
Jett and the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation
Here's a song I love from an album I've always loved, by a guy who's an
angel who was set up for statutory rape and did some time, a true example of these
horrible angels some people talk about from the hippie era. It came on a while ago, and
seemed like a better placement would arise...
Rankin - The Kenny Rankin Album - 01 - A House of Gold
and then of course, this came on...
McLean - American Pie (full)
Gotta go patch some leaks...
Next song that came up after closing this down - Enya - Angeles - check it
7:22pm Lynn's trailer was purposely damaged again.. this time, they're
making sure to make the front window leak by damaging it and ruing the seal so it will
cause water damage, and doing so much damage to the door that the whole lock assembly will
likely need to be replaced.. and of course, everythign I report that
they do, they keep doing, and still think I'm not going to continue to keep this log, and
still think just because I haven't posted that I am isolated, and I know they're just
convicting themselves...
Tooth torture.. seems like multiple people on me today, lots of pain, lots
of damage to my teeth, and given how thing sgo, it clearly was set up by the infilttrants
at the Jehovah Witness Church in Olympia to make me do something I said I wouldn't do,,
talk beofre people without teeth, and make a fool of God.. as they would wish. Good thing
I got lots of video of the people who are the criminals in their church.
I'm glad they think I'm stupid. I will never go along with their crimes.
And they will be driven from the churches because evil has no place in a church. ANd the
politicians they work for will regrwet the policies of torturing U.S. Citizens... and
think they can play games like I'm some toy doing whatever they want. I don't care how bad
they torture me. These people are sick and delusional, and need to be locked up.
I'm, being tortured as I write this, I've accomplished littel or nmothing
today.. and I'm sure the sickos infiltrating the churches think they're winning..
and they're so wrong... despite the pain and aggravation, I'm still laughing at their
delusional sense of power...
Caught a fwew minutes of Rachel tonight. Sounds liek another fixed
election for the COuncil on Foreign Relations, and Sarah Palin, New Morning, and John
Kerry's Sunrise and all... I may not be quotying it right because of the torture,
but rachel , the speed talking.. is that YOUR idea today?
Keith.. ain't it funny how God turns things around? WHiule your sick
friends do this to me and Lynn, just remember ther ewill be no mercy for evil.. like teh
Boble syas... and I hope you enjoy being credited for your work with the rest of your
pervert friends.
Nothing's changed but a re-commitment to God's will.
McDonald - Our Love
Five - State Of Shock
Not me. But I bet some perverts are Not to menntion some people with a
letter at the JW Kingdom Hall
Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky
- Come and Get Your Love
11/8/2010 8:56am Up around 7am. The last few days, becaus eof my
complaints, instead of doing sleep deprivation by waking meup at 4am, they just changed
the hours. I figure they had someone on the East Coast in DHS working me and like usual,
they didn't get what they wanted. But thanks for the gift, DHS.
The U.S. Government is using psychotronics to control what I write with
thought insertion... including wanting me to write another long paragraph on things I've
covered many times. And I am currently receiving extreme tooth torture, as these sickos
want me to write bad things about the Jehovah's Witnesses, when all they got on Sunday was
infiltrators who will be reported to the Hague and Federal and State authorities.
The Bible verses last night were perfect, as usual, for the occasion...
because of pain I'm not really feeling like writing much.. but Romans Chapter 6 is the
perfect chapter, verse 13 explains why scertain ministers and the Nazis in churches will
go to hell
13: Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto
sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your
members as instruments of God.
And God says, never do his work in secrecy or covertly.. and any member of
a church working for the Nazis who claims to try to be helping me is a liar and will go to
hell. There ARE rules, an God DOES enforce them, and whoever told you doing evil to do
good was alright could not possibly have been a Christian or even ethical.
Time to check the damage. Btw, the U.S.Government has already proven how
evil they are, and all this evidence - if you think you really have me preoccupied or
paranoid of you, always rememebr, I know how all this ends, and that's why despite the
pain and torture, I'm still laughing at all you Nazis.
Still haven't posted since the tampering. TOrtuure tends to preoccupy you.
Nahmod - One Power - 01 - One Power
God just said it all.
9:08am Looked down at the Bible, and saw this:
Romans 6 19 I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of
your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity
unto iniquity: even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
6:16pm This morning, when I woke up, the sicko doing psychotronics told me
he was going to prove to me he could force me to hang up my "good clothes"...
blue jeans and a sweater... I told him I wouldn't, becaus ethis is how sick and rediculous
these people are, always trying to prove they can force tyou to do things with torture,
that you'll give in... this afternoon, it was a rainy day, got little done due to a long
day of tooth torture, but thought I might as well do some laundry... went through some
boxes, set the "good clothes": aside... And then I came across a couple of
books that Kryptoman gave me to read...
I came across a book called "A Minister Service Book" from
Mellinger Funeral Home in Tacoma, originally published in 1938 by the Bible Institute. I
wa slooking through it, and the psychotronics pervert was giving me a hard time about not
being an "ordained" minister, how my life would be easier if I was, and I told
him I was ordained by God, and he said, who says so, and I said, I do, and just at that
moment, I had opened the page to a hymn that shut him up for a few minutes...
Whate'er my God ordains is right;
Here will I take my stand,
Though sorrow, need or death make earth
For me a desert land.
My Father's care is 'round me there,
He holds me that I shall not fall:
And so to him I leave it all.
The hymn is Whate'er My God Ordains is Right S. Radigast, 1675
With that book I also found another book Kryptoman gave me, called The Truth that Leads
To Eternal Life... published by the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1968, revised in 1981, and I
turned to some interesting passages in Chapter 12, "Righteous Rule Makes Earth A
Paradise" and I thought this paragraph was poignant
Jehovah will soon bring to an end all the present wicked system. If you gain Jehovah''s
approval now, you may be privileged to survive into God's new system What will this mean
for you?
Of course, it goes on to tlak about this non-political group of Christians' views of
how these wicked systems and governments will be brought down. And ya know, they agree
with me...
How A Peaceful Movement Will Bring Down The Nazis. Of course, they just say
governments and companies and so forth, I added the Nazi part at the request of the United
States Government sickos who thought I'd be intimidated to say it and be embarrassed, but
as usual, they were wrong, and it's very simple to prove these sickos are Nazis.
It also talks about how these sickos will likely be the kind God simply erases from the
book of life forever.
Campbell - Try A Little Kindness
Young - Greatest Hits - 10 - Old Man
Loggins - Meet Me Half Way
I thought I was good at music mixes. I close my eyes and pick from the list with the
mouse, and I'm always surprised at what He decides to play. Makes it easy. Speaking of
which, who is Brenda Comsia? Seems like I'm always throwing off the timing of the
anti-Christ :}
Time to listen to Dean Martin...
At Work - TBD - 100 - It's A Mistake Now is that about Brenda or Dino? And speaking of
Dino, is there another recount? Dino, if you have some acorns, I know how to tan hides :}
11/10/2010 6:37am How the United States became a Godless nation... and keep in mind,
when speaking of Israel, it's talking about the Unied States too. This is God talking to
the self-appointed anointed government of the U.S., and all the people in the churches who
are evil, and then the people as a whole. For those who think God is not political, and
that I will be erelegated to "merely rligion", this is God's answer.
1 Kings 9
6 But if ye shall turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my
commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and
worship them:
7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house
(nation), which I have hallowed (chosen) for my name (for my son, Christ to lead), will I
cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among the people. (like a
story in mythology of something that was to be, if people followed His ways, but still
remains a symbol of hope, worth having, not expected in this lifetime, and only because
people gave up, and don't actually truly believe God keeps His promises. But He did.)
8 And at this house (the United States AND Israel) , which is high, every one that
passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say , Why hath the Lord
done thus unto this land, and to this house? (forgetting they caused it for their own
pleasure and wealth)
9 And they shall answer, Because THEY (the government and citizens, and people like
Jerry Falwell who said "We all know God's way doesn't work") forsook the Lord
their God (by working in secrecy and with tyranny and evil), who brought forth their
fathers out of the land of Egypt (Great Britain) and have taken hold of other gods, and
have worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath the Lord brought upon them all this
... by letting them destroy themselves.
I was looking around this morning, thinking about what things, books, I might take with
me. Decided to read Hafiz.. easy to get a good verse from him...
Cucumbers and Prayers
All day long
The earth shouts
"Gee, thanks."
As if God were passing by in a parade encouraging
Rowdy behavior
By looking so beautiful ---
That a whole avalanche of manna swoops in!
I like this idea of throwing things at God,
And especially-- his making us rowdy!
Thus, as soon as Hafiz is out of bed
I start stuffing large sacks
With old shoes, cucumbers,
For the upcoming
And who knows
What else.
This one's the way I wanted to approach the ministry and the churches, and why I've
been so disappointed at how people really aren't willing to believe in God's promises
enough to even wonder. Body, of course, in this case, means the body of Christ...
Chain You To My Body
These words
Are just a front.
WHat I would really like to do is
Chain you to my body,
Then sing for days
And days and
Translations from Daniel Ladinsky... the book, The Gift
7:34am The wind is blowing east to west again today.
11/11/2010 4:05pm Crime report: someone messing with the valves on my propane tanks,1
leaks, the nect day, looks like someone loosened them, and then closed them up to make it
leak and give the apparent threat of causing leak damage. These guys are perverts, and
it's why I'm not worrying about checking out the cgas fittings before leaving the area,
except maybe just to tighten them quickly...
Gotten more done, trailers are doing better on the leaks.. mine still has trouble, but
it is going well. I keep wondering what to paint on top for the chopper guys... like, Hi
it's me..
The psychotronics guys are always trying to get me to worry about things I'm not
worried about.. today, for days, they've talked about my disappointment about the
Jehovah's Witnesses not contacting me and all.. and I have to admit, if I was them, I'd be
wondering.. planting seeds is a good thing... there's something about cedars.. :}
The psychotronics guys were asking me if I was really going to use the logs outr
firewood guy vcut up for me for things.. I was going to get a shopsmith, a planer and make
lumber of them for finsihing the house, benches, closets... a long term project, like
the sundial I wanted to make with stones... like they used to make long ago by
hand... I was collecting rocks.. shapes and colors to separate them for art and
fountains... and I was really curious about growing artichokes, partlyy for boiling
the leaves down afterward to create india blue ink.. and I keep getting told there's
something about Indigo Blue... like Joni Mitchell's album, and lots of songs...
And then the other night I was reading about the cedars... I call em seeders...
sometimes I wonder if the web log guys in Lebanon I wrote to track this site.. I have no
idea who reads this site, other than the government and the locals... I hope Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad does... :}
Hail to the chopper guys... don't need your help thanks.
Lot of talk about monarch butterflies lately, migrating 5,000 miles.. no more speed
racer trips, folks. Games are over.
The psycho was harrassing me the other night before reading the Bible when I turned to
Kings 18:5, and then afteerward, listened toi Him mocking God and marked with my Bahail
book of Prayers... For some reason, I marked Nehemiah... Nehemiah Chapter 9. It's weird,
isn't it, ia in words in teh Bible usually aer stories of people and more who are either
victims of conspiratorial or deceptive plans, are are the perpetrators, all the way to the
point of, for some reason, receiving visions from God, and interpreting them incorrectly
based upon a bias or preconceived notion of what the truth is... or people later on not
understanding the knowledge of the prophet or person they translated. Zepphaniah chapter 3
would make an excellent additional section to read.. I had it marked too, for some reason.
I have to be honest, I'm never much for "pre-writtne prayers" for my own
prayers... but I looked at the first one in thisbooklet you can get from Bahai online for
free, this for prayer and meditation...
Intone, O my servant, the verses of God that have been received by thee, as intoned by
them who have drawn nigh unto Him, tha tthe sweetness of thy melody may kindle thine own
soul, and attract the hearts of all men.
AND this
He is the payer-hearing, prayer-answering God.
The words of Baha'U'llah The "founder" of Baha'i
And not for sale to the Council on Foreign Relations or other politicians.. people like
them see the real thing, and they end up making the right choices... Hillary.... got an
empty cigar box yesterday.. called, Churchill's Rejects....
Taylor - Flag - 12 - Sleep Come Free Me
The psycho said, what's that song supposed to mean, and then I picked
this while explaining sometimes God picks this music for other people and reasons...
Mathis - It's Not For Me to Say
- New Position
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 04 - Light of Love
11/12/2010 6:30am Wakened around 3am. As usual, 2-3 hours of torture before I give up
trying to go back to sleep... the U.S. Government death squad people insist on torturing
me more befoer i wrote because like all psychotic serial rapists and murderers, they like
their victims to write about them because they love getting credit for their perversity
with their friends... Lynn was awakened around 2am....
God's name is Jesus.. never occurred to me, no wonder I was confused on the part when
the Bible said.. Jesus sent an angel... of course, I refuse to listen to Dido anymore....
anyway... so in a fwew parts of the Bible that confused me, it makes more sense. Reminds
me of when I was a kid and decided to be called Chuck because my dad was called Charlie,
and it was hard when you'd hear someone yell Charles, and wonder who they were calling
for... (and I'm not talking about the pervert down the road who loves to do torture who
thinks anyone would be confused into thinking he's god.. his words... the pervert down the
road who plays psychotronics games thinking he'll be able to sue ME for defamation, what a
joke. Of course they use torture to distract people from everything actually important)
Anyway, so when God sent an angel to prepare the way.. the United States government
and the Illuminati wanted to be sure their brand of psychosis was the rule of law. ANd for
a long long time have altered the Bible and religion, and like the Bible says, they
cursed themselves for doing it...
And in these psyops against me, they cursed themselves by being arrogant, and extending
psyops so long that I was even able to folow the trail from Washington DC to LA to
Olympia, all to embarass the Jehovah's WItnesses even more, while Council on Foreign
Relations apostates and whores mislead people about religion, God's ways and promises on
tv. And the books published by the Illuminati's partners in the media... all of whom will
enjoy spending time with their favorite traitorous heroes...
Quite the psyop, that convicts the whole damn government, from coast to coast... and in
over a hundred countries in the world for years to provoke a global war, where we have
waged covert war, leading to this moment.
Something about, those who survive will be saved, and those of God's who have fallen
will return. Something about being 25 forever...
I'm gonna try to finalize my thoughts on ministers working with the perverts because
they think psychotronics and psycho correction is a good thing... you created your own
hell and persecution.
Hermits - Mrs Brown You've Got A Lovely
Franks - Soul Mate
McLachlan - Building a Mystery (Acoustic)
McDonald - No Lookin' Back - 08 - Lost In The Parade
And that's how Exodus will work.
6:40pm THe torturers on behalf of the United States Government insisted that I tell you
that after 13 hours of torture, they're proud of everything they do including rape and
torture becaus ethe New WOrld Order is full of people proud of being perverts and sickos
for the fun of it.
And they actually believe I'll have a problem convinceing a jury of their psychotronic
torture, attempts to kil people - like when they turned on the gas in my trailer last
night and left it on inside to use up the gas and create a fire hazard.
11/13/2010 4:46am Awakened around 3am... Lynnwas awake about a half hour later, I
assume, once again waken up by the people doing vandalism outside. I looked into the front
yard, and realized someone had removed the cover from my trailer, exposing the areas I
patched, and covered to dry, exposed to the dew.. at least it wasn't raining,and
fortunately, it appears the patch material was little or undamaged.. so far...
Last night, couldn't find my Bible by my bed, so I grabbed another one that Kryptoman
gave me.. printed in 1891...
I opened it up in typical random manner tolet God tell me what He wanted me to know
last night... previously, like the night before, I had been reading in 1Kings.. about
Tyre, and Cedar, and Solomon and Hiram.. and.. I picked chapter 6... where I'd left off
before... in the other Bible... telling the story of how Hiram built the Temple for God
under the direction of SOlomon, ad how God said, that's great, but I'll build my own
house, thank you.
Talk about sick Biblical jokes... first, like the movie Tuscany, in some ways, it
couldbe said that where I live and all is exactly what I always wanted, if it was true...
you could also make an ellgory about how this life the Government has subjected us to is
like th eStargate Atlantis episode where the "travelers" through the
"chevron" required so many angels, that the angels decided to put the travelers
into a fake reality, as if they would not know the difference. In this case, it could be
easily proven that the setup here was to make fun of the temple Solomon had Hiram build
for God... because this house is very much like that temple. I didnt find it funny when I
realized it.. and how erverse these Council on Foreign Relations people are.
This of course also leads tme to another thing my mother told me... that Ulysses S
Grant was a great, great uncle far removed, with no further detail.. and I'm betting it's
true.. even theallegories/parallells to the story in Kings rings true to the story
of Grant... and the story of Grant includes how his name wasn't actually Ulysses, it
was Hiram... and of course, this story of Hiram and Solomon... in this case, Grant help
off the Free Masons/Illuminati and the Federal Reserve... and the little of his writings
I've seem were like those of the founding fathers, creating a foundation and holding to
it.. after 2 terms, he wanted to run again because he'd figured out the games and deceit
of the politicans and financiers, and wanted to put an end to it, but the party wouldn't
let him run again.. for obvious reasons.
I rememebr reading about how, in some words, the "person" would be
"pre-pared" before taking over in order not to be tricked. This whole chapter,
and these writings, are like the description of the sickest dialectic against me by the
CFR... and I suppose the end they'd like to see, other than my deth, is to have me reject
the "house" built by our forefathers, that was built for God and to represent
His Kingdom, as I plan and look forward to building a new "house", a temple for
Again, I'll say, I haven't turned my back on this nation, this government and its sick
death squad operatives have. As if it matters.
For a guy who always wanted tobuy a little property, plant trees and watch them grow
for 20 or more years, it's even more strange now to know I've lived in 37 places...
For the locals... this one's going 11.... dentists of course... sine coming to
Washington State to be tooth tortured and impoverished by people I thought were likely of
a Chrisitan state.. more than most places in this country...
MGB just for the fun of it...
Ecclesiastes 9 12: For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in
an evil net, and as the birds are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an
evil time, when it faileth suddenly upon them.
God picks 'em good.
13 This wisdom have I seen also under the sun, and it seemed great unto me:
14 There was a little city, and few men within it: and there came a great king against
it, and beseiged it, and built great bulwarks against it
15 Now there was found in it a poor wise man and he by his wisdom delivered the city:
yet no man remebered that same poor man.
Campbell - Where's The Playground Susie
16 Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's
wisdom is despised and his words are not heard
17 The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth
among fools.
18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 04 - Only Mama Knows
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter
God really does pick em.
Oh lord I wish that I was hercules..... guess the great emulators couldn't come up with
the diaectic for Hercules, and Jezebel had to suffice.
Rundgren - The Very Best - 07 - A Dream Goes On Forever
After that song, Rick James, Superfreak came on... maybe that was a bad choice of words
:}Olbermann, I said NO MORE BIMBOS!!!!
followed by, Peter Cetera (of Chicago) Where There's No Tomorrow... guess I said it all
in a letter.... the lyrics
18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.
There must have been another bimbo psyop planned.. Huey Lewis - Stuck On You
Browne - Naked Ride Home - 04 - For Taking the Trouble
Wonder & Paul McCartney - Ebony & Ivory
For CNN.. what's in a name.. interpret it as you will...
ELO - Midnight Blue
Harrison - Brainwashed - 05 - Rising Sun
Final Thought.. Roberta Flack... Our Ages or Our Hearts... from me to the
United States.
6:30am Looks like I was tricked or someone altered some documents in the
files I just copied for 2011kingdom in order to change the internal modification dates of
some documents, info I was specifically trying to preserve... properties of documents that
would normally have been copied must have been changed to prevent copying and requiring
tests to find out why....
11/15/2010 6:37am Didn't write yesterday.. tooth torture all day, very
bad.. what's worse is being tortured, and then you go to eat, and they do it worse...
Update on U.S. Rep Bobby Scott, memo 46ing the Peace Alliance... turns out
he's on the DHS committees in Congress...
Peace and Prosperity act... good people getting involved.. in thehandoff
to Lynn to start things.. her pain levels prevent her from fully participating... but the
people she's attracted are excellent, including Rabbi Lerner... I look forward to talking
to him... there's been along history of people like him that the psyops people have
associate with Lynn, then drop put of sight, to frustrate me, with these people also being
handed my ideas without the knowledge to be able to accomplish them... the same reasons
the Bible says those purposely distriibuting my things.. God's message.. without my direct
instruction are cursed.
It's been a long time since I watched news on tv.. when CNN's psyops on me
failed, and I was a problem for them, they zapped me for months.. I'd have to look it up,
it might have been 2 or 3 years... 2003 they made the handoff back to MSNBC... and now, I
guess MSNBC blew it so bad, they tried to hand me off to Fox for more media mirroring...
and MNSBC made sure I missed the elections and to get me off their backs... 2bad4u.
These days, all I'm really doing is what I can get done, in preparation
for legal suits and leaving on asylum... and figuring out how to present the cases, run
for president and get a job that allows me to make a living. Meanwhile, the tooth torture
I'm going to say this one more time for now.. in a few weeks, I'll be
writing conclusions based on what I know, and what has a happened with the information I
have, and I haveto be honest, I won't give anyone but a few locals the benefit of
thedoubt, and you acquiescent Nazis can vindicate yourselves, and if you don't, that's
your problem. I have lots of reasons to believe the bad guys are good guys and visa
versa... and I'm not going to waste my time trying to find reason to defend their
Personal Note: Abby Hoffman Steal This Book. Moynihan. 1989 Suicide.
CoIntelPro. Chicago 7.
After some 15 hours of torture, and getting little done yesterday, I was
tired last night... read Numbers Chapter 11 and a few beyond... about blowing trumpets..
my dad made sure I knew how to blow a military bugle, Ithink from the Spanish American
War... I think my sister, the one with the Mason Bible, has it... they also made sure I
knew how to make a slide trombone work... if there's been a consistent clue that was
vectored by many people, it had to do with Louisiana, Dixieland Jazz, New Orleans,
Hurricanes, oil and radiation... Elliot Ness, Combat, a few dreams that are coming
true... maybe the red phone was more like a Neurophone... and it's been interesting to
point out certain corrupt individuals in government, and then watch them go out of
power, as if playing a game of me having to "convict" these people to get rid of
them, like a game of the politicians to keep me busy, like I had to solve all the crimes
to stop them.. tell Nancy I will prove all the crimes necessary to get the job done...
with a tax on treason. Say hi to Bill and Hillary for me... and tell Barack his confession
was appreciated.
I always wondered why my second grade teacher, the psychometrist, told me
that one day I'd be famous for my work with salt... that could be Morton, psaltery,
Strategic Arms Limitations Treaties... all sorts of things I'm actually concerned about...
the San Francisco Bay Area, Jeb Bush, Willie Brown, HAARP and El Nino...
The fun part about Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and death squads is
that when I report attacks on us by death squads, they will have provided ample
evidence of this government's intent to do these things, and then they'll have to explain
how much they actually had about how these death squads have been operating for years...
because one way governments get peole used to accepting tyranny is to do it, have
"heroes": expose it, and then deny their rights to tell the rest of the public
that they simply have to accept it. I won't let that happen this time.
I was told that I was being used as an example... of what happens to U.S.
Government targets of death squads if they don't go along with th New World Order. I
intend to prove that God CAN do everything, that the Biblical prophecies are coming true,
and that the evil of Satan will NOT be powerful enough to overthrow the kingdom of God...
and this IS God's final warning to the Nazis. ANd the COuncil will discover that
memo 46ing ministers will be their end.
Hermits - Listen People
God never quites. I'd just looked down while the listing for th emusic
came up and read
Numbers 11:17 And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will
take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them: and they shall bear the
burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not thyself alone.
Alex Costellanos, do you feel stupid yet for that sick Biblical joke about
Barack for John McCain?
Lennon - Imagine
Hermits - Listen People
When God picks em, I don't question it anymore... he picks em, my job is
to convict them, and defend the victims.
Southern Comfort - Woodstock
A few other relevant tunes came up... reminded me of George W Bush
and my messages to him including
Of Power - Bump City - 08 - Skating On Thin Ice
This was the song that came on tha tgot me to include it...
Jethro Tull - Skating Away... thought it was online...
9:48am I was trying to decide on what I'd try to get done today, and the
psychotronics guys always end up distractin gme.. and like usual, they had me put on an
album, knowing it would keep me busy a while, and like yusual, they'll regret it.. I think
of all the dialectics with a single person involved that did not work out... and this is
the song they'll regret
Amazing.. not online.. Paul Simon - Diamonds on the SOles of Her SHoes..
Diamonds are supposed to be people who would be successful, and someone
with them on their shoes would be someone who walks over the top of them... interesting
song and lyrics, like another dialectic that appeared to go wrong that was a taunt.. Only
Mama Knows by McCartney...
Strangely enough, I always wondered why Kallman's Syndrome was the
"malady" the Nazis used as an excuse for eugenics... killing off inferior and
defective people with bad genes... retarded people, birth defects, bad habits... and of
course the Bible talks about the angels and the 144,000 as eunichs.. these days it's
not good to be known as a eunich... I suppose that's what I'd be regarded... at the same
time, there was an operation or two, and the thing about Stanford and the Calico cat that
was fertile, and they wanted to experiment on it, and then it just disappeared.. like the
pet lab rat I supposedly had... that disappeared.. after my brother kept joking about
taking it to school and dissecting it.... who sold newspapers/programs for Standford
Football Games when he went to Ravenswood High School... and was what made me decide I
wanted to go to Stanford... cause he made it sound like a great place, and they had law
schools and things I was interested in.
So.. a little research found a forum in the U.K. for Kallman's patients..
about 10,000 of them... I believe of the kind of people, and descendants of the tribes of
Israel.. or at least suspected of such.. and goes a ways in explaining why the
Illuminati/Nazis wanted to do away with Jews and Kallman's syndrome people... wiping out
as many as possible potential "chosen"...and thus, holocaust. And I thought it
was weird because Thompson's syndrome is nearly the same thing, with the same treatments
and fertility treatments... also "discovered" and researched by German
scientists also working on Kallman's syndrome...
Thorogood - Who Do You Love
Taylor - Flag - 07 - BSUR :}:}:}
Top - Tush ???????
As if everybody knew what I was talkin' about.. diamonds on the soles of
her shoes :}:}:}
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 08 - The Cool, Cool River - Paul Simon
The prophets speak, as he did in '72
Simon - American Tune
11/17/2010 4:17pm Today was wasted with more tooth torture, nothing
accomplished. It's painful, but if there's anything I truly believe is that the books my
mom gave me were the perfect advice for me when I finally read them.. especially the part
about God turning everything around... Thanks to the DHS for all the footstools.
Couple days ago, the pain was so bad from the torture, my mouth hurt too
much to eat, so I drank a cup of soup.
Last might's MGB's started with Romans 13:11 I went back and started at
the beginning of Chapter 13.
I always loved to read Psalms, not because of the stories of being
persecuted, but of the faith and hope of David... In this case Psalms 40 and 41 seem very
relevant to the times.
For those who believe I am not interested in politics, you're very wrong..
and I will do as I believe I should, and evryday I know God is beating Satan.
- When I Fall In Love (62)
Wonder - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
Reddy - You And Me Against The World
Two songs came up afterward.. given the music of the last few entries, let
the CFR and their whores know this is the response I have for them.
- Purple Rain_single
Preston - Will It Go Round In Circles
11/18/2010 11:02am Lynn and I were having a very relaxed and enjoyable
time looking at her old photos, that explained some scenes that work into restimulating
trauma for Lynn... especially where we lived in Maryland... she gave me some info, went to
make an important call, and was immediately zapped, in severe pain, and settled into a
spot in the room on the pew and went into "oblivion"...
Personal notes: DOP 3 yrs PMS Psyop Burbank Terry Mason husband
videographer JW Olympia... Sister Scott... 4 surveillors in the church... Milton's wife
targeted... Occidental.. room with a view... verdugo.. superman...
press/presidential dinner 2009 McCartney.. Only Mama Knows.. Peter Viles, CNN Los Angeles,
Chris Jansing, Brittany Spears, NBC Los Angeles... Leno... Little Creek...
hospitalization. Huckleberry, Acai, dogs, pms... Jezebel... mais.. weirder and
As usual, I was tortured extremely while trying to read the Bible, and
Lynn was attacked and audio was made, incorrctly spoken as November 13th, unusual noses,
Lynn 1am... purpose of attacks is a footstool sociopath who represents the U.S. Govt and
its purposes nature, to supposedly break my connection with God. The sicko loves it when I
write about his perversity... as do the politicians and media... easy to prove.
Ian - At Seventeen
Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
Spoonful - What A Day For A Daydream
Napolitano and Barack: for the record, I will stand by the claim yuou
sickos wanted me to make, and the opening and closing arguments will be based upon your
confession at Normandy: Nazis humilate and exterminate.
I don't care what reasons you sickos have for what you do. Any governemnt
that systemically manages its nation by systematically murdering people is worthy of the
consideration of the preamble.
Isn't it interesting that if there's one common thread between what Lynn
and I have experiences, it comes from a story about our founding fathers, the
authors of the federalist papers, the constitution and declaration of independence.. those
who calleed for, fought and "won" the revolution.. the sickos have "long
memories", as they told me via email... and the founding fathers almost every one
died mysterious or murdwerous deaths, or were bankrupted.. and apparently, the American
tradition of the British Government contimnuers its satanic dialectics against the
citizens of the United States under the leadership of Barack Obama and the Council on
Foreign Relations. Oh yeah, Lynn, of the Adams family, had a great uncle who was governeor
of Nebraska wayback when.....
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter
Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand
I always wanted to learn French. More indication sof prior knoweldge, and
a stupid lack of plausible deniability..
This is my pick of the day, and the them of the rest of my life for other
people on God's behalf.
Dylan - Slow Train Coming - 01 - Gotta Serve Somebody
Duran - Planet Earth
Footstools are footstools, and God said he'd take 'em down with their own
delusions, if they didn't rise and serve God as they promised.
Jil Jennewein - On My Knees
6:52pm Just a few minutes ago, why being tortured while trying to eat
dinner ( I wasn't able to eat a meal yesterday due to torture) the U.S. Government
psychotronics guys told me that...
Based on my reporting in 2009 regarding the discovery that the U.S. and
others celebrate Christian holidays with Pagan rituals, apparently at the wrong times of
the year to coincide with pagan holidays, and in retaliation, I was told they
tortured Lynn - about 2 months after her supposed stroke which was a directed energy
attack against her central nervous system,... so in retaliation they tortured her
all day, caused her to miss her meeting with her children and grandchildren, which was
very traumatic, and had her screaming in pain for God to kill her to relieve her..
And now, they say they're going to do the same thing to her this year for
Christmas... you'd better tell Olbermann, his CFR friends and the executives at GE and
Time Warner that if this occurs, it will be added to the bill for HER... and remember, I
told your perverts that when it comes to Lynn and taking care of her suffering, I will be
vindictive on her behalf, as well as they 'd better be glad that I am not personally
vindictive. Justice is a great thing,as is karma in its purest sense. It'll be a
great report, Keith. How much are you willing to be responsible for?
Choppers are now flying overhead. 6:57pm
11/19/2010 8:04pm I am being severely tortured right now.. this happens
every day when my sleeping hours are disturbed to cause sleep deprivation.. then the
psychotronics guys do everything to torture and harrass me in the morning to get me to
write some ramblng log of crazy things to set me up to appear mentally ill. This, despite
government publications saying they would do this to people, in the United States,
Citizens of the United States, anyone opposed to the U.S. Global plan for military
domination, per Donny Rumsfeld.
Let me say very clearly: what I write in here is true, with few errors
regarding details, I'd gladly have them corrected and that would further convict those
involved, as I would do more fact chekcing right now if I wasn't being harrassed, and
military technoology of Norseen's thought and word insertion weren't in use to prevent me
from telling more details of government sponsored terrorism.
As for their deceptions, that's their crimes.
If anyone wants to say - and this is a typical DHS setup, so I'm going to
let the DHS alter my words here... if anyone wants to say - so they're using weapons to
blank me out, and that will be.. okay,, the pervert decided to let me speak... now he
wants me to forget, and all this s is a demopnstration of how military weapons are being
used at this moment to stop me, and make it look like my memory and brain functions are
dysfunctional... now I'm being tooth tortured..
If anyone wants to say that Iam anxious or overly upset they'd be wrong, I
give these things little thought as I attempt to save Lynn's life and pursue justice
through the legal system. I am very confident of thefacts and evidence, and if this weblog
shows anything, it's how the U.S Government and Council on Foreign Relations, satanists,
set people up for crimes and medical conditions that don't exist for politicial purposes..
and I still say the guy the DHS put onme to make me believe Ihave no case and I'll
institutionalized for my wriitings and claims of crimes was a gift... and will be the
example of the perverse psyops and attitude toward Christians, Jews and citizens who
believe in the U.S. Constitution... at the Hague. ANd thanks to the DHS, instead of
keeping it within the U.S. as a U.S. matter, they think it's funny, the idea
of me being forced to leave the country to file charges that they'll ignore, and
supposedly, I'd be silenced.. and the thing is, their plan fulfills Biblical prophecy.
And the other thing is, in order to intimidate me, they want to force me
to (as the DHS idiot tortures me again, and thiks it's fun to get mentioned like a true
serial murderer and rapist....) when CNN's psyops and psychotronics werre about finding
out I had evidence, they had the DHS harm me into a setup to make me appear mentally ill,
setup situations with police to document my reports of their involvement as I if I
was mentally ill, and even used the Secret Service to suppress me... as they said, CNN was
through playing me.. and don't forget, toward the beginning, Dobbs said, every once ina
while one of these pops up... and then he started writing for U.S. News for a short time,
which led me to a story of Atlantic Blue Tunas.... and how their entire lives could be
tracked electronically.... of course, I knew he was telling me that was about me, and also
led to the discovery of the Norseen article.
And that whole sequence was to try to convince me I just had to live
tortured until I died, the sooner the better, and that my evidence was of no use. I knew
different, as I do now, despite the same pysyops being used to convince me I should remain
silent and settle for living a tortured life...
And that's what's been happening since I stopped watching tv news,
especially MSNBC as Olbermannn tried to hand me off to Fox... and decided instead to make
sure the psyops shut me down.. and when that didn't work, they tampered with my weebsite,
tried to murder Lynn, and now, are doing their best to bankrupt us both, and make us
homeless. They get away with alot with Lynn because of psychotronics and DEWS, but not
with me, and that's why they'll fail, as they already have.
I want to say one more thing, again,about the incident in Glendale. I did
not seek out any partnership with any minister. When PMS was onthe air, I thought, maybe
the media guys found someone wh they believed would be beneficial to the mission I had as
a citizen and servant of God. When I stoppe d indown there, I did it because I said I
would, and I still wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, even just to find out if she
was a real minister, and if she really was someone I might want to look up to invite
to join my work and God's work if I made it back into the country. And the only thing I
expected was to be treated like anyone else who had a ticket from them to attend their
services. Instead, the wholse thing was a setup, and I have no reason not to report the
severe crimes committed against me, and the rest of the psyops that occurred, and the
other people I thought were friendly, and turn out to be a paradeof harrassers...
At a certain point, excuses don't matter. It's been more than 2 years, and
great harm has been done, and Lynn is suffering badly, while I get taunted by questions of
why I don't want toreport it ot the state and local authorities. I have many times, and
I'm in the situation where apparently noone is going to speak out unless they're forced
to.. and that makes them criminals.
I will also say, to servants of God, if I had been aware of someone like
me in an honest and sincere inquiry and work for God, that no government orders or NSL's
or anything else would have caused me to knowingly commit such egregious and potentially
lethal criems against anyone. The fact that it's been years since the incident withthese
so called courageous christians is proof of their criminality and betrayal of God. They
did it. I report it.
When Goerge W Bush said he'd bring honor back to the White House, I said
good, resign, and you will. He didn't, Barack did nothing to bring honor to the White
House... or this nation... and civil rights, especially for minorities, gets worse and
worse in the face of a supposed historic civil rights victory in this nation.
I know you DHS contractors believe you are above the law. Remember that
today as I go to get medicine for LYnn, and record you harrassing me, as I prepare to
report every single one of you to international authorites as being U.S. Nation sponsored
terrorists against your fellow citizens... because you are, this is nothing new, I've said
it before, and I mean it. Because you forced me to, so you could laugh at the idea that
justice prevails. Just be sure to let the people at the Kingdom Hall they don't have to
engage in legalistics, but I will, because their rights have been violated, and so were
mine, and I have more than enough standing to claim that they have been attacked since at
least 2003. Attacks that prove the Pastor Melissa Scott psyop was in the works for years,
and failed on every count.
More than 2 years have passed, I've aid it a million times about
depositions, and why I won't accept email, letters or anythign else in this matter,
because I need positive ID to publish any mitigating circumstances that are relevant,
received nothing, no contact, and I was actually hoping they would show up and id
themselves and give me the chance to say they had been set up.. but again, if I have to
use the legal system to get truth, I will. And if I have to show up in California to make
it more convenient for them, I might accept their explanation, but it does not clear them
necessarily... with me or God... and if I have to take them to court, as far as I'm
concerned, they're just criminals. If i had been vindictive or unwilling to give benefit
of the doubt, I would have filed a report with the police the day I arrived at the
theater, as I considered doing. Instead, I lose $185,000 became destitute and dependent on
a woman who had a stroke becaue of lethal attacks, and who had to rely on me for minimal
care while protecting her from attacks, further deceit and and more lethal attacks
and setups.. especially with the locals on the isalndd., trying to get em to leave the
evidence unattended by torutring Lynn, having her wanting to go to the hospital (for
symptoms that suddenly disappear when I am able to quickly alleviate her pain by telling
the psychotronics guys it won't work.. even when they get her to threaten me)
The attacks on LYnn were multiple reasons, including tying me down, as
well as for some reason trying to claim we were matrried, which we are not, and you might
remember, because of psychotronics, I was kicked out numerous times... and because of
vehicle tampering and other problems, have not been allowed by the government to travel,
seek employment or anything else without feear of losing my freedom, being setup for
crimes or even to make sure the evidence was unattended. And I resent being pusposefully
being put in the position of my neighbor trying to set it up to make it look I'm a gigolo,
a user, opportunist, and even too lazy to work to save our lives.. in a town where I can
prove most of the people particpate in these crimes... I have no doubt that after
her stroke, psychotronics and the U.S. Government would have either criminalized her, had
her put in a mental institution or killed her if they could.. and tried several times...
and if I had not been here, they would have succeeded,... but those attacks only came
after the PMS psyop failed, and in the same time period, Lynn was planning to inform the
Peace ALliance of the attacks against her (leading to her near death) in March 2009....
and prevented from doing so by psychotronics and ecertain infiltrators working on behaldf
of Barack Obama, the Council on Foreign Relations and it appears, EST and Landmark
I will also contend and prove that psyops have been done to me in this
state since at least 1981.
If I ever leave this house, it will always be with the camera and audio,
meaning I'll always have more than eneough evidence... and besides you could kill me and
incinerate me, and the forensic evidence would still exist proving government crimes. And
that also means if the evidence is missing, it will be a clear case of obstruction of
justice, destruction of evidence.. all borne by the people who I take video of while on
the road or away from the house... and then of course, there's always satellite
surveillance, always being taken 24 hours a day by Hughes. And easily subpoenaed..... and
hundreds of other victims easily contacted to corroborate my claims...
The purposeful delays in our leaving are crimes, and will be prosecuted.
And the first filings will only be the beginning. To cause emergency injunctions to stop
Lynn's torture by the U.S. paid for DEATH SQUADS. I dare any of these people, especially
the psychotronics guys, to claim their pride for torture and rape in the court room. I
dare them. And they say, it's just psyops, we're told to say these things. They say them,
they do lethal harm and know it.. and still expect to be exhonorated... The psyops these
guys do prove the intent of them and their government... paid assassins are not innocent.
I asked for Secret Service assistance after being psyopepd out of
continuing to run for president in 2003 . In 2012, they'll either protect me, take action
agaist the attackers.. or prove to the world their initials SS are not a coincidence. I'm
expecting the latter. Meanwhile, my reports will go to the Hague first, so the psyops guys
can laugh at me and the Hague... so they can prove they can push me out of the country and
get away with mass murder and genocide.
God said he'd pull the plug... I'm the guy he chose to do it, and I will.
Tell your theologians they'd better be interested in truth or face God as apostates.
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 01 - My Family
Wouldn't you know Joan Armatrading would come up.. familial actions.. God
gives plenty of chances.. many are called, few answer... God doesn't test people, people
test God, and they fail, because God just keeps trying to give them chances to succeed and
have the best of everything... and serve as they promised... and I swear I get no fun from
prosecuting anyone... this song relates to a number of things, Iincluding wht I was being
harrassed about last night.. about how I rolled into Santa Cruz from San Antonio, turned
on KLRS, and a guy was onthe air named Mark Donovan, a name I had planned to use ont he
air next, and Joan Armatrading was playing.. heard of it. Like the music.
What I was reading last night inthe Bible, despite torture, was all about
how Moses and GOd were tlakign about how God provided manna, and blood and flesh.. and
then the words of Jesus inthe book of JOhn...
this came on
Dylan - The Times They Are a Changing
Anyone who might want to approach me for any reason should know that the
only person I trust right now is God, and Im m not Padilla, I can prove it's prudent
apprehension and caution. And any shrink or law enforcement person or lawyer who claims
I'm anyhting but well balanced and more will be prosecuted for what will become obvious
reasons. AndI'm real tempted to say, excuse my french to anyone who even thinks about
setting me up more.
I'd tell you what's playing right now by NSync, but the titles and labels
on my music collection were sabotaged... and I have no idea... but it's with 98 degrees,
as in 98 Tears, 1000 clowns, Jason Robards, and..... about the clowns, Joni and Wink and
Name that Tune... something about.. I f I could TUrn Back the Hands of TIme..
instead, we're playing asick, Biblical joke about tooth torture and this song... and
a memory of a saying.. you can't change the past, but you can change the future. Thanks to
the UN and CNN for that, and the shock it gave me...
- Ball Of Confusion an eye for an eye, a tooth for a THOTH.
Franks - Soul Mate
McDonald - Someday You Will
I'll leave it at that, and then on behalf of God, with this song I sang
with all my heart for weeks every night, on His behalf, with the same question He always
had... is there no one I can trust?
McDonald - Soul Speak - 08 - Hallelujah
11am Choppers overhead as I write this. Lynn is now being constantly
attacked by psychotronics... alot has been done to prevent her from receiving her
medications... I am being tortured, and the psychotronics guys say they're going to fill
up my weblog with reports of torture, supposedly to file charges against me for not
reporting crimes that I HAVE reported multiple times... and then they'll have to deal with
hundreds if not millions of witnesses against them, as the DHS and their sickos try to
intimidate me with torture to shut up, go bankrupt and die or make charges they'll use to
claim my insanity... and they think I'll be embarrassed by their crimes.
They say they're going to delay me further and get me to write reports,
use video to record crimes and use up money and resources... to mock me in the idea of
their prosecutions... and if they do that, keep me so busy with taking such reports, I'll
prosecute, and claim illegal detention, as well as claiming that the U.S. Government
employs people to murder its citizens.
These people may be insane, but they know what they do is criminal, they
plan it, and they fail because they're actually not smart at all. They're just perverts
paid by the government. Like the stupid shrinks they employ to torture GITMO prisoners,
who will be known as Nazis. Nazis are as Nazis do. Insanity defenses are much different
than crimes that prove malice, especially for people who get paid to do it and are proud
of it. The last sentence was their words.
Paul & Mary - If I Had a Hammer
Choppers now overhead again.11:08am Imagine the stupidity of a government
that delays you by committing more crimes, recorded, and prosecutable globally forever.
One final thought.. America: love the United States or Leave it. If you
don't like the United States, it's not yours to buy, sell or overthrow.You can believe in
anything you want, but your laws will be used against you... right Begala? And about the
moat, Paul... good luck. They're your crimes.
I will never back down.
More intelligence as my time is wasted.. more choppers: 11:13am
11/20/2010 7:07pm It's been over 12 hours of non-stop tooth torture
today.. I've accomplished, nothing, actually, of any importance.
Last night I was thinking about things my father may have mentioned, and
events that were related... like about hurricanes, radium, Morton Salt, Iodine and Iodate
for radiation poisoning.. and I remember a long time ago, may the early 60's, they'd talk
about cloud seeding for rain, paricularly in the Montana and Wyoming areas... and they'd
use Iodine...
When you think about how the Chernobyl cloud hit Eureka, then swirled
around Oregon and then hit Seattle... and then you think about nuclear tests in the
pacific, and in Nevada, and in Japan, and other nuclear tests... and I realized that the
implications of what he sowed when using radium to create hurricanes that it made sense
that radiation would be spread, and that cloud seeding with Iodine would be like treating
the mass population for radiation poisoning while telling them it's good for them... to
create rain.
They say that the winds take the pollution from the United States to
Africa... and what happens if we hit Pyongyang, or Iran or some other nation has a nuclear
accident or war... the radiation goes somewhere...
I'm going to end this tonight with some rading from Proverbs from last
night.. I think it was Proverbs.. I'll know when I get my Bible... I have to say, I don't
always agree with Solomon, especially when it comes to equality.. but like all leaders,
they have to deal with the times as they exist, with goals that resolve issues and create
a future that is desireable and is backed by true intent.
Proverbs 20:25 It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy,
and after vows to make enquiry.
Strait - I Cross My Heart
Winwood - Higher Love
Dee Band - I've Got The Music In Me
I think God and I are both laughing at that one... a psyop gone really
wrong for Barack...
11/22/2010 4:45am I was awakened around 3 am... it seems pretty
clear someone on the east coast is working me on the weekdays now... sleep
deprivation, followed by hours of torture before dawn always makes for another
unproductive day.
I'm surprised at this point at how this government continues nothing but
taunt after taunt, and the problem they really have is that when someone like me
comes along, a true believer in the principles and concepts that the United States always
claimed to stand for, I simply refuse to allow these people to get their way with me. No
matter what.
This stupid Pastor Melissa Scott psyop - in most ways I'm sure under
normal circumstances - would be over and failed... of course, the truth is, despite the
stupidity of proving to me, arrogantly, that the Jehovah's Witness Church in Olympia, let
alone SHelton, had been infiltrated, I'm assured that the woman I saw in Los Ageles was an
FBI agent - according to the psychotronics guys who are not to be believed about anything,
really, except their intent to murder U.S. citizens. And be proud of it.
My real impression is that it was under the cover of NBC's To Catch A
Predator... only it didn't work... sex stings, drug setups... I can't wait to get an
analysis of my hair samples from the last 5 years or so to see what the U.S. government
has fed me, and what they injected me with in 2002.. on a small needle scar on my left
shoulder that still hasn't healed.
This morning, the jerks were trying to tell me they were victorious, as I
thought of all the thigns I oculd do and all the things I could write aboout and all the
things I could do to spread the word... just as I also knew this was a standard ploy to
frustrate me, to get me to write, so these sickos could use military weapons to ruin what
I wanted to say. As they laugh at the idea of freedom of speech.
As I recall that the Boston Tea Party was not a tax revolt at all.. it was
a diversionary tactic to distract British Troops while Samuel Adams escaped the city...
think about that, and what the Tea Party movement is, and how the people backing it are
mainstream, run of the mill Council on Foreign Relations sycophants.
I thought about that last night as I read the Bible, talking about how the
leaders would fly away.. and the vision I had in early 2002 about how the leaders of this
nation would destroy it, leave it defenseless and bankrupt, and then get in its DOD jets
and fly away...
I was reading Psalms last night.. reminds me of certain "Executive
Management Meetings" I've had with God that I wouldn't want anyone to hear... I think
that's why I like Psalms, David talking to God about the pitfalls of being a Christ, and
God letting Him know He was a good servant, and would be rewarded. It might be thought
that anyone suffering or going through something would like Psalms it's like relating to
someone else feeling sorry for themselves. I like them because of the faith it shows, and
the relationship to God, like a friend... and understanding God's ways and knowing they
work, and that God really does like it when we talk to Him/ I think of this song when I
say that...
McDonald - Soul Speak - 08 - Hallelujah
I'll always rememebr the day I heard Creflo Dollar preaching, telling the
crowd how God says our reward is in heaven, and he said I want mine now. I want my money
now... like that, I hope the CFR members are feeling well rewarded... I hope Brzezinski
and the other sociopaths like him got a big kick out of this one... and know well that the
only victory you'll really get out of this tri-laterlist - triangulation plan, is a
Waterloo. Some of us DO remember. Like some of us, whnen we get to Europe, will remember
the sicksness of suppsoedly freeing Poland only to enslave making weapons and warships at
a cheaper price for the United States and NATO. Ask RObert Reich about Commanding
Heights, then ask Brzezinksi why he hates Poland and is sacrificing it to the New WOrld
Order, and then ask his fiananciers and all of them, just what country do you love? We who
remember love the United States, the Constitution and the vlaues and principles that this
nation of immigrants foudned our government and settlements on... who annihilate its
natives like the other nations we condemn, while we claim highground...
I began waht i was doing as a citizen who loved this nation and respeced
this government. I still love the nation, but I feel nothingbut contempt and disgust fo
rthe people in government, and particularly, the Council on Foreign Relations. And since
you pushed me, I will never back down on calling you the Nazis that you are.
You wanted a showdown. You got it. Like I said. Be careful what you ask
Barack, like I said, your confession will be easily proven true.
Spoonful - Summer in the City
Jerry - In The Summertime
Horton - Sink the Bismarck
Looks like God's picking this summer.. the book said I'd declare the date.
I should be overseas by then.
Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - 1976
God does pick 'em good. Can't wait to see India.
5:48am I downloaded my email today for the first time in a couple of
weeks... it reminded me of the feeling I got when I first read the Protocols... had to cry
for a while.. there are lots of things that have been very bizarre in my life.. things
I've discovered... like Rumsfeld said, things I didn't know I knew... as time goes on, I
find more and more of this is true... so many things I know enough about that I'd know
what to do as a leader, but as a victim, you still have to deal with the facts relaed to
why I will not back down on calling these sick government perverts.. the CFR Nazis
Case4:09-cv-00037-CW Document1 Filed01/07/09
McCartney - Wingspan (History CD 2) - 06 - Bluebird _ Paul McCartney & Wings
Near - Edge - 03 - If It Were Up To Me
Near - Edge - 12 - I Ain't Afraid
Holly Near.. I thought i was supposed to explain the mystery of God, and
then I get this email, and it explains alot about other things, and now
soemday I'll have to figure out the mystery of Holly Near.. and Eve.. it's almost funny.
Like I said long ago, I wish I was delusional, it would be easier to explain.
Russell - Leon Russell - 12 - Masters Of War (Old Masters)
Russell - Leon Russell - 07 - Prince Of Peace
This came on? Go figure.
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 08 - Joy In Repetition
7:01pm It's been an interesting day.. some months ago, I came across a
story from CLG about some attorneys in San Francisco who were working on MK-Ultra Cases...
lost track of the email, and I couldn't find the articles on the CLG web site... so I knew
there were these attorneys in San Francisco, and that a trip to the Federal Courthouse
could help me find out who was familiar with these kinds of cases. THe email I got today
was the ones.... and still, the DHS and U.S. Government continues to torture me and harass
me, and assuring me they are truly serial criminals.
It's hard to look at documents that prove that the kinds of abuses the
government harms people with, including yourself, actually happened and that the U.S.
Government knows of its crimes, and doesn't have the decency to stop murdering its own
citizens, even when its been caught.. and then taunts and harms its victims more by daring
them to sue.... and they will.
I seriously recommend that the people authorizing and paying for these
death squads advise their career perverts that this IS serious, it WILL be pursued, and
that they have no real defense, and are not anonymous, as if that should matter.
To the politicians and media, and financiers: The truth is that nothing
has really changed for me since the time I first writing a website for all this
political... stuff... As I always said, I was not out to criminalize anyone, but
just to exercise my rights to free speech as taught since I was a child by my
parents and my schools. These "politics are lcal" perverts are not good
investments, and they say truly sick things about lots of people, and the only thing I
still care about is the truth. I said long ago, the people over the line will need to be
stopped. The guy working me lately is your worst enemy.
As for the capitalists and all: I don't know what you people know about
the supposed truth about me. I respect good business people, I love the arts, and like I
and lots of other people I don't agree with about everything, I hope you have fun dong
what you do honestly, and if you're richer than me, maybe I could ride your jet ski
Alot of people have had lots of laughs at the expense of lots of people,
may who have died or will die younger because of it. Alot of people have been kicked
to the curb and suffered because of Congressional cover-ups that protect the guilty,
penalized the victims while telling the nation that a blue ribbon panel investigated and
the problem is solved. As always, they say, it'll never happen again. And then it does.
A really bad accountant, former banker and sole reporter and
publisher of a newspaper in Nebraska once.. I was thinking about how incompetent the guy
was, I forgot what he told me... and the idiot psychotronic guy is trying to intimidate me
by showing how these frauds emulate ephasia, ie, mental problems.. Won't work with
me guys.
Anyway... it's not like they'd want me to actually say anything important
or useful...
I know alot of people will be upset that I call all this a conspiracy and
Naziism... unfortunately, it's the truth, whether they call themselves Nazis or not, it's
what they do that defines them, and the term Nazi could easily be simply explained as
those peopel who believe in doing the things that Nazis do, that we claim to hate as
a nation, a true abomination to our founding principles, and a true abomination to
Like I've said, don't want to be called a Nazi? Stop acting like one and
stop participating in their organizations. Ministers, you'd better figure out that
polluting the church by seeking to raise the size of your congregations by allowing these
surveillance and harassment people in your churches, people who taunt and rape and defraud
and steal from other people in your churches, too afraid to speak out about those other
people's activities, too devoted to stop going to church... it is not one bit acceptable
to God, especially in these end times, and for those who are particpating with the Council
on Foreign Relations, I don't care what they tell you or how powerful they are, you aer
particpating with the devil himself and giving God's name to their work.
Now, CFR, any questions about where and how I see you fitting into the
prophecies that you just can't seem to stop from coming true....
In God we trust... it was in the part of the Bible I read last night... I
believe it. I know you guys can't...
Speaking of being in denial, Al Gore, the real inconvenient truth of your
Nobel is telling the truth about the causes of Global Warming... war, and directed
energy weapons... and I miss my dog...
Now, if you guys who know the truth think I'm overconfident.. always
remember, and isn't it interesting, nothing's actually changed for me... I just wait for
God to make me discover more crimes... it's boring. There's so much more neat things we
could have fun doing. And like I said long ago, the more I know and understand about my
father, the more respect I have for him. Tell George I said that, and tell his dad
that medals of freedom are revocable. And Barack, that Nobel Peace Prize must be honorably
earned. GW said he'd bring honor back to the White House, I said he could by resigning.
You won the Nobel, and a JD from Notre Dame I would have cherished, and you could bring
some honor to both of those institutions by returning them both.
You're just a citizen, Barack, and all you other traitors. Don't ever
forget that.
The tranceformation will end, replaced by the transformation God promised.
John - Love Song
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 11 - I See God in You
Jones - Feels Like Home - 04 - Carnival Town
God picks great mixes.. gotta listen to the Norah Jones though.
7:36 it's really weird... I was writing materials today, and the music
went along with the thing sI was writing. Last night, for afew weeks, I kept
thinking about the song Carousel, then the movie, Carousel, and the Carousel at the
Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, and the family reunion that was a park in Los Gatos the day the
old refurbished carousel reopened, and people always saying, go for the brass ring... and
I was actually talking to the psychotronics guys about it today...
JJ Cale - Mama Don't Not online.. it sorta is like this:
- Planet Earth - 02 - Guitar
From Kryptoman and the minister's service book...
O thou ever blessed Meidator, who wast dead, but livest forever of whom
the whole family in heaven and earth is named, and who hast knit all thy saints in one co
mmunion unto life eternal, in that mystical body of which thou art the glorious and
ever-living Head, grant us grace so to follow thy blessed saints, who have gone before us,
in the faith and fellowship of thy Holy Church, that we may come to those unspeakable
joys, which thou hast prepared for all that love thee, from the foundation of the world.
Not long ago, I wa s amused when looking at a certain website that they
said they were of the same denomomination and church as Jesus. I've felt that way
myself... I was gonna create a new religion, and call it Christianity.
We're still gonna call it Christianity, and the church will be called the
Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. I told the state of Washington I'd implement my
plans here first, and didn't expect it to mean what it turned out to be, but in time...
I've wanted to call this a civil war for along time for what turns
out to be all the right reasons, and lead people to a way of doing things that I
discovered were God's ways. In God I trust. I hope you do too.
I just noticed this song came on... kinda fits...
Tomlinson - LivingThings - 03 - Make It This Way
Rundgren - Healing - 05 - Compassion
7:59 I was looking at email, listening to music, when I saw an email with
Bible verses that supposedly celerated sin like a good thing... just then Michael W Smith
came on with You Be Lifterd high, which starts out "sin and it's ways grow
Just about then, I opened another email that previously had been a source
of some info I won't disclose about a purported porn star who.. anyway... it was this
I Know the Way You Can Get
I know the way you can get
When you have not had a drink of Love:
Your face hardens,
Your sweet muscles cramp.
Children become concerned
About a strange look that appears in your eyes
Which even begins to worry your own mirror
And nose.
Squirrels and birds sense your sadness
And call an important conference in a tall tree.
They decide which secret code to chant
To help your mind and soul.
Even angels fear that brand of madness
That arrays itself against the world
And throws sharp stones and spears into
The innocent
And into one's self.
O I know the way you can get
If you have not been drinking Love:
You might rip apart
Every sentence your friends and teachers say,
Looking for hidden clauses.
You might weigh every word on a scale
Like a dead fish.
You might pull out a ruler to measure
From every angle in your darkness
The beautiful dimensions of a heart you once
I know the way you can get
If you have not had a drink from Love's
That is why all the Great Ones speak of
The vital need
To keep remembering God,
So you will come to know and see Him
As being so Playful
And Wanting,
Just Wanting to help.
That is why Hafiz says:
Bring your cup near me.
For all I care about
Is quenching your thirst for freedom!
All a Sane man can ever care about
Is giving Love!
Frampton - I'm In You - A01 - I'm In You
11/23/2010 5:52am Awakened around 4am... I was thinking about how I open
the Bible at night, and these days, look to the page edges that aren't ruffled or dog
eared, and pick a section there... as always, the scriptures come up with something
relevant to the day, or the day before, or conversations I've had.. again, specific topics
and words used. Ended up in Psalms again last night.
The psychotronics guy wanted me to be sure at this point to mention
how he likes to disrupt my writing an dthinking with idiotic stuff like this to prove
hel's a proud serial rapist and murderer... his words.. and he still thinks me repeat g
his perversity and demonstrating the denial of freedom of speech, the press and religion
will go unpunished. Now that the pervert's desire for attention is fulfilled...
Last night, what struck me most was a part in Psalms where it talked about
how infiltrators would go into the churches and create disruptions... and of course, in
the PMS and Jehovah's Witness situation, they would have me tell them about their
infiltration, disrupt the church, and likely, the infiltrators have been there awhile and
would make sure I was discredited.. until they realized they're being attacked with
directed energy weapons.. and of course the Melissa Scott factor would offend and confuse
many... it will be interesting if sister Scott's first name is Melissa. But,
as always, at the very least, the dialecticians blew it on this one providing evidence of
a multi-year, multi--state conspiracy... and I doubt that's the last of that dialectic,
because apparently, these guys don't want to lose the power of one of their favorite phony
ministers in LA. All this stuff would absolutely terrorize people who aren't aware of the
perversity of the United States Government.
Meanwhile, the psyops guys have done a good job of causing lLynn a gret
deal of emotional hurt this morning, her sister coming in from town, needing to drive 2
hours to go to a birthday party with her family.. and they'll likely cause her so much
pai, she won't go, and as psyops of this type are intended, it will cause her additional
crying and pain that she is isolated and alienated from her family, as CoIntelPro is
designed to do. I may be a more capable person in terms of deling wth psyops.. but wait
til Lynn gets on the stand, her friends testify, and her more notable friends testify...
she'll probably have sent more people to jail and made more money from law suits than I'd
ever dreamed.... like me, she wouldn't have even wanted to... but the perverts make it so
easy, and the correct thing to do. Because it will save the U.S. citizens from the tyranny
of fascism and Nazis. The only real reason to take action.
Because of the vandalism and the trailers with broken locks and businesses
in town cooperating with the Nazis, I really can't leave the house and evidence
unattended. Meaning, I am being illegally detained. And Lynn is harmed by psychological
operations. I really hope Kucinich is proud of himself. When he introduced the Space
Perservation Act, I'm glad he left a marker in the congressional record that the weapons
exist... but since he doesn't want to talk about it anymore, and he particpated in
verbal psyops against me, all I can assume is that Congress put a taunt in the
Congressional record that basically said, we're admitting we're torturing you people we
decided to murder, but we're gonna keep doing it... too bad. And there he is, acting like
a leader on the progressive sides of the parties...deception after deception after
deception... And of course, because my movements are restricted, I'm unable to document
more of the crimes by the death squads.. obstruction of justice. McKenna better get a
brain. Ain't it great I don't need a shield law to protect me?
Interestingly enough... I started on Psalms 73.. the year I graduated high
school, turned 18, and ran for the school board :}
73:8 They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they
speak loftily
17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God: the understood I their end.
74:3 Lift up they feet unto the perpetual desolations: even all that the
enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.
4 Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregations; they set up their
ensigns for signs.
5 A man was famous according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick
(Remember Reagan, seen one tree, you've seen them all. Bush, suppsoedly
loed to cut firewood and clear brush on the ranch)
7 They have ast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down
the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.
14 Thou breakest the heads of leviathan (Keith) in pieces, and gavest him
to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. (God likes to turn things around on
people. It's not so funny when it happens to you)
21 O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor and needy praise
thy name.
Arise, O god, plead thine own cause: remember how the foolish man
reproaheth thee daily.
I recalled, this morning, how the Bush Administration convinced some
churches to give him the list of the names and emails and so forthof theor congregations.
Some 65 million, as I recall. Rick Warren supposedly has a 65 million christian
following... via email chains... that's what happens when ministers appease the powerful
politicians, and the Council on Foreign Relations... and it's not just him, but God knows
he and others would not have wanted to displease their false Christ. Despite the fact they
were the very ones who should have known the difference and known better.
King David said his greatst mistake was counting the Jews, making sure
they had the names and the number of Jews accounted for... which made it easy for their
oppressors to locate and kill them....
Psalms 75:9 But I will declare forever; I will sing praises to the God of
10 All of the horns of the wicked also will I cut off ; but the horns of
the righteous shall be exalted.
75:2 When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly.
But kick the satanists out of the churches now. Otherwise, they know they
can just sweet talk you.
The psychotronics guys have razzed me for not staying for the second
part of Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth. Maybe it's time you Christians watched
it again and woke up. And then tell me why it was so important to watch in the first
place. Then ask yourself, why isit this guy says Christians have brought their own
persecution upon themselves... not like they wanted it, but they allowed and cause it.
That's why God gives us Christs.... I wonder what Jesus Himself would actually say is the
reason people don't follow the Christs God give them.. or the false Christs, powerful
ministers who've sold out to political apostasy.. and misled so many til they can't, as a
group, aas a stereotype, be trusted. Or the infiltrators that the ministers are just too
nice to throw the satanists out.. let them have their own church. Stay away from the ones
where the ministers allow them to stay. Think about this: Benedict Arnold wasn't actually
guilty of treason, he just disagreed and was unpopular for speaking truth... now consider
what it is you people consider truth. Deception is always more convenient to believe...
and the truth turns things around. God's day of justice is going to be fun.
Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 09 - Run Like the River Runs
Fogelberg - Nether Lands - B02 - Promises Made
9:51am Lynn's supposed go to her sister's.. of course, the psychotronics
guys told me around 8am they were going to try to run her of fthe road... up in King
County, where she's going, we'd go to hospitals and pain clinincs last year, and I have
recordings of when she was hit with psychotronics and dews to increase her extreme pain en
route and on the way home.
Oxycodone: Obviously one more example of a medication being given to cover
the effects of directed energy weapon attacks on Lynn's brain as she sleeps. Check
vertigo.. extended contraindications of medication. Relate to gabapentin and side effects
reducing mental acuity, incresing the appearance of induced ephasia... also relate to
mental acuity tests to obstruct justice and claim Lynn is an incompetent witness. Explains
the James Earl Jones look alike at the entrance to the hospital, and the psychotronic and
psyop guys telling me to bring recording equipment for my last visit to get Lynn's
GE and Time Warner and Barack and Jay... remember, these are YOUR
perverts, and you paid them too much the day you paid them the first penny.
The attorneys will have my appraisal about the similar mo and setup
against me in 2002/2003. Patterns tell volumes, don't they? Doctored medical records tell
even more... about the long range dialectics dating back some 37 years.
10:26am Lynn started screaming in pain as the U.S. Government locals
tortured Lynn while doing tooth torture to me to demand I write this dayy and all the
torture being done to us, claiming they'll claim I didn't reprot crimes to the police, and
to get even for collecting evidence against me, as well as to keep me from the store so
they get get their murdering friends on the road to harass me.
He says he's going to keep me busy recording crimes all day to prove tha
tpsychotronics can't be proven and that the law says this is legal.. to torture people..
but mainly, he loves it when his torture is wriotten about. THose were the U.S. Governemtn
Death Squads psychotronics people's words. And I'll have hundreds of witnesses to
corroborate this kind of torture...
And remember CFR, these are your perverts trying to cover their crimes by
implicating all of you.
Not guilt by association, guilt by committing capital crimes.. and why the
U.S. Government will be convicted of its crimes... and these guys will not get away with
it. Nor will their two bit terrorists.
As usual, nothings changed for me, except the continued defiance of the
Constitution by perverts. And torutring me will not get me to back down on anything.
6:49pm Went to the store this morning, came back, a U.S. Govenment vehicle
played leapfrog on the road with me to make sure they had my attention. It's what som eof
the psyops and psychotronics guys do to taunt you... check video for id and face
pictures... also check for ID on Silverado.. related to "I miss my dog" comment
above... a line from Silverado the movie.. and more proof these people are reading
what I write here even before it's actually posted online. I still haven't posted since
the tampering.
Since the tampering, I disclaim any knowledge of what's on my website...
knowing it's been altered in the past, and manipulations have been done to publicly
discredit me. I have posted no new material since I noted the tampering originally above
Lynn, of course, was in no condition to go to her sister's, and a friend
of hers was supposed to come here last weekend, and apparently got a bogus weather report
saying Shelton had 3 inches of snow. It wasn't even raining.
You government and psyops people: I"m not allowing the feds to
scapegoat, and I certainly can't let anyone off the hook. Whatever delusions you have,
they're yours, I've spent years waiting for the opportunity to seek relief... I waited you
out and will continue to... and Lynn will be fine, and I will get relief for many
Plausible deniability will not work with me, I don't care what this so
called justice system does, and I will hold this nation to its constitution or denounce it
publicly, legally, an appropriately. AS I deem fit. That's my right.
If there was anything I ever told Dobbs, it was that I always knew I'd be
a minister somehow, and that I was ready to do that. I told him I trusted myself now, and
that meant that the circumstance sof things were such that no matter, what, absolute
integrity and honesty and complete intolerance of corruption was something I could do and
trust myself to stay true to. I had no idea, depite thughts when I was younger, that I
would actually have the opportunity to serve in elected office, especially as president,
though in my heart, I knew I could with the understanding of what the constituion and
liberty and freedom were about, and where to draw the lines. I did not expect to find what
I discovered when I read the Bible, not about Christian beliefs, about me in any way,
other than a romise to God to serve anywhere anyway He lead me, and to rad the Bible to
understand Christianity, and to read the Koran as a promise to Muslims to understand their
beliefs.. only to find they're actually very much the same....
People torture me and then demand that I give it up, just die and get it
over with, then taunt me like now, claiming that what I write about the torture will get
me labeled as insane. They say I should just forgive them, as my future plans are
purposely taken away from me, tooth by tooth, moment by moment...
Ask Begala who will prevail...
Feliciano - And I Love Her
At Work - It's A Mistake
Estefan - 1234
Remnants of a failed psyop :}
Franklin - Who's Zoomin' Who
11/24/2010 7:19am Woke up around 4 am, and the guy who likes to call
himself buttfuckman was obviously prodding me with psychotronics, trying to influence my
thoughts and it became clear that this pervert was fdoing the usual thing of trying to
figure out what I was thinking about, and what Imight want to do today to figure how he
might thwart everything I do and frustrate every thought and good intention I have. For
those who are offended by the name buttfuckman, I assure you, I am too, and that is whyhe
calls himself that, and why he wants me to write his name here.. to offend you, and like
any serial murderer or rapist, to get attention for his crimes. Ask Cliff van Zandt about
that... since Cliff is likely his advisor.
So I sat there, knowing for years the likelihood of breaking thru in the
face a government with hundreds of people and millions of dollars spent to thwart me...
and I cried a little, I don't accept the "odds" theory that truth and moral
people can't succeed... but I understand the circumstances, and still I believe I amable
to speak the truth an d be heard, and until I'm forced to leave, I refuse to surrender
that idea that my rights don't count and life is worthless because of 51 years of psyops
to make me look like a horrible person.... as if I was a criminal, and not them...
And I think of how many people have had somuch fun particpating in an
actual assassination of a presidential candidate, and how they've boasted of torturing
Lynn, aand how they plan to for special occasions, and how they keep her from anyy joy..
the same way they do me, but for her, the attacks on her brain cause her extreme
Buttfuckman wanted me to read a magic Bible verse this morning, because he
loves to mock God on behalf of the United States Government... I wanted to read too, but
not the Bible, so I picked up a book of Essays I got when I was going to attend
Evergreen State, the class "Writing From Life".... "The Art of The Personal
Essay" Writing was the book of the class, and we only read a few... these
people took it seriously when Isaid I was running for president, adnd the program director
of KAOS radio, operation chaos, believed it too, and was going to coach me on answering
questions for town halls and speeches, and between the two of them, they were going to
introduce me to the people incharge of the Green Party on campus.... and I'd have had a
radio show on KAOS, doing wht I sort of do in this weblog...
So I randomly opened this book... it reminds me of the show on the History
or Discovery channel when the CFR person concluded that the incredibly inciteful and
thoughtful writings of John Adams, about himself and the future of this nation, easily
made it clear that instead of a brilliant man, he was manic depressive.
That's sort of what this morning's theme with buttfuckman was like.. beign
told i would be viewed as crzy and rediculous, both for claimng I was competant to be
president, that I was Christ, that God is stupid andthat no other country would receive me
no matter what and that, supposedly I had no evidence.... I have so much evidence.
I opened the book, and had turned to the essay, "Of Books" by
Michel de Montaigne... and like other times when reading essays of other writers, and not
wanting to seem now like I'm boastful or vain, but just comparing myself and my thoughts
to others, it reminded me that a majority of one, someone who stands on principle even if
no one else acknowledges truth, is a good thing to be, a person of principle, deep thought
and judgment. Despite hardships that may arise.
For Keith Olbermann, one of a few people I wish I'd never heard of before,
like that phony apostate for the government Melissa Scott, related to the Olbermann
psyops, I found the perfect passage to summarize my report to the Hague about him and
people like him... written sometime in the 1500's... Interestingly enough Keith, the most
pertinent passages for you and your CFR friends is on pages 54 and 55 of that book.... the
whole thing would be worth reading, and would give some insight about the real me, Keith.
Here's something reminiscent of Woodrow Wilson, I believe, about
this subject...
"Most of the time, especially in these days, people are selcted for
this work from among the common herd for the sole consideration of knowing how to speak
well; as if here we were trying to learn grammar! And having been hired only for that and
having put on sale only their babble, they are right accordingly to care chiefly only
about that part. Thus with many fine words they go and cook up a fine concoction of the
rumors they pick up in the city squares." -- Michel de Montaigne "Of
If I leave this coutnry, it will be by force, and I expect I will need to
leave. So I hope that will not be the case, but put my mind on the land of great masters
of thought and democracy, where I have every reason to believe I will be welcome.
And the only true regret or resentment I will have if ithat happens is
about all the fine people who will be killed and destroyed by the hypocrites in the
government and the media and worse, who will easily be identified as Nazis by the world..
whether I tell them or not...
And I can only conclude that the perverts, sycophants and financial elites
of this nation have proven the leadership of this nation, and the ministers who have sold
themselves and their congregations to the work of Satan... they've proven that this
is truly a Godless, a nation that has lost sight of the ways of God, that noone is willing
to listen, that it's more profitiable to deny and ignore truth.. just like the Bible said
could happen... and that the United States is Godless not because God gave up on
this nation, but this nation gave up on God, and even those who did not appear to not
truly believe His promises would be fulfilled or they would seek Him in this world, in the
flesh, and find Him.
I look forward to His kingdom.
Five - The Love You Save
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 06 - Visionary Mountains
Cougar Mellencamp - Jack And Diane
Jack Welch told Chris Matthews that a cover up wouldn't work. My Panasonic
TV finally died from microwave attacsk.. Lynn got a small RCA for her trailer. Wouldn't
you know, the setup button on the remote control doesn't work. Just so you know, Panasonic
and RCA are the same company. AKA General Electric.
I bought a watch.. for the apostates who care.. it cost a buck, and it
1:40pm I'm getting all day today. Just a few minutes ago, as the
government people were shoving all the crimes they've committed against me to taunt me
about being unable to do anything about it, they threatened the people associated with the
Dispute Resolution Center in Olympia... where Lynn has done fundraising and had meetings
with Baird's Office when the DOP was still the Department of Peace....
Atty Larry King of Olympia, a former judge, says he's heard of these kinds
of cases...
8:22pm After 18 hours of tooth torture, I am now bein gtaunted about
eating. Last time I weighed myself, I weighed 106. Of course, the taunts are because they
know after pulling my teeth all day eating would be incredibly painful.
When and if I try to watch news, I am tortured even more as they hjarass
and taunt, tell me they're gonna seize my evidence.... and then they want me to write all
sorts of things that will be left to the courtroom, all things supposedly to embarass
Lynn, as if what I have to say would be an embarrassment to her... just remember how you
sucked me in again DNC and GE. And the mo used. And when someone claims I
plagiarized them, just remember the videos... and how the portable plots are so alike that
no person with a brain would miss them.
Wait til I tell the court how the government taunts people, incites
violence by doing it themselves and framing people, kidnaps children for elected officials
and other pedophiles.. and then ask me why Jeb Bush should never run for elected office
again.... and then I'll provide you with proof there's at least a few CIA people who are
loyal to this nation. Including a former special advisor to Bush who is now a target...
Valli & the Four Seaso - My Eyes Adored You
Taylor - JT - 06 - Secret O' Life
Franks - The Lady Wants To Know
I think God's making some serious jokes about some footstools in Los
Angeles and Washington State.
11/25/2010 8:49am I've been tortured abut 4 hours already this
morning, an dit's clearly a case ofTHurston COunty and the State of Washington threatening
to set people up for crimes.. friends and family.. if I don't back down. Too bad for the
officer involved that I knwo he is, have witnesses to what he does, and have other
people where he lives who identified themselves as people willing to testify, with a umber
of police incidents he called other cops in to hanle, but was witnessed as being directly
involved with:L starting domestic disputes with violent overtones.. and the threats to my
friends... to cover Ed Holm and his brother, Ed's the prosectuig attorney for Thurston
County, and given the aggression and civil rights abuses I have documented agains tthese
people, all this amounts to is corrupt cops and elected officials committing more crimes
to get away with more crimes.. crimes that will put them away for life, and som
ewhich carry the death penalty.. I am being torutred ore right now...
Usuallym these guys don't threaten unless they intend to do it... so, like
in LA, if these guys try to entrap me or setup more firends.. here's the club of
conspiratotrs they will be joinging... MSNBC, THurston COunty, the State of Washington,
King COunty, Pierce County.. you name it folks, assault.. conspiracy, and let's not forget
the attacks her 8 year old grand daughter, threats of rape, hubris displays of harrassment
agains ther as threats to Lynn... all originally beginning with MSNBC and Rachel Maddow's
Attacks agaoinst our friends, and former supporters of the GDCU, include
all sorts of psychtronic attacks leading to family disruption, loss of employment,
mastectomies, kidney and other organ problems.. every member of LYnn's family, every
member of ine can be show to be under attacks by the U.S. Government and its local
terrorist cells, includin gpolice and elected officials who apparently don't believe in
the constitution of this nation, and therefore, should leave or be arrested for, at least,
If anyone makes anymore threats about stealing the evidence I've
collected, just remember I have plenty of evidence of break ins, not sneak and peaks, into
this house, and I'm aware of at least 2 break ins on Renata. And I know about
psychotronics, and will use it against you in court.... and all the timese you've raped
people and murdered people and set up for crimes will be exposed by t every psychotronics
you guys use to lie to people to get them to kill people. That's treason, organize gang
stalking, gang rape..... so BFMAN tortures, thinks he's going to torture me into anger to
claim I'm mentally ill and violent....
I think my weblogs, and probably a hundred witnesses, videos of hundreds
of crimes, infiltration of churches, usingministers to kill people.. all sort sof fraud to
frame people... I think I've docuemtned the truth well enough, including the weird parts
on this site and in my journals... while under direct attack from psychotronics and dews..
and if this BFMAN wats to persist in this torture, then he can take credit for the attacks
on Lynn's life, beginning with documenting attacks on Renata, to which EMT's and fire
department, and one of the primary perps responded to... the same one who tailed me in
Fred Meyer, and posed as the mailman.... federal crimes. And let's not forget, that
landlord there claimed there was a fire because of that incident, Lynn thinking she was
having a heart attack, despite the fact her heart is healthy, and was proven so even after
the stroke.
And the dews coming from the landlord's house, and the house below, and
there wasn't a fire, but an unsafe chimney installation that has now been repaired.. and I
have video of the original chimney, and the new.. incidentally, the one problem with that
chimney, that I informed her of shortly after moving there, is that instead of going
through the roof like a regular chimney, it just went through the wall through a short
pipe.. like the one originally installed on this house, and refused by us, that would have
led to this house being burned down, and the evidence being lost.
The biggest mistake BFMAN and his friends made was when I contacted the
regional weed and seed coordinator for the U.S. Government for the Pacific Northwest and
told her I would prove all this unconstitutional... there are no coincidences. And given
the direct particpation by the DNC and Republicans too... and the Council, and Brokaw...
under any and all circumstances, right Colbert? And then of course, I called the
Mason County Sheriff to talk to him, the Weed and Seed, Community Watch people in charge
to stop the torture and harassment, and I was ignored. One day, someone called me back
saying they were from the sheriff's office, and made of me me and my spee3ch problems
becaus eof my teeth and disclaimed that they knew of Weed and Seed, laughing under his
breath while saying Weed and Feed... of course, my recorde shut down 10 seconds before
that supposed officer called. I'm pretty sure that's the same day the police told Lyunn
they were going to help her set up the circumstances to have me kicked out, and set up for
vagrancy and worse, knowing full well I had no money or vehicle. And claiming a domestic
One of those caused by them will result in attempted murder charges by my
neighbors, who some weeks later, to taunt, proved to me they had recorded the incident...
and the big becomes why? And when they say I can't prove it, I'll say, wanna bet?
Supposedly, psychotronics was going to be used to prove to people that it
could be used to relieve court systems, and to catch criminals that could not defend
themselves.... unfortunately for them it wil prove these people have no respect for the
law, human life.. and the we'll get to all the people who will testify to being raped by
There's a reason why, when David Letterman made jokes about Sarah Palin's
daughter, that a woman held up a sign outside CBS saying "He'll rape you with his
Some of these sickos love Woody Allen's orgasmatron, and the Demolition
Man and Sandra Bullocks head cap for mind to mind communications for sex... and the truth
about th emovie inception.. Stargate's episode of URGO, about the implant that allows
people to talk to people's brains, and the episode of Star Trek wehre Piccard is attacked
with psychotronics, despite the fact that they had been banned throughout the universe for
obvious reasons. And the Wachowski Bros, the Matrix, explain to people like Carville how
the government really is trying to have the Kingdom of God without God by destroying the
matrix of God, which can't be done... Now if TIme Warner and others want to say they
released these movies to help inform people of the dangers by analogy, to help people,
I'll sya, they released them to find out who knew about the crimes, and to identify them
in a magnet war to wipe them out, just as the tea party people are being identified, like
the democrats and preeogressives were identified by having complicit candidates posing as
representing the voter's interests, while jus tmaking sure they had identified those
people the Department of Defense would call enemies and attack.. per Donald Rumsfeld and
now, Barack Obama.
Bush defined th etrerm magnet war. What he didn't syay was that it was
being done ot the U.S. and when he said terrorists would broadcast messages to terrorist
cells via code tlak, he didn't happen to mention it was the media giving those signals to
the terrorist in places like Washington State. We were told it would people associated
with Osama Bin Laden,... that would mean the CIA. Tim/Osama was trained by the CIA,
visitied by the CIA in June in Dubai before the Sept 11, attacks. And that's when Ashcroft
and others stopped taking commercial flights.
There are no coincidences.
There are lots of people I don't agree with who are patriots,. There are
many others, many in power, who are traitors. I've got a bunch of em on tape.
To the folks who legitimately backed down when I requested through my
weblog.. I'll keep my promise. I don't mak epromises I don't intend to keep. Just don't
get caught breaking yours, because I'll have to report that. And I can only speak for the
experiences of LYnn and myself at this moment in that promise. But take notes, get your
depositions ready... it made me angry when the fraud in L.A. was done.. it makes me even
more angry to know the government has purposely demeaned and infiltrated the Jehovah's
When I say angry, I mean angry, as in, more vigilant than ever in catching
every traitor I can... I told you I popped, Cliffy.. that means, I do things legally,
while you media FBI covert killers break the law and get caught.
Why is it Cliffy, that the FBI has done so much work to prepare the nation
for martial law?
Newton John & John Travolta Summer Nights
Dan & John Ford Coley - Love Is The Answer a Todd Rundgen song...
for those ministers and law enforcement people and polticians who like to
sdell tough love.. I'm gonna give you lots of tough love, legally, just soI can laugh a
little later when you claim that everything is someone else's fault....
& Garfunkel - Greatest Hits - 104 - 59th Street Bridge Song
PS Lynn called this morning from her sister's in Kirkland, where I've
documented lots of attacks... she was in extreme pain.. calling from a phone number I've
never heard of that looks like it'sfrom Shelton.. interesting.. who's redirecting her
Gyra - Morning Dance _ live
12:22pm Just talked to Lynn. Her pain is getting greater. Olbermann will
be glad his perverts are keeping up the tradition of torturing Lynn on another sacred
holiday, this one particularly to celebrate freedom... and the wonderful United States...
tell your shrinks all the psychological analysis in the world will not work. But tell them
she did pick up the pattern that her pain increases whenever she talks to me or tries to
have pleasure, much the same as they do to me, and i've noticed for years, in efforts to
make sure they can get us apart to suppress evidence.. I'v eknown it, not told Lynn to not
upset her, so they told her today themselves, after trying to get me to point it out to
her. When the victim knows their government is covertly murdering them, is makes theri
suffering worse. Millions of people will soon know that they, too are victims.. and I will
not be the cause of violence or civil war.. there already is one... calling it what
it is is not a crime
Meanwhile, I'm still being tortured by perverts destroying my teeth. Glad
you think you'll get away with it.
1:14pm I was in the living room being tortured, wehn the idiot torturing
looked through my weblog and started taunting me about my weight and lack of ability toeat
because of the torture, being down to 106, and then started laughing about what happened
to the Jews at Auschwitz, and how since I characterized my ordeal as Auschwitz in
America, that he would do it to me. Let your shrinks know I gladly stand by what I said,
and will amend it for the report to the Hague. After initially asking the idiot if he'd
want people to know what he said, he said no, and then decided to taunt me about it, still
believing that people will not believe in the existence of psychotronics. How many
military consultants need to testify? Just name the number. I have them. One is a
close friend of Ira Einhorn. He says he can end the global energy problem in 2 years with
technology that's been withheld 100 years... that's not a typo. 100 years. It will also
cure cancer. And has since 1929.
4:48pm SInce I didn't eat yesterday, and despite tooth torture all day, I
tried to eas a sanwich and cottage cheese, only to be tortured while eating. THis is not
just tooth pain, this is purposeful torture.
Meanwhile, the idiot who thinks I won't be able to confirm psychotics and
the perverts who do it... the U.S. Government, despite some sick psychiatrists making up a
new diagnosis to cover their crimes... like Lynn's doctor giving her 3 prescriptions that
cause dizziness and nausea to cover up directed energy attacks to kill her... he says
Moses and Abraham were stupid people who were stupid enough to believe there is
something as rediculous as God. That's a direct quote.
The guy down the road thinks I don't have evidence against him and his
friends.. I hope he keeps thinking that, like the other guy who's a point man here who
offered to assasinate people for me, as I laughed and told him what I needed to to laugh
him off... the same guy who sexually harrassed Lynn and Sarah and her granddaughter...
since he's one of the people most responsible for the harassment, and thinks it's fun to
tell me that now so I'll writie it... I just did, just like I did a few years back when he
first did it.
These guys dare me to quote their outragesous remarks, and really
believe their mo will not identifiable to authorities... :}
- Kitten on the Keys
Lennon - Instant Karma
- Back In Love Again
Any of you other folks from thesynagogue of Satan down the road want to
say anything eles eoffensicve and rediculous, just let me know.. be careful what you ask
for... The CFR's future depends on it.. and so do your jobs on the death squads...
Harvest - Dancing in the Moonlight uh oh.....
5:09pm BFMAN just challenged me to an MGB from my essay book.. and I
started, got to the part where it said, (after a part of a long sentence) What a strange
being man is! Not content with doing all he can to vex and hurt is fellows here... :} so I
looked up a tthe name of the essay, and it's "On the Pleasure of Hating"... by
William Hazlitt. Page 191..... one day, I'll show you the graphic of the "hate
model" these death squads use as a template for torturing people. Accidentally found
it one night...
Lennon - Instant Karma
I think God loves messing with BFMAN. :}
5:28pm I was listening to music, looked down, and saw... A strange cur in
the village, an idiot, a crazy woman, and set upon and baited by the whole community....
Had they done us any harm of late? No. but we have always a quantity of superfluous
bile upon the stomach, and we wanted an object to let it out on.
Remember that when North Korea is demonized for using the lightwater
reactor we gave them under the Clinton Admin, supplied by Rumsfeld and WEstinghouse/CBS...
and then remeember Afgahinstan and Iraq.. we supplied the weapons, legal and illegal, to
Iran and Iraq, then called them horrible for using them.. that includes the U.S. supplied
chemical weapons they used...
Daniel Nahmod - I'll Remember For You... came on as I wrote that...
years ago, one of my first web projects was Tickler Systems... we'll remember for you...
that was in Maryland, when the psyops began with Lynn and I... what was that, George
Washington. Before it was, This Is It.... 2 people have things to explain to me, James and
Keith and about AEG..... England seems to be talking about debates, you know,
conversations to air public issues.... sounds real familiar... caught about 5 minutes of
BBC today. Right after the first episode where Piccard becomes a Borg, to be the spokesman
for the Borg to humans.. ain't doing that one, Carville. Tell Begala and Clinton, nice
Lennon - Instant Karma
God really likes that song today.. must mean something.....
11/26/2010 3:37am I was awakened shortly after midnight, and the person
intterrogating me was most interested in my intent toward the State of Washington and in
particular, Rob McKenna. At about 3:05am, after I was pushed about it, I said, if you guys
want to push it, I suppose Rob will be sued... now you people need to understand I
don't even think about these things like this except for the psychos who torture me about
All this, by the way, after I ate that sandwich, and was hit by a
puke ray to make me nauseous, thought I was going to lose the only meal I've had in 2
days.. and went to bed around 8pm ... for info on the puke ray, see Sharon
Weinberger, Washington Post, former DOD weapons consultant, and writer on Wired.com
the danger room.... she also writes about psychotronics and the way the government uses
So after saying that, they said to me, The State of Washington doesn't
give a sh*t about anybody and we don't care what happens to people like.. first they said,
me, then they said, Rob McKenna.
Tells you something about how these local weed and seed people think
they're above the law and the state attorney general, even those these sickos have no
authority to use these weapons by law, unless they've been deputized, and even then, the
way they set people up to seem as criminals with them is criminal.
All this began.. at least in Washington State, because I dared to use my
right tofree speech.. otherwise, it looks like it was more one more coverup by the Bush
admin to kill people like me so that his father would not have his reputation damaged by
being known to use these weapons against people like me.. since the 1950's. Just like
Barack gave the Medal of Freedom award to HW Bush, what a sham.. but these criminals like
to help each other and boost each others' ego by giving themselves meaningless awards and
medals... and covering up crimes.. just like the Project for a New American Century does
with people like Rumsfeld, Wolfowicz and others willing to commit egregious crimes for the
cause... knowing the COuncil on Foreign Relations protects its members.
Last night I saw a History Channel show while in bed, about Hitler, the
Brill/Illuminati who use occult for knowledge and more... an dtheir discovery and use of
ancient sanscript that they say proves the eistence of aliens.. and actually might.. but
also is an indication of a "generation" of this planet where humanity reached
thislevel of technology and destroyed itself, like in Revelations, and those things
described as aliens might have been the few remaining bits of technology left over, and
becoming obsolete, like vehicles made in foreign countries that you can't get parts
for becaus ethe parts aren't made in the United States, so if war or embargoes happen and
your car breaks down.. no parts, no cars. Used to be a big reason to buy American. Of
course, now, good luck getting parts if any embargoes or wars happen... I have U.S.
vehicles myself, with plenty of parts in the junkyards. I like foreign cars too,
but, being tall, U.S. cars are more comfortable to me, and frankly, though they
might break a little more often or be less efficient, they can be rebuilt and parts are
easy to get.. unfortunately, most of our vehicle manufacturing, parts and all, come from
outside our borders.
I talked about TOm Bearden and solving the energy crisis globally in 2
years.. and the technology he was talking about using was described in this History
Channel show was the same as was used or investigated by Hitler, supposedly from the
sanscipts, and from alien technology derived from a space craft crsash.
Interesting. my dad worked onthe U.S. prototype of the same thing... had
the same maneuvering problems Rumsfeld and I talked about when discussing antyi-grav,
particle beam and vacuum propulsion and no actual fuel needed... and supposedly, the
technology was derived from the crash at ROswell. See the pattern of how the Nazis go
about their psychosis when applying such technology. Interestingly enough, it described at
least thestarted unit of these "engines" for spacecraft as something akin to
creating a small hurricane, like with radium, to "start the engine".
And all this time, I thought he only described weather modification
techniques. Talk about dual use technologies... interestingly enough, this also describes
a situation that Dr Boylan tells that could easily be mine... given my dad's connections,
what he was doing and what happeneed to him, it makes me wonder if GW talking about
someone trying tokill his father might also have been talking about my father and his
father... one more thing that maybe I'll find out the truth to someday... something I've
wondered about for years since GW made that remark, and I saw the picture of HW in the
doorway of the book depository...
Looked down, the bottom of page 191 :}
It is well tha tthe power of such persons is not co-ordinate with their
wills: indeed, it is from the sense of their weakness and inability to control the
opinions of others, that they thus "outdo termagant" and endeavor to frighten
them into conformity by big words and monstrous denunciations.
The pleasure of hating, like a mpoisonous mineral, eats nto the heart of
religion and turns it to rankling spleen and bigotry; it makes patriotism an excse for
carrying fire, pestilence and famine into other lands; it leaves to virtue nothing but the
spirit of censoriousness, and a narrow, jealous inquisitorial watchfulness over the
actions and motives of others.
I'm gonna have to read this essay by William Hazlitt, "On the
Pleasure of Hating". you should too. It's everything the Nazis, and I'm talking
Hitler Germany Nazis, ever wanted to promote, and do now in the United States, including
memo 46ing Christians and religions into criminality.
The essay goes on to say nationalism and religion are turned not into the
unity and community of people who care for each other, but is used to generate hatred for
everything but themselves, and certianly does not cause us to love one another, even in
our own communities... or even our country... and just gets used to get us to hate
and to be willing to kill and go to war.
In 200 years, the United States was involved in over 200 foreign wars.
Doesn't sound like a peace loving nation to me.
Hopkins - Those Were The Days
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 03 - See Your Sunshine
Dimension - Love's Line, Angles And Rhymes
One of these days these psyops guys will learn not to challenge my
connection with God..
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 06 - Run with Me
Personally, Iwas never much for rerun season.. it was like they just
wanted to save mony on tv shows and maximize "perverse prophets/profits". I
alwys dislike the idea of turningmy back and walking away from anything.. but at least
it's integruous...
11/26/2010 6:45pm TOday's been non-stop torture.. and just about the time
I was thinking abou teating, the torture on my teeth got worse, and I could barely eat the
baked potato I had made... if there's anythign that's clear about these perverts who work
fo rthe U.S. Government, it's tha tthey really believe no one will care, as they taunt me
with the knowledge of all the evidence I have, and how they tell me all the organizations
that would prosecute them, and that they'll get away with it. And the only thing
Brokaw's told the truth about for years is that I can take it under any and all
conditions... and I'll take it to every court in the world...
The BFMAN says he thinks he's great for shutting me down. I doubt any
jurors will.
- When I Fall In Love (62)
Loggins - Rainbow Connection
I keep thinking how great it will be when the New World is actually a
reality, and these Nazi pervert illuminati people are out of this world forever. I know
when that will happen, how, and how easy it will be.
11/28/2010 7:40pm The One. Honda Accord V6. Looks like we finally lost
'em.... says something about "radiation patterns"... just so they know,
ain't lost me yet, wait til I post again and surprises are discovered :} Sort of reminds
me of when I was telling MSNBC was going to boycott them, and tested the button that
sent an email to their advertisers, and their stock investors business email, and the only
company that responded, via email anyway, was Nissan, and their response made them heroes
for acknowledging the state of the news media... and that they'd continue advertising
because of the demographics.. which was the perfect answer.. just acknowledging the
problem, and knowing we made every effort to make sure the advertisers had a way of not
being the victims of a boycott of a news station. So I put them on the list of
"Heroes".... no boycott of them, no loss of advertising revenue, and no formal
statements in support of it either way.
That's why I respect Pat Buchanan still, even more for the various reasons
he may no longer be as regular on MSNBC. And glad he's still on. While few people will
understand these last 2 paragraphs, the ones who need to will. If I watch the news again,
I'll watch him.. still claiming I believe his "real world, pragmatic"
observations and analysis are valid and important, and still, I don't necessarily have to
agree with his solutions he offers.. and knowing that his solutions are based on the
current paradigm, and dealing with a global and national structure of
political corruption.
Picked up the Koran last nght, and was encouraged at the disdain of you
know who when it talked about the Kingdom that's about to take over. Read the Bible for a
Not really alot to say, right now.. oh yeah, someone cut down the post
that used to be for thegate to the garden.. the joke was that the fence and gates to the
garden of Eden were destroyed... all these sick jokes will not go unnoticed tin my
criminal reports, and at the same time, the peopel doing it shoudl not I will notbe
distracted by locals trying to take the fall and distract me with pettiness... the harder
they try, the easier it is to convict the politicians they are trying to protect. They
need to realize that in this situation - one I didn't know existed and one which I
was setup to get into and be involved with - even the media guys are peons to me.. in this
situation. And that's not saying I'm better than them or anything like that. They're pawns
like the rest of us.
When doing the psychotronics, the locals and governemnt should keep in
mind that the technology they use to work their death squad works is owned by the very
companies they're trying to set up to take the fall for the politicians. That means,they
have all the evidence too. Something about the Cascades, and why I laugh at these idiots
even when they're torturing me.
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101 - Reasons
- God Is In Control - 11 - I Know You Know
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 06 - The Obvious Child - Paul Simon
6:32pm About 6 hours of tooth torture, I tried to get some work done,
while being tortured, and in 4 hours or so, accomplished less than an hour's worth of
Last night, part of what I was reading was from Joshua... Chapte 8. My
Bible says it's "The Conquest of AI"
Again, AI comes up, in modern terms, and the battle is against artificial
intelligence, the Electronic Singularity that people think is spiritual or ESP or anything
but the government's latest failure at being desperate to control people using
electronics, propaganda and military weapons.. and people who are crazy enough to carry
out sick crimes for a corrupt government.
verse 28: And Joshua burnt AI, and made it an heap for ever, even a
desolation unto this day.
I'm kinda in the mood for a little word from God, so... Psalm 1:3 And he
shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of the water, that bringeth forth his
fruit in his season; his leaf aslo shall not wither; and whatesoever he doeth shall
Of course, then I saw verse 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord;
and in his law doth he meditate all day.
Robertson - Somewhere Down That Crazy River
Klugh - Finger Paintings - This Time
Stewart - Human - 06 - If I Had You
I'm certain this is the last bimbo psyop that was foiled :} Interesting, I
had just read Psalm 2:He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them
in derision.
Michael - You Have Been Loved
11/29/2010 8:35am Awoke around 3am... interrogated, hassled and tortured
Last night I thought I should mention tha tif the government hadn't gone
so far out of its way to prove to me that they could suppress and murder me, violate
freedom of speech and religion and the press... that I thought I should mention that I
would have completed the first For the Love of the World, especially the apart sof the 10
commandments... the second book, Creation 2012... and a bunch of new articles on Death
Squads, torture bythe U.S. Government, more on the Structure of the United States and the
Constitution, and I would have still been running for President since 2003. ANd now, I'm
planning to run for president AND lead a true CHrisitan and spiritual revival... Barack
did his version of what I said I wanted to do... and I can do it and set and example of
what separation of church and state really means, and why it works.. like partners. And
I'm gonna love doing it...
Paper tiger threats.. that's what these people do most, threaten and
intimidate, persuade you tha tthere is no hope.... I don't rely on hope, never did...
these people were so into their own mentality of being above the law and getting away with
any joke to humiliate me and millions of other people, they actually did the PMS aapostate
setup in Los Angeles that worked with a local setup with the Jehovah's Witness Church, to
put me off and disrupt their church.. they accomplished both... but that church will be
fully informed, and the person they sed to humiliate and intimidate me, and probably to
embarrass her (the person with the same last name and looks very similar to the video
apostate), better not turn out to be another member of the death squads... The stupi thing
they accomplished for themselves was proving what may appear to be obsessive writing about
ndividuals, is actually me reporting on real events a they occur - long enough to find out
that this character has been in play for at least 3 years if not 7. And thus, has
been a recurring person in the psyops, not just me thinking about it all the time, as if I
was suffering anxiety... but being reminded of the psyop by events continuing to relate to
those people.
To any people who may be in Jehovah's Witness congregation who may read or
hear of this, just know that I really Jehovah's Witnesses, the people, the way they study
and minister, the way they do their services, and their willingness to open themselves to
For Catholics and other religions, I intend to talk to all faiths,
including other than "Christian", and I fully intend to visit lots of Catholic
Churches and talk to nuns and priests and more... so don't believe that I judge all the
people in churches by the actions of some perverts hired by the government to kill
Christians and people of faith and ethics... I do, however have a great deal of anger for
ministers who believe they are saving these people , whether they know they are harrassing
others in their churches when they attend, no matter how much money theyu give or how much
they kiss up to you... they are evil pepole and need to be expelled... there's a dfference
between sin and crime, people who violate the law and real criminals. These people with
the antennas are sick, perverted criminals.
And they love it when I wirite about their crimes like sociopaths do,
don't realize this is evidentiary, and they actually think they'll get away with it... and
it makes me laugh that they hide their faces, use tinted windows, exchange license plates,
and actually sometimes pose for me as they harrass me, thinking I'll back down with the
illusion they cannot be prosecuted, and their hubris is the proof.... of their perversion.
The Weed and Seed uses psyhotronics to set people up, like Lynn and I, to
humiliate them and exterminate them.. I also believe they use psychotronics to
create communites of people sociopathic enough to commit such perverse crimes... appealing
their worst sides... stuff normal people think about when reminded of it on tv and
in movies, but would never actually do, especially when they see people suffer from their
In the long run, everybody's gonna have to face themselves. My knowledge
of psychotroncis and the way people are manipulated at least allows me to know that
despite what happens, I'll still be the guy defending these criminals from the Federal
Government... who set them up and took advantage of their psychological traumas,
frustrations, and peer pressure to conform to things they didn't want to be part of.
Bible reading from last night: It was interesting, reading about how God
was from Teman, and the Holy One" was from Paran... and it always leads to the
Sinai... the Wilderness of Paran, becam the Wilderness of Judah.. and ultimately meant the
Sianai was part of the Holy Lands.. and I won't say it was Israel's.. apparently it was
It caused me to look again at the area of Solomon's Temple and its
buildigs.. the pictures on the internet of the barely reconstructed Solomon's Temple.. and
I wonder if this tapestry on my wall could be the AL Aqsa Mosque, but I'm almost certain
it's Solomon's Temple... there are some differences, but I am really interested in
seeinghow that deream I had years ago turns out, because it will answer numerous
questions, because I don't believe it was at Solomon's Temple... might be... isn't
it also interesting he built that house for God, that God didn't want... and instead of
calling it God's Temple, they called it SOlomon's Temple.
I have to add. Solomon's proverbs were very good for the times, especially
when considering it was like the teaching sof Jesus, including how to survive government
oppression... in this day and age, the wisdom applies, but the context is so different and
the times are so different, that the way to use them is often the revers advice you'd
think it needed to give. Instead of advice, it's a waring of the deceptions tthat will be
used by the people who know how you've been instructed to conduct yourselves. And I have
to be honest, I really dislike the way his words continue the domination of women as if
possessions and pets, instead of partners.
Acts 15: 20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions
of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
I've done the familial thing alot, and people are so cynical anymore, they
don't even believe what they claim they believe in most. In the government, and in many
Long ago, I wrote about how this nation and the world needed to be
reminded of the basics. God says the same of the churches. I'm gonna do that.
- Magazine U - A03 - Just the Wine that tile brings up a subject I wasn't going to
write about... the Bible says anyone who distributes my weritings without my direct
instruction will be curse. That's not me doing it, that's not God doing it, that's people
who think I should be silenced because of the crimes committed against me that present the
wrong image... regardless of their knowledge and involvement in those crimes... the curse
will come from the people who find out the truth and will be very, very angry at those who
deceived them about things that are most important to them. That's why I ultimately don't
worry about copyrights, though I do, but these people will bring it upon themselves.
And I have some goblets and wne bottles that can't be broken Pewter is like that...
mine were purchased from a place called Free Market. :}
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 04 - Light of Love
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 12 - Conversation
I told these folks in the beginning, if you play hardball with me about
something important, you'll lose. Noone ever believes me.... but they will.
Top - Tush there are people in Glendale who know that song pick is funny. But won't
McDonald - No Lookin' Back - 08 - Lost In The Parade
And that's what happens to people when they have to get in the back
of the line. I think God's expressing himself quite well today, for people wo understand
what the symbolism is...
9:24am BFMAN wanted me to offend you by letting you know that right now,
my favorite musician is Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution, a Jewish Lesbian... for those
Chrisitans who believe an absolute o the second coming includes genetic and socal
purification, and that gay people are an abomination, remember, God thinks abominations,
hated things, are people who place such judgements on other people for things that are not
the most important in the world and only hurt you if you believe the lies of people with
something to gain by lies to silence good people.... I look forward to that conversation
greatly.. like you don't know how much I look forward to it.. I dare you to challenge me
on the subject.. I mean please, bring it up, and I'll get out my dictionary and
we'll prove what an abomination really is... and what God thinks should happen to people
who preach hate..
Jason Warner - Dive just came on .. a gay guy kicked out of Christian
music because he was gay... who also does
Warner - In The Waiting - 04 - God Is God
A while back, I said we needed to get God some more music to pick from. I
think I'm gonna have to upload some more music soon, I'm getting a little behind on His
request line....
11/30/2010 10:56am Awake around seven after going to sleep around 1am..
usual torture, an hour or so of work done yesterday...
I read alot from Daniel last night... nothing too surprising but the
continued proof to the psychotronics torturers that they are the anti-Christ... employed
by the U.S. Government with government funding... and interfering with my ability to write
right now.. as usual, they're proud of it, and still believe they can get away with it.
Brothers - Who's That Lady
McCartney & Wings - Arrow Through Me
McDonald - Our Love
This is funny. I really think this is God's way of making fun for the
failed psyop that'll bring this whole thing down.
12/1/2010 7:34am Woke up around 5am. If there's any pattern to the
psychotronics I get when I wake up in the morning, it's that the government and
psychotronics guys have an ulterior motive... for quite some time, it's obvious they have
wanted me to write conclusions about certain things, I'm sure to be able to prove me wrong
with previous deceptions, as well as to use those conclusions to manipulate the
psyop to turn it back around on me... these days, they think they're winning with their
psyops because I let them suggest anything they want, so they think it works, and then I
still do what I thought was best in the first place... except I know which dialectics are
still in play, and the plausible deniabilities they set up, and despite the torture, it's
easy for me to know how this all actually turns out.
It must be really difficult fo r the government shrinks to figure out
a guy who's sensitive, but not driven by emotion, and with a great love for fact. I
still dare these sick cowards to face me and play their games, and look me straight in the
eye when they do it... and I look forward to meeting governmental and certain corporate
attorneys who must be wondering if they'll get through the charges afterward of being
aware of ongoing crimes by their clients. And I wonder if Pelosi gets it yet.
I think the funniest psyop the psychotronics guys do is to try to set it
up to make it look like my whole existence is about struggling with the perverts who like
to have theri crimes written about, as if I'm a mental case :} Struggling with the voices
in my head... actually, I listen to them destroying the lives of the people who hired
them.. not because they wanmt to give me info, but because their arrogance gives
them away, as they believe they are above the law.
Because of the way I knwo the Council on Foreign Relations / Illuminti /
Skull and Bones works... there will be a number of innocent or used people embarrassed by
their involvement and the implications of involvement... and some people's livess will be
dredged up and people will be harmed by the acts of the death squads and the events that
expose the criminals... all I can say is, I'm not inflicting harm nor intending to do harm
to anyone... and I know how to defend those who are and have been harmed and set up..
but the truth needs to be known, and the only way to say it.. given what'
shappening and what's at stake and the promises people made to God, is that whatever
happens, people are soon going to have to prove they are adults, they'll need to
acknowledge that there are more important things than themselves, and they'll have to
learn to swallow their pride and do the right things or be ... lost in the parde..
I was reading in Job last night.. and John.. but mostly Job..
what I love most abotu Job and Psalms.. and what makes me laugh when I read them, is how
they feel so free in THEIR JOURNALS to tell God everything on their minds, about their
sorrow, the betrayals and defiance of God's ways.. and sin of their youth being held
against them in their old age... and I just think, I've lived Job... I can relate, as I
laugh... it's the part of Hallelujah that I like, and what God must be thinking about us
all.. and how the Christs had such a relationship to God that they knew God would
listen and answer their prayers.. their thoughts and hopes and desires to serve and live
McDonald - Soul Speak - 08 - Hallelujah
It also reminds me of how so many think that God harms them to teach them,
while the Bible and history proves He does not tempt or test people... He empowers, gives
opportunity... I was reading in John last night about how Jesus came, and was rejected by
His people.. and then some people "found him", and realized by what He
said and did that He was the one Moses wrote and spoke about.. like the Buddhists seeking
out the Dalai LLama after he dies, and them knowng he would return with a different body
and name, but with the same likes and ways as the prior physical body/being.... and so
they knew his ways.
No matter what you may have read, thought was weird or harsh or offensive
in these journals, remember that I intended to have it be communications and relflections
without all the vile language and finger pointing.. the crimes committed agains tus and
the suppression by the government has caused all that, and I want people to be sure to
understand that no matter what you read, I know there are moe good people than evil
people.. and the problem is that I have to contend with the government and liekly the most
powerful people in the world..
And don't forget, I did not set out to criminalize anyone, but only
to participate in Democracy as all citizens have a right to... just as it was my intent
upon leaving Washington DC to live in the State of Washington, and develop an editorial
column for print syndication, botht to make a living and to add my voice to the world of
Demcoracy and the needs of citizens. And then keep in mind that I didn't have a clue about
all this corruption and the death squads, Never heard of the CFR or Illuminati or Skull
and Bones... the New World Order speech sounded good... I was as mainstream as they get...
But I always thought I could be a good, honest politician, because it's
fun to help and empower people... and there was something in me that told me that one day
God would call me to serve for something big, and I didn't know what, but I was willing,
and I figured if nothing else, it meant I would be a minister, and I'd really enjoy
it when I figured out what message I could possibly bring that the rest of the world's
millions of ministers hadn't before...
Like Donny said, then there's what you don't know that you know.... and I
say, some of what you don't know that you might know that doesn't really matter at this
point... once the damage is done.
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 06 - Nature
I'm reminded again o fhow the Bible was often to assist people in
surviving under oppression, but my job is to break that cycle of oppression, and to swim
against the tide.. I'm a very strong swimmer...
McLachlan - Four Strong Winds _ Bridge School
& Dave Matthews - Love Of My Life
Brickell & New Bohemians - Shooting Rubberbands At The St - 01 - What I Am
PS Live by Achums razor, die by it.
7:20pm I was sitting there getting aggressively tortured, when I went into
my bedroom, sort of thinking about which books I might take with me, to let other people
read from a library of things they should know... and thinking about a couple
Bibles, a book about Jesus and others I need to keep safe as evidence of impostors and
frauds... what a life... fingerprints, you know...
And I was looking through my bookcase... Kurzweil, CIA ESP guys, the
usual.. and saw this book that I recall as a Kierkegard book.. apparently it's a book of
essays by a number of people that Lynn had that I glanced at once... and BFMAN
suggested I do a magic "Bible" verse from it, and I said, I don't feel
like reading that. So I looked through the books and he finally got me to open the book.
He always regrets it. Thus, the next entry in the crime log. Evidence. MO.
Personal note: The Search for Being (C) 1962 Published Noonday Press
1967 LIBN 61:15095 Paperback Twayne publishing. Thread: Intuit, Erhardt, German
propagnada, mind control, friend, mickey mouse ears, book, gordon, forum, iflp, morerro,
esworthy, mirror, coming from nothing, immediate beginning, transformation, Strategic
design, hegellian dialectics, infinite reflection leading to beginnings, (lots of
thoughts, conclusions what we think), the louvre, thinker, Kierkegard: Concluding
Unscientific Postscript, page 54, A) A Logical System is Possible B) An existentital
System is impossible, pg 58, note 6 Trop - The reviewer and the beast... Infinity. PMS.
EST Translation. William Kimmel, Jean T Wilde Preface: M.C. D'Arcy
Havens - Dear John_live
Mac - Second Hand News
McLachlan - Sweet Surrender (jazz version)
- Let's Get Together
PS Dear Donny: Remember the old days, when we were talking about the New
Patriot Song, and I said, let's go back to the first verse... this one's for you , Donny,
let's take it back to this point, and Donny, about the sound of the dentist's drill...
Imus - Son Of Checkers _The Watergate Someone might want to tell Eric Holder to give
this a listen.. for a lesson...
Chapman - Talkin' Bout a Revolution
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 01 - My Family
12/2/2010 7:53aam Looked at the clock around 6am. I started thinking about
writing about the death squads... how they do it, how long they've been doing it...
thought about the Kierkegaard reading last night, knowing only the guilty understand the
significance of it... And if there's been one pattern, it's that if I complain about not
being able to write or do something, I'm "allowed" to do it, if only to make it
seem like I'm making excuses or making it up... I feel like I'm in a holding pattern on
other people's plans to kill Lynn and I because I stopped a 7 year dialectic with a
minister and church that was to set up what these locals wanted to do, knowing the JW's
aren't litigious, and that it would cause me to stay somewhere where the government would
control prosecutions and legal actions...
A la Kurzweil - the age of the Spiritual Machine - where the government
attempts to us epsyuchotronics to take religious leaders, or make religious leaders - who
will write and say whatever the government wants them to, and lots of times, the people
being used don't know it's being done to them.. the unfinished chapters of my books prove
I fortunately knew the difference. Refusing to write or alter important messages when the
government didn't want me to tell truth of all kinds, especially about God.
So, I decided to try to write a generic piece about the Death
Squads.. and the torture immediately began, and psychotronics was used to try to get me to
write about anything except anything useful about death squads...
This governemnt may believe they've silenced, those in upper levels with
knowledge the idiots in FISA and Judiciary boards who are total traitors to this nation,
those who know the truth about me... I understand how you rdialectics work, the
infiltrations, all sort sof ways you thwart anything but your amusement and power... but I
keep reading Psalms like I did last night.. and there's King David, lamenting over and
over about people like you, and yet, was the greatest Christ God had before Jesus.
Accomplished the most, made the fewest mistakes... complaining and lamenting his torment
at the hands of those he conquered... for the good of all... as I laughed reading it,
knowing the feeling, and knowing how this ends.
A long while back, for days, I was urged to read Hosea and Hebrews, and I
wanted to believe them so much, I wanted to believe alot of good things were true... I
understand why God wants this to be the end of days... why it's these sickos' last
chance... how I know their own actions will be their own destruction... andeven though
getting me to read those was one more dialectic to supposedly get me to act like some
crazy guy thinking he's Jesus, demanding to be heard and all sorts of things associated to
myths about how someone would act if they were Christ.. overconfident... flauntng power...
going to churches and expecting to be treated like royalty... dealing with decievers who
do everything they can to cause emulations or appearances of such things...
Alot right now is going along the script of the PMS psyop, alot of which
was supposed to further emotionally harm Lynn, and like 2 years ago, lead to my
homelessness and bankruptcy. Including the MO of havingme be "introduced" to
someone informally or in passing, only to have them show up as a major player later, as if
they had previously gained my trust. And therefore, I would give them even more trust.
I keep wondering who I've met over the years, and I mean I'm going back to
my youth, who did I know that could fit the description of someone in a long term
dialectic... at least, someone I haven't factored out becaus e I've disrupted the psyops
associated with them... and I've already factored out an impostor of my wife who messed up
some info on our pet names, among other mistakes made by the female operative trying to
dig out more personal info in order to make the bogus case against me, having also
"cased" Lynn and I have to assume, an employee of 2 media companies and the
Council on Foreign Relations, a landmark discovery on my part, and someone with enough
Biblical knowledge o prove my assertions that any minister or Chrisitian associated with
the Council on Foreign Relations is guilty of complicity of killing fellow citizens
including Christians, ministers Jews and other honorable people of faith. And to that I
say, go to hell.
Kuraweil proves that the Rapture is actually mass murder by the United
States Government using HAARP and other electronic, covert weapons and the murder is
caused b purposelful destruction of lives as well as elctronic failures that will lead to
mass death. And be described as the flu, rare diseases and cancers... and then all of a
sudden... and they'll say some other country did it.. with the same technology the U.S.
Government has been transferring to China, technology stolen from Russia and further
developed in the United States and handed to China along with our economy.. settting up
the same scenario used to supposedly destroy the British Empire, handing the mantle of
global leadership to the United States after World War II, only to do the same to the U.S.
and hand the mantle supposedly to China..... I used to admire the Queen for staying with
the citiens while London was beign bombed.. she played her part well as she retained the
love and admiration o fher people...
While the leaders of the U.S. claim.. what a disaster... poor us.. we'll
save you... as the equivalent of slave labor takes hold...
Ya know, Barack, I've faced the possibility that I personally won't
survive all this fo ryears, since the sycophants started the overt attacks, with the
knowledge all along that what I needed to do was set up strategies that coudl not actually
be stopped, including truth telling. I don't know how you can purposely be part of
killing all these people, and enslaving them, even harming black people more than they've
ever been harmed... all I gotta say is, I didn't have to go to church for 20 years to
understand the Golden Rule or everlasting life...
Palmer - Addicted To Love
- Positivity
Franks - Soul Mate
Mann - You Angel You
Somewhere down the road, there's a friend for me to share the "glory
of God" with, with the world. Just not someone the government chooses in order to
control me. I look forward to finding out when Exxon and Chromalloy decided to get
involved with taking baby pictures for Sears.... and why.
PS Looks like I won't be writing government influenced spew today... the
death squads.. they'll think this is their victory...
How I began this, how it will end.. God started it, here's how it will
Stevens/Yusef Islam - Peace Train
5:32pm Down goes Frazier. Given all else, I'll take that as another threat
on Lynn's family. Olbermann. The ones I CAN prove are enough. Have a good laugh.
12/3/2010 7:51am Personal notes: Lynn came home from her sister's, in good
shape, within an hour, she was remarking how her pain had worsened to an extreme, as it is
in this house and nowhere else... she went to bed.. came out just at the right moment to
turn on the tv to hear Olbermann say Manchuruian Candidate, leading to Down Goes
Frazier... meaning the psychotronics tortureres knew his script beforehand... a pattern
that has happened often. Got any pizza in a room with a pew, Rachel?
Still haven't posted since the tampering, no time to check out what
was changed on the site by the U.S. Government. FIne with me.
Woke around 6... extreme tooth torture ever since.. psychotronics on the
whore in L.A. and defending Olbermann.
Habakkuk12:1 2:3 It's bad enough to read the bIble and see the
curren tworld in it.. then t's bad ienough to have the CFR/U.S, Governemnt sickos do a
psyop using a minister so that when I read the Bible, I get constant reminders of an
apostate harming me... just like giving the apostate the same name as a cat I loved... So
I read the Bible, gladly, and read all the inferences that will lead the jury to
understand how this apostate used God to kill me, and to make me not want to read th
eBible because of the bad memoiries it brig up about her and her pervert frineds in the
media... first, I have lots of watches, as I said during her psyop section.. second,
Keith, I waited for it, and you screwed me. Never again. By the way Keith, watch a video
of yoruself, you're puking like over-confident ego driven announcers get when they care
more about their duties killing their psyop victims than their professional skills.
5:32 a perfect example of how psyops and the media have been used to
prevent me from keeping up with the high priced Nazi liars and propagandists. As much as
you guys don't like being called Nazis... you prove it's true even more. You think you've
made me seem like an extremist by calling you people that. When people find out the truth,
tha twill be the most polite thing they say about all of you.
Keith, this is how sick your firends are.. last night, trying to read the
Bible, I had to listen tothis: 7:02 pm 12/2/2010 They're glad they're Nazis and
proud of they're subjecting their own children to a lifetime of medical experimentation as
guinea pigs of the U.S. Government.
Kind of say s it allabout your type, Keith... like the Bible says,
they'll eat their own children.. by sending them to war or having them killed with bad
drugs made by Pfizer and others... as long as you narcissists have what you want, you
don't care about anyone or anything, and it shows, and it will be held against all of you.
Tell your friends that the more they mock God, the more God will return
the favor. As this event proves, God will stop you with your own delusions... Now, Keith,
wanna talk about Conan? Ain't it nice TBS picked up the contract for another Nazi. Conan,
I thought you were funny too.. maybe more than Letterman... but, oh well... Howm much you
wanna bet Conan has abrother named Miles. Check out the voices, faces and humor... And
then maybe ask Soledad when she and Miles got divorced. Great garage sale, wasn't it?
Taylor - Gorilla - 04 - Wandering
Rundgren - The Very Best - 05 - Couldn't I Just Tell You
Jordan - Dancing On The Boardwalk
I think God's trying to tell MSNBC that no matter what, I won't be
stopped. And wait til I call for all the people being psyopped by the media, holding
signs "He'll rape you with his mouth".. which of course will be known as the
reason I wrote to Obama and Kennedy...
Tell me Keith, when did your girlfriend first do the Forum. Up the
Gestalt. He birthed me. Could mean alot of things. Obviously someone in the intel
departments made alot of bad assumptions about me and more... and it explains why
you guys wanted me to criticize Scientology, which I still know nothing about, but looking
forward to learning about. Remember, I never read dianetics, and when I was a kid, I just
enjoyed L. Ron Hubbard's weekly "newscast"... I barely rememebr it,
much the same as I barely remember seeingthe cover of American Opinion onmy dad's bed..
tell the intel guys I wasn't allowed to read that stuff. It was adult stuff. And my dad
liked it when I came to my own conclusions, I think especially when I disagreed with him..
though I understood his position, and he mine. And we only talked seriously a couple
times, the most important of which was understanding this nation is a Republic, and
I was the one who won that discusiion...
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 08 - Joy In Repetition
Too bad your psyops didn't work.. the joy in repetition this time will
come because the repetition will convict you all. ANd I don't care who they are or
what their relationships might be.. and there's a difference between misunderstandings and
criminal acts. And the dog act was the stupidest proof of criminality.. thank God the
psyops guys shoved that in my face to taunt me... proof of prior knowledge and intent,
that I didn't even pick up until the psyops guys used it to humiliate me. But they
humiliated themselves and you instead. My description of that ploy will not bode
well for the actors. And any attemopts to explain it away will only prove greater
knowledge and intent. You'd think ministers might read the Bible and get the idea that
doing such things is a damnable sin against God.
& Oates - Kiss On My List
When I worked at Golden Egg, one of my favorite clients' phone snumbers
was the melody of that song.. keep it simple stupid... that's what I'm gonna do witht he
Wonder - I Was Made To Love Her
Strange songs for a recurring theme of a psyop gone bad.. I love it :}
Talk about shoving it in people's faces.. jsut rememebr, I let God pick the songs anymore.
Moses hada stick that turned to a snake, I have a God who wants to be a dj... it'll be a
fun show.
Darned if I know what that's supposed to mean. Scarborough, who are you
and Mika psyopping.. bet I find out before long.... Now, how was it again that you stayed
in Congress?
11:14am Lynn is in extreme pain and under psychotronic attack, I'm getting
extreme tooth torture as Thurston enjoys setting up a situation as if there is in
arguement between Lynn and I. Thurston is simply providing additional anecdoctal and
documented evidence of illegal activities on his and their prosecutor's part. The
defense of the people involved in all this will be impossible. These guys love to torture
and set people up, particularly in ways they would never do themselves.. that's why this
psyop failed a few weeks back, and will easily bcome an international incident amongst
people of all faiths when the truth of the U.S. Government's complete use of fascist and
nNazi tactics becomes known. They say they will cause Lynn and I to be separated, so they
can kill Lynn and thereby cover for politicians and Landmark/EST...
And Barack, again, thank you for your confession. It will be
believed by the world.
1:59pm Today goes dowqn as yet another conspiracy to commit murder against
LynnMcMullen as these pU.S. Government perverts use psychotronics and dews to torture her,
and me... re: Cat and trailer headboard... someone damaged the screw holes for my
headlight reflector... meanwhile while outside working on the reflector, two high powered
gunshots were heard from the direction of Mike's house.
Meanwhile, the forsensics on the patterns on the window will clearly show
heat through the window with apertures that go directly to where Lynn gets the
most pain from psychotronics and dews... I made this entry while being tortured and having
people who think psychotronics and dews will be disproven, and wanted me to say much more
about things - lies - they'd want me to repreat... because they forget all the evidence i
have of conspiracy, and civil and human rights violations. And they forget that what
they're doing most is piling up the charges against Barack Obama, the media people, the
U.S. Government as a whole.. and there will be no world war. The CIA said it would take 1%
of the population to control the rest of the population.. Halliburton's detention centers
will be plenty big enough... andI have plenty of evidence of attempts against Lynn's life
that are covered up by law enforcement, and will be easy for others to understand that
psychotronics are being used to make LYnn out to be something other than she is... and
that includes from befor eteh stroke, which they want to use to say it caused a change in
her personality, and with psychotronics, they are tryin gto make the case that she is
mentally incompetent.. and if they try that, they'll just be proving their own guilt....
cause all she really has is the symptoms of psychotronic and dew attacks...
My day has been wasted being tortured, having Lynn to calm down as she is
attacked, and it is illegal detention, rights violations, attempted murder and worse... if
I leave here without Lynn down the road and safe, the world will know how perverse the
U.S. Government is... Barck, your sickos keep doing these things... again, thanks for the
confession, tell the DHS I won't and don't have to back down... and the evidence will
prove tha tyour attempts to create a profile of me as some paranoid schizophrenic will be
countered by all sorts of attempts to get me labeled that way, bad intel and obviously
paranoid intel people who make up all sorts of things to cover the crimes of the U.S.
- Theme From Exodus
Good luck to all those who laugh at the continual threats to make me
homeless, and to forcibly exile me. You really aren't anonymous.
7:34pm I asked Lynn not to touch the window showing the apertures of the
DEWS that point directly at the places she sits and feels the most pain.. she told me she
had been thinking of washing them... then she asked what I meant regarding the technology
her son uses at Time Warner for animating the actions and movements of live people, by
placing sensors on them, and recording nerve impulses, brain waves etc, and how TW uses
that same technology to cause synthetic telepathy, aka, psychotronics, and thus, what the
guys in the black truck she ID'd outside the yard were doing... We also talked about how
that relates to the severe pain she felt in the convalescent hospital, as well as being
raped, with psychotronics and dews I felt myself when I went to her room and put myself
between her and the window.
She then related that to the places she sits, and the pain that is more
intense since coming home, and then she was instantly hit with extremely
painful attacks, and went to bed. Now, TW, if her somn becomes unemployed or something bad
happens, remember that Lynn, after learning what she did, let's just say she'll look
forward to testifying. And I happen to know he's already under attack, and I'm fairly
certaain he knows it too. And if it wasn't him here last Thanksgiving, 2009, then I have
the fingerprints of the guy who was the impostor... and I suspected it when the guy was
here.. and he was shorter than her son. Lynn thought he was acting strangely too, but it's
possible they were attaking him while he was here, as other people will testify to.. being
attacked with psychotronics while visiting the house... in 2003. A personal friend of
Werner Erhardts, who has since received info on the attacks on us, and documentation to
prove it.
Yesterday, I endured over 14 hours of non-stop tooth torture. Today it
began at around 6am...
And wait til the story of how I was sucked into contacting Obama and
Kennedy regarding dews and psychotronics.... anybody who wants to call themselves a hero
for that better get a good attorney.
GE and Time Warner.. about making sperm from DNA.... and all the rest...
thanks to CNN for the intimidation in 2003 about how the FBI manufactures evidence against
people to take out political "enemies" og the government. And remember, I was no
enemy to the government or the media.. and I dare MSNBC to prove otherwise. And all your
coverup specials for MSNBC still won't change the truth.
Winwood - Higher Love
Feliciano - California Dreamin'
Franks - The Lady Wants To Know
Here's her answer... I think God's still making fun of apostates and
liars, and that footstools are footstools, whether they want to be or not.
Nahmod - One Power - 06 - Years to My Life
Like I've said, I've lived Job.... and I'm not in a very good mood
about it right now... something about torture that makes it difficult to eat doesn't go
over well at Auschwitz in America.
Aftertunes: Elvis Costello & Paul McCartney, You've Got To Hide Your
Love Away...
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Chicago
Stills & Nash - Chicago
- Just As Long As We're Together from his 1st album...
12/4/2010 7:39am up before 6am today... last night, the tooth torture was
the worst ever as the U.S. Government told me they were going to break my connection with
God.. and when the pain was so bad that it stopped me from reading, the perverts laughed
about how they broke my connection with God.. as if it depended on reading the Bible.
For people wondering what it looks like when tooth torture is being done,
review Olbermann's show the other night.. after Down goes Frazier, he made a head
gesture just like what happens whe psychotronics is used to torture people... especially
tooth torture, and injuring people's necks... and no, Keith, I didn't record it...
later, we'll let psychotronics readout prove your criminality for ya... nice to know,
though Keith, you still enjoy torturing people... alot of media people like you will
regret the fun you have while committing murder.
OReilly: re Moyers: Whatever it takes. And Moyers would understand
and respect that,. unlike you. Tell Dobbs I look forward to the day.. and it's a short
list, but God will honor it. To the weed and seed people... tell your perps to stop trying
to convince me that what you do is legal... I'm the proof you won't get away with it.
Rogers & the First Editi - Just Dropped In
Palmer - Bad Case Of Loving You
Merchant - Jealousy
God's obviously still making fun of the whores and perverts.
5:18pm T. Ripp. Had an interesting experience today.. I'll have to
re-check the audio and video, and later, the log of surveillance contacts, appears one of
the people surveiling and harassing us called the Mason County Sheriff today and claimed
that I was stalking them, because I videoed them stalking me. The officer first said I was
beiong pulled over and cited for violating the law, operating a video camera while
driving. His story changed 3 times. The timing of the appearance of the officer was
preciwely times, and the guy in the red truck was lying in wait, and the logistics of
everything that happened was - let's jsut say, last night, I saw Alan Dershwoitz's book on
Testilying, and the OJ Simpson trial, and how cops make up things about people to get them
convicted. Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor, counsel to the counsel of O.J. Simpson. The
locals think this is funny, and only give more creedence to the idea that the 4 Lakewood
cops were killed, point blank, by a victim of the Federal Government psychotronics
program. Personal reminder: backup officer in flak gear and what may be body armor, as if
expecting/causing a "violent" confrontation, obviously more bad intel about me
supposedly being PTSD by a bunch of uneducated idiots who genralize psychology to an
extreme fault... and forget I ALWYS run audio if not audio and video in lots of
cases where interactions with these criminals occurs.
Including doctor and dentist offices.
These psyops guys proved to me today that they have no actual authority.
Any of you officers, if you ever had the misfortune of being involved in "suicide by
cop", check the record of the "victim"... if they claimed hearing voices,
psychotronics and such, and you'r enot aware of those technologies supplied by the Federal
Government, I might call you a liar, and maybe give you the opportunity to understand the
perverse criminality of these people - psychotronics - weed and seed - and a little rest
for your conscience, because I doubt any officer would want to be used for that.
Meanwhile, remind the officers and politicians that I AM a reporter. (I'm
being reminded to tell you I don't write to those jerks in the media and politics for
nothin'. Oh yeah, and it was the psychotronics guys who said Olbermann wanted me to call
him a Nazi. And like I said... stupid is as stupid does.... and I ain't talkin' 'bout
me... notice how these guys get me to say stuff that could be taken either way...
that's why I stopped writing the books.. otherwise.. I can do 30-40 pages a night)
Curtis Chapman - God Is In Control - 04 - Let Us Pray
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 07 - Back to the Middle
Bonoff - Personally
Sometimes, even I don't understand what God's saying.. until later...
12/5/2010 8:44am When I went to teh media conference, it took me months of
going over small details of things to realize how I had been manipulated, and how certain
things happened, and how they fit into a complex dialectic to diminish me publicly. Part
of the Humiliate part of humiliation and extermination...
What's clear about yesterday is that it was don eby peopel who believe
that one incident defines the full circumstances, and that evidence is evidence, and that
committing crimes to cover crimes only causes more prosecutions. And not against me. No
ambiguity there. When someone reprots me for stalking them, and then the police run
through a number of possible intimidating scenarios to scare me from recording crime
sagainst me, thinking some day I would end up thinking these organized gang-stalkers were
just innocent people driving down the road... just remember I have video you guys thought
would waste my videotape, proving you do it to other people too.
It's a shame you people play these games to preoccupy me with recording
evidence, as if you're immune, but you're not... in the long run, decent people will have
a world without you, by your stupidity, having nothing to do with religion. And if
you want to talk about the religious side, you'd better be ready to listen for a few
Sometimes I wonder why my father actually wanted me to watch Elliott Ness
and the Untouchables, portrayed by one actor - Robert Stack - who I believe had been
blacklisted.. there was another guy whose name is similar I might be confusing, from Death
Valley Days, before Reagan... I think it was before... anyway... and Combat, with
Vic Morrow, killed in a freak helicopter accident - beheaded by a blade flying off a
crashing chopper... Hans Conried, Hitchcock, the Jetsons, games like Kreskins ESP, Life,
Chutes & Ladders, Monopoly, Pinochle, Clue... operation... Hula Hoops, anti-grav space
pens, Tandy.. it all seems weird, but like a lot of things, over time, they point to
My impression was my father didn't disagree with the concept of the
McCarthy hearings, except for the way it was a show trial, portrayed in movies that Cone
fueled the blacklisting and rumours leading to blacklisting and such... when it was
actually Bobby Kennedy, before he started to realize what John was trying to tell
people... it seems John was deceived about it all at first (unlike Barack, 20 years
in Jeremiah's church, a CFR member, and groomed for the job...)
I headlined a chapter about how the united States Government has been
overthrown by force by the United States Government...
Infiltration works like that, as the CFR used to claim it began in 1929...
maybe 1926, on their own website... and slwowly worked its way into the seats of power, it
proudly boasted. THis is much different than Democracy. This is systematic polit beaureau
government with the facade of free elections, civil and human rights and... GW said
himself, democracy can not survive without freedom of the press... and the Protocols
clearly show what they would, and did, do to the press.
I say they overthrow the government by force by paying people to use
military weeapons that are lethal against their own citizens and other people who would
have run and/or won offices who would have opposes their agenda, planned out for nearly
100 years... to brainwash the peopel of the United States, and then deceive them into
anything they want them to believe.... including that certain religions are demonic and
therefore the enemy of God just because people refuse to take the time to
learn the truth, and listen to people who attack countries like Iraq for the oil, kill
millions of people with the support of their nation because they don't watch the news...
that fools people.. but for plausibility, tell the truth at least once so they can play
the tape later and prove they didn't mislead anyone.... I'm talking about the U.S.
Government, it's media infiltrants, and the death squads and police who go along
with the crimes, for what reason, I'm not sure I care anymore.
As I wrote that, Lynn started screaming in pain, so I had to pause to see
if I could help.
I was told yesterday by the psychotronics guys that if I drove thru town,
I would be stopped and a new law would be used to claim it was no longer legal to
operate a video camera while driving.. and then they set it up to try to get me to believe
it was true with the intimidation tactic... I have the right to record crimes committed
against me.
And despite the psyops and death squads, I will continue to operate as a
citizen with full rights per the Constitution. And I really only want to befriend people
who obey GOD's law. If God's law is not compatible with the law of humans, then the humans
have the problem, and I can prove it. Natural law is not about natural man. I defy anyone
to defend torturing their fellow citizens over an 8 year period of time.
- Live To Tell What I'm gonna do
At Work - Overkill Australia, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring....
- New Position For Barack...
God picks 'em....
12/6/2010 11:25am Was awakened around 2am, harrassed, took a tylenol pm to
get back to sleep, up around 9:30 the torture and harassment continues.
Foir Olbermann.. and MGB section on the 4th I read Psalm 62. Laswst night,
looking for the passage, read Psalm 61... check it out.. it's for you.
Watched Harry Potter last night.. always interesting allegories.. Order of
the Prophet I think... modern day Aesop's fables... as in Aesopian, when people have to
use examples and metaphors to fit other contexts...
Last night, I ended up in Jeremiah again, and as always, the Iraq scenario
and all, the book fits, including going to the Euphrates to retrieve a girdle that's been
soiled and made useless.. God's allegory for evil people whose spirits have gone evil...
the sign of the unmarried prophet... I think that Jeremiah 15 through 17 suffices.
I am somewhat quiet about these things today.. because I watched CNN last
Night - Losing Lennon: Countdown to Murder... of course, I wrote the letter and article
about John Lennon... and wasn't at all his biggest fan, and didn't really understand
his political activities back then...
More proof of long-term psyops... including the Pastor Melissa Scott
psyop.. I'd write in my weblog, at that point wanting to preserve her anonymity, and
addressing as "M".. until I figured out it was a psyop betrayal.. John David
Chapman id'd himself in his calendar as "M" and they even pointed out an entry
of him traveling to Atlanta... The address of the builfing he lived in was 444. of COurse,
Lennon lived from 1940-1980.. 40 years. 4, 40, 44, 444. Forum. Mark/Chuck
Connections to Playboy magazine, the local down the road and the
mysterious picture on the first cover that was later "censored"... Last
interview of Lennon by Dave Sholin, RKO... Blue Pen. Of course, I never owned or read,
that I recall, Catcher in the Rye, although I think my brother and wife did... And
Lennon said something like - he feared his work would not be finished until after his
death. For me, until his last album that I heard cuts from and loved, mostly love songs...
I heard Working Class Hero, and what I got from it was not about oppression, but about
realizing that freedom means having the ability, or creating the circumstances that allow
you to be free.. like beign a consultant instead of a 40 hour a week employee. You work
more as a consultant, but it's much more enjoyable, because you get paid for real
productivity you can be proud of.
Narrated by John Harwood... didn't know the story of John David Chapman
before... knew he went over the edge... I'll have some questions for him. As I will
The Psalm verse I wanted Keith to hear, since I brought it up earlier in
the day before I had done my nightly Bible reading was, "I waited for it"...
The idiot who falsely reported my "stalking" of them while
videoing them for news and criminal reports gave me a gift I never waned, and wish I
hadn't receivd. The sickos knew that I wanted the police departments to come out of this
being able to claim they were takeng orders, not faultlessly, but taking orders...
the people who do these stupid things are going to be proven to be way over the line...
and I'm not talking about the cops.. and I will ask questions about Lakewood.
When I talk about issues, I try to point out the symptoms of things that
need to be corrected, many of them immediately, many of those, it would easily done, and
the people put out of work could easily be put back to work restoring this nation intead
of harming it for politicians. Bu tthe constant flaunting of the concept of legal vs
illegal, let alone the simple decency of knowing right from wrong... it makes it difficult
to.. let's just say, I'm really not surprised, but I just wonder how much disgust I can
feel for this federal government and yet another example of how they attempt to humiliate
in order to exterminate.
Barack, because of this, your cofession will be taken seriously. I know
other world leaders understood what you were saying, and it's no surprise the EU is being
afflicted with scandal... the people will understand soon, too... You have no idea how
much I look forward to experiencing whatever occurs that caused the great calamity. What a
show that will be...
Ellington - Limbo Jazz for Colbert, red balloons, jazz, and Jesus in blue
jeans... and the vision that was implanted in my brain.... :}
Taylor - Flag - 04 - I Will Not Lie For You
Taylor - JT - 06 - Secret O' Life
Taylor - October Road - 12 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
This is weird.. I'm still frustrated with the James Taylor situation..
October Road psyop... I was looking at the first two James Taylor tunesd God chose,and
didn't know what to think, so I thought, I'll pick another random cut, closed my eyes and
picked and up came... Meet Me In St Louis... the Rainbow arch, the fissure in the Gulf of
Mexico on the Eugene platform, pagan holidays, dividing the nation into 3 parts.... think
about that, and Israel, there's Israel, the West Bank, Gaza.. and ABBAS wanting to resign
an authority that has no authority. A Solomon's Temple that is neither close to
completion or a true sign of a "victory" for God's chosen if it was completed,
because the Bible says the father and son would not be there, because they didn't ask
anyone to build a house for them, where they would be expected to stay, whether they
wanted to or not.
Taylor - October Road - 09 - Carry Me On My Way
PS The dog in a Chevy. What else do we need? Maybe a U.S. car industry to
replace the Bavarian allies.... :} Anyone else want to talk about how slow the rudder
Seger - Like A Rock aka Like Iraq btw, why was it that GE had the most to gain from
attacking Afghanistan? It's been so long since the Ruppert article, I can't remember...
:}TW A good will gesture would be a cable channel with full distribution...
This came on as soon as I wrote that: Do Right To Me Baby, his first
Christian album when I was in L.A. not online. It was so perfect for the moment. This'll
Dylan - Slow Train Coming - 01 - Gotta Serve Somebody
12/7/2010 8:32am Up around 6am. The psychotronics guys like to make a game
of getting me to write after harrassing me awhile, but today, I just didn't have anything
to say... torture continues... nothing new...
Then... Lynn came in the room and a conference call was cancelled..
something about Muhammad Yunus being criticized by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.
Yunus, whose name in English means Jeremiah, declined to become Prime Minister a few years
back because they would not agree to run the government without corruption. I don't know
whet they're criticizing him for, but it's hard to imagine he could be criticized, given
his integrity... except for the attempted memo 46 by Clinton and the World Bank.. and
given that Lynn worked hard to get him recognition in the U.S., and she considered him he
Considering oneof her biggest donors is having a radical mastectomy today,
and other people she knows and were involved in the GDCU and past and present projects who
have been harmed... surrounded by people from......
So, she said, instead of the conference call for the Peace, Justice and
Prosperity Act.... Sam and Yunus were on the phone with the press.
It's really interesting tonotice tha tthis is happening to Yunus, as I
mentioned the scandals in the EU that will ultimately be shown to be political extrotion
and coercion, being used agaist people by the people who coerced them... skull and bones
style - we got dirt on you so you can't talk.... and when we're done with you, we'll use
it against you to shut you up....
And lately, I've been amused by the quick glimpses of DISH TV program
menus that show documentary after documentary, telling cover stories for governmental
crimes that I have documented - on my websites and in my files against millions of people.
The weird part of this is knowing that the government will use them to make their case,
and because of that, will be embarrassed into oblivion because the truth is so simple to
see and the documentation is freely available. And for me, that means the attempts
to silence me will betray them because I'm know the truth... except, that's not coercion,
and I'm not covering up anything about the crimes they cause... criminals hate the
There are 2 things I keep accidentally doing as typos that let me know I'm
supposed to keep mentioning them... Mena, Arkansas, and Nancy Pelosi... someday, I'll know
why. Course, I know about Mena.
As for being surprised... actually, this sort of thing jut shows the
progression of the "silent war" of hearts and minds around the world, knowing it
will backfire on the Illuminati.
PS Jay.. I had Lynn get some sunflower seeds specifically for the
The psychotronics guys always like to challenge me to a magic Bible verse,
and I alwyas accept the challenge, always thinking, what if it doesn't work? But I do it
because it always does. ANd I told them, any book, and this time what was in front of me
was the Jehovah's Witness book The Truth That Leads TO Eternal Life - a beautiful blue
book of course... and it said... Page 102 Righteous Rule Makes Earth A Paradise
What will this mean with regard to human relations? United in pure worship
of their Heavenly Father, people of all races and nationalities will live together as one
family of brothers and sisters.
With God's Kingdom by his Prince of Peace ruling over the entire
globe, the earth will no longer be divided politically. There will be no proud nationalism
to arouse hatred, conflict and bloodshed. Any death dealing weapons of war that remain
after Armageddon will soon be destroyed forever. So there will be no more newspaper list
sof war casualties, no more war widows or war orphans, no more homes and cities
bombed uinto ruins. What a blessing this will be for mankind!
Global Peace and Abundance for All.
Reading from the JW book just reminded me what I read in Ecclesiastes last
night. Fo rthose who want another point of contention, I have some problems Ecclesiastes,
but again, only becase it describes a world of people coping with oppression, as
Jesus taught, while God wins the war of hearts and minds... which takes a long time
because He honors and cherishes free will. But the time He promised has come.
Along time ago, I offered my plan for what Armageddon could be..
a peaceful conversation that brings the world to peace....
Ecclesiastes... Chapter 7 verses 24-29
Chapter 3 verses 16-21
18: I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that
God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.
I wonder if the JW's know what they believe in is very similar to those
who associate with the non-memo-46'd portion of those of the Bahai Faith....
It'll be interesting to see what songs God picks today....
Cetera - World Falling Down - 05 - World Falling Down
Spoonful - Younger Generation
Stafford - Spiders & Snakes
and Crofts - The Longest Road - A05 - One Planet, One People Please
9:58am Update on Muhammad Yunus. This is a weird one, that also proves the
same sort of set up attempted against Lynn and I. Yunus is beign accused of siphoning off
money that interestingly enough is the same sort of setup I talked about at the FARM... he
owns nothing himself of the Grameen Foundation, U.S. or otherwise, takes his salary, and
they're accusing him of siphoning off funds.
When we first started building here, my neighbor asked all sorts of
questions about how to use a non-profit to get income and evade taxes... a setup and an mo
that will be obvious.. and support the destructiveness of psychotronics... and in
court, I'll talk about certain things that on the surface might appear to be odd ways of
doing things, but completely legitimate, legal, and actually, if the truth was not
completely accepted, the other truth is, whatever money was drawn off the GDCU by me
was less than the amount owed me in board approved salary.. still, it's the same
dialectic, to humiliate him in public... and wouldn't you know it was started against
Yunus by the Wall Street Journal, whose reporter Danny Pearl was executed because the
people holding him claimed he was working with the CIA, a fact proven by Robert Baer, then
a CIA "Consltant", broadcasting his truth on MSNBC before transferring to CNN
for protection. As did Elliott Spitzer, it appears. Gotta serve somebody. Accidental pun.
Dear Mr Man :}
The Wall Street Journal article in Europe had a great headline I'll get in
here as it was written later, basically says he's the "bloodsucker of the poor of the
world" What a joke... Clinton endorsed Yunus very highly a while back. Yunus
got the Nobel for Economics... the World Bank has sort of tried to get him in the fold.. I
figure this'll get him elected Prime Minister without corruption once and for all, but
then he'll be scandalized, if he is, to say globally that even someone liek him receiving
the Nobel is not uabove corruption, which will propagandistically clear the way for Al
Gore to be proven innocent of a hoax for Inconvenient Truth, trying to get us citizens to
tak ethe blame for global warming and pollution, when the real cause is our wars, HAARP
and microwave, and corporate sludge...
Dialectics. they're easy to read... and more fun to watch play out
as the criminals forecast their actions, and convict themselves.
Can't wait to hear Stephen Rockefeller's comments on the Muhammad Yunus
situation. The Beatles song Blue Jay Way is the perfect song for this. Not online. This'll
- White Album - 304 - Everybody's Got Something to Hide
Spoonful - Do You Believe in Magic for more info on why this is funny to me, please
refer to Peter Cetera, World Falling Down... and magic...
- Live To Tell
6:02pm Lynn was supposed to go to Seattle for treatment for her pain
today... as a chopper goes overhead... so they've been torturing her very badly, telling
me if I don't stop gathering and don't destroy the evidence, they'll torture her more. As
if I should feel responsible for letting these sickos torture her.. as if it's up to me.
I went to get her medicine today, and was harrassed dfrom the time I left the hosue
to the time I got home... and because of her torture, she'll likely not go to the
doctor.. which works out well for the death squads, because then, LLynn can't get the
license numbers of the crimnals. Also, where she's going, I've proven on video that
infiltrators are harming the patients of Bastyr.. or at least, surveilling and harrassing
them. Same at Harborview, Providence and University of Washington. Right KOMO 4?
Spoonful - Younger Generation
Mancini - Baby Elephant Walk
I remember a time when people actually cared about this...
Stevens - Where Do The Children Play
12/8/2010 5:32am Woke between 3-3:30am East Coast must be working me
It continues to amaze me, how God finds away to keep me on
subject... last night I was reading, and like usual, all random.. sometimes when... let's
put it this way.. one time I went to the Nugget in Reno, and I walked around, and when a
certain machine stood out for some reason, I'd play that slot machine and within 3
spins, I won $40 at a time... at one point, I had a group of people following me around
carrying the buckets of money for me... and that was all from the $5 coins they gave me as
a guest of the hotel... so I read the Bible, and sometimes I'll see a verse reference in
the Concordance section, and it stands out to me, so I read it, and almost invariably it
turns out to be very important. (For the record, I've been to Reno once and Las Vegas
once, and spent less than $400 total)
So anyway... I opened up the Bible last night,and there's one thing I'm
sure of, God'sconcerned about the synagogues of Satan. And let's be clear, I'm talking
about all religions, churches, not just Jews...
I was reading in Ezekiel again, Chapter 43.. I remembered seeing
references to "the Glory of the Lord" as in, rising up in Israel.. could be a
nation, could be a person, could be a ghost or "amber brook"... so I looked in
themiddle column at the reference from the Concordance, and it referred me to Ezekiel 44:4
How could I possibly refuse THAT number... especially after reading about
the wall between God and people because of the defiling of everything good, and all the
gifts He's given us.
Ezekiel 44:4 Then brought he me the way of the north gate before the
house: and I looked, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the hosue of the Lord: and I
fell upon my face
5 And the Lord said unto me, Son of Man, MARK well, and behold with thine
eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of
the house of the Lord: and all the laws thereof: and mark well the entering in of the
house, with every going forth of the sanctuary..
I'll let ministers read the rest and decide what it all means to them,
which will then determine whether they are a house of God or a synagogue of Satan, and
there's little or no skinny room on God's law.
Back to Ezekiel 43: 4 And the Glory of the Lord came into the house by the
way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.
For some reason, usually when I'd like to end my reading on a lighter
note, I'll turn to somewhere else in the Bible, and I did last night, to Acts 11:16 Then
remembered I the word of the Lord, how that He said, John indeed baptized with water; bu
tye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.
And still, I wonder, why DID I tell Dobbs all that stuff? I'd never told
anyone about that vision I had when I was a kid, until Dobbs in 2002... people think
you're weird when you say you have religious experiences like that. And then there was my
friend Luke, who tried so hard to tell me about the girlfriend he didn't actually have
named Amber Brook... and I wonder.. how come noone told me straight out? It relates to
Yellow River, sort of, the Yangtze.. the Yellow River in China....
Riperton - Loving You
& Messina - Golden Ribbons
McDonald - No Lookin' Back - 08 - Lost In The Parade
I think someone monitoring this is having trouble in their love
relationship... the last 2 songs mean something to me I won't go into...
To China: despite the remarks I make at times to the citizens of the
United States, understand, I believe the United States government is its own problem, and
that at the moment, it appears you're smart enough not to be provoked. I am not your enemy
in any way.
Isn't it interesting I used, as a placemark for the verse in Acts, a $4
dollar bill from Cindy Sheehan, at the top, the unfolding State of Awareness, a Conception
Dollar, on the back, in big letters, the word HOPE.. and above it, it says, Be the change
you want to see.....
Hillary.. about the quadrennial plan. Don't waste your time...
Jerry - In The Summertime
... He will declare the date......
Taylor - October Road - 03 - On The 4th Of July
I don't care what the guy says, God had him write that one for me... wait
til you hear what I tell the court about the RIAA....
12/8/2010 6:05pm Lynn called at 11:30am to tell me she was shaken, and
received what she believed was her first death rate toward her on the road, being boxed in
by two trucks and another car... just befor egetting to the Tacoma Narrowas Bridge, a
place where we've actually been threatened a few times before... I have it on video. Of
course, she got up this mornign in terrible pain, worse than usual, and jus tbefore
leaving time, after I write my weblog, she suddenly felt better and left.
THere have been at least 2 other incidents that were life threatening with
semi-trucks, one in Seatlle aster she went to the doctor for pain relief, and another
a few years back, in a traffic jam, where a semi fishtailed it's back trailer, and
had I knot seen it and moved the car, it would have slammed into our Honda, and I
would have been seriously injured, if not Lynn too. The time in Seattle, had I not seen
the truck come into our lane making a left hand turn onto a one way 3 lane street in front
of us, she likely would have been killed. Where she's staying tonight.. we were ther once,
and I videoed several surveillance people casing the neighborhood, parking in the street
below, and people letting me know they knew where we were.. all with those antennas...
The psychotronics guys tell me there will be more death threats against
Lynn, to scare her, and cause us to go our separate ways un-amicably... 8 years of
torture.. Lynn too, though in denial alot that this government would want to kill her..
and she is aware the directed energy attacks are the cause of her stroke, now...
To the national terrorists who enjoy watching the snuff highlights, be
sure to remember that these people are pieces of evidence for your convictions, and
nothing more to me.
Klugh - Finger Paintings - This Time
12/9/2010 8:03am The tooth torture was so bad yesterday, I ended up
exhausted and going to bed early... woke up for a short time, all I could eat
because of the jaw pain was a bowl of cereal... and the tooth torture is the same this
morning.. tell Barack it will be easy to prove Auschwitz in America, especially with his
confession at Normandy.. just like Cheney and Bush confessed before being indicted.. no
wonder my father didn't want it public that he and his children were Jews.. he knew about
the Council on Foreign Relations being Nazis.
If anyone cares, benefit of the doubt is a thing of the past for me. And
for those who think they've Padilla'ed me... watch what happens... people who hate people
act like the people of the death squads.. they hate themselves even more, and want other
people to be perverted tlike they are, so they can keep being perverted. Such is the U.S.
Government, and their death squads really are perfect examples of the perversion of the
U.S. Government... and you need to understand.. the serial rapists and murderers and
torturers love to see their crimes written about... we'll see how proud they are in
- Live To Tell
& Messina - Danny's Song
Taylor - One Man Band - 06 - Country Road
Funny, I kept hitting things indicating I should upload more music... and
the funny thing about that James Taylor song coming up is that the psyops guys were
harrassing me about walking down that country road, yesterday... and the things I said to
God for making me go to church that made me believe when I was 7 or so, tha tI would never
get to heaven...
Only certain people know these things actually happen..
unortunately, most of them are enemies of mine and enemies of the Citizens of the
United States. But if I was one of the people involved in this,, especially those sickos
in L.A., I'd be really worried, cuase God keeps giving you proof that He's gonna bust you,
all the while we're being tortured and abused, and I know God is getting you guys to be so
obviouse in your crimes, that you will receive no mercy from anyone.. whether I survive or
Airplane - White Rabbit
PS Becauseof torture and psyops, I've still not had time to check for
altered documents or to upload anything... good work U.S. Government.. I rememebr
one time a certain football coach showing off for the teachers, and hurting his back by
trying to prove he could lift a heavier weight than he could... like the plans of the U.S.
Government... which they are not capable of carrying out, but certainly have enough to
start problems they cannot overcome... I say I've already beaten the U.S. Government. and
their problem is, all I ever did was try to be a partner as a citizen.. and then it
doesn't explain what happened in 1958-9. I dare them to explain that away.
12/11/2010 10:30am First, to John Edwards, sorry for the loss, and the
problems along the way. I hope the family is well, and appreciates the good she passed
It's been tough the last few days... and I've been reading about Christ
giving instructions to the disciples... the mos timportant thing though, was making sure
they understood the true message, and at times, Jesus' frustration that they didn't fully
understand, because they were so caught up in relating everythin gto the current paradigm,
and because of that, were unable to fully understand the real depths of what He was
speaking of, or to have actual faith in God.
And then also, how every time, God would give a nation special guidance,
only to have them decide they knew better, or they only used the parts they liked... and
then God showing over and over that if these nations did not keep their covenants
with Him, the deal was off... every nation and leader was told that if they kept
God's ways, He'd keep His forever, and none has kept their promise.
I looked at my sites today, someone obviously tampered with the Creation
2012 site.. and it seems things are missing from menus... it actually looks like someone
tried to re-upload things, and got old versions... so.. we'll see...
Tooth torture continues, Lynn's still being hit by dews.. not like I'm
not, I just understand it... another rainy day in the Pacific Northwest, a good day
to organize things... and listen to Emma's Revolution...
- Grand Illusion
Stafford - Wildwood Weed
Taylor - Flag - 04 - I Will Not Lie For You
I could see where that one was heading... for the record, though, I want
to pointout that I do magic Bible verses all the time still.. but I've alwayys actually
done it for me, to get guidance from God in a way that guaranteed noone could be causing
me to read something for their purposes... like when the psychotronics guys insisted I
read Hosea and Hebrews... Helter Skelter...
Most people would say that I am isolated, ineffective and basically,
irrelevant. I look at the news from my email sources, I hear music and people talking, and
I see critical mass happening that will demand a global leader who keeps his word
when he declares peace.
The Bible story often turns out to be the attempts of prophets to return
people to the ways of God, knowing that these same people already believe they know ways
of God... and they almost do... it's the judgmentalism of themselves and others that both
causes them to be persecuted, and rejected... and righteousness that gets lost in
paradoxes and differences and politics that purposely divide us and force us to take sides
on issue swe probably don't even have an interest in...
Long ago, I wrote that I consider a friend to be someone who, when given
the opportunity, won't take advantage of you. I've met few people who actually stand that
test. I also said, I'd rather have a few close friends than a bunch of acquaintances who
can't really be trusted, although I like hanging out with them.. I just wouldn't want to
have to depend on them.
- Searchin' So Long
The mobius continues... should have ended years ago.. it's time.
2:11pm Lynn just broke into another psychotronic attack,, CoIntelPro
style, to further threaten me and torture me in order to get me to remove information
regarding certain media people and networks off the site... as well as additional threats
regarding local enforcement. Locals better figure out you people are not the important
figures in all of this, neither are the media... God's day of justice will happen.
12/12/2010 5:47am Awakened around 4. Torture began. I started thinking of
a couple thing si needed to say, decided on a note her and then writing the next chapter
in the Pastor Melissa Scott dialectic... and how she is part of the death squads
operation, along with the media and the locals, demonstrating long-term dialectics. I'm
sure this one isn't over, but I'll write lots of chapters.. all of which will prove that
the United States Government has infiltrated the churches to disrupt them, uses phony
ministers to kill people, with the media's direct involvement and their enjoyment of
watchng people being killed covertly.
I wanted to say about brilliance... 6 months or so ago, one day, even
though tortured and pre-occupied by it an dpsychotronics, I tuned into the tv news and
nearly every reporter was saying "brilliant" about something Obama did...
brilliant in my world has come to mean someone who betrays you... like Olbermann and his
girlfriend, Pastor Melissa Scott. So, they all were tlaking about brilliance, and then I
ot zapped into obliviobn again, and at this point, the only thing I can figure is that the
media was trying to suck me in again by having me believe that Obama betrayed them, and
that that the media was not caught in the middle between the government and their
networks, and likely being harrassed and attacked... that was the last time I would ever
think any media person on network tv could be called brilliant without it being an
insult... meaning, their brilliance is in their brazen ability to enjoy killing people
like it was a video game. ANd you media people better realize that when you get your death
squad junkies - the criminals you recruited by bribing - to get me to say you're Nazis and
worse, you need to understand, I would not allow myself to be pushed into saying those
things if I didn't believe I could prove it and stand behind my accusations.
Of course, given that these people uploaded a great deal of video that
would assist me in my case via DISH tv, the fat is, I am constantly being threatened with
its removal as a means to try to get me to abandon Lynn and make some stupid move that
wouild get me to seek assistance from authorities who are particpating in the death squad
crimes. ANd the way you people use psychotronic ssto set people up an frame them fro
crimes, with the help of the police and intel profilers.. can't get much sicker than tht
unless you're a true Nazi.
The psychotronics guys love it when I call all of you Nazis, because
they think it will make me sound like a crazy extremist.. I think people will later view
my use of the word as a moderate statement.
I think that,especially when I tried to get my website back online
yesterday, only to be tortured by tooth torture and psychotronics, and prevented from
doing it... I'm glad you all continue to operate like you're above the law, and that
I'm just "one more person" you're killing, insignificant and fun to play with
like toy. It's cost you your anonymity and will cost you your lives... because
justice does exist, and this government will be expelled by its citizens, whether you
succeed in murdering me or not. And if you do, I get some satisfaction from knowing that
that will make it even worse fror all of you when the people of the United States and the
world decide to force you all to back down. And it will be an easy thing todo to a bunch
of stupid idiots whose only weapon is one that is easily disabled and turned against them.
And I'm not talking about their lack of intelligence, I'm talking about satellite based
weapons. Lots of countries have the ability to knock them out of the sky. Tell Dobbs, they
will. too bad. I hope he and Welch lose lots of money.
The message from my Bible reading was very clear last night. I thought it
was weird that the psychotronics guys constantly want me to think of all this in terms of
how I could pick up an easy $10k off of a single dental malpractice case, and have
themoney to flee.. only they keep forgetting I don't do this for money... never did.. and
it isn't malpractice, it's assault and more, including civil and human rights abuses...
still, they were sasking me if I got money would I take care of my family, and I said yes,
imagining the FARM and what it could provide for them and lots of other people who
deserved protection and opportuniy... and I opened the Bible to Leviticus, the part of
where people are "valued" by their priests.. (priests in this case is not
exclusive to Catholics at all - intellectually honest question: how many good Catholics
forgave the debts their friends and customers had at the time of Jubilee? My bet is, none.
And remember, Jubilee is not just for Catholics, it's for Christians and Jews.)
It's just another reminder to me that when something is on my mind, there
are ways God talks to me in ways that these Nazi perverts can't interfere with. Randomly
opening the Bible always has me looking at passages that tell me how God wants me to do
things.. and it's always right on topic.
I read that, looked at theopening to Numbers, and decided to look at
something else...and then opened the Bible to another place.. Jude. And suddenly, it
was obvious God was saying the most important thing right now was to drive the apostates
and evil infiltrators out of the churches.
That includes death squad members and apostates.
Jude 18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time,
who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the spirit.
And then I read a concordance entry that caused me to go back to where God
apparently wanted me to read.. in Numbers... Numbers 16 The Concordance said it was about
the sin of Korah in denying the authority of Moses as God's chosen spokesman, and
intrusion into the priest's office (aka infiltration of the churches)
I write about "myself" and who I am, not like a boast or
superiority, but because I share my discoveries like the revelations they are to me... and
I get tired of it too..
Found an old picture of Muhammad Yunus, Hillary Clinton and Sam Daley
Harris at a Results conference before she cut her hair.. in a blue dress... can't wait to
scan it in, so Hillary and Bill can explain their support of him - like Rumsfeld
said, gotta buiild em up before you can break em down.. how come whenever presidents get
involved with people and companies, scandals and bad things happen to people who used to
be good citizens. Bill, when you visited Nassiri (you now, after telling people you wished
there were more Yunus'), before CNN worked up a forensic model supposedly of Jesus' face,
and it looked like Nassiri or Barack, and their expert said the pictures you'd taken a few
weeks before of Jesus didn't look like that model at all... whose idea was that joke?...
and when I identify that guy from the video, who will his testimony incriminate? My bet
is, MO'B or AC. The Mystery of Jesus... it's not just a portable plot, Keith.
One day I will explain how the Pastor Melissa Scott psyop is a perfect
example of how when you rely on or anticipate on hope, it will fail you. Faith without
works... deception upon deception.. and lots of proof that dialectics eist, and there are
good reasons to continue to log in the crimes that are committed, so when the long-term
dialectics play out, the insanity finger will be pointed at the criminals, not the
I'm reminded of the story of the girl who kidnapped, held hostage, aped
and deceived for years, only to escape, and to have the police dismiss her pleas for help
to save herself and her family, and because of their dismissal, other people died, and I
believe she was recaptured, only to escape, and live to tell the story...
And then I remember Mazlett. And the constant links between psyops, CNN
and MSNBC and... footballs and nice calls.
If you're one of the people I wrote about let's say.. 2-3 years ago, prior
to being sucked in in 2008... and I called you brillianmt or praised you... or wrote a
nasty letter during the 2008 campaign and expressed confidence in you... especially from
the EST people... let's just say the final a chapter on those people will be written after
they're convicted.
And to Landmark.. there are lots of good things that can be made of making
lemonade... I enjoyed a great deal of my involvement in Landmark. Can't wait to hear what
you rename yourselves after this scandal. And about you guys never losing a lawsuit...
Orwellian double talk will be greatly enjoyed. And impeached.
Infiltrating agovernment like the CFR did is not just illegal, it is
the overthrow of the United States, and they are doing it by force.. with death squads. I
predict they'll kill themselves and eachother to silence each other about their crimes...
rapists and murderers are like that.
I opened up to Amos chapter 7 Started with verse 5 verse 17 says it
all, and remember,when mentioning Israel, it means also the United States... daughter of
Therefore thus saith the Lord; Thy wife shall be an harlot in th ecity,
and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword; and thy land shall be divided by
line; and thou shalt die in a polluted land: and Israel shall surely go into captivity
forth of his land.
Back in the late 50's the phrase.. I'd rather do it myself" was
popular. God's gonna let you do it yourselves. Have fun watching your victims die, U.S.
Government.. only don't blame God...
and Remember, Jezebel is a woman and a city... the words of a
government apostate...
Horton - Sink the Bismarck
- Get Smart Theme
Fogelberg - Nether Lands - B06 - False Faces
CFR: Tell your apostate ministers that none of them will ever be my
"mother"... whether Elvis is in the room or not. Of course, most people
would announce a president leaving.... if they're in the Secret Service or too stupid to
be aware of politics.. given that politics is religion applied... and that's why the
synagogues of Satan are so easy to prove to be synagogues of Satan. Like certain phony
Christian tv networks that feature apostates.
Joplin - Pearl - 08 - Mercedes Benz
Wouldn't you know God would pick that song... I think he's very angry at
certain people... very angry. Dialing for dollars is trying to tell me.. I'm wired... KFRC
Capt Satellite. I should add that to "From the Memory of a Child" :}
Mocedades - Eres
8:42am I just added a chapter to FTLOTW book 1, Pastor Melissa Scott and
Death Squads - Part III I doubt it will be the last of the complex dialectic she
particpated in, and I doubt it's her name. Thanks for torturing me in containment so I
could wait it out and find out how stupid these Death Squad people are, so I could bust
them... and so I could be able to prove these dialectics do go on a long time, justifying
why her name unfortunately keeps coming up. The psychotronics guys say they'll make
me eat my words about her.. I say, if she's not a fraud, it's been over 2 years, almost 3,
and then she'd be like the alibis of other people, claiming to be caught in the middle,
happy to remain silent so long as they don't get caught. And hopefully, the witnesses and
victims will be killed by the CFR/Illuminati U.S. Government perverts.
So much damage has been done that I refuse to simply "get on with my
life" and "forget it"... Read Amos... and maybe you ministers and
Christians might want to try acting like you actually believe in the Bible and God.
Paul said to mortify the congregations.. I wanted to tlak to you of the
New World, where terror and fear is not used as a toll or weapon.. in a world where no one
would ever consider doing evil for good. I'm going to prove that the Nazis can be taken
down by a peaceful movement, and the way I've conducted my collection of evidence will be
all the example people will need to fulfill the prophecy of the Death Squads and Satanist
- Reflections Of My Life
Intro: As much as I like to give benefit of the doubt, the U.S. Government
dialectic with the Death Squads, this phony minister, the media and particular politicians
and organizations is a perfect example of how dialectics work, and take years to be
completed. This one, so far, has included interstate fraud and attempted murder, rape and
torture, political assassination and more than 15 crimes over at least 7 years and
currently includes the infiltration of the Jehovah's Witness churches in Olympia and
Shelton, Washington. If you wonder why God hates apostates and Nazis, this is the story
for you.
PS for the people with the headlight jokes... I'll be including an update
for you as well.
I accidentally picked this song one day after returning from Glendale...
Five - I'll Be There
I got a feeling somebody's brother won't think he's such a smooth
operator anymore. And about "My Michelle", she ended up in a car
accident where the airbag didn't work properly, and ended up with a broken back.. and I
think one day, she'll find out how SHE was the victim of a much larger dialectic....
everything always goes back to Stanford. And likely, Narragansett.
I keep remembering a time in my weblog when I knew someone was monitoring
and trying to influence me... and the question, what was the purpose of the weblog... that
goes back some years, probably 2005 or 6... and I believe it's likely that's when these
people decide on the ultimate dialectic that failed.. and the phony minister. At the very
least, some CFR apostate and psyop people trying to figure out how to get me declared
mentally ill or homeless and dead. As has been happening for years.... a ploy that will
easily be proven criminal...
12/13/2010 8:30am Got a call a little while ago... said she left to go to
the doctor, on time, and pulled out of the driveway, and Charlie was there, sitting in his
truck,blocking the road... she said she pulled back into our driveway, to let him pass, an
he didn't move.. after waiting a couple of minutes, she finally drove to a place to make
it clear she wanted to get through to the main road.. and he wouldn't move, but finally
did... she called me to tell me that because she's aware of our neighbors particpating in
U.S. Government containment an coverups of crimes by Barack and his friends, and have for
some time been doing things to make it appear we are doing things wrong or crazy when we
know that they are simply trying to get attention and contain in courts controlled by the
people who are committing crimes against us in the State of Washington... the
problem is, everything I have to report is Federal, and I'm reporting it to the Hague
first, no matter what.. and anything that gets in the way of that will simply be more
Federal crimes... including making false reports to the police to incriminate us.. knowing
full well, in court, we'd be exhonorated, and they'd go to prison... but the Council on
Foreign Relations would keep control of this country. And they do it by killing, raping
and terrorizing citizens of the U.S. into silence. Nazis.
Final note: I happen to know these sociopaths are operating without
authority with the illegal use of weapons supplied by the Federal Government...
contractors are not exempt from prosecution, and the U.S. Government IS responsible for
their use, abuse and the crimes committed even if it IS a plan of the government. I'm
really looking forward to hearing the probable caus eon this one.. for Lynn going back to
when she was 16, for me, when I was 3. Meanwhile, I'll settle for 2001 to the present, in
court... and then it'll take us back to Yosemite and Washington State and Los Angeles
going back to the early 1970's, the 80's in Wa, and a certain amber brook...
Rippling effects.. domination & submission.. the Golden Rule. I was
right even back then.
Personal note: See notes regarding last night.
Diamond - Beautiful Noise
Top - Tush
Five - State Of Shock
And I wasn't even referring to Glendale yet :}
Great Bible stuff last night while being tortured...
It's weird, the mobius effect.. lots of things seem like the psyops have
started over with the same psyops, only they're not covert because it's happened so many
times... the same thing.. if only I'd been a womanizer, I could have had lots of fun... at
the same time, that would also indicate, I'm moving, and I'm going to make a good chunk of
money to restart my finances, and then someone's going to commit another felony and go to
jail. Even the dentist part is a rerun of sorts... tee off.... :}
Steve Miller, Jungle Love came on.. and it fits.. something about Disney,
Phil Collins and the Son of Man in the Amazon....
I started reading last night in Ecclesiastes, Chaper 12... (Squeeze
- Pulling Mussels from the Sand)
14:4 through the end.. but the best part was looking at a concordance
reference for Job 17:13
17:13 If I wait, the grave is mine house: I have made my bed in the
14 I have said to corruption, Thou art my father: to the worm, Thou art my
mother, and my sister.
15And where is now my hope, who shall see itt?
16 They shall go down to the bars of the pit, when our rest together is in
the dust.
Like david, I enjoy hearing how other servants of God go through a great
deal, before they succeed, because it's always hard to bring a "body" back to
the original ways, instead of the ways caused by opinions, preferences and divisive
politics... remember, Job was rewarded for His faith, and was given more years to
his life, a great family and a wonderful life.
I read Chapter 17 through 22 or 23, but i recommend thru Chapter 25...
Tagg - Waiting For The Worm To Turn
I'm not your worm :}
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 02 - New Power Generation
6:10pm Today has been a total waste of time, delaing with the pain of
being tortured all day, especially after the post this morning. Lynn is in Thurston County
The guy who thinks it's cute to clal himself bfman did the usual MO a few
months back... I'd go to a friend's house and try to talk to him, and be hammered by
psychotronics.. for years.. before I understood psychotronics.. not long ago, the guy, in
usual harassment/.taunt form and method of operation, BFMAN went out of his way to
identify himself.. as usual, these perverts love to taunt their victims by making sure
they know who is trying to kill them or set them up for fraudulent criminal
charges... so they can claim probable cause... in my case, the probable cause would be
being a government eugenics experimentee for most of my life, and the government wanted me
So this guy goes out of his way to make sure I know he's one of the people
purposely harming us, joking about raping everyone including his daughter... and using the
most foul language I've ever heard... the importance of this MO speaks to the reason
Victor Cho sent his comments to NBC.
In this case, it will be fun because I really don't want to waste my time
on this pervert, so when this is all over, we'll have a PI take a look at the domestic
dispute an dother such police calls in his area, wherever he's lived, and see what the
victims.. the people arrested or those having reports taken on them that give them a
police record... we'll see what those people say about what happened. ANd my bet is, like
the couple dozen weed and seed death squad members in his current neighborhood with a
record of domestic disputes from multiple couples and individuals renting a certain house,
and other places in his proximity from where he directs his fellow terrorists... like I
told Begala, the laws you use to atake advantage of other people will be used against you
as well.. And like God said, these perverts' delusions will be the very things that do
away with Satanists. Even the ones who know what St Christopher is...
The Bible says lots of people falsely imprisoned will be set free. I now
have the person who will be the quintessential example of a Nazi Satanist committing
crimes to give the appearance of crimes against other people... illegal use of
psychotronics and illegal torture to gain illegal depositions... taking cues from tv
announcers... and being the precedent for freeing many people. His problem is, he's just
another piece of evidence, Barack... and I hope he has to wait years for the knock on his
door for us to get around to him, even though I know in my heart he'll be in jail long
before that.
Years ago, received a letter validating the existence and illegal
and inhumane use of psychotronics from the Vice-President f the American Psychotronics
Associaition.. and I didn't publish it because it said "it's even more egregious when
the police are involved." I didn't want to point the finger at Police. I
published it to defend myself against criminals setting me up to be made out to be a
mental case. And what I got was the need to publish the letter. It must be providence.
Every wasted day like this will be easily proven, and will be considered
illegal detention and torture to silence me regarding crimes that go far beyond what the
Nazis were executed for at Nuremburg.
I can't wait to be the one to take all the ministers and so called
Christians participating in torture, rape and murder and make sure the world knows who
they are. And I can't wait for their explanations.
I already got Barack's confession.
Still haven't posted due to torture.
BFMAN's friends.... you know who you are... try living up to your titles.
Or live up to your crimes. That's not a threat. That's a good piece of advice. And don't
be stupid enough to try BFMAN's tricks.. you might want to notice that it always
& Messina - Angry Eyes _full
Loggins - Why Do People Lie
Winwood - Higher Love
Curtis Chapman - God Is In Control - 04 - Let Us Pray
12/14/2010 8:14am Up around 6am
Since I first starting seeing dentists to restore my teeth and get braces
in 2006, I've complained of the pain in my left foot caused by what I now know has been 8
years of tooth torture... ever since I wrote to Dobbs about reading Psalms... Tom Tancredo
made a speech one day saying, incorrectly, that Muhammad in the Koran would litterally cut
people's arms and legs off.. which actually just meant those who enabled the evil... I
pointed thatout in my weblog... 16,000 dollars later, the tooth torture is causing so much
pain in my left foot, it's hard to walk.
Remind Rumsfeld of my promise, and tell him to let his sick pervert
friends in the government know it applies to all of them as well. He said, We're not going
to kill anyone". He lied then. THousands of U.S.Citizens and millions of people in
foreign lands have died so the Rockefellers and the ther oil companies could get wealthy.
The threats against Iran are actually to force Iran to give Exxon the
rights to distribute and sell their oil.. they even have to buy it back. Iraq and
Afghanistan were about pipelines of oil to China. How many U.S. soldiers died so these
sickos could replace the United States with China? How many U.S. citizens are going to die
by death squads becaus ethey know the truth? How many first sons will die in Operation
Sundown so the Nazis, the United States Government, can be sure that they've killed the
remnant of the 12 tribes... just like Hitler did? And how many phony ministers does the
CIA have to put on tv to bankrupt and identify Christians and people of faith so they'll
knpow who to send the death squads to kill?
Remember what I said I'd do if you killed me Rumsfeld? I meant it, and
that was before I read the Bible and discovered some things. Or before I could figure why
he would bother talking to me.... And for those who don't know, I told Him I'd plead with
God to return to this world immediately so I could haunt him. Remember, Donny, I know you
guys are just the ones willing to be the bad guys to keep the Council on Foreign Relations
in charge... tell the ROthchilds they'll never capture the God particle.. and their
cult friends will never succeed. Tell them it's a logistics problem, and that I told them
"fuck you" when I was in D.C... the proof to me I graduated... They'll know what
that means. And tell Inouye whatever you want... the problem with political legacies is
the truth destroys them.
In the other Operation Sundown, the one involving government people
stealing other nations treasures and artifacts.... I wonder if Brzezinski got the violin?
Like I've said before, I wonder what my father would have taught me if he had lived a
little longer... fortunately, he taught me more than enough.
- Magazine U - B01 - Here Song
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 08 - Joy In Repetition
- Tempted
I still say God is reflecting psyops that were foiled, and his hatred for
certain apostates. George Winston - Lullaby - came on. This will have to do.
Winston - Summer - 05 - Garden
Then came Sarah McLaughlin - Wintersong..... this'll have to do...
McLachlan - Rarities - 05 - Full Of Grace
It's weird how these songs come on my computer, bbut they're not online,
but perfectly on point.. sort of liek the world, God's messages being sent, and noone
available to hear them so they're not available to anyone for any good purpose. Like the
story of prophets forever, they're only taken seriously after the worst of their warnings
have happened, the death and estruction is over, and people get HOPE as if the proofof a
prophet warnign of their destruction.. hearing it after the fact.. is a reason to have
hope... Be the Change...
Mitchell Trio - I Was Not a Nazi Polka I picked this one.. it's between the
psychotronics guys, Keith and I. In remembrance of truth.
Then, this song came on....
Mann - Angel
Station - You
Angel You
Mann's Earth Band - Angel Station - B04 - Resurrection
Beverly insisted that we play that album... right before we left L.A.
Then Prince - Seque came on.. from the "Symbol" album... it
ends.. why don't YOU tell me the truth...
And old song I wrote.. it doesn't even matter if you tell me that we're
through, just tell me the truth...
It's a matter of me
And a matter of you
Doin' what we say
And sayin what we do
Just tell me the truth....
Circa 1985
I remember when Peter Jennings was onLarry King right before he died,
talking about the teaching of Paul... Read Corinthians last night, and had lots of
problems.. kinda like Buchanan.. I like his analyusis, but I have a problem with the
conclusions and solutions on how to conduct God's work.
Chapter 6 begins:
1: We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive
not the Grace of God in vain...
I want to say I'm disappointed that the JW's in Olympia haven't
contacted me. I wil assume the infiltrators I documented there successfully disrupted
A Beautiful Day - White Bird
Hillary.. answer this to yourself.. is it better for your conviction if I
stay in the United States or leave? I don't think there's a good option for your
type in either of those, and killing me in the extermination phase will be worse for
you... and the attacks on enamel dental appliances will be your conviction. RCA Victor. Ya
picked a real loser. And about his switchboard..... you know, the one operated by
the woman who told me her daughter was Wiccan....
This came on -
Joel - Allentown
And God picked this one tooo.....
Clinton - Barbie Girl Elvis will leave the room.
Go really hates apostates... over and over again, right Keith?
I was thinking about my aunt Dolores the other day, laughing about how
before I went to LA, had visions of Forrest Lawn and other things, Played Arms of Orion
before going down there that was a cue, and the song I decided not to play, although
compelled to do so, was Brick House.... sometimes I wish I wasn't such a gentleman... and
that I'd gone to the police that day like I thought to do. Deterred by the gas tank damage
done to my car that my neighbor "forecasted" to me months before.... I have to
believe the car trouble had them thinking my life was over.
Sisters - Neutron Dance
Mann - Starbird
11:10am Looked out the window early this morning.. the cover on the car
was in place... went out to empty some garbage a few minutes ago, the cover was off, and
the passenger side of the car was flooded with water.. even though I knew that when I put
the cover on a couple day s ago the window was closed, the cover was on... the window must
have been opened by the guy down the road who is a serial death squad person who wants
attention for his crimes. Later down the road, he'll get it.. but noone will care when
he's sent to prison with his family.
Often times, when I'm being tortured, I'll go outside and see that things
have been damaged. I;m very glad these people think they'll get away with it... th epeople
on this island will be very sorry for becoming murderers and rapists for Barack and the
6:37pm Caught a few moments of Olbermann tonight... nice to know he's
still of the CFR people wanting to blame everything on Bush. Even taking the Assange side
still points the fingers at Bush even more... meanwhile, Lynn came home, was tired
but feeling great, and suddenly, after being harrassed about KO, Lynn suddenly was in
extreme pain and screaming for relief. I didn't use the word Nazi lightly, and I don't
care if you call yourselves that or not.
I'm a little tired of being subjected to supposed coercion by torture by
having Lynn tortured to have me supposedly stop...... so I know it's just sociopathic
perversity by the United States Governemnt.. and I'm looking forward to presenting
quintessential examples of how Nazis have taken over this nation... as well as how fragile
their hold on it is. I'm not fooled by the paper tiger...
I said long ago the game was over, and I was not interested in
entertaining the idea that any of this is amusing. Court of law, court of
global opinion.. you guys chose, I did not challenge you, and I accept your challenge, and
I'll win... the lies you tell the citizens of the United States will stop all this.
I challenge the idea that SAT scores are an indication of intelligence.
And acquiescence to Nazis is no less than being one... and as you ain the media and
government wanted, I'm disgusted with you all, and so will be the world. Don't blame me.
- Live To Tell
Five - The Love You Save
Cougar Mellencamp - Jack And Diane
God picked those.. I picked this one
Cosby - Noah, Me and You Lord
I think I'm gonna give a laptop to the person Olbermann is psyopping
now. Sue me Keith. Tell Bill, the Cosby cut was just after If You Wanna Be My Intern, and
Cosby doing Brain Damage... Bill Clinton that is, and remember Bill, ask Begala and
Carville and Dobbs, I was a big fan of yours...
Oh yeah.. fianl call for the warning: Ministers having anythign to do with
the Council on Foreign Relations will be harshly publicly ostracized. Sue me. Evil is
evil. Read the Bible. Especially Corinthians for those specializing in Paul, and only find
one meaning to affirm their phony righteousness. And tell your stupid shrinks GITMO is too
good for them.
12/15/2010 Woke up before 5am.. I've been tooth tortured and told how much
these sickos love serving Satan, and how proud they are to be Nazis. Got up, went to
the bathroom, looked out the window, and two choppers signalled me to let me know they
were there. Nothing new.
Last night's Bible verses picked up where I left off yesterday regarding
ministers and the Council on Foreign Relations... Remember, I just randomly open the Bible
and let God tell me what He wants to say...
Number 32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the
Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out. And then of course, readin gon, Chapter 33
Numbers 33:56 Moreover, it shall come to pass that I shall do unto you as
I thought to do unto them...
That was a warning to Chrisitans about the course of human nature and
events, people becoming powerful and becoming everything they claim to stand against...
The U.S. Government is working a sick psyop against me to force me out of the country, or
kill me, to be able to claim the same about me... even their claims are lies. Like Begala
confessed for himself and his friends, politicians lie... for a living.
I then randomly opened the bible again.. I always would prefer to end my
reading at night not about people destroying themselves, but good news if possible... I
turned to the Lamentations of Jeremiah, and once again found myself a little annoyed at
how Jeremiah constantly says that he and th epeople did not follow God's instruction, and
destroyed themselves, and yet, he stillsays God is punishing them, when all that's
happening is that God told them what would happen, in the course of human events, if they
did not go by His advice. And like any smart person, when people won't take God's advice,
He just says, okay, do it yourself. Just don't blame me.. but everyone always does, like
children who get angry when they break their toys, and expect parents to buy more and more
and more...
1:18 The Lod is righteous; for I have rebelled against his commandment :
hear, I pray you, all people, and behold my sorrow; my virgins and my young men are gone
into captivity.
Numbers 33:56 Moreover, it shall come to pass that I shall do unto you as
I thought to do unto them...
God walked away in disgust and sorrow.. and the people destroyed
themselves. God doesn't need to punish people. They punish themselves. I keep wondering
what these chopper guys are going to do when their parents turn 50, the age GW said
would be the age of people who got a "different social security plan"... not a
direct quote... those Soylent Green types, green is universal, right NBC? and when
they find out their pride in serving Nazis include killing their own parents.
Like the guy Kryptoman told me about, a relative who said and apparently
is an assassin for the government "I'd kill my grandmother if the government told me
to".... that guy by the way now makes jewelry, and has a sign at the front of
his property informing the government to stay away... he's the guy who was
bewildered because Kryptoman's security clearance was higher than his own. It was the
first time he did a government background check on someone, and came up with nothing.
Isn't it interesting that Kryptoman is moving to the same area I'll be
moving to.. only he'll be there first... as a plane buzzes the house..7:17am doppler radar
time.... I'm hoping he'll save the books and white organ he was saving for me. All are
beautiful antiques.
My final thought... people objecting to being called Nazis... what
you do is worse than what the World War II Nazis did.... but I can't come up with a name
to call you people that could be anymore descriptive or vulgar than that.. If I could, I'd
call you that... apparently being a Satanist is respected in this nation. Ask the local
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 08 - Joy In Repetition
Wonder & Paul McCartney - Ebony & Ivory
- A Beautiful Morning
I was thinkinglast night about when I tried to join the NAACP, and they
told me to talk to my parents. I thought thye didn't want me in the organizatio, and I
tried to tell them that if my parents weren't in favor of what they were doing already, I
wouldn't have called... I didn't realize the guy wasn't listening, and just telling me to
get my parents to end their predjudice. And I rememebr in that same time period,
Pasatiempo was a gated community that didn't allow black people or Jews.. and my dad was
upset about it.. and that's when I heard him describe the group he was meeting with one
night wzas called Little Orange County... and just a few weeks later, the gate was never
closed again....
I have , now, thequintessesntial Nazi propagandist, the quintessential
apostate, the quintessential dirty cop, the quintessential lying politicians and
deceivers, and quintessesntial politicians claiming to be CHristians, and knowing theyy're
not even close, and quintessential Counil on Foreign Relations sellouts... who will all be
left behind... I've got a quintessential Nazi terrorist state.... neighborhood...
synagogues of Satan that are impossible to call anything else, certain religons that will
no longer exist...
It's time for the Universal Church of the Kngdom of God to be claimed and
run the way GOD inteended, and not the way people think it should be done, going along to
get along.. if Paul had had the guts to expel Apollo, I would hae respectde Paul more, and
i'm certain those guts would have ended up keeping the Church pure... thank God, in the
New World, none of this will ever happen...
And to those who sold out to the Council and tried to get me to believe
all this Nazi death and destruction was neceesary to "prepare the way of the
Lord".. as if Revelations was was a mandate instead of a warning.. go to hell
describes your fate. That attitude is a betrayal of God in every way. And also denies that
he sends Christs and prophets to avoid the disasters.. warnings that could save your lives
if you weren't so proud of weapons and fame... and didn't enjoy torturing people so much.
I hope the chopper guys read or watch Soylent Green... so when it happens
to them, they can laugh at how much fuin it is to be tortured to death by people claiming
to be their protectors in public, and their murderers in truth.
Emnity... God has emnity... so do I. Against apostates. Lots of it.
And I fully understand why God hates them. So much for the familial qualities of
Chrisitanity in this country and why
Numbers 33:56 Moreover, it shall come to pass that I shall do unto you as
I thought to do unto them...
When the day comes that I may be called a traitor or an apostate, remind
the ministers and politicians of that verse, and the true translation.....
I read some in the Koran last night.. told the story of Jezebel and also
the story of Yusuf, like Moses, hidden until his appointed time, protected by the Muslims
(we're talking Joseph the Christians) - apparently he had a different name to the
Muslims.. all about the prophet, and the ears of corn, seven years of bounty, 7 years of
lean times and famine, and the dream of the King (David I believe) about his dream that
needed to be translated... and Yuseuf, even after servign them all faithfully, was
constantly harmed and captured and... only the Muslims protected him.. so tht Christians
could hear the word of God. from a man chosen by God, protected by his father, specially
trained to know the true meaning of the words of the Gospels and prophets... rememebr,
when Moses was born, the governmentwas killing all the male offspring because they knew
Moses was sent by God, so he was hidden, and even he didn't know he was a Christ until God
surprised him one day...
Moses had a staff that would turn to a snake, aas a means to ipress
people.. I was telling a psychotronics guys last night that it was too bad that they
stopped me from developing my healing skills.. and he said, if you'd have healed me, I
would have believed in you.. I said, if you had believed in me, I could have healed you..
but the gift God gives anyone to heal requires asomeone with faith in God to recceive the
healing... I figure God gave me magic Bible verses because God was tired - like I told
Begala - parlor tricks to impress people.. anyone can doparlor tricks.. the point of this
time, and His purpose for me, was to prove to people the magic of His word through His
chosen, and if people could not see that it made sense, then that was their problem.
I figure I'm gonna end up overseas, if I survive, and the word will get
back to the United States, and thegovernment will foisdt a false Christ on you that will
tell you what you want tohear, and you'll all still claim only the U.S. Government tells
the truth... they'll seal this nation off like China did for 70 years, and the whole
nation will be a re-eduction campe.. as it's actually been for decades thanks to Nazi
propagandists who enjoy trickign people, setting them up, humiliating and then
exterminating them. And of course, they'll claim God betrayed them all if their false
Christ isn't accepted.
They tried real hard to get me to "go along", and believe in
things, interpretations of the Bible, that aren't true and don't make sense. I'm glad I'm
sealed unto God.
Franks - The Lady Wants To Know
of Change - CD1 - 10 - JB Vorster - Fight to the End (from SW. Africa)
Nimoy and William Shatner - Highly Illogical
My grandmother, who retired as an operator for AT&T - I never saw Star
Trek except on holidays when I got to see it at her house on the first color tv I ever
watched.... than God for AGC... a little joke about Fisher and Royalties... I gotta listen
to a couple songs because I don't rememebr what they said.. and I always listen to God..
and Hillary, the CIA is not God, and I'm proving it...
of Change - CD2 - 04 - Chico - Papa Stop the War
Clapton - San Francisco Bay Blues came on... this'll have to do...
Captain Clapton...
Clapton - Change The World
PS I was asked aboout my emnity... the one it's about probably got what
they wanted, but not the result they wanted... setting me up.. my emnity is for the
betrayal to God, the destructive distraction, that will likely end up meaning the downfall
of this nation, the control of the Nazis of decent people... millions of deaths.. and
apostasy beyond compare... never again will I be so understanding toward evil people, no
matter what they claim to be.
The end of the line is a long, long way from the front. APostates have no
worthy excuse.
12/16/2010 9:30am Woke around 5, it's been torture and interrogation all
morning, clearly with th epurpsoe of supposedly convincing me the evidence and
circusmtances I have documented are not valid or even evidence... what's more, to suggest
that Landmark and other organizations have changed and I don't know what I'm tlaking
about, as if their crimes don't count anymore, despite the depravity.. and notice I didn't
say they committed crimes... it's like the news.. they pounded me about certain people, as
if an announcer is responsible for the decisions to - as a corporation - engage in the
murder of citizens... and overthrow a nation.. and still those announcers are responsible
for what they do...
I know these criminal shrinkls are trying to set it up to sound like I sit
around all day like a mental and a schizophrenic, and the problem is, long ago, they could
away with claiming psychotronics doesn't exist, but they can't anymore.. and their
problem, they keep doing thigns based on a pardigm that allowed them to get away with it.
I'm being set up for defamation, plagiarism, and if all else failes, to claim I'm just a
psyop victim and the CIA is guilty.
And then there's the part the government has known all my life...
Please notice that despite the pain and torture and destruction of our
lives and finances, I will not back down for the same reasons I believed that I could
assert my freedom of sppech as I did originally, nly these criminals have absolutely
convinced me that the right thing to do is what I've been saying all along.
Tell your clients that shoving their crimes in my face, and that means all
the setups they did to make me out ot be a criminal or something won't work with me.. I
won't back down, I am a loyal citizen doing what citizens were told to do when a
government is corrupt: freedom of speech.
Please note that in the beginning of this work, I was moderate and
amicable. THe crimes against me, and learning the atrocities of this government and the
death squads makes me not an extremist, but someone who knows and is willing to tell
truth. And your continued threats and harassments will only weaken your cases. And when
you claim I've been setting YOU up, remember, you committed the crimes, not me. And to the
police, the only person here against you is the perverts of the U.S. Government.. not
me... so tell Thurston to find a new job before he gets you all up on charges with the
Hague. He's your threat, not me. Ask my SELP leader about the project I was going to do in
Because of torture, I have still not had an opportunity to review the site
material and will not update it until m review is complete, and that includes on my own
computer, because the PMS psyop proves that someone had illegal access to my computer via
something like Tempest. Isn't it interesting that someone who works fo rthe IMF
woudl have that site be hosted by a company in Utah, by a person who recommend an
individual who set that up and finished off the GDCU for Lynn's part... and that the
common elements are the IMF, EST, Results, the DNC.. that Muhammad Yunus is now being
criticized.. and the same EST/Results person who tried to undermine Lynn when she left
Results under pressure of coercion by 4 EST people, one of whom I had encountered before.
And in Sonora, the setup was by an EST person.... whose supposed husband is now on
the list of targeted individuals... and I now understand why certain peopel did not want
me to take pictures of them for the Results website... one went into the peace corps,
others connected to the DNC, it's an interesting web of conspiracies that any jury would
And it all started long before 1990, and I dare any shrink to claim I'm
crazy for claiming all these things were other people's fault.. who are they gonna blame
when people realize the GITMO detainees they were brainwashing and sent to Yemen to become
terrorists.. who are they going to blame for atheri activities, worse than those of Nazis
against the hippocratic oath and with their knowledge they were committing crimes against
The U.S. Government should arrest itself as terrorists, enemy combatants
through lethal force and force of word... that they think that what they're doing is
alright in any way for any reason is proof of their criminality, and then there's the
evidence that they actually are Nazis... ask Project Censored...
It's also why God won't forgive ministers of any kind for being affiliated
with the Council on Foreign Relations, or for pandering to politicians, or justifying
murder and other crimes to help their favorite politician by criminal acts, and using
God's name in vain to do it.. let alone, kill one of His.
Top - Tush
& Messina - Angry Eyes _full
Nahmod - One Power - 04 - My Soul Remembers
I have to assume that the Tush song comes up to point the finger at the
guy with the camera in Glendale, looked like a ZZ Top member, who I gladly flipped off,
and would proudly do again to the frowardly, I understand the vernacular of perverted
criminals after all these years... and any GITMO type shrink who wants to say
these songs aren't picked by God should also declare they don't believe in God, nor
sychronicity or the life work of Carl Jung... or government depravity, despite their
I hope those sickos down there show that picture. I'll put it on my
website... and by so doing, they'll prove their guilt. And I'm not ashamed or embarrassed
for having accurately communicated my thoughts to apostate criminal perverts whoset up one
last taught before I left.. like a gentleman...
I read from Matthew last night, can't actually remember why I considered
it so poignant, thanks to the torture.. but I just looked at the page and immediately saw
Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye
your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend
Jesus gave good advice.
And I love Magic Bible verses.. and God.. and I look forward to meeting
Him in person.. here on earth, as it is in Heaven, you know :} Charlie loves that line :}
Rogers & the First Edition - Just Dropped In
PS What a real fool in Shelton believes is that she'll get away with
street theater... Another ps - despite all the sorrow I feel for all the people who
have been harmed, know that I refuse to take responsibility for the murder of the citizens
of the United States and other countries so some perverted ministers and politicians can
foist more interpretational lies on humanity. The chapter to read in the Koran is: Surah
XII: Yusuf.
It begins, Alif Lam Ra. These are the verses of the Book that makes
(things) manifest. The chapter of how the Muslims protected the prophet to King David from
the Christians. And how his father protected him, because of a covenant made with God to
protect His anointed, despite the rejection of Jews and Christians, and unfortunately,
betrayed by the sons of Yusuf's father.... setup for a crime Yusuf did not commit.
All you who think the Koran is diverse reading should read it and realzie
the Bible and the teachings currently from it - if they want truth - will be able to see
how the Bible was altered and that multiple info sources is important when seeking truth
and objective evaluation... no matter what though, despite the fact Christians don't
actually understand Christianity.. for the most part... it's the government's and the
"errors of the CHrists " like Paul and Peter that turned Christianity into what
the Bible calls myths and fables.
PS If the guy from TBN has a problem with that, a little Christian
familiality and communication might be better than perverse psyops. Putting Joseph Prince
on doesn't prove a thing to me. Other things you've had on do...
Hope you don't have any ministers claiming God doesn't answer every
prayer. Remmebr, I had no opinion of you before the LaHaye interview. Just reasonable
business concerns.
McLachlan - Wintersong - 02 - What Child Is This (Greensleeves)
God picked that one, I picked this one..
- Song Of The South
WHy DID JFK take his message to the churches in the South? He found out
the truth... and back then at least, they wanted to hear it.,SInce then , propagandists
have confused lots of people, and politicians memo 46-d many of the rest. What's left is
those who will follow, listen, learn and serve God. They say, when God is dead, the
government becomes God, and the false idols take over...
Think about that and the condition of the United States Government.
I look forward to meeting Judge Roy Moore and Ken Klein.
- Saturday in the Park
Gotta upload some new music :}
12/17/2010 6:25am Awakened around 2:30 am Of course, to tire me, tooth
torture is the order of the morning... of course, it's to make sure I can't get as much
done - given the weather is clear and it would have enabled me to get some work done
outside. Illegal detention.
Let Keith know there are reports I'll be doing for authorities only, the
best ones. I'll be trying to get creation 2012 back online today.. we'll see...
Meanwhile, the psychotroncis guys have a thing about Wolf Blitzer today..
you were right about BTK, Wolf, they do want to get caught.. but someone's paid them off,
and these locals think they can do something to force legal action in washington State, to
detain and distract, but their problem is, I will make it clear from the beginning that
their crimes are a distraction from the civil and human crimes of Barack Obama and the
U.S> Government, as well as the perverse people of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Interesting, last night, I opeed the Bible randomly and what did I see?
Number 32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the
Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out.
Wolf, they want me to find fault with YOU. Problem is, other than the
scroll at the botom of the screen leading me to the Protocols (they want me to say AIPAC
had you do that to get me to publish the protocols to get me labeled as anti-semitic..
they failed on that one too.. these guys always succeed at failure, otherwise they'd have
real jobs) CIA and NSA guys included. Anyway, I can't think of much, other than the media
guys used the joke about Barack and Godot that we did, and that thing about Malveaux
spooked me... other than that, thanks for educating me, and I'm glad we went to group
health and a couple other places so you guys could have the afternoon off. BTW: I'm
getting a little worried again... when DO you take time off, or are you just a hologram
You people need to understand, I'm not playing clue anymore.. I know more
than enough, and I'm not going to waste my time running down every sick crime this nation
has committed, or the leads to the PMS psyop that never ends... I understand why God
decided to go live in seclusion rather than be a part of a world that wants everythng from
Him and cursing Him for their mistakes... I understand why He just walks away... and I
understand why He will tolerate no evil, or give blessings to apostates, and I don't care
what their excuses are.
I gues the last thing I want to say is, amongst all you pervert criminals,
all of you, including Barack Obama, is a peon to me... the media, politicians in the U.S.,
the death squads.. even the Rockefellers.. peons... the Bible says "God will
place you".. attrition or surrender.. either way, you guys lose. I'm not so sure that
God would be merciful by allowing a hell.. erasure would likeley be more merciful...
unfortnately, I undestand His perspective. I also find it amusing that everyone thinks
hell is a placeof torture and torment. It will be what you people make of it when you get
there, whether it's here or elsewhere... and like the co-creators, since you imagine it as
a horrible place, it likely will be, by your own making, just like this planet.
The abomination of desolation.. it's clear to me now that the U.S.
Government has been covertly treating the population of the United States for radiation
poisoning from about 1940... Barack said that Cancer cure would be found in our lifetime,
as if Kennedy saying we were going to the moon. The way Nazis do that is to kill those
with cancer genes, kill those whose bodies could prove to be irradiated and killed by
government weapons, kill those who know what the government does.. and then there's Jews
and Christians and people hwho believe I and study the ways of God...
The psychotronic sguys have gone a long way to show me that anyone around
me gets zapped.. what they didn't want me to know is that they were already getting
zapped, and they wanted me to give up my life and dreams as if my death would save the
other people.. I actually know, now, like with my family, they've been attacked for
many years, long before I discovered anything about myself. And they said the son of man
would be stopped because the government/perverts would know what he would do befor ehe did
it. With psychotronics, tht's true with all people, but focused on people of faith.. and
thus the rapture, expected to occur in a moment, has been occurring mostly since Reagan
took office.. and it's mass murder, not a miracle of God.
It was fun tothink the media was using Aesopian to help me.. obviously,
they were keeping me busy while the locals did the dirty work, and received their Aesopian
cues "to the death squads using code talk" like Bush said the terrorists would
do, from our favorite trusted news people, who tell us little truth.
The MO of Nazis... the world just needed a clear case to formally make the
announcement about the U.S. Government and the Rockefellers... they'll have it. Thanks
Mitchell Trio - Greenland Whale Fisheries
Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs The Red Baron (Remember the context of that one, Wolf. I don't.
But it's in the weblog :}
Stewart - Human - 08 - It Was Love That We Needed
Remember, it's all in there, but it won't be good news for those who are
amused. I've had to draw alot of lines in my lifetime... this is the most important line
I've drawn.... I wish it was a good one for me, now, in this life... I'm glad though, that
I know there are more important things... like forever. But at least I'm glad I also
learned why the kingdom of Heaven is separate from the Kingdom of God, and why God's plan
is to have it all be the same... probably in a million years... when hell, or
"time-outs" for spoiled rotten kids is a thing that's no longer needed.
Dobbs: about feeling diminished because God calls us children.. He
wouldn't call us children if we acted like adults. And I expected that of you, anda few
others, and it was not unreasonable to expect...
and Crofts - The Longest Road - B05 - Kite Dreams
5:38pm Torture since 2:30am... got maybe 1-1/2 of work done today...
I rememebr the story of the time the FBI placed a bomb in the trunk of a car of
people who were against cutting down old growth trees.. and then trying to prosecute them
for having a bomb.. it was proven that the FBI did it... who are the real ecoterrorists..
the people trying to save trees peacefully, or the people terrorizing people who like the
environment... Some people in Utah, I believe, went camping for a yearly meeting of people
who were hippies long ago, and a freak storm happened in the middle of the summer during
hot weather that brought hail and snow.... and there are certain cops who think they're
experts at torture and proud of it so long as they don't get caught... my reports on that
one will come last, as investigation is required, but the guy I'm talking about knows it,
and he isn't in Mason County. As a reporter, I'll report more when I have details..
meanwhile, I have plenty to back up my case...
For some reason, the U.S. Government is worried about what will happen if
I run for president, as I intend to do, from California. Illegal detention will be the
beginning of charges.... when I explain what happened...
These people really do believe they can continue to rape, murder, defraud
and torture people with impunity. Fo ral of you nervous about what will happen, blame the
perverts. And I don't just mean the psychotronics guys. If they're your friends,
understand, they keep doing this in your names and to defend you... and I don't just mean
people in Washington State...
Somalia: one more round from the Council on Foreign Relations to tae a
country we destroyed and starve them and economiocally coerce them out of existence
because they dare to seize foreign vessels overfishing their waters, and they depend on
those fish to survive because of induced famine... and they seize vessels for dumping
nuclear waste off their shores, while we prevent the U.S. from giving them food. The
Somalians aren't pirates. If some ship from Somalia came and dumped nuclear waste off our
shores, what would the U.S. do?
Council on Foreign Relations.. some of the sickest, most perverse people
in the world... they prove it to me everyday, under the cover of illegal laws by the U.S.
Near - Edge - 09 - Uh Huh
Top - Jesus Just Left Chicago
BFMAN wanted me to say that the tooth torture and pain in my left foot
is very bad - and it is... he wanted to be sure to impress his fellow torturers and
12/18/2010 8:25am Woke up around 2:30am or so... went back to sleep til
around 5.. I had to take two tylenol pm last night too sleep and relieve pain as thetooth
torture was extremely severeuntil after 10pm.. this morning, more torture and
interrogation after purposeful sleep deprivation.. they keep telling me they want me to go
to the JW convention without any teeth so I'll look foolish.. and that without my teeth, I
won't be able to get a job,m and no attorney will take me seriously.
It became clear last night the pscyhotronic s guys were trying to convince
me they had everything I'd written, all the emails I sent that would prove i was some sort
of criminal.. this morning, they proceeded to interrogate me withquestions that proved the
locals were detaining us and torturing us until I posted all the evidence against them on
the web.. as if I need to... and they want me to cmpose my reports to feeral state and
local authorities, as well as international authorities.. ebcause they obviously don't
really know what evidence I have. THey also try to convince me they'll get me to
write things that would have the State of Washington, Mason and Thurston Counties have an
excuse to seize the evidence by intervening.. and I keep tellng them, if anyone treats me
and Lynn as other than victims, whoever intervenes will have criminal charges filed
against them, because unfortunately, with their arrogance and huberus, these people have
involved the police in the psyops and torture.... every once in a while you hear about
corruption this bad, how people get killed and harmed, and then whole cities are cleaned
out by federal authorities... just remember, locals, you did it to yourselves.
They also say they'll claim I ddn't get dental care, causing the damage to
my teeth. There's the damage purposely done by the dentists, and the torture set up by
Victor by harming my teeth at premium prices, and then having the psychotronics guys
finish the job.. mainly so I can't speak well enough to talk on the radio as a host.
After 11 dentists total, and medical malpractice by other doctors, I'm not
about to go to a dentist or doctor in this state.. and since I'm being illegally detained
through torture and worse...
Persoally, I think there's only one dentist office that will come out of
this ok, because despite their cooperation, if they hadn't assisted as they did, I would
really be in terrible pain from dental problems at this point, and that WAS why I decided
to use my inheritance to get my teeth fully restored, so that I could see for the first
time in my life what I'd look like with a full set of teeth.. I've never had 2 front
teeth... and also, like I told them, to prepare to be as professional as possible in my
career as a broadcaster. Tilson will hate himself for this one.
Locals should know that because of torture and psyops, I started taping
every visit I could after the media convention. Including at RCA Loser's
Nice sign down at the Bridge Church.. looks alot like the many signs
Victor had. as well as other people in this area, after I visted... looks to me like
serial criminals getting trophies of their victims, rewards from Weed and Seed....
My stay in Yosemite proved to me that psyops against me have been going on
at least since then, and I am certain that it will be apparent since I lived in
Woodinville, and geting DEW attacks while working at Intuit.. and I'm not necessarily
saying they did it.. I was always sitting by a window when it happened... happened
at Borland too. ANd it explains why some people posed as Jehovah's witnesses at the San
Jose Airport, a woman talking to me about her son working there, and a man who looked very
familiar with a recorder ad an earphone.. like the one I bought. I figured if the pros
were using it, it must be good. Of course, like Landmark, I have a policy that allows for
the fact that you could have complaints about any employer, and it still doesn't manke
them a bad employer, so I don't go around bad mouthing my former employers, especially
when a woman is asking meif her son works at a good place, and me not wanting say
things that would "color" her impression of a company that I actually left
because I believed certain things should be done different ways, and it was their business
to run it their way. If anyone thinks that's an endorsement of Intuit, it's not. There are
other things I've uncovered since.. Gordon. ANd by the way, Gordon, you told me your
father was a missionary in the middle east, and that Muslims were basically uneducated,
sort of neandrethals who were motivated by pride and emotion.. I disagree Gordon. I think
it's the other way around, for people like you. EST. Tell Marty at JPL/Loran that I'd like
to know why he and Tierza thought I should work directly under Erhardt...
There are lots of indications now that many people knew long ago who I am.
And they tried to set me up in so many compromised situations... and here, I was so glad
to hear that Landmark was being allowed to do the Forum with members of Congress.... to
teach Congress to communicate.. I didn't know it was about propaganda and mind control..
and the advanced course.. national borders are just imaginary lines drawn on maps that
aren't real... the New World Order. I really want to Scientologists about this... goes
back to the statement, if this technology is put into use, we'd better have control of
it... sounds like people either wanting to rule the world, or save it... from
Some people think tha twhen I run for president this time, that I'll be
embarrassedout of public view. I think it'll be the other way around, especially since I
have proof of and am a victim of the death squads.
Humiliate and Exterminate. Barack's perfectly worded confession. And the
apostate to save "America", failed, and will hopefully save the United States
instead... by her conviction.
Near - Edge - 08 - Standard White Jesus
- Barabajagal The fiery pit.. truth is molten... I wonder what Barabajagal means... a
few years back DOnovan was writing incredibly apocalyptic, prophetic stuff.. tried to
contact him... there's a song by Prince, poor Goo... I wonder if there's a connection...
was his name now... Revelations 2:17.
Stills & Nash - Blackbird
Maybe Donovan is Mark...
Picked up my Hitchcocks Bible instead of the dictionary.. let's see what
God wants to tell us... (Chris Spheeris, Lovers and Friends...)
Angels, GOd and Evil.. Chapter 4 Book 9 1st Peter Verse 8
Be sober, be vigilant; becasue your adversay the Devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Something about courageous Christians, cannibals and opportunists... God
obviously wants it to begin with a Bee Sting Tort.
Melissa, the name, means Queen Bee....
This jsut came on....
Diamond - I Am I Said
Revelations 2:17 and from Hitchcocks....
turned to page 769, Cruden's concordance, to the word.. beseeching.... how
about tht Keith... Amos 7:2 if the torture stopped, there's be something to
(Michael Franks - Barefoot on the Beach... Everytime she whispers...)
Someday I hope to know this person....
Love is the weakness that we need to make us strong, how could a
hundred million Frenchmen all be wrong? :} :} :}
Ps This song is about those who think I need to make amends with them...
Rundgren - Initiation - B06 - Fair Warning
Found an excellent English/French dictionary last night... comprehensive
:} :} :}
To the Jew down the road who says he doesn't believe in God... do you
believe yet? :}:}:} Now about Acai berries.....
The Bible says no one would help the son of Man.. Christians were supposed
to have been infromed that they were the ones chosen to help him anyway.... when they
sing, Stand Up For Jesus, I'm certain they don't know what that really means...
Ross & the Supremes - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
... except yourselves.... I have no further interest in excuses,
justifications and rationalizations.. but I have been sorely beaten up...
I decided to listen to one more song before attempting work.. this is what
came up...
Who - American Woman :}:}:}
God has a sense of humor AND footstools.
12/20/2010 8:50am Up around 7am ... I've gotten a little more sleep
lately, but the tooth torture continues... and they still cause Lynn pain when she takes
her pain medication, and she's getting to the point of being afraid to take her
Most of yesterday was nice, cold, but clear, and I got a few things done,
but my productive time, hours, is still quite limited. I keep getting told the U.S. Govt
has an agenda... including when I leave, when Lynn goes bankrupt... and the locals
continue to do thing sto make it be about them instead of the Federal Government,
and all they've done is ensured that their fellow death squad members get busted no matter
Bible reading.. it was interesting, it always is, how the psychotronics
use whatever you might think about, and then preoccupy you.. like I've said before,
pushing thoughts and feeling sthrough you with psychotronics, to make victimes believe
they're upset about things they wouldn't even think about if it wasn't for psychotronics..
the Norseen article covers that...
But they brought Bend, Oregon, and how there had been forest fires, and
the timber was dead, left standing, charred, and i kept thinking how that wood could be
used, even for firewood. And my firewood dropped off a load of firewood, and I thought,
what a great bsiness for him to cut up that wood and sell it, while replanting the areas
he cleared... so they used up some time trying toget me to talk to them about
Later tha tnight, I opened the Bible..
Joel 1:12 The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth, the
pmegranite tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field,
are withered; because joy is withered away from the sons of men.
I actually found another verse that said the forests would be burned as
well... I was reading in Amos and Joel and Numbers... Paint by Numbers.. another
thing in our family our parents encouraged for a short time, like jigsaw puzzles...
I was told yesterday that Lynn's granddaughter was reading Catcher in the
Rye... to the locals.. nothing better happen....
Got work to do... thanks to the U.S. Government for convincing me that
making my report to the Hague first is the right thing to do.
PS God damn the U.S. Government, and God bless the citizens. The
government and its fascist death squads may be of Satan, I know the rest of us aren't.
Joel 1:6 For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number,
whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion....
1:5 Awake ye drunkards, and weep, and howl, all ye drinkers of wine,
because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth.
Always remember, God did not forsake you, the United States Government
Imus - Son Of Checkers _The Watergate
Mathis - Chances Are
Johnson - Bluer Than Blue
God really has a sense of humor.... I wonder about Him sometimes... Imus
and Mathis.. same era... and Michael Johnson one of my favorite coutnry former rock band
musicians.. and then we get back to his songwriter, ina penthouse in New York,
writing songs...
It'll be fun when GE and Time Warner hand over the keys :}:}:}
Just remember, they threw down the gauntlet, and I wasn't
given a choice about picking it up...
Nimoy - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Earth
Gotta be about Space Holdings, and Matthews talking about talking to Spock
:} And the setup button that doesn't work :}:}:}
12:49pm For the rrecord: uploaded creation 2012, a new index for
charlesrehn.com and the "mylittlecorner" section was completely gone...
including this weblog... uploaded those, will check more things later, weblog secion is
still incomplete.
6:50pm Since around 4 this afternoon, most of my time has been spent
getting tooth torture to supposedly get me to reorganize my web site - like I've wanted to
for some time, to complete things nad state things differently when I wasn't being
affected by psychotronics - but since the torture continues, I will leave the site as it
is, as evidence of crimes against us, and until the U.S. Government stops harrassing
and torturing us, I will continue to present the evidence of death squads. Removing part
sof my website, surveiling us to harass and intimidate, preventing our leaving,
influencing Lynn, harrassing me so that I can't watch news or enjoy any other tv... and
trying to set me up to look like I'm crazy, guilty of crimes and worse.. that I have
evidence of.
12/21/2010 8:29am Up around 7am... Barack, it amazes me sometimes what
your death squad psychotronics guys say... and how often they mean it.. they were
harrassing and torturing me this morning, and I mentioned they apparently didn't
understand tha tyou and your friends, the people they kill people to protect, are part of
the terrorists who did the attacks on the Twin Towers, and they proceeded to tell me
how proud they were to be a part of that, and to be servants of Satan..
Barack, it may be fun for these people to murder others using military
weapons and technology, and by surveilling and harrasssing them to death.. but all it will
end up doing is proving all of you are actually Nazis. I may be in a bad situation,
Barack, but I have more than enough resources to file my reports. I just think it's a
shame what you and your friends have done to this nation....
Last night's magic Bible vereses.. couldn't have been more accurate.. II
Peter.. the whole chapter...
Verse 12 But these, as "natural brute" beasts, made to be taken
and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and they shall utterly
perish in their own corruption.
Barack, tell your apostate in LA this chapter is perfect for her.
Work to do.
Humperdinck - Help Me Make It Through The Night
For anyone who calls themselves a Christian, and wonders what special
purpose s assigned to those who declare themselves Christians, tthere is sin, and there is
evil.. there are those on the watch tower, but what are they looking for, and do they
really believe or do they just want to believe in something, like a God who will come and
kill and harm those who oppressed THEM.. in revenge...
Verse 21
For it had been better for them not to have known the way of
righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered
unto them.
- A Beautiful Morning
Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - Pass It Around
12/22/2010 5:13pm GOod to see that MSNBC/NBC is protecting the entire
Shuster family of the ogliarchy.
I made the psychtoronics guys a promise today Keith.. a gift for all of
you by next Christmas... a free trip to the Hague. 2 years in a row Keith.. I hope you
laugh real hard.
12/23/2010 8:45am Up around 5:30am... I enjoyed reading Jesus explaining
the Ten Commandments the other day... the psychotronics guys, who love to be mentioned and
its total proof of their perversion on behalf of the United States Government...
especially as they torture my teeth more to get me to mention how painful and difficult it
is to breathe, eat or anything else because of the torture... and when I begin t
prepare food, they do itto the extreme, to the extent that even eating a baked potato is
difficult because of the pain in my jaw and face muscles. Auschwitz is America is as real
as Death Squads... they actually wanted me to say that... they really beleive that they
will vindicate themselves with a sick joke about "you did it to yourself"...
with the help of 11 dentists... and psychotronics... and they even beleive they will be
anonymous... wait til their contractor bosses are asked questions about their employers...
I remember one day, after writing about being against the death penalty,
that Kryptoman actually told me he wanted it to remain.
Last night, I did my magic Bible verse reading, and ended up in the
concordance, and my finger pointed to Proverbs 31:5... so I opened up to Proverbs, and
began reading.... Every word of God is pure; he is a shield unto them that put their trust
in him...
I thought, God made it work again, and i rad on, and it was the
psychotronics who finally made me realize I was reading from Proverbs 30:5.... no
coincidences.. I read that AND 31.. and it fit even more...
31:5 Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any
of the afflicted.
That would be, trick them into doing the wrong things, or betray them with
illegal laws and a corrupt justice system.
The CIA and the FBI psyop/CointelPro psyop manuals talk about how even the
toughest of supposed "anti-government" people will give up after 10 years. It's
been 10+ years of intensive psyops. Unfortunately for the GITMO shrinks, they're wrong,
and especially in my case, since you thought it so funny to make me aware of the psyops
and play it like a game, then I'll make sure it ends with me by using my case to set the
precedents for everyone. Don't ever think I think this is just about me. And don't ever
believe you can shake my faith in God.
Final thought: after proverbs, I read John: beginning at 7:40 Many of th
epeople, therefore, when they heard this saying, said, of a truth that is the prophet.
Ya know what I'm going to enjoy most when the news media does the
governments dirty work on this.. the videos and pictures of me in dirty clothes, unshaven,
horrible teeth and long hair... because I can't wait to tell people why this state caused
that. And what the Council on Foreign Relations and Barack Obama had to gain by doing it.
Benatar - Hell Is For Children I think this is God's way of mentioning the U.S.
policies on medical experimentation on your children without your knowledge, and passing
laws to allow the government to experiment on orphans and those in foster care... and if
you Weed and Seed types continue what you're doing for Nazis, hell will be left for your
children, and you will have done it to them. And the politicians and media people will
say... what stupid people to let us fool them this way.
McCartney & Wings - Arrow Through Me
- Light My Fire
Simon - Let the River Run that was mentioned in the Bible reading last night.
9:11am This song keep scoming up... Beth Lodge-Rigal - All I Need
goes with Hard Times by Chris LeDoux... and what Jesus, Martin Luther King and Pink Floyd
12/24/2010 6:14am I was awakened around 4am, and have been harrassed and
tortured ever since.
Anymore, these Death Squad guys will say and do just about anything,
desperately trying to emoralize and harm me and get me to say things they think will make
me look crazy... like when they tell me they're proud to rape their own children....
A while back, in my weblog, there was discussion about death squad cars
surrounding me and taking a roll position on my vehicle in order to threaten my life by
threatening to roll the car at high speeds... I had a couple incidents, when I videoes a
WSP car taking roll position on me, and i don't look for trouble, and to make me upset,
the psychotronics guys actually had to tell me to notice he had taken roll position on
me.. good thing I videoed it all... another time, I mentioned being arounf Little
Creek when a WSP car took roll position.. and then a moment later, I slowed for traffic,
the WSP car started pulling up at theri constant speed, and I looke dup and saw a death
squad car, obviously using psychotronic RC, and the WSP driver hit his brakes and his
responses were like he had been hit with rc to brake and swerve to the left...
Meanwhile, a week or so later, a woman coming off Harstine Island in a car
now being driven by my neighbor, madea head motion like being hit by rc, and shoulder
movements like, what about that, and it was obvious she was talking about the WSP getting
hit, as if they were enemies of the death squads. So, I wrote about that possibility.
This morning, the idiots of the psychotronics guys caused me to rethink
that incident, and made me realize that if the death squad guy had not been late getting
to the assigned spot for the hit, I would have been hit, and although I rarely respond
like these guys want, it's possible I would have braked and turned left directly into the
path of the WSP, causing me to roll multiple times, and likely died, and given my weblog
entries, and these idiots thinking they can provoke me to violence, they likely
would have said that I attacked the cop. There's a typical U.S. Government setup if there
ever was one.
WSP means Washington State Patrol. RC means Remote Control, the ability to
use military weaponry to cause people to have thought insertion and reflexive muscle
response to electronic signals... all easy to prove with DOD documentation, and technology
by Time Warner... gives new meaning to interactive tv....
I want to say, before I go into the next part, that despite what some
would have you believe, I hope you all have a great Christmas, and I still hope that
people will actually return to knowing what it actually means, and I doubt it's what even
most Christians believe. It IS about the birth of Jesus, but what it actually means
to the world is much greater in scope.
It's hard for me to be happy about Christmas and all when the government
is torturing me nearly every waking moment. Maybe someday Sarah Palin and Michelle
Bachmann will tell the truth about the death squads.....
A couple days ago, the subject came up about the military choppers and
death squad people... I asked them to consider the "symptoms" their parents and
grandparents have experienced while aging and, of course, getting nearer to death by their
ages.. symptoms like pain, dizziness and more.. all the symptoms they inflict upon people
with their military weapons as part of their work in the death squads....
It's no wonder that I ended up readingwhat I read last night in the Bible
and then in my book about Kabbalah, by Rabbi David Cooper...
II Kings 23:24 Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and th
ewizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the
land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of
the law which were wtritten in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the
That wole Chapter was great to read, not just because of the
encouragement, but because of the affirmation that doing it God's way works every time.
Despite temporary hardship. It's also good to read about how Josiah kept God's ways and
did as God instructed, and ten his son, and those after, including Nebuchanezzar, all
betrayed God's ways.. and more, their father's ways.. and failed by doing great evil.
And the lesson there is not tha tthey failed, but like th eBible
syas, the sons will do what the fathers wouldn't, like with th the Skull and
Bones/ogliarchy people and th eCouncil on Foreign Relations.. someone had a good idea, and
the following generations didn't actually understand the essence of what the goal was, and
their welath and opportunity came too easily and without th eusual work and commitment
required to rise to higher levels of leadership and representation.. and because of that,
like spoiled brats, their temper tantrums and impatience brought them down. Like Barack
said, another confession, taking such shortcuts will be your own problems soon. And
Hillary ad Bill and the rest of you traitors... I am absolutely certain now there is no
possible way for you to succeed in truth, because your technology isn't ready....
For the chopper and al you phony Christians who aren't Christians, Jews
who aren't Jews as per the description in the Bible... those who don't care if even you
kill your own children and parents....
God is a verb by Rabbi David Cooper The Chapter is called Dying and Death.
Barack will like this story, it's about something I saw on MSNBC the other night, for the
few minutes I watched the Shuster who never identified himself.... and I'm not talking
about yesterday's bizarre apparent piggyback... The story is about tyranny, holding
hostages, people selling others into Stalinstic economic slavery, and terrorism
interrupted by the act of God and an angel.
In her day, Feigelda and her family lived in a time when not paying the
rent meant the landlord could one dya, without notice, have them arrested, sold into
slavery to repay the debt, all their possessions taken and sold, all enforced by the
One day, Feigelda came home, and her entire family had been taken away,
and when she inquired, she found they were tkaen to be sold as slaves, husband and
children, so she begged the landlord to set them free, and he asked for twice the going
rate, 10,000 ruples. She knew she'd be lucky to raise 1000, and she had 3 in her pocket.
As she walked away, she came upon a man known for his holiness, taking
alms in exchange for prayers... she gave him one, and asked him to pray for her family...
and he was praying that day for people whose families or anyone else had failed to say the
kaddish for them after they died.. so she gave him one ruple.. and walked aaway.. an dthen
decided to give him all three, and asked him to pray for every person who died and noone
noticed, who never had a kaddish said for them to help them ascend to the next llevel...
She sat in a field, and listened to the amn praying all day, touching the
woman's heart as she cried and the man prayed in a way that let her know he was praying
for each and every one. At the end of the day, tired and penniless, she began to walk home
in the dark, when a carriage came down the road and stopped beside her.
A man convinced it was safe to take a ride home from him, and as they
traveled, she told him the story of her husband and the landlord, and the 10,000 ruples...
and before she got home, he gave her a check for the entire amount.
The next day, she went to the bank to cash the check, hoping it wasn't a
fraud. THe teller acted strangely, and went and got someone else. Then she was taken to
the offic eof the bank president, who asked her if she recognized any of the men in the
picutures on the wall. And she pointed on eout as the man who wrote te check to her. And
the bank president was astonished by the fact that it was his father, who died years
before, for whom he never said kaddish.
II Kings 23:21 And the King commanded all the people, saying, Keep the
passover unto the Lord your God, as it is written in the book of the covenant.
- I Feel Free
Nelson - Travelin' Man
Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams
Hates Jazz - Turn Back the Clock
1:38pm I stopped to write this because I am trying to get work done
to stop a leak on the trailer that will cause major damage.. but the tooth torture is so
bad along with taunting that I am unable to get anything useful done. More torture,
illegal detention and assault with intent to do bodily harm. Pbstruction of justice and
civil and human rightgs vilolations as the U.S. Government destroys my teeth and nerves to
my left foot. Merry Christmas Olbermann.
6:33pm Today has been mainly a day of torture, very little else done... I
find it interesting that the Thurston COunty Prosecutors office had a sheriff use the same
MO to identify himself as what will be known as a murdering hitman to cover for the
Thurston County Sheriff's department, their prosecuting attorney and his brother,
who was the first dentist who workled on me, and Lynn, and apparently, they know they have
something to hide.... and standard IA investigations will easily uncover this guy's mo.
THis day has been spent listening to this guy use psychotronics on me,
trying to make me believe that all churches are synagogues of Satan, and that all cops are
dirty like him. I don't buy it. BUt this cop will be the example of the quintessential
dirty cop... and all you other police out there who support the idea of using
psychotronics to goad people into violence, especially against cope, should look into the
killing of 4 Lakewood police officers point blank, and I bet you anything it was the work
of sick perverts like the BUttFuckMan. Unlike his other victims, I have massive amounts of
patience and evidence... and every minute I spend being tortured like this will be
depicted in testimony.. and I dare you cops who are dirtty to blanme me, as if I dislike
cops, for your crimes.. and you'd better get something straight... psychotronics is no
secret, and if you lie about it in court, the law applies to you too.. and psychotronics
will be used on those cited to determine the truth.. about enemy combatants, traitors and
ALl you people working for contractors are mercenaries, and
constitutionally illegal, as are the military being used to kill people with Directed
Energy Weapons.
Have a merry Christmas...
12/25/2010 8:40am I finally got out of bed around seven after being
harrassed for quite some time.. this morning is the worst tooth torture yet... and
the Thurston County cop apparently now realizes he was put on the case as an expendable
thug... I'm going to inform the Weed and Seed victims he's currently setting up so they
can collect evidene for his crimes. You sickos need to understand that I will not back
down.. and your threats against my family and friends will only make evidence against you
when you do things to them, and the consistent poattern is, when you threaten, you do it,
and the threat is just a terror tactic to make me feel responsible for for the harm the
U.S. Government perpetrates as if it's my fault for surviving. WHne I played the Prince
Song "I WOuld DIe FOr You" I meant it, sympbolically and literally, but not for
Nazis.. for real citizens of the United States who believe in the constitution, not as a
document of laws, but as a commitment to humanity. You guys pushing these crimes on me
toptaunt me need to realize that every extreme you push will be held against you, and
psychotronics is no secret...
You people have handed me a civil rights' attorneys dream case. THank you
for acting like Nazis in order to get yourselves jailed.
Mweanwhile, last night,the pain was so bad I finally was able to eat a
bowl of cereal, the only food I had all day, and they torutred me as I ate it. My jaw is
extremely sore this morning. I hope Olbermann gets a good laugh out of it... you point men
in the media deserve credit.. for your loyalty to Nazis... the proof you're not a good
thing is on my dvr, and not the one hooked to DISH. MO Keith...
Bible reading last night.. magic Bible verses... were very poignant... God
has a way of keeping a thread going... sort of what I told Dobbs about, God and me playing
catch... like I did with my father... I was the pitcher, he was the catcher... tell
Murdoch, te Jesus Jr remark will not look good for him, I have his video too.. and
others... Watched Hal Lindsay last night.. if he knew about psychotronics, he'd know the
rapture was mass murder by the Nazis...
I get tired of preachers who only tell people what they want to hear in
order to keep a congregation and the money flowing. Corporate church does not serve God.
If you're a minister who honestly can't understand that truth, please find another job.
Soon, I will be identifying synagogues of Satan... with evidence... and I
will be demanding those ministers and churches declare public and on their ssigns that
they are part of a religion, but they need to stop calling themselves Christians... and if
they don't understand that, while talking about the end of days and the second coming of
christ, then tell them to read their bibles.. at least once... in their lives...
Here's a part I read last ight they should take notice of:
Isaiah Chpater 63 woul be a good start.. 63.. about the time I had my
little vision in church...
4: For the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed
is come.
Goes with what I said a day or two ago about next Christmas...
6: And I will tread down thepeople inmine anger, an make them drunk in my
fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.
FROr you stupid shrinks who think I"m threatenting the Government, I
have evidence for God's day of justice, and violence won't be needed.. but I'm sure you're
two bit peon Nazis will constiue to provoke people while I'm at the Hague ending evil in
the world once for all, as a peaceful movement defeats the Nazis once and for all.... got
it Barack? Ask Jeremiah....
For all yuo people who think callingme traitor and terrorist for doing
this, remember, you're the murderers and rapists of the deathsquads... covering up the
crimes of your favorite celebrities and policticians.. tell Brian Baird I have email after
email from his office about his pride in the gem of his politicial career... Weed and
Seed... and just like the standard mo, when we were going to do a fundraiser for his
campaign, Lynn knew his wife more than 20 years ago..... and Baird called a veteran
a Nazi....
8: For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie; so
he was their saviour.
Tell that one to the sick murdering frauds in LA for me.
9 In all their affliction he was afflicted,and the angel of his presence
saved them; in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he batre them, and carried
them all the days of old.
That one's for Judith of Bread of the Presence Catholic book store...
10 Bu tthey rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to
be their enmemy: and he fought agains tthem.
from there, read to the end of the book of Isaiah
For most, this will seem like a strange message for Christmas. For true
Christians, it should be an announcement received with joy. And if you ministers don't
understand that, then stop calling yourselves Christians, think about it, and tell your
congregation you don't actually believe in God, but you hope.. and that's what got you
Barack Obama and Nazis.
66:17 They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens
befhind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse,
shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.
16 For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh; and
the slain of the Lord will be many.
The sword is truth. And the slain are the guilty, and they will be slain
with the truth, and subjected to the will of the citizens...
Merry Christmas. May God damn the United States Government, and bless the
loyal citizens. That's my gift, and promise, for today.
PS Karl Rove, Robert Mueller and Arnold Schwarzenneger.. their fathers were actual
Bavarian German Nazis... the sons will do what their fathers wouldn't... I understand why
MY father wouldn't... I understand why he knew I would. And by the way, God hates Nazis
and apostates.... got that Time Warner and GE....
Hates Jazz - Turn Back the Clock
Young - Heart of Gold
- Kiss and Say Goodbye
Tell Judge ROy Moore thanks for me for standing up and making sure people know that
this nation, this government, actually is Godless. He was vey much a part of why I read
the Bible, to defend persecuted Christians as their representative in government,
and alot of other groups too that I studied to be sure I accurately represented them as
well.. like when I read the Koran, and discovered we'd all been lied to badly about
Muslims and Muhammad... a subject I started writingabout in 2002, and was stopped inthe
middle of, when I wrote, we have been sorely misled... and then the psyops guys harrassed
me.. it was when I was writing about John Denver...... and apparently the apostate from LA
had already been hired to interrupt me on behalf of Barack and the Council on Foreign
Relations to pervert the word of God and the true meaning of the Bible, everlasting life,
Islam and worse.
Israel and Islam mean the same thing: Peace.
McCartney & Wings - Love In Song
The perfect song for that deceiver from the CFR.
Vollenweider - The Woman and the Stone
Jackson - Earth Song
Michael & Jermaine Jackson - Somebody's Watching Me
Preston - That's the Way God Planned It
Frankie Lane -
For the Rockefellers and the Council on ForeignRelations
Russell - Leon Russel - 12 - Masters Of War (Old Masters)
Russell - Leon Russel - 07 - Prince Of Peace
Wonder - Evil _lp
Wonder - If It's Magic
Riperton - Memory Lane
This song is dedicated from me to God.
Preston - Late At Night - 204 - With You I'm Born Again
As the Nazis continue the painfuil torture for Christmas to celebrate the
Birth of Jesus on behalf of the United States Government who hates Christians, I read
Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the
men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die; neither shall their
fires be quenched: and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.
12:37pm I was sitting in the living room, delaing with the pain of
constant tooth torture when the psychotronic guy started singing "All I want for
Christmas is my two front teeth"... and he laughed and suggested I put it in the
weblog, as if I'm crazy. So I said, ok.
BTW: I'm here alone because Lynn wanted to be with her children, and she
let last night so in the morning, she could recover from the psychotronic torture that
gives her so much pain in the mornings... and I'm alone, until she gets here for dinner,
because I need to protect the property and make sure the evidence isn't destroyed. Given
the tooth torture, it's unlikely I'll be able o eat, and if I do, I'm sure it'll be
painful, and they'll torture as I try to eat. They always do, and it's not just pain
caused by a loose tooth. And the psychotronics guy is laughing at me now....
12/26/2010 7:17am Up around 5, I was awake quite a while before
that, being hassled as usual... and I've been thinking about lots of things...
Lynn said she ordered the 6 dvd set of National Geographics... all since
they began printing.. given it's a Skull and Bones compay, and they checkmated themselves
with me, I figure I'll show some pictures that people will be really amazed to see.. the 7
wonders of the world, including the hanging gardens of Iraq, explaining why the Koran
describes heaven the way it does... and since it's close to the Garden of Eden...
Watched the History CHannel.. something about lost Bible Books .. I'm
still wondering why the writings of Jesus aren't in the Bible... except, maybe, He was
teaching other people to survive tyranny until it was overcome, while He was doing
and writing things others might say would be setting a dangerous example, or talking about
things that would be judged diverse reading. And then there was the story of Lillith...
(producer: Lillith looked alot more like Eve to ME :})
McLachlan - Rarities - 01 - Dear God
I've thought about specific times wehn I perceived at least 2 if not 3
different people tryign taffect my writing in For the LOve of the World, particularly in
the fall of 2008. I appreciate in some ways that last person for identifying the Kingdom
of God as existing, and even showing me my whole life of wanting to start the farm was in
fact the model of the kingdom of God... at the same time, I extremely resent the
interference leading to the incompletion of the books and all, because I would not write
what would be popular and present an image of someone people wanted, like a Huckabee or
Reagan... and I resent it because it represents to me people who understand the Bible and
more, and totally betrayed God by using that knowledge to betray Him.
I often think about how odd it is to read the Bible for one reason, for
other people, to be representative of them, and then to look around and notice how the
leaders of it all seem to have lost the real messages and meanings, replaced by what the
Bible calls myths and fables, the stuff people like to hear and want to be told in order
to be happy.... delusions... and as a citizen, I wanted to represent them and at the same
time, as a Christian, despite the apppearance that I don't fit the mold of a good
Christian, admittedly, I needed to speak up to them as much as I felt a need to speak up
to - not against - the government.
And then I read on deal with being attacked and all, and one day, realize
I'm Christ, and even understand why I didn't know from the day I was born, and it is alot
just like Moses... and the more God leads me to read the more I realize how much I've
simply done, as a citizen, what the Bible said the Son of Man, Christ in the Second
Coming, would do. And frankly I always kept in mind that I promised God that I would serve
in any way when the time came, but I honestly believed it would have been simply as an
honest politician leading in moral ways. And I looked at how easy it would be for people,
false Christs, speech writers, people who got off track.. how easy it would be to emulate
the characteristics a Biblical figure.. like Bush and Obama have.. and others...
I think alot about probabilities, and what I actually believe is
possible... the government psychotroncis guys would have me believe all is lost, and
though I've been sequestered, I know that things could work out better, but the problem
is, as the Bible demonstrates, once anation slides down the slippery slope to a
certain, it doesn't usually correct itself until it collapses and has to deal with
My impression is that some ministers believe the same thing about
individuals, as if causing them to become destitute will cause them to straighten out
their lives.. and I see it every time I go places... I was thinking about James Taylor's
song.. there's a well on the hill, I just can't kill for Jesus.. and I keep wondering,
where did he and peopel like Laura Nyro get the idea that Jesus would ask people to do
that? He said, I speak of peace, and for that you speak of war.... and you forget
the words.. I have slain with my tongue...
The United States is being destroyed by its leaders from the Council on
Foreign Relations on purpose based on a plan since before Andrew Jackson, and a finalized
vision by Jimmy Carter and the Rockefellers in 1958 that required conquest and ultmately,
like we do in other countries we're at war with, cutting off communications, attacking
killing and exiling leaders of education and history and religions and others... in order
to subdue their enemies...
Thus I and millions of others are targets of the death squads. I have to
believe that I have been a target since about 1975.. and then because of other factors,
since 1958. And I believed this was a moral nation, I believed in it... And I know that
few people would be as patient as I am when tey learn of the betrayal by this
government not only against them, but against God and everything this nation has always
claimed to be, and what most of its citizens are. Unfortunately, the government makes the
decisions for the people, and the various mvement s by tea parties and such, in the
background run by the same Council on Foreign Relations running a dialectic maybe not
recognized by peopel like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, playing into their hands.. by
not revealing the full truth, also known as lies of omission that are allowing people to
be murdered by the people in the background supporting their efforts.
That's a dialectic, but I have to believe its real, because its beyond me
to believe that they and noone on their staffs have heard of psychotronics or that death
squad targets haven't contacted them. I did. Michelle Bachmann's email server form on her
state website. When Keith Olbermann first made fun of her.
I'm gonna say this, and this is for people in the Rockefeller family who
know the truth, not all of them of course, and the Rothschilds and a few others... Never
forget that you pushed me into this position, and just like lots of other people, all
anyone had to do was treat me nice. I could quote Bible verses all day, and for me
it's not about preaching the Bible, it's about proof of prophecy that you are what you
are. Isn't it interesting the Chaldeans were experts at astrology like the Reagans... that
it wasn't the Jews who had Jesus executed, nbut Idumeans who had become part of the
leaders of Judaism.. the Elders of Zion.. and that Zion has been changed to actually mean
those who believe Armageddon is the way to bring on heaven, and denying that God told
these peopel who know it wasn't going to be allowed again.. like children who break their
toys and expect to get a replacement.. never again.. and you knew it and you know
it... nothing you do to me or others will ever change that nor will your tantrums of
destruction gain you what you want.
The Golden Rule.. Dominance and Submission.. neither are the answer, nor
are they necessarily right or worong.. understanding the rippling effects is what is
required for God's Kingdom.
Old words like kingdom carry a big linguistic charge... like the word God,
or Jesus or.. I was reading somewhere last night about Jesus saying he had to wash
everyone elses's feet and al that... it wasn't modesty, it was teaching equality and at
the same tiem respect for leadership...
The History channel reminded me of the thing about how some might say
Jesus stood next to the cross laughing while His physical body was being crucified.. the
truth is, life is like that. GOd and Jesus and Christs all are in physical human bodies,
when they are, and we come here to play and live and enjoy some of everything God made...
and those physical can die like anyone else's.. I liked how Jesus said - sometimes the
Comforter in one context, and the Son of Man (his spirit) in most... will give people
everlasting life, and to me it just sounds like getting people to realize what we really
are and that leaving the destruction or restoral of this planet to the children... you are
the children...
The few who were able to keep things like this in mind when this is over
will have the good fortune of living from a moment where you don't have to live with the
"past"... and those who chose evil will be fully cognizant of their pasts wehn
they come into their next life, which will seem like hell to them because of their
Like Ted said.. a camel through the eye of a needle... or was that a
rich man...
Because of your containment of me, I have approached few with wanting to
discuss what some would call divinity...and because of propaganda, memo 46's and more, I
guess you have people well trained in fables and myths and like the time of Jesus, woudl
not know the ways of God if God HImself stood before them... which of course, is what I
was destined to point out... wishing I could have been.. let's jsut say, I can't imagine
that there are that many people running around attempting to speak to peopel of faith..
who even say they're astonished at my knoweldge... that when someone does come around,
even quoting scripture that supports the idea that their interest in discussing it would
be useful... that they don't even inquire or take the possibility of the Second Coming
seriously enough to want to know or be sure.. with someone willing to answer every
question... that's very sad. And the fulfillment of prophecy. And Rockefellers,
about my wife... nice move, didn't work... I'm no emulation, and I refuse emulations.
As you well know and desperately try anyway, no corporate sponsors or
sickos will change the outcome. This is God's world, it's about ownership, it's about
creation, knowing how the universe works and how people work and what they do, and why
they fail. (BTW, my Front Page html editor says it will take 732 seconds to load
this page with a 56k modem)
Magic Bible verses.
I think I started with II CHronicles Chapter 12.. but 12:14 is the actual
place I first looked.. And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the
I would have thought all ministers would have been wary of falling into
the trap of doing evil to do good, and being unable to recognize true evil, being wary of
deception and emulation, and knowing the difference... and like me worrying that I might
be "the emperor", that they might become someone sdoign everythign they claimed
they stood against, people killing prophets in the name of God, ignoring the warnings of
I read through chapter 15. And then, liking to end things on a more
positive note, I turned to another spot,and ended up opening to John Chapter 14. I laughed
while reading it, at how Jesus knew people wouldn't understand and told stories knowing it
would cause them to ask questions, and having the answer ready because he knew what the
questions would be knowing, and knowing he would not really understand unless he forced
them to ask questions so it would make sense to them.
And again, I wonder why the writings of Jesus were not passed along with
the weight of the Bible...
The History Channel program... I took notes, Lou :} It had this verse
(excerpted, of course)
Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to
say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it,
but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
30 For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of
Man be to this generation.
Now that I read what they quoted on tv andcompare that to the actual
scripture... they left out a lot of History, and changed that verse alot... they said, the
only sign would be the coming of the Son of Man... such is the controlling of revisionist
history, propaganda, brainwashing, and establishing myths and fables devoid of the whole
truth to accomodate the anti-Christ. The History Channel roots are of the Skull and
They tell you what you want to hear to get you to trust them, then they
tell you what they want you to think, betraying your trust.
Tull - A Passion Play - B45 - A Passion Play Edit 10
Hornsby & the Range - The Way It Is
Almond - Tears Run Rings
12/27/2010 7:18am Awoke around 4. I was just remembering the time I heard
Tom Brokaw say people thought it was inappropriate if Nelson Rockefeller ran for
president.. I didn't know the Rockefeller's believed they own this nation.
8:31am Death Squads AKA How To Overthrow A Nation I knew
something was up this morning.. since I wrote about the government using people to disrupt
my writing, as well as try to get me to write things they think will embarass me... tell
the Rockefellers I was told in the beginning that I would be harrassed until I die unless
I proved what was being done, and that everything I had ever done would be exposed to
publicly humiliate before I was killed. Humiliate and exterminate. My answer then is the
same as now: the truth of the Nazi overthrow of this nation is more important thn my
personal public image. You people know who I am, and I know what you are. This morning's
attempt to SPitzer/Edwards me will not work, and in fact the question that will remain is
Why did the Rockefellers want Lynn McMullen dead? ANd your probable claim that I'm
adandoning her, which I'm not, will turn into, why did you and your fellow conspirators
set us up for destruction, humiliation and extermination? In the course of all of this I
WILL exhonorate Ira Einhorn, Elliott Spitzer and John Edwards... and since you gave
me no choice, I will not back down.
Noticed MSNBC's new documetnary, revisionist history, of the Atlanta
Olympic bombing story, about Eric Rudolph. The part the government doesn't want you to
know is that one of the people I network with informed the FBI of a plot to set off a bomb
at that Olympics, and they got the wrong guy, and she informed them of that fact, and her
life has been destroyed to silence her. She was in charge of the research of the
LevEsque trials that were delivered to her and the attorney for our cases.... full
evidence and transcripts from Canada... $755 million from the CIA and Time Inc.
I wrote this solely to document another example of a time the government
attempted to stop me from writing the truth of their crimes. I'm gonna finish this one....
and it's the story of murderous, torturing government, that rapes women to demoralize
them, while getting leaders of other nations convicted of human rights and war crimes for
the same things.... Nazis. It's the only word that describes them.
4:34pm I was about to write more on today's topic when apparently someone
got the word that I really don't consider this a game, and the U.S. Government doesn't
like the fact that I'm willing to tell the truth about a multitude of their crimes since
the 1950's.... things that would get us citizens arrested and jailed for life for.
SO they tooth torture me more, and so badly, it nearly rips my teeth out... and the guy
doing it is celebrating that he got me to write about his sociopathy.
Tell the DHS and Barack thank you for fully convincing me what they and
their bosses are... and tell Jay the same thing I told Leon Panetta, with the same due
They say when God is dead, the government becomes God. Barack, God is
alive and well. Barack, why do you and your friends want to hurt so many people to
accomplish a robot world?
Cases of Deliberate Experimentation on Individuals for Military Purposes
In one study over 100 Washington and Oregon state prisoners (recall the discussion
of Phase II drug testing in Chapter 5) between 1963 and 1971 had their testicles dosed
with radiation to discover what doses would sterilize them. The project was funded by the
Atomic Energy Commission at a cost of $1.5 million.
From Carole Smith, GWEN Towers, Demofund
12/29/1010 8:30am It's clear to me that the psyops by the U.S> and
Council on Foreign Relations is proceeding, and these sick locals perverts are proceeding
with aplan to murder Lynn. What sound slike a good deal for her for living somewhere is a
horrible trap. Every time she and I make plans that assure her safety and my ability to
address the legal issues, she suddenlty changes her mind and throws things, wastes money
and worse.
THe current plan would have her move, and stay in Washiongton State,
which is not a good idea for her safety, levaing her caught between the people harrassing
us now and trying to kill her, and the Thurston County Sheriff who went out of his way to
do the standard psyop mo of identifying himself... and he's in charge of all the people -
I'll bet at least 100 on Steamboat Island, many member of St Chrsitopher's
Church.... of the people who rape and murder people like us. Someone in THurston COunty
better get a brain, and stop this, because if you're a dirty cop, Thurston, no one likes
dirty, murdering, rapist cops. And the jury will believe the hundreds of witnesses about
psychotronics... then there's the neighbors you'v ebeen harrassing across the
street,Thurston, and your service record, 2 other TC Sheriffs and more... tell ED he's not
very smart... tell Ed you just tortured my teeth, and I'll remember, and psychotronics
will be believed by the jury. Pretty stupid for a county that would otherwise have
received little or no mention to the Hague and in criminal reports. But, Thurston, you are
a true criminal, like your bosses. More crimes to cover crimes. And then there's the civil
and human rights, and sister Scott.. Thurston.. how WILL you idiots explain that? Remember
Gig Harbor, Thurston.
Speaking of which, Rockefellers... I was trying to decide yesterday what
to say to ministers about why they should denounce the Council on Foreign Relations... I
opened up the Bible and turned to the Book of St Jude. I decided that will be the bulk of
that chapter. The whole thing.
Ain't it interesting that one of Lynn's friends whose ex husband's wife
took over the books, and then a member of that same church used her and ended up owing her
over $10,000.. and never paid it back.. and they both work for the IMF now? Sort of like
Sabina... right Jay? Or Annella.... and nearly every one of the psyops includes EST.
Thurston, what do you cops call it when an investigation is wrapping up,
and all the dots are being connected, the paperwork is getting done and the criminals keep
doing stupid things to distract and get attention? Is there a name for that phase?
Time to get to work.
Hates Jazz - Turn Back the Clock
& Garfunkel - Greatest Hits - 105 - Sounds of Silence
Heart - Bluest Eyes In Texas
Wolf: Remind these people what happened to the BTK killer.....
11:21am Gates: Back in the late 60's and early 70's... 28 was the right
size for a class, and there were good reasons for it. While you billionaire Knights of the
British Empire (who can't run for President) send your Bilderberg kids to Harvard and
Yale, remember that the people who get paid half as much for having the same degrees
through public education earned this nation with their hands and sweat, and you don't own
it anymore than the Rockefellers or other financiers...
Good to se ethe MK-Ultra attorneys are still being funded by the veterans
group. They'll love my testimony and my evidence, and they'll like it more when I tell
them what great lengths the government has gone to with local losers to shut me up and
delay me from seeking their assistance and offering mine.
I've been compiling a concise report of quintessential documents regarding
death squads, how they work, DOD documents that prove their intent, and I just keep coming
up with more and more documents that prove this government is controlled by Nazis.. the
real thing... and it's also nice to see the courts finally striking down the tactics of
the government... and interesting that my father knew about Echelon before 1960... and I
read about squids, and the Gulf War subliminal FM piggybacks, and all sorts of
things the government has made public very covertly in order to claim it wasn't hiding a
thing... how come I was assigned to the JTTF after the Murrah Bldg bombing?
I'm being told again that local authorities are still looking for ways to
legally detain me... I know you think I'm just another TI, and that you have all the
power... I think anything you do just makes you more convictable as evidence,
psychotronics is easily proven, and as always, like with the locals here, I'm warning you
only to stop committing more crimes, because the mo's are simple.. and there are many
psyops... and given the evidence, you'll never be able to make the case that I'm
crazy, delusional, or a threat to anyone's safety or well being...
- Music From Graffiti Bridge - 15 - Still Would Stand All Time
PS To whoever broke into my trailer last night, the third time in a week,
I always turn off the pilots on the stove so the gas is completely shut off. Please leave
money for the heat in the future.
Benatar - Hell Is For Children
I don't know, Joe, ask Ted Turner, something about "God is
calling..." :} I don't pick em, I just play 'em.
12/31/2010 7:50am Finally gave up and decided to open my eyes and give up
on sleeping around 6am.. extreme tooth torture began immediately...
I can always tell who is part of this and who tehse guys are trying to
protect by the questions they ask and then the fultility they try to make me feel by
claiming the entire U.S. Government and the citizens are in favor of terrorizing its own
citizens, torturing them and murdering and raping them... the President Milosevic is in
jail now for having his soldiers rape women in Kosovo.... and the U.S. filed charges
against him... supposedly, Iraq soldiers raped children in hospitals in Kuwait.. and we
attacked Iraq for invading Kuwait for stealing Iraqi oil after the Bush administration
gave Saddam the ok to invade... check with the International Action Center, and you'll
hear about the human rights violations of the Bush Administration in the Gulf War.. from
former Attorney General Ramsey Clark... strangely enough, under Carter, and who will
have to answer questions in my case as well.
Elliot.. see how fair and dispassionate I am?
Damn MSNBC, always feeding me actionable corroborative evidence when they
actually report the news.. that's why I love Matthews.. and why I'll give him a special
feed from HIS jail cell... Christine O'Donnell.. speaks to mo.. tie her up in law suits to
prevent her from political activities.. by Biden.. WACO cover up... finally got the angle,
Joey... never did find the article by Biden called "How I learned to love the New
World Order"
Sailor Boy.. the good news is, having them cite the constitutionality of
all legislation is excellent.. when you have them read the constituion, make sure they're
actually in the room. I watch C-span sometimes, and I think that when I do, once a month
or so, I see more than most senators and reps do when they go to give their speeches to
empty rooms... :} the problem is with you guys, is everytime I am led to see something,
and I think one of you is honest, I find out how brilliant you all are... and that's not
usually a good thing..
Did I tell you about the dream I had one night, I'm sure it was
psychotronics.. the one where Dobbs was in a judges robe, in a judges chair in court,
handing me a little red book, I assumed it was the constituion, and standing to the
right and one step behind me was a destructive distraction... :} I woke up and
laughed for days about that one...
Unfortunately, I had to record the Olbermann year end special too..
More evidence. Ho hum.
Meanwhile, I'm still getting heavily zapped, Lynn's being zapped,
and I still consider it all illegal detention...
The article on the death squads is going well.. as well as What Is
Psychotronics did.. and I think I adequately explained why people should disavow the
Council on Foreign Relations... ya know, Rockefellers, I never even gave you guys a second
thought before I learned of the Council on Foreign Relations... and I laugh when I
think about the millions all of you and your government friends have spent
containing me, all the while telling all these people excuses for doing it all... I don't
care what you guys claim, I know you know the truth. And the perverts who harrass me are
good representatives of how criminal minds work... as in, the righteous only seek good,
and the wicked expect wrath, so they commit crimes to cover crimes, and get
The next world I see is one that comes to the realization that this and
other governments are not their friends... and I don't mean just wanting to vote for other
people.. I mean like shutting one down, arrestiing traitors, and starting it again...
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 06 - Visionary Mountains
Mitchell Trio - I Was Not a Nazi Polka
& Garfunkel - Greatest Hits - 104 - 59th Street Bridge Song
I don't know, Joe, but I think God's tired of playing music games :} The
Project Censored article may no tbe online yet... it's part of the death squad article,
which may take a few more days....
PS Barack. Hell froze over yesterday.. the paint didn't dry, but at least
the green drips on the campaign trailer are better than the red ones... I can't wait to
get somewehere warmer to paint it... talk about a grassroots candidate... I'm
thinking I'll get it painted, then let kids paint it with finger paints and acrylics
while I talk to their parents
Mika.. about "talking to your parents" and the NAACP.. I finally
realized they didn't reject me... I just wanted to join.. I didn't realize they were
asking me to talk to my parents about ending racism. I wanted to join because they DID
talk about it.. and I was too young to be that clever... me and Beaver, ya know :}
Feliciano - Light My Fire
Aesopian from God.. Joe must be laughing.... sounds like the chopppers are
coming... 8:19am doppler radar time. They fly around the property lines now so they can
claim they're not harrassing us.. might be a light plane this time... can you believe the
stupidity of the DHS?
6:21pm Got few thing sdone today, but the bulk of my day was spent
being tortured... I sat down to write this, and the torture was increased.
Here's what I have to say... the U.S. Government perverts using
psychotronics tlel me, once again, that since I'm going to file charges against them, they
might as well get their retribuition - their word - out on me now.. as they rip one tooth
out and work on destroying a molar as well... all claiming they'l never be
prosecuted because the government says they're immune, and they think they're anonymous. I
know differently. I also know that the people involved with these psychotronics guys - all
of them - are involved in the same conspiracy, and it will primarily revolve around
freedom of religion, freedom of speech political assassination as in actual attempts at
murder.. and their continued threats, taunts and intimidations wil be recorded. And I dare
them to claim anything abou tme using their illegal psychotronics, lethal directed energy
weapons and luike CNN, the U.S. Government and the State of Washington will not be able to
credibly deny their knowledge of illegal use and their lethality, nor the disastrous
effects their gang-stalking and rape and economic destruction...
I always feel encouraged when they say, it's only a psyop.. it is, but one
meant to kill, and a psyop is a psyop... the same kind that happened to me in
Washington State back in the 80's... as Lou said, its's binary.. xon.... soon to be xof...
it's a graphic thing, but it fits.
Here's a little excerpt the psychotronic guys like from the write up on
death squads.... I'm letting Jay have a look just for the fun of it.. given the torture,
Jay, it might take a few extra days.... Happy New Year to you too, Jay... and about
that program at OSPR, Jay...
It was either in 1975 or 1976, I think, when someone came to the Sears
store I worked at in Eureka, California and told me he recognized me, and was a friend of
my father's when my father worked at the Naval Shipyard at Hunter's Point in San
Francisco. He asked me what I knew about my father's work.
I knew my father's work was classified, and I never asked questions, and I
thought he never told me anything of importance. I looked at this man, knew he was way too
young to have known my father as he described, figured he was an FBI agent just closing
the case on my father since my father had died more than 10 years before. And, I told him
the truth, my father never told me anything about his work.
In 1975, a man named Ira Einhorn was trying to warn people that the CIA
was using a technology called psychotronics as a "mind control" weapon against
U.S. citizens. Arlen Specter was his attorney, after he was arrested for murdering
his former girllfriend Holly Maddux. When the CIA showed up at his house and discovered
her body - it's important you notice that - the CIA showed up and discovered her body, not
the police - they went directly to the closet where her body was stored in a steamer
trunk. He was preserving her body, presumably as evidence. Before my work is done, I will
prove the CIA had such technology, and used it against Einhorn to silence him.
The crimes against Einhorn and the visit from the FBI were at about the
same time. Right before the Church Commitee hearings on MK-Ultra and the CIA, Co-Chaired
by Senators Frank Church and Senator Ted Kennedy. Mk-Ultra included early work on
psychotronics and mind control.
A couple of years ago, I finally looked up a patent in the U.S. Patent
Office website for something called "the Thought Camera", a search recommended
to me some 5 years earlier. Because of that, I wrote to Los Alamos for more information
regarding what appeared to be work my father did with Tesla, or in further development of
Tesla's original work, to implant people with electrodes so their thoughts could be
monitored and recorded electronically.
This explains why, one day, when I was 3-4 years old in 1958 or 1959, my
father, supposedly one of the founding members of AMPEX, and my mother, took my sister and
I to Kaiser Hospital in San Francisco, and before a doctor saw us, he informed us we were
the first people in history to have the chicken pox twice. They gave us pills to knock us
out, and I guess a few days later, I complained about not being sick, tired of
sleeping, and felt a cut/scab on my ear.
Years later, a woman describing herself as a student at JFK University in
San Francisco - studying to be a sex therapist - looked at the back of my ears and said
without explanation "I've never seen them do it like that before." I'm assuming
she was referring to the scars that I've always wondered about myself, how and why they
Kaiser is well known, especially at that time, to have been involved with
the CIA and the Stanford Research Institute, part of the Hoover Institute, on MK-Ultra and
other mind control projects.
The Church Hearings were a cover-up to cause people to believe these
egregious medical experimentations and life destroying practices had been ended. It's no
different than the Warren Commission's cover up of the Pres. John F. Kennedy
Assassination, and the government's unwillingness to tell us the truth of the attacks of
September 11, 2001.
Since 2000, I've come to the conclusion that if the government says it's
passing an "Act" or conducting a commission, I assume that they're acting like
they're investigating during the commission of a cover-up. That may sound extreme, but if
you check the facts, and follow the money, you'll find out what I just said is true.
These are some of the things I've learned since 2002, and since learning I
was a target of the U.S. Government Death Squads.
It's important to note that all people who call themselves "targeted
individuals" are harrassed and psyopped using the same "mo's", methods of
operation, and that because of psychotronics, psychological operations can be conducted
covertly and custom tailored to attempt to "break" someone's psyche, the same
way psychiatrists were used on GITMO detainees during such experimentation and possible
programming. If you're not aware these things are going on, they can destroy you.
In my case, I've been exposed to the typical attacks, but because of other
factors and I believe because of knowledge that Donald Rumsfeld characterized as
information "I didn't know that I know" - which was true at the time - I
feel certain that some of my experiences have been quite different than some other people
would report.
Just the other day, I figured out that the hurricane he created in my fish
tank one day with radioactive radium wasn't just about weather modification, it was also
about a propulsion system for the hover craft prototype he brought home one day - a system
and technology of anti-gravity aircraft supposedly derived from the Roswell crash - and
the propulsion system of "alien" craft supposedly discovered by the Nazis, the
Brill, as they attempted to apply it to aircraft and missile technology during World War
II - also accounts for the pollution of San Francisco Bay with radium, and the reason
Morton Salt had been "iodized", as it was harvested from the Bay and required
the idoization to treat people en masse for radiation poisoning without their knowledge or
causing people to become frightened.
10/28/2010 The next day. Last night, after years of wondering why, when we
left Palo Alto to live in Santa Cruz, he named our 5 acre homestead Los Palo Altos. Only
last night did I consider that he was telling me the proof was in the tall trees, the
eucalyptus or willows down by the bay. A place I was forbidden to go... just down the
street from the garage where AMPEX began. And then imagine what truths would be told in
the rings of old growth trees about war, pollution, radiation, and....
Bonoff - Personally for Jay, of course, from God.. :}
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 08 - Vintage Clothes - okay, so it's New Year's and Keith
spilled lots of great old whiskey all over himself.. when he "leaned forward ":}
PS The trailer roof is about 3/4 light green, like the house...
Stills & Nash - CSN - 105 - Anything At All No comment
That's funny.. the Jew down the road who says he doesn't believe in God
wanted me to do a magic bible song for him... tell the Sheriff he said
something about his parents in Florida.. or was that Michigan?
Paul & Mary - Leaving On A Jet Plane
Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky
Stills & Nash - Shadow Captain
Brothers - Fight the Power
8:06pm Got a couple of things done. Mostly, tortured and harassed...
the tooth torture was particularly bad, and it's hard to imagine a government that
would do this to anyone... and condemn others for less.
For the record, yesterday, the pain was so bad I didn't eat anything,
today, ended up I ate pizza, but it was painful. There's a part of me that's glad
these people are taunting everyone in the world by their perversity and their defiance of
every moral and ethical organization of justice in the world...
Last night, I was "encouraged" to look out the window, and saw a
strange white beacon type light flashing at interesting intervals.. for the record,
it was not the sameas the light waves I saw rippling through the sky, and hopefully got
video of, from the field where the truck and temporary pole were on the other side
of the island to the right of hwy 3 going south toward Shelton. Watched and videoed that
for weeks, until it was replaced... something about the aperture of a rubber mouth
woodpecker.. :} and the God particle "sought" for the completion of a project to
protect a tunnel in a mountain with an electronic force field... :}
Oh yeah, I was tortured last night while trying to read the Bible, and
just about the time the psychotronics guys claimed they had broken my connection
with God, I turned to the story of Samson an Delilah, with the message of that paradigm,
bring down the pillars on your way out the door...
Always shuts them up.
Duran - Girls On Film (Night Version) Remember back when I was joking about reading
Colbert's mind?:}
MacGregor - I've Never Been To Me
- Magazine U - A04 - Magazine
Tell Hillary and the gang that I have my own quadrennial plan in mind.
People will like mine. PS Back when I labeled certain people on the site as Wise Guys, I
didn't know that people called gangsters that... like Uncle Lou said, there are no
coincidences. Lou, the psychotronics guys wanna know, about that picture... you know, you
and the scroll on book day...:}
Richie - Say You, Say Me
1/3/2011 8:29am THis morning seems to have been about certain cops trying
to intimidate me more, and like always, doing thigns to taunt.. including letting me know
they are know using psychotronics on Lynns friends, Chris and Kathleen, to position Lynn
to complete her murder. This is standard MO for Weed & Seed, and I've already
documented the infiltration of the neighborhood, and criems committed by these people
under the direction of the quintessential dirty cop, and since it started in the same
county as wehn we moved here, it maes sense to me now that Baird and the local authorites
would want her dead, us separated, and me disappeared.
Ed, tell you friends, you screwed yourselves.. the Hague Rrport got a
little longer this morning, but thanks to the taunts, it will be much easier to prove the
case, including the efforts to prevent me from being able to get to the Jehovah's WItness
Church to get one final piece of evidence needed to irrefutable prove the PMS psyop as a
government murder plot, with the additional catch of disrupting that church with their
infiltrators, who I am certain were part of preventing them from contacting me...
Everything you people do, including threats of lies for false reports, always leads to all
of your convictions. Ed, I didn't know what your brother did to Lynn and I, but I guess
we'll be finding out soon... who'd have guessed I'd find the quintessential dirty cop and
prosecutor in one psyop. Sue me Ed. Mason County, I recommend you withdraw your support
for weed and seed, just to show good faith.
As always, while being tortured while reading the Bible last night, old
bFMAN was happy to have suppsoedly broken my connection to God.. as I read, anything I
read that's bad he tries toconvince me is a prophesy of nmmy death.. so I read on because
Hezekiah was not doing well, and he laughed at me.. and then I read on, and Hezekiah's
fate turned out to be the same as Job.... PSYOPS and shrinkswho help psyop people
are proof of sick perverts.. and accurately depict the people on the death squads.
I want to say one last time.. I don't have any predisposition against
police.. I've been set up to look like I'm some soert of militant, disliking police,
politicians, women.. none of that's true. At the same time, if you're a cop or authority
and you use your position to commit crimes and disrespect the constitution, civil and
human rights, and you think it's good work to rape and murder people.. then I'm all for a
national effort to clear the ranks of professional perverts. Now, if you want to consider
that any kind of threat from me in any way, just remember, you're the perverts, and only
your guilty conscience and true criminal nature would have you commit more crimes to cover
crimes... or to cover for other people... ask the dead cops in Lakewood what happens to
honest cops....
Just remember, folks, Barack Obama betrayed and deserted his Minister who
married him and supposedly preached to him for 20 years, he's had congress go after Rangel
and Conyers, the ACLU reports civil rights are going downhill since he took office, he
betrayed a whore in LA, his mother, grandmother, aunt, brother...you think he's going
tothink of you as anything other than collateral damage? Nazis are Nazis. If you reject my
use of that word, look it up in the history books. And then decide what you are.
For the fun of it, tell Huckabee that I'm going to set an example for what
doing the right thing means. And I hope he doesn't bother praying to God anymore.
- Stay The Night
- Lucky Star
Southern Comfort - Woodstock
1/4/2011 6:51am Woke around 3 or 4 finally gave up trying to sleep around
5. Tooth torture continues... it's a great way to satrt the day, being tortured.
This morning, the psychotronics, defying decency, the law, God, every
living thing, gave me some great ideas so they could get me to write about their depravity
as rapists, pedophiles and murderers. They keep pushing me to write the Hague materials,
and just like the Death Squad materials I was writing, torture has stoppe me. THey think
they're accomplishing something by proving to me they can stop me from doing anything..
They particularly want me to attempt to write the materials abotu Nazi propagandists, an
defiantly, shoving their sick crimes in my face and laughing, they gave me some great
ideas about how to make them look exactly as they are, starting with the story of the
women who get knocked unconscious so somebody can rape them or sell their unconscious
bodies to others for fun and profit, including the woman in Detroit who knows of a guy who
shot an anchorman point blank after psyopping them with psychotronics.. and she was
knocked unconscious and raped several times herself... a single woman living alone... and
of course there are the stories of Letterman and Conan O'Brien and others... and then, how
I was sucked in. Why is it tha tNBC defended Letterman from teh woman in NEw Mexico, when
he worked for CBS? WHy is it that Cho sent his materials to NBC in the middle of his
deadly rampage at NOVA. 32 dead. Ask Cliff van Zandt.. a pro like him would know, if
he was investigating crimes...
Thes stupid locals, BC, keep shoving this stuff in my face, including
tryign to convince me my efforts are futile by telling me all the crimes they've committed
against me and others, as well as what they plan to do with Lynn if I leave for help...
all sorts of things and in so doing, all they've done is caused me to recognize the
patterns of the individuals harrassing me, and given me info that will be actionable leads
and reasonable cause for criminal investigations...
I'll state again it was the government's crimes and psyops that lead me
into gathering evidence, for a justice system that I chose to beleive in, and they've done
such a good job at convincing me they are truly unjust, and that they really are Nazis as
they tell of their pride all the time... and they all think the idea of reporting it
to international authorities is the biggest joke. but I didn't ask the United States
Government with the help of the media to kill me, nor was I seeking, as a citizen, to
crimnalize anyone. Now, figuring the probabilities of me surviving the next step of
reporting all these crimes, it wil have my full energy, and thanks to the perverted
locals, the evidence is easy to produce, and does not even require mentioning
psychotronics, although it will be used to prove it...
The biggest sick Bibical joke of all was they wanted to prove to me they
could make me hate... and more, to hate the government, cuz the Bible says, don't hate the
government. I'll point out again that I don't hate the government of this nation, and for
fun, this is the closest thing I've ever come to actually hating the corrupt of the U.S.
Government.. and they're way beyond corrupt... and those people, I guarantee you, are God
damned, and no amount of torture to me or anyone else will ever change that. Tell Hillary
to ask the phony preacher to read the Bible and point that out to her. You can't beat God,
Hillary, Jay, and whatever the names of the sick fuck Rothcilds are... every time I get
tooth tortured, they tell me, does that tell you anything about what we think about you?
and I'm saying the same thing to the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers and the other Nazis
who are destroying this world. I say that as a citizen. And I claim my rights.
Magic Bible verses. Last night, as always, the stuff I read is context
sensitive to the day I had and clues about the day to come. Last night I read from
Isaiah... Chapter 60, verse 17... and remember, these psychotronics guys always try to
shame me by claiming Im only doing these things for money.. as if living wasn't a reason
to report crimes....
For brass, I will bring gold, and for iron, I will bring silver, and for
wood, brass, and for stones, iron; I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors
Of course, there's the story of when I lived in White City, Oregon, on the
corner of Peace and Justice. A police officer lived on Peace, and a minister on
Justice.... interpret it as you will............
Lennon - Imagine
Newton John and Cliff R - Suddenly
Top - Rough Boy
One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is getting to
California, and writing what I discover to be the end of the story so the United States
Government can make up a bunch of new lies to justify such absolute total perversion.
They'll get the hell they alwyas wanted, only they'll be the ones at the back of the
line, and at the bottom of the barrel.
10am Notes: Keep away from Chucky.. one o f the games the psychotronic
sand psyops guys like to play... sometimes I go into town, and notice people being
affected all of a sudden.. often giggling... but more, slowed down, like delayed and
in slow motion. Some with injuries that I know were caused by psychotronic "RC"
- Remote Control.. that allows operators to cause people's muscles and more react in ways
that cause accidents and problems... of course it all sounds weird, as designed, so that
victims would sound like they were making things up... with Lynn and I, the game they play
is to cause Lynn pain when I'm around, or to have her become upset over little things, so
that even when we're having hte most relaxing time, something happens to cause Dis-ease
and tension between us. That's CoIntelPro work. today was no different, as they purposely
used rc to grind my tooth, while she suddenly felt extreme pain, the same way she does
immediately after taking her Oxycontin pain medicine... as if to make her dread taking the
pain medicine. And they want me to feel guilty about recording our lives - destroyed by
the death squads...
Words and the bible: I always get a little bothered by the inference when
supposedly God is talking and it always talks like God did all this to make himself look
good.. for His Glory... and it never felt right... everyone lieks to feel good about
themselves, and be the best or acknowledged and all.. but the idea that God would have us
live simply to serve him like some sort of feudal king.. when Jesus told Peter that if
Peter washed his feet, he'd have to wash Peter's... if Jesus is just like God.. it just
doesn't make sense that God would that vain.. and after reading last night, I'm certain
tha when God was talking, His Glory was really his happiness that things were good for
people and the world... his glory.. his happiness and excitement that things are good...
The psychotronics guys re bored, adn want me, just like 2 years ago, to
appear to be criticizing every minister, especially on tv.. and I'm not gonna lie, I think
I hear lots of things I'd like to talk to a few tv ministers about, regarding how they
represent God's "messages" and ways. and I'm not even talking about PMS... but I
also know that the tv ministers are not truly representative of the people in community
churches in this nation, though I believe things do need to be straightened out with them
too... and if I had to recommend any church channels, frankly, I'd go with EWTN and
Yesterday, I think I got the alternator on the Camaro to work...
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 04 - Only Mama Knows Y a know, I always cringe when I
see that McCartney gets picked.. and wouldn't you know...
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 05 - Under African Skies - Paul Simon I was
thinking this morning, I should have gone to work in Africa...
McLachlan - Adia_live
12:41pm I'v egotten less than an hour's work, if a half hour, today, and
the rest of the time has been dealing with tooth torture as they try to rip the tooth out
of my mouth... and they are making it worse because they want me to keep mentioning it
becaus esome idiot shrink is probably lined up, Like Antles was, to claim I have mental
problems... I'll say again, anyone who does that WILL end up in jail.. documentation
proves psychtronics.. and your psychiatric manual updated specifically to cover these
crimes will not cover the crimes. Sick government paid psychiatrists are criminals. And
anyone who wants to talk about public hoaxes should start with CNN and Anderson Cooper.
denying the existence of psychotronics, despite CNN's knowledge of them, and being true to
his CIA training. He was described as the perfect example of a CIA propagandist: little
fact, lots of emotion and opinion. Much like Campbell Brown's hysteria abotu her kids
getting vaccinated, and other kids weren't, so the other kids suppsoedly posed a threat to
hers... even though they were vaccinated... that's propaganda.. just like her claiming
thermisol was proven harmless, and it isn't. According to CNN and the History Channel.
Mercury is bad for the nervous system
If you're Jewish and have chronic fatigue syndrome, have your doctor check
for heavy metals.. nanotech like that leaves you harmed by psychotronics and directed
energy weapons like cell phones transmissions and satellite broadcasts. I'm not joking. I
hear chelation therapy helps alot.
5:00pm All day, nothing but tooth torture, the last hour or so incredibly
extreme, all the while having to listen to a pervert tell me all the reasons why the
united States Government has the right to kill anyone they want.. and then told me the
reason they used directed energy weapons to try to kill Lynn was to cover up the Pastor
Melissa Scott Psyop, because Lynn said she was starting to understand the Aesopian... 10
dentists, $16,000 now a broken toe and an injured big toe.. the almighty united states
government... perverted to the core.. again.. note the reports in the Washington Post
regarding pedophile parties during the Reagan Administration... tells you all you need to
know about the U.S. Rockefeller CFR dynasty.
5:53pm I have now been told that Thurston County intends to bust me on
fraudulent charges in order to get the evidence and destroy it. 100's of other victims
will corroborate this sort of threat, as well as incidents that actually happened like
this... remember, Thurston County, these are your trusty death squads protecting you from
bad guys... if you like em so much, and let you represent you like this... check out
MK-Zine sometime... it's all about the victm who helped to track down harrassers of
MK-Ultra victims... guess where.....
I'm very clear these death squad perverts are going to try to perpetuate
the lie that the U.S. Government and the State of Washington are in compliance with the
law, using lethal weapons like toys on people who don't even know they're being
attacked... And there's nothing secret about it.. nothing classified.. and apparently.
they tell me, the Weed and Seed shrinks and lawyers all kepep telling them don't worry
about it, the DHHS and DHS will pick up the tab and take care of it... After some 12 hours
of torture today, they're having a good time laughing at destroying my teeth...
One other thing: if anyone ever tries to tell you the thign sthese
psychotronics people say, and the psyops do are just "psyops", like they're
harmless... wait til I put the lawyers on her case. The attacks on her have left a vital
woman demoralized and traumatized... and wondering what she might have done to deserve
being murdered... after saving 20 million lives, and working tosuport foundations and
organizations in the State of Washington in ways that would have made the best leader in
the history of the world proud to have accomplished so much... and now, her state is
killing her to cover their crimes of trying to kill her. If she was able to handle it
physically, I'd persue her case first. And any reporter that puts the bum rush on her,
given the cricumstances and the common knowledge of the attacks to harm her... better have
a good lawyer, because keeping her away from you right now is to protect her life and
preserve her public dignity, despite all the organized efforts to defame and kill her. And
every person, and I mean every person involved in what was done to her will regret..
legally.. becaus ethat will be the best way to shove it back inthe faces of Nazis who
think humiliating and exterminating someone like this is fun, and will be swept under the
There are lots of footstools in the world. God's day of justice will be
Christ Superstar - I Don't Know How to Love Him The apparent truth of Christians
in regard to God
Mocedades - Eres
- God Is In Control - 11 - I Know You Know
It' sin your jeans.. I guess that was Jezebel's way of telling me her job
was to try to attract a Jew/me to kill them... and to let them know way on the genocidal
U.S. Government.
Ayny of you legislators or cops who think I'm out of line for my comments,
try talking to a cop yourself about your excuses when the weed and seed and you use
sychotronics to rape someone next time. And then be tortured for 12 to 14 hours. I doubt
you'd have the patience I have to enjoy the idea of what a legal conviction is worth, when
proving a peaceful movement will defeat Nazis. Now have a good laugh at that, and think
about it seriously, because after 55 years, I'm still alive... after 10 years, I'm still
alive.. and your peopel are desperate and making mistakes everyday that they think will
vindicate them
Talk about delusional. Rapists and murderers of the death squads thinking
people will call them heroes.
& Messina - Danny's Song
AS the torture is continued...
7pm I've spent at least the last 45 minutes being tortured and questioned
regarding incidents with CNN and Kyra Phillips, the appearance of Mike Farrell and the
comments made by Lou Dobbs ending the interview, telling "Farrell", you've had
your sya, we 'll argue about it later... right befor ethe Iraq War, when Farrell and Dobbs
were not arguing about it but discussing it, right beofre Dobbs removed all his
transcripts leading up to that moment... the appearance of a presumed phony Melissa Scott
on CNN and then later on MSNBC, as well as the tie to THurston COunty and the infiltration
of the Jehovah's Witness Church where an aboviously prominent membe rof the church, named
Miss Scoot and looking like PMS... and other incideents that involved CNN and the denial
of psychotronics and dews by the Thruston County police when seeking info as well as then
being "forced" to answer questions I had not intended to discuss about CNN
attacking me, when the officer decide to do the standard routine of basically letting me
know he was classifying me as crazy.. which is what the polic edo when weed and seed death
squad victims seek help.. such will be shown when info is provided by a social worker in
FLorida who heard the story of a homeless victim (homelessness a major result
of death squads, so they can get people isolated and kill them without anyone noticing)
and called the police to get assistance for relief from the attacks on the victim, and the
victim and social worker were placed in a mental institution. A similar story will be told
by a former NSA transcriptionist, the wife of a Tennessee judge who met her husband's
mistress in the same mentla institution with the same symptoms: psychotronic and dew
These people say their laws give them the right to murder, rape and
torture people at will. I say, their laws will be their confessions.
And I recommend that legislators read the Constituion, right Sailor Boy?
I'm warning you sailor boy, everyone I've thought was a good guy turned out to be a
bad guy... and I don't care who gets convicted anymore. Being tortured all these years has
that effect on you. Like I said before, if God wanted me to learn anything at all, it's
why there is no mercy for the truly evil.
The tooth torture has now begun again. and they're saying, does that tell
you (Chuck) what we think of the law? That sort of remark will corroborated by hundreds
and thousands of people... and I'll bet that's just in Washington State... when this is
all over... At least Washington Satate set the precedent for the lethality of these
weapons.. and why they should have known not to give anyone authority to use them
For more info on the known lethality of these weapons, contact Richard
Haas of the Council on Froeign Relations.. and ask Ron Paul what his excuse is after
nearly 40 years for not telling people about the death squads now operating, and the
weapons he knows are being used.
When this case gets to a national ACLU suit, we'll ask Ron Barr what his
special counsel advice to the ACLU was.... and then ask the Libertarians to decide if he
fits the image of a good Christian leader standing up for the rights of citizens...
like Huckabee... I have this problem, Mike, everytime I use the word "mean" it
comes out mena.... Mike what will Christians say when they find out you know about
the weapons being used to persecute them in the end of days, and you didn't even tell
them? Amd to Sarah and Michelle.. are you telling people the death squads are killing
people now, or just preparing them to accept death squads for the future when you lose the
election? I'm gonna wanna know, and remember, I don't care who's guilty...
You DHS, DHHS and Weed seed, intel guys... read the constitution, and
think about how you'll explain to a jury and the world why you're not traitors and
murderers? And if you'r enot one of those, if you don't bust the ones who are, you are
aiding and abetting enemy combatants and terrorists.
I dare you to claim I'm wrong under oath. ANd always remember, you
guys came to kill us, we didn't do anything to cause this situation... can't wait to find
out who informed the state of washington we were targets after being psyopped and
psychotronicized in Washington DC/Maryland... this conspiracy, I thought, would be
difficult to explain. Not anymore.
Mac - Temporary One_live
PS to the peopelwho uploaded the materials to my dvr.. I have 17 PMS
shows, the 18th - with the picture in my office - got erased.. somehow... I have video of
the contents of the dvr from before the DNC convention... while your psychotronics guys
issue their insane threats of luring me away from home to steal my evidence by giving Lynn
another stroke...
At Work - Overkill
ANd to the guys who drive up annd sit infront of the tree in front of the
house, hiding like the Nazi cowards you are while hitting us with dews and
psychotronics.... wait til the world finds out what cowards Nazis really are. Especially
the ones who pose as EMT's on calls supposedly to make Lynn seem to have heart problems...
to cover the directed energy attacks/stroke. Didn't work out for ya, did it? Didn't kill
Kim Jon Il either... but it got Arafat and Sharon. Remember, before Viet Nam, 10 world
leaders were assassinated, includin gthe President of Viet Nam. That's part of how you
know global war is about to begin.. when they start killing the leaders of nations,
teachers, clergy...like Rumsfeld said, anyone who oppoeses the U.S. plan for global
military domination..... by China.
You can say I get a few details wrong every once and awhile, but rarely,
and even when I do, I get it right... digest that while you work your death squads under
the guise of protecting the United States from terrorists... go back to the weblogs and
the emails to Dobbs in 2002. What did I get wrong? Oh yeah, and Dreir... haven't heard ya
much lately.. did you and your friends close the borders yet? One more video that's
not that high on the list, but fun to keep handy for later.. California here I come...
Sissy football, huh?
- One - 101 - Feels Like It's Slipping Away
& Dave Matthews - Love Of My Life Eve liked Dave Matthews...
Paul & Mary - Five Hundred Miles Is California that far? Let's see, a 14 hour
drive at about... a 14 hour drive from... it's a pretty drive.. especially in a
Camaro.. that I might get working in a couple of days... and is stil better than Dobbs'
Escalade... Tell Victor, yes, I am tough.
The last couple hours of torture have been about supposedly establishing a
predisposition against police, which doesn't and never existed, and the few interactions
I've had, Thurston, tha twere not positive with police were becuase of police doing
illegal activities against me while harrassing me on behalf of Pete Wilson and Exxon
regarding the Exxon Valdez disaster.. and I won't back off on the multi-year
Exxon/Rockefeller CFR Connection to all of this, since I was 3 years old. I consider this
night and whole day of torture to be illegal depositions under force without consent and
under the diress of torture, and I will stand by that, and look up GITMO shrinks to
determine how the current psychotronics death squad members relatre to the torture at
Again, the United States Government proves it's Nazis, and Congress, The
CIA, Stanford and many more have been forced to admit the activities they brought home
from Germany... notice how the government has tortured me into stopping reporting,
speaking of religion, and beiong allowed to have any time to do anything but survive.
That's what Nazis do. And the laughin gpervert tortures me more... and he is idiot to
believe psychotronic swill not be proven against them, and thinks they can use it agains
tme. This is how stupid these intimidators are: I read an article the other day about
taking statements from people from other countries who are enemy combatants... while
tortured... I'm not foreign, I'm not an enemy combatant. ANd I am a jew being tortured by
the United STates Government, and I believe it actually is primaruily because I am of
Jewish ancestry, and to cover their crime of sabotaging my wentire life. You shrinks who
think I'm crazy for blaming everything on other people better look up the CIA, the Church
Committee, and what happens to lying, paid off shrinks working for Nazis.. just like
Rockefeller and Exxon pay supposed scientists to write false ecological reports so the
media can claim there is a doubt, for example, that global warming exists, in order to
cover up the fact it only exists because of HAARP and war... otherwise, this planet would
still be a clean place. Instead, we have irradiated oceans, people dying from government
experimentations of all kinds.. and they would daere call me an extremist for telling the
truth... they're the extremists...
I'm beginning to believe the best punishment for these people is to allow
any victim to work the controls on their attackers, after convicted... since these
perverts think it's so much fun to torture people.
By the way, Thurston, implants for soldiers isn't anything new, and it's
psychotronics... ask Jesse Ventura...
And for those who think they can confuse me.. it won't work like when you
zapped me to stop watching CNN.. because the only thing you had on me then was that I
lacked documentation, otherwise, I had the evidence all the time... and I wasn't confused,
I was attacked, as was Lynn and other people we knew... professional people we worked
with, and those who were our donors and board members... friends too... psychotronics...
when they visited... all I was counting on all along was for you perverts to get so
arrogant you'd make mistakes... thank you.
& Oates - Kiss On My List
It's amazing how arrogant murderers and rapists get when they're paid by
the U.S. Government.
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter
I'm now being threatened with more torture and sleep deprivation.. classic
symptoms of anxiety and so forth... and typical of the way these guys work to deiscredit
their victims .. emulations of maladies.. emphysema, heart trouble, high blood pressure,
diabetes, fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, ambien "sleep" disorder,
Lunesta.. all the coutner indications are cover ups for psychotonic and dew attacks...
and if your fingernails are getting wavy and ridged or you suddenly start losing
hair.. you're getting hit by directed energy microwave attacks, lethal doses over time,
CIA slow kill.. you just think you're tired, dizzy, have headaches or are anemic....
tell Antles I look forward to showing how he altered my medical records...
that's the one that will convict you all. And there's no way it was anything but a
- A Beautiful Morning
Millions of people will be helped by the end of the Nazi takeover of the
United States... including people being slowly and covertly murdered and death squads...
all you perverts in the death squads better know that all you've done is defeat
yourselves... no matter what you do to me...
10:36pm over 17 hours of tooth torture.. so bad, I can't eat... I tired
eating a tuna sandwich earlier, but it was painful.. and they're torturing me even harder
now.. they joke about breaking my connection to God, and instead, thanks to Victon in
Thurston Coutny, who they'r etrying to cover for for butchering my teeth along with the
other 10 dentists... while trying to read the Bible, I'm pretty sure they broke my toe
Time Warner and GE better call these people off. Cause I'm calling today
attempted murder.. again.. there will be a multitude of attempted murders and death
threats, including against the WSP. 17 hours of tortture.. can't wait to file the
charges and wipe the smiles off the faces of the peopel of Harstine and Shelton when they
look at me and smile like, I know you know we're killling, what are you gonna do about it?
i'mr eally glad to find out who these death squads are, how they operate, and who
to have arrested. Even more, to have them convicted so Thruston can have his wish granted
to haveme tell the jury, to taunt me at his invulnerability, to tell them he wants the
death penalty if he gets caught. I say, they all deserve it, because they keep taunting me
to ask for it because I'm against the death penalty... tell Hillary the atacks against
enamel dental appliances are going so well that even she won't be able to deny her unity.
1/5/2011 10:49am See notebook re Home Depot.. I can tell the profilers are
working hard.. this morning, trying to design a cabinet fo rlYnn's trailer, I got
attacked.. woke up around 4.. gave up going back to sleep around 7.. today so far
has been about BFMAN having me write of journal of torture attacks while trying to design
the cabinet.. and they still think psychotronics won't be proven. Clar\ealry, they want me
to saty away from ZThurston COunty because they know I have 100's of civil rights
violations against their death squads, which I have a n abundance of proof of. And the
profilers, of course, want it to look like the ramblings of a psychotic... they are
desperate, and they think all this torture with my teeth and now my feet, which may be
getting gangrene, is fun. What they do't know is the so claled doctiors reports thye have
will be proven to be baseless, false and a conspiracy. ANd by th e way, they already have
th einfo, they think they can get me to divulge things that aren't about me, they'r eabout
the conspiracy.
But, meanwhile, they have prevented me from completing the documentation
about the death squads and the genocide of Christians and Jews by the U.S. Government.
1/6/2011 7:59am Dobbs - long ago I wrote joking about Nostradamus and the
prediction that after the millennium, the greatest hoax against humanity would be
exposed... you also asked on the air once, are all skull and bones people bad... the
answer to both is, I think the greatest hoax is that the citizens won the revolutionary
war, followed by the next: tha tthe United States defeated the Nazis. And finally.. yeah,
apparently they are all very mentlaly ill sociopaths, murderers and worse... I had my
douibts about you when yu said on the air that you and Steven Forbes were friends.... and
all he ever really talks about is how great it is to be rich and be able to make deals,
and the people who were harmed or bankrupted - too bad, that's their problem.
It must be fun... the polliticians make themedia guys feel like big shots,
and get them to commit and laugh about their part in murdering people covertly.. and then
the media get the locals feeling like big shots while they murder people.. and it seems to
go down the line... and I know the media people know that what's being orchestrated is
what theNazis did, and the Germans didn't want to admit they were Nazis either... I think
the reason so many people come to the onclusion, and the psychotronics perverts like to
get people to call you Nazis becaus eit's a very dirty word, and like the big lie, it's
true.. and that's what you laugh about most... getting called what you are and then
laughing at getting people to laugh at those who are right... like hiring the most
perverted rapists and muerers in the world, and calling them homeland security, and arming
them and putting htem in things like weed and seed, and making them local heroes, wiping
out people, murdering them, having fun doing it knowing full well the people being
murdered are the ones who actually believe in Democracy and God... Only a real pervert
could enjoy being that deceitful....
It must be fun to "know" that Chrisitians are supposedly
pacified because they "know" that their oppressors will be sent to hell... and
then to torture them, and even more fun, to cause them to become evil, thinking they are
doing good, and even lying tothem about what happens to those you liars send them to
attack. Saw another JW on the death squads, yesterday... another BFMAN recruit, it
appears. More pieces of evidence.
To NBC and Olbermann and all the rest of you... nothing has actually
changed about my intent.. I know you people suppsoedly loaded me up with evidence tha tyou
believe "supposedly" would be a taunt knowig I didn't have money, let alone a
home, in order to make good use of it... so it's just a taunt... and these psyops guys are
doing the CNN bit of trying to make me feel it's all futile, cause I have hundreds of
people caught red handed... and it won't be futile, and I don't really care howit turns
out for me, byut assure you the pillars will fall, and the kings houses will be
destroyed... and they'll do it to themselves,. like the locals, stumbling all over
themselves to defend themselves against people who don't even know they had crimes
committed against them. BTK... at least Wolf told me the profile of the people I was
up against. So bored committing heinous crimes, the only challenges left are to dare
peopel to catch them, or die committing their crimes. U.S. Government Death Squad
personnel. Where your tax dollars go.
Anymore, it never surprises me who turns out to be a Nazi...
Remind the CIA, Cameronizing doesn't work.
Family - Summer Days
3:09pm It's been a difficult day for Lynn and myself.. Lynn being hit with
dews and making her sleep... feeling pain in her side... and tooth torture for me
nonstop.. as the United States Government says it wants to prove something to me by
killing me by torture, as if it could ever be justified. Thanks to the DOD and the
DHS and DHHS for proving to the world that OBama is every bit as sick and murderous as
every president since .... they have now proven to me, as if I'm impresssed, that they can
torture me and break my bones and keep me from writing or even eating, as they did again a
couple of nights ago, and th epain in my jaw is so bad today I can barely move it.. and
the United States Government death squad pervert is enjoying it.. tell Hackney I
hope he's ready to identify the Asian man who claimed to be your father, and Jackie too...
It's been another wasted day of illegal detention and a true
representation of the sickness that has overthrown this country.
Read the words of Jesus from Matthew last night, despite torture to break
my toes... people should read the words of Jesus... hopefully, alot of these perverts who
aren't actually christians will stop going to churches... and harrassing the real
Rogers & the First Editi - Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To
Klugh - Finger Paintings - A05 - This Time
Out Sister - Breakout
1/7/2011 7:54am Not much to say this morning. Awake since 4. Got new info,
Post... at least now I know the direct tie to the states and federal governments, so
at least the lawsuits just got that much easier.
I've seen alot of info in the last month or so in the few minutes I've
read news... it always stuns you when you find definitive information that explains the
treatment we've received, especially when that info supports assertions about activities
20-30 years ago.
WHen the WSP makes its next report on me to the FEDS and the JTTF's
around here, be sure to mention that we're the victims, and they'r ethe criminals. And
that what I read this morning proves that the United States is being overthrown by force
by the United States Government, fascist and Nazi.. if only these people knew how to read,
and actually understood why the constitution says what it says.. but they don't... and so
they revert to brutality. Fortunately, it will cause its own destruction.
The psychotronics guys are talking like this means they get away with it.
I disagree. Just the opposite. I have the right to criticize anything I want. And I
think the DHS is a bunch of U.S. sycophant cowards and traitors.
Sayer - Endless Flight - A45 - How Much Love
Young - Greatest Hits - 07 - Southern Man
- People Got To Be Free
8:33am Lynn's trailer.. psychotronics guys told me they'd wreck everything
I fixed, and it appears they're doing it. Repaired a leak in Lynn's trailer, went through
a few storms and ice and suddenly, it leaks again.. had a spot on my trailer that was ok,
now leaks again... great neighbors. How disgusting can people get? And how do they imagine
it will go unnoticed or unpunished?
1:47pm The U.S. Government has proven to me once again that it is so
criminal that it can't stand truth. Nazis are like that. For the record, Lynn wa sjust
deleting afew episodes of torchwood, and suddenly the contents of the entire dvr was
gone... and there's no way she could have done that. All you politicians, media people
authorites and local Death Squad Perverts.. I stand by everythign I say, and the truth is,
I needed very little on that dvr to make my case.. I have it on the other dvr and
multiple backups.
These were on a dish tv receiver.. of course, Directv had put an undelete
in their software a while back.. so like any computrer hardwdrive, I know it's there,
unless the governemnt wants to prove it's fear of the truth more by messing with that..
which will have no other recordings made on it in order to protect evidence.
Tell your psyops guys they need to get a beginner. Meanwhile, the leak in
Lynn's trailer may have been condensation after all.. and I don't know about mine...
Note: Peggy Delaney, UN, Lynn, re IMF: Nations working with IMF double
their national debt within 5 years. Rockefeller. A recurring theme.
The psychotronics guys want to brag that they've caused me extreme tooth
pain today... I'm glad to know the DHS thinks the evidence was destroyed.
1/8/2011 7:10am I was thinking this morning - woke around 4.. definitely
in a sleep deprivation period, about 5 hours a night... the psyops guys wanted me to
mention it so it would seem like I'm claiming anxiety so they can say I'm mentally ill :}
Sorry Cliffy, you really aren't that good at it, are you.. you need beginners....
Given the way I know governemnt/death squad/media psyops work, Ihad
already mentally figured tha tthe videos DISH erased off my dvr yesterdaywouldn't be
there.. because all along, the psychotronics guys were telling me Keith said that they
would be there as proof Keith isn't a Nazi.. of course, like with othes the psyops guys
wanted me to believe in and then get upset about when the big trauma hit, I was supposed
to get upset, hostile, vitriolic and worse.. Sort of like when I became alittle
depressed to think James Taylor was involved with the psyops for CLive Davis and
GE/Universal and CNN. Cliffy, I popped, years ago, that's why I'm so calm. Just remember,
CLiffy, the way I pop is I get serious about what I'm doing, and leave the benefit of the
doubt to the jury. So when it comes to the bimbo you're covering for, forget it... or
Dylan, or Rachel, or Keith or Chris or Ed.. I do have a voice, ed... same goes for
Kyra, Miles and Lou and Aaron and CIAnderson Cooper. Whatever other evidence I need I'm
sure I'll find in MAD Magazine... and whoever the bimbo is.. tell them in the future,
wwhen the government sys they'll cover for you, remind yourself that means they'll cover
themselves and let you take the rap.
And isn't it interesting I showed up at CNN, ready to show evidence and
reason why I was there, and they weren't interested in hearing that... sort of like Dave
and Conan's visitors...
I said long ago I wouldn't let the Federal Government scapegoat the
locals, and Ithat doesn't mean I let the locals off the hook. So Janet and Barack, good
luck, tell Leon hi and tell him the same message Ileft on the CIA webform when he first
took over the CIA. :}
Some people may not take seriously my claim of being a journalist. I think
you'd find lots of supposed professionals who'd say that, especially given all the
attacks, I've done a good job as an investigative reporter, and even though these attacks
destroy evidence and obstruct justice, I have more than enough in so many directions and
so many witnesses to the parts...
More and more I understand thing sin the Bible, why they would work out
the way they would. For example, I'm into prison reform and rehabilitation, but I'm not
one who likes the dea of letting prisoners out because of space limitations, I belieeve in
law and order.. but now tha tI know how many people have been setup for crimes to fulfill
the Stalinistic goals of the Council on Foreign Relations, and how many people were
instituitonalized and marginalized with bogus mental illness charges, them fully well
knowing they were being attacked from psychotronics...
Let's just say, I fully understand how a peaceful movement could defeat
the Nazis/Satan...
About the videos erased.. my real reaction.. thank God I don't have to
pour through them and watch them to gather evidence. 130+ hours saved... I still have
hundreds of hours...
Now, let's see if DISH puts an undelete function on their dvr like Directv
did :}
The harder it gets, the easier it gets... what fools...
Got in another half hour on the death squad piece.. Keith you'll
love the memories of Christimas 2009, as will your LA co-conspirator... the King's Houses
WILL be destroyed. peacefully of course, wherever they are across the United States.
A Majority of One... that has a new twist, doesn't it?
McCartney - We All Stand Together
Cosby - Noah _ Me and You Lord
Empire Strikes Back - The Clash of Lightsabers
Lou, God's empire is the one that will last.. wait til you see the new
synagogues of Satan section... some old Hague Germans will recognize the symptoms... and
the fun part abnout psychotroncis is knwoing that my brain is like a dvr, and before
we disable psychotronics..... as for the satellites, Lou, that's up to you guys. Ask
China. As for me, I liked living without telephones and electricity. And about
audactiy and the soon to be united nations.... it'll be nice when this is over, but the
sufferin g will have been worth every minute when the results are delivered, anepople find
out what freedom feels like for the first time.
Henley - Dirty Laundry
8am Oh yeah.. got some real good psychotronic broadcasts while walking
around Home Depot the other day... including how they confused me so I didn't buy some
things I wanted to get... I hope the guy who's proud of his boy scout will find his boy
scout proud of him when he explains how the people he works with rape and torture people
for the government.
5:47pm The psychotronic sguys wanted me to say that they're proud to be
Nazis, and to prove it, they're going to do Auschwitz in America on me to prove they're
above the law.
That's typical sociopathic psychotronic talk theat the GITMO shrinks have
done to detainees for years... Meanwhile as I've pointed out, the DHS is like NAzis..
tonight on the History Channel, Hitler's Bodyguard, about how Hitler hired street thugs
and started the SS.
Meanwhile... tooth torture started early this morning, and of course, as
food was prepared, it intensified.. I ate one piece of chicken, and it was extremely
painful.. and these guys are laughing... that's the United States Government for you. No
matter how you look at it, it's the United States Government, Barack. Tell your rapists
and torturers I'm laying the blame on your back.
Meanwhile, Lynn had a very bad day of pain, and she's being hit by
directed energy weappons, while the psychotronics guys taunt me by saying they'll claim to
the public that I don't care. Meanwhile, the guys doing the tooth torture say they're
specialists at tooth torture for the government.
Right now, their favorite things to do are to torture me while eating,
reading the Bible, and rebreaking my toes everyday. What a great government.
- Like a Virgin
Top - Rough Boy
Hermits - Listen People
We don't like people who don't like Nazis because we're supposed to kill
people who don't like Nazis. That's the latest piece of sickness by the
psychotroncis guys. Ask CLiffy, the sure sign of a true psychotic like these guys is their
competition to get their crimes mentioned... right Cliffy.. and tell Rick Cain he can
protect his assets all he wants, but given he's CIA, I'm assuming he means all the people
you're pysopping. And I have lots of proof of psychotronics. Lots of it.
6:34pm Earlier, Olbermann, your pervert frinends who think you're off the
hook told me the theme of the report of how Naazi propagandists like you have negative
effects in the world, all leading up to Christmas 2009, 0f course... and of course, since
your frineds at DISH erased the DVR, they' caused Lynn to be moaning in pain and wishing
she was dead. That's the result of Nazi propagandists. And again, anyonme who thinks
I"ll back down must be insane. Remember, Keith, these are your perverts, defending
all of you at GE/Universal and CNN... sue me. Notice the threats and continued violent
crimes don't work, and I dare you to face any of this in court.. and of course, I'm not
tlaking to Olbermann, I'm talking to Obama, Napolitano, Ge/ Time Warner, the Rockefellers
adn any other sickos who believe covertly murdering millions of people is a good way to
change a culture.
Thes sickos want me to include all sort of thing stha thave happened that
are appropriate for court, and with corroborating witnesses, the atrocities this
government commits will be confirmed. And Cliffy and all you other profilers.. good luck
making ME out to be the mental case in this situation. And you'd better believe i will
assert genocide, which will easily be confirmed or denied by the world health
organization.. given the torture, I already know the answer. ANd you rlaws admitting
psychotronics and dews is your confession.
Excuse the typos. I'm getting extreme torture right now.
Russell - Leon Russel - 12 - Masters Of War (Old Masters)
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 06 - Nature
Hardcastle - Living In Oblivion - 007 - 19
1/11/2011 8:32am
Survey: Americans don't know much about religion
By RACHEL ZOLL, AP Religion Writer Rachel Zoll, Ap Religion Writer
Tue Sep 28, 12:02 am ET
A new survey of Americans' knowledge of religion found that atheists, agnostics,
Jews and Mormons outperformed Protestants and Roman Catholics in answering questions about
major religions, while many respondents could not correctly give the most basic tenets of
their own faiths.
Forty-five percent of Roman Catholics who participated in the study didn't know that,
according to church teaching, the bread and wine used in Holy Communion is not just a
symbol, but becomes the body and blood of Christ.
More than half of Protestants could not identify Martin Luther as the person who inspired
the Protestant Reformation. And about four in 10 Jews did not know that Maimonides, one of
the greatest rabbis and intellectuals in history, was Jewish.
The survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life aimed to test a
broad range of religious knowledge, including understanding of the Bible, core teachings
of different faiths and major figures in religious history. The U.S. is one of the most
religious countries in the developed world, especially compared to largely secular Western
Europe, but faith leaders and educators have long lamented that Americans still
know relatively little about religion.
Respondents to the survey were asked 32 questions with a range of
difficulty, including whether they could name the Islamic holy book and the first book of
the Bible, or say what century the Mormon religion was founded. On average, participants
in the survey answered correctly overall for half of the survey questions.
Atheists and agnostics scored highest, with an average of 21 correct answers,
while Jews and Mormons followed with about 20 accurate responses. Protestants overall
averaged 16 correct answers, while Catholics followed with a score of about 15.
Not surprisingly, those who said they attended worship at least once a week and considered
religion important in their lives often performed better on the overall survey. However,
level of education was the best predictor of religious knowledge. The top-performing
groups on the survey still came out ahead even when controlling for how much schooling
they had completed.
On questions about Christianity, Mormons scored the highest, with an average of about
eight correct answers out of 12, followed by white evangelicals, with an average of just
over seven correct answers. Jews, along with atheists and agnostics, knew the most about
other faiths, such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. Less than half of Americans
know that the Dalai Lama is Buddhist, and less than four in 10 know that Vishnu and Shiva
are part of Hinduism.
The study also found that many Americans don't understand constitutional restrictions on
religion in public schools. While a majority know that public school teachers cannot lead
classes in prayer, less than a quarter know that the U.S. Supreme Court has clearly stated
that teachers can read from the Bible as an example of literature.
"Many Americans think the constitutional restrictions on religion in public schools
are tighter than they really are," Pew researchers wrote.
The survey of 3,412 people, conducted between May and June of this year, had a margin of
error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, while the margins of error for individual
religious groups was higher.
1/12/2011 148pm Down goes Frazier.. preliminary diagnosis: breast
cancer... charge: conspiracy, forecasting actions.
Tooth torture continues: the psychotronics guys wanted me to mention that,
as they really believe the old days are still here, and psychotronic scan' be proven.
Standard MO, as Mazlett knows, is that when these death squads strike, police are told to
treat victims as mental patients... despite their knowledge and use of the weapons
described. Ask Thurston. The MO's are so standard and simple, any 2 year old would connect
the dots.
I keep looking for memories of other people who have
introduced themselves, showing me they were involved in the psyops, and then emerging
later as an active participant, especially the ones hundreds or thousands of miles away...
and how they're used to set up the murder. Or the implications of obsession and obsessive
ompulsive behavior.
Almost cut my thumb off yesterday... reminded me of the psyop when my
neighbor decided he'd tell me how to build the deck....
Magic Bible verses are always magic, answering the questions of the day,
and giving me good advice for the times.
I'm kind of tired from months of continuous torture, and sleep deprivation
caused bty psychotronics. Tell the shrinks it won't work, it's a repeat, it wouldn't have
worked anyway except to further establish conspiracy by the U.S. Government and the Weed
and Seed and the medical people you hire to kill people. Like Ed Shuster said, they're
using health care as a weapon... I'm proof.. so is Lynn.. and God damn those who
particpate in this sort of mass murder...
Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
Rundgren - The Very Best - 05 - Couldn't I Just Tell You
Cale - New Orleans
delivered by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on
January 6, 1941
The nation takes great satisfaction and much strength from the
things which have been done to make its people conscious of their individual stake in the
preservation of democratic life in America. Those things have toughened the fiber of our
people, have renewed their faith and strengthened their devotion to the institutions we
make ready to protect. Certainly this is no time for any of us to stop thinking about the
social and economic problems which are the root cause of the social revolution which is
today a supreme factor in the world. For there is nothing mysterious about the foundations
of a healthy and strong democracy.
The basic things expected by our people of their political and
economic systems are simple. They are :
- Equality of opportunity for youth and for others.
- Jobs for those who can work.
- Security for those who need it.
- The ending of special privilege for the few.
- The preservation of civil liberties for all.
- The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and
constantly rising standard of living.
These are the
simple, the basic things that must never be lost sight of in the turmoil and unbelievable
complexity of our modern world. The inner and abiding straight of our economic and
political systems is dependent upon the degree to which they fulfill these expectations.
Many subjects connected with our social economy call for
immediate improvement. As examples :
- We should bring more citizens under the coverage of old-age
pensions and unemployment insurance.
- We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care.
- We should plan a better system by which persons deserving or
needing gainful employment may obtain it.
I have called
for personal sacrifice, and I am assured of the willingness of almost all Americans to
respond to that call. A part of the sacrifice means the payment of more money in taxes. In
my budget message I will recommend that a greater portion of this great defense program be
paid for from taxation than we are paying for today. No person should try, or be allowed
to get rich out of the program, and the principle of tax payments in accordance with
ability to pay should be constantly before our eyes to guide our legislation.
If the congress maintains these principles the voters, putting
patriotism ahead pocketbooks, will give you their applause.
In the future days which we seek to make secure, we look forward
to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.
The first is freedom of speech and expression --everywhere in the
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own
way-- everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world
terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime
life for its inhabitants --everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear, which, translated into world
terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough
fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression
against any neighbor --anywhere in the world.
That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis
for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the
very antithesis of the so-called "new order" of tyranny which the dictators seek
to create with the crash of a bomb.
To that new order we oppose the greater conception --the moral
order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions
alike without fear. Since the beginning of our American history we have been engaged in
change, in a perpetual, peaceful revolution, a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly,
adjusting itself to changing conditions without the concentration camp or the quicklime in
the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working
together in a friendly, civilized society.
This nation has placed its destiny in the hands, heads and hearts
of its millions of free men and women, and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God.
Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who
struggle to gain those rights and keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.
To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
Tull - A Passion Play - A45 - A Passion Play Edit 6
& Messina - House At Pooh Corner
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven
I was just listening to some music.. heard Gordon Lightfoot - Rainy Day
People.. my kind of people... I was thinking about how that book Beginner's Guide to the
Afterlife described heaven so well ... aexcept for the shunning part. These rainy day
people are the reaons why shunning would never happen. And everybody would care
llike this.
1/14/2011 6:15pm The torture continues as the U.S. Government continues to
taunt me to prove it can stop me from writing and violate my civil and human rights
without anyone's intervention, or concern for wha tthe world thinks of this nation.
Imagine what it's like to have peopel ripping out your teeth while you're
trying to eat, after torturing you for and hour or so before dinner so that your jaw
muscles become sore and it's difficult to chew or open your mouth. Imagine writing this
and having the peopel who do it to you laughing at you while you write it.
Tonight, the psychotronics guys thought they'd intimidate me more by
spending time convincing me they were DHS agents, torturing me while I ate, and then
laughing and asking "is this enough like Auschwitz for you Chucky?"... and then
telling me how much the DHS is a bunch of Jew haters.
Personal note: check BFMAN's entrance into the weblog psyop setup with the
video of him and his people. MO. If you know what ot look for, even the psyops with
all sort s of plausible deniabiliteis work themselves into a corner where no matter what
they do or say, they have to convict themselves to defend themselves.
Something about aloha and shalom.
I still read the bible almost every night, despit etorture, and te
paradigms lately have all been the same: either, the people have turned their backs on
God's ways and destroy themselves, or they do God's work supposedly their own ways and
think they did the job but while doing it their way, they destroy themselves, or I walk
away and everybody finds out later tha teh government forced me out and got the country
labeled anti-christ and Nazi.... and then the rest of Revelations kicks in..
Last night, I found some old archives of early Democratic Fundamenetalism
pages... had a page of quotes from Council on Foreign Relations people...
you'll love these, proves their Nazi ways, also agrees sometime swith my father's opinion
that the Tri-Lateral plan theoretically could work, but would likely fail due to
corruption and absolute power... it'll be on Creation 2012 one of these days. Here's the link...
of course, as always, Moyers has the quote that still makes him my favorite Council on
Foreign Relations Member, and proves that all members and associates are not all bad,
unless they front the CFR agenda, and then they're part of them whether they admit it or
Gicven how these people like to use these weapons fror
pleasure while torturing others, knowledge of these crimes at the lvel of national politic
shgives no one any excuse for overlooking it. For people with security clearances, I can't
believe they require you to commit treason, but in fact, would require you to report it.
Tell Sailor Boy, I'm not beaten, I won't quit, and no matter what they do
to me, the reports will be filed...
Williams - Hey Good Lookin'
- Harden My Heart
Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore
1/15/2011 5:29am I was awakened at around 3am this morning to tooth
torture and psychotronics... I gues the pervert down the road couldn't sleep.. the thing
is, these people get people like us, targeted by the pervert death squads, to end up
writing journals about our torture as if it makes us seem crazy.. the problem these
perverts have these days is that the evidence and proof of their perversion on behalf of
the U.S. Government is the very laws theysay give them permission...
Isn't it odd I love on Isalnd with Jewish name where racists live and make
fun of killing Jews and goes out of their way to prove they've infiltrated the churches.
Isn't it interesting how the state government sponsors the murder and rape of a woman
who'se devoted her life to helping children, and even her students from 40 years ago
contact her from time to time and tell her what an inspiration she still is to their
By theway.. I still have mor ethan enough evidence to convict the
politicians... directly involved with torture and psyops... as well as the stupid locals
who thought it was so fun to make sure I knew they were committing crimes against us as if
it proved they were above the law.
Isn't it interesting the perp who woke me up this morning, nearly my age,
didn't know that we didn't beat N Korea back in 1958, we were driven out. And That we lost
Viet Nam, as if we had a chance in the first place after France had fought the same war
for 30 years and gave up before we got there, and both wars were actually against China..
and the idiot didn't know that... and theya ll think they're so smart.
The United States can not win a war against N Korea without nuclear
weapons, and if we go to war against hem, we will be fighting China, and North Korea was
sold a reactor for PyongYang by the United States so it couldn't make nuclear weapons, and
so we could claim they are a nuclear threat today.
And I guess that they don't even know that, is more reason to beleive
these are a bunch of uneducated cowardds who bring people here to murder them because
they're too stupid to do honest work. And they don't even care that everything they do is
just like they did in Germany before World War II.. and the Germans didn't claim to be
Nazis either... as if their murder and genocide would be excused.
I'm glad Barack confessed at Normandy. It will make a perfect example of
the deceit of these cowards. And I'm ooking forward to using the evidence I have to
convict the media, and the ministers who do evil to do good, and have anything at all to
do with these Nazis. And I will easily prove they ARE Nazis. And oh by the way, delusional
psyop shrinks... I'm not the only person who will be giving evidence and
testimony... so tell Thurston, all he did was screw his commanders. And thanks.
Horton - Sink the Bismarck
Feliciano - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Last night's Bible reading was the story of David killing Goliath... ready
to screw yourself again, Olbermann? Got another bimbo handy? ANd I dare you to look me
straight in the eye after the trials... Keith, I'm well aware you're just o ne more
pervert point man to kill U.S. citizens and make them out to be fools so the government
can discredit those being murdered by the death squads.. but you still do it, and you seem
to enjoy it. No mercy for the evil. That goes for your friends, I don't care about your
job, but your bosses will be exposed for what they are. And you'll go down with
them, because you're so damned wiling. And that goes for all your friends too. Sycophants,
Nazis, and acquiescents... I always said I didn't like brown noses.. brown shirts..
I hate em... tell Baird he failed.
I'll get caught up on the gossip and rumour news that's actually
irrelevant soon. I think I have more important things to tell people that you Nazis are
afraid to have known,.. and the beautiful part is, I'll be telling the truth.
8:01am THe latest gem from the U.S. Government psyops perverts "WEe
will continue to betray this country because we use psychotronics and no one can detect
who we are, so we can get away with it"
It would be easy for someone to say I made that up, and the numerous other
obnoxious things I claim the U.S. psychotronics guys say... however, hundreds of witnesses
will attest to the same perverse treatment. Years ago, psychotronics was a big
secret. Not anymore. Rope a dope works. And they continue to do it to themselves like true
textbook headling exaples of serial rapists.... the specialty in all CIA based psyops. The
CIA wrote the book for Weed and Seed.
And for those who think that I write about is "extremist"... the
truth is often harsh. But it's the truth nonetheless.
Personal note: Ambien: Murder of Michael Jackson.
Nyro - And When I Die_live
4:38pm Tortured since 3a.. I got in about a half hour of work this
morning, and then I was tortured to the point of getting nothing else done.. meanwhile, a
new guy who calls himself BF jr, a guy obviously a student of THruston's.. and from
what I can tell, is the same guy I'll later be charging with assault with his vehicle and
3 other cars while exiting the freeway at Shelton... I have video of him, the others their
licenses and vehicles and faces... and it would appear his wife is on the island, having
been assigned to harrass me everytime I lef tthe house.. i have multiple videos to verify
these things... he also claims to be a member of bridge community church on the island.
I'm fairly certain I've videoed other people trading license plates and cars, including
commercial vehicles without commercial plates. And the El Camino I bought a long time ago
had Weed and Seed plates... just like the plates given me for the Camaro that the
State of Washington refused to renew....
Meanwhile, this new guy is hammering me all day with Thurston and the guy
down the road helping, and I go out to the trailer, and it's leaking worse.. Lynn's
trailer... and the thing is, the leadk that was happening was very minor, but there was
evidence of opin holes and more in the seal that I had repaired and worked over
aweek ago... so that it's leaking more is rediculous, becaus eall I did was put sealant on
seams that weren't leaking, except for maybe th epart that was tampoered with, and
fortunately, yhe sealant is clear and the pinholes will be visible... someone also had
taken off other sealant I put in other places that weren't leaking completely...
They torture me like this, and even get me to writ e in my weblog..
because they think I'll be traumatized by their continued harassment, destruction of
private property and psychotronic torture, dew attacks.... and BFJR is proud ofhimself.. I
estimate he's about 23-24 years old, insane with the adrenaline rush of crime, and his
mentor, his idol THruston, must be lying to these peopel about the legalities of what they
do... unfortunately, his mentor trapped himself in too many interwoven dialectics.. and
now they'r esaying they';re going to start an arguement between Lynn and I, or send her to
the hospital, to make sure we're separated in order to prevent me from gathering evidence.
Thurston claims it's his speciality,. A couple of remarks from one of his neighbors makes
it clear he is that, and taught the guy down the road too..
More than 13 hours of torture, destruction of private property, mor
eillegal detention and absolute proof of Nazi activities. ANd when I check the videos,
it'll be interesting to note that THurston was on the scene when I was pushed to claimed
they were Nazis, and the attempt was made to make it look like my beef as with the police,
not the federal government, and appartently Thurston actually decided to read what I wrote
and is now going to realize his intel was way off base. And I can prove psychotronics, and
I don't even have to. The thing you can count on from thugs is that their goon squad
mentality always has them do more things that make their crimes obvious.. and these guys
made it way too easy, and then I'll prvove the psychotronics.. and all their rape victims
will be carryting signs outside the coruthouse, just like with Letterman, that say
"He'll rape you with his mouth". Another one of Thurston's specialties that he
teached his students.
Sue me Thurston. And by the way, thanks for looping the LA dialectic back
to Olympia and the infiltration of the churches. Tell the apostate, that'swhat the weblogs
were for.. even though at the time, I was just going back and forth with the politicians
and media.. while surviving.. waiting for the evidence to present itself enough to
prosecute..... and they're still making jokes about the Hague.
Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - Don't Let 'Em Take Your Gun
When Jews find out the U.S. has been killing them for decades in the
United States, and Muslims find out that the Middle East is being inundated with
radiation to kill them and steal their oil.... and the Hague finds out NBC is producing
lies as cover stories for government crimes..... and then the killings of those
Lakewood Police are looked into, and they find out it was a Weed and Seed victim
Read you rBible for how this turns out... when all the people set up
for crimes get out, and the real criminals are incarcerated.
Like they always said, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have
guns.... that's why the government wants to usurp the constitution by taking your
weapons.. and they'll be the only ones with the guns.... the Grand Funk cut was a
random pick... but, then, I have a right to defend the constitution, and Thurston's
a perfect example of why.
Mathis - Chances Are
Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand
Have you noticed, since Thurston, BFMAN, how the weblogs are about
nothing but torture, covering for the national media and politicians... Sue me... just
remember, it'll be recorded as obstruction of justice and conspiracy. Not to mention at
least 3 attempts at murdering Lynn and I in your jurisdiction.
& Marie Osmond - A Little Bit Country
1/16/2011 4:43am Last night's Bible reading had me decide on a sermon for
today.. it's no surprise, given the topic, that Thurston - and the guy making noise
outside my window right now - nothing new - would want me to not get to it.. sleep
deprivation... awakened at 3 am, torttured, and THurston questioning me as usual...
the problem with these dialectics, wehn thye are reperated, is that they leave a pattern.
If there's any pattern to any of this, it's Thurston County Sheriff covering for CNN, as
pointed to in my original 2002 complaint to the FBI. THurston County now has more things
to cover than I can think of right now, wso the idea of putting that Sheriff on me makes
sense..and the encounters will prove the pattern of coverups... and the supposed
embarrassment I would have will not embarass me for any reason.. Even the Secret Service
covered for CNN. Lou, did you tell Klein I'm not the fool your intel reports originally
told you I was? And Lou, be sure to tell him that just because I wrote silly lines -
mostly induced by psychotronics - and make complimentary remarks - it doesn't mean
that I've absolved anyone of any of the crimes comitted against us. For the Love of the
World proves Time Warner interference. And thanks to Brittany and Melissa on CNN, the
blasphemy, conspiracy, an conspircy against Christians and religions wil be obvious by the
Skull and Bones - Time Warner and GE.... and if there's anyone or anything that you guys
have convinced nme of, it's the lack of innocence of the people in LA at the psyop
receiving end, and the lack of innocence of the infiiltrators of the locla churches.And
Thurston, I truly hope "Sister Scott" and her husband are iin Weed and Seed. And
I don't even know what "Sister Scott's" first name is. And there is no public
hoax on my part in any way. I hope your infiltrators say differently. Please tell Ed
coercion wil now be addedto the list of crimes. And that even though THurston and Jr are
being used as last gasp throwaways, I won't let you scapegoat them either, ED. I hate
brownnoses, brownshirts, and dirty politicians, especially those who are scapegoated when
following orders.
When I first started writing to Dobbs, I told him of "vaccuum events
- things people would do that individually, would be isolated minor things, but when it
happens a hundred times, it means someone's doing it on purpose. I was talking about
corporate office politics.... I knew nothing of psyops...
Barack wa a perfect choice because he's black, and of course,anyone who
accuses him of anything is automatically labeled a racist, so he was a perfect choice and
perfect timing to be used to silence me and the federal charges gainst him and his
co-conspirators. Olbermann is perfect because he has a Jewish last name.
Long ago, I showed DObbs a thing tracking CFR and othe conspircy
organizations' members ppearing in the media and in goernment fronting the CFR agenda....
it unfortunately pointed out that many of these people had Jewish last names, so I
rejected the idea of publishing that particular study,even though it was about much more
tha about people with Jewish last names and the supposed Jewish conspiracy, alot of it
very accurate but based on a Jewish conspiracy, and obviously the people didn't know about
Druids in 70ad or that the hoax of the Protocols WAS that it was Jews... the conspiracy,
not by Jews, was real though. And as for a supposed Jewish last name of Olbermann, plenty
of Germans with similar names acquiesced to the Nazis. And not just Germans.
It's a more than 100 year plan for the Skull and Bones tomerge with
Russia... that's why they executed Nicholas the Czar long ago, so that Skull and Bones
infiltrators could begin to take over on behals of the British Empire, previously
overthrown by the ROthchild Illuminati... Waterloo, stock market crash, peenies on the
dollar for Britains corporations... just like in the U.S. now...
Gorbachev took Reagan's threats seriously, and also went along with its
ancestry. When Bush came along, I think Putin decided to play Bush for a sucker, passive
aggressive, to help take the Illuminati down... because he smelled a rat.. and oh by the
way Sarah, if you watch the history channel, you' know the Bridge to nowhere was never to
nowhere, it was built in anticipation of the merger... just like the dam in the middle of
the desert in Africa, built in anticipation of global warming, the final Rhodes takeover
of Africa and its development as farmland for the rest of the world, destroyed by
poollution and radiation, and apparently Bill Gates wanted tobe the hero there... as a
knight of the British Empire.. MSNBC broadcasting there now... and the only problem
with that future outlook for Africa is that scientists have proven that all the pollution
from Europe and the United States falls on Africa. England is sinking, and they need a
place to move... where will they go, now that England is being polluted by the radiation
from our bombs and bullets in Afghanistan.
The illuminati is getting rid of the United States and Britain befor
emovig to CHina and making the global governement in Turkey, but for now, the Green Zone
in Iraq... if you're a diplomat going there to meet with the New World Order, remember,
Iraq is irradiated so badly, that it's rare to have a child without a deformity there
anymore.... It's called genocide. Viet Nam knows that story.
It's pretty obvious to me that the U.S> government doesn't actually
want me to go to Claifornia or aanywhere else but here because in California, there are
people who know who I am, and others with answers to very simple questions that will bring
the iIlluminati down gloabally. I'm glad the State of Washington has made it so clear that
they are in step with the Nazi agenda. Illegal detention, torture, rape, attempted murder,
theft, destruction of property, and violations of every civil right you can imagine... if
I was Thurston, I'd take my accountants' advice.. CYA. Cause Thurston, I think they
set you up to take the fall.
I'd go to a dentist, but after 11 dentists total, I'm very clear and aware
of the mo of ruining people's teeth.. by the DHHS... Thurston was talking about - with the
guy down the road - about how i said I wouln't go to any more phycisicians in this state..
true to form, these psyops people always try to force you to do things you say won't do
for a matter of principle.. that's why they're doing sleep deprivation on me now.. just
like in 2002 and 2003 - and it's not anxiety...and they asked me, what would get me to go
to a dentist in Washington State.. and I told them there was only 1 dentist I would be
willing to go to - Catherine Ketcher - and the only way I would do that is if she
called me to make an appointemnt - which isn't going to happen - but would be the only way
and the onlyone.. and then of course, I'd help her get wealthy by suing the government for
coercion... I still have the xray shield. ANd when I told her of my situation, babbling on
due to sensory deprivation, she gave me the blanket, and said, I hope they don't come
after us....
I'll be sending attorneys back to help her too.
ED, ask Thurston why he knows I won't quit. :} And why he should be glad I
ddn't seek refuge with that government assassin.. that's not adeath threat, that was
a real thing to let you know if 'd gone to him, the intel would have been interesting, and
I think I would have been welcome there for avery long time... but at least their
moonshine allowed me to sleep.. all it took was a whetting of the tongue, and I was
asleep.... bttw, some of the evidence destroyed had to do with making
"trinkets"... and a perverse prophet made on an attempt to murder both of us.
Can't wait to see the vdideo made of the fundraing event in Burbank, now in the possession
of the new Executive Director of the Peace Alliance...who I coached... and when they get
hasseled more, that case will be solved as well.. I mean the infiltration and memo 46ing
of the Peace Alliance... I hope Kucinich has learned to squirm...
Personal note: Ambien: Psychotronics: Dews: The Murder of Michael Jackson:
Auschwitz in America. I won't back down on that. ANd all indications are that it will be a
reasonable charge and investigation.
Like I said in the beginning, once Democracy is restored, everything is
possible. And it's no coincidence, with God, all things are possible. But the United
States blesing sof God are on their last legs, because the history is clear: when the
people turn their backs on God and make the government God, God doesn't trurn his back,he
just walks away and lets the evil destroy themselves.
Last chance for the United States, and you all hope in the
Illuminati - CFR- and politics as usual. Just like U.S. Rep John Hall of Orleans. A
oformer favorit group of mine that seems to have forgotten "Plutonium is
Forever"... John Hall.. a quintessential example of a fallen angel... like James
Spoonful - Summer in the City
Rundgren - The Very Best - 04 - Hello It's Me
Horton - Sink the Bismarck
PS James: At least Todd had the guts to try...
Rundgren - Healing - 11 - Tiny Demons
Kucinich: Re: Often imitated, never duplicated:
Rundgren - Healing - 01 - Healer
FRianl PS: S;eep deprivation Psychtoroncis, and someone for the last week
letting air out of our car tires... makes sure I don't make it to the Kiingddom's Hall to
make friends and go to church, with people I believed would have been my best friends.
Infiltration and government psyops are effective, and more effective to someone like me
who will not hesitate to file charges globally. At least, this many years down the road of
government death squad efforts.
7:24am Just talked to Lynn. I woke around 3am, got up after 4. She says
she didn't get to sleep until 3am, and woke around 6:30 or so.. sleep deprivation.. bimbo
setups.. infiltration of churches, same exact psyops as in 2002-2003... the locals
apparently think keeping me busy writing about this attempted murder on Lynn, a new
separate charge, and the other property destruction, including the tire I'll be videoing
later... and their problem is, no matter what, it all still adds up to the conviction of
the United States Government for illegally hiring mercenaries to act as their death squad
murderers.. and Thurston.. I tak eback the part about you being a throw away. anyone who'd
take part in torturin gLynn to death must be a complete pervert. Good luck Ed. There are
always certain things in common to a conspiracy.. the name Holm is one of them. And Keith
Olbermann.. over and over again... and erasing the videos was the stupid, most
incriminating thing DISH TV and Thurston and his local friends ever did.
THruston says they're going to steal all my evidence and then charge me
with perpetrating public hoaxes... tell MSNBC the coercion won't work, the truth will, and
people aren't as stuipid as this government believes.
Again, Barack, thanks for the confession. Your stupid locals are proving
it's true. And blowing it. BTW Barack, when the DOD hires contractors, that's mercenaries
and is constitutionally illegal, as is granting citizenship to foreigners.. the backdoor
FEMA plan... for military service.
For the reord, if anyone wants to claim they have a political reason for
these attacks, first of all, then, the government is required to protect my rights.
At least, Barack, I had the courage to state my position on abortion, which, by the way,
the DNC adopted in 2002.. and DOnna Brazille can testify to that unless she wants to
lie too... given she was Gore's campaign manager, she probably will, and then we'll
if CNN loses another video of her... I told the truth about the civil war, and my version
of reparations, I started the "conversation", the DNC in Washington State knew
of me and my positions when the overt attacks began, and anything I've said about the
Catholics and WOrld War II Nazis and more are proven by public fact in the global domain
as well as in the Bible, which apparently the locals would want to claim they don't
read.... if they're smart. And the book store owner would likely want to change the name
of her store because of...
What a fool believes... the oly thing I actually believed was that the
media people were actually news journalists and not high priced Nazi propagandists, the
politicians were basically honest, and that ministers were to be trusted... no wonder the
Bible says their flocks will be taken away.
Gven what's going on.. sleep deprivation and continued destruction of
property, as promised by th epsychtoronics guys in order to delay us leaving in order to
make us bankrupt, homeless and eventually, dead, I expect there'll be anumber of
entries to waste my time and so Thurston new trainee can prove what a sick criminal he
is... because they really believe they'll get away with it.
Meanwhile, like Osama said, one attack (by the U.S. Government) and
they'll destroy themselves. That's what Nazis do to nations when they're through using
them as slaves and warriors... ask Germany... and don't forget, 5 of 6 of the supposed
highjackers at Logan airport are alive and well in the middle east.. and none of them are
wanted by the U.S. Government... because it would prove they did not hijack planes or die
in the twin towers. And there was no video of them getting on the plane.. per CNN. Look at
what they showed of the surveillance video at the gate. Only one man, ATTA. And on the
second plane, note the Raytheon remote control under the plane.
Scarborough, tell us about the lady you cut off from the 911 families
victim group.. and your secretary who caused you to resign from congress... or declare
yourself a traitor and get it over with. And then admit you had the founder of CLG on to
talk about how this government has become Nazi back in what, 2003?
Richie - Say You, Say Me
Like I said, I'm glad I found out that the U.S. Governemnt, as JFK said,
was a conspiracy to destory the rights of us citizens 10 days before he was
assassinated... and that I can say with pride, not in my name. As a citizen.
Earth - Get Ready
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 05 - Under African Skies - Paul Simon
1/17/2011 11:16am Got about 5 hours sleep last night. Gottohear Thruston
and 2 of his friends and trainees working me over.. and this morning, they wanted me to
get upset at the idea that they were murdering us and that I should get desperate over the
fact - despite the fact that a dirty cop is sitting there laughing at us, telling me
I"d be betraying this nation by turning these perverts over to international
authorities becaus eit would mean th econviction of Barack Obama, and what a horrible
thing that the first black President - with the worst civil rights record yet for black
people - what a shame for such a historic event. Deception upon deception, and obama was
the greatest decoy they ever foisteed upon this nation.
THis morning, I got to hear this cop tell nme he hopes this nation is
destroyed. THat's a loyal patriot cop for you... and they say, it's a just a psyop, and
they'll the juries that.. and then I'llask them to explain why they think murdering and
raping people is a good thing. Meanwhile, the Military channel has been running a series
that shows how Nazi Germany became Nazi, long before Hitler came from Bavaria..... and how
all the thing she said were the same kinds of things Bush and Obam a have said.. including
about hope..
More importantly, this cop and his friends continually tell me that I
shouldgive up and just allow them to murder us. Weed and Seed causes people to go
bankrupt, then they become homeless, unaccounted for and die.. all part of the CIA
training for a slow kill... and they think that courts won't convict them of murder,
despite the thousands of witnesses who will say the same thing....
ANd it's importnat to say that because today's threat - if I didn't give
it up and die - is that the cop says that if and wehn LYnn moves down the street from
where he lives amongs a hundred or so of the Nazi weed and seed people he works with in
that area - of which I have all of their vehicle licenses and lots of faces and the church
they go to....
Lynn has "adopted" a friends daughter as aher surrogate
grandchild.... 16, exemplary student, female, and like usual... they got Lynn, through
psychotronics, to ask this girl a bunch of questions that are standard mo when the
government wants to profile someone for pysops...just like Facevobookl that asks for
profiles that are themn used for byullying and psyhcotronic and lethal DEW attacks.
So he tells me, if I don't just give up and allow Lynn and I to be
murdered, then he's going to rape this girl over and over..... and I believe he will,
becaus ethese people generally keep their threats when terrorizing people to shut them up.
These people are already using psychotronics on Lynn's grand daughter, beginning when she
was about 8 and her mother worked for the Lacey Police Department.. what a great cover
up.. and she's being hit too as they go bankrupt.... and of course, she would never
suspect her friends in the police department. Among other things, her husband ias a
witness to the condition of the road when we first got here, and out neighborhood implied
he'd sue us if we didn't fix the road that was so bad, the real estate agent wouldn't
drive on it.
Meanwhile, because of this profileing, they dialected the coversation to
then say, after I realized they asked about this girl's favorite music, that they wanted
me to give up the idea that James Taylor was involved in psyopping me with Clive Davis -
GE/Universal Columbia Records - Michael Jackson's Label - oly there's a great deal
of difference between them using ALanis Morrisette music on me, which they did, or
McCartney... a great deal of difference between what happened with those psyops and the
ones with James Taylor.
I happen to know James Taylor knows alot about God and Christianity and
more.. and my true belief is he went along with the psyop for the promise of great global
promotion for October Road in exchange for at least a few specific lines in that album
referring tome... meaning, he'd read parts of my web site before writing a few lines
to go with his songs.... that its my belief, and until he provides me with adequate proof,
I will continue to believe that, just as I know he knew about the CHurch committee and Ted
Kennedy's cover up of psyochotronic torture, and still took par tinKennedy's commemoration
at Kennedy Center, as well as the inauguration and some campaigning for Obama... and
I have to admit, the CIA did its work well with that one, because it was the most
destructive psyop of all, with the posssible exception of the phony minister who clearly
was supposed to help me find a way to go homeless and die, and lose the evidence. It
almost worked. I just hope she was satisfied with the look she got at Lynn in Burbank
during that psyop. That's the typical mo, identify yourself to the victim, and taunt them.
Melissa Scott did that, whoever THEY are... and all of these psyop people will go to hell,
because they did not endure, they betrayed God, and they're assisting satanist Nazis...
And what makes it even easier to act like a real, true citizens of this
nation and turning into global authorities... is the knowledge and proof that this entire
in SHelton is aware of what's being done to us.. a Weed and Seed City.. and they
systematically play tricks and laugh at us while military choppers hit us with microwave
to kill us every night.
They said long asgo they'd dsteal or destroy all my evidence.. they
destroyed, through dish tv, hundreds of hours of evidence against a dozen or so people,
aall of whom I had originally recorded for the purpose of filing a suit agains tthe
federal government.. tell Chris Jansing she was right when she said on MSNBC, after
returning from her assignment in Burbank, that they've found out that these attacks to
suppress and kill people don't work, because it just causes people to become more clever
at overcoming it and finding ways to return the favor.. it Detroit, that meant the death
of an anchor person by a guy who was psyopped on the local level, just as 2 stations have
tried to draw me in, and whom I videoed while videoing us , presumably to do a news report
totell people in this state the progress of our torture and murder. Get that quote
and my name right, Herb. Ihope you bringthe letter to court, and an explanation of your
inviolvement in rape, torture and murder so that the State of Washington can collect
properties of victims instead of charging income tax.
Like CNN, they have a proof of history of knowledge of the lethality of
the attacks, and apparently, the people of Washington State enjoy killing people.
THe biggest joke of the mIlitary Channel Nazi proggrams was the Time/Life
ad for Nazis" Warnings From the Past... it would be interesting to know what
they left out, like about the U.S. funding o f the Nazis under Hitler. Especially since
they were started by Skull and Bones, built much of the systems that do psychotronic sand
dews, employees engaged in businesses with GE people on space weapons and construction....
SO the joke is, it would seem like Time Warner is trying to help warn
us... the truth is, like Olbermann said, those who control the past, history, control the
future.... Time Warner all this footage, and it's easy to see that thye do in order to
control the propaganda today so they end uplooking like good guys later...National
Gepgraphic even explains that the first thing Nazis do is revisionist history..... and
BUsh, wehn he said that, was forecasting his and the Skull and NBones/Illumniat methods...
and Time Warner also owns the Zapruder film, that recorded the assassination of JFK....
and reports are, they've edited it.... I'm glad I saw it before Zapruder sold it, and it
was played on PBS. Frame 32 is supposedly missing... Up and to the left... Kennedy was
shot in the temple.... they said he would be a vegetable if he lived, and he would be
The other part of the sick joke is... this is one of the ways, selling
videos of people they want to claim distance from, to sell you things in orer to make
money to violently overthrow you... as do apostate ministers on tv selling end times
financial insurance... and worse.
Thes idiots want me toassert things all the time I won't because I either
don't have evidence, or it isn't of the greatest importance. SO I won't say that I believe
a certain Christian channel that spsyopped me is a fake for the council on Foreign
Relations.... later on, if I find it's correct, like lots of others, I will expose them..
and I don't need their confessions, just their video as they lie about God and His
ways.... the more I observe things, the less ibelieve ministers read the Bible after they
graduate, as if it was meant for them to read too. But how could they miss the part about
apostates who do evil to do good, or the inconsistencies of Paul as he continued to tell
people they could tell they were living their lives correctly and by the ways of God, by
comparing their worldly goods to those of other people.
And if Christians would read the Bible, and if they understood what the
end of days was really about, then they would actually want to point things like this out,
given Paul was only a man, a bit overzealous by the way God inscripted him... alot of
great observations and leadership, but giving worldly advice about spiritual matters. And
if anyone, like the psychotronic guy is trying to tell me.. if anyone says I'm wrong about
my observations, then I say, tell the government to let me out of prison and be willing to
tell the truth.. but all I see is a bunch of perverts killing people, and claiming
justifications that would never fly in any jury room, let alone with God. I've given
benefit of the doubt to every person who psyopped me.. never again. Especially when they
deny their crimes, refuse to correct them, and then threaten other people to shut me and
others up. And when a minister particpates in the murder of someone like Lynn McMullen..
I've made my recommendations to God, and I think he'll honor them.
Speaking of which, doing the right thing.. Huckabee.. I'm glad you liked
my idea of doing national referendums. Your success will be your failure. Nice emulation..
often imitated, never duplicated... tell Matthews thanks for the forecast.
Franks - Read My Lips That one's obviouly for HW Bush, I'm almost certain he served in
the military with my father. "It was like we could read each other's minds".
When my father had me talk to Kennedy about the weather, he had a pilot's headgear just
like yours, HW....
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 06 - The Obvious Child - Paul Simon I think God
has WH on his mind today.
Dog Night - Their Greatest Hits - 01 - Joy To The World
I was readig the other night.. about King David.. I always love reading
about the "magic tricks" God does to convince his prophets and CHrists that it's
real, and that God really does exist.. and I was readng and laughing about how he had to
take on the philistines, by himself, and he asked God, sheepishly, like, I don't really
want to questions this, but this one time, could I have proof.. and he put a lambskin down
and said.. make the ground wet and the sheepskin dry, andthe next mornign, it was so. So
he said to God, just to be sure, could you reverse that, and the next moring, it was so.
Cosby - TBD - 100 - Noah _ Me and You Lord
The unfortunate news is, given what is going on in the United STates
compared to the development of Nazi Germany by our political leaders, the Skull and
Bones/Illuminati/Council on Foreign Relations.... is that the current trend is tha tthe
United States as it exists will be destroyed as planned by your own government, and all
power will be handed to CHina.. and everybody laughs when I say such things,and then ayear
or so later it happens.. I told Dobbs about the China thing in 2002 without any actual
knowledge, just analysis of the trends. I know he knew the U.S. Government was selling us
out too. Personally, I think he only thought I was an MKUltra the governemnt wanted to
destrooy to destory evidence and witnesses, in order to "save a few friivolous law
suits".. and then he realized something bigger was at stake.. an empire that last
forever.. but I don't think he was talking about God's.
A few quotes from the Military channel Nazi history...
The phrase, never forget... I thought that was the whole phrase, and it
was about never forgetting the genocide of Jews... Here's the whole quote, on a statue in
Never, German, forget what blind hate stole from thee. Wait for the hour
that avenges the bleeding fruits of crime.
Another one tha tmadse me think of the idiot calling for the burning of
the Koran, and to protest and Islamic center near the 911 site. First of all, illiterate
apostate, the Koran explains the end times more objectively and clearly than the Bible. It
should be required reading of all ministers and Christians. And just for the fun of it,
you might want to keep in mind your phony christian president George W Bush declared his
pride in being the first (emulated son of man) president to add the Koran to the White
House Library. So burn the bush and remember the 10 Commandments. Try God's way.. the
quote from the special came from a man - I think his name was henig or something like that
When people burn books, people will be burned.
He said that 100 years before book burnings in Nazi Germany. His book was
one of those burned. Remember the book burnings of the late 60's...
Finally, another great Bushism, about the "control of the planet for
the next 1000 years, as well as the Project for New American Century.. PNAC... and
CFR... proves they read the Bible, knew there was an analogy about 1000 years being 100
years to God, which is still someone creating relative times for a God who said He works
on His own schedule.... and told us not to judge His time, or expect ANYTHING from Him or
of Him.. it's called faith...
Adolph Hitler - FOr the net 1000 years there will be no other revolution
in Germany.
Reminds me of when I first got on Hughes internet by satellite, and
had studied Mandela a bit, and used the email address Shaker of Trees, which is what
Nelson Mandela's name means... (did you know he was in jail in S. Africa as a terrorist
bomber?) and GW Bush said at one point, as they chased clerics and teachers and historians
and those others he said in his groups led by friends to wipe out
"intellectuals"... what insurgents do when they overthrow a country... he said
"There are no more Nelson Mandela's".. and I think he followed that with
"in the world". I took it personally, although as the psychotronics will show,
I've never set out to bomb anything or anyone... I thought we had democracy and
Of course, as Dobbs reported, JohnKerry said we should treat terrorists as
annoyances and pests". and Dobbs said.. as it should be. I'm gonna be the
biggest annoyance and pest non-terrorist these Chaldeans ever saw and ever psyopped.
Chaldeans... like Reagan.. loved astrology... gemara, sacred math....
And by the way, Barack, since you and your Chaldean friends bankrupted us
and tortured us so you could win the election... how will you answer the qquestion about
who authorized U.S. Government psyops depicting black people as jigaboos... Like Brazille
said, those democrats can be real assholes.. or estholes, as some would call them. Can't
wait to hear what the Scientologists have to say when I ask them to tell me about their
"clearing process"
Alot of effort was placed in the beginning to make it appear the
Scientologists were psyopping me, including aletter from a guy that outlined the
basic mo of psyops.... coincidentally, I got it right after beginning to watch Crossfire
on CNN with Carville and Begala. Typical MO. I hear MO is important in criminal
investigations... and James, the tax thing won't work, except in Thurston's vacuum brain.
On the other hand James, the Matrix of God is still intact. And the movei's great
too. How bout we meet in LA for an ION special from that theater and I'll explain it to
you and Elvis... hail to the chief, Santa Cruz................................
Democracy can not survive without freedom of the press. WHo said that?
Dimension - If I Could Reach You
Airplane - Somebody To Love
- Like a Virgin
I think God's telling me these idiots are gonna work another bimbo psyop..
they'll go to jail..
7:03pm Another day lost due to torture... the last couple of hours spent
hearing Thurston tell me all the crimes he's covering for by continuing to use
psychotronics and dews to torture Lynn - especially when I try to help her cope with the
torture attacks - and to rip my teeth out of my mouth to supposedly cover for all the Weed
and Seed dentists under his control. At Waco, the government - as Brian WIlliams - did it
as a publicity stunt to get more funding for the ATF and FBI operations when they went to
a store, pushed a member of rthe Branch Davidians around, and used that as an excuse to
murder 53 people, while the government claimed Koresh was usin gchildren as a shield...
the point: Janet Reno and the Justice Department had tank drivers drive acroos the front
of the compound drop their pants and moon the Branch Davidians in order to incit them to
violence so the ATF had an excuse to murder them. They never got their excuse. Brian
Williams forgot to mention Biden and Hatch claiming no wrong doing during Senate hearings,
despite the shock of Texas Rangers and medical coroners who were shocked at how th eFBBI
witheheld and destoryed evidence, destroyed the crime scene, and took 1000 bullets fired
at the compound and hid them so the Senate could say they did not fire at the Branch
Davidians... 1000 rounds.. all suposedly over a weapon that didn't exist... Thurston wants
me to expalin this all again thinking it'll avoid having me report what he's saying
tonight through psychotronics... and it's very typicla of the way these perverts taunt
their victims..
He's telling me - as if I should become paranoid - and to make it seem in
this weblog that I'm afradid of everyone and evetrything - and frankly, this is the
typical mo used by cops setting people up for murder, to give cops an excuse to shoot them
under false pretenses, and then claim the guy was mentally ill. So he's telling me if I
travel to Thruston County Washington, the cops there are goign to rough me up and harass
me... Thurston already compromised himself and other officers and authorities and he must
be desperate... and while he makes fun of me for not filing criminal reports in the state
of Washington, he forgets that I did and tried several times with the agencises he has
once again compromised. Current efforts and threats include raping people I know,
including a 16 year old girl... just down the street from where he lives... surrounded by
Weed and Seed... I hope you people out there are proud of your leader. He
compromised you too.
Once agian, to all police who might bne lied to about my disposition about
police and other authorities.. I have been illegally detained by the Stateof Washingtoon
on behalf of the United States government as a conspiracy to deprive me of my civil
rights. If HW Bush can declare a conspiracy for incredibly lesser things, then if you read
and educate yourself about the origins of RICCO, you'll know how rediculous and what
a disgrace this particular officer is to the image of police everywhere... please just
remember, like many others involved, I only have complaints against a few indivdiuals, but
like true serial criminals, these people continue to commit crimes to cover crimes.. and
again, I have no pre disposition.. but a good cop would uinderstand, when you have a
cop using psychotronics to claim he rapes his own daughter... liek you plice know, at some
point, sick pervert crimes like this catch up to the perps. Anything these idiots throw at
me can be proven to be a setup. And I absolutely no reservation in busting a cop that
dirty. Any attempt to brand me as mentally ill will simply cause the person forcing such
an examination to prove themselves incredibly criminally insane and guilty. And yopur
shrinks better know abotu psychotronics, or I'll bust them too.
Fianlly, your laws allowing weed and seed and psychotronics and dews are
illegal, unconstitutional, and are a confession to the world.
When I run for president from the Seattle of California in 2012, keep in
mind that the criminals - from the local level to to the top levels of the executive
branch are guilty of crimes worse than the Nazis, and easier to prove. Against me and
millions of people.
One other thing Barack. I'm getting a little tired of your perverts
criticizing our troops as idiots and worse... but the military you're using on the
streets, so easily blamed on Bush but continuing with you, and the military aircraft I've
docuemnted being used.... you're a traitor Barack, your wartime claims are as much a
fraud as COndoleeza's explanations for justification for going to Iraq and Afghhanistan..
and NATO is a front for U.S. aggression and genocide.. no wonder few countries supply many
troops and armaments.
Once again, my books online are proof opf Government interference with
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom to have
safety where I live, and protection from the government that claims to be a moral nation
of God. God doesn't like being associated with people like you, and neither do I. Ask
Jeremiah why.
BTW: I hope you didn't give any of those chemically tainted vegetables you
grew to the kids in DC. They deserve better than getting poisoned more by their
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 06 - Visionary Mountains
Family - Summer Days
Jones - Feels Like Home - 09 - Humble Me
PS Tell the Secret Service they'd better take it seriously this time,
becaus eI intend to make regular reports to the Hague.
Franks - Camera Never Lies For Thurston and the truth
& Crofts - Diamond Girl - A02 - Ruby Jean & Billie Lee To the future, and for
thsoe perverts who enjoy making fun of the murder of Michael Jackson by singing the world
will be a better place" while mocking God. And since they love tha tidea so much, let
me remind you all of what God expects from His ministers, even those phonies posing as
Five - I'll Be There
and the song that will actually make a difference, on behalf of those who
will hear, and believe in everlasting life, and honor their promises to God... no matter
what... no excuses.
John - Honky Chateau - 06 - Salvation
And His message for the times is simple and this, as clearly explained
by the Koran...
John - Love Song
Our traitorous government will fail with this:
Browne - Naked Ride Home - 03 - Casino Nation
And Barack, anyone who thinks I beleive being tortured all these years is
funny, better understand that a good sense of humor is often just a winning attitude.
Unfortunately, people like you, Barack who take short cuts by committing murder for
expedient political victories will fail.. something about the eye of a needle...
Young - TBD - 100 - Heart of Gold
A pilgrim is someone in search of a country in which God would not be
ashamed to be called God. Makes me glad that Michelle is so proud of America..
because the king of the abomination of desolation, Barack, is you... by design. What a
1/18/2011 11:24am Tooth torture continues, and I have now have 2 broken
toes... they say they're going to break them all. THis morning I got to wake up to these
psychotronics guys telling me they ARE NAzis, they love being Nazis because it's fun to
murder and rape people.
You GITMO shrinks, DOD contractors, all the rest... keep in mind, that all
this time you spend murdering us is not going unnoticed. There are more 1200 cases of this
torture in the United States alone that are currently under investigaton by the Hague.
Mine is one of them. My deposition for them was Auschwitz in America.
To the Hague: be aware that U.S. psychotronics operators informed me that
the investigator on this case will be assassinated.
Thurston keeps telling methey're going to arrest me for perpetrating a
public hoax, and find an excuse to destroy the evidence...
For the shrinks who want to claim my supposed mental illness, which does
not exist please note the following links before particpating in the process of your own
arrest and incarceration. And let the doctor who gave me the bad medicine and altered my
medical records know I intend to prosecute.
Letter from Lynn Surgalla, former VP of the American Psychotronics
On the Need for New
Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology
Carole Smith, Journal of Psycho Social Studies 2003
For someone
who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the
psychiatric examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the
situation of the assessment procedure itself, can be an effective way to drive
someone crazy, or more crazy.
But if the
accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the
psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about
how their symptoms are being diagnosed.
A doubly cruel
sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by
scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to
their evidence.
For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the
capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological
See also:
Intrusive Brain
Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind
Anyone who claims insanity or hoax about what people would call my
divinity will be volunteering to make fools of themselves. You have no idea how much I
look forward to that conversation.... Huckabee...
Tull - A Passion Play - A45 - A Passion Play Edit 6
Top - Rough Boy
Ross & the Supremes - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
It'll be fun to see Europe this summer. Tell CNN to play that commercial
again about Dutch Royalty. I got a kick out of that insult.
BTW media guys: the psychotronics guys enjoy reminding me of all the fun
and torturous stuff you've done to us, flip flop, right MSNBC? I can explain all that too.
And Jansing, I don't care if you tell the truth or not. I expect all of you CFR loyalists
to lie. You can't help yourselves anymore. You believe your own lies, and I think you've
all lost track of the truth. just like I said in 2003 or2
RE: Al Qaeda Wolf Blitzer and Robin Cook of England agree: Al Qaeda
is no organized movement. AL Qaeda means "the base", as in, the database of
names of people the United States wants to kill for all sorts of reasons.
Last night the psychotronics guys wanted me tothink and analyze the
current global situation. It's gonna be one hell of a war.
- Love Potion Number 9
And the answer is: the document title of the first version of For the Love
of the World that I sent to a bunch of artists andmusicians.... Keith PLEASE keep reading
your psychotronic manuscripts.... and then tell people how and why you got them, why you
read them on the air, and then, how bogus they are. Tell Tompkins hi for me.
12:31pm Personal note: Results, Yunus, 1996 Conference, Hillary, Where
Credit is Due, Little Rock microfinance, Sam Daley Harris, Gilman, no assistance for the
poorest, Zeitz, Accion, Maria, Joanne, Yanovich, Finca, Gates. South Africa. CFR Attacks
on the poor... Chirac. VSS Renton Hague: Investigate Ironwood Communications,
Hughes, DirecTV..
Constitutionalists like Barack and Biden should no better than an
uneducated guy like me that the psychotronics and death squad tactics are only legal until
challenged. Military Channel and Time Life: thanks for making me certain that taking the
challenge of calling you Nazis was exactly the right thing to do... and when I say you, I
mean all the corporate sponsors of the Illuminati and the people who think their jobs are
fun, torturing their negihbors... and don't care how it destroys the nation.
Rockefellers.. I know how you psyops guys work, and the FY previously stated was indeed
reciprocal and thanks for dictating that one, but please remember when all this comes out,
I had no arguements with any of you... I was just standing for freedom of speech and of
the press... in a very reasonable way...
I was looking at the video of Edelwiss on the military channel.. must have
been shots before they put in the beautiful observation window.. I think Im gonna move to
Bavaria.. I hear they have a forcefield there, and a palace that's rarely used.
I keep thinking about what I saw last night.. talk about shock and awe...
people will be stunned, they'll see it's of Biblical signs that they never knew were
possible, and so destructive in a moment... Jimmy Carter, Neutron Bombs, HAARP, what
DO you teach in Sunday School? Do you know, before 2002, I don't think I'd ever heard of
Benatar - Hell Is For Children
PS HW: If you're who I think you are and the story I was told is true, I
hope he beat the hell out of you.
A Beautiful Day - White Bird
Something about a rail.. and why are Shuster and Rove following me on
Twitter? What are they afraid of?
8:46pm As usual, I got all of about a half hour's work done today - lots
to do, torture gets in the way. Olbermann, you'llbe glad to know I say sessions just like
you do now.... hope you're happy.. hope you and Hillary celebrate at the great victory of
being convicted for conspiracy to torture... Unity New Hampshire.. where the traitors met
to forecast their crimes of perversity.
Valli & the Four Seasons - My Eyes Adored You
Now I'm certain God is telling me, just like the David and Bathsheba
story, that the government had another bimbo planned.. and you are bimbos.
Richie - Lady
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101 - Reasons
Keith, tell the pervert bosses the games are over. Period. No more clue,
I'm not amused, it's going to be with a great deal of pleasure to rid this world of Nazis.
You wanted to be point man, the perverts you people hired locally are about as competant
as your phony minister. And their continued arrogance is going to convict everyone they're
trying to protect... everyone.
Thurston is trying to get me to say more negative things about cops.
He's a cop. I guess he knows. Those are his words. He's now saying that evertime I mention
his crimes, he's going to torture Lynn. What a great cop. I hope the locals are
paying attention to how little help the police will be to you later. I count 8
murder attempts/attempts at making mental case charges in his jurisdiction. And I know his
Decoy mo, that will never fly.
Here's the next thing Thurston asked me to say, as if to prove I'm
obsessed with such an idiot... any cop who would talk about raping his daughter and a 16
year old girl down the street to coerce other people is a disgrace... he now say
he's going to rape Lynn tonight.
And these perverts still think it's funny, and they're making me look bad.
Now he says, on behalf of the U.S. Government, the Hague is a sick f-ing
joke. The Un is a bunch of perverts who don't give a damn about anything but smoking
dope and killing sick fuc* Jews. Eat shit and die mother f-ing Jews. Jews are the
sickest f**ks in the world. Jews are the world's biggest problem. Jews eat sh** in the
morning, noon and night. Sick f**k Jews are the worst mother f-ing sons of bitches ever
created. Harstine Island Community Club sends its regards to Keith the f-ing Jew
Does anyone wonder why I believe it's a moral imperative to make
sure the world knows how perverted the U.S. government is?
Nyro - And When I Die_live
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 06 - Visionary Mountains
Almond - One Way Sunday
I'm probably the only person who'll ever truly understand what that set of
songs really means. Don't bother asking. But thank God that faith in Him always works.
To Thurston, and all the people you've busted for a variety of crimes you set them up
for.. hope you enjoy sharing a cell with them. And the stores of how you broke up
their relationships. Sue me Thurston. Proud master of Cointelpro in a nation that claims
families are the fabric of our nation... and justice is taken for granted. Thurston
used psychotronics on a friend to tell me of his exploits and methods. Like bait to taunt
me. I took the bait. I'm glad I did. Quite the mentor, Jr. I'm sure the flower shop owner
will appreciate knowing what happened. Like Dobbs said, Thurston....
Graham Nash - Prison Song
5:10pm Another day lost due to torture.
1/20/2011 6pm Woke up around 3am, and wa sput through the regular routine. It was a
rain day, so I decided to try to work thru th etorture and writ emor eon the articles
about Death Squads, which didn't go well with the psychotronics guys. If there's one
pattern that is clear, it's that when what would appear to be lawyers of certain people
want answers, they tooth torture me for at least a half and hour first. The other
basic pattern is being caused tobe introduced to people who want to have an excuse to
taunt me. Who show up later after gaining confidence and "working" targets
after. Such is the case of Ed, apparently, and wait til he hears the psychotronics I've
recorded at the store where that one was set up. That woman better be on the payroll
there. Did they tell you I'm not stupid, Ed?
I think the most interesting thing of all of these psyops and threats against us is the
fact that I constantly give benefit of the doubt, innocent until proven guilty - and these
criminals of the worst kind take advantage and increase the torture becaus ethey are
clearly not decent people. I have a real problem right now believing elected officials
have a conscience. And I'm certain they haven't got a clue about the constitution. if you
officials want to dislike me for saying that, remember if your part of it goes to
court,the jury won't end up liking you very much. I reviewed the 1947 Nuremburg Code
today.. nearly every one of them has been broken in my case. Every one. Christmas Town, in
a nation under God. The god Sirius, I presume. not even a funny sick Biblical joke.
It was a bit of amazing fun today, while writing about infiltration o churches, having
turned to Jeremiah last night, knowing it was the perfect verses for the topic... read
Chapters 4 thru 7 - afterward, I thought I'd try an MGB to finsish the chapter, and as
often happens, it returned some information that made sense to me but wouldn't necessarily
make sense to other people who didn't know the details of the last 20 years of my life...
so I did another MGB, read a little, and realized I had turned back to Jeremiah
chapter 4.
The real message was more in Jeremiah 6 verses 8 thru 11, and, by request for Hillary,
Chapter 6 verse 10.... btw Hillary.. they say you won't find "him" in the
mountains or the deserts or the.. but you can find the prophet Elisha on Cyprus, from what
I can tell. And he looks the part, so you actors better brush up on your teleprompter
Psychotronic guy question: When The Mystery of Jesus was played on CNN, why did the
forensic fae modeling expert klaugh when he said they said Jesus had been there 3 weeks
before, and he didn't look anything like that model he made. Why didn't he tell the world?
What was the joke, Jonathan Klein? and about people showing up at NBC celebrity homes...
One time, Bil Maher said "if we didn't have you to take our hatred out on, who
would we take it out on". It was that day I realized how psychotronics psyops work.
Becoming aware of the TIme Warner animation sensor technolgy, and being reminded of the
movie FX, I understood more.
A few minutes ago, I had to listen to apervert screaming pervert over and over and over
while tooth torturing me...
Every targeted individual says their conscious psychotronic torture.. when for some
reason they makes you aware you are being tortured... every target goes through the
initial phase of begging people to examine their hearts and conscience, their ethics and
treason, their murderous sleep an dsensory deprivation periods, and attempts to emulate
serious diseases for which medicine for their symptoms would cause serious disease.
The psychotronics guys laugh at the people being tortured... if there's anything you
learn about these people, it's that they really don't care about the people they are
killing. I have no intent of asking these peopel for mercy, because iwent through that
phase a long time ago.
I also went through, a long time ago, a good deal of work and thinking to make certain
this government and fellow citizens knew that I was doing nothing more than
exercising freedom of speech and making it very clear i was not attempting to point my
figner or incriminate anyone..
And then the locals decided to make certain they were willing to go to jail on behalf
of their cause: making money being sociopaths for the government. Except they don't think
they will go to jail, because they believe the government will protect them whuile they
murder, rape steal and torture. They also try to convince you that the entire nation
believes in murdering its own citizens for profit. And like Lynn Surgala said, when
police and elcted officials get involved, it's particularly egregious. And if I truly
believed the citizens of the United States, those who are loyal to THIS nation and OUR
constitution also believed in organized and systemic murder of its own citizens by the
government and mercenaries and terrorists, then I would walk away gladly.
Instead, thanks to Bill's remark, I realized all the hatred that seemed to be going
through my mind that I knew i didn't actually feel was coming from a couple of guys
in a car with equipment acting like they were having an arguement, one of them doing so in
a way to make it seem to the person being attacked like they're saying it themselves. How
to create people who hate - it works on beginners. And then they realize they don't, their
sociopathic torturers do.
If one of your neighbors has been acting funny lately, and you've seen people sitting
out in the street in cars, especially two guys having an arguement for an extended
period... the probability is, they're attackiing someone. Check out the cars on the Lake
Front area of Kirkland if you want to get a view of an infiltrated area. I'll show you
video someday, if you like. Cars, licenses, addresses.
The point is, criminals cover crimes by committing more crimes. I expect more from
government. Since the government has proven I can not expect such things as justice and
respect for the law, I want them to know that I am not the criminal here, I will not
be badgered or tortured into dying so some weed and seed people can get the
furniture they had Lynn order... this state and this country are guilty of the Nuremberg
codes. The great moral high ground of the United States. Defend that. Every code has
been violated against me personally. Every one.
All I can say is that I'm disgusted, and I look very much forward to the day when
Democracy and freedom are restored in this nation. That means this to me: America, love
the Unied States or leave it. It's not your country to give away. And I say that I
represent more than 300 million people when I say that. You're welcome to drink Cindy
McCain's beer while hanging out with your sociopaths.
Read Jeremiah Chapter 6. Never say you weren't warned that God will allow this nation
to destroy itself. And don't bother blaming me.
Richie - Still For all the people who understand what I mean when I say there's a
difference between sinners and evil people, I would suppose that song means God would have
me post the picture of that Vestal statue.

At the same time, I need to say... a while back, I rememebr walking around outside ,
looking at the cloudy sky, being tortured, and thinking, I have to remember tosee the
beauty in the world even thoguh I'm beign tortured...
You can beat me up and taunt me and all the rest as you have for years,and thething I
love about myself and other peole like me is that no matter, you can't cause me to
not love... and no matter what you do, you can't really make me hate.. but I also hope you
know, I have no reason to forgive any of you. And this world WILL judge this nation by
these acts. And Koresh was right: this nation will be judged, not him, in the end.
Bonoff - New World
& Messina - My Music
Fogelberg - Along the Road
MGB Revelations 15:1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great andmarvelous, seven angels
having the seven last plagues; fo r in them is filled up the wrath of God.
2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire... and them that had
gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the
number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the Harps of God.
3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, say
Great and marvelous are they works, Lord God almighty: just and true are thy ways, thou
King of saints.
I was reminded to day of one of my favorite observations about how Jesus said peopel
will think it's about me and my sacrifice, and they don't seem to understand that all
along it was abotu me trying to tell them about how many times God put HIS life on the
line for us before He sent in the kid... I always like to remember that.
Just as it's interesting that the Old Testament talking about and quoting God proves
everlasting life AND reincarnation.
I love messing with people's heads sometimes. :} And like I said, I want to be 25
1/21/2011 9:6am Recurring themes... all I gotta say is Dobbs better turn out ot be a
good guy :}
Back in early 2003, I think it was, Dobbs did areport about how Australia
had made a deal to sell its drugs to them at reduced rates so long as they sold them to
the United States at full cost. Dobbs said it was good for our GDP, a U.S. Corporation
making more money adding to the national profit margins... I was getting hard by
psychotronics, and we were goignthru a period of back and forth "arguing", and I
wrote to him and asked him, how much do you have in Pfizer?
I got zapped into oblivion. So, just to check the response, cause when I say things the
government doesn't want me saying, I wrote the same message to him again. I got zapped
hard, the same way I get zapped whenever I mention Brzezinski....
The thing is, technically, it is a good thing for the GDP. Unfortunately, I was sitting
there seeing apattern of brweaking the backs of all small businesses.. and for years
before I had seen the trend of small pharmacies being put out of business. ANd then, a few
COngress people started lobbying for the right of people to get pharmaceuticals from othe
countries... why would Canada get U.S> made prescription drugs cheaper than the country
that makes them?
So while the major pharmacies got bigger, and the smaller pharmacies go out of
business, and the corporations control the flow of drugs and access to them... the
crongress people standing up for out of country and nternet sales of drugs were actually
trying to convince to buy via the internet and out of country in order to make them look
like people's champions while getting you to help them accelerate the transfer of all
pharmaceutical sales to the major drug stores - corporations... and once more, put small
businesses out of work.
The next day, Dobbs said, or I read, that his producer, Bill Dorman, had been fired.
Interesting name for what I think was a person who didn't actually exist... and I didn't
actually realize that Pfizer had a history of making designer drugs for the CIA since
1959, you know, back when they implanted me...
Yesterday, Isaid, no matter what I do, God is always talking to me.. sometimes I wish
he'd stop for a while.. I may be a workaholic, but even I like some time off from thinking
about things... So I'm sitting in the living, the room with a pew, Rachel, and
Lynn'swatching tv.. I don't get to watch tv anymore, because whe I do I get zapped so much
I can't concentrate on it.. unless it's an Olbermann psyop line to get me to respond with
a trophy entry in the weblog.. they love to be mentioned...and every once in a while I
look up at the tv, see a pretty picture, and I get informed about something.
And I was wondering yesterday, inmy piece to ministers about Death Squads, how would I
describe the symptoms of psychotronic and dew attacks without causing people to think real
maladies were electronic?
So I'm sitting there and notice this really pretty picture.. and I start hearing what
sounds like the symptoms of psychotronically induced depression and blood flow to
the brain problems, and then they start talking about the known side effects of this drug,
an it's all the symptoms of directed energy weapon attacks. So, in their literature for
what may actually be mor eof a placebo, they describe the electronic attacks and cover
their symptoms with whatever they wanted to write about the drug to cover the electronic
attacks. They could give you water for cough medicine and say the side effects are
prostate troubles, and the only problem you really have is a medcine that makes you go to
the bathroom.....
Pristiq - pretty name, pretty pictures, I hope the online literatiure is good, because
it WILL be my example for what Monteith said .. paraphrase.. when you look at things
objectively, in fact, it does look like this government is trying to kill its
He's a highly skilled and regarded orthopedic surgeon, who also was the person who
lobbied for the best treatment of AIDS in California, and went to church at Scotts Valley
Baptist Church with my family in the old days before it changed to Bible Gateway Church...
no relationship to biblegateway.com And unless the U.S. governemnt has silenced or
killed him since my last contact, he's also a broadcaster on Radio Liberty from Santa
Cruz. I don't know what else he talks about at all. Never listened. But I'm 99% certain he
was part of "Little Orange County", and I think my dad made up that name, cause
he said he didn't know what I was talking about.
Pastor Culwell's wife died some 6 months after I first contacted him, before I visited
Is Pfizer still owned by Time Warner? How bout Hearst publications, and why did you
guys have Antles doctor my medical records to exclude presbyterian hospital and only
mention scripps/hearst/time warner? Got a doctor with lies set up to talk about me? It was
a simple one day cursory physical, and I was fine. No change in treatment. Antles will
look funny when I talk about the measurements of certain parts of my body, given the
hormones he gave me last, and what led up to it... Delatestryl was even available in
Canada. And Top said they could get it. ANd I wonder if Hemphill will have a record of
ordering that carton of vials as I was told, and what was in them? Lou, ever hear of
Can't rememebr if it was in the weblog or the death squad article I mentioned I'd
marked the Bible without knowing it using a pack of Bugler cigarette papers.. it was about
blowing the trumpet.. God never quits... He and Blitzer would get along well.. I had
mentioned that often, daya after day, I randomly picked different part sof the Bible with
the same theme: God's disgusted, He's giving His last warning for people to return to His
ways or face self destruction. ANd that I should do what I was doing before and since
reading the Bible. ANd if nothing else, bring down the pillars on my way out the door.
When I read the Bible, I start wherever my figer lands, and read until I believe God's
told me a complete story. Since i often start in themiddle of chapters, the story may not
be the same as others would remember by reading hte whole beginning chapter, setting a
different context for the chapter than the one God wanted me to have in that moment -
mainl, the world today as it is.
Last night's reading was Ezekiel... Read chapters 20-22. It speaks for itself. For our
more weird friends who speak French, try chapter 19 as the place to start.
I want to say finally, to the government and their cowboy vigilante DHS fascists, I
never used to talk like that. Never. I thought it was disrespectful, now, and in the 60's.
Now I just believe t's accurate. You did that. And I won't back down to CoinTelpro,
psychotroncis or anything else.
It's like the 148 hours of video that was destroyed... you think that's supposed to
demoralize me. It makes me laugh. Months beofre, I hd been told numerous times that video
there was a sign from the media that they were with me.. and it would be there to prove
Keith wasn't a Nazi.. and I said to them. I know you're going to erase it, otherwise
you wouldn't be taunting me with it. Standard NBC psyop taunts.
Im not goingto waste my time moralizing or arguing with your sociopaths about legalties
and moralities and the rest.. they swear and cuss and mock God and worse all day.. they
torture me and torture Lynn in a variety of ways... and you idiots who use psychotronics
and dews to defend these people.. be sure they understand I'm not impressed by your
weapons.. and once and for all, know that if you took every shred of evidence I have, I
would still hold my ground and convict you even if you had some bogus entrapment chages
against me.. psychotronics and dews are no secret...
You think isolating me will set up a synthetic reality as if I will go out into the
world banging on doors demanding to be heard and then "popping" over something
and then you'll have me. The problem you all have, especially the politicians, is that I
don't care about my public image, there are causes greater yourself that you chickenhawks
always back down from because you are cowards through and through, and frankly, you people
aren't worth it.
I don't know what else there is to say, except, as I said long ago, even Satan derives
His power from the power of God, and God gave people a final chance in this world to
straighten up.. just like He gave all those "anointed nations" who failed and
broke the covenants that actually no longer exist.. to anyone.. God promised eternal rule
to all nations and peoples he "anointed" IF they kept the covenant. No nation
And to those few at the top who actually know who I am...
God has given His final warning to the leaders of this nation and the Illuminati
Empire... and because of them, this world. And you guys can make me out to be
anything you want, call me delusional while the investigators determine that every
story I tell is corroborated in some way by fact. And in the meantime, I say, as of this
morning with the reading of Ezekiel, God has given His final warning.
Please, make a tape of the FBI guys from WACO making fun of that...
Waiting for Godot.. how many ways does God need to throw you a life jacket before
YOU allow Him to save YOU people?
The psychotronics guys are making fun aof that, as usual, and they're trying to get me
to write more of their vitriol so I suppose Keith can do another broadcast of
psychotronics militance they created... just like the government, inciting violence, and
blaming the victim.. Satanic Ritual Abuse. Hope you all enjoyed the snuff films, and the
exposure of how you make them as you laugh at God.
No wonder I say God damn the corrupt of the U.S. Government. God bless the citizens.
Let the Secret Service know I will be filing. And that, of course, will be included in the
reports to the Hague. And the report will be so graphic, the only good news will be, as
Keith mimiced, I don't have to make this stuff up.
Tell Conan and David hi for me. Quintessential examples aren't that hard to find
anymore.. and what a pattern in the mo's.... Got that CNN? Cliffy, how ya gonna profile
Good thing I've kept nearly every plastic medicine bottle Lynn's had since the stroke.
The lab names on national drugs will be very interesting.
So go have your laughs. But tell Milton, I'll be sending the cavalry back to help them.
No mas.
& Messina - Golden Ribbons
Top - Sharp Dressed Man
Stills & Nash - CSN - 105 - Anything At All
Great choices God. Good thing I have lots of new clothing I've never worn
for the revival and campaign of the world... Leadership you can have faith in... perfect.
To hell with hope. Faith.
PS to Bill Gates. The psychotronic sguys keep telling me I have to sue you
and Microsoft for tons of money. Please have your attorney contact my attorney when I get
one to answer this question... did you do something to me too?
1/22/2011 9:58am Quick notes: It's been alot of time since I've been able
to watch tv news without being attacked so hard that it's impossible... while writing the
section to ministers regarding infiltrated churches, I ended up citing certain deceptions
that actually reveal the plan I was writing to Uncle Lou about in 2002- not like I'm the
only person in the world who figured it out... the plan of the U.S. Government to hand the
power of the world over to CHina while others continued to manipulate world events... and
actually maintained power thru economic slaery... no other way to describe it... Soon, it
appears, 11 states will go bankrupt and technically be legally possibly owned by corporate
So, aafter all this time of me supposedly being cut off from the news, I
wrote the nasis of that part, and then actually downloaded my email for the first time in
weeks - and read a few stories and headlines, and everything I wrote about is happening..
and China will be the economic engine, the entire world is being reconfigured to shift to
them for production and more...
My greatest fear is the one the psychotronics guys want me to state, based
on te joke of sire of sorrow - whatever people fear most, they will make happen to them..
it's what they do.. but it's that these guys, whowanted to cause "equality" in
the world by bankrupting everyone, and then killing the poor who will not be able to
buy food, in various ways, including death squads... because in their mind, the goal is to
have everything owned by the "royalty" who believe - at the uipper levels - that
they actually own the world, and partially based on a false claim of genetic descendance
from Jesus.
So, it would appear to me tha tfor the United States, the plan would
be as stated in theprotocols, to bankrupt this nation, deplete its resources and military,
and then dump us like the government did in Rome that led to the black plague... and let's
hope overt war does not reach our mainland.. though it's unlikely we will escape that,
given the chaos that could be created if t happens, and the ability to install
militaristic methods to control people in response.
Watch what happens in the Golan heights.... everyone thinks Armageddon
happens like an attack from Lebanon and Syria, and places from Muslim Nations. I say it
will be caused by things like our military activities in Yemen moving northward, and if
Megiddo is a place where a war occurs, it will be in resistance to our forces moving
northward, not other forces moving southward except in defense of their nations.... And
don't forget, anyone who opposes U.S. political policy, particularly in our war fforts, is
labeled a terrorist... that's what Nazi propagandists are for.
I briefly read a story that said 10's of thousands of people in U.S. high
security prisons are tortured everyday... in a nation under God...
Back of the line, no bicycles to all the traitors who facilitated
the downfall of the United States...
Almond - One Way Sunday
& the Blowfish - Tucker's Town
Earth - Get Ready
It sure would be fun to walk into the Hoover Institute and ask to talk to
the coordinator of MK-Ultra activities. Maher, get the camera, what an opportunity.. do
that and that Jesus theme park in Florida, and your movie will sell billions :}
11:31am Saw a headline about Comcast and NBC.. tell the Comcast guys the
same thing I old Panetta, just to get it over with, and they'll tell you I actually mean
it affectionately :} I knew you'd be coming into the picture befor elong in a more direct
way :} I actually love it. Might as well get it done in one punch.
RE: Symptoms of DEWS and psychotronics... and to Comcast.. they said it
wasn't personal long ago, and I accept that, and I mean no ill wil or even slander or
things aren't real... Still, it changes nothing regardng GE/Universal and TIme Warner...
and they know why... and it was their gauntlet.
I was gonna remind Universal and Warner that I was more than willing to
have them work with me specifically to let them set up thing sto sell the songs that I
still claim are being used by fair use policy. ANd why not let them and the artists make
money from it? That's the way we do things.. but the psychotronics guys just got me to
remember that I can sell stuff through Amazon...
- Sweetest Taboo ...?
5:26pm The guy down the road using psuchotronics on us,for some reason
wanting to be the big star to the locals for being the lead pervert, just went by to show
me he was doing, then proceeded to do extreme tooth torture and then proceeded to cause
Lynn to burn her hand very badly, and torturing her more while I made an audio recording
that incldued psychotronics, looke like it got me anyway... and meanwhile, they tried to
start a deomestic dispute that a certain cop is famous for.. note: Audio: two tracks. I
think he's trying to cover for olbermann and the dentists. Meanwhile, it makes a good
example of what they did to Lori and Adrian... including, she had a stroke in Olympia.
Lou, tell them all they blew it, the people of the United States will nto
tolerate death sdquads no matter how many perverts this government hires... like Hitler
hired thugs and gangs... giving it a federal program name doesn't make it legal, DHS. Like
I said earlier, because of your own actions and methods, accurate.
Thanks to torutre today, I got abotu 10-20 minutes of work done in 6
hours. Illegal detentiaon. Coercion..
1/23/2011 9:38am Up around 5am
Last night the psychortonics guys were commenting on my idea of how to
have a jury understand psychotronics, basic stuff. like making atape with horrible
sounds on it, and palying, it and instructin ght ejury to raise their hands when they just
ouldn't take it anymore. And then I'd say, okay, and let it play.. and tell them to to let
me know when they couldn'ttake it anymore, and wehn they did, I'd say, okay, and continue
playing.. it turned into a conversation about how one of their ploys, particularly when
causing sleep deprivation, they like to get people to beg for mercy... I told them that
was obvious... and of course if you do, they do it worse to you... and laugh
So last night and this morning, Lynn's pain was worse thanever, and it's
obvious that they are trying to shut me up about PMS, the local Weed and Seed and DHS
involvement. Further, thanks to Brittany at CNN for making the connection with MSNBC and
PMS obvious. Since it's ION.... when this is over, I'll be an expert witness about how the
government uses weed and seed and psychotronics to move people to specific locations for
the death squads to attack. TH eone place i thought Lynn should have bought was 10 acres
ofof farm soil in Chehalis, same price as this 5, with a neighbor next door who must have
known. he had a long driveway and a sign with a target on it that said "If you can
read this sign, I can see you in my gun sights..." something like that. It was highly
defensible place... just becaus ethe roads did not have an easy exit for them to get away
when they did drive by attacks.
Those in State of Washington Government who think you'll be able to
actually contain me and have these swept under the rug must be insane.
BTW DHS would have you think I"m describingmental illness. 100's of
witnesses will prove otherwise, as well as my way of describing the onset of
psychotronics/depression/electolyte imbalace/chronic fatigue syndrome.. and then the onset
of electronic attacks, courtesy of Pfizer and fair use.
Read Revelations last night... things are going as expected... have fun
being owned by Nazis, U.S. And so much for the possible Time Warner idea of bankrupting
NBC and Universal... What are THEY gonna do when it happens to them?
Lou, abou tthat fish tank, since New York's gona be underwater, can we get
the Hughes Security team to let me try scuba? WHo need the secret service? They're weak
compared to Barack's blackwater type security... do they push the secret service around
too, Barack. How many police departments got paid off to jail protesters and reporters on
behalf of Obama? A bunch got it for McCain too. Amy, got your deposition ready?
Ya know Amy, I'm not any good at this covert Aesopian French Resistance
stuff I refuse to go along with... I am a reporter without borders or boundaries though.
About Exxon... :}
1/24/2011 6:57am Up around 5. As usual, the psychotronic sguys go through
their morning routinge to see how successful their nightly microwave and cameronizing
attacks have worked.. this morning, they'd prefer to have me write some thing as if I'm
totally depressed and given up. Even at my worst moments, when I think the outlook is
worst, my plan never changes.
But here's what was actually on my mind this morning, knowing this nation
has me marked for death, with circumstances I have no control over until I am out of
thisstate, Lynn is safe, whatever that means, and my reports are in.
Barack.. plausible deniability or not.. I know you get updates, and the
few speeches and clips I hear prove you and others do too, like Pawlenty's entrance into
the 2012 race... I know why you guys wanted me shut out.. but I'm not writing his
campaign, and you all better know that when I emerge, I will use what I have written and
prove your crimes.
Ya know Barack, I've had lots of whimsical thoughts throughout my life,
things i say to myself just to ause myself, ironic sort of sarcastic humor I never tell
anyone, except, apparently, Lou Dobbs...
I rememebr thinking how rediculous duck and cover was back in
kindergarten, and when that seemed rediculous they had programs to train us to go out and
stand in a field instead... I was just thinking how much that's like th eunited States
Ya know Barack, I haven't found the quote, but Lincoln - the joke they
made about you and Lincoln - what a joke - about how the continuation of the same bad
policies from one administration to another was a very bad sign...
Whimsical thought - so after duck and cover.. I walways thought, given
what we saw of Hiroshima, I figured if there was going to be a nuclear war, I would want
be at ground zero. Not really, but, at least I wouldn't have to see all those suffering
the aftermath.
It's weird how easily I can step back and it's as if I don't exist to
myself, just sort of see what other people are experiencing and wonder what I can do...
I got into "politics" early in life after my ssters got in
trouble for wearing A-Frame dresses to school at Scotts Valley Elementary, and they talked
about the student council fighting the principal and all.. and I couldn't figure out why
such a modest dress would cause so much trouble... one of my sisters got sent home from
school.. couldn't figure out why.. they were good, conservative Christian girls.. better
than miniskirts, if modesty was the issue...
So, when they said I could run for student council, I did thinkng how
interesting it would be to be able to influence policy like that, as well as stand up a
little freedom in dress policy. Our school, was after all, pretty conservative.. I don't
recall anyone dressing ina sexy or inappropriate way... the miniskirt I wore for halloween
and football practice was about as risque as it got... hot pink...
That year, the dress code was abolished, and strangely enough, freedom
granted and no restraints, nothing changed.
For some reason, I liked the idea of representing people and issues.
So, long ago, I must haveheard my dad talking about the Tri-lateral
Commission, and he must have read the protocols - strangely it was thesame time period my
mom got that Bible that included the matrix of God, NASA, concision and the Elders of Zion
- and he said the part of how the government would declare martial law, suspend the
constitution, and that would be the end of the U.S. I didn't know it meant the world. And
I whimsically said to myself, I hope I never live to see that day, becaus ei understood
what that would mean to people, becaus eit would betyranny. No wonder my dad wanted me to
see Combat and other World War II things. I really used to get to stay up late with him to
watch the Untouchables.. kind of our thing... I never understood why because he was so
strict about bed times....
And now, everytime I try to leave the Pacific Northwest, Mt St Helens gets
active. El Nino ad La Nina move... went to LA, they had earthquakes and fire.. I have to
admit I privately chuckled...
The psychotronics guys constantly try to convince me that I'm dangerous to
other people because the government will kill them.and the best service I could do is just
die. Typical govt intel thinking. ANd they want me to write thigns that would scare people
fromhaving anythign to do with me.
Matt told me years ago whe was aware tht it was a miralcle if
anythingworked out well, especially the first time. THat tells me this government has been
attacking people long before I knew of the New World Order, ad certainly I was being
attaked long before that. And ddin't know. Talk about cowards. And Bush had the gall to
call Hussein a coward and killer of his own people. And a Nazi.
I remember when I wrote to the DNC head of the State of Washignton to
announce my candidacy, as a courtesy, in 2003, and the only thing she said was
"You'll humiliate yourself".
It's very weird for me to think that so many people would take so much
time and effort to stop me so you, Barack, and others could install this tyranny. If I
wasn't so sure it was true and demonstrable, I wouldn't say it. But with everything that's
happeened since I was a child says it's true. The psychotronics guys and I like to joke
abuut how it really was "just like Moses".. sort of... He had a staff that
turned into a snake, I have God, a frustrated DJ and cryptologist...
It's difficult for me to simply acknowledge that you and your friends have
for the most destroyecd this nation, because I've dearly loved the intent of it as
so elequently expressed by so many traitors in politics all these years. (Sailor Boy, keep
in mind, Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy had me fooled too, til I read of the Templar Knights
and their oath to preserve the matrix of God)
The beautiful part of history Barack, is knowing that victors often fall
when they believe they'v ewon, and then they fall... hard... and the other part of
history, particularly with faith, is knowing that when God goes "before" someone
to win the war, He does it before they make it to the battle. I happen to know
that's what's really going on right now, because everything I do see going on in the world
proves that critical mass is occurring and that it's just a short time before this comes
to an end.
Please tell the Secret Service to tell Glenn Beck and others to stop
promoting violence as a means to end this conflict. It only serves the Council on Foreign
Relations and the New World Order to do so, by giving the government the excuse to declare
martial law, and fill those Halliburton detention centers.
The thing I can't figure about you most Barack is that you spent 20 years
in church while I wondered why churches didn't like me. And yet, you and friends do
diabolically perverse things, and claim at the end of the day, a win is a win. Only in
this world, Barack. When this is through Barack, I'm gonna have a little talk with
Jeremiah, and make sure that he uses you as an example as the difference between a sinner
and evil. And what deception looks like.
And you know else Barack, I so hope that phony destructive
distraction either is FBI, or does have affiliation to that psyops channel.. both of em...
it'll be a great example of the memo 46ing by the Council on Foreign Relations.. whether
they know it or not.
And then they'll say the same thing about me :}
Tell Brzezinski hi for me, the MO fits and thanks for the late tipoff,
you'll go down. Tell the Rockefellers too bad about the Islands in Dubai...
Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams
PS Barack: When it gets out the Untied States pays peopel to rape and
demoralize them, you and Slobodan Milosevic will have something to talk about with George
and Dick. Hallibutron.. yes indeed, sex slavery does exist in this world. You'd think if
so many U.S. politicians knew about it lkike they announce, it would be an easy bust to
make.... for the record, I chose not to go into that disgusting subject too much, but I
have the documentation.. right Hillary? Just being cathartic, Hillary...
Dee Band - I've Got The Music In Me
And my request:
Williams - I Believe In You
And the musical answer of the random day is:
Loggins - Last Unicorn
25 forever dude.. can you promise that, Barack? :} 10 billion bullets in
the privte sector, 45 billion ordered by the government.. and still, how a peaceful
movement took down the Nazis. That'll be the title of my last book, beyond 2012.
1/25/2011 8:53am Yesterday was 16 hours of torture, about an hour's worth
of work done. Yesterday morning, I spent a few minues making sure it was mayor and not
governor La Guardia... then the psychotronics browbeat me into looking a tthe latestPMS
websites.. same old psyop loop, sam eold garbage, looks like they're using her to psyop
San Francisco, right now. KRON TV 4. Check out SF listings to verify. FOr some reason,
these idiots wanted me to write her some kind of letter to try to claim I harrassed her or
something.. what idiots... the only thing I could possibly say is, I hope I spelled
your name right in the Hague report... The reason I'm holding off on the Olbermann and PMS
stories is know they're not over yet... and there's the issue of the JW church..
can't wait to see how they show their hubris when that moment comes... National will love
being informed on their behalf.
Tell Ed I'll take the picture at Steamboat Island market as his way of
introing himself into the psyop, and let him know once again he and his brother never
would have been mentioned if Thurston hadn't been put on the case... and that led me to
find out who the infamous pervert Pete is... I'll leave it at that for now, but Thurston,
does he know you threatened to rape his daughter? I won't back down.
The torture gets old, and I'm tired of Lynn being attacked. I can feel the
directed energy being aimed toward her, mostly from the choppers. Like I said military
chopper guys, how's YOUR mother? Stiff and sore, like microwave victims are? Did you know
aging is not normal? Ask a scientist.
TO all the peopel inviolved in stopping me fromwriting the books,
especially turning FOr the Love of the WOrld into a report about psyops and chronicles
insetead of anexpression of pure love, thank you for lettingmeknow the perversity of the
United States Government. No matter how you view me, I'm doing God's work. I'm a minister,
a citizen , and whatever else you think is irrelevant. And when the time comes and you
question my patriotism, loyalty to this nation and the peaceful approach and beliefs of my
intent, I lool forward to embarrassing you all. ANd to whoever thought I should write
popular opiions about things instead of truth... go write your own apostate book.
Pesronsal note: Community Club, guy down the road who insists on being the
all star perp and torturer and rapist as if it will relieve the others inolved in RICCO of
liability.... smoking. It'll come up.
Just for the fun of it, becuas ethe guy down the road thinks that my
smoking cigarettes will make me unacceptable to Christians... if they really reject me for
that, I don't want to be around tem anyway.. but as the guy wants tme to point out,
nebecaus ehe likes to make everything a joke about God and the Bible... I'll say this:
there are two parts i the Bible where it says ministers were brought together in thetemple
to speak to God, sitting in a cloud of smoke, and they left because they didn't like it.
ANd I'm sure God said, so be it. Under any and all conditions, God expects people to
endure. PMS is a perfect example of an apostate. ANd she claims to have made God a
promise,. THe same that all christians make and forget because they think it's about them.
It only is when it isn't.
Quintessentials: you don't need the whole story, just a parable or two to
describe perversity at its worst when it ahppens.. examples...
Tell Rick Cain to tell his assets he may be able to protect them in this
world, but all your memo 46 psyop ministers andapostates will never escape God... and in
the next world you guys have, they'll all be there to save AMerica... while the real
people like U.S. Citizens do well in the judgement and be spared the lies of such
people. Ministers, Policiticians, Media people and insane governemtn agents who are
perverted pychopaths and sociopaths. It's a simple case to make, like why do people show
up at celebrities doors for no apparent reason............ I got a few about that
myself... talkabout patterns, including, everytime I returned.
& Oates - Method Of Modern Love
Sonnier - Blue, Blue
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 05 - Under African Skies - Paul Simon
Valley of Sorrows in Swahili.. psyops. and about theFarsi.. only DLI
people would be concerned with that unless you wanted to kill Muslims too.
1/25/2011 6:36pm I'm in exteme pain. Over 13 hours of tooth torture.. the
psychotronics rapists and torturers wanted me to mention how proud they are to be
murderers aand rapists.. they love to hear sstuff like that from their victims... can't
wait to get to court to explain it all.. I'm being tortured now.
WHat they do is thry to to convince you they have control ove ryou, and
ifyou don';t sdo what they say they torture you more, and if you do it, they torture you
more, and if you do what they say, you'll find minutes later it was a mistake... like they
said at the auto parts store.. they're here to destroy.
The U.S Government perverts tortured me last night as i prepared to read
the bible, giving me a hard time about reading Revelations and looking at world news and
saying things were going as expected.... and whiel they tortured me I opened the Bible to
Nahum Chapter 3.
Like I said, things are going as expected.
Mor eillegal detention.. about an hout of work done while they were
destroying my teeth. I guess they really love their dentists and doctors in prison in this
state. ANd they don't liek the fact that I'm revealing thedeath aquads for who they are...
McDonald - Someday You Will
- Your Love is King
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 01 - Dawning of a New Day
1/26/2011 5:20am Woke around 3am... hearing We Are The Champions..
I don't know how to tell you perverts, but the fact is that I am
certain that this death squad buisingess is coming to an end, and it will be done within
the year. THis is not just a matter of faith, it's what I described to David Grant as
intuition I generally second guess...
Turn Your Back On Bush.. when Ohio State had its little gradution
demonstration agains tBush and I signed up for their web forum what I observed and thought
I could add was heritage.. heritage of the nation, the reasons for things and sharing my
thoughts and feelings about thetragedies that had occurred.. namely 911... I keep thinking
about being in DC and hearing that people were meeting in the Seattle area to discuss
doing away with the "intellectuals"... that's what they do when nations
are overthrown, get rid of educators, historians, political types.. anyone who could the
"Jimmy Neutron" what freedom really is and what Democracy actually looks like...
just like they drove the educators and clerics out of Iraq... all younger people
know is wha tthe government told them in school and the "non-news" on tv...
unless you're some of the few who read more and then you're likely to be hit by
death squads...
So I read the Bible last ight and came across something....
Judges 2:7 And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all
the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord,
that He did for Israel.
That one verse says it all. Joshua won the day on behalf of God and the
Israelites, and so long as he and the older people lived and could pass down the heritage
and testimony of what had occurred before and what made the land and people and
nation/city of Israel do so well.. so long as they remembered, they did well, and when
they forgot or the elders or th witnesses passed on and there was no one to tell of the
pain and suffering and hardship of those who caused it to become that beautiful place of
peace and families and respect of God.. understanding why GOd's ways work... like not
really considering what the people of the CIvil War went through, or the Revolution
against England, or World Wars or combat of any kind.. to protect freedom.. while the
leaders did it to gain wealth and power..... the story of the world, wrapped in one verse
and paragraph..
We always forget.
I didn't.
I keep thinking about SOlomon's Temple, and how it seem sthat people think
it's asymbol leading to the return of "Jesus" and God".. and then
when you rad the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, you realize the truth is the
restoration of Solomon's Temple is actually a sign to God as proof that we didn't
understand the book and God we claim to follow, because He said He didn't want to live
there, and that when He returned, He and His son would not be there.... and after all,
who's to tell God where He should live... God and Jesus told us we read the Bible and
practice religion but we think we undersand ut we don't, which is the reason for prophets
and Christs, and the reason we kill them, because they speak truth instead of convenient
fairy tales that popular people made famous.
I keep looking at this tapestry/prayer mat my mother gave me. Iused to
think it was Muslim. And now Im 99% certain it's a depiction of Solomon's Temple. I used
to think, like others, that it'srestoration menat the completion of the work necessary to
make th eway for God. Now I see it as a reminder that if it's completed, this world will
most certainly have become hell, and a new world would be elsewhere. Because if nothing
else, if the Illuminati/former ancient elders of Zion had allowed that to be completed,
the wars and strife over the Holy Lands would be nearly over, and they would have no
"sacred cow" with which to hold the world hostage. Israel.
I'm so disgusted with the United States Government. Tell Dobbs that I
decided the greatest hoax against humanity was that the United States was a free
nation and won the war to liberate itself from tyranny, and the world, and religious
tyranny, ogliarchy and royal family governance with the feudal rights of kings, which
could only be a justification for perversion, because no king who exercised such was
anything but evil and they were always ultimately destroyed, blaming God for their
destruction, while Christians appeared to be thanking God for the vengeance upon those who
sought vengeance against those who went before and did what their fathers wouldn't.
The latest is that we're being delayed for the sole purpose of running out
the statute of limitations.. proves what arrogant, bully idiots do to themselves just
before their stupidity destroys them. Keepingme from writing the books and then doing
things to keep peace has got to be the stupidest move this U.S. Government ever had. And
if I ever get a job applicant with an SAT of 1400, I'll be sure to find someone else who's
ego doesn't rely on other people's approval.
Five - The Love You Save
Nut Zippers - Hell
Lorber Fusion - Step By Step
PS DHS, thanks for proving yourselves, once again, I don't have to
hesitate or be concerned about pointing the finger at innocent people.
Brothers - Voyage To Atlantis
Blavatsky predicted you Illuminati's future long ago, with repetitions of
history.... I look forward to the repetition again, soon, and finally.
Almond - Tears Run Rings
7:32pm I was just about to tell the guys at Langley one of the new Prince
albums came in and totell Tipper she might want to check it out in a couple of days after
I upload:} Then I noticed it was from 1981. How did that one get by me? Anyone,
please email the psyop script to the locals - I can't wait for some new subject matter.
THey convinced me to watch Olbermann tonight.. he wasn't on but Lawrence was there with
the old blue light special.. :} ANd then ther ewa sRachael and Ed.. and I'm thinking, the
MO for media mirroring is for them to get you to pick which one you lie while they play
with ya.. so I'm thinking, why don't THEY decide who they wanna next point man... and
what's this Lean Forward stuff..
Tell Barack I'm gonna add a new section to my book.. Deconstructing
Barack... how Americans talk to Americans while U.S. Citizens think They're Talking To
Them. Nice State of the Union. Real nice. Another confession. I'm glad someone inserted
the definition of the word Aesopian into the table of contents of the Church Comittee on
Wikipedia... I'm really gona do this...
And by the way Barack, I may have a lot of sealant on my trailer.. but
when I paint the chalkboard paint on it and let kids paint it whereever I go.. I figure it
may weigh another 100 pounds, but it'll never leak again, and it couldn't possibly look
Psychotronics guys got upset today when I refused to back down on a few
things Barack.. you wanna use psychotronics to make me look foolish... you think gettting
me to do certain things will make me look foolish, I'll prove ya wrong.
The old days of Chuck being sucked in without recourse is over, and I will
thoroughly enjoy usig justice and the truth as my weapons. It is more fun that way.
Back to the mini-book on death squads... it's going well, and the world
seems to be going as expected.. and I don't expect to be having any tea parties
Prince: Controversy: Wait til he hears how you use this stuff for
psyopping me :} I bet he'd love to own Warner Publishing :}
Taylor - One Man Band - 06 - Country Road
Joplin - Me and Bobby Mcgee
Lennon - Instant Karma
8:18pm Ya know, barack, I'd been thinking about media mirroring, aesopian
and all.. magnet wars... AL Gore, the Internet.. and I listened to Prince COntroversy..
tell Tipper he does a great vocal on the Lord's Prayer.. and I listened on to the album...
I started realizing all the Aesopian going on in the
"underground", people who dare to say yes to speaking the truth.. and while this
album makes me abit concerned about people's admiration of Ronald Reagan, I thought
about MAD Magazine and that Arabic Porn site Begala talked about on Crossfire... and
started realizing that part of the free speech that my father believed in, including
things like playboy and more .... wa not jsut about sexual freedom, or even pornography..
I udnerstood it wasn't even about pornography itself at the time.. and I'm beginning to
realize a great number of people knew way back then that the Nazis had infiltrated out
government... in the late 40's and 50's, particualrly with the Presidency of Truman.
Again, it makes me believe that Nixon was the last President who attempted to stand up to
the Free Masons/Skull and Bones/ Illuminti.. and that's why he got setup for the
1/27/2011 10:11am Up around 6 or so.. wanted to write more on death
squads.. finally did a couple minor things and I've been tooth tortured ever since, to
stop me from writing and tryu to control what I write.
Barack, glad you like the phrase New World... and a deficit fo the next 50
years of economic slavery.. rememebr Barack, I'll reclaim the phrases you're diluting, I
will claim plagiarism in this context, and you keep convincing me about you. So do
the perverts you use to kill us.
Paul & Mary - If I Had a Hammer
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101 - Reasons
About Tom Delay.. he says he was one of the (corrupt type of criminals)
people inspired to run for office by Ronald Reagan... a good example of a good public
speaker, but the proof of his work and ideology once again do not speak well of his actual
affects on this nation as privations were abused....
9:01pm SOme new music.. first, from Prince, for Tipper Gore
- Controversy - 01 - Controversy The Lord's Prayer
And the rest of the story...
- Controversy - 01 - Controversy
Here's one the psychotronics guys like alot when they kid me about
my trailer and all the silicone I use on it to seal the leaks... and they really think I
won't tak eit on the road.. wait til I paint it...
Lodge-Rigal - Dreamtable - 11 - All I Need
Cohn - The Rainy Season - 11 - the Things We've Handed Down I was talking about
heritage the other day....
And finally... my kind of people...
Lightfoot - Complete Greatest Hits - 13 - Rainy Day People
I was just sitting here thinking about the Marc Cohn song, and how to
express how much I love God and knowing God and serving Him...
1/28/2011 11:17am The case of Bradley Manning, talk about another example
to provide the Hague as well as exemplify my existence for almost 10 years/
THis morning, I woke up, of course I never am allowed to go back to
sleep... finally go tup after hearing the usual psyop stuff about the guy workingme was
the meanest most perverse sicko they have.. and they they tooth torture me every waking
moment now, and it's ripping up my gums... the thing that I always find most notable of
attempt sto Cameronize, is to cause the victim to write journals abotu crazy things,
like killing people.. saying the same things over and aver.. like Sirhan Sirhan did befor
ehis psyop people got him to kill Bobby Kennedy.. former CIA agents say the people inthe
crowd and the MO fit a CIA hit method perfectly.. and connected it to certain people, the
same as those who assassinated John Kennedy... CIA people...
It's odd to have to listen to people say perverse things, while Lynn
is getting tortured and they tell me they do it to prove to me how little they care what
the Hague or anyone else thinks... despite the fact that the only thing that protects them
is an old illusion that won't work anymore.. the idea that psychotronic torture can't be
proven. Listen to George Noory on ABC radio for that truth.
TO the media people.. all of you got me dragged into something, and I'll
be able to reminisce about things going way back to prove mo's and more... I didn't choose
to criminalize anyone, but how can you possibly expect people to just put up with it.. and
I don't even mean just me. I don't know if Keith is on anyone else's tv, he ain't on mine
anymore.. I didn't believe CNN took Dobbs off for 3 months before John King came on
either, but ya never know... and the thing is, all these stupid little details the
psyop shrinks think can get me distracted don't matter... but at the same
time, given what I'll be testifying about, erasing 148 hours of evidence is pretty stupid.
To the politicians.. I look at the things you say and laugh at, and it's
clear you all believe that psychotronics and dews are making these people into toy puppets
and jokes, as if they really are citizens all the while knowing they live in a synthetic
reality... when you had them set up the psyops based on my mother's Bible, and then
stupidly did psyops based on thoguhts I had, include really silly thoughts, and some intel
idiot told you guys I was believing this or that thing that anyone who understood at all
would know wasn't true... like imagining Jesus floating out of the sky in a
spacecraft liek the Jetsons flew... and these days there's airplanes... :}
Politicianas.. Rockefeller.. Rothchilds.. what the hell's wrong with you
people, From th estandpoint of your lives, what do you gain by tranceforming the world if
alll you're gonna do is die, unles sthe beleifs you have in your perverse religion inform
you of everlasting life. In which case, what good would it matter to do this, foool me and
others, if you know that God holds all the power and that the Bible.. ina ny translatin,
says that no matter how hard you try, you'll only destory yourselves. And this is the last
time He will put up with it, and He won't just forgive you truly perverted leaders who
think you're anonymous to the world.
I'm look forward to busting all the pervert phony ministers used to kill
people, I look forward to busting nayonewho actually believes these methods are acceptable
anyone.. and there doesn't even need to be a discussion of God in that conversation.
The common thing psychotronics perverts like to do is cause the victim to
engage in moral outrage so the perps can then say, and that's why we're going to keep
doing it.. All you "leaders" better believe that these local peons are not who
I'm talking to, and tha tthe force of words you use to torture people will not be
tolerated, I'm glad the U.S. Governemnt flaunts the authority and respect of the world and
its justice systems, and I'm glad I'm one of the few God trusted to do this work at this
time. As a loyal citizen. I hope the Baghdad Bobs have a good time watching people get
tortured and destroyed until the moment they don't. The same moment as their
Feliciano - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
- Evil Ways
Airplane - White Rabbit
1/29/2011 6:15pm A bit ago, I got to hear Thurston say he looked forward
to all the people dying after civil war breaks out, and the United Staates Government
commits racial genocide.
Understand, these idiots are playing a game to say the most perverse
things to get me to write them to make it appear I'm mentally ill. It's not just a psyop.
I have plenty of documentation about the perversity you sickos use on peopel to kill them
and intimindate them... and thety tel me that to get of fthe hook, they'll say the
government told them to do it, and it's just a psyop.. as if no harm was done, and it's
just a joke.
Lynn's in the other room.. can't say I've seen her in this much pain...
and I got about a half hours worth of work done today, since about 5am or so...
I;m glad the satanists on teh Death Squads think they're anonymous and can
get away with it. ANd for you on police forces, Thruston told me today every cop in
this country is dirty.. and you need to undersand, this is what the government tells all
vicitms... including by writing victims up with mental problems for reporting the crime
sof the ploice they get referred to for the setup... Thurston's a good example of
how the Weed and Seed work with certain goon cops to incite violence against other cops,
especially those who don't like fascism.
It's not just a psyop. But the world will know how little the United
States Government values life.
McLachlan - Surfacing - 06 - Witness
Richie - Three Times A Lady
- Samba Pa Ti
2/1/2011 10:32am The torture has been so bad, everytime I try to write
anything I get brutally tortured. Last nmight I was looking a tthe broken toe on my left
foot, and chekcing out the nerve damage on both...the psychotronics celebrated their
ability to use tooth torture to break people's feet.. which they said they'd do and then
force me to walk off this island with broken feet, so they could easily run over me
on the deserted areas of the road, and no one would know what happened. I believe that's
what they have in mind.
NMeanwhile, checked to see if Olbermann was actually still on the air...
Keith, going off MSNBC isn't going to change a thing. Understand, thi sisn't vengeance.
You wanted to be the point man for the game of murdering us. You got your wish, had a lot
of fun laughing at our torture.. and I looked at your bio on the site, and you make a
perfect quintessential example of a Nazi propagandist, particularly with your emphasis on
coverage of 911. Perfect. I know you and your fellow pervert whores love trohies, liek the
whore in LA you people hired to finish me... she got a few.. I bet she keeps them n a
scrap book wth gifts from her other targets.. like you Keith.. I'm saving the report
sonyou, Keith, and the whore in LA, for last because I know this isn't over. You didn't
have me see her face for nothing. Standard MO says she'll be back in the picture...
as willyou Keith, an you'll hae your trophy of gettingto listento LYnn screaming in
pain onDecember 25, 2009. Maybe I'll sennd a copy to the whore working her. I'm sure she'd
love the addition to the collection.
Revelations is going as expected.. goo dwork media.. how to be a traitor
to an entire nation.. I hear Columbia Univ is the place to learn to do that for the
COuncil on Foreign Relations/Nazis.
THe psyops guys like to make t seem like all I do is sit around thinking
of ways to get revenge.The best revenge is to let you all destroy yourselves, from
somewhere where I don't have to watch the suffering... Revenge is what people do when they
are helpless and powerless.
Like I said long ago you can beat ME by killing me physically, but you'll
beat God.. and all the magic Bible verses I read anymore keep tellingme the same thing:
the Nazis will destroy themselves, God'll be laughing at you the whole way, and so will
I... despite the suffering... I always love it when th epsychotronic uys torture me
at night and then Iopen the Bibe\lee, and even still, the verses I read are often a direct
answer to what they're talking about, and the answer is their own annihilation and hell.
Over and over again...that's why God says, no more. Never again. And no
mercy to evil.
An dKeith, the tactic of trying to make me afraid or toruturing me to make
me afraid of more torture for doing it... what a joke.
Finally, tell Barck, Keith, that when this is done, I will prove that
Barack is Satan, whether he knows it or not.. becaus eeverything he does is described in
Revelations. Tell tha tto the whore in LA, and tha tGod will see her as she wants him to
see her... like you Keith. a babblingset of excuses that no 2 year old would believe.
Straight in the eyes, Keith.I dare you.
Vai And Ry Cooder - The Duel From Crossroads
Winston - Summer - 05 - Garden
Nyro - Stoney End
PS Keith: tellyour friends who get secret service I won't forget them, and
any psyops they do or bimbos you send my way will be included to the Hague with massicve
numbers of civil and human rights violations to go go with em/
Hangman hangman.... as the United States pats down and strip searches
children, cutting off the media nad news from the outside, as martial law comes down..
Lou.. tell drier I'm glad he laughed at my email. I have the tape.
7:16pm Over 14 hours of tooth torture today... and about a half hour's
work done. Isn't it interesting the magic Bible verses keep having the same theme, night
after night, different parts of the Bible.. last night, God saying, basically there's no
good to doing evil to do good... the Golden Rule... that's the final measure of humanity..
not the 10 commandments. and not about anythign but whether or not your spirit is
perverted, and it doesn't require being of the Christian religion. Christianity has its
place in the world as do all true religions that acknowledge God. Chrsitians, however,
it's clear, do not truly understand what it means to have Jesus in their hearts or as a
personal savior... because it isn't about idolizing a man who claimed his whole purpose
was to glorify God... it was abotu agreeign to the Golden Rule, and to serve Christ in the
Second Coming... and to presentan example of holding to principles and enduring.. and to
sthose who attend churches and participate in death squads.. I'm glad you all claim to
love to serve Satan. That's how the world will judge you.
Evil to supposedly do good... that IS how all anointed nations go down,
thinking it's about them and not the peopel they serve on behalf of God... and especially
in the United States, where the actual power people are for the most part, and proving
their hypocrisy with torture and rape against their own citizens to demoralize them...
Diamond - Beautiful Noise
Dan & John Ford Coley - It's Sad To Belong a good theme for people who sell out to
be satanists when good choices are available
Estefan - Cuts Both Ways
7:28pm The psychotronics guys wanted to be sure I told you how proud they
are to have done more damage to my trailer.. see the video.. delating the tires to damage
them so that they go flat when I leave this state so they can claim, as always, they had
nothing to do witht he bankruptcy, homelessness and death to their victims. Jr. Thurston's
2/3/2011 2:16pm Torture's been bad the last few days.. and everytime Lynn
and I try to talk they torture her more so bad she ends up in bed.. THurston's working her
now.. figures for a guy who boasts about being a cop and raping his own daughter...
he'll end up on charges for special circumstances and attemped murder, repeated
attempts... since he likes to call himself Buttf***man, we're gonna let him stew while his
friends and victims testify against him.... his specialty is using
psychotronics to cause domestic disputes.... I will not bakc down regarding
psychotronics, and I'lm looking forward to informing LYnn's friends of the sickos
who are trying to kill her and I both.
6:55pm The psychotronics guys wanted me to be sure to say that the pain
from tooth torture has been so bad that when it comes time to eat my one meal a day I
attempt, being tortured while eating, I can only open my mouth an inch or less, and
chewing is painful... I'm very glad these sociopaths enjoy hearnng of their success.
- Theme From Exodus
- Half Breed
& Marie Osmond - I'm Leaving It All Up to You
Exodus.. seems to be the thing God says alot lately... and like all fallen
"anointed nations", when he walks away...
2/4/2011 8:33am Last night while being trortured while trying to get to sleep.. I was
reading hte Bible, as usual, an dit provided the answers and info I needed... seems like
lately I read 2 or 3 passages.. th first is always to the psyops guys,. God letting them
know what's going to happen to them,... then paradigms of history, and then the words of
Last night, while tortured, I was read Matthew 19 verses 14 and 15
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of
such is the kingdom of Heaven.
15 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.
To which the U.S. Government psychotronics perverts said.. there's your proof, Jesus is
a pedophile.
Thank you Thurston for all you exemplification of the U.S government... all the people
you train will make fine examples to the Hague and religious leaders around tthe world.
Franks - Soul Mate
and Crofts - The Longest Road - B04 - If and Any Day
- Shining Star
PS Brittany: thanks for the video. Tell Elliot he's no longer required.. and as for the
people ont he list of 7 I personally will ask God to send to hell... it's goood to know I
was right about every one of you...
2/4/2011 7:38pm Today, I've gotten less than 2 hours work done thanks to torture.
Meanwhile, Lynn is being viciously attacked, while th epsychotronics guys say they'll
claim I failed to report a crime. I hope they do. I've reported it to everyone
including Dennis Kucinich... Space Preservation Act author... 3 times.. and he was part of
the creation of what is now known as the Peace Allinace. One of the people who tried to
get Lynn ousted from her job when she tried to inform the members of the Peace ALliance
about attacks by the government.... was talking about Obama becoming president long before
anyone ever mentioned the presidency.
Meanwhile, in the story of Adrian and Lori and the phony census taker who claimed to be
Lori... Lori being the mother of Barack Obama's chauffeur... has had two more strokes
since I reported they were under attack, and she is not expected to live. They say they're
going to do the same thing to Lynn.
Meanwhile, I decided to work on the Death Squad Report, and I am now being torured..
looks like Thurston just wants me to mention him and his force online so he can pres
sthe phony charges against me... that's a dirty cop for ya... the good news is, if he does
t, I don't need one piece of evidence to prove he and some of his friends are rapists.
Psychotronics, Thurston, I dare you to deny their existence.
Police.. you need to know Thurston is unsuccessfully trying to make it seem like I hate
cops... only dirty ones like him.. and I will be naming him for investigation for inciting
the deaths of the police in Lakewood. A few questions will answer millions of
questions. I'm talking about the guy's family and friends, and symptoms of psychotronic
and dew attacks, just like with CHo... Thurston....
THe best news is, thedifference between someone liek me and thugs like Thurston
is that he's a true sociopathic criminal... and I'm not... and that' swhy it'll easily be
proven that guys like him popped long ago when - in THurston's pervers words right now...
when they can't keep their dicks in their holsters. THat's a cop telling me to use those
words.. and Thurston, I don't have any qualms in saying so. ANd if I'm wrong tThruston,
tell your students I'll prove I'm right.
You weed and seed typoes know what you're doing is illegal, and as Jr says, he's proud
to be in the army of Satan. A psyop by the U.S. Government, representatives of a so called
Nation Under God.
I'm going to very much enjoy proving and telling of psychotronics by the perverted U.S.
Government, and I"m talking about from the top down... Hundreds of witnesses,
Thurston, and a publisher who used to chase off people like you harassing and murdering
people from some 20 years ago in your jurisdiction. No wonder your prosecutor is so
Wait til I prove the relationship between Thurston, Time Warner, Melissa Scott, the
Wall Street Journal, Muhammad Yunus, and nearly every person Lynn was ever respected by
coming under attack.. unless they were part of the conspiracy. Glad to hear Results got
those Gates grants.
They were going to make Bernard Kerik head of Homeland Security after he was already
provent o be involved in organized crime. Intead, we get people like Negroponte who are
known for death squads, adn Janet Reno and Napolitano types who love to kill CHristians
and tell the world the Christians are extremist radicals.. like Koresh and Hutaree...
Humiliation and Extermination... Barack, your confession is easily proven true. Tell
DHS to throw away their holseters, and tell the public what they really do tto the
citizens of the U.S. ANd then torture me some more, DHS and DOD, prove to the world what
cowards Nazis really are. No one could possibly come to any conclusion other than the
government of the United States is truly perverse and corrupt.
All things are possible once democracy is restored. And all things are possible with
Thurston really was the best and stupidest pervert/gift the DHS ever sent me.
The psychotronic sguys laugh at me for not being up on the latest headlines... when
you're being tortured all day long, like has happened multiple times since the murder
attempts began in 2002, after a few times of psyop cycle sof 3-4 years, it becomes an easy
pattern to prove.
& Oates - Method Of Modern Love
Benatar - Hell Is For Children Dedicated to Junior, THurston's favorite student
Tail Chasing Hawks - Eagle Dances With The Wind - 06 - Some Day Soon
2/5/2011 9:01am Woke up around 6am, I've been hammered and tooth tortured ever since. I
heard Lynn calling for me a few minutes ago, in extreme pain as they try toforce her into
the hospital, and me to abandon the house so the local scan remove evidence. BTW My
trailer was tampered with this morning, tilted so leaks would cause more damage.
Lynn woke up with extreme back muscle pain.. I woke up with leg cramps..
You people who have friends and relatives in the Weed and Seed, Community watch and the
military... if you go to bed or wake up in the night, and hear a whoosing noise in your
ear, and you'll probably think its your heartbeat.... or a pulsing elctrical feeling on
your body.. then ask your friends and military chopper pilots if they ever fire their
microwave or millimeter wave weapons at people ont he ground in the United States... and
when you see that familiar look on their face that tells you they're lying.. remember, tha
tnoise and feeling are military weapons being fired at you to kill you, and to be able to
call it stroke, kidney and liver tropuble, prostate trouble... and this is what those
choppers patrolling the night skies are doing for national security... killing off the
older people and people aware of government crimes by military weapons...
We'll call it the Jimmy Neutron syndrome.. killing off older people who witnessed
history and tell their offspring, clerics, teachers, historians, and honest news people
who aren't in the national media because they're honest. They're doing it in Iraq, it's
done in every country where it's being overthrown. And then in 2002, there were these
articles about how in Washington State, they were having meetings about "how to get
rid of this nation's intellectuals".. check the Seattle Post Intelligencer... I
accidentally came across that articel one day when wondering what was happening in
Now, Al, about Vashon Island, Apple, McAfee, Google.... and my dog Al.. ya know AL,
good joke, I miss my dog.. but you know what Al, thank you for Unity...... video speaks a
million words...and I have video of the Silverado harrassing me in tandem with a U.S.
Government vehicle... and they live just down the road..... a know PMS, Al, kind of like a
Buddhist temple, paying back for crime favors... peopel are required to announce when
someone like the Secret Service's "Elvis" leave the room..... ANd then, there's
Los ALamos and the Thought camera, locatin gsociopaths to commit murder for the
government.. to set up the conditions for civil war, Al.. is that why you and Clinton want
to kill Lynn? ANd why exactly did they have Vince Foster killed...
Al, when you put people in the position of enduring multiple 3-10 year psyop cycles,the
patterns become clear... truly an inconvenient truth... and there's another one about
gloobal warming I think the Nobel people will be interested in... Care to tell the people
about Murrah, Al? You know, the 911 attack that was supposed to justify another attack on
Iraq for Armand Hammer and his friends at Exxon, that got preempted when McVeigh didn't
die in the explosion? And about that RFID in his butt.....
Feliciano - Light My Fire
Newton John and Cliff R - Suddenly
Newton John and Cliff R - 100 - Suddenly
I think Goid's got something on His mind...
Al this one's for you from God... Ezekiel 19:9 Good numbers, eh Chaldeans? Read through
14 for the sake of your phony minister. Chapter 20 is even better. Talks about how when
people wanted to enquire of God, they asked Ezekiel, because they knew what a Christ was
- Controversy - 01 - Controversy The Lord's Prayer
And this one's from me...
Harrison - All Things Must Pass - 102 - My Sweet Lord
- Day By Day
I wonder if the Enquirer will ever run the story I sent them the day they
linked to the site that said Barack Obama's name in Kenya meant "Satan is among
us"? Before the election....
6:49pm About a half hour ago, after more than 12 hjours of continuous
torture, attempts using RC to injure me in the trailer.. as always... it became obvious
that THurston and his friends were still trying to make a feeble case that I am mentally
ill.. as if nothing else happened in the last 10 years that wouldn't support the evidence
of a conspiracy. It's alegal term, not a hysterical claim.
Got nothing done today because of the torture. Nothing. ANd I'm a little
tired of the games to try to convince me that being a victim of crimes by these people is
a reason for me to be embarrassed. Sessions, Olbermann. Be proud. Straight in the eyes.
So, NBC and GE, your perverts just got their little joke in about Keith,
and you all still think I can't and won't make the case. Time-Warner's friends are doing
agood job of convincing me they need to be prosecuted. And your attorneys are probably as
stupid as theirs, advising you with whatever legal advice will make them their next
million dollars. True or not. Remember the guy who sued NBC for 3.2 mil because he threw
up afer watching soemone eat worms or something?
And Hillary, about that picture with Muammad Yunus, CLinton's remarks
coming off the plane, the fundraiser with Murdock, Bill's cover up with Chris Wallace, and
the Wall Street Journal with the Danny Pearl story and the smear of Muhammad Yunus.... I
mention the Wall Street Journal because of CNN, Aaron Brown, Wine, Mosquitoes and
WSJ"s takeover by Murdock. Oh yeahm, and th email that someone was going through that
I wanted back, that I found the next day, all tied up in a neat bundle with string, after
a about a week of getting none... are Campbell and Aaron married.. both from ABC... and
about Miles and that garage sale in Tennesee...................
Tell Leon I'm tired of the silly button, and I repeat my message to him.
Former CLinton chief of staff.. and I thought Reagan an dBush's staffs were corrupt.. how
many of Reagan's guys got convicted.. I think it was the most ever, and Ollie got off..
Ray Donovan... PS tell van Dyk that what's in a a name is heritage passed down and
received and considered with pride. Abraham knew exactly what I was saying... I mean the
one at Ft Lewis... and I know what happened, and I'm not embarassed. So now Thruston is
telling me with this I'm supposedly proving I lie to police.. I reported crimes topolice
and more, and they lied to me about their knowledge. THis is in response to the Death
Squad sections i'm writing and haven't posted or completed becoaus of torture.. where I
recommend to people liek me who are victims and being led into questions to give
authorities the ability to falsify records and testily... I'll advise poeopel to do that
ont hat subject every minute of the day.. and Thurston.. I dare you to ask me why in
court.... Once again this is an example of how these pervert torturers use psychotronics
to try to c ontrol what i write and do... they think they're gonna make their case.
Read MKZine.... ask the publisher how long he's chased off death
Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
I'e been getting zapped by dews all day.. this is what they do when the
pointman of the psyop changes.. just like CNN
- Lucky Star
2/6/2011 5:57am I was awakened around 3:30am
Last night's U.S. Government's show of respect for God came when I read
John 6:44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me: draw
him: and I will raise him up at the last day...
Tortured while reading that, I was subjected to listening to a
psychotronics pervert make jokes about how supposedly Jesus is a sex pervert.
The U.s. Government should understand that I can provide witnesses form
lots of people being tortured and distracted and forced to deal with such perversion.. and
as far as Washignton State is concerned, plenty of people have identified themselves as
being victims of your death squads on the road, including identifying the car dealers who
supply your rapists and murderers with vehicles. I don't know why these people know who I
am, but when they're called as witnesses, and I finance their law suits against the state,
we'll find out.
And you people think I need legal help in the state of Washington. I have
it. ANd by the way, those churches don't need to know they're victims for me to file
lawsuits on their behalf as well as file criminal charges against the infiltrators.. and
everytime I drive by a church and see the death squad cars, I'm most certainly intimidated
from attendiing church in this state... and that is a criminal offense by the State of
Washington, and the JTTF... and even the FBI is not above the law....
John 6:38 For I came down from heaven (as we all originally did) not to do
mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me.
6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that all of which
He hath govenme I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again on the last day.
6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me: that every one which seeth
the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the
last day.
THe requirement to accept Jesus and the Son of Man was not to require
belief in a man, even Jesus, but to believe in and understand God's ways so that when they
came to this world, people would recognize their ways and hear God's messages, just as
Ezekiel provided himself to allow God to speak through him. Very few people will likely
recognize the ways of God. Over and over the Bible shows that few ever did, and Jesus and
God Himself said so.
Free will is not a test - it is an opportunity for people to show their
true nature... like when the U.S. Government hires perverts to rape and murder people...
I believe it was back in 2002 that I said the people of the United States
have never had to deal directly with tyranny, and don't know how to deal with it. Just as
the people of the United States find it so easy to make war and kill millions of other
people because we have not had such destruction in our own country... unfortunately, the
Illuminat/U.S. Government WANTS to have war in this country to be able to fully establish
this as aa police state under the electronic singularity.... like the Carnegie Foundation
for peace says... the fastest way to change a culture is through war... Carnegie, of
course, a Skull and Bones organization... and one more example of how you don't have to be
a Council on Foreign Relations memebr to endorse the violent overthrow of the United
Like Jesus said: I speak of peace, and for that you speak of war. Judy
Woodruff and Bono could speak volumes about that.... and they'd probably lie. But Bono
would love nothing mor ethan to be on Judy's program to talk about the Bush aids
program... which was to aid the spread of AIDS... right Judy? NBC/CNN
Keith: about uncle Walter.. was he a rapist and murderer too when he was
in the OSS? I hear whe Julia Child left the OSS, she wasn't a very good cook. Thank God
for the bass-o-matic.
PS to Jay: what a coward you sick perverts are. Cowards. Tell Warner it
will catch up with him too. Retired or not. I hear his chicken has rat tails in the
breading. No wonder they took KFC out of Shelton.
Lennon - #9 Dream
I always love it when I accidentally look at something and see soemthign
worth repeating.. like the like personal injury law firm I was seeing on tv last night
while becoming exhausted from torture, why I went to bed around 7pm... Jay,
everytime these perverts torture me like this, God has me see something really important
to let them know they screwed up.. like their mentors like you.
John 5:47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my
words? Jesus said that.
He was talking about the prophecy of Moses about Jesus' birth and
leadership, just as the Koran and Bioble speak of the same treatment regarding the Second
Coming. And that few would understand the prophecy, the ways of God, or how to know who
The Son of Man is...
Meanwhile, I say I have revealed the truth of "the mystery of
God". The Romans/Illuminati/ U.S. Government have made sure enough ministers
have sold out to ensure this nation knows nothing about God. But, thank God for the Ezra
Diamond - Beautiful Noise I think my dad like s it when I call Rockefeller a pervert.
He would've known. About those burn marks on my mother's leg, Jay. Did my dad beat up HW
or Prescott? You know those Satanic Ritual abuse types... I have a long memory too, Jay.
Travis - Deeper Than The Holler
Clark Five - Catch Us If You Can
As I said about the era of reconciliation.. I Will:} PS Jay.. any mnisters
who affiliate with you and the Council... by all means, keep the apostates and sycophants.
Have Madeline tell them how great Yugoslavia was under tyranny.
6:55am It always amazes me what music come sonmy WInamp after writing this
stuff. These are obviously for Keith and Rachel.. and for fun of it.. this is it.. talk
about propets... Prince, the local king of pop, and Keith... this is it.. oh yeah, and
their girlfriend.. dedicated to all I might have liked if it wasn't for death squads...
Presley - 30 No1 Hits - 16 - Are You Lonesome Tonight
- Emancipation - 312 - Emancipation
And for ZTipper, I was going toplay this so she wouldn't Prince changed..
but listen to the end.. Michael Jacksn and A Day in the Life, at the same time... all
Wonder - Skeletons
The final tune was Love
for Sale by Aretha Franklin... for all the hilarious givers who have ever been
defrauded by a tv minister..
Then this came up...
Collins - Testify - 04 - Don't Get Me Started
- Time and Tide - 07 - Prime Time TV 7 x 7 = 49 days Something about sevens :} We're
at 776.9
Then, these came up... note the intro on this Peter Gabriel song.. just
like... Don't Get Me Started...
Gabriel - Secret World Live (Disc 1) - 01 - Come Talk To Me
To Larry King: Believe, Larry, believe. The circle IS unbroken. Remember
the Johnny Cash interview? Nothing like a Tennesee flat top....
What was HE thinking? MBV
Job 4:4-9
7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished, being innocent? or wheer were
the righteous cut off?
8 Evenas I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap
the same.
Lights - Tears Are Not Enough
Keith - Steve Wariner - Holes in the Floor of Heaven.... God wanted
you to listen to things we have in common.... what do ya think they'll say? Does ANYTHING
matter to famous psyops people?
8am The following is dedicated to Pfizer, Pastor Melissa Scott, Extentabs,
the U.S. Congress and....
- Emancipation - 02 - New World
Newman - Something In The Air
Petty & the Heartbreakers - Something in the Air
Chapman - Talkin' Bout a Revolution
Starr - War
Of Power - Bump City - 09 - Of The Earth
and Crofts - The Longest Road - A01 - Egypt, Israel and America
Nahmod - One Power - 01 - One Power
11:31am THis goes to show that there are two sides to every story.......
and I'm a little surprised of the timing as well as the content and the psyops to prevent
me contacting him. PS Tipper, I told him I'm going to make you a fan...
- Emancipation - 310 - One of us
Al Yankovic - What If God Smoked Canibis
Tipper: let's define obscene and what's sacred.... I hope Universal
gave him a good deal.. maybe I'll give it to him.. Universal, that is......
2/7/2011 10:06am Awakened around 5 or 6 am... hard to tell sometimes... I
lay there trying to go back to sleep...
Pstchotronics.. Home Depot... I know the only reason Thurston and his
friends aren't going to file more false charges agains tme is because they know
psychotronics is easy to prove. Still, SOP is for these people to identify themselves to
their targets so they can taunt them.
Back in the days wehn CNN had me pinned down, and they had me convinced
they were going to claim I was using mental telepathy to harm them.. and that I had never
heard of anyone who ever had two conversations via telepathy.. that was before I
understood psychotronics... and I needed to fall back and gather evidence to support what
iknew had happened. And I did.
THere's this guy, I'dsay probably betwwen 22 and 25, who likes to clal
himself Thurston';s student.. since they're all in the same communication channel,
anyone could claim it, but this guy seems to be an active student.. tried to run me off
the road one day... I have video of him and 3 of his friends in the act... I'm hoping the
video camera picks up psychotronic broadcasts as well as the digital audio does...
SO this guy gets on this morning, telling me how much he hates Jews and
how he hopes they blow up and whatever you can imagine, t's quite a joke to them that I
live on an island with a Jewish while they kill me... of course, the idiot doesn'tcare
that real Christians are Jews... maybe not by bood, but when God scattered the remnant he
said they'd be of all races.... by the way JR, that includes ALL races... and guess what:
Arabs can be Christians too, and if they're true to the faith, they're Jews... scary, huh?
Yesterday, I was tortured for nearly 20 hours continuously.. at least I
got to celebrate God yesterday for a while in the morning, but of course, nothing else got
- Shining Star
Lou - about the fishtank :}
6:54pm It's been another wasted day due to torutre... about 20 minutes of
work done.. the government has a true pervert working forthem today, and he wanted me to
be sure to let you know how proud he is of "being a Nazi pervert" As usual, just
before dinner, the torture was intenskified to the point I could barely chew fish sticks.
I was planning to write more abotu death squads.. clearly the U.S. Government
doesn't want peopel to know about how the spo called death panels have been operating for
decades, and the death squads have killed at least thousands.. and they especially
don't want you to hear how pharmaceutical cover up the symptoms of electronic attacks.
Nazis hate the truth.
Sayer - Endless Flight - B45 - I Hear the Laughter My laughter at the sick Satanist
Nazis who want to writ ethis weblog with extremeist language that I reject, as they do
with lots of other people under attack who don't know it... but I still say God damn the
corrupt of the United States Government.
- Planet Earth - 10 - Revelation
6:16pm Another wasted day due to torture, with a great deal of damage done
to my teeth. The psychotronic guys added the "great deal of damage" part oto
gbrag to his friends... tonight I'm going to try to describe the History Channel's
description of psychopath.. it's good to know TIme Warner and Ge and the rest know who
they work with.
The part from "it's good to know" came from the psychotronics
Tomlinson - Still Believe - 05 - Still Believe
2/9/2011 8:16am Chaldean time... I wonder what those numbers mean?
Someone's playing with me this morning.. started the day with the typical
twilight sleep since 3am... got up around 6. Today's interrogation while being tortured
when I woke up was all about The Mystery of Jesus.... something tells me Jonathan Klein or
someone in Time Warner's legal departments saw my emails telling them to cease and desist
torturing me... I sure hope they still have the videos of me.. something I'm hoping will
be there.. something they thought would embarass me... somehow Larry King always
ends up being portrayed as a good guy... they'll say it's because I once said he looked
something like my father... I think somebody's having fun looking through all this stuff
and laughing at me, with me and for me.. it's weird.. this particular person always
baffles me.. what IS their motive..
So anyway... the Mystery of Jesus was a really good special by CNN
narrated by Liam Neesan that wa sll about things we don't know abotu Jesus, and they had
this one guy on who was I believe a believe pathologist who specialized in taking facial
skeletons and reconstructing them to see what the person looked like. He did a work up on
a theoretical face of Jesus... and then made a joke about how the production crew told him
that Jesus had been there 3 weeks before, and didn't look anything like that.
Granted, I don't know when they actually produced that special.. and my
hunch is that they'll likely lie and say it was about Nassiri... perfect timing of
course... if he went to their studios... but three weeks before that special aired, I was
at CNN in Atlanta, lured there believing it was likely they had offered me a job via some
Aesopian relayed during the Larry King show, and a scroll at the bottom of the screen
saying I would receive an email in 15 minutes... and that's why I believed it was true, an
I believed they might have done it wthat way because iknew th ebush Administration
did't like me.. and I really didn't understand psychotronics then either... I really
didn't understand its true power, let alone standard psyops that psyops people lure people
to locations o embarass them, like David Letterman and COnan O'Brien have done, I presume
because their "targets" may have been close to busting them.
So there I was at CNN Atlanta, with alying tour guide and a security
guard, a security chief and and digital recorder and this werid form they made me sign -
under implied threat of arrest - that said I upset the harmnious balance of.. I didn't
have my glasses that day,and should have asked for acopy of the most bizarre
document I ever read part of... I was told I could not go to CNN Atlanta ever again. Nice
I'll say again, I didn't lie to anyone, I dare them to say I acted
inappropriately, I cooperated fully with their security people, I never said I was Jesus
or the Son of Man, and I asked them to verify what I told them and they were not
interested in seeing the proof, which I had in my motel room. I didn't get the full tour
or a refund either.
So, questions: why didn't they edit out this guy's laughter if they were
serious about this special.. why did it even come up with the production crew if it hadn't
happeened or they hadn't planned it, if the production time was actually more than 3 weeks
before? And how many people does CNN Atlanta get who claim to be Jesus,and why? And if
TIme-Warner DOES know who Jesus is, why don't they tell people?
So this person working me is obviously a government guy still trying to
set me up with the profile of a mentally ill person.
I'll say this: I have no doubts I can convict Time Warner, GE, NBC, MSNBC
and Universal en todo without much trouble, especially if they lie.. especially if they
lie... if nothing else, I can show tht I more than contacted people letting them know my
life was in danger and I was being harmed, and their failure to even inquire about the
legal actions I was suggesting proves to me they have no honorable intentions.
Stipulation: I have no problme with people questioning whether I am
actually Christ or not. It's appropriate. I actively sought counseling and guidance from
ministers in a very quiet, businesslike and reverent way, and found no one even willing to
People want to believe in Christ, but they really don't. And they expect
easy answers, despite the complexity of their own Bibles and religions.
I've aid it beofer, I'll say it again. I began what I did vounteering my
efforts to seek truth and inform my fellow citizens, nothing more. As a citizen. My
discoveries when reading the Bible certainly altered my discussions because of my
discoveries about what Christianity really menas, and secondarily, abut me persoally. I am
not impressed by being Christ. I understand the implications, just as I do not believe in
absolute power anymore than God, who has always honored His promise, as a creator who
could snap His fngers and do anything, He has ALWAYS kept His promise of free will. I will
work on God's behalf, and on behlaf of His creation and the people and life He created.
And I am not embarrassed or bashful to do so.
But first, in material world terms, I am a human being and a citizen.
Whatever all the rest of you make up about all that is your delusion.
God already won.
Because of torture, Ihave not been able to keepuip on the daily
gossip/news. I will say this: I sincerely hope that Mubarak retains power to continue to
maintain stability in that region, as well as to keep the covert operations of the United
States to trigger anevent to justify global war from happening. For people who hate
Muslims, I state clearly, he is not a perfect leader, there is no such thing. However, he
is quite aware of the plans of the United States and the Illuminati. I've kept an eye on
basic activities and unfolding paradigms, and despite the need to speak with him
regarding civil rights, I salute him for holding the line.
Sienote: GW Bush had Hugo Chavez overthrown and removed from the country
to destabilize SOuth America so theUnited States could take over, especially the oil.
Before that, Bush illegally took out Pres Aristide of Haiti, to destabilize them, and
ensure that after an devastating tectonic attack, the United States could more easily take
over and have the Pearl Harbor Dick Cheney wanted, to defend CONUS from Europe when we
began World War III. Reagan did the same thing to Grenada. ANd now, the United States does
it to Egypt, adn acts, kjust like Bush, as if the UI.S. had the authority to say who
would lead another coutnry.
Just like they chose Karzai, the Unocal Caspian Sea Oil Pipeline
consultant, to president of Afghanistan, and then wanted to replace him with a
presidential candidate there who constituionally did not qualify to run as a candidate.
Joe Biden got Olli Rehn of the European Union to help pass a resolution
wanting TUrkey to treat Christians better. It covered them with Olli, and also set
thestage for the U.S. to claim Turkey was harming CHristians... so later they could claim
moral highground about how those Muslims there are worth fighting... and thus, complete
Jimmy Carter's plan to relocate a one world government in Istanbul, Constantinople, and
thus reestablishing the ROman Empire. That is part of the plan developed by Jimmy Carter
in1958 for the ROckefellers.
Meawnwhile.. Lebanon was told that Israel/U.S. wanted to go out and clear
the "terrorists"... and Lebanon supposedly agreed to an invasion "so long
as the Christians were not harmed".. on the road to Armageddon.. using statue of
Liberty play south form Somalia and Yemen and Saudi Arabia to the Golan Heights.
It appears you only have to win the Edward R. Murrow award once to be able
to prove your credibility in the news business these days.. apparently, after that, you
can lie about the deaths of thousands of people all you want..... makes the Murrow about
as credible as the Nobel anymore....
BTK, the makings of a terrorist.. I'll stick with waiting for Godot, Wolf.
I like that scenario better. Say hi to AIPAC for me. Tell them, I used to think Bahai was
a radical conspiracy to take over the world.. I didn't know much, and it wasn't but it's a
good one... as for the emulation by Time Warner..............
I would actually like to say to Paula Zahn, I'm glad you're back on the
air, I actually did believe you became the most improved and then one of the best on CNN,
and I believe you're an angel. As you know, I don't lie about such things. Weird. I just
realized. WHenever I say something good about someone, they do something bad to me.
Oh well.
Sayer - When I Need You
Wonder - As (Always)
Yearwood - Walkaway Joe (with Don Henley)
PS Klein. I am going to stand behind my claims tht CNN used psychtoronics
in collusion with GE et al... tell the CFR goons they might as well give up. They give me
more evidence every day. In the long run, those you used and lefthanging wil be the best
witnesses against all of you.
Get out of the CFR now. I recommend that to anyone who wants to save their
butts, let alone decent people. ANd I don't care what Barack and the CFR think of the
Franks - The Lady Wants To Know
Also Klein: putting a woman on me won't soften any blows.. I believe in
equality. And Universal.. there's a song called "Face Down" I think you're
trying to finish for Warner.... and I'm gonna be a Witness for a Jehovah's Witness.. Just
like Elvis.................
- Emancipation - 303 - The Human Body
- Controversy - 07 - Annie Christian
11:29am Jonathan Kline.. since tiem warner and ge are corporate sponsors
of the Skull and Bones, COuncil on Foereign Relations, you want to know that your pervertt
torture friends increased the torture after the last post, and want me to say, to cover
your butts and the locals in SHelton and THurston COunty becaus ehe says he wants me to
say he works for the DHS. which I don't doubt and will show their particpation in my
harassment on the highway.... and all your efforts, Kline to get me to claim all the
things your psyops and GE's psyops people know I can't prove because you set me up in the
first place, but I can prove plenty when your liars are through on tv.. and wehn it comes
to 911.... your credibility is gone... so take your federal and local goons and get them
to tortutre me to try to make it seem like I'm as sick as you people... and you are Nazis
and it's easy to prove. And while your destroy my teeth, and tell me they don't care what
happens to me, and tell me all the things they're going to do to Lynn to shut me up and
kill me.. just rememebr psychotronics exists, and I have all my email, and I don't care
what happens to you people either...
And that's coming from a guy tortured by you the media and politicians to
set me up to look like a radical that I'm not... and Klein, I just gave you what the
torturers got out of me that THEY wanted to say to make me look bad. Remember, Klein, I
sent emails to Parson to stop this, and your legal department and Bunda... and I have tons
more to prove your company and your legal dept knew of the torture to kill us.
So get a beginner Klein. And tell the Rockefellers their last gap attempt
to speed things up failed. When I show the video of what that set of butcher dentists did
to my teeth to set up the torture, DHHS will be a thing of the past.. tell Hackney I hope
his payroll records include Jackie, the Asian man, and his original address at the DHS.
You and GE now have what you want Klein. Sue me. I dare you. And tell your
DHS friends your taunts about making it so complex the trial woudl never be over, and you
win because i can't affors a trial, just remember Sunday is sabbath in this country....
and I don'[t need to do anything but prove that sister scott exists.... multi-state
conspiracy to commit murder using FCC regulated frequencies deployed by GE, TIme Warner
and Fox. ION. ANd then there's the $185,000 that would have ended this all legally. But I
know Time Warner [prefers to torture those who file complaints against them. Ask Levesque,
and that woman from South Carolina, and Cheryl Welsh, David Ensor, Lou DObbs, Jack Welch,
Chuck DeCaro and ANderson Cooper.. who can explain holograms, that will not let any of you
off the hook. Right COlbert?
Any question, Klein of how your attorneys criminalized you again today? I
have rights? And tell your specialist in emulating prostate cancer and incontinence that
Arnold's idea of yellow journalism will be his undoing. I'm no sissy, and I'm not a
When people ask, Klein get your propagandists to get it right. I'm not
republican I'm not democrat, I'm not independent. I'm unaffiliated, the way politicians
should be.
ANd Klein, you might want to remember, Jesus said he was here totell about
the muystrey of God, not the Mystery of Jesus... and your street poll about what Jesus
would be like was great smear and doesn't even begin to represent the truth. Of course, I
won't be able to prove that poll... which lets me know once again my torturer is from CNN
today. Cause only a fvery few people would have known about that. And Klein, that's how
the goons give themselves away.
Say hi to Parsons.nLet him know it's unlikely Prince's attorney will
pass my letter on to him, if the government allowed him to get it.. and Klein, don't even
bother with the government interference ploy. Tehn you'd have to answer why they'd want to
protect you. ANd I intend to tell Prince that Clive and Universal And time Warner were
attempting Face DOwn on him, just like Elvis and Michael. Got it Klein? And then we'll
look into the death of Billy Preston. Kyra can giveyou some details of his collapse in
Atlanta after being on her show.
ANd if your people ARE successful in killing us.. good luck being Nazis.
You're a liability too, Klein. With your last name, you ought to know how Nazis get rid of
- Games People Play
Cross - All Right
Richie - Still
Franks - Camera Never Lies for Melissa and Brittany
PS Keith. Why DID Melissa Rehberger start spelling her name Milissa right
after I busted the Melissa Scott psyop? Gonna deny that too?
PSS Klein.. notice, it's nearly noon, and theonly I've accomplished since
6 am is surviving torture,. Have a nice day. And if CLive is still alive, tell him thanks
for the gift from James Taylor. MO CLive. MO.
2/9/2011 2:41pm Th elast week or so has been an interesting game played by
th egovernment, torturing me for hours, causing me great physical pain all over my body,
not just my teeth, and if I'm learning anything, it's that after 10 or 12 hours of torture
- especially when using electronic devices and U.S> Governmetn word and thought in - I
want you to know I'm beign heavily tortured right now as someone wants me to rwrite their
agenda.. they want to prove tha tKurzweil's singularity works, and that I'm just writing
nothing but psyops, like a GITMO prisoner being tortured and having word insertion used to
get them to admit to anything.
Long ago, before Iknew about psychotronics, I made a comment and joke
about how I, and almost abnyone coudl make the case I was crazy - as in a person with a
good sense of humor. Obviously the cop in THruston county is reviewin ght eold material
finally, and I want him to know that until he decided to be a cowboy, I was doing
everythign I could to not criminalize anyone, and he wants me now to say I look forward to
busting all cops.
Tell Lou Dobbs tobe sure to mention the only source i have for the name
Jonathan Kline is his show, and of course, you all had my DVR erased and don't even bother
suggesting someone accidentally erased it. DFOn't bother denying psychotronics Dobbs, Time
Warner, Ge... ANd tell Barack these perverts may be able toget me off track, but I will
never forget that the peopel who put him in power are the true perverts, and he's one of
Notice all the typos? It's an indication of when tooth torture is used
when these perverts are tryign to get me to say what they want me to say.
Barack, all I have to say is, when it comes time to testify against all of
you, the current charges against Cheney and Bush will be amended to include my testimony,
as well against you and Biden and others. Please, tell the world I'm a traitor, Barack. If
beign a traitor means not being a Nazi like you, then please tell one more lie to go along
with your confession at Normandy. It's a perfect match. And your local perverts, killing
your chauffer';s mother, will be one more piece of evidence against you, the Secret
Service and the people of the State of Washington and the same people responsible for
LYnn's so called stroke.
Here's what I was able toaccomplish last night on the Death Squad section,
about an hour's worth of work despite over 4 hours of torture that I had toendure to write
I have never actually wanted to become knowledgeable or understanding of abnormal
psychology, but when you consider that these emulations of diseases often are associated
with aging people 50-70 years old, I often wonder how these people working for the United
States Government, now en masse across the country, can inflict lethal and tortuous wounds
against other people, knowing their own parents are suffering the symptoms they inflict to
others, as their parents and grandparents die before them, as they remain silent, or boast
of their work with the government to secure the homeland during wartime.
I'm sure that John Glenn would agree with me at this point God damn the
corrupt perverts of the United States Government. And anyone who doesn't liek me saying
that should ttry enduring 12+ hours of torture a day for 10 years.
- Planet Earth - 10 - Revelation
Looks like God picked the right song again.
4:05pm Lynn just called. She has a new doctor in Issaquah, a husband of an
old friend.. saw her for free.. recommended she go off oxycontin and oxycodone almost cold
trukey... interesting, he says her physical sterength on her so called stroke paralyzed
side is very good. He's a former instructor of Medicine at UW, and knows all of the other
doctors in the dept her providence doctor came from, except her doctor. ALl the drugs
she's been on, like Pristiq in the death squad writeup, cover up the effects of dews and
psychotronics... he says the memory problems she has, tha tthe social security admin and
the hospital were so worriewd about, do not occur with her type of stroke... only the
medicines she took... there is supposedly swelling of the brain, but not of the
outside skin.
A long time ago, Lynn was taking at least 8 tylenols a day, 500 mg each,
and i became worried about the effect it would have on her stomach. Iasked her to ask the
doctor if it was alright, and the doctor took her off them, even they they seemed to be
the only thing that relieved her pain. ANother time, I mentioned healing, as in
faith or esp healing, and the next thing, she's seeing an accupuncturist. Then, I told
LYnn I wonder if hypnosis would help you. She went to the doctor, and without mentioning
it, the doctor recommended she try hypnosis.
I have a number of similar stories about my own health and dental care...
an obvious pattern I noticed myself a while back, now proven with Lyunna s well, and it's
that these doctors let you say what you think you might need, and that's all they give
you. Like with Lynn, all I was curious aboiut is whether she needed a buffer to protect
her stomach.
The snuff film continues. Guess whose psyop that was, Jonathan... and
remember, I don't care wether Klein exists or not. It's still CNN. ANd matthews played the
same name game with me about Griffin.
This snuff film will come to an unsuccessful end. You DHS guys need to
know that all this torture does to me is remove any benefit of the doubt that remained.
That's all you'll ever get from me popping, no matter how much the king of pop on Hwy 3
Often imitated, never duplicated.... AEG, hope you made alot of money.
Think of all the people who won't be amused...
Christy Minstrels - Don't Let The Rain Come Down it's like the cover has holes in it,
as in the cover story.. on time warner records and tapes... :} Anyone want to hear the
Chad Mitchell Trio...
Petty - The Last DJ - 04 - Joe
Dog Night - Pieces Of April
PS Leon Panetta: I think Monterey is a good place to launch my books....
they'll know the names and faces.. and Leon, you're no more a CIA guy than Pastor
Melissa Scott... but you're about as integruous and the cover stories never end...
that's a psyop MO for ya.... I don't know why Elvis left the room, but I know why so many
people wanted to destroy the evidence on my dvr. And Leon, it will be the biggest laugh in
the world when you guys call me anti-U.S. did you catch what I wrote to COngress in what I
call my most subversive writings. I'm proud of them. I hope one of your agents show them
to you, so you know what you're up against: a loyal citizen to his fellow citizens and
ANd Leon, tell Junior to stop destroying our property. I'll bill you
personally, and tht's a promise. After all, in RICCO, everyone is charged with the same
crimes. And yours goes back to the mid nineties.... do you know there are REAL Christians
in California, Leon, and I'm not afraid of anyt of them, or the police or DHS or anyone
else who thinks their badges and titles make them a bigshot. I do, however, have
great respect for authority that has integrity. Too bad Leon. Ain't you. When we get a
real CIA director who's honest, watch how CoIntelPro and other programs actually protect
this country, instead of killing its citizens for believing the constitution is like a law
or something. Tell Napoitano I'm glad she was working for Clinton during WACO.
She'll understand. ANd eveytime I get zapped for mentioning certain people, don't think
it'll go unnoticed at the Hague. And I don't care about the threats or the pain. But
other people will when they hear the U.S. Government is trying to kill Lynn. WOuldn't you
like to be a pepper too? BTW, Keith, Fraser had the biopsy, we'll find out, I'm sure
you're enjoying her pain and foreknowledge of the fates of so many people. Psychotronics,
I hear it works on politicians and newscasters too, when the truth is sought.
Young - Silver & Gold Something about a quote about.. From the Beginning of Time.
ANd I don't mean the corporation, Cindy McCain. Something about hand jive.... Jr
liked that one :} This is what I have to put up with. Jr says, he
really likes the perverted stuff, especially when it comes from women, How may dirty ways
can you take that, if you understand what CIndy McCain did at the Republican Convention...
just after I mentioend her 911 earnings. It was another way to say FYou... :} Jr likes
2/10/2011 9:15pm Pretty tired. Got to run some errands and witness some
new patterns, some of the old surveillers getting new cars and.... Lynn had a pretty tough
day, getting extreme pain at very odd times, like when we start talking about how to make
sure she's in a safe place..... and as I've documented before, we were put through a
CoIntelPro episode.... Not much else to say really... picked up the stain for Lynn's
Almond - One Way Sunday
PS Hi Billo. Thought you might miss someone calling you that.. :}Good to
see Dennis Miller making some sense for a change.
2/11/2011 7:58pm Tortured since about 6am.. another day lost. I went to
start thing sin Lynn's trailer this morning.. went out a little later and someone had
stretched the tape mmeasure across the back of the trailer, to let me know they'd been
there. Of course, the lock on her trailer was broken after the first night. I have video.
My trailer was broken into the 2nd night after installing a lock. A little while
later, I was working, and went back out,laying thing sout for dfinal measurements and
cutting, and someone had changed the boards I had placed... fixed that, went to get
another piece of wood, everythign had been moved and ihad to spend time setting thing sup
again for final measurements. I went into the house around 4pm, and was told I would be
tortured until I wrote in my weblog how proud these U.S. Government perverts are to be
torturing me, destroying my teeth, and keeping us from seeking legal and medical
Oh yeah, when I first stared coming out here, there always a guy
acting like aflagman.. he was out there yesterday when I went too the store as I
left, with Mike in his truck playing surveillance games... personal note: chekc the video
for the license of the truck with the trailer with all the garbage cans in it. It may
sound strange, but I have reason to believe they use psychotronics to get people to
forget to put out their garbage and then have their own garbage cans in the actual payers
place to get their trash dumped for free....
Snow - Never Letting Go
Rundgren - Something Anything - Throw Money
Youngblood - Alternative Anthems - 12 - Just Like At Nuremberg
Let's see the narration on this set is that god is never letting go,
Illuminati sickos, and the Bible sya spart of the plan is to take all the money from the
perverts withou tshmae ang give it to the victims and tthers who deserve it, because
what's beiong done ot the citizens of the United States is just like what people were
convicted of at Nuremburg.
God really does pick great music sets, doesn't. He?
Club - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me I don't have to make these things up.....
2/12/2011 8:59am Woke around 7 afer theusual early wakeup and attempts to
go back to sleep while being tortured...
WHy rope a dope works. The psychotronics guys, in their attempts to
dempralize people, do everything they can to tell you all the crimes they commtted against
you, that supposedly is legal. Rope a dope works because these taunts, intended to get you
to make reports that would sound weird to police who are trained totake victims reports
and turn them into reports of mental illness.... despite the fact the police know they're
beingtortured and attacked.. THurston...
Today, getting tooth tortured, they told me the last thing I needec to
know to prove there is an actual, proveable conspiracy in the efforts of 11 dentists to
torture me by damagin my teeth and hen slowly extractly them over a course of years.
Busaca blew it with the supposed tooth grinding question, which I"ve never done and
told him so, setting up Victor's destruction of my front teeth so I can't talk. Ignoring
my complaint about nerve damage, denying weed and seed while his assistant made jokes
about XM and severe pain inflicted at Ketcher's. All recorded on audio.
Rope a dope works because when you no longer struggle with the dominant,
all you do is collect information that connects the dots and proves the crimes.
Last night's Bible reading ended with the story of Samson pulling down the
And Keith and Hillary thought they were off the hook.. Hillary, sometime s
the Front Row with Carville will get you convicted. Say hi to Donna for me.......and tell
teh folks at CNN, thanks for proving your conspiracy with MSNBC, NBC an dGE... I know
someone who'll enjoy the final chapter in the failed attempt to do a "face
down":.... just like Elvis and Michalel.. I know TIme-Warner knows what I mean...
The list of quintessentials grows, as my personal list to God of people to
send to hell becomes more and more accurate.... so when they die, their attrition
will be welcome.
Lou, you and your friends are great examples of how intellignece can often
turn to socipathy.. hae a good time with your empire that lasts... read the Bible fror the
description of why you're welcome to the abomination of desolation.. and tell Barbie she
has no clothes. And that's not a sexual remark... tell her it's about Elvis... the one in
her congregation...
Top - I Thank You
Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day
Hates Jazz - Turn Back the Clock
I know God hates apostates. I think he's trying to tell me to do the same.
I wish I could hate. I really do. She knows what it means. Anyone who think s that's a
statement of weakness better talk to Thurston about how I intend to honor his requests. So
Wauna is Gig Harbor, huh? good to know. Precedents are already set. Soemthing about
freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to oppose war, and freedom to seek
judicial reliedf from profiligng and police charges made up to silence those who oppose
the U.S. plans for global war.... just like the Nazis did. Read some history, cops, might
m,ake you better qualified to actually do your jobn of protecting citizens, not setting
them up for bogus crimes based on unconstituional laws.. tht you should know better than
to go along with. And tell your weed and seed torturers that their protection of you is
the biggest enemy you have. All they do is provide me actionable evidence and clues about
people I tried to resolve this with over 2 years ago. WHile taunting me into believing
there is no justice in this country anymore. I'm going to prove otherwise. And my
reluctance has been replaced by torutre and the realization that this state did this to me
once before... and the Key to it all will be...
Brothers - One Step Closer
HW There's a rail with your and Karl's name on it. You know what they say
HW.. it's only a dream in Rio.. How Many nukes did you guys shoot at the sun to cause a
nova? Or, how many nova's do you have to shoot at the son... or does Raytheon do all the
dirty work itself?. I wonder if my brother wants to own Raytheon? ANd Barack, about your
security firm..the guy down the road with the Macintosh is getting nervous. Especially
since he knows I have video of a few of them.... in vehicles.. harrassing me... ANd the
guy who attended the wedding in Bend doesn't like what's being done to me.. or Lynn....
Hates Jazz - Turn Back the Clock
Keith: always remember and never forget, rope a dope works, and you can't
break my connection to God..... how are your teeth, Keith? Polished your Murrow lately.
Ready to save your butt regarding 911 at the Hague? Really wanna play hardball with me?
Remember my little book? Tell Barbie to remember my little book and her sermons. Now,
should I tell the story about the first lady sometime? Tell her, offer refused, no more
Bob DOrough Conjunction Junction :} Too bad Keith, we could've had fun....
Sedaka - Alice In Wonderland(1963)
Sarah McLachlan - Silence (Delerium) In Excelsis Deo......
& Crofts - Diamond Girl - A02 - Ruby Jean & Billie Lee
A little homework for those who those who violate the rules of the matrix
of God. Looks like Just like Moses will explain a great deal. Do you even believe inGod
Keith? I write to you Keith because you're still in the loop, and I like to address point
men directly an overtly, whether they took you off to provide cover or not... Came across
Santana, Evil Ways - truncated :}
9:46am PS to Ed, Harry, TRhrutson and others: anyone who thinks they'll
embarrass me with Supercalc bettrer get better intel. First, it proves knowledge of
my activities oprio to returning to Washington AState, as well as illegally passing police
info to civilians.. and let's not forget, I'd testify against those people any day of the
week. I'm proud to sya I went out my way to screw themm.. anyone who gets me to to do the
FOrum and then asks me to commit corporate espionage.. let's just say he got the message
never to insult me by asking me to do something like that again'A dn if you want to make a
big dela of it, I'd be glad to implicate Landmark, Intuit, Microsoft and Software
Publishing.... oops, just did. Darn. and let's throw in Symantec to get it all outin the
open, how Borland was taken down.... Can't wait to hear the phonies at the airport
and the tape talking in public withou criticizing intuit.. which I would not have done
anyway.... easy to explain.. hope it is for you to explain posing as Jehovah's witnesses
atthe airport to complete the other questions asked by the other people on that trip who
claimed they worked for Microsoft, the NSA/CIA and RTC a Microsoft partner.... and about
the guy next to me onthe flight from Atlanta who worked for Paul Allen... I hope he taped
it too....
I told DObbs almost from thebeginning that unlike other people, I saw the
patterns of isolated incidents that were actually concentrated efforts. Rope a dope is not
passive aggressive.
The guy down the road told me one day, you never know who's hiding in the
bushes watching you.. unfortunately for him and a few others Lynn found following her
while hiking, I do know.
Phoebe Snow -
All Over
:} About that connection to God.... notice the moon last night.. from the
beginning of time, and the conjunction.. covenants are off but still, it's over, and it's
By request for Cindy McCain: Pointer Sisters - Slow Hand..... goes with
the nine of diamonds and the beginning of time...
5:13pm Another day lost to torture. THe work I'm doing should have taken a
week or less, but because of torture and sobatage, it's been months. Today, I went to take
a measurement and someone had come into the trailer and broke the tape measure. This is a
federal and international human rights case.
TOday was the most brutal torture yet, as the psychotronics guys
congratulate themselves. The pain and damage, attempts to distract me and cause me to cut
my hand with a saw, today, as far I'm concerned constitutes attempted, and continued
illegal detention, obstruction of justice and all of my rights. 52 years without
rights. QQUite a civil rights record, and confession by Barack.
Osmond - Sacred Emotion
Richie - Three Times A Lady
Browne - Naked Ride Home - 06 - Walking Town
2/13/2011 6:51pm Another day wasted due to torture. The U.S. Government
and the State of Washington are makin their point htat they perverts and Nazis. I was
planning to continue writing about death squads tonight, but of course the
government doesn't want people to know how they're murdering them and raping them.
Wind & Fire - In The Name Of Love - 04 - Fill You Up
Top - Rough Boy
2/14/2011 7:56pm
41 Give them another reason why Obama has GOT to go. He claimed to have campaigned
"in 57 statesI think one left to go"; he referred to a Navy corpsman as a
"corpse-man"; and in a speech in France, he seemed to think
"American" was a language. Need I go on?
Purchase the best selling book by James Delingpole, 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal
Crazy, from one of these online retailers: :} :} In the course of human events....
SO, the guy the U.S. was working with in Egypt said he'd welcome Israeli troops a while
Frankly, it was a mostly lost day to torture. About 1/2 hours work actually done...
bee sting torte.. I just know it'll end up being called that.. read the Bible last
night, it said it would take out the bad guys like a swarm of bees... of course, the other
recurring theme was of getting evil people out of the church, a story of Moses ordering
the expelling of those who are not truly "of God"... including tribes and other
religions... long time ago... looks like thing s are going as I expected in the work
to control Eurasia, with CHina being the beneficiary... a littl econcerned, too, about
Egypt's intent to cleans the Sinai of "gun-runners"... where are these guns
coming from on the Sinai?
The psychotronics guys want me to write a letter to the Police Chief Association of
America, and I think I'm going to do it, explain my political positions, and then ask that
Democracy be respected in all ways. Once again, I don't really want more evidence of
crime. But I'll take it. I'd prefer some rationality about something more important...
Personal note: Al Jazeera
I don't write much lately because torture takes alot of energy, and I read something
else last night in the Bible, somewhere, that let me know again that I'm doing things the
way God wants. I said a while back that I was glad God trusted me to do His work, because
I could, and now I'm, glad the government decided to do all this to me, and others,
because I can do it. And I'm gonna.
As always, I leave lots of doors open. As my friend Gary used to say, don't let the
screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya. No more benefit of the doubt. You explain
Whoever designed the PMS dialectic really believed they were cute and clever... and all
they were was stupid enough to believe they could get away with anything, and claim
anonymity, and taunt the victims, and not realize the victims know who they are, and will
gladly testify. I have volunteers. Have for over a year. In Seattle, too, and people
identifying car dealers where people get the vehicles for weed and seed patrols...
Larry, I was talking about the Plato kind of observed life... I refuse to
acknowledge that anyone has the right to surveil and harass and torture us as they have.
Did I tell you the one of how I got zapped when I was going to give
"coordinates" to McMoneagles TKR remote viewing people for CNN Atlanta? :}:}:}
And I keep wondering, what would happen if I invested in the stock market?
Smith - Traveler - 01 - Part-Time Angels
Alpert & the Tijuana Brass - This Guys in Love With You
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101- Reasons
2/15/2011 10:34am The psychotronics guys are celebrating now pretty much destroying 3
teeth.. all the while knowing I have everything I need to shut them down. A cop should
want to bust people like this...
It was astrange morning, being hassled as usual when I awaoke.. and then being
hassled into doing things on the computer that I didn't want to do, but instead did a
couple other things that lead me to a new web page on the site, coming soon, for kids and
others... featuring these songs...
Ahrens - The Best of Schoolhouse Rock - 08 - No More Kings
Ahrens - The Best of Schoolhouse Rock - 09 - The Preamble
And then there was this one, followed some really interesting stuff, but this one made
me think of Keith. BTW Keith tell everyone they'r enot off the hook, thanks CNN for
completing the PMS circle, and tell Matthews I look forward to his participation...
Shuffle - Jump 'N The Saddle _ Dr Demento
ANd then trhere were these two cuts I like.
Thomas - The Best of BJ Thomas - Gospel Live - 03 - Would They Love Him Down In Shreveport
Thomas - The Best of BJ Thomas - Gospel Live - 08 - Doctor God
followed by: Bee Gees Winds of Change... I gues this will have to
do.. and
Symphony No. 9 (Scherzo)
of Change - CD2 - 04 - Chico - Papa Stop the War
I was reading Revelations last night... Imagine the psychotronics
guys are laughing at the idea of a global war. Perverts are perverts.
6:48pm Down went Ferazier... Judy had a biopsy yesterday, waited by the
phone for the results only to find out the doctor forgot and went home. Sounds like AUP to
me. Today, they said they had to do some "stains" and didn't know how long it
would be. Pretty weird.
Speaking of it's not so funny when it happens to you AND God turns the
Another day of torture, and only 20-30 minutes of work done.
White - Morning Sunrise
Jackson - Way You Make Me Feel
- Light My Fire
2/16/2011 10:46am FInally gave up and got up, to extreme torture with my
teeth... easy to explain.. being taunted constantly that police will file false charges to
seixze evidence and lose it.. Torturing me all the time to get me to beleive that if I
don't post all my evidence to the web site that it doesn't exist, and that I have to write
criminal reports here in Shelton so they can tell what I'm going to say so they write a
fake story to cover themselves and falsify evidence. I already believe that stupidly took
some dental records tha twill end up convicting them... when someone purposely drills your
teeth in ways that could only cause damage, even if they're successful at having the teeth
fall out so they can delude themselves into thinking they can claim I'm a meth addict or
something... and then there's the chemtrails and Mike and his bubbles...
I hope cops like having weed and sed and DOD people use them to threaten
innocent people, and victims of death squads... they were torturing me when they
prodded me to write to the POAOA in Washington DC, it was a great idea though, and proves
these peopel believe the politicians when they say "ordinary" people.. these
people are peons and pieces of evidence. And they prove their own classism and
categorization of themselves by thinking it's inappropriate for a citizen, let alone a
political candidate, to write ot an organization regarding an issue in order that an
organization that might be affected by my political views and public statements is not
misinformed as to my positions an dintent, including regarding my own rights and right to
prosecute and seek civil remedies when my rights are violated.
It's called democracy, communication and the constitution to live without
people in authority attempting to murder you, let alone assassinate a political candidate.
It's not even audactiy, unless you really are a peon. YOur
government thinks all people are peons. THey say so all the time. You regular, ordinary
everyday people..... while they laugh at you... JUst like their raping torturing death
Silver & the Jazz Messengers - Nutville
Montrose - Rock The Nation
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 08 - Vintage Clothes
8:07pm Another day lost to torture, not even 10 minutes work done. It's
extremely painful, especially given it's been non-stop since around 9am or earlier... went
to eat dinner, fish sticks, and everytime I took a bite, they would tooth torture me for
3-5 minutes in between bites and while tryin gto swallow. Appears maybe the frummer from
Prince's band had a heart attack a few days after playing One Of Us... I think he wrote
it... pretty soon, we'll be bankrupt, and on the way to civil rights attorneys.
Tull - Living In The Past What the U.S. Government rapists live in when they believe
psychotronics and death squads can't be proven.
Stevens - The Streak The king has no clothes.. the thinker... confession and all.
2/17/2011 9:41am THis morning, I finally gave p and turned on the light
around 6am.. I was being hit so hard by microwave from the military choppers that I was
basically incapacitated.. these guys like to think they're responsible for causing me to
be submissive to demoralize me into thinking I've given in to Satanic Ritual Abuse, the
CIA's specialty.. for all you idiots who believe shooting them with a military weapon and
then taunting them for being disabled.. what brave Nazis you all are.
Then I got to listen to THurston and his perverrsity telling me how he
hopes Thurston COunty gets hit by a first strike, and how his daughter and he would be
fine becaus ethey have iodate pills.. unfortunately, the idit cares so little about his
daughter, he doesn't even check out the fact that filing the thyroid with iodate is only
temporary, and will not save you from radiation poisoning.. it's simply temporary to
prevent collapse and cancer of the thyroid. ASo I told him to look in his daughter's eyes
for now on, while telling how he rapes his daughter to prove to his victims what a
pervert he is, and remind himself that every minute his cell phone is in use torturing
people, the microwaves from his phionme are killing his daughter, and he should tell her
how much he enjoys killing her. He laughed about that too.
Psychotronics, Thruston. The Hague will use them to get the truth from you
too. Of course, he uses his daughter like Miles O'Brien used his kids to bait
rapists on CNN. Thurston loves CNN, and his department covers their crimes. I qwonder how
much the media pays Thurston. They'be been covering for the media for 10 years...
You locals are doing everything you can to cover for the federal
government and your corporate clientsAll you'll do is prove to the world how perverted and
stupid you really are, as they note how this nation destroys itself. You'll all get
your pictures and trophies, while the world wants nothing more to do with the United
States, as the Nazis take over this natio, and this country's population can' tunderstand
why the world hates the United States and the Illuminati. Have a good war. And the iodate
won't save you.
St. James - God Is In Control - 03 - You're The Voice
Collins - Testify - 10 - Can't Stop Loving You
Dan - Aja - 203 - I Got the News
Thurston, everything I've talked about since 2000 has happened, regardng
the Nazis taking over and handing power and wealth to China.. TO China, understand I'm not
pointing the finger at you. ANd as for the United States and Israel.. enjoy the Armageddon
you're causing. God and the son won't be there. THe covennats are off, have bene a long
time... good luck. God bless the citzens of Israel and Palestinian. They are innocent
victims of their government.
6:19pm The teeth are worsening, and I got about 20-30 minutes of work done
Down goes Frazier: turns out, she had a biopsy last Friday, the doctor was
supposed to call on Monday and forgot, she got a call today saying she was scheduled for
surgery for Stage 1 Cancer.
It had been quite some time since I"d watched Olbermann, and tuned in
one day just a t the right time to hear "down goes FRrazier"...
One time, I was watching FOx, a weather forecast, and they said something
about a vortex, things you don't hear too much about, and the next day, the owner of
Vortec, Lynn's brother in law, had a heart attack.
And then of course, the times with DObbs, as well as that picture when I
was trying to capture the names of the books he was suggesting, and my camera got a shot
with him, and on the scroll, all it said was Sex Pervert.... it was on CNN, I have the
photo somewhere.... a Kodak moment... Aesopian that would skull and bones, liekly...
Speaking of the stock market.. Lynn mentioned once how there were secret
signs in the stock market reports to give other connected people clues.. and I watched
Christine Romans a couple days, and suggested a spread sheet to track the market based on
Merck and HOme Depot values each day to notice trends in other stocks... ever run a couple
hundred of those spread sheets, DObbs?:} I figure now that's why NASDAQ wasn't allowed to
hire me, cause I wanted to create statistical analysis of stock trends, just for fun...
I was later told the guy there was waiting to find out when I wanted tostart...
somebody wants me to say these things, I don't know their motive.. but I will admit it's
true... I never heard back from him...
So please tell the shrinks the guy who's working me now isn't gonna get
the psychological profile he wants... I got more psychotronic audio while Lynn was being
tortured.... last night... on audio recording... as it was happening....
So this is going to be one more claim of government interference with my
ability to work in any way without them harmfully interfering .... and bring on the
psychotronics to defend yourselves.. I dare you...
McCoo & Billy Davis Jr - You Don't Have To Be A Star
Lennon - Working Class Hero
- You Are Everything
2/16/2011 7:25am Every once in a while one of them (MK-Ultras) pops up..
or was it SDS people, Lou.. either way you and Keith and GE and TImeWarner and all the
rest could easily simply claim I was an Mk Ultra or some unfortunate deluded psyop
victim... Let me say this to the people who the real truth: you can't beat God.
I get a little tired, Keith, of the locals having so much with your
artistry of aesopian, and then doing a second show that doesnopt include the aesopian from
the first show while my dvr recorded over it.... all the little tricks.. the evidence
destruction.. getting the dentists to one by one, do their little part to set up torture
by Victor and the local perverts to take the heat off you guys.. didn't work.. btw if yuo
don't like thetypos, tell them to stop torturing me when I write...
We have to leave here at some oint no matter, and I assure you, bankrupt
or not, Lynn will not end up homelesss.. and beyond that, thanks to the perverts, there
will be no forgiveness, and I don't care how many confessions you sickos in the media and
politics give... and the more you harm and humiliate us, the more Barack's
confession will stand. I don't care how I'm attac ked for daring tomention your names, you
are all Nazis and at this point, clearly not acquiexcent.
These guys have been doing everything they can to force me out to
desperately seek assistance to save Lynn's life, dewspite the fact that I will show
in court that a great deal was offered her only to find out it was a setup to make her
homeless and destitute, and alone. Nearly an invalid, attacked by the U.S. government for
saving 20 million lives, apparently for going out on one date with an SDS organizer
in the 60's. What a great government.
I have a long memory that WILL be used as a DVR..... and I'm as bold
and audacious as they come, and I look forward to displaying the sick trash you people
poured through my brain, with other witnesses who will state they were subjected to the
same. And who did it.
So all the disinformation tricks used after CNN won't work anymore than
they did back then when they used police to set me up to make me out to be mentally ill,
and the doctor they used will be guilty of Nazi-like experimentation for Kallman's, the
Nazi excuse for eugenics, as well as "the surge worked" for John McCain, and
offshore drilling. Talk about perverted humor... wait til I tell the jury why that was,
and why the doctor gave me the last vial of wrong medicine.... Why should I be embarrassed
of the perverted crimes? And Lynn will get over it. I'm just glad she isn't as aware of
the crimes as I am... so you can stop trying to get her to kill herself now, now
that the media and politicians are through raping her in every way, now they've gotten us
thru stage one humiliation, set for extermination, and it's not going to happen that way.
It will be turned around, and I intend to take down ALL the apostate whores this
government uses to kill CHristians and Jews and others. ALl of them.
Tell Napolitano tha tif there was ever anyone in the United States who
exemplified the demeanor and action sof a Nazi, it's her, an let her know everytime I get
zapped for mentioning anyone's name or the crimes against us, I will record them as crimes
committed by those people on their behalf.. just like Obama benefitted from the attempts
to kill me.
Stew Webb knows what I mean, and I'm certain he'll be glad to testify...
tell GW he and Obama can share a cell. They can steal each other's lines as false Christs
and prophets...
FOund the spot Costellanos took "the one" from last night..
combined with another Melissa Scott gem...
Endud up it was also the story of Jpseph, Yusef, the one the Muslims
protected from the Jews and Christians when Jacob/Israel was alive.... interesting, Israel
the nation, Israel the man, the chosen, the Christ. I'd read the "Israel"
menaing part in the New Testament, so I was surprised how Jacob was called Israel. I
didn't know why they kept saying Jacob's lineage would be honored....
Isn't it cool the mUslims/Egytptians mourned Jacobs death longer than the
Christians. It's even mor ecool to know they were actually interacting peacefully then. I
also learned why it made sense the Jews used to own Sinai, since it was originally the
wilderness where God Himself lived...
The temple will be where God and the SOn are, and that is then called
Israel. Get over it Christians. THe Illuminati sold you all apack of lies, despite the
fact the Bible clearly states that if SOlomon's Temple was rebuilt, God and the SOn woul
dnot be there, because that effort would be a sign that those people still did not
understand that GOd is not a possession, belongs to no one religion or sect, and God
rejects those who refuse His wisdom and determine to destroy themselves.
Personally, I don't care what happens to me in this world. I didn't start
out to do what I did by coommentingf \on politics in order to get a job or make abunch of
money, I did it because I was a loyal citizen. Im glad I found out what God;'s purpose was
for my life. You probably won't understand this, but I actually believe God found out what
He wanted toknow through me about this world, and that my workl is actually over.. that
doesn't mean I'll stop, but Revelations was clear, and I'm not into fairy tales, and
things could turn around, but I'm satisfied to know if this world destroys itself, there
will be no blood on my hands, and I will be blameless before God.
Can any of you say the same, looking GOd straigt in the eyes? I doubt it,
but I hope you dare to do that.
Riperton - Memory Lane
Taylor - Fire And Rain
AAnd tell your co-sonspirators I'm inot interested in their
explanations. The Alanis and Prince psyops were not even close to the same SO give that
one up, NBC/Universal/GE and Time Warner.. I won't. Nor will I forget face down.
- Shaman - 11 - Why Don't You & I (featuring C
PS The psyochotronics guys keep telling me Stevie Wonder died... And don't
ever forget, anyone who uses psychotronics to contact me better know I think they're
perverts, I don't care who you are, and if I ever find out any of you is one of the people
doing that tome, I'll have you arrested... Benefit of the doubt does not exist anymore
with me. All with the same feelingas this song, and the emnity that goes with it. There's
a reason I said that. I hope the point is taken and used as the advice I provide. And may
the psychotronics die the same death they are trying to cause Lynn.. I'm gonna dedicate
the tapes of that memory to Olbermann and Dobbs. I don't give a damn who THEY blame.
Had pizza lately Rachel? Tell you rproducer no one could want to hear him sing... and if
he does, he'll regret it. You all have to confess to save your lives... sound familiar
Riperton - Pefect Angel - 101 - Reasons
GOd always picks the right ones.
8:01am Lynn just called me as I finished the above to tellme her pain
suddenly became extreme. Thanks for th eevidence Napolitano... I look forward to your
trial, Nazi.
11:12am It's hard not to note that either intel is slow giving orders to
hit people with active denial, or the locals are just having fun, as Lynn has had a very
painful week... The intel correlation is about how she was being told by a doctor to
consider this week going cold turkey from oxycontin and oxycodone, with no additional pain
relief at the same time for at least 2 weeks.
Genesis 47-50 Jacob's death and his words to his family, as well as
referencuing the name Israel as a person and a nation....
Numbers Chapter 10 See also Castellanos, 11:16-17
For some stupid reason the stupid perverts are doing eincredibly extreme
tooth torture to get me to mention them.. they think they'll make me look stupid,
I'm collecting evidence. THe amage will be the proof, as they damage my teeth and
claim it will cover the crimes by their dentists. It can't. They also think it proves they
can torture us and intimidate me into running away in desperation.
8:09pm Pain is an effective tool for distraction.. and while Lynn is being
extremely attacked with DEW pain from the locals on behalf of their clients, especially
trying to extort and blackmail me to remove evidence and psot thigns I have nointerest in
saying, useing pain to supposeldy control people... Lynn forgot to have her prescriptions
fileld for the 4 day weekend... that's how the locals use other symptroms or
medicines to disguise torture with military weapons.... I'll be recordin git Keith, and
you'll love the pictures of my teeth. Tell Hillary I won't bakc down from the front row,
and tell carville he's going with her. And just remember, for everything these sick
perverts torture me to say that I can't oprove, I have more than enough I can prove.. and
the more I'm tortured, and have to watch the sick pervert wet dream sof snuff film makers
come true while watching Lynn being attacked to torture me into making reports to the same
police I'll be filing charges against... to continue the cover of crime and rape and
torture by weed and seed with the knowledge and instruction of police, and then to believe
that I should be more worried about the police for telling the truth.....
Millions of people will be asking police why their lives were destroyed
while they watched an dparticpated. It's too bad these cops here believe using their
badge to silence rape victims is a good idea...
Mitchell - Turbulent Indigo - 10 - The Sire Of Sorrow (Job's Sad
And their greatest fears will come true....
2/19/2011 9:46am Lynn went to bed last night in extreme pain.. someday
I'll explain to people why their spouses and them live on 2 ends of the same house... lots
of examples of this.... it isn't incompatibility necessarily, unless theywere set up....
THis morning I must have lied awake for hours while the psychotronics guys
said pervers thing slike nigger and so forthh, and then, defending Mark Fuhrmnan, asked me
if I ever called anyone a nigger... as ina racial epithet,ad I said no, and they said, you
just did.. this is how the U.S. Government frames people. ANd I stand by my claims that
Mark Fuhrman with Van Atta and Garcetti planted evidence to convict SImpson.. And like I
said, I never claimed I knew whether simpson was guilty or not, I said, the government
presented no evidence linking him to the murders, other than planted evidence that I'd be
glad to discuss in court, just as I did with Peter and Johnny Cochrane via CNN. ANd a side
note, Greta van Sustern was one of the few objective reporters on the case, and I don't
have any idea why she gives him credibility.
That was one of the topics last night and this mmorning as these
semantical dialecticisans propceeded to set me up to syupposedly depose me with
psychotronics, by implanting what they'll say are false memories that aren't.. meanwhile,
like the 148 hours of recordings they destroyed, they continue to claim they will steal my
evidence, and that they caused Lynn a stroke to get us out of the house so they could
steal evidence while I was gone. Meanwhile, Lynn was recovering from a faux stroke,
directed energy attack to kill her, while she was recoving in a nursing home.
Meanwhile, after 2-3 hours of torture and interrogation, the questions
turned to the evidence on the dentists.. and their taunts about possible having stolen
certain pieces of evidence that would have been damning if it had been the only evidence
required.. my teeth will be proof of purposeful assault and malpractice to get me to
VIctor's so he could fully destroy my teeth, and the truth is, in time, especially with
torture to slowly extract them, it is happening just the way they planned back in 200-1
inOlympia, where certain people thought they could extort and blackmail me into silence
while they killed us. Ed. Remember Gig Harbor. And then rememebr the mo of this state's
hired killers. And why you'll be busted.
And Ed, I still like Jehovah's Witnesses, and Milton's a favorite of
mine... and since the psychotronics guys just said they were goin gto kill him, Ed, he and
his wife, already having reasonable suspicion an dte ability to prosecute the infiltrant
perverts for attempted murder, though they'r enot aware of it.. just imagine what
Jehovah's Witnesses internationally will do.. especially after the othe jits on
Jehovah's witnesses around the country... for more info, talk to Keith. I was tortured
abut implicating him last night. Brutally.
Ed in your jurisdiction, your psychotronics guyswere attempting to
get me to tell a psychiatrist I was a sex pervert for the sole purpose tha tthey said they
would stop the torture.... I think you guys are the ones who need the shrinks. And by the
way ED. your shrinks are incompetant, perverse criminals, and their day is over too.
Happen to go to Yale, Ed? Notice that psychotronics is not a secret inthis
country or anywhere else in the world, Ed?
BTW ED, don't make me testify regardin gyour attempts to set other people
up by Thurston and his neighborhood death squads - and his interest - in pedophelia....
you don't want me to do that, anymore than what the locals are into... Ed....
That said, Brack, once again, thanks for the confession. ALl these local
pieces of evidence, including t parts of my boody hit by the same weapons that killed
MIchael Jackson.. these guys get me to write all sorts of things that I supposedly can't
prove.... in psychotroncs land.. wait til a jury in another venue hears the truth. And ED,
if you try anything stupid like these other psyops perverts, rememebr, it will go to
another Federal venue overnight, with the best lawyers representing veterans against U.S.
Government killers. Want in on that Ed?
ANd then I'll explain to them why the government REALLY calls Iraq War
Veterans potential homegrown terroists.. the same thing McVeigh claimed.. they have rfid
in them, and nanotech, to make them more susceptible to DEWS and psychotronics... so they
can be converted in to homegrown terrorists by getting them to join the Weed and Seed
Death Squads.... and if they do, and find themselves in that position, they should feel
less guilty by knowign the government used psyops electronicsto trick them. But it sure
shows you how the government views the troops as expendable toys to violently overthrow
this nation.
No matter how all this ends up in court, those will become the issues.
Any other illegal interrogations will be reported as such, Ed.
Have you figured out I'm not crazy, ED? And btw, the part about me
perpetrating public hoaxes... you don't stand a chance. Neither does Baird.
Great Bible reading last night, even though Iwas brutally tortured while
trying to read.
Mocedades - Eres
Always amazes me when that w\one omes up, Joe.
Collins - SuzanneSorry, Suzanne, the first lady job has already had dibs placed on it.
Imus - 1200 Hamburgers To Go
Merchant - Jealousy
Strange mix today. I bet Imus would laugh at it :} Brother Billy Sol, put
your foot in the tub and your hand on the radio, and feel the power......
Oh, Ed, about the guy in charge of Supercalc who introduced me to the
Forum....... done the Forum, Ed?
Sidenote: I don't actually have a complaint about Landmark's programs,
necessarily, just a few people who are criminals and are part of this conspiracy, much to
my dismay. I left their employe not wanting to work there or necessarily participate
futrther, still quite willing to recommend their courses, with the same remarks I've made
to others to take their courses - to get what they want out of it..... so, put an end to
the predisposition stuff... cause I'm just not like that, never have been, never will be,
and I'm very capable of separating issues. When it gets to court, you'll wish you never
heard my name if only for that fact. For example, if I had a predisposition against
Landmark, it would have been because of the weirdness I experienced before I decided to
try to get on staff in DC.
Mann - You Angel You
2/19/2011 9:09pm Today was another day lost due to torture.. no work done
at all. Like last night, the torturemade it very difficult to eat, and the perverts hired
by the U.S. Government continue to "impress themselves withtheir expertise"...
their words in quotes.
Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams I assure you, that's for the government perverts and
their bosses in DC.
Youngblood - Alternative Anthems - 11 - Who Killed Rachel Corrie
2/20/2011 9:50pm ANother day lost due to torutre.. about 15 minutes work
Riperton - Loving You
- Planet Earth - 02 - Guitar
Md - Tender Love
2/21/2011 11:26am Last night's reading was about testators.... Microwaved
all night, so Im a little tired feeling... in the mornings, it's always interesting to
think my own thoughts, notice what the pscychotronics guys are trying to get me to think
about, and then their tact for beginning the day's interrogation... these guys are
preoccupied with the locals and other particular guilty individuals, always talking about
law suits and how they don't care what happens to us and how tehy have their own ives to
live, as if we don't count///
Believe it or not, I've been harrassed for quite some time about nnot
fullyp posting my fair use policies. I read a while back how Huffington Post made
$16 million last year, using everybody's material.. ap, cnn, newspapers... AOL bought them
for $300 million.. nice payoff for Arianna.... then they made me think, I started
doing he same things long before her, and given the suppression, FBI reports and more,
that would make one single aspect of this case worth a billion, billable individually to
TIme Warner, GE, NBC, Universal.....hmmm enough for alittle nation building.. only
Lynn told me GE is the largest corporation in the world. Perfect.
Regarding James Taylor, Clive Davis... let them explain it.
Meanwhile, a great deal of RC is being used to give me vertigo and cause
me injury.. just a few bumps and bruises, and some close calls.
One of these days people will take all this seriously, but I think it will
be too late for all of them and a great many more.
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 09 - Spirit Voices - Paul Simon
- Baby I'm For Real
Top - Jesus Just Left Chicago
2/22/2011 11:56am Got up around nine, must have laid in bed awake for at
least three hours, as the U.S> Government continue to believe they're getting me to
write this weblog that will prove my mentla instablity. THe thing is, with people who
don't understnad the attacks or technology, this kind of intimidation works. Further, I
say, this will end up proving the government used military weapons and rapists and
torturers to suppress my freedoms...
TOday was about trying to make me believe that if I didn't know exact
details of thign sthat happened on Harstine Island, that I couldn't prove anything...
they're wrong about that. They want me to think that becaus ethey cause me with
psychotronics to jam my tooth into my jaw to torture me that - for example - I just said I
did it to myself - an old joke they wanted to shove down my throat that wasn't a joke by
me or them... and mostly, they think I can't prove the use of psychotronics. It's easy to
The last thing they want me to sya, as if I'm a paranoid aruguing with a
personality and not a pervert down the road with electronic equipment.. and oh ha ha, the
matrix defense joke - if you're a personm of any sort of authority, or an individual with
knowledge of this weblog locally - and by the way - I have plenty of evidence tht you
locals and nationals read this every day and thenn psyop me, including getting me to think
about thing sor write about things so you can harass about your agenda for harassment for
the day...
If you're if anyone who feels guilty or threatened by anything I say in
this weblog, then do us all a favor and arrest yourselves. I'm not responsible fo ryour
crimes or dialectics, and I'm certainly not going to allow you to get away with it at this
point, no matter what... and all the evidence I have of physical harm, destruction of
property and so forth.. if you continue to scheme to take it, or use Lynn's friends to
make up an excuse to delay us furtther, it will be prosecuted thanks to the stupidity of
thurston and his student.
THe beautiful thing about th ematrix of God at this time is that those who
attempt to cover up expect so much punishment, they convict themselves. Olbermann pointed
that out about Cheney and Bush... unfortunately, Maddow and the psychotronics guys
convinced me to look at OLbermann's transcript page which led me to th ebio page, which
convicted Keith Olbermann too.. AN dhe knows what I"m sayig... especially about
people and their arrogance and continued believe that they can bully anyon einto
You guys may be able to affect me with these devices.. but just rememebr,
when you use rc nad do thing like you did a couple days ago, fracture the 1st finger of my
right hand on the laundry room door handle. I udnerstand how it's done, and I'm a great
sales engineer when it comes to explaining technical things to non-technical people.
Oh yeah.. consider the typos in this entry more proof of harrassment while
trying to type and their torture to get me to say what they want me sto sya... and the
digresions are their work to make what I write nont worth reading.. the same reasons that
so much of my writing is unfinishe.. because I refuse to write what TIme and the COuncil
on Foreign Relations want people to believe about GOd...
And that all Christians are potential violent extremists, that the Jewish
conspiracy is what they believe in and might given the purposeful disnformation and
misinformation spread by the government, the Illuminati, the CIA, aka the U.S.
To all the power people who would never be in the position to take direct
blame and who kow the truth... I'm not afraid of you either, my physical body is mortal as
are yours, and I win no matter what. Tell that to your dialecticians... and then do
whatecver ya gotta do to cover your assess. THe guy down the road said that. Direct quote.
Psychotronics guys want me to say this: the current website WILL remain
online as evidence until the day psychotronic sand dews are no longer in use, period. Q:
A: I am not the only victim of psychotroncis and dews, and I'm quite aware that despite
the instense suffering Lynn and I are suffering, plenty mor epeople are suffering too.
I also believe that when we are no longer attacked by psychotronics and dews that
Lynn will be nearly normal, although having suffered some damage from the directed energy
weapon attack to the central nervous system part of the brain. And I will prove it was not
a stroke. And it will be tied into circumstances created by the "destructive
Lynn is in denial about a lot of things, and easily embarrassed. I'm not,
and any attempt to use her explanations or description sof events for the last 15 years
will be used as proof of her vbeing a true victim, and I will not back down on that, and
when she feelssafe, I happen to know she will be glad to tell all the horrible details..
and confirm all my accusations in her own way, even though she has no idea what she knows,
and how important the information is. ANy press people trying to set her up like that
willend up with another charge of attempted murder.
Young - Greatest Hits - 11 - Heart Of Gold
- One - 101 - Feels Like It's Slipping Away I'm sure this is how the dialecticians are
feeling right now....
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 09 - Run Like the River Runs
Oh yeah.. I had a little fun yesterday when the Jehovah's Witnesses came
to the door.. I have lots of reasons they weren't.. and the "Suan from Seattle"
character said they were discussing government.. convenient.. so after she told me her
thing, read one verse out of the Bible (which is not what they usually do) and then ahving
to dig through her purse for the one set of JW literature she had to leave behind, her
friend Lee got really neervous wehn her Weed and Seed car had me notice her eyues as I
explained to SUsan how the JW churches were infiltrated, and how perfec tthe government
discussion was.. a subject she totally skirted and ignored as I watched lee w wonder how
susan was reacting.. and as they left, I gave them a few things to think about.. including
watching me write down the license bnumber of the PT Cruiser I believe I recognize from
outside the pizza parlor by Fred MEyer's....
- Emancipation - 312 - Emancipation
I'm gonna make a page of church usic.. Tipper's gonna learn to love
2/23/2011 11:08am Got up around 9 after slleeping til around 5or so, went
to sleep around midbnight as the attempt to sleep deprive me and then torture me when I
wake to make me weak and wear out my brain...
this mornign was another attempt to supposedly make me so angry that I'd
write that I approve of the death penalty.. onne of the only thngs I changed my mind about
after reading the Bible... and so, odf course, they've tried to talk me into believing in
the death penalty to claim I'm a hypocrite and so vindictive I want to kill someone.. the
problem is, I don't believe in the death, penalty, I'm not vindictive, I'm not a hypocrite
or any of the other things TIme and GE/NBC have worked so hard to make me appear to be
since the 1970's...... I'm certain a jury will understand when they hear the stories....
anyway, so this morning, I told them that since they insist that i emand the death penalty
to prove my vindictiveness, that I would tell teh jury they insist on the death penalty
for them, and since they insist, it was fine with me since it is the law, and basically,
who am I?
Meanwhle, the government minister nad perverts trying to influence my
writing in the first For the love of the World were pretty difficult to deal with, as
evidence with my position on abortion, adopted and spoken by DOnna Brazile on CNN after I
wrote the position and then wrote to her and put her in the middle of apsyop... I'd
always write to people just before they'd appear on one of these news networks.. and was
the networks way of telling me the people I thought would help were all against me...
anyway, as the book shows, wehn writing about abortion, someone was trying to get
me to take position s that were in linew with fdivisive politics of religion, ie
abortiona nd anti-was the most important thing in the world regardless of the muder and
persecution by the government... and I didn't finish the abortion chapter because of
harassment and torture, but it clearly demonstrates the battle I had sticking to my
principles regardless of te psychotronic influennce...
Back weh I was writing the John Denver articles, and end up writing, GOd
wants you to stop lying, the truth is, if I thought anyone was telling em that, iit was
LOu DObbs... for reasons I'lll explain in court. Note the typos as I fight
Anyway.. the exact woerds I was writig wehn the psychotronic sblasted
was... they're blanking my memory.. it said that Muslims were blamed for a lot of thigns,
and a lot of lies were told about what Muslim and Arabic words mean, and we had been
sorely misled... at which time, psychotronics was used to torture me into writing other
things.. that was in 2002 I think.
Again, governemnt torture and psychotroincs is why so many things onthis
site are left undone, but nooe could possibly say I didn't take what I was doing
seriously, or being irrationality even when ealing wh\ith the weirdest psychotronics and
Meanwhile.. long ago, I took the position tha tthe atheist was right when
claiming unconstitutionally that "under God" should be removed form the pledge
of allegiance, becaus ea s a a matter of separation of church and state, it would require
peopel to declare a belief in God which is not require d for citizensiship of residence..
therefore, it should be removed.
This morning I decided a campaign theme would include all that, and to
keep under God in the pledge until the Nazis are gone to reminfd the government that no
matter how much they anmd the Illuminati believe otherewise, they are far beneath God...
in every way.. and I'm proud to say God is superior to them, he broke th eglass with them
after they refused it... and as always, reluctantly, allows the idiots to destroy
themselves... but no matter what they say, they're still way way under GOd.
Mason COunty Sheriff's department ought to be aware that the psychotronics
guys are spending a great deal of time trying to convince me you guys fully support raping
and torturing people........ when I write the letter to the Police Chiefs officers
association, I'll be letting them know that the weed and seed and the DOD are c\actively
inciting violence against police, so wehn officers are shot in your jurisdictions.. and
i"m talking all over the United States, and the shooters talk about voices and thigns
typical psychotronics targets complain of, and yo write it up as a crazy shooter, you're
empowerinng the murder of your own officers, covering up crimes, and falsifying police
reports if only because of your personal knowledge of these tactics not being part of the
report - to point suspicion toward these perverts - psychtotronics guys... reasonable
suspicion.. and it's weird to have a public inmage of cops standing up for each
other,while allowing certain officers to be executed... and then you have to ask, for what
reason were they eliminated?
So, for all of you who have had so many laughs rtorturing, raping and
killing us, especially laughing at the little books my mother gave me, that I finally read
at a time when I believed i was actually going to be killed on direct orders of congress
by directed energy weapons, the book told me everything everyone tries to do to me will
end up being done to them by themselves.
Something about beingsucked in, COngress, the roots of Jesse, Al Gore and
Unity... I have no qualms about making th eabove paragraph case in court. Got it Nancy?
Glad you all had fun. Something about, what a fool believes.
Oh yeah, good news, according to Daystar, if you poay $40 per month you'll
have God guiding your every step every day for the next year. You can buy God for $ 40
dollars a month. PS To PMS Inspiration Ministries, Murock and the other phonies... good to
see you're all back on ION... I get hassled all the time still to believe you
perverts are real ministers.. an day of the week, I'll be glad to explain to you why you
have made yourselves perfect footstools...
Now, imagine you're agovernment or group of perverts wanting
money... and you have this ministry thing telling people to pay their $40 and then let God
guide them, an then use psychotronics to cause them to.... become sex perverts, become
depressed and take pills, commit criems, marry people, torture, rape...... and they think
God is telling them to do it all, and that it's fine.
Like I said, that's the reason there are so many incomplete chapters...
interference by psychotronic speople who wanted make me out to be some zealot militant
vengeful guy who thinks he's Jesus so they could "humiliate and exterminate
me".. nice try by the bookstore and the infiltrants in Olympia, as well as Shelton.
These guys try to tlel me I'm a traitor if I tell the world the U.S. is
murdering its own citizens. People condemned the citizens of Germany for not reporting the
very same organization of people for genocide... I once asked, how many peopel do these
perverts have to murder to get arrested? Now I'm askingthese perverts and their friends,
how many lives do I have to save to be able to go home somehwhere, hated in my own
country, knowing the people who hate me wouldn't be alive if I hadn't done it, and that
I'm proud, then, that they hate me.
MEdia people.. don't dare try to use that excuse. THis would have been
over in 2002.
Finally, Magic Bible Verses.. I'd sure hate to be who these Pastor Melissa
Scott peopel are, God doesn't seem to like them..
There were two themes last night, when I randomly readin 2 different
places one after anotehr, telling me God wanted me to learn the lesson I can't rememebr at
the moment due to psychotronics.. the other, strrangely, is the outline of the Pator
Melissa psyop.... I promised the psychotronics guys I'dwrite my notes on the matter for
later use in court because it ompletely goes along with remarks by GW bush, all the way
to... you'll see....
The part I wrote down...
Read Acts 19:11-41 my notes.
THe PMS Story
Diana and Alexander trhe Great GWAnalogy Alex the Great and the
Crusade "error"
Afgahnistan.. back to the stone ages
Aesopian, thru DObbs(GW, John Kerry) and thru others, and regarding
terror and people on tv sending code talk to terrorist cells....
PS I'm neither a pest or annoyance to anyone but those who feel
Judges 2:13 note 1 Re Diana Queen of Heaven
See also: Melissa, Queen Bee
Bavarian Bee Sting Torte.. even back in mid 1980's, Beverly knew what was
being set up.
I truly fully understand now why God loved Moses and David so much... I
really do.. I love David's humble acceptance of his service to God, His willingness to
talk to GOd honestly, (exec management meetings and all ) and his ability ot have so
much faith, that even in the face of death, he knew God was worthy of His faith, and lvoed
and enjoyed life and God even in the worst of times.
Jr got to watch a show last night that explained how the boys in Egypt,
think, were all killed if they were 2 years old or less, because the government
knew of his existence and importance, long before Moses had a clue, so they went about
killing all boys to make sure they got Moses...
Makes the "Just like Moses" joke not so funny.
- Games People Play
- Emancipation - 312 - Emancipation
Youngblood - Alternative Anthems - 11 - Who Killed Rachel Corrie
It'll be very interesting to hear why Prince believed, in 1996, that
Michael Jackson needed protecting, or who the Michael was that he was talking about.
Michael & Jermaine Jackson - Somebody's Watching Me
Wanna play hardball?
- Ten Summoner's Tales - 11 - Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me)
- Make Us All Aware
7:21pm Today was a complete loss due to tooth torture. Lynn fell asleep in
the early afternoon, in pain, clearly being hit by directed energy weapons. Her favorite
place to sit is on the pew in the window, and I'm certain she gets hit directly by dews
when she sits there.
Tell Rick Cain, i fthe spook exists, that he can't protect his assets.
Impossible, especially thanks to the MSNBC perverts who are more stupid than MSNBC. THe
pervverts love it when tey think they get a mention about something that can't be proven.
I'm being tortured right now. THey said they wanted to be sure I mentioned that.
Again.. good luck on settin gup a mentla illness profile, CLiff. I don't
really have anything on you Cliff, but I'm certain that exposing hte situation will prove
you're the type with the FBI that causes people to appear to have certain profiles... so
they can be humiliated or arrested...
All the sick Biblical jokes, the tooth torture, torturing LYnn to shut me
up, how much more disgusting does the United States Government want the world to think of
it? I WILL be telling the Hague the threats are serious, they're aware of my case
and psychotronics, and they're used to threats from criminals in government, and they know
these guys are affiliated with U.S. terrorists around the world. NOw, the psychtoronics
guys want me to appear extremist... they think they can claim I'm usin gforce of word...
while they rape and torture people... for the government... they want to claim I caused
civil unrest... if unrest occurs, it will be because the scope and perversity of the
crimes are worse than any genocide we point our fingers at in other countries.. so
while the weed and seed and psychotronic guys do everything and trick they can to get me
to exhonorate the police and blame it all on local people instead of the real criminals in
the COuncil on Foreign Relations and the U.S. Government, for what insane reason I don't
know... but let me assure people, they are simple pieces of evidence about as useful
otherwise as shotguns to Dick Cheney on a bad day.
That means they're the kind of people who, when in a bad mood, might shoot
their best friends.
Let's talk about guilt by association, regarding the infiltration of the
United States Government...
Kennedy, Fox, Warner, GE.. media.. who owns it now.. basically the
same.... that was since the 1920's Publishing: Time Inc... music... the thing is,
Warner and Universal (NBC) own the distribution rights and methods for anything that is
allowed to become successful, so they control it all. That reminds me, I will be checkin
gout the artists to see who Warner and Universal would have claimed I palagiarised..
though it would likely be in reverse on one... Warner and Universal.. Yosemite.. Tricia
Yearwood.. waiting for the other love to fall....
News, AP/JP Morgan, Time, GE , FOx... Same story... same revisionist
history... same use of people like Marianne Williamson, gifted, influenced without
their knowledge.. and do not at all let that diminish Marianne, she is a victim without
her own knowledge.. which statement lets noone else off the hook, despite the verbal
dfialetics just demonstrated by th epsychotronics guys to let a certain phony minister off
the hook. Nothing bu tplausible deniability.. interesting, the phony looks like Marianne
as well... these guys reall y need to get better intel.
Guilt by association... freedom o fspeech, killing people, fraud, hoaxes,
Jay Rockefeller.. the 4th.... Rockefeller, CFR,, US Senate.. Intelligence
(?) Skull and Bones, CIA
Jack Warner, KFC, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Intellignece(??)
Senate, Skull and Bones
Barack Obama, Relative, Hillary, Skull and Bones, Yale, CLinton, Yale
Skull and Bones, Rhodes Scholar, Wesley Clark, CFR, Rhodes Scholar... on and on and on and
U.S. Senate.. Skull and Bones....... Russell Building... Jack Russell...
Connecticut, Lieberman, Dodd Skull and Bones
Kennedy, Byrd, Templar Knights, Illuminati, Opus Dei, CFR....
I don't even feel like doing Carter.......
Interesting, isn't it, Yugoslavia, Madeleine ALbright, leading the CFR
religious section, form a Muslim country, what could it mean. Brzezinksi, National
Security Advisor and such for Republican and Democrat presidents, background from a Muslim
Country, whoat could it mean? I don't know myself.. but it says soemthing about why
foreigners are not allowed to run for presient, and in this case, it's not actually about
Muslims, it's about people raised or oriented toward totalitarianism and thus, accept
itsimplementations as if they were normal, and that other people should appreciate the few
freedoms they have, instead of the liberty of God and th eConstitution of this nation....
So just for fun, who knows if he hads, but I'll say again, if Obama wzass
a legitimate candidate and documents from Hawaii could be produced to prove it, why not do
that, if your actual concern is tfor the good of the country.
Meanwhile, while I may be able to take McCain's side in an intellectually
honest arguement, the fact is he was not a legal presidential candidate in 2008, having
been born outside th ecoutnry, a difeference becuas eit was tha twayw because his parents
were in the military, and frankly, a valid future consideration... but usurping the
constitution first to simply invalidate it is illegal.
As we tried to do in Afghhanistan's last presidential elections against
I know my sequestrration andkeeping me from information and the news seems
to lsome liek afun thing to do.. but I actually expect some very bad damage to have been
done, as well as knowing I have bene further plagiarized in a way to make it appear I
plagiarized others. As I told the DNC, whatever themes I use in my books an dcampaignm,
Iwill use and reclaim and embarrass the hell out of those who particpated in this scam.
And don't bother claiming none of my letters or emails were sent or received.. because no
matter what, no matter what you people try to defend, the government of the United States
is guilty.... that may not mean much but alaugh to a Nazi, but to the citizens of
this country and the world, that's the end of the Illuminati.... and regardles sof anyone
else, I know what they are. Other than common gutless cowards, that is.
So, did a relative of the founder of Time Inc kill Abraham Lincoln? Is
Clare around? :} I noticed Time's coverage of the Civil War was much more objective than I
imagined anyone's would be..... like, they weren't necessarily against the SOuth,
reporting the south's problems with theNorth not dealing fairly.... and then there was
CHico, the prince of the north and te prince of the south, some guy fying west to
east or east to west without touching th eground... and a a guy, claiming to be a
minister, tellng me he had a 40 year old redhead for me who lived with her mother........
the pool guy, talking about living waters, who never came back, who I wanted to talk to
during the superbowl.. he claimed he was a minister...
So how are Lee and Susan today? Got your fingerprints....
Michael & Jermaine J - Somebody's Watching Me
Flack & Donny Hathaway - Where Is the Love
Those two songs were a tie
Cougar Mellencamp - Pink Houses
I'm assuming that soon, weed and seed towns throughout the coutnry will be
facing massive unemployemnt, and the death rate of older people will be greatly reduced.
Remind Jay my predictions almost always come true.. in time... 11 months and counting.. I
hear eleven is an important number in sacred math....
Tull - A Passion Play - A45 - A Passion Play Edit 6
2/24/2011 9:53am Last night was difficult. Tortured all day, went to bed
around 8:30 or 9 and was tortured another 3 hours while trying to read the Bible... anyone
who thinks I'm lying can look at the exrays and video later of my broken toes...
meanwhile, they continue to further harm my fractured or sprained finger, which still is
I wanted to be sure to say the reason I brought up the flag and the pledge
of allegiance was because I caught a few minutes of a show on TeenNick abotu a boy who
refused to pledge allegiance in the morning, because apparently he heard something about
the government views on gays, and would not pledge allegiance any longer to a nation that
did not believe in equality. they tried to force him, he refused, after that, teachers and
students mobbed him to the point he was forced into homeschooling. A perfect exmple of
separation of church and state, someone taking the pledge of allegiance like few do, and a
perfect example of what this government has taught this nation to do to anyone smart
enough to actually think abiout anything, and decide for themselves based on the truth.
That's the problem ina nation o fNazi propagandists, who understood what
Bush and Rice said, as if defending freedom, democracy can not survive without a free
press. WHich is why the United States ceased to be a Democracy long ago... I figure post
world war ii, Ike was the last person probably ever actually elected to the presidency.
Since the Nazis in the United States/Council on Foreign
Relations/Illuminati/Skull and Bones/Free Masons have owned the media nad news sources
since the 1920's, it's no wonder the people of the united States can't find the pacific
ocean on a map.
Last night's Bible reading.. way back when I comented how I always loved
Reading David in Psalms, it was like a song to me.. that was before I knew he thought of
them as songs, actually his personal journal of his prayers to God... I still love them.
Of course, accidentally turned to them again last night.. great reading.. it also shows
where someone in Washignton State and the Federal Government got together and decided to
make th epsyops against me sick Biblical jokes.. in other words, taking passages of the
Bible and acting them out in order to get me to come out in public as Gosd or Jesus, so
they could sya i was crazy, talking about things that were psyops mixed with things that
were actually "communications" or the matrix of God.... actual synchronicity...
what they cooked up in 2002, based on what I read last night, was the scheme to begin t o
ruin my teeth, slowly, before I knew about psychotronics, and why I claim torture since
2002, using my teeth to severly harm me, and prevent me from speaking out, as well as to
give me a story that would have been unbelievable, but providing what appears to be the
beginning of the patter of sick jokes, leadin gto preventing me from seeking the
employment of choice.. and now I understand why THurston got so nervous....
Psalms 4 Hear me when I call Oh Lord.. United Methodist Church, Ted
Turner, God is calling... didn't even catch that one last night. I'm not gonna go into
more detail.. read through chapter 17. And I'll just say I declare chapter 18 a
sermon of its own for all the atual faithful..
I'm being harrassed badly right now to make it impossible to continue
discussing this. Lawyers at CNN shoudl talk to DObbs abotu what I'm talking about, and I
hope your security people did not destroy the video and form you made me sign in
Atlanta... and I'll be glad to explain later how my willingness to talk to security turns
into illegal detention to intimidate.... not all things disappear.
Lots of references last night to the FBI/DHS whores who were used to kill
me... got it Glendale.. end of story.
Tell Jay tha tI hope he and his sick friend sshow all the crimes you
people comiteted against in a failed attempt tomake us llok bad. Get your planes warmed
up.Interesting typos, ehj Jay?
Oh yeah, one of my parts last night, just like from the Koran,was the part
about showing people like all of you that you're just man, or a person, and your badges
don't make you anything more than one more mortal. And to God, though, ask Him soon.
Maybe someday God will feel like hanging out with us again.
- Magazine U - B02 - Devil Delight
MacGregor - TBD - 045 - I've Never Been To Me
Flack - Killing Me Softly With His Song
11:41am Getting nothing done due to torture. THe idiots of the U.S.
governemnent are so stupid, they actually want me to tell you the reason they broke the
tape measure was to prove they could vandalize the property at will, and that they love to
break the golden rule, given the tape measure was of a golden yellow color. What idiots
other than true criminals would do such stupid things nad take pleasure in having teir
victims tortured to report it? Criminally insane people.
Meanwhile, a couple day sago, air was let out of the tires on the left
side of my trailer. More attempts to cause a flat on the highway...
A new campaign, how's your mother, bumper stickers, to remind weed and
seed people that while they're killing other people's parents, other people are killing
their parents, they watch it happen, and act like they care about the suffering of
their parents. Nazis.
I'd like to point out that rapists are torturers are torturing me now to
say things that will prove their insanity, and it forgives nothing. Read your Bible,
delusional sick joke people, I'm not here to forgive anyone, and the first time one of
your church infiltrants says I'm perpetrating a hoax, they'll go to jail.
When the state of Washingon determines that defendng their crimes and the
crimes f TIme Warner, GE, NBC and Universal is proving they're Nazis, maybe they'll stop
torturing us, declare martial law on themselves, and warn the others nationwide that even
criminals and dirty cope know that sooner or later they get caught, and they're caught.
Mind you, that was linnguistic dialectic to thereaten me that I'm gonna be busted, the
standard daily threat that will yield their life sentences. Wait til you hear the stupid
thing these government rapists think this will lead to.. my embarrassment.. and I'll have
no problem criminalizing Thurston, his bosses, and the idiots will humiliate themselves...
as they probably have their entire lives.
That whole last paragraph was attempt to say something simple while
battling psychotronics used to get me to write what the government wants me to write so
they can claim I'm dangerous or something. I have one thing to say to the U.S. Government,
en todo, God Damned You... you know why, I'll inform the people, and I'll enjoy knowing it
leads to a world not driven by war. And when you get people like Robertson to claim
God forsook this country, let those apostates know God damned them too, because they
should know better.
And they should know that, if they actually ever read the Bible.
ANotehr day lost.. and I'm being tortured as I try to write this. THe
government loves to get people to write long rambling journals of their government
torture. They damned themselves this time.
Estefan - Anything For You
Since I'm going to end up informing ASCAP of the crimes against me by
major record labels... I'm going to post face down sometime today so people will
understand that Prince is tlaking about a conspiracy to kill him, just like Elvis.....
6:07pm It's been a very difficult day... I've been tooth
tortured all day, including when I got my 10 minutes of work done today... the tooth
torture game of the day seems to be to torture me in a way ito get my loose teeth to
puncture my lips and cheek.. they get closer to it all the time, and I sassume Jr and
thurston will enjoy the blood.
It's good to know the State of Washington sponsors this sort of torture
and murder and rape... to create a better community. All Democrats, far as I know...
For a while today, it seemed I only had 1 guy on me instead of the usual 3
or more, and I came into the house to hear Lynn screaming in pain... the weed and seed
perverts continue to play the game of forcing to leave our possessions behiond so they can
divide them as spoils, or buy them cheap from an abandored storeage rental.. standard
procedure for weed and seend, and accounting for why Lynn was manipulated with
psychotronics to buy a trailer, buy expensive and more after her stroke for some neighbors
who apparently believed they would succeed, as they also attempted and I believe assisted
in the Social Security Admiistration in defraudig Lynn of $10,000. Wait til you herar the
initial interview of the guy who refused to acknowledge her explaqnation of when her
disability began, and then in court, I'll tell the story of a certain board member whose
husband or something was an NLRB judge at one point, helping her to screw her disability
eligibility, who just happened to have commit suicide recently. THe U.S. gocvernment is
very good at getting victims who don't know they're under attack of committing suicide.
How convenient.
If there's any real pattern to things, it's that anybody who knows
anything about Obama, the CLintons, or any COuncil on Foreign Relations people, they're
targets, whether they know it or not, because when these perverts claim they rule the
world, they want people with complaints about them to no longer exist so the rest of the
world will think these rapists and murderers are without blemish.
Like Marianne WIlliamson.. a target.. and whose life became worse after I
advised Carville and Begala to be careful what they told her at a lunch in a few days from
that time, because she had a tendency to talk too much.. my loyalty to the Democrats and
CLinton once again misplaced while trying to protect them since Marianne was a spiritual
counselor to CLinton during the Lewinsky affair.
I intend to harm her position with them. I didn't know she was already a
target..... be the change, James...
WOn't it be fun when Marianne, Heart and others find out that Lynn is
being targeted and tortured by the U.S. Governemnt to cover up their involvement with
Landmark Education..... and more... and she in't even aware, and thanks to torture by the
U.S> Governemtn and the State of Wahsington, she is not really up to dealing with the
Anyone who puts her n the spot will find themselves subject to attempted
murder and public humiliation, obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence at the
Hague and U.S>, including with one of her associates, the head of the UN IHRC..
International Human Rights COmmisssion..... not to mention the Clinton favortie, Muhammad
We're only here still becAuse of torture and illegal detention. Otherwise,
our plan was to be gone, intact, financial stable, not well off, and healthy more than 7
months ago.. and still, each day, I get 10 to 15 minutes to finish one part of a project
that's taken months, that should have taken 2-3 days.
It's hard to work when dealing with constant torture.
The only reason I'm here, the only reason Lynn's alive, is to make sure
Lynn gets out of this alive Otherwise I'd have left, and some people were trying to set it
up for her to remain behind alone for what I preempted when I discovered another
murder plot against.. that involves police officers.. and the hel of it is, neither she
nor I know what she knows that made the U.S> Governemnt want to kill her. DOt Maver,
tell Kucinich his name will be sent ot the Hague as a traitor murderer rapist and
everything else described in this website.
16 tons Dennis... Peace Train... what a hypocrite. The world does need a
healer, Dennis, you're not it,. But nice emulation. Congratulate Huckabee for the same
sort of apostasy. I moverd 16 tons of gravel that summer before you made that speech, in
one day with a broken wheel barrow. Every muscle cramp that forced me to rest between
loads was worth it... Dennis, according to Brian Barird, you propose lots of legislation
tha tmakes you look good, but he says, carry your own water. BTEW< tell him, I hope
he's got the fortitude to carry his own when he and Pam Brokaw join you.
Brian.. I'm so glad we didn't hold that fundraiser for you in 2002. For
the fun of it, tell Sherrod Brown how he gotinto the Senate by having an affair with a
lobbyist. Sherrod, I always liked you, but this is about integrity, not acceptance by the
Russell Trust.
- Like a Virgin
Carey & Luther Vandross - Endless Love
- Point of Know Return
Sherrod, by the sounds of this mix, I think God's calling. The
psychotronics guys re always "awed" by the random cuts that end up being selcted
by God. Just works that way. I alwys dfear one day I'll be in front of acrowd, doing
amagic Bible verse that doesn't work.. so far, hundreds of times, it always works.
Same with magic music verses...
Face Down ain't happening, Universal.
So, Lu, it's about time to get those unedited.. note, unedited transcripts
out that they had you make when I fired you a few years ago.. or...... you know... cause
I'm tired of being a toy to perverts, and I dare thurston to claim I'm threatening you.
Like with Olbermann, this'll be the last chance to prove yourself. CNN, say hi to your
lawyers.. how's the deodorant holding up... and I dare you to claim extortion or
blackmail.. Myles and Miles to go.... soembody doesn't like Myles............ you know why
I spelled it that way :} The problem is, you guys left me with this communication mode,
like Landmark said, he communicates through his computer.. but only because I'm forced to.
Got a letter today that looks like it had been steamed open. It's in the
evicdence bin. Looked like it was a check from the outside.. probably the same way they
made sure I didn't collect the $185,000
Travis - Around the Bend - 09 - From Your Knees - Randy Travis
2/25/2011 6:09pm It's been a very painful, difficult day. A while ago, I
made a recording of me taliking so that Olbermann could have one more trophy in the
rpeport I make to the Hague. Since saying it appears these perverts are successful in
extracting the tooth no dentist would repair, and are on the verge uprooting the molar
behind it from the roots up using the first tooth to do it, it's a miracle I got 10
minutes of work today. Since that recording, it appears people are teaming up to finsih
the job, including Thurston.
Among other things, it appears Dobbs and his friends, who I told nothing
could be worse than being imprisoned for a crime you didn't commit... like the
"Snaggle tooth killer" who spent 20 years in prison for a murder he didn't
commit, but looked ragged and had teeth missing when he was arrested so it made him look
10 years of torture, and today Thurston tells me his job was to get me to
confess to pedophilia over an incident that happened when I was 17 when an adult invited
me to a place where I witnessed pedophilia, called the police, and the police were too
bust to respond. And DObbs, take your golden rring and nanotech and Chuck DeCaro and I
hope you enjoy the Hague with your partner Olbermann.
Dobbs, tell your friends 10 years of torture, with my knowledge, and years
of troubles caused by dirty politicians and media people in charege of harrasssin gme, and
countress frauds setting me up for th eappearance of criminiality.. I don't care what you
knew or where any of you came in...
TOday, it became apparent this page was one more attempt by THurston to
set up a web page that had everything on it to claim a profile of someone mentlaly ill.
Unfortunately. like th etwo prior pages, he finds the truth very inconvenient.. but he'll
even end up taking some credit, with his bosses, for killing my dog... and the guy I
videoed harrassing me outside the animal hospital wil be th elead to that one.
These guys are trying to get me to write things to serve as threats to me,
about things I'm not concerned or thinking about,., however, what they want me to say now
so they can claim I"m paranoid is that weh nthe house was built, I mentioned to the
supervising contractor how the wind and air circulated well through the house. Just like
Waco.. and so they put a stack of firewood under the bathroom window like a campfire, tha
tI videoed, to threaten to burn the house down to destory the evidence, kill us and
supposedly to remove surveillance devices.. like at the house down the road that was
burned down afterward. Sauget. The locals claimed they were a meth lab, and tha tthe
locals got to split whatever was left behind.... the same people said that meth addicts
and lab people were doing all the destruction around here, only to find out the peopel
they were accusing were the victims, while the weed and sed and community watch people
enjoyed setting people for mental charges with reports to police tha tthelocal police have
instrutions to treat the victims as mental cases. And I am not ghoing to defend
Mazlett or anyone else.. nor will I back down, Thurston. ANd for the record, please note
all this Mazlett stuff is becaus eof harassment about things I have written that are not
posted yet regarding death squads.
These people torture me thinking it means they can get me to write what
they want, I'm being tortured right now, and my teeth and gums will prove it. ANd to my
knowledge, I have never used meth or anything llike it... and if you say I have, I'll say
you're lying every bit as much as you're going to use this paragraph to claim asemantical
lie in order to play a joke to cover FUhrman, and I'm telling you, I watched thtat trial,
and there was nothing about his actions or testimony that gave credibility to anything he
had to do with in regard to the Simpson. Anyone who claims I'm lying should watch the
entrie trial.
Further, regarding so called rambling logs, I joked about how I had to
explain thing sto connect dots with 4 or 5 dtories... that said...
I have every reason to believe that the sister scott at the Joehovah's
witness church was in on the setup to publicly humiliate me, and the recording of her
remarks will be used to show cause, and a picture of her will likely prove it was her, or
a very similar likeness that was a picture on one of the Pastor MEliissa Scott
websites I visitied just to document from time to time.
It' svery possible that woman has cut her hair since then, asi it appeared
tha t Sunday to be that she or a frined cut her very long hair straight across instead of
like a professional who would texture the hair or whatever they call that so it's smoother
at the ends.... the one on the site had the straight cut. The psychotronics guys are
saying it's a page boy cut at the ends...
I'm a little tired of writing notes about being tortured, threatened by
police and media smears about my sex life which is noones buisiness, and other things that
are noone's business, as I'm also told this is the way these media people supposedly get
people like me to confess to crimes they otherwise wouldn't... any petty things I may have
done never harmed anyone, and I resent the idea that the united states government would
subject me to this and torture and rape and several attempted murders in oreder to cover
up the CIA's failed attempt to kill covertly those people it carried out illegal
activities agains tsince 1976, anmd in my case, 1955. Sealed unto God, and proud of it.
If and when these perverts choose to publicly humiliate me for their
crimes, and I will be able to prove to juries everywhere they are their crimes, keep in
mind that the criems are theirs, and all these attempts to publicly humiliate me and Lynn,
individually and separately, are Barack's confession.
Nazis humiliate and exterminate. That's what Barack said at
These perverts love to sit and talk all day about their threats to get me
to write about them as if I'm a violent person who hears voices. Unfortunately for them,
CNN and Anderson have proven their own guilt in covering up psychotronics, and the same
former CIAnderson Cooper disclosed holograms to fake any crime or image. Even the CIA
screws up when covering its own crimes. Including those against Ira Einhorn.
PS Lou.. please send your apology to Cheryl Welsh. It might look good for
you. When did Space Holdings incorporate?
FOr all you famous people who want to sue me for defamation: I dare you.
ANd if you have a problem with being accused or what's being done to us, stop it, or
"take it like a man" like I was told to do after a dew attack one day...
The day of God's justice.. everyday, the psychotronics guys taunt
me, saying, you've been saying for years you would take us to court.. laughing at me..
knowing their crimes make me destitute and that the State of Washington useds every agency
with the FEDS to force us to stay here against outr will, and are even using lifelong
friends of hers to murder her. Good thing I noticed the man is someone whose been
harrassing me for years. I've only seen the couple once. ANd that I caused Lynn to realize
their plan would bankrupt her and leave her homeless, as has been the plan sicne I wrote
about seeing a 60 year old woman homeless in San Francisco.
I'm being tooth tortured to write last night's reading I did while being
tortured.. and abotu th etorture, Olbermann did a good job of forecasting what I would
look like when ym teeth were being extracted.. let's see if he has the guts to show the
video himself, since all my evidence is erased, and thruston is playing another semantics
game... remember hurston, Ihave audio recording,s the volumes don't match, and the attempt
yesterday to calibrate those volume levels will result in similar recording \s like the
one Lynn got from her doctor in a setup obviously caused by Thruston to get us both
arrested.. as the result of a conspiracy....
You can't fight priovidence, Thurston, and I'm not talking about the
It's rice night lou, shall I tell the story of mindless Eddie, and what
you guys planned to do to me to soften me up for false arrest and worse? Or are you gonna
take your last opportunity, like th egovernment, to do the right thing.
Don't mean to put it all on you, Lou, the actual media psyop started
on MSNBC with Christ Matthews. Easy top prove. Like Olbermann, and the Hague, last chance
for a lot of people toexpose the Nazis or announce it in public that this nation has been
I'm a true believer, like i said early on, I don't stick aroudn where I'm
not wanted.. unless forcibly detained while being murdered.. just liek AUschwitz.. and I
didn't even know I was Jewish...
and Crofts - The Longest Road - B02 - Try Your Love
CC - TBD - 100 - Art For Art's Sake
John - Tumbleweed Connection - 201 - Where To Now Saint Peter
Coincidence, Lou? BTW Tell the corporate people if they think I'm
blaming on the talking heads, tehy'er really wrong. One thing DObbs and I agreed on,
corporations don't commit crimes, people do. ANd tell Thurston trying to get depositions
under torture are illegal. Especailly when he's trying to get me to admit to his own
2/26/2011 11:41am Notes on this morning: Lynn attacked by psychotronics.
Ass always, the dialectics are set up so that if I mske reports, circumstances are such
where the initial appear ance is that Lynn or I will look like irrational or disrutpive
people in order to make true reports of crimes and incidents.... the Illuminati/CoIntelPro
people do this to intimidate victims as well as toensure that if they make reports, they
are publicly defamed anyway. In the long run it'll be easy toshow that We Have A
Voice", something I fulyl claim to have written, talked about a police brutality
report in LA and my comments were actually about the news coverage, but Thurston, of
course, being a zealot pervert, wants to make it out like I have a thing against police.
If that were true, I would have never talked to Mazlett about psychotoronics and dews, nor
would I be willing to avoid poointing the finger at police with the letter from Lynn
Surgalla except that I needed documentation to show that the psychotronics existed, and
therefore, I was not crazy or just a guy hearing voices.
THis morning, somehow, Lynn got me tlaking about MSNBC and CNN and how
people just show up on celebs, claiming code talk.. and as usual , right when I'm about to
get to the pint where she'd understand with just a few more words, suddenly she's hit with
extreme pain and becomes argumentative for no reason, and and arguing about things that
dfidn't happen.. typcal psychotronics attacks, I'm kind of used to them, they have her
baffled. SHe never reads my weblog, has read little if anything of the books....Of course,
what these guys want is to claim Lynn is mentally incompetant and irrational, and like I
said, to use her to claim I'm nuts despite the fac tIshe asked me to record her saying
what she knows and experiences just in case psychotronics was used in the future at a
crucial time to make us both out to be social problems, you might say.... so that I could
play it and let a jury know she knew she was under attack, no mater what.
Since Lynn's stroke it's odd how her kids have almost completely ignored
her. Very ofdd. I knerw they were being influenced by psychotronics, and didn't get
involved myself with them too much because I didn't want to have to explain
psychotronics,and I didn't want to put them in any more danger. Suddenly, after I let
people know I knew of a conspiracy to kill her, her daughter starts calling every day
concerned about Lynn. I didn't know that til this morning. It's clear the murder people
got scared and decided to use her daughter to distract her, and desdpite the extreme she
gets from travelinmg, it keeps on the road, away from the house, I get less work done...
Meanwwhile, I get hammered so hard, I end up going to bed early,
don't get to sleep until midnight or 1 or 2, she thinks I get rest, and like last night,
maybe I only got a couple hours. So Thruston thought he could use sleep deprivation and my
acocutns that would normally claim someone undergoing anzxiety attacks as Thurston trie
sto protect him and the other criminals he works with, to claim I'm have anxiety problems.
Not true,, and the sleep deprivation rarely succeeds in being a useful ointelpro tool to
make nme argumentative t \o get me thrown out of the house.
THat said, the setupwith PMS is obvious, to play a sex obsession game with
me like CNN did, and then get Lynn to kick me out because I watch a female minister on tv,
and then she claims I must be romantically interested in her, and kicks me out of the
house when I didn't suddenly go to LA to check out the minister foor GOd's work, not sex,
so for the who knows how many times, the Cointelpro guys get me kicked out instead, and
the other result of course, no $185,000 Of course the initial appearance fronm the weblog
would look like I was interested in other than God's work, although in court or otherwise,
it was clear I was simply playing along with another psyop to its conclusion, as I
constantly explained. Like I said when I wrote it, becaus eof certain things, it looks
like another CNN sex sting setup.. and of course, becaus eof cricumstances, I ended up at
what was supposed to be a church, and what is obviously nothing more than a sting
ANd of course, tey told me if I didn't expose my indiscretions of my life
myself, back in 2002, that tey would claim I washidding things, if I went public, aonly to
find out they were getting me to do it, and cutting off all communications otherwise,
other than the website, to claim they only knew these things because I wrote about them.
Quite a con.
Unfortunately fo rthem there are only a few more and notthings I'm
particularly concerned about, that i told them I'd make them bring up just to make sure
that if some desperate brought it up, forgetting their info source was psychotronics, that
I'd catch them at it. Of course, that would explain why DObbs would want a blanket Federal
Shield law for news people, so they could literally claim things about people and then say
their source was anonymous.. and say anything they want about anyone.
They wanted me to believe I needed the shield law to protect information
and people, and theregfore, should stay in Washington State, but I have mo classified info
or sources to protect. They tried to get me to beleive that if I left the state, I
wouldn't be able to file law suits form another jurisdiction, so that tells me I'm dealing
with liars or people who don't have a clue about the law and justice system.. or just
trying to scare me into staying as if their money was actually important to me over the
issues of this nation. Unfortunately, the law suits will force the justice dept to take
legal action against their death squads OR prove to the world the UNited STates has
decided to use Nazi tactics. Mussolini and Hitler all at once. And of course, with local
police involvement, they also want me to believe that no mattrer what, the courts will not
allow th ecase, and I know that's not true, just as I know there are lots ogf good police
officers, alots of good judges, jurors who aren't stupid like these people want me to
believe.. and that if they use psychotronics to tamper with witnesses and jurors, they'll
get away with it. I'm sure they have in the past.
(Not in theOJ case THruston, SOrry. He's tryingto constantly get me to
make statements to clear the polci and politicians, and I refuse. Remember Thruston, I'm
gonna make em use psychtropncis onyou to expose your sick perverted crimes using a badge
to intimidate. And if Ed says he didn't give permission to use him to intimidate me, then
it'll all be on you and your Weed and Seed minions that you've trained in brutality.)
Dobbs, remind your people that I said that if you guys smeared me and
defamed me, I had no reason to back down, because you can likely gget away with that, but
in court, you lose in every way, even if you had a legitimate reason to arrest me or
alegitimate incident to report.
As for mariuana, I never would have brought the subject up, but I was
commenting on things on the Crossfire program ala Begala and Carville, and series of
programs they had with the exec director of NORML, which I'm sure he would verify,
and I joked around about my position on marijuana, long beofre I knew it was outlawed to
"Legalize" or acomodate rtacism by the federal governemtn as well as to ensure
that our most loved leaders who made their money running liquor during prohibition could
contineu their croners on the alcohol market, all the whiole recruiting Christians to
believe the lies about marijuana. Meanwhile, CNN was running reports about the injustices
of the arrerests and burden on the justice system for arresting 700,000 per year for
marijuana charges... since at that time, I was trying to take a new look at every
issue, and researching them to set aside my previous opinions, and look at the facts, and
then commenting on the differences between truth and common knowledge. Otherwise, Inever
encouraged anyone but my mother, suffering from high blood pressure an tumor, to use
marijuana or any other drug. Using it, I now find out, mayhave saved her life since
marijuana kills cancer tumors.
Understand, I didn't know anything about the lies, benefits or negative
aspects or medicinal emulations in anti-depressants of marijuana until I wrote the thing
about marijuana, discovered all the reports by the government syaing it was either
beneficial or innocuous, and actually makes people more social.....
1976 Dobbs. The ultimate sucker punch. Let's sue CHuck to do work and
expose certain people for certain, and then make it look like CHuck was a bad guy too to
make sure he would be discredited. Talk abou tgaslighting.
Interesting, isn't it DObbs, I joked about saying one brief incident would
be called gaslghting by me, one thing log ago.. and you guys knew al the time that getting
me to sya that would make it look, on the surface, like I was setting you guys up while
you guyswere all trying to kill Lynn and I....pretty disgusting. 1976// and one of em pops
up every once in a while.
THe mos of these tv people doing psyops is when their victim goes down or
they get to close to making a cse against them, the celeb supposedly has an arguement with
management and gets fired. It happened with DObbs after Columbine, usead as an excuse for
his departure. It happened with Letterman, COnan OBrien (then of course protected by Time
Warner on TBS... conan was taken care of, and I susperct he's MIles' brother ...)
Wait til I tell the jury about yellow journalism, arnold,a nd what that
meant... sphincter boy....
I figured ou tlast night why they didn't want me to contact Jerry Brown.
if I recall correctly, Ted Kennedy came into the race late against Carter, Jerry Brown had
been called Governor Moonbeam by Moyers, and picked up by Brokaw,, just about the time
prohject moonbeam or blue beam was being created.. a fake second coming of Jesus
supposedly using holograms.....
And since I will claim Kennedy was instrumental in setting me up, as well
as promoting barack, as well as attempting to use me to publicly humiliate Jerry Brown a
few times since..... Jerry Borwn, I presume, WOULD understand the attempts to dfefame him
using me.... and of course, they "plied me with women" to accomplish that.
It amazes me sometimes to think back on what I now see to be stings
throughout my life, especially since 1976 and the Church COmmitee.... of course, DObbs
didn't say the thing about blaming everyone else for all your problems... but I
heard it somewere and sent it to him because he was making excuses for himself and otehrs
at the time... which supposedly would be to a shrink a symptom of someone psychotric.. so
of course, that ultimate nearly worked. Note that in my writings, even those i never
posted that apparently these people took off my computer and circulted.. things atre
actuall about other people that I was writing about that caused me to discover the MO's of
the stings... just like the thing sI realized when I wrote From the Memory of a CHild...
to review what I had actually observed, objectivelyy, about the patterns of
governemnt and te hardships this country has faced.. when I accidentally realized that the
worst begamn when Jimmy Care became president. Note, I had said before this discovery that
I thought Jimmy Carter was one of the best and underrated presidents in my
lifetime... if there's one mo to all of this, it's that all the people I wrote about that
I thought were brilliant of of great valor, my heroes, I wrote about them because these
peole wanted me to show up like someone who was their fan, and then became disgruntled..
the ultimate taunt....
Jimmy... Emory's "virtual asshole project" failed. ANd no matter
how much you and your CFR friends smear me, like I said in 2002, I'm sticking to my
story and I havethe evidence, with or without anny other proof than my actual body. I
always wondered what those scars were on my ears. But unfortunately Jimmy, tell Mary
Ritter that indeed, one of us pops up every once in a while... and the CIA thought they'd
coverd their tracks.
Interestingly enough, I randomly turned to Psalms again last night, and
documented more items related to the biblical psyops agains, and other things that
describe this same sort of psyop situation and world conditions like current times. FOr
the record, anyone who says I'm trying to emulate anything is either insane or just a
To Lynn's friends who aren't... same thing I told the Rockefellers. When I
tell the story in the context of everything else, people will understand and believe,
although the question why will always be a mystery. And I mean, the real eason the U.S.
Government decided to murder Lynn McMullen.
Just talked to my brother.. a cellular dead zone... but Hi Dave.. got your
number... better watch your step cause I'm onto you. 2 attempts is more than enough to
prove it to me........ I understand I could track your locations via ham too... don't make
me waste my time figuring out how.....
Bible reading: I'll do that later.. Lynn just came home, still under
attack. Isn't it interesting these things have ahad such asimple pattern to see as
Thurston and others have covered and tried to publicly humiliate us ever since my
first report to the FBI in 2002 that included CNN.
Lennon - Watching the Wheels Notletting go, U.S. Govt
& Marie Osmond - A Little Bit Country I wonder how the Mormons will feel when they
know the prisons in Utah torture peopel with psychotronics and dews...
Baca, Valley of Sorrows in Swahili.. coming soon to a phony minister
psyop near you. Last night's Mafigic Bible verses, as the "revealing science of
God" continues to show me the Biblical psyops these people used against us.
- Tales From Topographic Oceans - The Revealing Science of God
4:25pm When I talk about delays and illegal detention, it's not because i
sit and write web logs all day. I am tortured. Lynn is tortured. And with psychotronics
and torture, my time is manipulated in ways I will explain someday to prevent me from
accomplishing most things of the greatest importance. In a few minutes, I'll probably have
to stop for a firewood delivery....
And.. interesting how when I talk about the nationals, the local s do
everything they can to change the subject, especially when it comes to CNN and the phony
That said: Baca in Swahili...
early on in th ePMS psyop, I'd go to her site every once in a while to see
what she supposedly looked like then, and the current version, compared to what was on tv.
Originally, I didn't want to come to any conclusions without talking to her, if we ever
did, and I was also still working to discover things myself instead of believing what
other people said was true about spirituality, and it was so I would not beinfluenced by
other "spiritual leaders" , and it was away to test myself to se eif what
I believed and felt was true ended up being consistent or an extension of what other
"respected" spiritual leaders in al faiths concluded.. and often the few times I
delved into Buddhism and a couple others, I agreed with what they said, and then believed
I had more insight as well as multiple ways to look at the same things, all of which were
true... but not necessarily the most important things for these times as I believed God
inspired me toinform people.
One day, I went there, after talking about South Africa, and there was a
video I did't watch called: Valley of Sorrows, supposedly spoken in Swahili. I thought,
that's a nice addition to the psyop, tryign to impress me now with a supposed knowledge of
Swahili, of course knowing I would never listen to it.
SO last night, I came across the word Baca and did some research and it
turned out it meant valley of sorrows, or anywhere there is a great deal of grief or
cryinng... then I did a little word game free association... for fun... I think they call
it anograms or something....
Southwest Washington AH God Ahi Tuna HILLY Hawaii Illinois WOman..maybe
woman of peace.
Antyone who thinks I'm going to regardign this a sa secret message should
go back to the begala days and note the part that says I Don't Get Left Drift......
meaning, I take things literally, ad unless these days I'm dealing with someone deceitful
and covert, I don't even think of communicting with Aesopian. I dislike it. ANd there are
good reasons God said don't work covertly.
It's interesting because the psychotronics guys convicted the peopel in LA
by pointing out to me, for plausible deniability, that someone there did a little charade
I was supposed to have seen as meaning they were not allowed to talk to me... what I
thought I saw was someone acting weird in front of a surveillance, trying to get me to
come to her to claim I was harrassing the,m. THen they told me of one other, Cousteau, who
did a performance that unfortunately for her, was timed wrong and inapplicable unless one
or two days later in response to a web log. It was motnhs before the psychotronics told
meIn 2008, I was "sucked in again" to the political fray after being brutally
zapped for years, did my best to write my thoughts despite heavy psychotronics, then PMS,
bad dental work, psychotronic Cointelpro... and suddenly I was being informed of all sort
s of things about crimes peopel committed against me, and physically harmful thigns done
to my family since the early 60's, and with the aid of psychotronics, I became indignant
and disgusted with the very peopel I always believed were those I respected. This to get
you trust certain people tso they can work a sting on you later once you've concluded they
are friends or trusted associates. There's only a couple mor eleft for me of those that I
know of. And most of those other people put in compromising positions with the appearance
of indiscretion that was actually, not mine.
Like I said, I livedd a weird life and I could never explain why these
people would suddenly do things to me to bankrupt me and become homeless... numerous
times... including my first wife, who I'd love to hear her alibis....
BACA, as in sheriff BACA, means Valley of SOrrows. When Lyunn went
to Burbank for the fundraiser that appears to be part 1 of 2 for the people working us to
get a look at us, and per mo, to show us and taunt us about who they were, how far they
were away and untouchable, and then of course with my communications tampered with
off and on for the purpose that will be easy to see later was plausible deniability...
anyway, that fundraiser for the peace alliance featured a speaker named SHeriff BACA.
ANd I believe the COusteau and other people I saw down there were pperps
who are still part of the people using psychotronics and dews to torture us... And
the perverse profit they were likely talking about was how much they were paid to try to
take me out.... suppsoedly I have access tovieo of those people who attended that
fundraiser. I didn't take much video in LA because I wasnt there to gather evidence.
SO I'm still very interested in knowing the full truth, but the fact is
it's up to all of the perps to explain themselves, because I'm not takin gthe fall for a
bunch of very sick people murdering people covertly who make sure the victims know how
they enjoy taunting us.
My story to the Hague and other authorities will be simple: these are the
peopel who participated, and how they presented themselves and the results. With more than
enough evidence to prove the credibility of what I tell them regardless of minor
details that aren't all that important.
I write mainly about myself to protect other people, because I understand
what I'm talking about, and other people, as taken advantage of by perps and their
cooperating police, if other peopel tried to explain in court, they would sound crazy.
Now, any of these people who want to claim they were afraid or o\some
other reason to be incontact mwith me, if you used Aesopian the government knows you
contacted, but unfortuately, I didn't. Psychotronic swas definitely in use in fron tof the
theater. I was using a digital recorder, so it might be that later I'll hear what the guy
blowing me off - the one I flipped off - was saying othe perps giving him instructions..
and no I don't believe they're victims, and if they were, and if they really wanted to
tell me they knew who I was and read my web site, they would have known enough to know I
could have brought this to a close in a few days or weeks with assistance, believe
it or not, of numerous musicians who are targets, including Michael Jackson.
Material world reasons for targeting me would be simple: the CIA
experimented on me, and as their reports show, the experiments they tried to do always
failed, but still left them criminally liable and they thought it would be more fun and
easier to just kill me when they were through playing with me.
The underlying spiritual world explanation that is very apparent to me,
provable and more n court - and shrinks, if you try to claim I' m crazy you'd better on
the record that you're aware of psychotronics and dews, have fully read my web site, and
are a master theologian or I'll make mincemeat of you and your testimony and reasons for
framing me on behalf of sick Illuminati perverts.
THe underlying ereason is easier and easier for me to know, believe and
understand. I am Christ, these people knew my father years ago, and I honestly believ ehe
was not going along and wanted toblow the whistle on CIA nad US government projects
such as psychotronics.. and so they targeted him, and becaus eth egovernment made him
false assuranced\s origianlly about how the implants would be used in my case... they knew
who I was all the time, and that's why they want me disposed of.
I believe Lynn is mostly a witness to numerous thigns that would connect
dots and convict people she knows of from before we met, although she is nearly
totally unaware of what those things might be, the same as I was in 2001, actually. I was
waiting for Godot too...
Regarding Aesopian, I don't play those games, I speak directly and
compassionately in my life and with people I interact with, and the only reason Aesopian
is in play here at all is becaus ethe TV people began doing it with me. My repsonses are
actually direct right back at them, and Im aware of an audience of people who are aware,
whether through dooing the psyops, monitoring or checking in from time to time, or
watching because they're worried about what I'l expose everytime they make me angry or
torture me... and this column has been for evidence and communicating with those people in
the only way I was allowed. Otherwise, like with DObbs, I asked, why don't you just call
me instead of doing all this weird stuff... if you're trying to contact me, then call, or
take the call I made just so I know whether you wanted to be bothered with me or not..
that's not too much to ask.
So... ow that psychotronics got me off track again...
I'll just say this for now.. I read Psalms 88-96 Great stuff... I got a
page and a half of notes about how it appliesd tothe psyops done to me, and other peopel
related to the psyops from a distance, and the valley of sorrows... and the thing you
tricky people need to understand is that I really have only read the Bible all the way
through once, because if I read it linearally, they[sychotroncis guys set up emulation sof
what I read in order to fake me out...
Psalms 84:6 The valley of Baca...
One for Christ Matthews, Holy Cross, Santa Cruz, psalms 87:5
Psalms 90:16 will be a future srmon unto itself.
Dobbs: Don't tread on me Psalms 91:13 kinda talks about lions, snakes,
asp, microsoft, PMS/Bookeeper....
89:12 What I expected when i went to sScotts Valley
91:3 it says David would be releived of the pestilence of noise.. like I
will be of psychotronics
92:7 the future and 95:7 a sick Biblical joke as well.
102:3 + 4 why I forget my bread is the verses in 91:3
102:5 Pelican of the wilderness.. Pelican Promotions Owl of the
Desert.. PMS.. LA is actually a desert
and 102:14 A Special note for trials an dthe Hague only.
So, the revealing science of God.. first they played games with me,
revealing things to supposedly cause me to pop and get violent or something...
And now, God is playing ganmes with them, revealin gthings about
their activities, by accident for me the way it happens, that show God knew what he was
talking about, and that someone was aware I loved to read psalms, probably thought i would
understand the psyop analogies as I went along as if Icould remember it all, and that
psyops were indeed fashioned around making fun of me and th eBible and God and using it to
destroy me in this way, and I suspect in King's Houses all over the country where the
government attracts people, many of those psyopped similar ways with aesopian, who
actually understood her aesoopian, and showed up in Glendale to be wrongly criminalized.
I've bene told charges have been filed agains tme in Los Angeles. What a ocnvenient bogus
way to silence the truth of the murder of Michale Jackson and others like Billy Preston...
covert or proveable or not... jsut as MSNBC can be proven to have teried to set me up for
bogus charges of filing a false police report in the matter, onyl to find that the only
people I tried to contact were his doctoor and attorneys in order ot discuss it with them
to determine if my observations were correct. THis given his symptoms were consistent with
psychotronics and dew attacks....
ANd that Rockewell song that I realized meant they were aware of this
stuff, just like Todd Rundgren's Tiny Demons.
Final remark: when I say Pastor Melissa Scott, I'm talking about all the
people in the videos and at the locations they listed on their web sites, and I never
attempted to look for anyone at their residence, nor did I do any indecent acts other than
dump my urine after using a bottle in my car so as not to be indecent to anyone. And
that's all Idid, other than repack my vehicle, go to a motel, and go to a church service
that I don't believe existed for a variety of reason I will explain someday...
Other than that, ask Brittany at CNN about the turuth.. I love the dress
color Brittany, and it means nothing to me unless it's someone who thinks it's fun to
trick and harass people in jail for the crimes people like her play against people like
me... my brain is a dvr, the CIA peroved it, I do not accept it as being alright and is
incredibly a violation of myself in every way.. but thanks at least for showing me I was
being framed for pther people's crimes. Whoever tries to put charges on me to silence will
end in jail for life. I promise that.
I didn't know it when I said it, but the Bible says it's okay tosay this
to the frowardly...
Fuck You Satanists and Illuminati perverts who did this to us and millions
of others..
And oh by the way how'syour mother? don't bother trying to embarass me
with that unless you intend to humiliate yourselves into hell.
I have more proof of residence in California in front of me. Good luck to
all the people who wanted to be known as perverts to me... to taunt me.. covertly.. ain't
happenng but God's day of judgement and justice will and if the Satanists want to claim
they win, welcome tohell, it's whatever you think it is... but this is the last time.. and
I have a right to my religious beliefs whatever they are.
ANd remember, those who claim to be Christians who aren't, God doesn't buy
plausible deniability, and neither do I. Final judgement.
McLachlan - Rarities - 10 - As The End Draws Near (Extende
Havens - TBD - 100 - Shouldn't We All Be Having A G
Isn't it weird, I just realized al the peopel I called brilliant betrayed
me, brill.. hitler... ancient technology of aprevious generation... I never called
Dobbs brilliant that I know of or remember, did I Lou? I called O'Reilly cute :} But if I
didn't Lou, why am I sitting HERE?
Morrison - TBD - 100 - Warm Love
10:29pm Theme of th eday: the revealing science of God. Earlier it was
Baca, now it's Blue Jay Valley and Westnet............... a guy naed Eric who will be
getting some emotional releief, a guy who walks around Belfair talking to 3 guys behind
him that aren't there, a statue of living art, and he's constantly saying "I'm tired
of being buttfu..ed) I sent him amessage to let him know who BF is, and I'm working on
I'm having to fight Thurston and his friends who don't want me to writ
ethis. Exxplain it yourself.
DIdn't get any work done on the trailers today, but I did figure ourt the
Camaro can pull both of them... Lori is still in the hospital, will come home, but is
Additional notes: Endicott - Bremerton, Salisbury - supoposedly a decent
guy compared to the first.. Western Narcotics Enforcement team...
Methodone, amnesia, false A\alzheimers Providence. Trying to get me to
leave Lynn alone for probale uncoscious sex with a few local sickos who are gaining
reputtations as perverts, rapists and worse. A fine how do you do. ANd a murder plot
within a murder plot and a sick sex rape scheme...
Someone should bust TOw Truck Jim unless as I suspect, he actually works
for th government selling heroine to make people susceptible to psychotronics and the
power to get them to commit violent crimes... seizures of weapons with threats of arrest
if the victim speaks out, a clear mo to disarm the tauntees so they can't kil their
government murderers and torturers. ANd Lori better not suffer, I already intend to report
that one to the Hague, at least now I know why, and wy Barack didn't help his brother at
all wehn he was busted, I think in LA, for marijuana.
Heroine whores used by people when other perverts get through with them,
using them to get info to use against people like Steve Davies. And a special heloo to the
Gypsy Jokers, who appear to have turned to survivalism to overcome arrest.. possible, not
THe people in law enforcement and others related to that associated with
what I heard today are gonna have their dicks removed from their holsters, except for them
it'll be legal instead of using authorities to support clandestine frames, violence and
murder against peopel who "are compelled to use drugs", Lou. Know what I mean?
Heard a story today about a guy in Mason Lake I think selling
cocaine for $300 an ounce... a mexican man I think was aided by the atf to open bars to
finance drug operations.. he supposedly got busted, lost the bars, now has aprivate
plane and.... reminds of aguy named Joe in Humboldt I knew through friends who later
got busted, turned narc, and I had no idea the guy was a cocaine importer.
I'm not trying to be cryptic, just taking notes and putting on the record
off an envelope I used when listening to the stories... and I'm even more sure now why the
media was used to keep me off the streets to not notice what was happening. THe fun
question for them will be, why was it important to cancel me out, get me to write
materials, steal them, zap me, suck me back in and then sequwester me with torture and
harrassment for aover a year so I wouldn't know.....
Talk about changing the rules of the game (as I pointed out years ago,
Barack) and not telling anyone the new rule was "If the government of the Untied
States doesn't like you, we kill you".
Jay, did you hear the Biblical joke about what happens tothe 4th
generations. I'm a fifth generation, Jay..... God keeps His promises.
THe psychotronics guys are making fun of me now, Jay. I think in a year
these sociopaths will be making fun of you.
Can't wait for a bunch of people around the world to find out why the U.S.
Government wants Lynn McMullen dead.
Methododone.. must be providence.. the doctor had the patient tear
up the prescription. I have it in my files.
As for Baca Valley.. the joke's on you.... something about apostates,
emulations, and it's worse for people who make promises to God than those who never did,
and there are expectations of Christians other just claiming you love Jesus, trust me on
that. Claiming that without understanding won't save anyone. And with today';s religious
leaders lining up at the satanist CFR, I guarantee you ministers will lose their flocks.
Question from DObbs.Are all skull andbones members bad people? Apparently
so. Olbermann, are all CFR members bad people? Apparently so. Acquiescents doing the work
of Nazis, aka the Brill and the technology... they're still Nazis as it says in the Bible
passages I referred to above, read it and figure it out yourselves.
No more benefit of the doubt. As far I'm concerned, Christians and
non-Christians and spiritualists or not, no more riding the fence, playing it both ways or
pretending to be Laodocian. More and more I relaize why my dad liked me to watch the
Untouchables, COmbat and Fractured FLickers. Of course, there';s Hitchcock. Ask Olbermann
for the explanation for that.
I rememebr after Beverly and I broke up, and I was trying tofind the
silver lining, I said something, like I did in Maryland, that I now know was a
psychotronics blurt, that - well God, I'm single again, I guess I should have some
relationships and write some music and at least get that out of this mess... that all
happened in Woodinville, when Washington took it's first try at killing me. Given th
ecouple of interesting thign srelated to TIem Warmer and GE/NBC, I guess they got what
they wanted.. and so will I. I'm gonna have the Farm Lou... And in the next world,
the next generation, no evil people allowed, and it will not be about taking away free
After hearing what I heard today, I can honestly say that I have never
been disgusted in my life. And I look forward to describing to certain people what this
nation's leading perverts had in mind for Lynn McMullen. Tell Eugene that a peaceful
movement is going to beat the Nazis.... and any eruptions will be the U.S. Governemnt
jacking itself off to sabve its own deluded life, which will be impossible.
Get the planes ready Jay. I'm about to perform an abortion on the Nazi
movement, aka the NEw World Order and Globalization. I had an old friend who was an
electronics genius who was given a dishonorable discharge after his boss, who didn't like
him, told him not to show up for work for the last 3 months of his service, and wass
surprised when he was let go. Of course, he was a phased radar microwave
technician........ I hear he died in a head on accident on the highway while traveling the
wrong way, the same way another friend died, who had a wife loved by my friend who knew
the coke dealer.... that other freind was COast Guard, a great guy... and then my friend
Clark who died in a car accident in New Jersey, where he was employed as a postman. A
great guy.
My friend Ted, told not to show up.. reminds me of the time my pe gave
aother teacher permission to have me study barbershop quartet instead of pe, and the
claimed Iwas skipping class, at the same school where i was in the bathroom when a guy
walked in lit a cigarette, the door squeaked, he handed me the cigarette and left just as
the vice-principal walked in. Perfect timeing, Rippppppp
I'm gonna try to not let the PMS thing further lower my opinion of
organized religion, prophesied in the Bible, nor the phony Jehovah's Witnesses trying to
set me up.... but when Christians supplied Bush with the list of Christians so he could
pander for their votes, wht those Christians did in these "end times" when they
should have known bettrter, was a government hit list, supplied tothe phoniest false
Christ ever.. a sure sign it was the real end times.
I don't know what bull ROnald Reagan fed you murderin gpeople, and I don't
know what Reagan Democrats, other than those who claim to do evil to do good... I have no
use for those people.. and neither does God. Read your Bibles. You're more than
backsliders. ANd there's no justifications or rationalizations.
I honestly believe on this current course, this country wil be destroyed
by its own government on purpose on behalf of the Satanist Illuminati, the original Elders
of Zion who claimed tobe Jews but were not... when you come across peopel who speak
badly of them, that band, don't run from them, listen. It might save your life after all.
Cracking the code... not interested.. don't do God's work covertly because
if you do, you won't be doing God's work.Any minister or Christian should know that. If
you ever read the Bible. ANd for those who hate mUslims because of ignorance and
peer pressure to conform to idiot ministers and leaders, remember, Muslims have to
memorize the Koran so they never forget.. to be patient, and true to the ways of God,
including not making war unless in self defense while waiting for misled and hateful
Christians to come to their senses and ignore the Satanists. Once I was told the mark of a
good Christian wa stheir knowledge of the Bible. THis si where I say to Christians, you
don't have to read the Bible to know the difference between right and wrong and the Golden
RUle. If you do, then reading the Bible likely won't help you anyway.
I said once Jesus never saved anyone, and I meant it. I don't plan to save
anyone either.. people can save themselves with the truth. That's how he was trying to
save people, with truth. That's God's way, and why I took on informing the people without
knowing it was GOd's way... and Ionly read the Bible once...and toanyone cynical enough to
criticize Culwell, rememebr, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have known the most
important story of my life, the good Samaritan. I didn't know he died, but likeJesus the
willingness to put it on the line is what God requires of real Christians now, and if you
don't, and if you don't do it God's way, then you''ll en d up in hell to give you time to
figure it out yourself. ANd if you do it bykilling peopel because of hate, it won't be
God's way, that's the U.S. Government's way.
I'm npot in a very good mood, and it's a good thing no ministers or
christians are talking to me right now abouthow to justify all this. You can't. I don't
want to hear it, and God doesn't need to.
You're either with God or against God. And that's not at all what GW Bush
was talking about. He was talking about either surviving as a Nazi or giving up your
life... either way, you give up your life to save your life.
Luck.. living under controlled knowledge.. the Illuminati talk about
science, and then withhold science. In poker, there are probabilities that are crushed
every minute of the day....
Amazing what happens when you buy firewood from a guy who clearly became a
target the same year I did..... Tell Jimmy he lost. ANd tell him to tell his sunday school
this really is the final judgement, and I don't care if I live or die, cause I'll live
anyway... unlike others....
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 09 - Spirit Voices - Paul Simon
Hates Jazz - Shattered Dreams
Too bad Nazis and old farts. You'll likely die with your tyrannist dreams
unfulfilled. What a shame.
Starship - With Your Love
Truly excuse me for saying this, but what a bunch of sick fucks.
2/27/2011 12:22pm Last night was another sleep deprivation nuight,being
tooth tortured til around 3am while tryingstudy the Bible, it became obvious I was reading
more parts the perps don't want me to read because it outlines more sick Biblical jokes
against us. THe revealing science of God continues. THe otehr night I did an invocation to
God to end this global sickness, and the next day, the random reading began to tell
the story of the ppsyops used.
Meanwhile, had some problems, likely weather related, that stopped out tv
reception. I looked and saw that for some reason, tivo has been recording program sit
never did beofre presumably to overwrite the data on the hard drive so the perps in the
media can delude themselves into thinking they've destroyed the evidece.. and the program
sgot deleted in ways tha tare impossible... by the use...
And, the tooth torture last night, the recording of teet crunching wil be
very useful in reports to international authorities on the Nazi propagandist result
story.. as the crown put on that loose tooth slowly crumbles away because of torture...
Tell Busaca the recordings I made of the visits to his office will prove
conspiracy, particularly in regard to the false idea that I grind my teeth, as he ground a
tooth for final preparation for thetooth torture before getting me manipulated into seeing
the butcher dentist Victor. Can't wait to have an attorney subpoena his patient list.
The biggest conclusion I came to yesterday was that the U.S' government is
sponsoring drug sales to kill people, and with women, to get them hooked on heroine and
use them as whores who are passed arounf psychotronics and dews guys, and I have reason to
believe it's controlled by Westnet.
I was quite disturbed to hear stories abpout how to identify heroine
addicts, especially teenagers... when we attacked Afgghanistan, the opium growers for some
reason had bumper crops .. and given the CFR/Bush/CIA MO, it had to go somewhere, and
apparently it's coming to the United States.
I wonder if Stalin knew that when he said drugs would be used to destroy
the United States, that he knew about the East India Company, aka the British Empire and
ILluminati, make most of their money from illegal activities, including drug smuggling,
heroine and opium being the historical tool of choice because it gets so many people
addicted and kills them slowly and covertly, with people blaming the addicts and not the
governments. The same ploy being used by Westnet.Someone tapped on my window last night
before Lynn told me her trailer door opened.. perfect for letting snow in all night and
destroying the interior. I got video of the footprint leading to the door.. right after, I
heard a car start, doors close and then they drove away. They could have bene next door,
but it also appears on the video they were parked in my driveway, while the psychotronics
guys told me they'd destroy the Camaro because it can pull my and LYnn's trailers... the
biggest joke and taunt is that they'll zap us into the inability to get things
repaired and be able move our things so they can keep our possessions, as weed and seed
does like any army that destroys and plunders...
For the record, the furniture Lynn bought while being zapped, right after
her stroke, was purchased before she even applied for disability, without my knowledge,
and clearly it was for someone else who assumed it would be put into storage and abandoned
and sold, a normal weed and seed ploy. The relatives of Lyunn's who promised to pay for
the storage lockerr are currently undergoing financial hardship. No surprise to me, but
what will international authorities think when I tell them those people were first hit
when employed by the Lacey police dept.... up by Lakewood...
I also figured out another conspiracy to harass and molest a young woman
by a man who may also be part of a scheme to get her tolive somewhere isolated so he could
likely get close to her, and either abuse her sexually by knocking her out with dews, or
marrying her .. for some reason, someone thinks Lynn has lots of money or something, whcih
she doesn't and the little pension she may get if she survicves for being a teacher isn't
much, and the funds that are in the pension system will likely be unavailable as in the
case of cancelling pensions in Wisconsin (I think it is)
Interesting that the government and media would inform me to the extent
that it makes me look like a extremist in public however in court, the jury will look at
these people, ask the judge to end the testimony and evidence becaus ethey don't any more
to vote guilty on all counts. And they will. And I can easily prove my claims these people
are traitors and Nazis, whether they are willing to admit it or not.
The hard driveby the way looks like it's an old WD Caviar, 5000 rpm,
like another I have... it was state of the art in 2001... of course, even if tivo erases
things, the indeses will still be there, and I'm gonna make another video of the system
setup info and later ask what delivery method 4 means. Tivo also keeps all records of what
you view. Further, rememebr when I got zapped, Chris Matthews talked about some new PD
named Griffin, and then I laughed hard at Eddie Griffin, especially when he pointed out
GOd said mother fu**er, as well as that pointing out there's aconspiracy to kill black and
minority public icons... which I will agree with in court as necessary... Lyn n and
the Peace ALliance actually have stats that prove it. the weird part is, we didn't
subscribe to HBO.... from time to time I notice someone changes our subscription and ends
up getting charged for things we never ordered. The choppers and COmmander solo do a good
For those who think that I have a source to protect bnecause of the info I
got yesterday, rememebr that my firewood guy talks to lots of people, and does scrap
salvage, so he hears lots of stories about all sorts of weird things on, and notices weird
things on the street. Like how the lady down the road is being murdered like Lynn is, only
in her case, Barack, like your brother, she's a drug user.. apparently your chauffeur,
Barack, doesn't know about psychotronics and dews. He will.
I want to make it clear to these government gangsters: I am running for
president, Idon't care what you claim to smear me, and everytime you do, it will
backfire.... the people in LA should have let me show them my mother's book so they could
have saved themselves prosecution.. or maybe they should have read the Bible..
FOr LA, it has somethign to do with the cover story book of
- Helter Skelter whicjh I'll later show to be a paradigm ofa typical psychotronics
psyop.and or mind control experimentation, leading to the Manson killings.. I'm very
eager to hear what he knows that had California pass a law saying noone from the
outside could talk to him in prison, him and Sirhan Sirhan....
I've been told Arnold's had some laws passed just for me... 9 billion
dollars worth... I think he ought to be madeto pay it himself......
Personal note: see note pad for details on last nights torture..
Bible reading...
St Mark 1 - 4 I have to joke, I loked down and saw Mark 4:20 and it
says... And thes eare they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and
receive it, and bring forth fruitsomethirtyfold, some sixty, and some and hundred.. I'm
gonna have to check a few laws and demographics to see if the Matrix of God worked on that
Mrk 1:32-24 + 44-45. Bread of the presence psyop.... verse 38.. we moved
to Shelton from Olympia.. check date of move against when I originally read this verse.
Lou opne for you.. remember when I wrote and told you i thought
somethingmight have been wrong with your mother, and I told youifyou wanted I'ddo my best
to help her by healing if I could if you wanted? I meant it,and I have no idea of
your mother or anything.. Mark 1:29-30
Mason County Sheriff.. keep in mind jr said last night at 2:11am it was
you torturing me. You explain it.
I predict lots of people win Belfair will soon know their secret is not
secret, and some victims willknow someone knows the turht, cares, and will stop it. The
stuff abot Westnet will accomplish that.
And then for Shelton Mark 1:45
In a previous set up by a loal using U.S. census forms, a fedearl
violation, I was given Lori and Adrians phone number I think.. not sure, never checked it
and won't.. this is the woman Lynn said was following her a number of times, other than
DOnna, when walking on trails... I'll be giving their names and numbers to the attorney so
that they and Adrian can have the Mason COunty health care records examined for purposeful
harm, as was done to Lynn at another facility of another hospital. Cavalry or Calvary..
both work for me.
And I'll say with a great deal of remorse and disgust, I am not against
police, law enforcement, government or any of those things. ANd I dare you to claim
in court that I am. These guys actuall tried to tell me last night again they would claim
I was a pedophile instead of witness, and that the police didn't respond is another reason
for my socalled predisposition. I actually believe for a number of reason that the people
in Maple Creek knew Federal Agents were using me to spy on people, causing all sorts of
compromising positions they'll claim later I actually chose to be involved with instead of
being entrapped in them.
It's hard to know what else to say right now.. I'm tired, it's snowing
outside and of course,because of torture, I haven't had a chance to install the heater in
Lynn's trailer to work on it. So, I guess I'll watch tv and sleep.
Browne - Naked Ride Home - 03 - Casino Nation my song choice, now God's
Havens - I Don't Wanna Know
Womack - Where Do We Go From Here One silent night.. you and me God :}
Fogelberg - Nether Lands - AB03 - Give Me Some Time
- Shepherd Moons - 02 - Caribbean Blue
We like to cultivate relationships... a quote form the PMS show... given
the Aesopian, I thought they had decided to start over with the Aesopian to me and try to
do things that would prove they were not apostates and voering for Obama...
Today, Lynn and I were talkign about things, like her relatives who are
targeted, and the ways they like to make people feel depressed and diminished with
psychotronics and dews, and th emoment Istarted telling her things about this one guy who
wa sthe emt for her suposed heart attack in Olympia, and her supposed stroke in
Shelton.. both of which, by the way I will claim and prove were directed energy attacks..
nonetheless, I was telling her about this one guy who was alos posing as gas staion
attendant in Big Sur when their prioce was $4.59 a gallon and elsewher 2.20 or less, and
then I went up the road and my car stalled and this gguy, who acknowledged Venezuela was
warmer was in an d LP gas truck following, and was the same guy in Ferd Meyers with
the floppy hat and the same guy at Oakland Bay Nursery with the dog named tucker, and was
the same guy posing as a mailman with a limp, not the regular guy.....
Suddenly Lynn starts saying, was I good mother to my children. I never
used to wonder if I had been a good mother or not... a perfect demonstration of
psychotronics that I pointed out to her once I assured her she was actually a great mother
to her children.... using another example of her nephew Brian who is a target....
THe point is, then she started talking liek someone who was worried she
wouldn't be considered the perfect little housewife... Lynn is not that type, and i never
want her to be because without th epsychotronic and dew attacks, she's a quite
capable world leader.... and when she started doing that, I realized that weh
PMS said we like to cultivate relationships,and more, and thought about it like it was a
sermon before the supposed Eugene Scott died... and knowing that Lynn and I were coupled
via psychotronics, and no criticism, but it was to be able to destroy us both at the same
time... it would appear that the relationships they like to cultivate are based on some
judgemental and righteouse belief they could use psychotronics to put couples together,
and liek the technology bnow in use to take troubled couples and modify their brainwaves
to cause them to be compatible/suppressed....
It reminds me of a story I asaw on CNN one day supposedly about Smokey
Robinson supposedly having a cigarette and marijuana habbit, and supposedly went to see a
minister in downtown LA and was cured instantly.
I though the aesopian of that was a reset of the series, saying, they like
to cultivate relationships with other minsiters and christians and groups.. right after
that, I was zapped. Now I'm thinking what I saw was someone doing something similar
totellingpeople they could cause relationships for people with psychotronics.. you can
develop any kind of relationship you like... I wanted a relationship with PMS to serve God
as minsiters, professionally, and was glad to hear the remarks to reset things.. but i was
wrong about that. ANd I resent the idea that anyone would use psychotronics to get people
to, say, pay to cause someone else to be ina relationship with another person, byy force
of psychotronic sand hypnosis.
When I first realized the first part of psychotronics, I thought, wouldn't
it be funny to go to the beach and mess with people for fun. Then I thought, wouldn't it
be easy toget the girlfriend of your choice with psychotronics.. and at that moment, I
realized the danger of such devices, just as I respeced the danger of hypnotizing people,
which I cna do but rarely do, and only at the reqwuest of people for certian purposes, and
I"ve only hypnotized 2 or 3 people in my life, becaus eit's so powerful and can be
harmful to someone psyche.. and no, I never hypnotized Lynn except to help her deal with
certain traumas I didn't realize were constantly being restimulated by psychotronics. BTW,
isn't it interestign someone who listended to LYnn's depression after the stroke, normal
depression, is a big fan of Jimmy Carter and the Carter Center... the magazzine was on the
table, I would have taken it as evidence in Bend Oregon, but I don't like to steal and I
knew she would miss it.
Meanwhile.. let it be known.. LYnn did her housewife bit when she was
raising her children, and she did it very very.. organic food, no sugar, everything
homemade, a little permissive but her kids are exemplary people. And she IS a world
leader, and my and her compatibility is noone else's business, including Lou DObbs and
PMS.. or anyone else... Imagine 15 stormy years later, fnding out peopel you trusted
yused psychotronics to disrupt both our lvies, move us o DC to meet and thenm use
psychotronic sto entrance into believing there wa s abasis for a relationship..
interesting that a month or so after we got together she asked, if we ever break up, can
we still work together, and I said yes, because I respect her value and interests in what
she leads that much.
At the same time, I'm a leader too, and psychotronics was used to suppress
me, and give the impression to certain people running the psyop against us that I was
trying totake over her leadership, and I was not. I only charged Results for my time
becuase i volunteered, and they showed me no respect. Like just another volunteer. There's
an old rule about U.S. citizens, they don't respect anything unless they have to pay for
it.. so I charged them an hourly rate.... and thing s went from there.. downhill, I might
add, with a bunch of people who will not show up well in the integrity and morality test.
Meanwhile.. it woudl appear PMS and her so called church are owners and or
operators of psychotronic devices, and again, I'm certain now Lynn ended up down there and
I ended up down there for one reason: MO, these perps liek you to see them so they can
taunt you into violence or supposed inappropriate behavior so they can slander you
later... and to that, people at the church I say to you again, a very proud one finger
salute for the froward to you all and the media people involved, and I will be charging
you all with attempted murder, rape and psyopping of Lynn. People using psychotronics to
influence my relationships or anyone else's should be charged with sex slavery at the
Ed, you need to be aware your over the line deputies have compromised you
and every law enforcement person in this state, and likely in the U.S> I'm getting
tired of psychotronics claiming I"m against police because I'm not, just as I
supported the idea of Clinton providing more police officers if needed. I am absiolutely
against law enforcement people using torture and rape to intimidate peopel into believing
they will be prosecuted for things that are petty or not even true, just becaus ethey use
someone's badge to suppress them while they kill them.
You need to know, Ed, whoever decided to send Lynn and I here knew at
least in 1976 that this was the plan, and i have the Bavarian Bee Stign TOrte that Beverly
had to special order from Bellevue Square, along with the remarks of Howard Hunt's son to
inform me this plan has been in the works for more than 30 years. Dixie Lee must have been
a Republican, or a CFR member/Nazi. And Ed, I know you're not stupid, a little research
will prove they REALLY ARE Nazis. Ihope that matters to you. The psychotronics guys say
they're proud of it... and alot worse they'd love me to say, and I will, to international
and national authorites, and luckyy or unlucky for all of you, you'reall pieces of
evidence I didn't want because my original work in politics was to act like a citizen and
interact with government responsibly... see EPIC.. an example for people to use, as I did
mostly, to address members of COngress, and an appeal to anyone disgruntled with the
government to alwys act in lawful ways. SO don't tell me I'm a dnager. THe goond is Weed
and Seed and worse are the problem. I can prove it even if a bogus arrest relieves of
evidence, as I'm constantly being threatened.
And Ed, one last thing before anybody tries that.. we both know what I'm
saying is true. Wanna under psychotronic interrogation? THurston's real good at it, and I
don't thik he likes being used this way.... I won't let anyone off the hook, but i also
won't allow scapegoats.. at least not below th eFederal level, and the ones at the Federal
will lead tothe ones who set them up....
God's day of justice,.. tell the pMS lookalike at the Jehovah's WItness
Church to explain what that means. ANd then tell her her affiliations and
associations better not have anything to do with law enforcement or weed and seed. Freedom
of Assembly.. unless I missed it, it's still constitutional and legal.
BTW.. Lynn's heart and supposed stroke are similar to aattacks I've had
that dropped me to the floor, nearly unconscious, including here at this house, and
prompted that letter to DObbs about begging the military not to fire on our citizens...
what I wrote in that letter was the only thing Iever heard my dad say about what happens
with corrupt government.. and I'd never heard of the CFR before.... and Jimmy Carter
really did used to a be a hero of mine.. I thought if I'd ever become president, I'd hope
to be like him, just more capable. I am more capable, but unlike all the other phony
emulations, I'd actually do the things I promised.
I'm getting hit with a puke ray, just ate dinner, I gotta go.
Nyro - Eli's Comin
Tell Hillary God picked that archetype... when Wayne Bent told me to do
what I'd done, figurre out which archetype I most represented, I picked Elijah... who in
the worl dwould say they fit th earchetype of CHrist.
ED.. give me a thousand real theologans either not involved with or having
quit the CFR and its frineds, and I'll have a fun day... and they'll be astounded and
confounded. I know I would be.. really.
2/28/2011 10:43am A kinder, gentler nation.. HW was a good liar wasn't he.
ANd Chomsky defended the New World Order.
Last night was pretty horrible, and I know Thurston's MO and a couple
locals MO's.. and I knew something was up when they did 2 day sof sleep deprivation,
becuase in Olympia it worked to sleep deprive me and then get Lynn to get mad and kick me
out... last night was the same, and let me know THruston's been working us quite
awhile.. likely right after Lynn's stroke the incident where both of us nearly ended up
dead. Let me be clear THurston, I will be reporting this to international authoirities as
attempted murder
Meanwhile.. a whiole back, a "long time friend" of Lynn's
supposedly got her doctor husband to voulunteer free services to see if he could help her
with her pain.. turns out, he charged her $150 to see him, only to discuss removing her
from pain medication, even though the psychotronics and dews gcause her great pain, and
when she takes medication, they attack her even harder to cause her ot believe her
medications don't work...
I've figured out, since Lynn is going to the other doctor today to discuss
cold turkey withdrawal from Oxycontin and Oxycodone, and given what happened last night,
it's clear THurston and their friends are trying to get her to commit suicide, and they're
staging arguements and things so later, they can kill her or get her institutionalized for
mental illness, and make it appear that I was to blame for not gettin gher proper help..
I'd get her proper help, but it's clear THurston and the weed and seed do nothing but try
to kill her... and reporting to authorities or a hospital is exactly what they want,
becaus ejust like one night at prvidence, they tried to get her to tell the doctor that
CNN was involved inattacking us. THis is part of how i know that Thurston and these people
are working with NBC/GE and TIme Warner to cover their crimes with murder. ANd reporting
it is what they want, to have an excuse to claim my evidence and seize it, as well as to
incarcerate and silence us both.
THis by the way, as thousands of other victims will tell you, is the MO of
the U.S. Government and their multi racial genocide.. just like the Nazis... and
they're proud of it.. they just told me that... of course,they'll claim I'm insane,
despite the fact that everything they've done to claim that would be defeated in court.
Of course, the "free doctor" was to do nothing but be to claim
that she got a second opinion in order to relieve providence of liability.
Ed Shuster saying they're using health care as a weapon is further proof
the media knows and is particpating in this genocide.
Rachel: re pizza, yeah I vaguely remember the story of a town that was
tested with subliminals and psychotronics to get them all to buy pizza one night...
Unfortunately fo rthese people, with all the weird things they've put me
through, I'm a survivor, and even though I assume they'll succeed in killing me, no matter
what happens I'll get the job done. And any cop whoclaims in a court proceeding that I
filed any false reports of any sort will end up being arrested for consppiracy before my
trial is done. No one should be expected to willing surrender themselves to cops who have
been paid to help kill someone. And when their MO is that of people doing psyops, whatever
you have to do to escape the trap will prevail in court.
It's unfortunate thi shas turned into a log of people trying to survive
government murder. THe thing I know is that no matter this turned into, God knows
everything going on.. and Ihave absolute faith that His plan will succeed, and that these
people will be defeaqted. and since I believe and know there is everlasting life, I'll be
there to haunt these people, whether I physically die or not, haunting them if only being
the subject of their self-inflicted mental torture when the find themselves in hell, and
learn God does exist and the battle between Him and Satan was over lobng ago, if you
understand eternity, and the patterns of events that occur when corruption kills itself.
Bible readin gwas good last night, of course I turned to scripture that
exactly fit the circumstances, andshould be a arning to these perverts that God is not
turning His back on this situation....
I was just looking for the passages, and turned to a page I'd marked,
looked at it, it was Phillipians Chapter 4.. in my Bible, it says it's the part about
"Christ, the believer's strength, rejoicing over anxiety :} No coincidences, eh Lou.
1st, what I turned to, the script for another local sick Biblical joke
resultin gin $2000 being stolen from me, from the house
II Kings 22:8 subtitled The law of Moses discovered
Verse 9.. the servants have gathered the money from the house.......
Chapter 23:9 THe answers are inthe stars, right Lou.. and the software was
Starry night... and Lou, I'm not going to commit suicide despite the psyop of this
McLean - Vincent
ANd Lou, you can tell all your snuff film friends I'm Sirius about that.
23:4 Let's call it a reference to Bohemian Grove.
I repeated somethign CUlwell said once, about the Bible being the living
word.. this once again proves that the wisdom and the patterns of human behavior are
timelsess, the Matrix of God is intact, and it always seems hopeless. it's always
darkest before dawn... and the sun will rise again.
Scary, eh Lou?
I get hammered when I mention certain. THe worst is always with Lou. The
truth, I go ahead and say things because they're true, and unfortunately for these people,
I survive more easily m\now because I know their arrogance will cause them to make
self-defeating sloppy errors... every one of their psops ends up havign actionable,
illegal flaws that will convict them
What a shame Lou. You were the person I was hoping to work with later more
than anyone else.
The future ends up being a peaceful movement to do Chapter 23:19
Wouldn't it be funny if Dave ended up being a janitor? :}
Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life - 401 - I Am Singing
Ross - Touch Me In The Morning
McCartney & Wings - Wingspan Hits (Disc 1) - 04 - Live and Let Die
God should have bee a DJ. But, like the Beatles song.. what was that...
- Rarities - You Know My Name (Look Up My Number)
It's the only way I could figure out how to do it.. right Leon? I
always knew I had his sense of humor....
Invocations work.. I'm going to do a few more.... :} Excuse my silliness,
sleep deprviation does that to yuou... and Thurston, please claim I'm riddled with
anxiety. Please. I want to make a fool of you in public so people know that you're all as
stupis as you are...
While looking for the Beatles tune, Irealized there was another psyop
dating back to Eureka, my "Clea", and some other Biblical no no's I would have
pobserved if I'd known the circumstances existed... stuck in the snow on the way tothe
mountains... Why don't we do it in the road.......... makes me wonder if there's a photo
in the Betty White Album....
Wouldn't you know when I starte writing that, this song came on...
Stevens - Don't be Shy
So far, it appears that I've isolated actual psychotronic influence
starting about 1971, maybe 1969, and psyops against me and people who treated me well in
about 1964, before psychotronics was as effective as it is now. And it would seem my
friends from theAssembly of God church, a few I had that I didn't even know were involved
inthe seminary there, knew who I was, tried to get me involved, leadign tme to believe the
world would end in 1972 when I turned 18, the two I my mind having no relationship. I
rememebr Lou said one time that in politics, it was off limits to mention or mess with
politician children under the age of 18. Makes sens.
One last random song pick. Let's see where God takes this
Winston - Summer - 05 - Garden
There's a Secret Garden at Capistrano, were the swallows would arrive
every year on my birthday.... glad people think I'm afraid of Catholics. I'm not. But
acertain PMS phony in Washington State will be.
PMS.. perfect title for a woman involved in COIntelPro....
Taylor - One Man Band - 04 - Mean Old Man
I'm not a dog, James.....
Went to post, this came up.. forget the part about falling in love, and as
for the worrying, think of it as the psyops guys trying to make me out as obsessive....
I'll explain later... Kinks.. Nothing in this world.......
11:42 from Freddie Mercury,just before he died of AIDS...
- TBD - 100 - Who Wants To Live Forever
A coupl eother tunes...
- Emancipation - 304 - Face Down
- Emancipation - 311 - The love we make
- TBD - 100 - The End
PS God's got a song for Judith, who asked me, does everything have to be
easy? THe Answer,Daniel Nahmod - Easy Does It... God's giving me quite a matrix music
concert today.... He "touched" me this morning again, like every day.. I'll have
to upload that one later... for now, Judith and all....
Nahmod - One Power - 01 - One Power
11:57 Nearly 10,000 cus, and God's playing me one beautiful concert....
Nahmod - Different Me - 05 - Easy Does It
Ifyou're evil I'll forget you by and by this came up too...
- I Would Die 4 U
Prince -
Baby I'm A Star Get the picture? Guess the single finger salute wasn't the 1 you
expected... :}
Brickell & New Bohemians - Shooting Rubberbands At The St - 01 - What I Am
- Pieces of You - 14 - Amen
PS Kiss the Flame

- Purple Rain_single
2/28/2011 4:23pm Just looked at some headlines, looked down, saw II Kings
23:13.... fits he recent news headlines.. most disturbing was an application from the
Catholic CHurch for electronic confessions.. just like the CIA uses facebook and other
sites with profiles do so the CIA can psyop them... and then there was an article about
giving 2 year old kids marijuana.....
Interesting, since I was just informed there's a case in the Washington
State Supreme Court that the Wa State marijuana policy is an entrapment scheme...... in
this case, no matter what, there's no way the court will deny the victim's rights, unless
the state of Wa is as corrupt as Thurston and his fellow torturers would want me to
believe. Unfortunately, in a similar profiling case, the Wa Supreme court upheld th eright
sof the citizen. Too bad Thurston.
Meanwhile, the person who called is being set up for entrapment by
Thurston, and will be his reason for life imprisonment before this is over. ANd the other
people involved will be easy witnesses against him, including a guy with a security
clearance Thurston might have shown some respect for. A guy in the log run will likely
also be proven to be involved with another murder conspiracy along with a certain
grant guy in Renton who was doing a cover up.
After reviewing some text messages today that I didn't know I had, it also
appears someone was trying to implicate Joaquin Phoenix's family in drug trafficing and
solicitation.. Pretty sick THurston. Let Let the guys n\know that their texts to me by the
suspects were posted to my weblog so the people monitoring this could stop the frame of me
and scare the crap out of idiots for being so stupid in many ways.
THurston, the problem with you guys is like I said: 1 incident is an
incident, a few is no coincidence, a hundred makes for no cocincidence and criminal
behavior bby people who entrap peole, torture, rape and murder them on behalf of the
WIth or without evidence Thurston. Are you people really that stupid? And
when the peopel find out you used the Bible for psyops, it'll prove you're the actual,
real, evil doers...
Mike, you'll get your war.. I hope you're a reservist, and appreciate it
isn't with me, it's with yourselves and all the people who hate Nazis.
I videoed the joke about the fishing pole and the rock and a hard
Lynn was upset about the harvesting of trees which in this case does not
actually appear to be clear cutting, but this is after all a managed forest.. I looked at
the picture thinking God must have some reason to have me get this.. like, is there a
person in the picture whose messing with LYnn. I looked closer, there was someone
there, I doubt Lynn knew it, and I'll figure out how to get the photo off my phone...
Meanwhile, Thurston told me his friends filed false police reports. I'll
follow up on that later. ANd cut the entrapment scheme... I don't really want to believe
you people are this stupid, but I'm willing and I'll be glad to have the situation
Tell barack I have the MO down, see it all over the world, and there
likely will be a world war, an the Nazis will end killing themselves. THey're so
outnumbered, and speeding things up is always a mistake. THat's why I and God are so
patient. Even when Thurston and his friends tortture me to prevent me from working in
order to supposedly make lYnn so mad, and run her around to the pint extreme pain in order
to get medication that doesn't work or is purposely being used to entrap her.
They told me they'd have someone accidentally run into Lynn from an
organization that likes her alot.... and she did today.... I have the details in my
evidence file.
WHy do all these people want Lynn dead?
As CFR disccusses cutting foregin, notethat Hitler set up countries to be
dependent on Germany, and when it came time for World War, they threatened to withdraw aid
to either coerce cooperation in the war or to destroy them. The United States is doing
that to other countries AND itself at the same time... Tell HW it's not possible to create
a power source more powerful than the sun.
I'm gonna have tothink about invocations. Oh yeah, Thurston and his
pervert pete friends say they're going to set up 100 ministers for an audience, and
prove I'm perpetrating a hoax. Not in Wa, and not affiliated with you guys, and talking to
them in an entrapment scheme is not a hoax on my part... and who says I need their
Stand up for Jesus. nobodydid back then.. did anybody really love
Jesus, or is he just an opiate to the guilty?
What a sick government we have.
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 12 - Simple
PS to Boehner.. good moves, but I've been betrayed lots of times, and
you're fitting the profile more and more. Like I say, you prove yourselves, I have nothig
to prove, and people can believe whatever they want. SOcialist Democrats.. are you a Rino
too? (sidenote joke.. nose job.. plausible, maybe likely.. :})
Tull - Living In The Past for the 1000 PS The davidic kingdom was not an intent to
take us back to the stone ages, it was a time when things were good because Christians
listened to God's prophets.....
Youngblood - Alternative Anthems - 09 - Don't Sink the Republic
- Season of the Witch
I'm know it seems I'm isolated, but working in the spiritual world is just
as effective as the material.. and if I was bunch of people, I'd be really scared of
Mitchell Trio - Barry's Boys
6pm More evidence that Wa State marijuana laws are entrapment. A30152U
Organized gang-stalking empowered by providence and th ematrix of God. WHat a SHan. Your
white van partner got away with it this time.... never again.... THurston, got the guts?
For the record, When World war II breaks out, I'm heading to Mexico, not
New Mexico.. just Southeast of their volcano after it blows, and it will. I say these
things to scare Olbermann, and to prepare people. The sanctions against Libya an dthe
infiltrated overthrow of Mubarak should scare people.... Libya has nukes.....
3/1/2011 5:02pm Last night was another night of tooth toruture for me, as
THruston, the Cointelpro expwert, thinks he can claim the anxioety idiocy...and the tail
on Lynn yesterday was to set her up fo rthing sshe didn't do, in collusion with people
thinking they could get playusible deniability...
At 4pm, I'd jus tfinsihed telling ehr some things about how certain people
in Hiigh School, wiccans and school officials, who set me up for some petty youthful
indiscretions that apparently were put on my record on purpose, and then some things at
Arcata that will clearly turn out to be lies, an a certain teacher I often defended
despite constant egative remarks from othe rpeople, and the an ad on CNN fo rthe UN about
Great Apes in Asia - you can't change the past, but you can change the future.. which was
about the preservation of great apes, and an issue clearly presented to sidetrack.. and to
have the lcoal sonce think they can claim it's not not something Ican prove, they want it
to sound liek I'm lying or delusional ... these people are so stupid.
Lynn had told me how great she was feeling, and I told her those things,
mentioning, DObbs, suddenly, she had extreme pain, like everytime I try to explain things
when we're talking about weird things happening in our childhood, things that would
otherwise seem normal... SUddenly, she webnt obed in extreme pain, proving her pain is
caused by perverts with directed energy weapons an ddews, and the blame will not be
shifted or transferred to or from locals or nationals..
Then Lynn mentioned something about food, and suddenly I was being
tooth tortured once agian to an extreme right before eating to cause me difficulty in
eating. Like every day. They tooth torture me, and then right before food, they do it to
an extreme, and continue while I'm eating.
Auschwitz in AMerica.
THurston and his friends think they're very clever in attempting to get me
to incriminate myself and otehrs to cover the fact of their crimes in setting all this up,
and for some reason, they want me to repeat the part about how blaming other people
for all of someone's troubles is a sign of insanity... except when real crimes are
committed and the dots connect.. to cover the fact of how politicians and these perverts
always blame other people fo rplausible deniability.. inncocent people can say that
truthfully while "sting" people do it to incriminate or destroy others... it's
easy to tell the difference in the light of day, when truth, not aspersions, are known.
THese people only have aspersions.
One of the things the locals must have checked out that came up with Lynn
is how she was given her mother's Mercury Comet, ass I was given my mother's Mercury
comet, a 1965, the year a comet came into earth's atmosphere and dumped mercury on the
planet, and is a cover story for what will be the discovery of massive dumps of mercury
into water and vaccinnations, and other things, which attacks thenervous system and
becomes in this case, another government al plausible deniability for their crimes,
despite the simple truth of corporate pollution on purpose...
Hello Herb, Sears, Fisher, PLL Phase loop crystal locking... and more
THurston also thought he was smart last night, though I keep telling him
to be careful what he asks for, when daring me to come to his house and ask him what he
knows about weed and seed... thinking it will lead him to some bust that will actually
prove his criminality in a sting and corruption operation of his own. What a fool. THey
never give up. But they will have to soon. But this is a perfect example if criminals
acting like criminals. Tell Ed he's stupid, but makes a perfect example of corruption.And
the contradictory laws on several fronts will be detrimental to their freedom.
I think the one that got these people, though, was when I told Lynn about
some school friend whi did a sting on me, I had been told they were Wiccan, and didn't
know what that meant, and I qweent to school with these people since elementary school. it
also explains some things tha thappened at Live Oak School one night and at Soquel tha tI
never did understand.... when I was helping with a school function and punched and
threatened by some people, a boy and his sister, who were suddenly at my high school
continuing ht epattern for a week or two, and probably longer and I didn't know it. What
I'd like to know is why the high school people, vice principal Spano, went along with it.
One time long ago, my father said some people wanted to buy our 5 acre
place in Scotts Valley, and he wouldn't even consider the offer because he was afraid
these people were occultists, and didn't want to allow them a haven for their evil. I
had no idea what that meant.
I hope someday I'll find out why they bought me a JC Penney tape recorder
and said ina conversation I overheard that we should buy from JC Penney, andwhy they
bought me a reel to reel tape recorder in the first place, when we lived in Palo ALto,
before I was 8, when the supposed AMPEX thing failed, when reel to reels were rare.
I think it probably had something to do with how he used to comment on Kaiser Sand &
Gravel trucks, and how he hated them being painted pink. Pinkos. Skull and Bones.
Illuminati, Kaiser Hospital, Stanford and MK Ultra... I think someone looked at the
MKUltra documents and decided the CR i talked about, his initials, were on a couple places
on those documents that I got off the Manchurian Candidate website in a hidden link.. the
same one that said implants were in places I suspect they are on my body, and they are not
the same as described in the movie, at least in my case. ANother case of clues with
erroneous info to make them stand out, and cause me to research them later. Were they his
initials.. I don't know for sure, but isn't it weird I learned his handwritning style, and
that the Bible that would prove it was destroyed because of 6 days of sleep deprivation
and the supposed CIA guy claiming they were trying to determine if my mind and theoretical
policies were capable of leadership... and as a symboic act of my devotiona nd loyalty, I
destroyed them, them a bunch of cd's in the backyard and other things that later I
realized were done to cause me to destroy thing sthat would have proven my case, and
thedestruction of evidence, not even known to be evidence at the time, except the mention
of the ELders of Zion and the Matrix of GOd that weere in the Lutheran Bible specifically
for ministers in a closeout in 1957 of what was probably the 1956 edition, before
censorship forced "the elders of ZIon" to be removed and called the Elders or
ancients of Israel instead. I was soyoung, I couldn't write, my sisters wouldn't help me
sign my nae tomy mother's gift, and it was clear my father must ahve.. another clue left
behind and lost. But I still have his pilot's license and social security card.
I used my father's social security at Vivotr's becaus eI wanted toknow if
the psyops and pattern of obvious purposeful dental destruction was initiated by the entry
of my social security in DHS computers, or if it was becaus eof an individual coordinating
the activities against Lynn and I. Obviously, it was individuals.
So, Lou, that last program, oneof those that got lst before your program
was blanked onmy tv service.. which doctor did you facilitate? Lynn's, one in LA, mine or
........ and yeah, Iknow,plausible deniability.
That reminds me.. TIVO suddenly has been recording shows I didn't ask it
to record, irrelevant shows, to fill the harddisk so that the deleted programs could not
be recovered by a technician later. I'llbet the directory headers are still there...
marked, deleted, unless the Barbie CHannelsofttware downloaded yesterday is set to
reformat the hard drive the next time it reboots my dish receiver, which will probably
happen today becaus eof a power problem in the house that completely shut down the
electricity to the receiver.
The Ugly Turth, the movie of a tv producer supposedly helping a
woman get a guy to like her.. using a radio and earpiece to talk to her while she's
on a date.. it's a great movie to watch tosee how psychotronics peopel screw up people's
lives... supposedly helping her, embarrassing her publicly, supposedly getting her what
she wanted... I didn't watch the rest of the movie.. I just shook my head.
Lots of good Bible readin glast night, notees for myself, taunts for PMS ,
initials that describe how she manipulates women in CoIntelPRo operations... to cause
problems and control men who might otherwise make a difference.
I know these guys are causign me to write these things,all written about
before, to make this file so big noone will wat to load it off the web.. that's why I
decided a while back to allow that, record the crimes and notes.. and frankly, at this
time, hoping THruston or someone would prove to not be as corrupt as it seems... I doubt
it.. but the door is open, but I don't buy plausible deniability.
ANd by the way Westnet.. you're wasting a lot of time setting up people in
lots of places to have excuses that will never hold up in court. If anythign happens to
Eric or Keith, I'll know who to blame. Typcially, they remind to saythings liek that to
threaten, blackmail and coerce me when they're planning to do people harm.
ANd 'm all prepared to take down thegangstalkers tryign to set up Lynn,
and no jury will ever excuse what you people have done to her.
Like I've said before, becaus eof appearances, it would be easy to smear
me except in court... but Lynn... no way. And wait til I prove Sam Daley Harris was
set up to get him out of the way so they could finsih LYnn and myself off.
Interesting, LYnn and my dads were both Navy, andappear to have left
similar clues, and everytime Lynn and I share childhood stories, they attack her, because
we didn't know it was a couple of Navy guys leaving clues... about the wayus of the
I'm beginning to think the arguement my mom and dad had just before he
died was about whether to tell me who I was, and she didn't want to, just like Moses...
Tell the shrinks I'm laughing at them, Thurston....
My list to God remains the same until otherwise proven, and oh yeah,
explain it yourselves.....
I sure hope Prince and I get to meet.. we'll get along well..
Rogers & Dolly Parton - Islands In The Stream Funny, I was talking today to a
local about all the water wells dug on the island, and how it will lead to collapse of the
land mass... like Hawaii and Japan..
Havens - Passing By
- Dust In The Wind
- Carry On My Wayward Son
It wAS a tie, so I listed them both..... tell the Wizard of Ahs we're not
in Kansas...
Stevens - Mississippi Squirrel Revival
Scary, ain't it.
and Crofts - The Longest Road - A05 - One Planet, One People Please
That was God's pick. Always perfect.
PS Someone explain Wiccans to me, please.
THis came up, wasn't gonna play more...
Tagg - Mutual Surrender (What a Wonderful World)
Last night, the mix came up with Lousi Armstrong, What a Wonderful World..
I didn't feel likie listening to it.. but, Good Morning Viet Nam, anyway. Victor's
Vietnamese....... RCA Victors conepuppy blew it... ESS Heil, supersonics....
Went to post,can't ignore this.. I was stalking abut sink holes, Georgia
and sink holes.. iron in the water and healthy mud baths, and this song came up... thing
God doesn't use to communicate? Check out Youssou N'Dour - Red Clay.. interesting,
while in South Africa, I bought afew clay items form a child along side the road,
and his best efforts crumbled because although the items were beautiful, they didn't have
the kiln to finish them and make them perfect...
Jesus and molding clay on the blind man's eyes a friend of LYnn's, a
minister, and the potters...
3/2/2011 11:26am Down goes Frazier.. interesting isn't it Olbermann, a
woman gets her mammogram every year like they're supposed to and sudfdnly, in 6 months,
her breasts are so full of lumps it look slike a double masectomy... when they
do those exams, is it xray or mri or catscan.. like at the dentist, mri, and as proven,
much more dangerous than xrays. GE brings deceptive deadly products to life.
It's been a pretty horrible 24 hours, despite good Bible reading about
David tyhnaking God for overcoming the enemies, and hanging the satanists.
The weird news is, all you people who think killing everybody off is a
good idea forgot it will include yourselves. Oh well.
Ted Turner, the psychotroncis guys want me to thank you for pointin gout
that cannibals would be on the horizon.. PMS is one of them, she said so. Can't wait to
hear who recorded my songs, but since you guys play tricks when I try to listen to
broadcast radio...
THat's about it for now.. the tooth is non-stop, as they continue to
bankrupt and make it impossible for us to leave this state, let alone go somewhere else
and be safe. Hope you're proud of yourself to the 7. ANd tell them I have many more than 6
suit cases... and I don't mean clothing, and I have no reason to care how it turns out for
murderers, torturers and rapists. ANd I'm talking about the perverts the government
employs. ANd they think the New World ORder will allow them to live. What idiots. Save
your ass, you lose your ass.... atomic bombs HAARP and dews and psychotronics... and
you people think you're goign to be saved by perversion... I am actually very much
loooking forward to telling people about how Exxon and the CFR had my first wife try to
set up all sorts of lies about me, and how easy it was for her to work at doctor's
offices.. file doctoring, medical appointments, dew caused ailments... noone one in their
right mind would disbelieve me.
What part of you so called Christians don't understand the words of Jesus,
I speak of peace, and for that you speak of war. ANd all these yuears I thought I'd go to
hell for a childhood response to Christians forcing me to conform to acting like them -
predjudicial, racist, righteous and judgemental Christians - everything the BIble says the
anti-christ would be... when it really gets bad, you'll beg for mercy, and noone will be
there to help you either, and as the Bible says, not even God will listen.
Starship - Miracles
Arie - Acoustic Soul - 12 - Simple
- Happy Together
How IS the weather? I hope you all like breathign in metal particles
from chemtrails, and don't don't mind dying of emphysema...
Simon - The Essential Paul Simon D2 - 17 - Wartime Prayers
3/3/2011 9:29pm THe last day or so has been a little more productive, and
I was glad to get some things done on making the cabinets that got the parts cutout to put
together... although a leak has begun in the roof of Lynn's trailer that was never there
before... I have to check it out after the snow...
I read the Bible last night, a few sick jokes and more... pick a name.. I
chose Christ Charles, I think I was suppsoed to say Mark, like when I did the Forum...
I just realized what I first turned to last night... I love how often the
psychotronics guys shut up when I turn to something directly aimed at them and what we've
talke dabout and what I've been harrassed about all day...
Mark 9:42 My Bible says it's "Jesus' Solemn Warning of
Hell" thru Mark 12:13
- Baby I'm For Real
Paul & Mary - If I Had a Hammer
- Portland - 201 - Our Sweet Love
3/4/2011 8:02pm It's been a long day... lots of tooth trouble and some
torture, progress on the cabinets... unfortunately some bad news...
DOwn goes Fraser: fortunately, she's only going to need chemo and
radiation treatments.
Meanwhile, her daughter-in-law's sister died, at the moment thought to be
a drug overdose, leaving two children, 4 and 9... and also another daughter with her
father in Seattle, 17, said to be a schizophrenic hearing voices....
Figured out how to do the websites for the campaign.. something like
Charles Rehn 2012 or something.. I had a bunch of them for the 2004 campaign....
Gore - You Don't Own Me
Cone - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Girls - Wannabe
3/6/2011 10:28am It's been a weird 24 hours.. I was making good progress
on thecabinets, and then the psychotronics guys told me I wasn't allowed to do anymore,
they hit me with a puke ray, and that was the end of yesterday's work. Meanwhile, Lynn
continues to withdraw from Oxycontin
WHenever I open the Bible, and I start reading a few chapters, and then
end up on the same place I was the night before... especially when it happens a few times,
it' slike God is giving me a paradigm, and if i don't undestand His intended meaning, He
has me read more previous history, an then more until I understand.
At this point, Ihad expected to be in California, a job, speaking wth
eople and lawyers working the process... if there's anything I'm sure God told me last
night, it was to get on with running, arising and informing the people....so I'm going to,
amittedly reluctantly becaus eit means putting up with more insults form the media and
politicians.. and idiots, I already know you've been using what I wrote years ago in your
current speeches... hoops.. changing the rules in the middle of the game.. I'm the
referree, I got a shirt that proves it, and it only took 13 seconds to end the fight....
let's get ready to rumble.. or wanna play hardball or be carefulwhat you ask for... it'll
be fun when the idiots in California swarm me to try to intimidate me, only to find out
later they did it to a bonafide presidential candidate.
I don't know how I'm going to handle the webste.. I will state I'm
unaffiiliatd and then unite all of them... and encourage them to remain separate... And no
matter what, I'm going to be running from California, it 's where I was born, it's home,
it's beautiful, and I'm sort of in the mindset of getting back to my roots as I begin to
have a life again...
I will be writing to a number of law enforcement agencies regarding my
positions... and I am not not backing down on the issues, including explaining how the
Revoluition against England was actually lost in a bigger paradigm, and tha the United
States Government has been violently overthrown by the United States Government
using fascism and Nazi tactics and ideology, and my campaign will be centered aroudn a
national petition requesting that the entire United States Government and its
assistants resign and/or be arrested for failing to uphold the Constitution.
I will add, to address political issues, I am not agains tthe concepts of
a global government, nor the concept of a North AMerican Union, restructuring and
revaluing of currentcies.. everything the New World Order guys talak about.. the
difference is I know it could have all been done with everyone benefititng instead of
using oppression to force it on unwilling people.. and who would be willing to be
And finally, ssoemwhere I started writing about how the intended United
States was nearly exactly as the Kingdom of God.. I believe it more and more... and
it's made sense to me since I was a child.
Finally, anyone in the government who thinks they can intimidate me
or make me quite, or use their supposed power and money to stop me, what else is new?
DObbs commented one day, the circumstances make the man.. I didn't want to be doing any of
this, nor did I think my opportunity to run for elected office, let alone president,
despite knowing I knew how to represent the interests of citizens.. I thought I blew the
opportunity... thanks for forcing me ROckefellers... it'll befun breaking up GE into
smaller community based busness with busines splans based on what they want in 50 years,
only right now.
Taylor - JT - 09 - Looking For Love On Broadway I keep telling the psyops guys that
psyop is over, except for their arrests...
Cone - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Flack & Donny Hathaway - Where Is the Love
Looks like we're at the beginning of a cycle again... warn the bimbos :}
- Diamond Life - 05 - When Am I Going To Make A Living
3/11/2011 8:17pm THe last few days have been difficult... tooth torture
continues, I haven't actually gotten much done, and LYnn contiues in pain...
Decided to watch some news last night, and ended up tuning in apparently
just after the quake in Japan happened... quite a disaster... and I have even more concern
about the nuclear reactors as I have for quite some time... I can't help
thinking about dialecticians and how so many things relate to so many different events..
liek the phrase ... we need another Pearl Harbor.. and Schuyer saying the Democrats
needed either another terror attack or Pearl Harbor...
I knew after the earthwuakes in China.. where reports of the use of HAARP
were n play.. along with other things like the quakes in New Zealand, the fissure in the
Gulf of Mexico on the Eugene Platform... things setting off the Ring of Fire... once it
begins, it's hard to stop.... interesting how this all relates to a bunch of videos and
movies and animes that included the story of Japan, earthquakes, and what must be HAARP
like weapons... I'm sure the psycotronic sguys wanted to make the analogies of those
movies seem weirdm, but alot of them fit, include Jummy Neutron and others... I let them
get me to say theJimmy Neutron part, because once again, the think it sets me up to defend
a position they think will embarass me that's unfortunately for them, true. I love it when
they dare me to tell the truth, because I will.. Just like I'll stand behind my remarks
regarding thermisol...
Stills & Nash - Blackbird
- Emancipation CD1 - 111 - Mr Happy
- Carry On My Wayward Son
PS Barack... the Conversations With America will continue on my campaign
web site....
3/17/2011 8:49pm My silence has been because of constant torture..
accomplishing little and dealing with people harassing me to cause me injury by
distracting me.. I'll be explaining this to juries one day, and it will make sense to them
easily. Today, I thought I might have fractured my knee when distracted - as usual - while
using a power tool, and having a board slam into my knee... lots of peopel will
eventually recognize how this happened to them as well, once they understand
psychotronics, dews, and the intentions of the U.S. Government...
By request from the psychotronics guys to Keith Olbermann, so they can say
I'm passing code talk from terrorists to tv people, Frank Zappa... Dong Work For Yuda...
I'm not posting it.. but it'll be great for the trial....... the story of the
artificial intelligence dog I got in Maryland wll be even more interesting.... just like
Sherman - Seattle
Dan - Aja - 103 - Deacon Blues
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 07 - By a Friend
God was tellingme last night about how leprosy back then in Leviticus
times was any infection at all.... and that when their flesh was fully eaten onthe pigment
layer, so long as there were no lingering infections, tehy were considered cured. Or if
the infection cured itself, they were cured. And there were soem metaphysical implciations
as well, dealing with ailments caused by the guilt of sin... it's a chapter that once
agtain informed me of reasons for certain rules dealing with health, hygiene and parasite
issues back then that are not the same issues today... although concerns. For me,
one of the things I found most interesting years ago was the focus on keeping peopel and
kids bacteria free, and how I attribute alot of my good health tohaving been exposed to
dirt and livestock and all sorts of antural things that caused me to become near to
immune... ANother thing I saw was a report or scroll on CNN about how heart and
cadio health later in life was often dictated by eating fresh fruits and vegetables when
young.. like we did, fresh of fthe tree or another neighbor's garden... and here we were,
in retrospect thinking people could ave thought we were poor, sharing our gardens and
produce an dmilk and all, eating and livng healthier than the peopel buying the premade
processed things in the store who would turn their noses up at things we thought were
treats... berries along the road... I miss nettle berries, that's why I wanted to grow
Sayer - Endless Flight - A45 - How Much Love
Gabriel - Secret World Live (Disc 1) - 10 - Solsbury Hill
3/18/2011 5:13pm Ended up staying up late last night checking news
headlines and monitoring the radiation levels across teh United States.. it wasn't
pleasant to watch as it appeared the winds would gust in one direction from ALaska and
raise radiation levels consistent with jet streams and weather fronts, and then another
gust from the south that would take radiation from Mexico through the south, pushed upward
by the Gulf and then to DC and New York.. last night, heaviest hit were Seattle, San
Francisco, Denver, somewhere in South Carolina, DC/New York, and some increased leves in
Chicago and Los Angeles/Phoenix as winds pushed up from the south... it appears Hawaii is
in the path of the middle of the radiation plumes from Japan... www.radiationnetwork.com looks like
people with pc's and geiger counters across the U.S. and provides the latest
readings every minute or so.. haven't checked it today... saw the same maps of Japan..
doesn't look good... and unfortunately, is what I expected would happen within a year or
so a year or so ago, as the ring of fire was activated. I wouldn't want to be liing near
Denver... the highest levels of all.. consistently, and varying the greatest as the winds
changed direction, but being hit by the winds from both directions...
Libya... interesting partners on that one, against Libya. France has
had run ins with them before. Bush declared an axis of evil, Libya gave in, and were still
incited to civil war.... Meanwhile, Wesley Clark said he knew the pentagon was going to
start 5 wars... Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya.. that leaves North Korea and Iran... and I
say when it comes to Iran, it will be destructive apocalypse time instead of
revealing of truth time, not caused or fought by Iran, and especially if North Korea is
hit first, leaving the U.S. dealing with more radioactive fallout likely leading to power
grid failures... a guy in Olympia said an intel guy said the were passing it around Iran
was planning an EMP attack - an effect that could actually be from fallout elsewhere... or
HAARP... and blamed on Iran or North Korea or China or Russia as convenient to the
Barack, I'm so glad to have recorded your condemnation of Libya for
attacking and suppsoedly murdering its own people en masse. I'm including it inthe intro
to the Hague as part of your confession.. and I will view the bioethics commitee hearings
nothingmor ethan cover up and memo 46... but at least your people validated the
authenticity and voracity of a few people who I planned to have on my witness list...
he's got implans, apparently, like I do..
Last night, I think I discovered, based on some charts of typical implant
locations, that I may have been implanted to purposely prevent me from being fertile or
even becoming a mature physical adult.... although, given my situationand the effects of
low testosterone, it meant i'd live a lot longer, age less and probably become post
pubsecent and fertile somtime in my 90's or so... weird... 25 forever.....
Got a few more boards cut for the cabinets today... Lynn's got a friend
visiting tomorrow, which will make her enjoy her time alot more...
Sometimes, I wish didn't understand how the ways of God, dealing with an
entire planet, take time, while people gave up and gave in and stopped actually having
faith... God's ways work, and if people would accept what we really are as spirits,
and understood everlasting life, this sort of evil would not be taking place, and even
those who were not evil but did not consider themselves spiritual or CHristian would
believe in God, and find out that they were mostly being Christian anyway....
I'm still encouraged in what David said in Psalms.. even though he went
astray, he never became wicked or evil toward others or in his ways.. even though later,
he committed a sin that had him personally lose his personal rule of the Kingdom of God,
though he is honored because God said those of his lineage and tribe would be those to
lead the world when the KIngdom was fully established. I agree, because David was a great
king, and he followed and kenw the ways of God, even thoguh he wasn't perfect... I think
about times wehn David's people were supposedly punished by God for his indiscretions.. I
can't help but think that's how it might seem to people... but I think it would be more
accurate to sya that certain consequences were described, and one or mor eof them happened
when he strayed from or second guessed God's instruction and ways... and the rule that
whatever you do it has to make sense before you do it... the same reason why I wanted to
database invocations.. so I could tell if a butterfly effect had occurred or if it was
natural law enough to work...
Cougar Mellencamp - Jack And Diane
Young - Heart of Gold
- Diamond Life - 06 - Cherry Pie
8:04pm Meant to mention: THe Japan Quake moved Japan some 8-13 feet toward
the U.S., altered the earth's axis, sped up its rotation.... as did the Chilean
Quake, as did the Indonesian quake... and I think it was in 2001 that the tip of New
Zealand moved 12 inches....
Viewing the radiation charts again, it would appear to me that somethign
is happening with the winds that is causing an effect like a washing machine, going back
an dorth from north to south along the ring of fire tha tmay lead to a super hurricane or
tornado... and it makes a little more sense in noticing the winds are currently sending
the radioactivity in Japan toward the mainland, and Tokyo... weather is an
interesting phenomenon as the wind cools and warms and equalizes the air.... globally....
JP Morgan: this is the way forward.. and tell the nuke people we won't
have 100 or 400 nuclear plants.. the United States is not a desert to be used for
nuclear projects like we've done to the Iraq and Afghanistan..
Stevens - Peace Train
See what happens when I look at the news. Piers looked worried.. :} Tell
uncle Ben to read the part in the Bible of I speak of peace and for that you speak of war,
and charm tv news in the U.S with warm lies and fuzzy prayers I doubt you've ever said....
I will agree with one thing, Ben.. the area given to ISraelites and Palestininians, and if
you all don't destroy yourselves, you'll notice the Second Coming of Christ addresses that
issue. Without chemical weapons. Intrerestign I said years ago to make peace, throw a
party, feed people, give them health care and act like it matters that they're
alive... and if you did, the whole Arab world would give food and all to help, and ther
I'd be, standing on a Jerry Lewis platform, crazy enough to stand in front of them an show
them all respect despite their oppressors... and by golly, that Christ guy's supposed to
do that too... WOlf, tell Uncle Ben I said hi....
Rogers & the First Editi - Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To
Spoonful - Summer in the City
It's gonna be an interesting summer.. I hear the Second COming fo CHrist
is happening somewhere in Florida, at the end of a caravan, on May 21, 2011 Judgement
day... I think Harold Camp said so...
Tomlinson - Run This Way Forever - 09 - Run Like the River Runs
Loggins - It's About Time - 01 - It's About Time
3/20/2011 10:29am Sometimes I read the Bible,a nd I don't like reading the
lineage an plague and strictly factual historical stuff.. Last night, I learned Naomi was
the mother of Jesse, father of David... Naomi was my girlfriend at the Assembly of God
CHurch, and the receptionist at Ketcher's... Jesse, my dog... my mom gave me a stuffed
animal he looked alot like... and she said, long beofre I got Jesse, that this stuffed
anmimal would make a good doorstop. Then there's my mom and the Hiram/Ulysses S. Granny
thing.. here I am, it used to be Simpson Timber on an island owned by Lousiiana Pacific...
both Skull and Bones.. on an island with a Jewish name where all sorts of weird things
happen... psychotronis guys call it pervert island...
Last night, my firewood guy told me about last night's full moon was to be
the most full moon in 100 years, and it wouldn't happen again til 2026.. interesting
dates.. tell Hillary to ask Carl to do the Chaldean translation... GOod thing he's used to
me waving to the chopper guys as they turn on their marker lights to say hello when I go
outside at night... I wzas telling the chopper guys long ago it's likely one dya
they'll come down because of an emp.. last night I was asking htem, there were 4, if they
had geiger coutners, since they were hovering in the jetstream from the north from
ALaska.. they said they didn't have any... and I watched the waves of radiation pass over
the country, as the earth was trying to breathe and the winds kept shifting....
Got up this morning, the upper air was blowing east to west, as the earth
attempts to breathe in a way that's just like when my father created a cyclone in
the fish tank in my bedroom with radiation and a slight wind.... super tornadoes,
hurricanes.. all the stuff Art Bell and George Noory have talked about for years...
I say breathe becaus eit's the earth's way of replenishing oxygen and
temperature equalization when it's needed...
As I watched the wind this morning, I noticed that the lower levels had
been hit with chemtrails.. that were moving slightly northward, of course hittin gmy yard
with chemicals and radiation when it rains, as well as carrying what appears to be the
strongest stream of radiation to the Seattle area and eastward.. back and forth....... and
I think about all the people here who claim to be organic gardeners... and the garden I
had that mutated after the Chernobyl clouds... in Woodinville..
Niburu... one time, a guy told me the government was working on a plan to
build a colony on mars, so when they blew up the planet, the rich people and
politicians could escape.... I smiled politely...
I was reading years ago about some people in the Seattle area who'd
written a book about the hidden planet... the one we weren't told about... between the
moon and the sun... and apparently, it's beginning to not be a secret anymore.. and then
there's something about 2 suns... didn't want to go there again... I still want to see
that video, and I will amend lots of things... about the Louvre / Lou and the thinker..
and the german invention to remind men, german sex toys, Barbie dolls and some profanity
I'm not in the mood for...
There's a million ways I could go with that stream of consiousness...
To the U.S. Government. For the record. Since this government has taken
upon itself to experiment on me, sabotage me, and worse, I want you to understand
something, once and for all... I am a citizen. I am not your toy, you have no right to
strip me of my rights or citizenship, you do not have th eright to tell me
where to live or what I should believ ein, not do ou have the right to ignore the
COnstitution of this United States, and if you don't love the constitution of the United
States and its people, then YOU should leave and find a country you like... not a country
to overthrow, use and destroy...
I will run for president, I will be from California regardless of how long
the State of Washington illegally detains me to protect Obama and the Council on Foreign
Relations, I will file injunctions and law suits, and they will prove once again that
Congressional hearings are nothing but a coverup like the Church Commitee...
People in government and authority have a responsibility as citizens
first, and their offices and titles are nothing more than jobs. I respect authority and
chain of command when those people in it respect it, otherwise, absolute power corrupts.
Except with God.
Tell Obama d the Rockefellers that your efforts to iminish are not
working, they will not work, al the laughter in the world will not change my mind, and all
the bimbos will go to jail in due course, as peon pieces of evidence like the locals who
believed theycould protect their Nazi leaders. ANd I will prove the Nazi leader part,
thank swto an investigator who used to work with the Paperclip people before they
disgusted him, and he quit.
SO Barack, tell the Predident of Emory University his chairmanship of the
bioethics hearings will be proof of conspiracy, hoaxes, more, since the technology being
used on the victims who are on record was developed at his university by the Rockefellers
and with the recommendations of the nuclear scientist, James Earl Carter, where his
foundation is home.
This song tells that story, as Jimmy Carter endorsed Neutron Bombs and
weapons, the New Class of Weapons endorsed by John Kerry in 2004... neutron bombs.. they
kill all the people, the buildings are left standing.. and that's what chopper guys, death
squads and contractors basically do with microwave.. the neutron dance, as the waves break
down molecules, and literally kill the brain....
Sisters - Neutron Dance
I was thinking about putting up one of those counters that says xxx number
of days til the Caravan gets to FLorida in May... I don't mean to make fun of it, I'm just
a little mor ethan cynical at the moment...
Rundgren - Adventures In Utopia - Caravan
Bond - 1971 Diamonds Are Forever
A guy in CHico told me I was a diamond... just before he told me he ha a
red headed 40 year old woman for me who lived with her mother...
At Work - It's A Mistake
Gabriel - Secret World Live (Disc 1) - 01 - Come Talk To Me
11:47am It's one of those days when God wants to talk to me. When Peter
Gabriel came up earlier, I thought about joking about how in I Ching, it would mean, read
the Bible and talk to God, as in See the Great Man
I was finishing th eweblog, went down to find Lynn complaining about
getting too sleepy after weeks an dmonths of sleep deprivation and Oxycontin detox... and
she wanted to read me a poem.. like the Bible sometimes, they go on and say things I don't
really care about, and suddenly, the point is clear.. I always say Hafiz poems are like
letters from my father, and from God...
I am now being tortured to silence me...
Pages 52-55 Ladinsky The Gift
The Ear That Was Sold To Fish
God really has it in for this Bee Sting Torte thing apparently.... an
excerpt or two...
It is true
The moon once put a price
Upon my head
And then hired a gang of
Young thugs,
It seems the beloved felt
I had been telling too many secrets,
Giving too much of His precious wine
Away for free.
So I got called before a fat burly judge
But I pleaded my own case well.
I said,
"It is all the fault of prayer,
It has filled me with divine treasures
That I love to loosely spend.
I bought a ticket for my eye
Upon that White Sky Bird
That never touches ground.......
And I bribed an ancient deep-sea fish
To buy my ear and drown.
Now whenever the beloved whispers
Or even slightly moves
I get a scouting report
That a thousand saints could envy
And would pawn their hearts to know.
Hafiz has become
One of the greatest spies upon God
This world has ever seen
That is why the moon once got rough.
That is why that fat burly judge
Once crowded all of heaven into a small jury box.
God knowingly did risk my case becoming famous
If I won
I think He really wanted my name
To spread forever wide.
Have you ever contemplated the thought
As I once did
That the Beloved already knew, already knew,
Everything long before,
So long before we were ever born.
But now, to end this drunken song
With its essence in refrain:
Art is the conversation between lovers.
True art awakes the
I was thinking about playing my guitar earlier....
Barack: everything you say about the suppsoed tyranny of Libya will result
in your further conviction, testimony not required. Tell the CFR that redrawing the map of
Africa will not go as they wish, and tell uncle Ben I hope he will join Ariel soon... now,
do I mean the man, the saint, the.....
I thought it was interesting that the Rose of Sharon is the St John's
Wort... illegal in the pacific northwest to grow because it takes over... like scotch
broom, season of the witch, free association....
Stewart - Tonights The Night
- Light Up or Leave Me Alone
Something about a theatre billboard on Broadway.......
6:29pm Apparently Thurston found out I found the files that directly link
the da's brother to Lynn and I, it's ben non stop tooth torture all day as
they rip my teeth out - they say to keep me from talking to authorities and attorneys...
as well as to keep us here against our will for another year to prove they can get away
with anything on behalf of the State of Washington....
Meanwhile, I thought it was good that Lynn was sleeping.. she woke, and
told me she heard her heartbeat beating very strong in her ears, guaranteed to mean she's
beeing attacked with Directed Energy Weapons, likely from choppers, traitors, and her
sleepiness is the result of those attacks. Meanwhile, my sister reprots having been denied
disability on technicalities because a doctor didn't file reports as required, and her
symptoms are definitely psychotronics and dews. Now, Thurston, deal with the conspiracy of
the murder of my family, threats agains tmy brother including tampering with vehicles by
friends in the Sheriff's Support department.. volunteers, like weed and seed, but don't
get paid... supposed friends.. amnother sister with a stroke like Lynn's,
destitution and worse, another sister, knocked out the same day I was for the
implants.. her life's been nearly all but destroyed....
Now, Thurston and U.S. Government... have Thurston fill you in on
why he'll make such a perfect piece of evidence agains tthe United States Government, and
it won't be because he'll confess... WHen psychotroonics is accepted in the court,
and it will be, I will ask prosecutors to ask these people 4 questions: Have you ever used
psychotronics to rape a woman? Have you ever used psychotronics to rape a man? Have you
ever used psyhotronics to rape a child? Have you ever used psychotronics to set someone up
as a criminal...
Imagine the questions that will follow.... so all you locals who want to
take credit for being such brave smart people, remember, I can prove psychotronics, a
multitude of conspiracies and more all of which lead directly to your heroes in the
government... so good work dialecticians in making sure your bosses are totally convicted
along with you.
No work done today due to torture and more additional illegal detention.
Paul & Mary - Lemon Tree
Montrose - I'm Alive
White - Morning Sunrise
3/21/2011 3:39pm I woke up this mornignto Thruston, Jr and his friends
tellign me formy birthday, they were going to rip out my teeth, and they're doing a good
job of it, all the while telling emt hey're recording me through bugs and cameras and
whatever other things terrorists think of to terrorize and intimidate people into silence
about government corruption and the use of rapists and torturers to silence to silence and
kill people..
TO the U.S> Government: the only thing you and the u.S> Government
paid terrorists are accomplishing is making sure I do everything exactly the way I've sai,
because losing a few teeth is worht it to rid this world of Satanist Nazis...
An dGo ahead, CNN and all, claim I'm a radical and extremist, and just
remember the source of the most extreme an radical stuff you'll claim I talked about came
from you and MSNBC. and it wasn't to help me... tell Dobbs that I categorically now
claim that all Skull and Bones people are tratorous scum, and they better get ready.. I
saw Armageddon and Waterloo, jus tlike the James Taylor psyop song echoed on October
Road.. The MUslims know all about the protocols and the people who claim to be Jews and
Christians... who aren't... so do most all world leaders.
So as the radiatioon sweeps over the U.S., reduces the popluation and
fertility, kills our farm fields and mutates our DNA while government people minimize the
damage.. as in.. how much radiation is actually ok to absorb, Barack? And why are you
having planes use chemtrails to cause the radiation t hit the west coast hardest? Remmebr
when Jeb told Willie Brown that California probabl wouldn't be there? Christine Romans
hada little Feax Paux the other days.. something about San ONFORE..... and by the way, I
can't prove it and wouldn't say it in public, but the story of Ruth was what I read the
night before, by accident. And it was on that channel.....
I was wondering last night, how many government backed religious pysop
channels do the SKull and Bones operate? Adn how many people''s lives hva ebeen destroyed
by these COuncil on Foreign Relations phonies, and how many of their victims died?
I am being aggresively tortured right now, which is what Thurston loves to
do with his friend down the street to get me to write thigns they think will embarass me
publicly even if I win in court... and they even think they'r egoing to blame it all
on the media... what a bunh of stupid idiots.. Olbermann, explain Hardball to them, and
how all of you have Skull and Bonesed Yourselves, and why none of you can win, depsite how
long the State of Washigton detains me illegally by torturingme every waking moment ofthe
And then explain to them just how popular Lynn is, why we don't
desperately runa way from here, leaving our possessions behind so the local get a laugh,
push into even more dangerous situations, and how after I have secured her safety, you
will all, locla and national and international, be faced with the need to realize the
20-50 Federal and International crimes you've committed will not be allowed to continue...
but thanks for proving you're all true, perverted criminals, the kind the world loves to
56 years old, an dthe government experimented on my body since I was 3
years old. God dan the United States Government and it's Nazi operatives from the CFR. The
Nazi part will be the easiest thing to explain to a jury and the world, and their shock
will not be at me.. they'll be looking at all of you people....
How's your mother, Lou? Did you tell her you know what she really ailed
from...... do you care... how about th erest of you electronic murderers? Don't bother
telling me all politics, psyops, are local.
Armatrading - Whatever's For Us - 12 - Conversation
God must be thinking of Barack and Hillary today...
Prince -
I Wish U Heaven
Youngblood - Alternative Anthems - 08 - Secret Danger Plan Barack, how IS Hillary as
your boss? Does she treat you well?
Riperton - Memory Lane
3/23/2011 3:31[pm Last night I recorded a number of things related to
threats by U.S. Govet psychotronic speople tha tthey would work to have Lynn kick me out,
as they did in the PMS and CNN psyops... this time it'sthe fulfillment of a sick
Biblical joke twice, meawhile she claims the worst PR in 5 years, consistent with
Thurston's jurisdiction, tactics and pride. ANd use enough, Lynn announced our going
separate ways for reasons in court that will eb clear it's psychotronics... and clearly
his mo, so he'll get another conspiracy to commit murder and other civil rights violations
on top of torture and worse...
In view of Lynn's stroke, the Biblical sick joke is...
Ezekiel 24:16 Son of man, behold, I take away from thee the desire of
thine eyes with a stroke: yet neither shall thou mourn nor weep...
It's not very funny, thank HW Bush for RICO.
Meeanwhile, while Lynn was leaving to who knows where, I accidentally
booted up National Geographic, a skull and bones publication, and an article from January
1912, talking about using immigration policy toward the goals of national eugenics. It was
followed by an article about COnstantinople, the Queen City.... now known as Istanbul,
inspiration of the Bee Sting Torte... and how the Mohammedeans after taking control of the
Ottoman Empire handed control of the government to the CHristian Leaders.. I keep
wondering why it actually isthat Chrisitians decided to hate Muslims, when history shows
Muslims honored had revered the Christs of God through history... I mean it.. who started
the idea it was Muslims against Christians? And why don't theologians point out the
Muhammad treated Jews very well... ?
I told you all I'd be vindictive on Lynn's behalf. I consider swhat you
people did today tobe a great threat to her life that I can not do anythingabout given you
guys really mess her up with psychotronics. So you'd better tell your people I will be
adamant about making sure those questions are asked of anyone who wants to defend
themselves against the charges of rape, torture, attempted murder and vioalation of every
civil right.... and I will hold the government of the Stateof Washington responsible for
her safety.. as per law and their responisibility of office... and knowledge of the
lethality of the tactics.... ignorance of which cannot be an excuse, because it's their
job to know. If theydon't want the responsibility, they should resign.
Rogers & the First Editi - Just Dropped In
McCartney - Memory Almost Full - 06 - Mr Bellamy
3/25/2011 11:03am U.S. Government Intel.. or lack thereof.. yesterday, I
went out to get some medicine for Lynn, and a guy did the usual mo of identifying himself
as one of the primary people torturing me... claims he's a specialist brought in
specifically for tooth torture, and liek the stupid THurston COunty Sheriff, tol me with
he wanted to be executed if caught. Taunts. Tell the Royal 8 that when the U.S. Government
brings in mercenaries to torture people to death , it leaves them subject to
Meanwhile, minutes later, sitting in the Fred Meyer parking lot waiting
for a prescription to be filled, a guy in the Burger King parking lot decided to act
hostile toward me as if I'm doing something other than sitting there, and then goes an
dget s the manager of the Burger King to call the police. More to the story, but not much,
and this guy is a guy I'm fairly certain is on my videos while threatening my life on 3
prior occasions. He and this new guy at the Royal 8 will confirm te concept that
SHelton is a psyop town where the federal government sends peopel to be murdered. ANd it's
easy to find victims around here.
Shelton an Washington State: please notice: everytime you and the feds
send in the next most supposedly brutal person to finish us off, they screw up more...
that's what happens when you hire stupid people to do your goon work. Everytime you get
these peolple to commit crimes against us to prove your power, I guarantee you prove your
cowardice and the reasons you will be called Nazis.
Thurston's been working on causing Lynn to suffer terribly, and is
continuing to do everything to isolate Lynn and kill her. ANd that damage being done to
her will be attributed directly to his sheriff's department and their DA. I don't play
games ED> You people do. You've played too many. And you own guilty conscience is what
will get you convicted, Ed, cause Harry wasn't even gonna get a mention. What idiots and
traitors have been foisted into power with fixed elections. And their own laws that make
them think they can get away with it are their confessions.
Nothing accomplsihed on the traielrs for two day sthanks to torture.
Illegal detention, lots of aduio of torture, and Barack won't escape conviction.
Mocedades - Eres
Story - The Gift - 12 - Il Es Ne Le Divin Enfant-Immaculate Mary
Montrose - Rock The Nation
3/26/2011 1:07am I was reading more aboutEugenics and Turks in the 1912
Edition of National Geographic, and came across this

- Magazine U - B01 - Here Song
Image - Ride Captain Ride
Taylor - Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
3/26/2011 4:54pm Today was totally lost due to torture. A little while
ago, wwhne I decided to make this entry, Thurston brutally attacked Lynn and caused so
much pain she ended in bed and thena hot bath to make it less, meanwhile, calling
for God to help her die to relieve her pain, another Biblical sick joke courtesy of Larry
KIng and LOu Dobbs, and THruston and Royal 8 guy laughing about how they're going to
torture her to death infront of my eyes everytime I report their crimes, meanwhile,
taunting me that no one will believe in psychotronics.. except THurston blew it long ago..
video.. an dI think abotu 20 minutes of his perversity on audio.... and his specialist,
the guy THurston called in whose speicalty he claims is rapin gwomen and tooth torture....
he thinks it's very funny, and did yesterday too when I videoed him.
They wanted me to record Lynn crying out in pain to prove to me they don't
care how much evidence I have.
When the governor of the State of Washington has charges filed agains
thtem and the state, they'll care. They want me to threaten the dentists right now.. tehy
threatened themselves, but the dentiss better unerstand, the U.S> Government has
already sold you out.. just like Nazi cowards do.. the Nazi cowards part is a direct quote
from the psychotronics guys..
THurston, tell the generic fed guy that the Thoguht Camera is real, and
psychotronics is simple to prove.
- Like a Prayer
Jerry - In The Summertime
Richie - Hello
3/27/2011 9:57pm About an hour of work done today, tooth torture cosntant
and very painful.... Lynn's in a great deal of pain, and complaining of headaches and
dizziness, and other clear signs of further directed energy weapon attacks.
Documented somethign someone sprayed on the huckleberry and other plants
by th epond.. took samples... some kind of defoliant...
Today, Thurston and his friends decided to taunt me regarding my ability
to prove they rape people, something I can prove with victims, witnesses, patents....
someone better tell the new guy at the motel that I've bene collecting anecdoctal evidence
and forensic evidence for 10 years now.. I'm a packrat like my father... I didn't even
mean to collect evidence, I just hadn't thrown it away... kind of like the photo
that looks like it could be some guy in camouflage climbing a tree in this yard....
Nimoy - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Earth
Snow - A Different World
& Oates - Method Of Modern Love
10:27pm Just tried to login to post the above.. unless bluehost is doing maintenance,
this will be th ebest finishing touches on how the U.S. and Barack Obama are the biggest
hypocrits in the world, Nazis, and by the way, persecutorially depriving me of my
rights with the direct assistanc eof the Stateof Washignton and others... and if
they are having maint, then the rest is true anyway.
Can't login. Still trying...
STATUS:> Disconnect: Sunday 22:24:59 03-27-2011
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STATUS:> Connect: Sunday 22:25:01 03-27-2011
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STATUS:> Connecting to ftp.charlesrehn.net (ip =
ERROR:> Can't connect
ERROR:> Can't login. Still trying...
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STATUS:> Connect: Sunday 22:25:24 03-27-2011
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3/28/2011 6:52pm Woke up at 6:22am tried to get back to sleep - finally
got up after not being allowed to sleep and 5 hours had passed, being tortured, after
being tortured til after midnight last night. Lynn wanted pancakes and bacon for dinner
last night, and because of torture when I was trying to eat, I could only eat 2 pancakes
while they tried to break my tooth off as I swallowed or tried to suck on them so I could
swallow them. They sauy they're going to kill Lynn... while Frasier receives chemo and
radiation and GE sucks her money dry.. today's theme was all the elected officials
in Washington State who I'd be finling charges against, that I'd never actually thought of
before, in their typical way of trying to scare me into believing every level of
government in this state approvves of rape and torture to defraud people out of their
possessions and lives. Their problem is, as my reports to the Hague and other
international authorities will show, I believe them, and have evidence that would, in
fact, convict them, plausible deniability or not. So Washington State, fell free to
continue this illegal detention, as torture prevente me from getting anything done, and
know that I will be charging the governors since 2001, and then back likely from about
1980-1988... and the more your perverts try to taunt me by telling me the details of your
crimes in ways that provide actionable charges without statutes of limitations to worry
about.. when all is said and done, all of you, from Maryland to Washington to Los ANgels
and back... the actual chatrges will be against Baack Obama and the Council on Foreign
The thing that proves actual leadership is th eability to remain focused
on the actual objectives regardless of the distractions, and patiently allowing the course
of human nature. Once again, since the United States Government chose to attack us,
and since I had no interest in being "anti-government"... my objective
was simpel from the beginning, once democracy is restored, anything is possible. FOr
that adn to promote Barack Obama, I am being murdered. ANd I will easily prove he is
the primary beneficiary of these attacks.... in the short run.. with the ROckefellers and
ROthchilds using him like they thought they'd be able to use me.
Diamond - Brother Loves Traveling Salvat
Story - The Gift - 12 - Il Es Ne Le Divin Enfant-Immaculate Mary
Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore
3/29/2011 11:23am Last night while trying to read the Bible and being
tortured, the psychotronics guys, as usual, try to pretend I'm praying by using
psychotronics, and they always ask God for their own destruction. They think it's very
funny to torture people and rape them an dthen make them think it was their own idea..
that all ended a long time ago Thurston.... so theyasked God to destroy them, and asked me
to say that's so Racehl Maddow could go on the air again and claim CHristians pray for
people's destruction... since her boss's thuigs get peopel to think that sort of thing
with psyuhotronics, I don't mind claiming that without proof. Deny it Rachel, lease.
And tell your producer the threats against Sarah will not be overlooked.. 4 witnesses....
great Christmas gifts.... I just let the psychotronics guys make fools of all the media..
becaus eas always, I wouldn't have printed it here if I didn't feel confident a jury would
believe it, ala Dave, COnan, Miles, Lou, Kyra, Pms and others... and themo of some
squabble that separates them fromtheir jobs as if they disagreed with management, when
their psyop was over and the killers were set loose to finsish the job and giv ethem
plausible deniability....
A few years back, Larry King had a woman on who was crippled, talking
about praying to die. Of course, I had been reading the Bible about how in the end times,
peopel would want to die, and wouldn't be able to... and the psyops at that time - in
retrospect - were clearly the method that these sickos forecast what they were going
to do... in this case, the hting of making me watch Lynn die in front of my eyes.. an
they've tried for years, but since it's been obvious that Thurston and Mason ignore my
reports and actually give support to rapists and murderers so the counties can claim
property from victims when they can't pay taxes, and the loan company forced them to take
insurance igf they defaulted so the loan copany got paid anyway... and a new buyer was all
lined up with the Weed and Seed...
So they asked God to destroythem last night.
This morning, as always, being harrassed by Thurston about what I would
write about Olbermann, knowng I intend to show what Nazi propagandists cause, and Lynn
gave me a poem that I'll add to the collection of things proving those results, including
her poem today about feeling like she's dying, and the doctors won't help her.... and she
knows the dews are being used to torture her, and tha tthe COngress and the President and
these sickos in the media with the police are involved... my approach won't change... and
that poem will be dedicated to Larry King, Lou DObbs, Kyra Phillips, Miles Obrien, Keith
Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Dan Abrams and more... Mary Ritter, James Earl Carter...
I always laugh at the part of the Bible that says don't make him angry,
it's in him. Of course, THurston, wanting to make a psychological progfile, is laughing
becaus ehegot me off track with torture... I'll ontinue... it's in him.. of course, this
cop who purposely tries to incite violence so the cops have an excuse to kill and
incarcerate peple as he again tries to distract with psychotronics because he's desperate
to falsely prove that I have a predispositon of any sort against police, which he will to
prove incourt
's in him, which a pervert like THurston will claim means I'm delusional
and violent, doesn't understand tha tliek the dictionary I wanted to complete, you guys
are violent so you expect violence, and I'm a man of peace and law, and know God's way -
and that's what's in me - the knowledge you'll destroy yourselves.
I'll say again... I posted the Surgala letter with regret becaus eof the
statement sabout police. I did it because of attacks that included threats from police..
and I still have no explanation as to why the state of Washington wants me or Lynn
MCMullen dead. SO be very clear, police or whoever ends up reading this if the
federal government allows me to post material again... the only times I've had a problem
with polie is a couple of times when officers in California harrassed me, and I will later
easily show they were asked to harrass me, including by governor pete wilson...
If nothing else, every day of delay, every felony, every taunt and every
moment of torture is if nothng else, one more day of obstruction of justice and conspiracy
to commit murder.. and I'm tire of Thurston using psyhcotronics to alter this weblog.. and
I will prove it's him and his badge empowering rapists.... I suppose i should thank him
for taunting me by telling me Microsoft had somethign to do with that corporate espionage
that will end up convicting Harry and Ed... otherwise, I wouldn't have cared about
anything but the NBC coorporate tie to Microsoft for MSNBC.. and even then, I didn't care
about Microsoft's involvement. Funny how blackmailers lose when people believ ein justice
more than personal gain.
- Dust In The Wind
Rushen - Forget Me Nots
Smith - Men in Black
Gabriel - Secret World Live (Disc 1) - 01 - Come Talk To Me
2:13pm The Mason COunty Tax Assessor stopped by alittle while ago...
wanted to know if we'd added the garage extension to the house as proposed in the 2009
building permit, and of course, they would appropriately increase the taxes if it had
been.. he was a nice guy... only thing is, this house did have a feature to add on an
extension garage for another $10,000, we thought about it and decided not to.. that was in
2006... this was in 2009... and the extension turned out to be for the property next door
at 191... and there are no buildings or structures there, except for the RV that the taco
man lives in... Shaeffer, Issaquah... it now appears 2 people and or limited
partnershps had their eye on this property when weed and seed finished us off...
2009 .. so when I tried to warn te Peace ALliance with Lynn regarding the
attacks and weapons, and the $185,000 was lost, and the PMS psyops continued, and the
harassment picked up, and our estrangement increased, and Lynn was attacked in the brain
by DEWS..... and of course, Issaquah leads back to the 1980's psyops, Pro-Tym, Microsoft,
the guy down the road who said he got a hot tub from Nordstrom's for doing work (aka
supposedly Paul ALlen).... Mary & Scott Ritter, and Jimmy Carter, Chris Matthews,
Brian Williams, NBC, CNN, Turner......... Mary Poppins and Miami Vice.....
Isn't it interesting that I keep being presented with interesting
paradoxes where one would normally think that I would not prosecute or persue things
because it might implicate someone I like ... as if the sake of this nation and millions
and billions of peopel isn't worth a little embarrassment or sacrifice or suffering... so
isn't it interesting that ennis Kucinich's 2001 Space Preservation Act will ultimately
lead to his own conviction.
Thomas - The Best of BJ Thomas - Gospel Live - 04 - Home Where I Belong
Thomas - The Best of BJ Thomas - Gospel Live - 03 - Would They Love Him Down In Shreveport
- Ten Summoner's Tales - 11 - Epilogue (Nothing 'Bout Me)
3/30/2011 2:41pm As the torture continues... last night, I was reaing the
Bible, and came across this sick Biblical joke, doing psyops against mebased on Biblical
scripture to make fun of Christianity.... something that corresponds to things I've said
these guys threatened to do long ago, that also wll prove to relate to the PMS psyops as
Proverbs 5:19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a
broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.
And here I sit with tooth torture, a broken tooth, a few broken toes and
guys who said they'd use the nerves from the tooth to break my ankle.. and they've been
trying to do that for the last couple of nights...
For those church infiltrants who believe God will not turn your
infiltration against you, and for those ministers who forgot about why you'd lose your
flocks, adn those who particpate with the CFR and organizations and people like that,
those whos condemn the Koran and prophets of all sorts without even asking real
questions... last night I watched TBN for a while, and this guy talked abotu how Muslims
were awful because they believed there coudl be no greater honor than to give their lives
as martyrs for ALlah... and they suppsoedly think it means going to heaven, and this guy
said it was really going to lead them t o hell.
THe Bible often says that God will reward those who sacrifice in His name.
Not to encourage martyrdom, but in respect of being willing to stand ground for ones
princeiples under any and all circumstances.. that, in the kingdom, wil be the measure and
standard for those who will be chosen to build it, to restore what is left to restore...
and I also read about an dunderstand why in that kingdom, though seeds were sown amongst
many to spread the word, in the future, there will be one source to explain God's ways. TO
understand this, please read the story of Jesus in Gethsemane for the truth of
Jesus' message and intent.
Jerry - In The Summertime
Johnson - Strawberry Letter 23
Jackson - You Are Not Alone
- Radioactivity as hundreds of thousands of peopel in Germany protest the continued
use of nuclear power.....
Now, if only John Hall could remember the lyrics to Plutonium is forever
and act like that guy from Orleans...
PS Was able o connect to ftp site last night. Didn't upload.
Proverbs 26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness
shall be shewed before the whole congregation.
4/1/2011 11:20am The last couple of days have been difficult... continued
torture, an dof course, accomplishing nothing of value. Yesterday was all about the
psychotronics guys harrassing me... I have few thigns I'm going to bring up to make my
case and accomplish what needs to be done... the officials of the State of Washington
should udnerstand that their citizenzs, aka death squad goons, are doing everything they
can to convincingly implicate you and show your criminality and accountability, as if I'm
going to drop everything to sue all of you. And since the torture continues with your
I'm going to do what I was going to do, and then when the lawyers are sent
back to help the other victims, we'll have a team look at the government here and see what
there is to do, top to bottom.. the legal way to take government back on behalf of
the honest citizens. ANd I'm not talking about your Weed and Seed victims who were set
up.. and who will be easy to identify and free.
Years ago, around 2am, exhausted, wantign to write, I took out a mic and
spoke to Ariel Sharon and Yassir Arafat and George Bush about how it required at
least one person to stand up and say no more in the middle east, and now, in the world.
Both Arafat and Sharon did what I suggested, whether responding to me or not, and both
were relieved of their lives.... when being harrassed by psychotronics, they make a good
arguement tha tthe police and govenrment of theis state, top to bottom, are corrupt. I
choose not to believe that, and tell them, someone in this state must have integrity...
some oficial or authority mus tbe honest and profewssional enough to stop rape and torture
on behlaf of the state federal governments. However, this is the second time this attacked
me, and it appears to be an ongoing attack on Lynn since about 1976.. in Washington...
I read the otehr night - for my new part on Creation 2012, National
Geographic Moments, about the Jews.. mos tof whom were Asian migrating orgiinally from
Iraq and Rumania, Yugoslavia and Russia.. this wa s in the April 1919 Issue... This Year
In Israel... it said, if peace was ever actually to be achieved in Israel, it woudl
require and upheaval, like a civil war, that would make the Jews wish the Arabs were their
enemies again...
And then something else, about how aftewr World War I, the Jews in Germany
an dother countries were actually manipulated and forced into business and finance, usury,
against their religion - a sick Biblical joke of its own - and then in WOrld War II
used that to claim the Jewsih economic conspiracy and supporting the protocols, and giving
people reason to hate Jews for their ruined economy and more... I also read it got
so bad, even the Rothschilds were close to being kicked out... probably before someone
told Hitler there was a difference between CHaldeans/Idumeans and the Tribes of Israel.
What was even more obvious i this article though, is how certain peopel
and rraces were treated well by a country, then, when convenient, treated badly, with the
cover of saying, look at how many great things we've done to you, as in, Jews, look how
we've protected you, why would we hurt you with chronic fatigue, now known as depression,
caused by heavy metal poisoning, nanotech and dews and psychotronics? ANd use your country
to blackmail Arab Nations in order to steal their oil... while committing nuclear war with
depleted uranium dirty bombs in our cruise missiles and weapons.. like bullets that end up
irradiating our own soldiers to death when they load their guns.... reduces Veterans
Benefits in the long term.
Here we ar ewith ahistoric black president.. an dth emyth is: we brought
them here, treated them horribly, improved civil rights and equality, elected a black
president who actually continually reduces civil rights for everyone.. as black people and
people of faith are once again used by deception... to their own detriment.
I keep thinking: what would the U.S. have done if some country had
launched cruise missiles on Seattle to protect WTO protesters from the government? Imagine
112 cruise missiles in one day, and then hearing the spokespeople of their military on tv
talking about how if they got lucky, maybe one of the missiles would hit Obama? Like our
guy did... Reagan already killed one of his - Kadafi's - sons with a missile years ago...
I'm not defending Libya.
Bush and Obama have one thing in common, both spoke of peace, and for
that, they waged war. Somewhere in the Bible it says something about all the lives lost
with your peace....
Harrison - Brainwashed - 04 - Looking for my Life
Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling
- No Diggity (Acapella)
McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
4/4/2011 10:49am It's bneen mostly torture the last few days, as the tooth
is being used to rip the gum away from other teeth... Lynn is in bed, reporting pain in th
eouter tissues leading to the area that would again indicate directed energy weapons are
being used to kill her with another phony stroke, which I won't let happen... Thurston,
whose specialty is causing domestic disputes in order to give people records of mental
instability, violence and in general, discredit them as a witness to U.S. Government death
squad crimes wiht police complicity.... everytime I try to tell Lynn thing sthat will keep
her safe, she goes into a tirade of criticizing an dinsulting me... and it IS his
specialty.. and the balckmail won't work oon me.... however, he will get his conspiracy to
commit murder charges.... he thinks it's funny to think murderers and rapists should be
free while victims are tortured to death.. and his trainees are the worst mistake he ever
Ask Thurston for latest list of complicits in this who will be charged at
the Hague. ANd remember, when the charges are filed, I was merely using freedom of
speech to particpate in democracy, and my legal cases would have been directly with the
U.S> Government, DNC, CFR and a the media... but you people habvve done so much harm,
and taunt us with the authority of elected official s and more all the time, giving
example after example of how they have worked together to contain us and destroy us....
expecting me to cower in acorner, or beleive they can smear my public image by doing these
things while torturing Lynn to shut me up and to make sure her evidence she doesn't know
she has is never found. ALl your taunts, and naming of individuals legally responsible,
all end up leading to the same conclusions and convictions, and your actions have merely
created more peon pieces of evidence. Blame the death squad people for your inclusion in
the charges... won't you be surprised when you find out who I'll name... But, DIxie Lee
Ray is a likely candidate as well. Just blame your death squads. To me, it's just a few
names on a piece of paper...
Kryptoman told me to keep the death penalty... he died once.. he knows
- Diamond Life - 01 - Smooth Operator
Arnold - Cattle Call
McCoo & Billy Davis Jr - You Don't Have To Be A Star
& the New Power Generation - Soul - 04 - When U Love Somebody
4/5/2011 10:45am If there's anything the psychotronics guys do, it's cause
you to be deceived to think one thing, get you to write about it, and then do something
else to supposedly confuse yu about the crime committed against you. I didn't go back to
the JW Church because they're infiltrated, and I knew it was clearly a setup to have the
infiltrators publicly humiliate me, among other things.. like get a laugh at how fun
it is to commit 5 or 6 felonies at a time.... protected supposedly by the badge of a cop,
the DHS, Weed and Seed and Governor... covering for CNN and NBC.....
Long ago I talked about a woman at Steamboat Island Store talking about
how it raiend, and her kids got asthmatic. I believed her, given the chemtrails. THis
morning's taunt, as the psychotronocics guys are obsessed with their long running RICO
conspiracy with the supposed pastor melissa scott psyop... this mornign was all about
making sure I was taunted by the idea that that woman at the church was no accident, and
that her involvement in the psyop was long term. That said, these peopel are desperate..
if theyre's been any pattern to what is clearly setups in my whole life, it's to make it
appear I'm some kind of philandering womanizer... there have been times I was had been...
since the peopel in LA found out tha tI am in fact a businessman and a
gentleman, it appears tese locals were tryig to set it up so if I went back to the
church to get her picture, ask questions, accuse her or the others... etc.. they would
claim I was harassing her and others. ANd of course, ultimately, to have people who I say
were of my favorite church be positioned to call me a phony.
I'll say again, regarding the religioous aspects.. I'm not al that
concerned about what people think, claim or declare about any of that. If oyu rea dthe
BIble, even God was a citizen first.. and the anointed nation was where he lived and
helped people prosper, and when they turned against him, he left... every person in the
material world is a citizen first, because we have physical, mortal bodies. It is as
simple as that.
SO whatever anyone want sto make of all that part, understand, I was
a citizen, first, I'm a citizen now, an the rest is your problem... meanwhile... my goals
and aspirations were and are political. ANd I have no reason to give tha tup to spare the
egos of a bunch of people who hire murderers and rapists to win elections.
And part of my campaign WILL be tha tthe uNited STates Government isbeign
overthrown by infiltrators.. if violence occurs becaus eof it, it willbe clear that te
government instigated, wants it, and ultimately, to their chagrin, will be their biggest
mistake. Dialecticians make lot sof mistakes. Tell Karl that's why I don't work
- The Bells
- When I Fall In Love (62)
Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore
Richard - Devil Woman
McGuire - Eve Of Destruction
Armstrong - What A Wonderful World
Amen and amen
I sure wish I had I Tol d You So by Randy Travis right now.
White Band - Cut the cake - 10 - When They Bring Down The Curtain
12:16pm I've been tortured since the last entry.. as the psychotronics
guys took great pleasure in informing me they did the local PMS scheme to challenge my
claim that I would bust their bimbos immediately... and thus, suppsoedly, hand the
evidence over to investigators who are in on the sting operation to relive me of the
evidence. If the PMS operation was anything, it was to give police the excuse to illegally
seize and lose evidence. Or to cause destittiton leading to abandonment of evidence
and property, and thus, provide plausible deniability, which IS the primary way weed an
seed and corrupt governments kill their own citizens covertly.
Crosby - 01 Oh Yes I can - 03 - Monkey And The Underdog
4/6/2011 9:16am I've been tortured now for over 2 hours, with thurston
daring me to call CPS and claim he rapes his daughter... Barack, this is the perfect
example of how your sick "protectors" in the death squads threaten people and
taunt them... dialectics... force of mouth terrorism... and they're so incredibly stupid
enough to challenge me to prove psychotronics... and I'm glad Barck because when you and
your death squads use children as bait to taunt people... thi sis all about humiliation
and extermination Barack..
So he says, call CPS, and I say, when I leave the state, and i"m
safe, I'll clal them. I promise. ANd then he syas.. then they'll say you didn't call when
you found out it was happening... and of course, then I'llsay all the cops monitoring this
should have done it long ago when he proudly proclaimed he raped his daughter, since the
police here all know... and besides, he and his DA are blackmailing me and extorting
me into silenmce regading what will likely be 30-100 RIC and civil and rights charges
against him, his department, the state and Barack Obama.. and Rockefellers, you will be
included in the charges...
SO becaus eof threat of death from this sicko, Barack, I'll wait, and I
hope the sicko gets the book thrown at him. What a pathertic government and nazi
sycophants who use their own children as taunts... for an excuse an excuse to kill or
arrest someone.. for the record, I knew absolutely about THurston until he started a psyop
informing me of how evil and horrible he is as a perverted torturist by having a neighbor
of his tell me how he works with other people so they can use his badge to threaten people
with arrest and mental institution internment if they dare tell the truth. THurston
is going to entrap himself with his Keystone Cop mentality. And he's already criminalized
his entire department. Good work Thurston.
Barack, remember, the variety of charges I'll be filing against everyone
including members of your family who particpated in pysops against me to taunt me...
just remember Barack.. you gave a speech - obviously a ripoff of Martin Luther
King, about how if anyone else suffers, you suffer. You're as big a fraud as John Lewis.
I'm gonna prove it with the help of the ACLU. ANd don't forget, when I wrote to you and
Kennedy, Barack, I was willing to be your biggest supporter... and if you wrote a letter
supposedly whenever someone fabricated evidence for you (such as INouye), thanks for
nothing faux president... over 2 years an dI"m still being tortured, and in normal
legal terms, you're the primary beneficiary. ABout those illegal campaign contributions,
And just for the fun of it.. my original birth certificate said my name is
Charles Rehn Jr IV... despite what the IRS required because they claim that can't be my
name... it is.. regardless of how the records in San Mateo County have been doctored.... I
got a letter for Charles J Rehn today... Ask BJ, whatever ya want...
Move forward, Barack.. did you steal everything you say from Martin Luther
King, the Kenney's, Roosevelt.. all the other illuminati before you... talk about a
winning formula.. acting like something to compensate for what you are not...
QUite the smear job going on against John Kennedy and the Kennedy
family... of course, making John look like a rich philanderer who isn't very smart, and
Bobby the hero, and he was, except when it cam to the McCarthy hearings and removing the
council on foreign relations infiltrators form the government by those who actually
understood that the people behind Hitler's Nazis were the same infiltrating the government
when the JBS and other organizatiosn were smearedby the illuminati media and press... I
don't much about the JBS... but I now know about the Tri-Lateral commission, the
illuminatiand sickos like you Barack...
Like I said long ago.. how many people do you have to kill to get
arrested, Barack? Millions. ANd how many brownie points do you get with the Illuminati for
doing it.. like thurston, bragging about raping his daughter.
And this thing about smearing Kennedy.. what are we supposed to say later?
It was okay for HW Bush and the CIA to kill Kennedy because he was a philanderer.. like
Clinton... did anyone ever follow up on the story of your sexual affairs behind Michelle's
back, Barack? Or was it okay to assassinate Kennedy because he was exposing the
illuminati, just like your frineds murdered John Jr for wanting to run for president and
expose you all...? JJ will be glad to know the ball was handed off to me, and I may be a
slow runner, but I was taught early on to finish.... Good old Landmark taught me to only
complain to people with the power to do something about it.
Fogelberg - Nether Lands - A04 - Lessons Learned
Taylor - One Man Band - 11 - Secret O' Life
McLachlan - Rarities - 10 - As The End Draws Near (Extended)
PS Barack, just for the fun of it, tell James Taylor why he'll be up on
the same charges as you...
Taylor - Dad Loves His Work - 06 - Stand and Fight
And then have someone tell Lori Price of CLG they are currently under
attack from MSNBC psyops, and that Joe Scarborough should be arrested and questioned. MO
Cohn - The Rainy Season - 02 - Rest for the Weary
4/7/2011 11:29am THis morning, since 6 am or so, nothing bu ttooth
torture, as my gums are being riped and torn and cut as one tooth is used to pry 2 others
out, and others are being harmed by the torture. Last night, like many nights, the tooth
torture is extremely increased anytime I think about eating, and I wasn't able to eat last
night. Tell Victor Nguyen and Katherin Ketcher and Busaca that the Sheriffs and Federal
government have determined their futures, and I have no sympathy for you.
Tell Victor he can celebrate his good torture work by knowing that all 3
crowns I paid to have put in are damaged if not destroyed, andthe the way he ground my
teeth to case torture, as proven by Busaca and his lies about knowing about these
operations, and his asssistant proving to me she was in on the psyop particularyly becaus
eo fher jokes about XM at the time I was talking about them and olbermann and Paul
Tell the people at the churches in Olympia and Los Angeles that God hates
Nazis and apostates, and you're both, and the best fun I'm gong to have while dying from
U.S> Governemtn assassination attempts, is knowing you people will have turned the
tables on me.. Barack's confession that Nazis humiliate and exterminate.. in this case,
the Nazis will be humiliating themselves when the world proves they are the torturing
rapists they are... and I get ot be the one to tell on them. I'm proud of that, because
that's what a real patriot, a new patriot, would do.
Bible study last night while being tortured tells me I will succeed in
this aspect of the endeavor. Beyond that, with a little twinkle in my eye.. and there'll
be a lot fewer people there than these phonies think Thank God.
Tell the phony CFR apostate to stop talking about forgiveness.
- Lady Marmalade
Groce - Junk Food Junkie _ Dr Demento
Clapton - Wonderful tonight
Seger - Like A Rock
Guthrie - Coming Into Los Angeles Re evidence on Michael Jackson and phony rapist
torturing ministers.. keys to the evidence to convict. Tell her I am JUST like my father..
I hate few things... Nazis and apostates, andgovernment agents using God to kill
Christians and Jews... tell TBN they have a lot to prove to me... using the uridium system
does not give me confidence in a channel that uses DOD resurces, as mentioned by the phony
Pastor Melissa Scott, and Paul Couch SR, soon to be charged as international
8:22pm Torture all day, alot of damage to my teeth... alot of pain...
nothing done... meanwhile, Thurston's neighbor, the one who infiltrated the Olympia
Christian Science Church and was part of a conspiracy to make Lynn destitute, homeless,
tortured and ultimately dead, has been working with THruston to get Lynn to write a weblog
about what it's liek to live with Jesus. THurston, tell Ed, Mazlett, van Dyk and all the
other peopel covering for rapists and murderers your schemes will not work, you will be
embarrassed not us, and the humiliation you attempt to cause LYnna nd I while murdering us
will prove the United States is a sponsor of terrorism, and a fraud morally, as we attack
Libya to steal oil on the premise of protecting civil rights.. like Ahmadinejad said, the
U.S. claims to defend civil rights by breaking civil rights. Meanwhile for the record,
Iran calls for global nuclear disarmament... while the U.S. gives it away... against its
own treaties.
Thurston, rmind GE and TIme warner that all of you guys Thurston wants to
protect protected only GE TimeWarner the U.S. Government and th erest of the leadership of
the Nazis in the UNited States.
It's going to be an interesting campaign.. and thanks to National G
andother Skull and Bones publications, I'll prove the case of fascism and Nazism, as well
as whyGod hates Nazis and apostates and epdophiles and rapists..
As I saw themoon catching up to the sun as it appeared upside down... in
the sky in the wrong place in the west at.. 8:28.... remember tha tpainting I said I
made upside down to get God to prove to me He was in control, tha twas one of the first
thigns I ever painted tha tlooked like something? It had a sun darkened.... I didn't
really know what a conjunction or convergence was then...
like the Bible says, the earth is rocking back and forth... I read today
the Japan reactors are leaking 75 million times more radiation into the ocean than is
considered safe.... thats bad enough... the question is, how many nuclear reactors
for how long have been leaking "safe levels"... and there's one they're pumping
full of nitrogen to cool, which iis good if it works, but highly explosive if it fails,
and if it fails, the reactor will explode anyway.......
The speed and orbit of the earth have been changed.
I hope I never nmeet a Christian who says they're happy the end of days is
going along so well, meaning htey get to be withGod soon.. I don't think they'll want to
hear what God would say to that attitude.
Speaking of attitudes.. Barack.. I have a lette rin mind for David Petreus
for the FOIA collection... the Hague guys will secretly laugh when they read those, like
the MI-5 guys did.... but have whoever is giving you orders let Petreaus know that it'll
be better than Leon's.... it'll include what appears to be a slightly prophetic story
about David and Mary Ritter and Scott Ritter... among other things, makes me wonder if you
and Mary... well, you know.... back before1980... Remember when Aaron Brown was used to
make Scott look like a sexual predator? Tell someone to ask Mary, am I a sexual predator?
Petraeus.. when they ask you about psychotronics and the voice of
God in Iraq and Afghanistan, how will YOU explain the matrix to Carville?
Uridium System.. 77 satellites used to cover the entire goble in the late
60-'s on, put up by Motorola, went bankrupt (the Northstar System) and taken over by the
Department of Defense for similar purposes, though mostly replaced by newer satellites
heard about simply called GPS satellites... that do much more, and like Kucinich knows,
kills people from space....
McDonald - Our Love
Lights - Tears Are Not Enough
Jackson - Earth Song
4/8/2011 12:57pm Stayed up a little late last night to try to catch th
eMurck show referring to Melissa Scott and TD Jakes... a few moments on the camera would
have sufficed... around 2am I think, I was on the PTL show on TBN, just ot see what else
they say, and the Paul Couch Jr I saw was not the same one I've seen on TBN on 2 other
broadcasts, inculding one suposedly announcing the premiere of his movie. SO around
12:57am according to my notes at my bed, which are not rambling (too bad THurston) TOoth
torture became extreme I got to listen to them say I like being being a traitor becaus ei
get paid good money to kill people.
THurston sounded liek he was drunk. At 2:17am, after having tortured me
and broken all the crowns on my front teeth that I really didn't need but allowed Victor
to advise me to get... he said that I am stupid for not knowing this country has been Nazi
for 30 years.
All this of them trying to set me up with aprofile of a crazy person is
proof of their insane criminality, and because of what they've done to me, it will be
THis morning, I wake up, the tooth torture begins, Ifinally get up, and
Lynn was hit by a puke ray to amke her vomit her medication,s causing her to suffer more
pain and worse... then she says Max had had the flu.. and it sounded like the puke ray...
of course, you always try to put the blame on natural causes, but its the puke ray.. which
means that MSNBC, Miles Obrien, Rachel's poroducer and others are carrying out their
threats to harm Lynn's grandchildren to silence us.. a typical ploy used to silence adults
with children.. attack them and threaten, as documented in the San Jose MErcury some years
back with a NASA employee whose children were being burned with millimeter waves or
lasers, leaving burns on their skin, the same type Lynn got right after coming home from
the hospital, making her fear she had skin cancer, and unable to deal with that truth,
meanwhile her doctors telling her her visual difficulties are from the stroke, when I knew
it was textbooks psychotronics and dews.
Meanwhile.. 4 or 5 events have occurred with multiple witnesses that were
clearly covert threats against her granddaughter, and given mo, include LYnn's first
contact with Mike when she and Sarah and Sarah came to do a bit of a spiritual ceremony to
bless the property.
So I'm talking to Lynn a few minutes ago, and she starts getting hit by
the puke ray right after I realize they're hitting her grandchildren... and THurston says
She's such a beautiful child. I'm going to rape the shit out of her.
And he thinks I won't file criminal charges against him in every
court I can. ANd unless they erased the evidence when Lynn had her stroke... I canprove
prove the connection to MSNBC. If not, the witnesses on this side will be able to
corroborate it from their direct involvement, and they have no clue what happened was a
crime.. except Lynn does.
i have thousands of reports that include similar cases, circumstances and
more to substantiate the claims I'm making from victms all over the United States, and the
world. Mass murder is like that. Word gets around.
Lou, when we got to this phase, was I supposed to make it appear like a
one sided conversation like Bob Newhart and Shelley Berman used to do? :} Or
did Olbermann really think he could make it sound so bizarre tha tnoone would believe it.
FOr the record, Thurston wants me to say that I will gladly take lie
detector and psychotronic interviews to prove I'm telling the truth about things, but only
after the government acknowledges in proper legal manners and on the record that I am a
victim, and I will only do so at the advice of attorneys... whether I can afford them or
not. Tell Welch I wasn't lying when I said the setup button doesn't work.
Albert & the Tijuana Bras - Lonely Bull
Taylor - JT - 07 - Handyman
PS Tell Welch Thurston wants him to know its a combination of I'm the
nastiest son of a bitch you ever wanted to get off your back, andd the stone in my sling
is the truth. By the way Donny, about that remark about it sounds like a dentists drill or
somethign in that DOD briefing.. I thought you were just making a joke about the ringing
in my ears from the Remote Neural Monitoring... thanks for setting me up with the RCA
losers.. tell Woolsey that even though I suppsoe it could be classified as a crime,
at that time, and even now, I appreciated the honest exchange, no matter how much you
might have had to do with Clinton's project when you were head of the CIA :}
Hendrix - Star Spangled Banner
Tell Donny God still knows how to pick 'em....
Russell - Leon Russel - 12 - Masters Of War (Old Masters)
Lynn just said her pain suddenly went way down.
Paul & Mary - Leaving On A Jet Plane
4/10/2011 10:12aM lAST COUPLE OF DAY SHAVE BEEN VERY hard, and
painful as my teeth are being destroyed an dthe psychotronics tell me they are thorowing
parties to celebrate... last night's torture was once again about THurston and his
daughter.. andthen Mike chimes in about claiming I've checked out thurston's daghter, and
they'll claim I"m stalking her, but the only reason I know he has a daughter is
becaus ehe used psychotroniocs to get kryptoman to tell me a story about how he harrassed
other people in the neighborhood and then used someone else to investigate, likely
to avoid having his nameon record as complainant or officer. ANd in that discussion,
Krypto mentioned THurston's daughter, who he says is a mess.
I assumed right then it was THruston trying to harass me and once again
make sure I understood he was directing all the latest illegal police and weed and
seed activities... more, Krypto has an aneurism much like Jesse died of... and there's
more to that story... all I know is that since 2003, I'd go to Krypto's, and I'd get
psychotronicized into oblviion. THurston tell ED it won't work, and extortion and
blackmail won't work on me, and if you really think you can stop me, then have the lcoals
keep threatening my life so I can prove that thisare is corrupt as they come.
THis morning, while being brutally tortured, I was told Westnet is on my
case, because Endicott is afraid becaus ehe was Sheriff of Mason county.. I have no idea,
but if he was, welcome wetsnet, I'm sure you'llbe as easy t oprosecute as the other goon
squads the U.S. Government hides behind.
Am I afraid of you guys: you bet. Does it matter: no. I was told I was
going to be murdered, so I have nothing to lose, and THurston will regret getting me to
say that so I'd sound desperate.. what I do is listen to them as i write, wrtie what the
psychotronics torturers say, and thendisclaim and then say what Ireall would have written,
the same way they have stopped me from writin gmy bnooks. If that sounds weird, ask Larry
King about Kurzweil... and THruston, when it comes to Einhorn, I'llmake it be about how
THurston gets off getting people to commit violent crimes llike NBC got Cho to do... NBC..
get the feelig I'm not gonna stop or lie for you? you guys have a track record that's
going to catch up with you. And having them turn up the dews like they're doing now isn't
going to change the truth.
Speaking of which, accidetally opened up the Bible last night to: Jeremiah
Chapter 1, and then to the story of David and Goliath.
Carey - SNL - What I Deserve
Gabriel - Secret World Live - 04 - Don't Give Up
- Planet Earth - 01 - Planet Earth
Speaking of planet earth... Bush declared 2 planets minor planets,
claiming there were now only 7 planets instead of 9, and now, 10... and it occurs to
me given the investments of Welch and DObbs, space construction, nanotech, opsychotronics
and more... I think they're miner planets, wehre the U.S> intends to get free
resources... talke abut using ht emilitary to steal resources.. that's all LIbya is
Moraz - Soon
Oh yeah.. toes aer rebreaking al the time from the dental problems.. and
4/9/10:01am I've told the guys that I am looking forward to havign all the Melissa
Socott's in court when I read THurston Greatest hits, that include the wonderful comments
he makes he makes about everyone including Melissa Scott... they do that to get me to
sound like I gicve a damn aboout all these peole, as they give me additional clues to
additional crimes I wasn't awareof to drag it out and make it seem liek a rambling
Because I want ot se thos ephony christian faces hear how I describe their
mo, and the perversity THEY do to frame people for criems and obsessionas and more.. and
the gem I got from the ROayl 8 guy .. and this is one of the nicest thign sthese guys
sayabout each other to get me to write a weblog based on their torture... he says, Pastor
Melissa Scott is the cunt of the century. <elissa Scott, Cliffy, Keith, Lou , Jack, the
setup button doesn't work, and I reall hope Melissa Scott understand s how poorly these
peopel are protecting their psyop perp in LA. ANd I hope the phony in Olympia and her
friends are beginning to understand why their attempt to protect Obama are not just fun
little jokes, but serious crimes, and actually causing the convictions of everyone they
tried to protect...
McDonald - Soul Speak - 03 - Love TKO
I was explaining to the guys why GOd's way works. Love TKO's.. tehy say
not in the United States. I believe 'em.
6:45pm It was a very painful torture dayas my teeth broke an I tasted
blood and got nothing done, as the satanists told me they were torturing me to make sure I
did nothing to celebrate the sabbath. Too bad this is't the sabbath. Th e7th day is. AS if
these perverted rapists care.. they wanted to be sure I said rapists, because
"Salisbury says he isn't going to allow himself to be charged with anything"..
That's a quote from the psychotronics guys, whos till believe they'll claim psychotronics
doesn't exist. Their problem is, their police chief will be asked that question, not the
Montrose - I'm Alive
- White Christmas
- TBD - 100 - Chain Reaction
4/11/2011 8:01am Another day of torture begins.. I can always tell
which people these idiots ae defending.. an dth erediculous part is, they think they can
taunt me by constantly reminding me of their crimes, and then telling me how the u.S>
Government and the local government sanction these murders.. whcih I already know...
Thruston COunty has a record of killing people fo rthe government for over 30 years, and
Mason COunty apparently liked the idea... good thing I can prove psychotronics with
recordgs of people wanting me to believe my evidence would be unusable, liek when they
uploaded all those programs to my dvr and then erased them just in time to have them
believe it would get Olbermann and DObbs off the hook. NBC Taunts.. Cliffy will explain it
to the Hague, I'm sure.
Remember Sheirffs, every crime these people commit will also be charged
against you, given you've done so much to help them by using your badges to intimidate me
to silence me, ignore my calls to the police for help and even the attorney general
doesn't give a damn when I tlell them my life is in danger, as verified by a letter from
the state attorney general weeks later acknowledging fear for my life. And then referring
me to the Sheriff I was complaining about...
Conspiracy all by itself.. 10 years.. any of you state peopel who want ot
help, remember, I don't care what happens to you criminals, and I'm not interested in
heroes who only want to clear themselves.. and as far as I'm concerned, this stat eis
involved in organized crime that includes theft, rape, torture, murder and more that I can
prove. And anymore, just remember, I rtried to resolve this through the justice system. So
when you cops down in SHelton or anywhere else harass me, or your pervert peons harass me,
anymore, instead of avoiding contact, I'm going to welcome filing against you in
international and federal courts. And your threats to the Hague don't impress me, but they
will impress the Hague and the rest of the world.
Boehner: No distance between you and the tea party.. the original tea
party was a distraction, John... and these days, it's a magnet for war.... Beohner, how
many years will you get for particpating in torturing U.S> Citizens.. and by the way,
tell Michelle Bachmann Olbermann did her no favors when he made sure to damage her by
promoting her to taunt me... Cops... know what objectivity and dispassionate mean?
To other police officers elsewhere: when I realized what was going on, and
that the CFR and the government were tryingto silence me, I didn't know i was the victim
of government and CIA crimes since 1957=or 1958, payment once again for my father's
patriotic work for the government an dthe Manhattan Project and everything that
enables the citizens of Washington State to use psychotronics and dews with the help of
police and federal authroites to murder and rape its citrizens.
The THurston COunty Sheriffs department and others have goe far out of
their way to make a case that I am predisposed against police. THe case of Brian Baird,
U.S. Rep and his assistant Pam Brokaw along with Officer Mazlett of the Thurston COunty
SHeriff's Department will prove, all by itself, that nothing could be further fromt he
truth, but it will prove that they were complicit with multiple attempted murders against
us to cover for CNN, NBC/GE, Obama, CFR, U.S. Government, and worse and more....
CHris Matthews syas all politics are local, and thereafter, the locals
tried to make it be about them in order t cover for their Nazi leaders.. and I will prove
they ARE Nazis.... problem is CHris, the trail still leads back to you .. straight back to
you.. I hope Rachel still lives in San Francisco, so I will be able to prove part of the
conspiracy to keep us in this state against our will is to protect her from charges
related to her producer and a conspiracy with... get this Rachel, you forecasted this when
you wanted to be listed as part of the anti-Christ...Air America.. and Rachel, I'll be
glad to prove Hartmann is a fraud... glad he took the advice i gave to AMy Goodman,
though.. and if you think I'm outnumbered, Rachel.... I'm laughing at you all.
Last night's reading: Jeremiah Chapter 1, JOhn Chapters 1 and 2
and Deuteronomy 7:6 on.....
Says it all.
A pilgrim is a person in search of a country in which God would not be
ashamed to be called God.
McCartney & Wings - Wingspan Hits (Disc 1) - 07 - Silly Love Songs
Rushen - Forget Me Nots
- Planet Earth - 09 - Lion Of Judah
I'm going to have the pleasure of documentation State Sposopred terrorism
today. I look forward to busting every single one of them. Tell Thurston, it isn't
personal, it's the law. And I can prove the police in this state don't care about the law.
I can prove it. Wanna prove it some more?
Benatar - We Belong
PS Mason COunty, I took it very personally when the people of Harstine
Island used your equipment to inform me of their hatred of Jews. Imay not have known
before that that I was of direct Judah blood, but the U.S. Government did my whole life,
and your illegal intel told you too. I'm presuming JUdith andSt Edwards were aware as
well. WHy do so many Christians think Catholics aren't Christians? I want to know....
4/11/2011 6:41pm Barack.. after returning from the store thi
smorning, I was being tooth tortured all day.. got nothing else done, but liek usual, the
psychotronics guys will regret that I saw a movie on the documentary channel www.documentarychannel.com called Who
Will Stand?
Of course, it goes along with your supporter James Taylor's song.. he was
wrong about you, of course, funny, last night after WHite Christmas I was lookign for
Prince's "Sometimes it snows in Arptil", recallign the last time I was in te
snow in April, in Maple Creek... it hailed this morning...
When DObbs started honorig veterans as "Heroes" on his show, I
thought he was doing it - as Ted Turner said of that and other things - for ratings -
nonetheless, I would never want to tak eoff something tha thonors those who put their
lives on the line in combat for my life and my nation.... back then I was already talking
about JOhn Edwards' theme of veterans who were homeless, under bridges in DC, and how the
Iraq and Afghanistan Wars were being outfitted with reservists to hide the true extent of
toops in service, to hide the mercenaries - constitutionally illegal, and outbnumbering
actual troops - and how these silent servants, reservists and guardsmen, were being
subjected to multiple termos of duty in country without a break, without counseling wehen
they returned, substandard care, and basically, about the government's policy of using
them up as long as they could last, and then throwing them away like garbage.
Like as in described in a letter from a woman about a doctor treating her
husbad with Gulf War Syndrome.
The government gives them unreliable vaccinations, inserts rfid's and
other devices, subjects them to radiation without their full knowledge or understanding
causing chromosomal damge and worse... and anll the symptoms pf psychotroncis and dew
attacks, which I recognized a few yuears back when I posted her remarks abotu a Dr Charles
Rehn who treated her husband....
THis documentary will provide frther documentation that the UNited STates
Government is killing its own veterans in order to save money on benefits... Further,
preventing me from contacting the attorneys in San Francisco will be bnad news for the
feds because this documentary provides information regarding attacks on the veterans who
were experimented upon byhte U.S Government after their combat service in viet nam. 300,
000 Veterans are homeless, 120,000 of those are from Viet Nam (and may have
benefitted fropm m yinput on their case against the CIA) and that also means, older peopel
in the weed and seed who aren't ashmaed for betryaing their world war II parents... that
means that Viet Nam vets are the predominate number of people kicked to the curb and dying
because of effort slike yours...
Today was a day that got me to my bottom line level of disgust with the
psychotronics people.. particularly when JR decided to boast about being atraitor
while I was watching the numbers and other information that lead to the the conclusion
these guys are killing veterans, liek Kryptoman of Viet Nam War Day, the same way they'r
ekillin gus, and my dog, AL Gore..... and apparently, it wasn't agent orange... David
Grant... nice try at the cover though...
SO folks, Bush said benefits changed for all people over 50. that's when
they'll hit you with dews and worse ir they've made all the money they can from you, and
you are no longer of use. Let the Viet Nam vets be a lesson for the current military
psyops and chopper guys who think their treason will provide them security with the Nazis
they serve.
And like I said, it's easy to prove they're Nazis. Their money came from
the people who created World War I and Hitler...
Like I said, my level of disgust does not require lowering any further.
New Chapter for Death Squads
Death Squads, PTSD, Soldiers and Homelessness
Petraeus.. how are you going to explain your efforts in killing your own
troops? David, ever read Microwaving raq, and the cause of the elevated suicide rates
amongst soldiers in country? Dare to explain it to the citizens of the United States?
Since they want you for the CIA, explain what McVeigh said said about the implant,
psychotronics, and how the FBI instructed him on how to make the bomb,. I'm sure his
attorney would love to help you explain it. People love hearing about high tech.
ANd David, tell Leon, and the CIA, what they knew long ago.. MK-Ulta
didn't work.
- Greatest Romance Ever Sold
- Back Door Man
Lennon - Watching the Wheels
Lennon - NobodyTold Me
7:15pm per my computer, 7:12pm per my audio recording, flyover by chopper,
haven't posted yet, confirming military monitoring of my computer work and more as I do
it. Thank you chopper guy. I take that as the government's support of killing its own.
Hardcastle - Living In Oblivion - 007 - 19
7:50pm Went out to the living room.. here's why the government doesn't
want me watching tv... besides the false MSNBC reports on major events they're helping the
CFR cover up... speaking of Seymour Hirsch...
A while back I was researching the Poppy System, a spy something
attributed to Poppy George HW Bush back in the 50's or 60'.. I have the documents.. and
suddenly Poppy Harlowe is on CNN, and the search engines came up wuith her when looking up
the poppy system. Same happened with Milissa/Melissa Rehberger, the First Lady, switching
the spelling of her name when the Pastor Melissa Scott happened, and I wonder if that
Melissa from Princeton and all other Melissa's they had on soonafter knew it was only
their name and niot their intelligence tha tmattered to make sure Melissa Scott's name was
buried in the search engines.. I could tell you more..
So, CMT and Melissa and the SInging Bee.. here's my answeeer tothe
dilutions on tv to cover your butts so when I break loose, noone would know.. here's my
Pastor Melissa Scott Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott
Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa
Scott Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott Bee Sting TortePastor Melissa Scott
Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott
Bee Sting Torte Pastor Melissa Scott Bee Sting Torte
DHS Rapists DHS Rapists DHS Rapists DHS Rapists DHS Rapists
Thurston Thurston THurston Thurston Thurston Thurston THurston
Thurston Thurston Thurston THurston Thurston
Psychotronics Psychotronics Psychotronics Pyschotronics Psychotronics
Psychotronics Psychotronics Psychotronics Pyschotronics Psychotronics Psychotronics
Psychotronics Psychotronics Pyschotronics Psychotronics Psychotronics Psychotronics
Psychotronics Pyschotronics Psychotronics
Civil and Human RIghts Violations Civil and Human RIghts Violations Civil
and Human RIghts Violations Civil and Human RIghts Violations Civil and Human RIghts
Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya
Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya
Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya
Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya Libya
Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi
Nazi Nazi
Now that Thurston thinks he has a rambling weblog, let me point out that I
have extensive knowledge of search engine positioning... Thurston... I don't bluff
Thurston.. and this will prove your....
Tell the DHS and the media it's freedom of speech, and the problem they
have is the stone in my sling is the truth. ANd I get really pissed when I hear the stats
of how this government treats its veterans.
Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran
veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran
Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran
veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran
Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran
veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran
Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran veteran Veteran
veteran Veteran veteran
DHS. Have a good day. Enjoy watching the torture. And tell the CIA not to
bother trying to deny it. There's some attorneys in San Francisco who would be glad to
prove they're liars.
Rundgren - Something Anything - Some Folks Is Even Whiter Than Me
It's God's pick........
Still haven't posted.
4/12/2011 11:53am Of ocourse, I was tortured last night... didn't post..
this morning, must have laid in bed trying to get back to sleep, as usual.. vicitims
commonly use twilight sleep to replace full sleep when being attacked... then I decided to
get up.. and got a full on torture attack about he DHS ot likinmbeing called rapists. As
they well know, that was a search engine entry to remind them all that if I wanted these
communications to go bglobal and not just be backchannel communications, this would be a
smaller file, and I know how to get my documents into the search engines if I wanted to
... Thurston... feel free to call tht a threat while I continue to report the crimes
against us.
Speaking of whihc.. DHS>. don't want to be called rapists.. stop hiring
rapists to do political hits for the CFR. By the way, the torture this morning is more
proof they read this without warrant or other ways before I post, just like the choppers
last night.. as documented many other times.
Politics is locals.. you locals need to know you're a joke, but I take
THurston's death threats seriously.. and remind yourself, Thurston they can use
psychotronics on you and everyone to prove you claim you rape your daughter and are
involved in murder conspiracies... screw your shrinks....
ZLOals if there's anythign the dirty cops DA's and others havbe proven to
me, itsthat thisU.S> government is Nazi, the locals are out of control blood thirsty
psycchopaths, sexually obsessed and unfortunately for them, not above the law.. and the
part I like best is knowing tha tto make them look like the scum they ae, all I have to do
is tell the truth. Tell ED given what's happeed and these attempts to tak eus down this
way, I'm especially looking forward to busting you and THruston, especially for THurston
putting his daughter in play like bait like Obrien did as if bait for pedophile or
sex sting lkike they did with the whore in LA
As you can see, I'm not in a good mood, thurston's trying to tell me what
to write, and the sick psycho idiot is only going to provfe one more time that HE likes to
write rambling weblogs to set people up.. and this weblog will prove he either dictated
this or one of his decoyfriends was used so he could falsely claim plausible
deniability by having hav..
I stopped there, becaus ethisis the common ploy.. and they do try to
dictate, and I refuse. More proof of why the books got ended by the U.S Govt.. and
THurston please try to get me up on Mental charges... tha will be the end of police
involvement with weed and seed as your department is replaced with honest copes. AN dto
the sheriff.. if you think this is a threat from me.. just remember, I don't emplio\y
rapist cops, you do.
Thurston says "Fuck the United States Government"... 30 years of
murdering CIA crimes.. Olympia Washington.. what a wonderful state.
Personal note: that was all their agenda, I don't hear voices, I am
attacked by psychotronics. Tell the fake Jehovah's witnesses I'm very happy to expose
them. SInce they work fo Thurston. DIsgusting perverts.
ALright, THurston and his friend s are going through the files and
bringing uip all this old stuff ..
I'm ending this here today.. I left the incomplete sentences to remind
myself later how desperate these people were today... and to remember they broke another
towe this morning, and they're trying to break my right thumb.
Young - Long May You Run
- Who Wants To Live Forever
Lennon - Working Class Hero
12:49pm Torture ongoing. personal notes re Lynn's case: this mornign she
said she's pain free when she wakes up, and then it slowly builds, justl like I describe
the psychotronics used on me to torture me. Also, she says the illegal dwetention inthe
state of washignton, as per standard weed and seed and DHS mo, she is unable to file
bankruptcy, needing to establish her traielr as residence firs tto keep from losing her
future home as weed and seed and Washington State with teh Feederal Government habve
successfully bankrupted us both after attacking her with dews and producing emulated
symptoms of stroke that are not real. Note: WSP threats, illegal detention, Lynn,
California ALso prevents her from seeking specialized medical treatment. By doctors who
would have proven this type of stroke is not a stroke, becaus ef info I have and other
cases, including Washignton State vs Boeing...... as well as other people with
calcifications do to directed energy attacks.....
I have an aneurysm on my left knee. Never saw anything like it before.
3:38pm Extrme torture since my last writing... as I sit and listen to my
gum being torn an dripped by the tooth 10 dentists refused to treat. It got especially bad
while sitting on the couch as LYnn watched tv and I looke dup and saw an ad for the future
national psychotronics network prosecution people regarding the drugs made to kill
people... check out birthdefectsnews.com about the birth defects of children from parents
on anti-depressants, as well as heart disease amongst those on them. Wellbutrin. One of
the favorites of old, and check out effexor, replaced by Pristiq.... your favorite
anti-depressants are on the list.
Like Dr Montieth said, apparently the government IS trying to kill us all.
Radio Liberty, Capitola California, little Orange COunty.. ad lots more reasons the state
of washington an dthe Federal Government don't want me to return to Santa Cruz, not to
mention tlakign to peopel there from GE/GTE/Sylvania......
- I'm Stone In Love With You
Funk Railroad - Good Singin Good Playin - Pass It Around
Vega - Luka
4:47pm Torture continues. It's obvius someone is going through my websites
and logsd from years ago.. In the trials, I will point out how this house was constructed
so tha thte idea that it was liek WACO will not be questioned... and of course, the guy
who engineered waco was the same guy as engineered ruby ridge. I was sitting in fron to f
the tv, being tortured, when theperverts told me they were going to murder Lynn the same
way.. Rememebr, first time I met Mike, the sicko offered to assassinate people with this
varied weapons collection.
These peopel say all sorts of vulgar thigns, they carry out their threats,
and when the people ask me why we were in fear of death, this will be one of the reasons.
THis will easily besupported by 10 years of abuse in this state.
4/13/2011 7:33am THis mornign at 3 am I got up, and of course, the
psychotronics began and built to tooth torture.. just like Lynn says she wakes without any
pain and then it begins to build as she awakens and prepares to try to do anything.
THis morning's point was to get me to point out in this weblog that the
psychotronic guys (think they're threatening me) want me to state the city attorney tells
them that if they keep us here long enough the tatue of limitations runs out.. to which I
sya, no t won't, there is none, thanks for telling me about the city attorney, whatever
their title actually, they were already in the plan of who to report given they are
involved... and then all you other workers.. clerks and aids, they want me to tell you
that if I wanted to you could be held responisble if you know anything at all. Understand
these psychotronics guys think that if they tell me 10,000 names and titles culpable for
these criems, that I will feel thwarted ad outnumbered. Why should I? Criminal charges
without a statute of limitations, and the weed and seed designation of the city is your
To the city of Shelton and Mason COunty... all your thugs are doing is
proving to me that they'll sell anyone out tocover themselves, and they still won't cover
themselves... and all their clever dialectic have backfired... especially Thurston...
THe other torture item this mornign was, of course, claiming the people at
FOrrest Lawn were FBI, if they were, fine with me, and their threat is that woman in the
parking lot will arrest me in witness protection.. my only comment is, feel free to do so,
just rememebr if you are and if you do, I will be the most unccoperative person you ever
dealt with, felt free to talk, and easy to gve up actionable criminal info against
yourself As they know by monitoring me in LA, I'm a very good listener, and it's
amazing the things people tell me....
Tell Mazlett, thanks to THruston, I feel very comfortable advising
targeted individuals to record their interactions with police when reporting these crimes
to protect themselves, and if a cop lie Mazlett attempts to set them up on mental
charges to discredit them in the future, lie your ass of to them, on tape, so you cna
prove to the court later the cop was involved with civil and human rights violations. Got
that ED? And feel free to claim I lie, ED, tell van DYk I look forward to the exposure of
the THruston COunty Sheriff's department working to protect CNN and NBC... Eat it
Thurston. WHile us loyal citizens, pbey th elaw, it woudl be nice if the police of
Washington State would do the same.. after all, we're being raped and tortured while you
use psychotronics to falsely incriminate people.
Ed. Need a stronger statement than that? And who in your jsutice dept here
can prosecute me under the circumstances? Noone, because you'll all be suspects.
Too bad there isn't one professional cop in the entire state of
Washignton. Got that ED? Cause that's what I'm telling the Hague. ED Tell van DYk he'd
better find Abraham, and keep his uneducated diminsihing comments about God to himself.
- Toto IV - 01 - Rosanna
Sakamoto - Sukiyaki (Ue Wo Muite Arukou)
- Back On The Chain Gang
PS Ed Tell the guy revi3ewing the files and bringing all this up again
hiis name;s on a duty roster,and everytime a name is put on a roster, that's RICO. ANd
then there's the torture part. 10 years. Ask Rachel the NBC taunter.
7:55am ED Tell Thruston and his out of town felon friend that they
jus tbought you all additional blackma and extortion charges to cover your crimes. Feel
free to tell your goons to incriminate themselves further.
8:02am The tooth torture has been increased to an extreme. THell thurston
and his stupid shrinks it's not anxiety as his respiration monitors show, it's torture and
I'll prov eit. Easily. Remebr your GITMO shrinks are about to be prosecuted for the
same things you're guilty of. And all you're doing bny torturing me and getting me to
write this is proof of how you waste my days torturing me, and I'm not afraid to tell the
world, and I will for JUSTICE.. and God's day of justice, and I look forward to you
critizing my faith in God in court... like THurston did when he decided to prove how
perverse his department is. Not just verbal terrorism. conspiracy to commit murder.
Now any of you cops want to take THruston's bait to suppsoedly save, us,
rememebr, you're responding to my weblog, and this has been going on for over 10
years. And to take action now... your department better be clean,. THey say they're
destroying my teeth becaus ei refuse to be harmed more by washington state dentists and
doctors, so to prove they can torture me into anything, they're going to break my teeth to
force me to sa dentist.. whi will charged with attempts to conceal crimes by this state
and Barack Obama, the real person they're trying to protect.
Too bad Thurston, not rambling at all, sicko... just the facts.
9:24am Lynn just left to get things. Someone let air out of the
right rear tire. This is not the same tire that had a hole in it before, that I
repaired, that someone used a piece of wire to repucnture.
Tell the Governor you will all be charged with all the same crimes. Thanks
for ordering more destruction and pressure on us to intimidate us. And thanks for
psychotroncis who go so far out of their way to taunt me by telling me all the crimes they
commit, thinking the U.S. Government and the State Attorney General will cover it up for
them. WOn't happen.
Tell Thurston his attempt to claim to other officers that I have a grudge
against police will be disproved by his conviction. Too bad your shrinks are
obsessed with their own guilt.
Richie - Lady
4/19/2011 12:36am Lots of days of torture, painful tooth
torture, continued attempts to injure us, they use rc and
vertigo/microwave to make Lynn dizzy, nauseous and injure her hips to the
point whee she's nearly become bedridden. What a wonderful U.S. Government
torture program... WHoever thinks this is going to protect anyone or cover
upcrimes, be sure to let your superiors know that I will not allow people
to weasel their way out of serious lethal crimes.
Lynn decided, against my advice to buy me a new laptop because
despite her denial, she knows tha tthe reports I'll be making will save her
life. SHe said she wants to make sur eI have th eequipment to ame sure the
reports get in, and shee and millions like her are relieved of murder an
dtorture by the
FRIENDS quite get me to writ ewhat they want me to so they torture me more to
stop me, an dof course, being tortured, let's just say 2 separate weblogs and
my campaign sit ewould havebeen online todya...
check out www.charlesrehn.net for its future direction, which
will of course be more evidence to theHagueand Global authorites regarding the
U.S. government's civil and human rights violations... it will be my official
campaign site, and charlesrehn.com will remain intact as evidence.
Earth, Wind & Fire - Shining Star
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - TBD - 100 - Teach Your Children
for all teh DHS people who think telling their victims they rape their children
makes them out to be a tough guy
and for the locals who teach their children rape, torture
and larceny as a community project
4/19/2011 6:07pm Tortured til 4am or so this morning,
finally was left to sleep and little done today since waking up, when the
torture resumed. The theme of the day is not unusual, trying to get me to
say things on my sites in ways that would continue covering up
crimes. Won't do it... and for those who are having fun with telling me
I"m relegated to telling the story of Jesus and his love, just
remember, Jesus was informing people how to survive a corrupt government
more than anything else, exccept, how to eventually expose it and have it
be overthrown by its own criminality and justice system.
Usually the government puts me through sleep deprivation
to set me up with another psyop so I'll be mor evulnerable and eager to
meet new people... I also know the locals planned alot for years about the
infiltration of the Jehovah's witness church, and I doubt they're thruu,
and I also know the peopele in LA were perps.
No more games, DHS.. your locals have done a good job of
making you out to be what you are
Always keep in mind my focus is national and global, but
local example swork well in making a case.
Jeffrey Osborne - Is It Right
4/20/2011 12:24am I've been working for more than 5 hours
and on the new site I'v egotten one picture placed sice the torture began
again... obviously the U.S. governement is a pthetic bunch of ccowards
afraid of the truth. True Naazi perverts. Easy to prove. And my pleasure
to do so. I wrote this because I do one thing, andthen get tortured for 5
minutes, andsince Thurston wanted to brag about being "a pervert
beyond belief" I thought I'd let his boss know why he's screwed
everyone he's trying to cover up with his perverted filthy example of a
badge cofering for his friends... rapists and phny christians... and sick
dentistscalaiming tobe proud of their profession.
NBCand CNN.. these guys sold you out agin today with their
stupid arrogant perverse banter.
4/21/2011 Evidence file 6 represents some 11 hours of work
under torture. Tooth torture continues, and it appears they are using
sleep deprivation on Lynn and I both to continue to bankrupt us.
Jonathan Edwards - Sunshine